Date: Tue 11 Jun 2024 22:37 MYT
日付:2024年6月11日(火)22時37分 マレーシア時間
Source: The Sun [edited]
情報源:The Sun (編集)}
Sarawak recorded another death due to the ongoing rabies outbreak among humans at the Sarawak General Hospital, said Sarawak state health director Dr Veronica Lugah. She said this means the total number of deaths due to rabies has so far increased to 72 cases and 79
cases of complications from rabies had been recorded.
サラワク州では、Sarawak総合病院において、狂犬病による新たな死者が出たとSarawak州保健局長のVeronica Lugah博士が発表した。これにより、狂犬病による死亡者数は72人となり、狂犬病の合併症による死亡者数は79人となった。
"This year [2024], 4 cases have been detected and all cases resulted in death due to complications from rabies infection. Out of the 4 cases detected, one case contracted the infection through the bite of a wild dog, while the other 3 cases contracted the infection through their own pets," she said in a statement here today [11 Jun 2024].
Dr Veronica added that all their pets also did not receive any anti-rabies vaccination and were free to roam with wild animals. "The risk for these pets (which roam freely) to be infected with rabies is very high; therefore the risk for humans to get infected is also high
if they are bitten or scratched. All cases also did not receive treatment or receive anti-rabies vaccination at any health facility after being bitten or scratched by an animal," she said.
She added that since 2017 until the 22nd Epid Week (ME) of this year [26 May to 1 Jun 2024], there were 56 023 cases of dog bites, 47 258 cases of cat bites or scratches were recorded and 1577 bites of other animals were reported.
Communicated by:
[Above all else, the community should be aware of immediate wound care because "regardless of the risk for rabies, bite wounds can cause serious injury, such as nerve or tendon laceration and infection. For many types of bite wounds, immediate gentle irrigation with water or a dilute water povidone-iodine solution has been shown to markedly decrease the risk of bacterial infection.
"Wound cleansing is especially important in rabies prevention since, in animal studies, thorough wound cleansing alone without other medical treatments (e.g., PEP [postexposure prophylaxis]) has been shown to markedly reduce the likelihood of rabies.
"Decisions regarding the use of antibiotics, and primary wound closure, should be made together with the patient.
"For people who have never been vaccinated against rabies, PEP should always include the administration of both HRIG (human rabies immune globulin) and rabies vaccine. The combination of HRIG and vaccine is recommended for both bite and non-bite exposures, regardless of the interval between exposure and initiation of treatment, so long as the patient is not showing signs consistent with rabies.
"People who have been previously vaccinated or are receiving pre-exposure vaccination for rabies should not receive HRIG. PEP for persons who have previously been vaccinated against rabies consists of 2 doses of vaccine, 3 days apart.
"The vaccine should be given at recommended intervals for best results. Minor deviations of just several days are acceptable, but longer deviations in this schedule may reduce PEP effectiveness. Talk to your local or state public health officials if the patient will not be able to receive their vaccination at the recommended interval. Vaccines should never be administered into the gluteal area"
Specific circumstances surrounding these rabies cases could be highlighted:
- If dog and cat anti-rabies vaccination is readily available, what are the reasons for the missed opportunity for vaccination
- Access to PEP, which could be hampered by geographical access
- Community awareness is vital in light of the implicated rabies severity
- 犬や猫の狂犬病予防接種が容易に受けられる場合、接種の機会を逃した理由は何か。
- 地理的なアクセスによって妨げられる可能性のあるPEPへのアクセス。
- 狂犬病の重篤度を考慮すると、地域社会の意識は極めて重要である。
Given the ultimate fatal outcome and the reported numbers of dog/cat bites/scratches, attention should be directed to animal vaccination and PEP coverage and other determinants, including health facility catchment areas, socioeconomic status, age group, profession, local residence, education and types of pet ownership. - Mod.ST
最終的に致命的な転帰をたどることや、報告されている犬/猫による咬傷/擦過傷の数を考慮すると、動物のワクチン接種とPEPの適用率や、医療施設の集住地域、社会経済的地位、年齢層、職業、地域の居住地、教育、ペットの飼い方など、その他の決定要因に注意を向けるべきである。- モデレーターST
ProMED map:
Sarawak, Malaysia:
[See Also:
Rabies (25): Malaysia (SK) human, pet, stray dog
Rabies (11): Malaysia (SK) human, dog
Rabies (07): Malaysia (SK) human, pet animal, wild dog
Rabies (05): Malaysia (SK) rabid dog bites, stray control urged
Rabies (22): Africa, Eurasia, human, animal
Rabies (02): Africa, Asia, Europe, human, animal
Rabies (41): Asia (Afghanistan, India, Israel, Malaysia, Philippines,
Viet Nam) http://promedmail.org/post/20221001.8705891
Rabies (16): Asia (Malaysia, Peninsular) human, RFI
Rabies (13): Eurasia, Africa (Tunisia) dog, cat, fox, human exp
Rabies (32): Asia (Malaysia, Bhutan) human, dog