






Date: Tue 3 Sep 2024

Source: Mosaique FM [in Arabic, trans. Mod.SF, abridged, edited]



Kasserine: A wolf that attacked a civilian was diagnosed with rabies

Kasserine: 一般市民を襲ったオオカミが狂犬病と診断される


Mosaique FM has learned that analysis at the Pasteur Institute has confirmed that the wolf that recently attacked an elderly man in the Boulaba area of Kasserine province was infected with rabies.



Informed sources told Mosaique FM that the wolf caused facial injuries to the elderly man, and that the victim was given the necessary immunizations after the incident.

情報筋がMosaique FMに語ったところによると、オオカミは老人の顔に怪我を負わせ、被害者は事件後、必要な予防接種を受けたという。


The 73-year-old man managed to kill the wolf, after it attacked him, before the Agriculture and Health Department intervened to confirm whether the wild animal had rabies or not.



Samir Hanifi, head of the animal production department at the Kasserine Regional Directorate for Agricultural Development, told Mosaic that an epidemiological investigation was conducted in the Boulaaba area of the northern Kasserine district to detect the possibility that the wolf had attacked domestic animals in the area before it died.

Kasserine地方農業開発局畜産部のSamir Hanifi部長はモザイクに、オオカミが死ぬ前にその地域の家畜を襲った可能性を探るため、Kasserine地方北部のBoulaaba地区で疫学調査が行われたとMosaicFMに語った。


Samir Hanifi explained that this phase will be accompanied by a perifocal vaccination of animals in the area, as well as other preventive measures, the most important of which is the hunting of stray dogs that could be infected with rabies.

Samir Hanifi氏は、この段階では、その地域の動物の局所的ワクチン接種やその他の予防措置が伴うが、その中で最も重要なのは狂犬病に感染している可能性のある野良犬の捕獲であると説明した。


Communicated by:





[The Regional Director of Health in Kasserine, Dr. Abdelghani Shaabani, confirmed to Mosaique FM on Wednesday (21 Aug 2024) that 46 cases of rabies have been recorded in animals in the province of Kasserine in 2024. These cases involved 44 dogs, as well as a sheep and a goat (https://urls.fr/sAtdE7, in Arabic).

2024年8月21日(水)、Mosaique FMの取材に対し、Kasserine地方保健局長のAbdelghani Shaabani医師は、2024年にKasserine県で46件の狂犬病の発症が確認されたことを明らかにした。これらの症例には44頭のイヌ、1頭の羊と1頭のヤギが含まれている。


The following is an extract from a paper that aimed to analyze the spatial and temporal evolution of animal rabies in Tunisia between 2012 and 2018:



"It appears that rabies is being rarely detected in wildlife in Tunisia. This should be related to the fact that rabies cases in wildlife are more likely underreported due to the inaccessibility to such population. Currently, there is no national or local active

surveillance program of rabies in wildlife, and we lack relevant information on rabies cases in wildlife.



"Previous phylogenetic studies in Tunisia have shown that the strains of rabies virus isolated from herbivores and wildlife animals are associated with domestic dogs' strains (Frontiers; FAO; Amouri et al., 2011). Further investigations are needed to understand the possible roles of wildlife in the transmission and persistence of rabies"


チュニジアで行われたこれまでの系統学的研究では、草食動物や野生動物から分離された狂犬病ウイルスの株が飼い犬の株と関連していることが示されている (Frontiers、FAO、Amouri 他、2011)。狂犬病の伝播と継代における野生動物の可能性のある役割について理解するためには、さらなる調査が必要である。


A rabies case in Jackal has been reported in Manouba governorate in 2024 (see https://promedmail.org/promed-post/?id=8718385). - Mod.SF



ProMED map:

Kasserine, Al Qaşrayn, Tunisia:



[See Also:

Rabies (71): Tunisia (SL, NB) animal


Rabies (70): Tunisia (ZA, MN) animal


Rabies (68): Tunisia, alarming rise, fatal


Rabies (62): Tunisia, alarming rise, fatal


Rabies (39): Tunisia, alarming rise, fatal


Rabies (10): Tunisia (KR) fatal




Rabies (41): Africa (Tunisia) human




Rabies (16): Eurasia (Thailand, Pakistan) Africa (Tunisia) human,

animal http://promedmail.org/post/20210610.8438528

Rabies (13): Eurasia, Africa (Tunisia) dog, cat, fox, human exp


and other items in the archives]


狂犬病(71):チュニジア(SILIANA, NABEUL) 動物



[1] Nabeul
Date: Mon 26 Aug 2024 22:07 CET

日付:2024年8月26日月曜日 22:07 CET(中央ヨーロッパ時間)
Source: Tunisie Numérique [in French, trans. Mod.SF, abridged, edited]

情報源:Tunisie Numérique(フランス語、翻訳、モデレーターSF、簡略化、編集)

Mohamed Hamdouni, head of the animal production department at the Nabeul regional agriculture office, reported that "33 positive cases were detected among carnivores, some horses and cattle, which were found to be infected with rabies after laboratory analysis of a total of 57 samples sent to the Pasteur Institute."
Nabeul地方農業事務所の動物生産部門責任者Mohamed Hamdouni氏は、「パスツール研究所に送られた合計57のサンプルを分析した結果、33件の陽性例が確認され、肉食動物と何頭かの馬と牛が狂犬病に感染していることが判明した」と報告した。

Hamdouni explained, "The infection is transmitted to humans mainly through saliva, either by licking, biting, scratching." Regarding rabies prevention in case of attack by an infected animal, licking or other methods of contamination, Hamdouni stressed that "the site of infection should be washed with soap and water for at least 15 minutes and the nearest health service should be approached."

In a related context, he noted that "to date, 29 500 animals have been vaccinated, with an estimated vaccination coverage rate of 65%," stressing that "raising awareness operations are being carried out in partnership with certain associations and the regional public health administration. The national vaccination campaign will be launched on n1 Oct 2024."


Hamdouni pointed out that "6 centers have been assigned to animal vaccination," calling on citizens to visit these centers to prevent and limit the spread of this disease (Animal Production Department oNabeul, Grombalia, Hammamet, Soliman, Korba and Kelibia), in addition to the deployment of 3 mobile teams to work in the field.

Communicated by:

[2] Siliana
Date: Tue 27 Aug 2024

Source: Webmanager Center [in Arabic, trans. Mod.SF, edited]

情報源:Webmanager Center(アラビア語、翻訳、モデレーターSF、編集)

Siliana governorate has recorded 14 cases of rabies in animals since the beginning of this year [2024] until August, distributed among most of the region's municipalities.

In a statement to local media on Tuesday [27 Aug 2024], Abdelmalek Brenes, director at the regional public health office in Siliana, explained that the highest number of cases are concentrated in the Rouhia district and include mainly dogs, followed by cats.
火曜日(2024年8月27日)に地元メディアに発表された声明で、Siliana地方公衆衛生局のAbdelmalek Brenes局長は、感染数が最も多いのはRouhia地区で、主に犬、次いで猫であると説明した。

For his part, Brenes stressed the continuation of awareness and sensitization days in all municipalities of the region in health centers, markets and public spaces to prevent this disease in order to preserve human life and livestock.

Communicated by:

[The following excerpts are from a study that analysed the spatiotemporal distributions of animal and human rabies cases during 2012 and 2018 in Tunisia:

"The results of the present study showed that animal rabies cases are commonly distributed throughout the country. In fact, animal rabies were reported in 23 of 24 governorates, with a predominance in the northern part where a persistent disease transmission and the highest number of cases rabies were recorded (more than 64% of the total number of cases). The consistent increase on animal rabies cases seen
in the north of Tunisia is likely to be linked to the rural areas characterized by high density of herbivore (cattle, sheep and goat) and dog population (25 dogs/km2 in the governorate of Nabeul, Ariana, Tunis and Ben Arous). It was shown that dog rabies become endemic in areas where the dog density exceeds 4 dogs/km2. The governorate of Kébili in the south did not record any cases of rabies during the study period and very low number of animal rabies (<6 cases) were always reported in the southern governorates. Similar results were reported in Algeria and Morocco, where the northern areas were shown to be the most affected areas by the disease. Variation in the number
of animal rabies cases in Tunisia is depending on multiple factors such as insufficient level of immunity in dogs' population due to a high dog turnover, no restriction of dog movement and poor management of disease outbreaks (absence of ring vaccination to prevent secondary cases and no culling of infected animals)."
「今回の調査結果から、動物の狂犬病症例は全国的に広く分布していることがわかった。実際、動物の狂犬病は24の州のうち23で報告されており、病気の伝染が持続し、狂犬病症例が最も多く記録された北部で優勢であった(症例総数の64%以上)。チュニジア北部で見られる動物の狂犬病症例の一貫した増加は、草食動物(牛、羊、山羊)と犬の高い個体密度(Nabeul、 Ariana、Tunis 、Ben Arousの各州で1km2あたり25頭の犬)を特徴とする農村地域に関連している可能性が高い。犬の狂犬病は、犬の密度が1km2あたり4匹を超える地域で風土病になることがわかった。南部のKébili州では、調査期間中に狂犬病症例は記録されておらず、南部の州では動物の狂犬病(6件未満)の報告数は常に少ない。アルジェリアとモロッコでも同様の結果が得られており、北部地域が最もこの病気の影響を受けている地域であることが報告されている。チュニジアでの動物の狂犬病症例数の変動は、犬の入れ替わりが激しいために犬の集団の免疫レベルが不十分であること、犬の移動が制限されていないこと、病気の発生に対する管理が不十分であること(二次感染を防ぐための環状ワクチン接種が行われていないこと、感染した動物が殺処分されていないこと)など、複数の要因に依存している。」

"The presence of host spots in the northern governorates indicates that the risk of transmission of rabies to human is high. This result was confirmed by the identification of high clusters of PEP in these regions (Jendouba, Kef, Siliana and Kairouan), suggesting that the risk of rabies may be limited to specific areas. Indeed, the northern
governorates might be then considered as high-risk areas for human rabies exposure. The rural population in these areas ought to be more exposed to dog bites (lack of awareness and education along with frequent contact with dogs). These results are similar to those from studies conducted in Ethiopia and Asian countries (China and India). However, southern governorates (Kebili, Gabes, Tataouine and Medenine)
have recorded lower incidence rates of PEP and were identified as cold spots, between 2012 and 2018. Such low incidence was associated with the low density of canine population (<4 dog/km2), the low number of animal rabies cases and of PEP" (https://doi.org/10.1002/vms3.438).- Mod.SF
北部の州に宿主スポットが存在することは、狂犬病が人間に感染するリスクが高いことを示している。この結果は、これらの地域(Jendouba、Kef、Siliana、Kairouan)で PEP のクラスターが集中していることによって確認され、狂犬病のリスクは特定の地域に限定されている可能性があることを示唆している。実際、北部の州は、人間の狂犬病への曝露のリスクが高い地域とみなされる可能性がある。これらの地域の農村住民は、イヌに咬まれるリスクが高いと考えられる(イヌとの頻繁な接触に加えて、認識と教育が不足している)。これらの結果は、エチオピアアジア諸国(中国とインド)で行われた研究の結果と同様である。しかし、南部の州(Kebili、Gabes、Tataouine、Medenine)では、2012年から2018年の間にPEPの発生率が低く、コールドスポットとして特定された。このような低い発生率は、イヌの個体密度の低さ(1km2あたり4頭未満)、動物の狂犬病症例数とPEPの少なさと関連していた。


ProMED maps:
Siliana, Tunisia:
Nabeul Governorate, Tunisia:

[See Also:
Rabies (70): Tunisia (ZA, MN) animal
Rabies (68): Tunisia, alarming rise, fatal
Rabies (62): Tunisia, alarming rise, fatal
Rabies (39): Tunisia, alarming rise, fatal
Rabies (10): Tunisia (KR) fatal
Rabies (41): Africa (Tunisia) human
Rabies (16): Eurasia (Thailand, Pakistan) Africa (Tunisia) human,
animal http://promedmail.org/post/20210610.8438528
Rabies (13): Eurasia, Africa (Tunisia) dog, cat, fox, human exp
and other items in the archives]

狂犬病(67):インド(TAMIL NADU) 人、イヌ



Date: Wed 14 Aug 2024

Source: NDTV [edited]


A 4-year-boy who was bitten by a stray dog on 27 Jun [2024] died of suspected rabies in Tamil Nadu today [14 Aug 2024].
6月27日(2024年)に野良犬に咬まれた4歳の男児が、本日(2024年8月14日)、Tamil Nadu州で狂犬病の疑いで死亡した。

The boy, [Ni], hailing from Arkonam in Ranipet district of Tamil Nadu, was bitten by a stray dog while he was playing in the street near to his home.
Tamil Nadu州Ranipet県Arkonam出身の少年(Ni)は、自宅近くの路上で遊んでいたときに野良犬に咬まれた。

He was admitted to Chengalpattu Government Medical College Hospital ever since. However, he did not show any improvement during his stay in the hospital and passed away in the wee hours of Wednesday [14 Aug 2024].

According to Tamil Nadu Public Health records, 22 people died of rabies while 2.42 lakh [242 000] dog bite cases were reported from the state till June [2024]. However, in 2023, there were only 18 deaths due to rabies, but the state reported 4.43 lakh [443 000] dog bite cases.
Tamil Nadu州公衆衛生局の記録によると、6月(2024年)までに狂犬病で22人が死亡し、242,000件の犬による咬傷症例が報告された。しかし、2023年には、狂犬病による死亡者はわずか18人で、犬による咬傷症例は4.43万件(443,000件)であったことが報告されている。

In 2023, 2 of the major government hospitals in the city – Government Stanley Medical College Hospital and Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital (RGGGH) -- treated at least 5500-6000 persons for dog bites. The numbers have been quite consistent over the last few years, say doctors.
2023年、市内の2つの主要な公立病院である、効率Stanley医科大学病院とRajiv Gandhi公立総合病院(RGGH)は、少なくとも5500〜6000人の犬による咬傷患者を治療した。この数字はここ数年一定している、と医師たちは言っている。

A study conducted by the Tamil Nadu government 'Rabies Elimination in Tamil Nadu - Where Do We Stand' found that more than half of the persons who died of rabies from 2018 to 2022 in Tamil Nadu did not get vaccinated against rabies. In fact, an analysis of these deaths showed that pet dogs were the major source of infection.
Tamil Nadu州政府が実施した調査「Tamil Nadu州における狂犬病の撲滅-現在の状況-」によると、2018年から2022年までにTamil Nadu州で狂犬病で死亡した人の半数以上が狂犬病の予防接種を受けていなかったことが判明した。これらの死亡例を分析したところ、ペットのイヌが主な感染源であることが判明した。

Public Health department director Dr Selvavinayagam wrote a letter to all the district health officials, asking them to maintain at least 20 vials of anti-rabies vaccine in all primary health centres (PHC) and city health centres (CHC) during any point of time.

Rabies as per the World Health Organisation (WHO) is a vaccine -preventable, zoonotic, viral disease affecting the central nervous system. The disease spreads to people and animals through saliva,
usually through bites, scratches, or direct contact with mucosa. After clinical symptoms appear, the disease is hundred per cent fatal.

It may be noted that the incubation period of rabies is typically 2-3 months but may vary from one week to one year.

Communicated by:

[It is painful to see deaths attributed to rabies when the disease is vaccine preventable. That the poor boy succumbed to rabies despite hospitalization just after being bitten by a stray dog, as indicated in the news report above, suggests the bite sites could have been nearer to the central nervous system. Nothing can be known from the information provided in the article, whether or not he was treated with rabies immunoglobulin in addition to post-rabies vaccination.

A person who is exposed to category III contact with a suspected rabid animal, which is by definition "single or multiple transdermal bites or scratches, contamination of mucous membrane or broken skin with saliva from animal licks, exposures due to direct contact with bats (severe exposure)", should be treated with "wound washing, immediate vaccination, and administration of rabies immunoglobulin/monoclonal antibodies"
(https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rabies). - Mod.PKB


ProMED map:
Tamil Nadu State, India:

[See Also:
Rabies (41): India (KL) http://promedmail.org/post/20240507.8716368
Rabies (27): India (MN) human, dog, fatal
Rabies (26): Philippines (II), India (MN)
Rabies (22): India (ML) dog bite, mass vaccination
Rabies (20): India (MH) human, dog
Rabies - India (17): (KL) human exp, dog
Rabies (02): India (Jammu and Kashmir) human, dog
Rabies (01): India (GA) human, dog
Rabies (57): India (KA) dog bite, human exposure
Rabies (52): India, dog bite, increase
Rabies (50): India (UP) human, cat, dog, fatal
Rabies (45): India (UP) human, dog
Rabies (27): Asia (India, Philippines) human, dog




Date: Tue 30 Jul 2024
Source: Tuoi Tre News [edited]


Rabies has caused 56 human deaths across 29 provinces and cities in Viet Nam from January to July this year [2024], marking a 45% year-on-year increase, according to the Ministry of Health.

The provinces which reported a high number of rabies outbreaks and deaths include Dak Lak and Gia Lai in the Central Highlands; Binh Thuan and Nghe An along the central coast; and Ben Tre, Long An, and Tay Ninh in the southern part of the country.

Rabies has remained among the leading causes of human deaths over the past years, just after such infectious diseases as measles and COVID-19, the health ministry said at a recent conference on tightening rabies control and prevention.

Associate Prof. Dr. Tran Nhu Duong, deputy head of the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, under the health ministry, affirmed that rabies is a deadly viral zoonotic disease that cannot be cured but can be prevented by vaccination.

The main cause of human deaths due to rabies is the failure to get vaccinated immediately after being bitten, scratched, or having an open wound licked by a cat or dog, the health ministry said.

Epidemiological investigation results indicated that most of the rabies cases did not get vaccination as they thought that their pet dogs were not rabid, while several others died after seeking treatment for rabies from traditional practitioners instead of receiving a vaccination.

Moreover, some children did not tell their parents about their dog bites, missing out on preventive treatment and succumbing to rabies as a result. Kids should be told that they have to let their parents know about their dog bites, regardless of the level of wound severity, Dr.
Duong stressed.

He also proposed that health authorities penalize traditional practitioners for claiming that they could cure rabies.

Speaking at the event, the Department of Animal Health said that the current rabies vaccination coverage in dogs is 58%, noting that the figure might be inaccurate as the exact number of dogs in Viet Nam is unknown.
According to Phan Quang Minh, deputy chief of the Department of Animal Health, the rabies vaccination coverage in dogs in many provinces remains below 30%, posing a challenge for rabies control and prevention efforts.

The health ministry plans to recommend sanctions for provinces and cities nationwide to address dog and cat owners who fail to vaccinate their pets against rabies or allow them to roam freely.

Dogs bite around 500 000 people in Viet Nam each year, with preventive treatment costs totaling approximately VND 2 trillion (USD 79.5 million), according to the health ministry.
[Byline: Hong Ngan-Nguyen Hanh]
Communicated by:

["In 2023, Viet Nam's average vaccination coverage rate against the deadly virus among dogs and cats amounted to 58%. Yet, since the beginning of 2024, only 19 cities and provinces have implemented rabies vaccination drives, with 554 000 dogs and cats vaccinated"

The following is the citation and abstract of a study on socio-economic factors associated with voluntary rabies control measures in Viet Nam by Hazumu Kadowaki et al.:
Kadowaki H, Duc PP, Sato K, Phuong PTM, Hagiwara K, Makita K. Socio-economic factors associated with voluntary rabies control measures in Vietnam. Prev Vet Med. 2018 Sep 1;157:105-114. doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2018.06.006. Epub 21 Jun 2018. PMID: 30086838.


"Rabies is a fatal zoonosis, and in Viet Nam, it remains problematic despite the availability of dog rabies vaccination. The purpose of this study was to clarify the socio-economic factors associated with voluntary rabies control measures among the general population using a "Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice" framework to provide health and veterinary authorities in Viet Nam with baseline information for better planning of policy supports.



A questionnaire survey with interviews was conducted in 495 households (64 mountainous and 431 plain-area households) in Thai Nguyen Province in September 2016. After the survey, uni- and multivariable analyses were performed to detect factors associated with the practices of dog rabies vaccination and tethering dogs. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was performed to understand the structures associated with practice decisions. Contingent valuation was performed to calculate willingness-to-pay for vaccination.



Vaccination coverage was 77.4% (724/935 dogs), and was significantly lower in mountainous areas dominated by ethnic minorities (63.8%, 67/105) than in plains (79.2%, 657/830, x2 = 11.7, df = 1, p < 0.001). Mean estimation of willingness-to-pay for a vaccination was USD 2.30 (VND 51 959), which was more than double the current price. The willingness-to-pay in mountainous areas was USD 2.16, while that in plain areas was USD 2.32. The proportion that never confined dogs was significantly higher in mountainous areas (65.6%, 42/64 households) than in plain areas (26.5%, 114/430, x2 = 37.7, df = 1, p < 0.001).

ワクチン接種率は77.4%(724/935 犬)で、少数民族が多数を占める山岳地(63.8%, 67/105))の方が平野部(79.2%, 657/830, x2 = 11.7, df = 1, p < 0.001)より、明らかに低かった。ワクチン接種に対する支払い意思額の平均推定値は2.30米ドル(51959ドン)であり、現在価格の2倍以上だった。山岳地における支払い意思額は2.16米ドルである一方、平野部は2.32米ドルだった。犬を閉鎖環境で管理したことのない割合は、平野部(26.5%, 114/430, x2 = 37.7, df = 1, p < 0.001)より、有意に山岳地(65.6%, 42/64 households) の方が高かった。


Despite the low proportion of households tethering dogs, the majority answered that they would confine (479/489, 98.0%) or leash while walking (482/491, 98.2%) if such orders were enforced. SEM result showed that higher social status promoted better knowledge (β, the coefficient, = 0.75, se = 0.05, p < 0.001), better knowledge positive attitudes (β = 1.0, se = 0.0, p value not calculated), and positive attitudes better practices of confinement (β = 0.4, se = 0.05, p < 0.001), vaccination (β = 0.52, se = 0.06, p < 0.001), and sterilization (β = 0.11, se = 0.04, p < 0.001).

犬を係留して管理する割合が低いにも関わらず、多数の人が、もし命令が下されたら、家に閉じ込めたり(479/489, 98.0%)、散歩の時に引き綱をつける(482/491, 98.2%)と答えた。SEMの結果は、社会的地位が高いほど、良い知識が促進され(β, 係数, = 0.75, se = 0.05, p < 0.001)、良い知識は肯定的な態度を促進し(β = 1.0, se = 0.0, p 値は計算していない)、肯定的な態度は閉じ込めの実行(β = 0.4, se = 0.05, p < 0.001)、ワクチン接種の実行(β = 0.52, se = 0.06, p < 0.001)、不妊去勢手術の実行(β = 0.11, se = 0.04, p < 0.001)が促進することを示した。


Our study suggested that rabies education targeted to mountainous areas using local languages for ethnic minority groups as well as the national language, and higher subsidies on dog rabies vaccination for poor households may improve vaccination coverage. Dog management may be improved by promotion campaigns".

"Viet Nam is divided into 58 provinces (in Vietnamese: tỉnh), and there are 5 centrally-controlled municipalities existing at the same level as provinces: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho, Da Nang and Hai Phong" (https://bit.ly/4fuo35h).

The stark reality of difference in rabies fatalities among provinces may reflect the awareness of dog owners about rabies prevention rather than only an assumed high coverage of pet vaccination. - Mod.ST


ProMED map:
Vietnam: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8717879,152]

[See Also:
Rabies (59): Viet Nam (GL) cat bite, fatal
Rabies (57): Viet Nam (GL) long incubation period
Rabies (54): Viet Nam (TQ, HO) increase, fatal
Rabies (50): Viet Nam (HI) new directive on dog and cat meat trade
Rabies (38): Viet Nam, increase
Rabies (30): Viet Nam, financial implication
Rabies (29): Viet Nam (HC) human, increase, urgent response
Rabies (24): Viet Nam (PY) stray dog, human exp
Rabies (18): Viet Nam (QN) human, dog
Rabies (16): Viet Nam, increase
Rabies (13): Viet Nam (CM) dog bite, restaurant owner
Rabies (04): Viet Nam (PY) dog bite mistaken as scratch from collar,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714212
Rabies (56): Viet Nam (GL) long incubation period






Date: Thu 11 Jul 2024

Source: Ministry of Public Health - Thailand [in Thai, machine trans.,edited]



日付:2024年7月11日 木曜日



The Department of Disease Control warns that rabies can be found in cattle. If you see an animal that is sick and dies abnormally or suspects rabies, do not touch it, do not dissect it, and do not eat it.





The Department of Disease Control is continuously monitoring the rabies situation after this year [2024], rabies was found in mammals such as dogs, cows, buffalo, and cats. It emphasizes proper disease prevention and control by getting vaccinated against rabies after being bitten, scratched, or licked by dogs or cats, or saliva splashing into the eyes, mouth, or through skin wounds. Even if the wound is small, you should see a doctor to assess your symptoms and get the full dose of the vaccine. Butchering or eating raw beef can also cause infection. It emphasizes that getting vaccinated against rabies is the only way to prevent infection and death from rabies.





Today [11 Jul 2024], Dr. Thongchai Keeratihatthayakorn, Director-General of the Department of Disease Control, revealed that the Department of Disease Control is continuously monitoring rabies. There have been continuous reports of mammals such as dogs, cows, buffalo, and cats infected with rabies. As of 9 Jul 2024, the Rabies Surveillance Information System by the Department of Livestock Development found 182 animals infected with rabies out of 3100 samples sent for testing, distributed throughout various provinces of Thailand, especially in the Northeast.




The animals with the most infections were dogs, followed by ruminants such as cows and buffalo. It is believed that the cause of infection is from being bitten by stray dogs. Therefore, the public is warned that rabies is severe. When infected and symptoms appear, almost everyone has a chance of dying. The cause of rabies infection in most people is from being bitten or scratched by dogs or cats and not seeing a doctor for treatment and vaccination against rabies. However, cutting up meat or consuming raw meat can also cause rabies infection if eaten or touched by a wound or oral mucosa. Therefore, if bitten, scratched, licked by a dog, cat or mammal suspected of having the disease, saliva or blood splashes into the eyes, mouth or skin with a wound, even a little, the wound must be washed immediately with water and soap several times, wipe the wound dry, apply povidone iodine or tincture of iodine, then see a doctor immediately to receive a rabies vaccination, which must be injected continuously until the dose is complete, and should see a doctor for follow-up appointments every time. If infected but not vaccinated, when symptoms appear, there is no cure.




Dr. Apichart Wachiraphan, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Disease Control, added that rabies patients will experience loss of appetite, sore throat, aches, fever, fatigue, numbness, pain, tingling, or pain in the bite wound, severe itching in the wound area. Later, they will experience restlessness, sensitivity to loud sounds, delirium, photophobia, fear of wind, fear of water, difficulty swallowing, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, convulsions, cramps, paralysis, unconsciousness, and eventually death. Important practices for pet owners include taking their pets to get vaccinated against rabies at least 2 times when they are 2-3 months old and getting booster shots every year. If you see an animal suspected of having rabies, such as behavioral changes, being aggressive, staggering, drooling, hanging tongue, crossed eyes, or animals that die from unknown causes, immediately notify livestock officials or community leaders to monitor animals with the disease and track down people who have come into contact with the animals to get vaccinated against rabies after exposure to the disease. In addition, the public can participate in solving the problem by registering their pets and not abandoning them as ownerless animals.



ペットの飼い主にとって重要な行動は、生後2~3か月のときに狂犬病ワクチンを少なくとも 2 回受けさせること、追加注射を毎年受けさせることが挙げられる。行動の変化、攻撃的になる、よろよろする、よだれを垂らす、舌を垂れる、寄り目になるなど、狂犬病の疑いのある動物や、原因不明で死亡した動物を見かけた場合は、ただちに畜産局や地域の指導者に通報し、狂犬病に罹患している動物を監視すること。また、狂犬病に感染した後に狂犬病の予防接種を受けるために、動物と接触した人々を追跡すること。さらに、一般の人々も自分のペットを登録し、飼い主のいない動物として捨てないことで、問題の解決に参加することができる。


"People should be aware of prevention, starting from raising animals, dogs, and cats properly, sterilizing them, taking pets to get vaccinated against rabies every year, and avoiding contact with animals suspected of having rabies. If you are bitten, scratched, or licked by a pet, dog, or cat, or if saliva splashes into your eyes, mouth, or even a small wound, you must protect yourself in the right way immediately. "Clean the wound, apply medicine, see a doctor, get vaccinated." This is because this disease has an incubation period of up to 3 months, and in some cases, it may take a year before symptoms appear. When symptoms appear, there is no cure and everyone dies. Therefore, it is very important to see a doctor immediately to receive proper and appropriate treatment." If you have any questions, please call the Department of Disease Control hotline at 1422.


人々は、動物、犬、猫を適切に飼育し、不妊手術をし、ペットを連れて毎年狂犬病ワクチンを受けさせ、狂犬病の疑いのある動物との接触を避けることから始めて、予防を意識する必要がある。ペット動物、犬、猫に咬まれたり、ひっかかれたり、舐められたりした場合、あるいは唾液が目や口、あるいは小さな傷に入った場合には、直ちに正しい方法で身を守る必要がある。 傷口をきれいにし、薬を塗り、医師の診察を受け、ワクチン接種を受けること。なぜなら、この病気の潜伏期間は最長3か月、場合によっては症状が現れるまでに1年かかることがあるからである。症状が現れると治療法はなく、全員が死亡する。したがって、直ちに医師の診察を受け、適切かつ適切な治療を受けることが非常に重要である。質問がある場合は、疾病管理局ホットライン 1422 まで電話してもらいたい。


Communicated by:





["Rabies is estimated to cause 59 000 human deaths annually in over 150 countries, with 95% of cases occurring in Africa and Asia. Due to underreporting and uncertain estimates, this number is likely a gross underestimate. The burden of disease is disproportionally borne by rural poor populations, with approximately half of cases attributable to children under 15 years of age".(https://www.who.int/health-topics/rabies#tab=tab_1)


狂犬病は 150 か国以上で年間 59,000 人の死亡を引き起こしていると推定されており、症例の 95% はアフリカとアジアで発生している。過少報告と不確実な推定のため、この数字はおそらく大幅に過小評価されている。病気の負担は農村部の貧しい人々に偏っている。症例の約半数は 15 歳未満の子供である。」(URLは省略)


"The best way you can prevent rabies is by:

  • Making sure your pets are up-to-date on their rabies vaccines;
  • Keeping wildlife wild -- stay away from wildlife for both human and animal safety;
  • Calling animal control to remove stray animals from your neighborhood;
  • Washing bites or scratches immediately with soap and water; and
  • Seeking medical care shortly after potential exposures.



  • ペットが狂犬病ワクチンについて確実に最新の状態にする。
  • 野生動物を野生のままに保つ -- 人間と動物の安全のため、野生動物には近づかないこと。
  • 動物管理局に通報して、近隣から放浪動物を排除する。
  • 噛み傷や引っかき傷は直ちに石鹸と水で洗う。そして
  • 曝露の可能性があった後、すぐに医療機関を受診する。


Around the world, large-scale dog vaccination programs are the most effective way to prevent rabies. However, in many countries, there aren't enough resources to reach all the dogs that need it. CDC works with public and private partners to improve vaccine access for people and animals, making travel safer and improving global health".



世界中で、大規模な犬のワクチン接種プログラムが狂犬病を予防する最も効果的な方法である。しかし、多くの国では、必要とするすべての犬に届けるための十分なリソースがない。 CDCは公的および民間のパートナーと協力して、人々や動物のワクチンへのアクセスを改善し、旅行をより安全にし、世界の健康を改善する。(URLは省略)


"Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, in collaboration with partners, is announcing support for human rabies vaccines for post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) as part of routine immunisation. Eligible countries

are receiving guidance on how to access these vaccines under Gavi's cofinancing policy. The first round of applications will be accepted by mid-July 2024. Ninety-five percent of human rabies deaths occur in Africa and Asia, most often in marginalised communities that lack access to care.


「ワクチンアライアンスであるGaviはパートナーと協力し、定期予防接種の一環として暴露後予防(PEP)のためのヒト狂犬病ワクチンの支援を発表している。対象国は、Gavi の協調融資政策に基づいてこれらのワクチンにアクセスする方法に関するガイダンスを受けている。最初の申請は2024年7月中旬までに受け付けられる予定である。狂犬病による人の死亡の95%はアフリカとアジアで発生しており、そのほとんどはケアを受けられない疎外されたコミュニティで発生している。


This development complements ongoing global efforts of the Zero by 30 campaign, led by United Against Rabies partners including the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH, formerly OIE) with  the goal of eliminating dog-mediated human rabies by 2030".



この開発は、食糧農業機関(FAO)、世界保健機関(WHO)、国際獣疫事務局(WOAH、旧OIE)を含む狂犬病対策パートナーが主導する「ゼロ・バイ・30」キャンペーンの進行中の世界的な取り組みを補完するものである。 2030年までに犬が媒介する人間の狂犬病を撲滅するという目標を掲げている。」(URLは省略)


It is noteworthy that bats must not be overlooked in their roles of rabies transmission from the wildlife in light of their omnipresence in the region.




"Bats play a vital role in our ecosystem, and they do not all carry rabies. However, it's important to recognize possible signs of rabies in bats. Unusual behaviors that could indicate that a bat has rabies


  • A bat that is active during the day.
  • A bat that is found in unusual places (inside a home or on the ground).
  • A bat that is unable to fly or is easily approached.







If you see strange bat behavior, get in touch with animal control or your local public health department".

(https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/prevention/bats.html) - Mod.ST



(URLは省略) – モデレーター.ST


ProMED map:

Thailand: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8717627,151]


[See Also:



Rabies (16): Eurasia (Thailand, Pakistan) Africa (Tunisia) human,

animal http://promedmail.org/post/20210610.8438528



Rabies (23): Asia (Thailand) human




Rabies (16): Africa (S Africa), Asia (Thailand, Viet Nam, Israel)

human, animal http://promedmail.org/post/20180321.5701731

Rabies (12): Africa (S Africa) Asia (Thailand) animal, human




Rabies (40): Asia (Thailand, Malaysia) human, animal



狂犬病(59)ベトナム(ギア ライ)猫咬傷、死亡





Date: Mon 15 Jul 2024 21:48 ICT 日時:2024年7月15日(月)21:48ICT

Source: VNExpress [in Vietnamese, machine trans., edited]

出典:VNExpress [ベトナム語 機械翻訳編集済]




A 3-year-old boy in Chu Se district, one month after being bitten by a cat on his left hand, developed rabies and died.



On 15 Jul 2024, a representative of the Gia Lai Province Center for Disease Control said that the child was brought to the Chu Se District Medical Center by his family yesterday [14 Jul 2024] after several days of vomiting. The doctor diagnosed the child with rabies, a

digestive infection with complications of dehydration, and transferred him to Gia Lai Children's Hospital for treatment.

2024年7月15日、ザライ省疾病管理センターの代表者は、この男児が数日間の嘔吐の後、昨日(2024年7月14日)家族によってチュセ地区医療センターに連れてこられたと述べた。医師は、この男児狂犬病、脱水症の合併症を伴う消化器感染症と診断し、治療のためギア ライ小児病院に移送した。


According to the family, a month ago the child was bitten by a cat on the left hand, the wound was shallow and bleeding but the wound was not treated or vaccinated against rabies. The cat, which was raised by the family, ran away after biting the child.



The only way to prevent rabies is to get vaccinated after being bitten by a dog or cat. When a patient has a rabies attack, 100% of them die. This baby was brought home by his family this morning. He was drooling, afraid of light, afraid of water and wind, not alert and screaming, and died that same morning.



The baby is the 4th case in Gia Lai to die from rabies since the beginning of the year [2024].

この幼児は、今年(2024年)になって、ギア ライで狂犬病で死亡した4人目の症例である。


[Byline: Tran Hoa]


Communicated by:





["Nearly 40 million households in the United States have pet cats. Research has shown that cats can provide emotional support, improve moods, and contribute to the overall morale of their owners. Cats are also credited with promoting socialization among older people and

physically or mentally disabled people.

[「米国では約 4,000 万世帯がペットの猫を飼育している。研究によると、猫は飼い主へ精神的な支えとなり、気分を改善し、活力の向上に貢献することが判明した。猫はまた、高齢者や身体または精神に障害のある人々の社会化を促進するとも考えられている。


"Although cats are great companions, cat owners should be aware that sometimes cats can carry harmful germs that can make people sick. This can happen even when they appear healthy and clean."



Rabies is one among 16 diseases carried by cats ranging from _Campylobacter_ infection to tularemia (https://www.cdc.gov/healthy-pets/about/cats.html).

狂犬病は、カンピロバクター感染症から野兎病に至るまで、猫が媒介する 16 種類の病気のうちの 1 つである (https://www.cdc.gov/healthy-pets/about/cats.html)。


"Immediate medical attention following suspected rabies exposure is critical. Medical care following a rabies exposure is called post-exposure prophylaxis or PEP. PEP includes wound care, a dose of human rabies immune globulin (HRIG), and a series of 4 or 5 rabies vaccines, which must be administered as soon as possible after exposure. This care is vital to prevent the disease from developing. It is nearly 100% effective if administered promptly. Each year, 60,000 Americans receive PEP after a potential rabies exposure."

狂犬病への曝露が疑われる場合は、直ちに医師の診察を受けることが重要である。狂犬病への曝露後の医療処置は曝露後予防法または PEP と呼ばれる。PEP には、創傷ケア、ヒト狂犬病免疫グロブリン (HRIG) の投与、および曝露後できるだけ早く投与する必要がある 4 回または 5 回の狂犬病ワクチン接種が含まれる。この処置は、病気の発症を防ぐために不可欠である。速やかに投与すれば、ほぼ 100% の効果がある。毎年、60,000 人のアメリカ人が、狂犬病の曝露の可能性の後に PEP を受けている。」


"In the United States, more than 90% of reported cases of rabies in animals occur in wildlife. Contact with infected bats is the leading cause of human rabies deaths in this country; at least 7 out of 10 Americans who die from rabies in the US were infected by bats. The animals most often found with rabies in the US include:

- Bats

- Raccoons

- Skunks

- Foxes"

「米国では、動物の狂犬病の報告例の 90% 以上が野生動物に発生している。感染したコウモリとの接触は、この国における人間の狂犬病による死亡の主な原因である。米国において狂犬病で死亡したアメリカ人の 10 人中少なくとも 7 人はコウモリから感染していた。米国で最も頻繁に狂犬病に感染している動物は次のとおり。

- コウモリ

- アライグマ

- スカンク

- キツネ」


"While rabid dogs in the US are uncommon, around the world, domestic dogs are responsible for more than 95% of the estimated 70 000 human deaths that occur each year"


「米国では狂犬病に感染した犬は珍しいが、世界中では、毎年発生する推定 70,000 人の人間の死亡のうち 95% 以上が飼い犬によるものである」 (https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/about/index.html)。


The community must be reminded that not only dogs but cats and other wildlife can also cause rabies, and cats should be included in vaccination campaigns and their bites/scratches must be followed by appropriate medical attention as their dog counterparts. - Mod.ST

犬だけでなく猫や他の野生動物も狂犬病を引き起こす可能性があることを地域社会に認識させる必要がある。猫も予防接種キャンペーンの対象に含める必要があり、咬まれたり引っかかれたりした場合は犬と同様に適切な医療処置を受けなければならない。 - Mod.ST


ProMED map:

Gia Lai Province, Vietnam:



[See Also:

Rabies (57): Viet Nam (GL) long incubation period


Rabies (54): Viet Nam (TQ, HO) increase, fatal


Rabies (50): Viet Nam (HI) new directive on dog and cat meat trade


Rabies (38): Viet Nam, increase


Rabies (30): Viet Nam, financial implication


Rabies (29): Viet Nam (HC) human, increase, urgent response


Rabies (24): Viet Nam (PY) stray dog, human exp


Rabies (18): Viet Nam (QN) human, dog


Rabies (16): Viet Nam, increase


Rabies (13): Viet Nam (CM) dog bite, restaurant owner


Rabies (04): Viet Nam (PY) dog bite mistaken as scratch from collar,

fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714212



Rabies (56): Viet Nam (GL) long incubation period



狂犬病(57): ベトナム(GIA LAI)長い潜伏期間



Date: Thu 4 Jul 2024
Source: VN Express [in Vietnamese, machine trans., edited]

Death after more than 2 months of being bitten by a stray dog

A 57-year-old man has died of rabies more than 2 months after being bitten on the arm by a stray dog.

On 4 Jul 2024, a representative of the Gia Lai Center for Disease Control said that 2 days ago [2 Jul 2024], Mr. [DD] (in Krong commune) was taken by relatives to the Kbang District Medical Center for examination with symptoms of fatigue, fever, and hydrophobia.
2024年7月4日、Gia Lai疾病管理センターの担当者によると、2日前(2024年7月2日)、DD氏(Krong地区)は、疲労、発熱、水恐怖症の症状を訴え、親族に連れられてKbang地区医療センターで診察を受けた。

Due to the serious condition, the patient was transferred to Gia Lai General Hospital with a diagnosis of rabies. After consulting with the doctor, the family asked to take the patient home, where he died.
重篤な状態であり、狂犬病と診断され、Gia Lai総合病院に移送された。医師と相談した後、家族は患者を自宅に連れ帰ることを求めたが、患者はそこで死亡した。

About 2 months ago, Mr. [DD] was bitten on the right arm by a stray dog. The villagers beat the dog to death. Despite being bitten by a dog, [DD] did not get vaccinated or receive anti-rabies serum.

Rabies is transmitted mainly through bites, scratches, or licks from an infected animal on damaged skin. Currently, there is no cure. Once rabies occurs, both animals and humans are 100% fatal. The most effective way to prevent it is to vaccinate dogs and cats against rabies every year and vaccinate people against rabies immediately
after being bitten by a dog or cat (or scratched with a bleeding wound), the sooner the better.

The characteristic of rabies is that the incubation period is long and the disease is detected late depending on the condition of the bite, usually after a few weeks, sometimes years. By then, the wound from the dog bite has healed, and many people even forget they were bitten. Doctors recommend that people who are bitten by dogs, cats or other animals should be vaccinated against rabies to prevent the disease.
The best time to get vaccinated after a dog bite is within 24 hours of the bite.

According to the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine of Gia Lai province, the total number of dogs and cats in the area is currently more than 210 000. Most of the dogs and cats are raised freely, without cages. The rate of rabies vaccination for the animals is very low at only about 19%.
Gia Lai省畜産獣医局によると、この地域で飼育されているイヌとネコの総数は現在21万頭以上である。ほとんどのイヌとネコはケージに入れずに自由に飼育されている。狂犬病予防接種率は約19%と非常に低い。

Since last year [2023], 16 people in Gia Lai have died from rabies, all without receiving preventive treatment after being bitten by dogs.
昨年(2023年)以来、Gia Laiでは、イヌに咬まれた後の暴露後処置を受けることなく、16人が狂犬病で死亡している。

[Byline: Tran Hoa]

担当:Tran Hoa

Communicated by:

[It is understood that since 2023, there is a specific number of dog or cat bites/scratches in Gia Lai province of which a proportion of affected people besides these 16 fatal cases sought post-exposure prophylaxis.
2023年以降、Gia Lai省ではイヌやネコに咬まれたり引っかかれたりする事例が一定数発生しており、この16件の致命的な事例のほかにも、曝露後予防措置を求める患者が存在することが分かっている。

Even though an effective vaccine coverage in dogs/cats is the target, ensuring that every community member is aware of the severity of rabies and seek appropriate PEP is the most likely best option.

School children are supposed to be more literate and receptive of health education messages in case that their parents are ethnic people with limited literacy rate.

Geographical access may be a problem for both health service providers as well as for community members in the catchment area even though the former are relatively more compelled to reach every community for better health coverage. - Mod.ST

ProMED map:
Vietnam: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8717391,152]

[See Also:
Rabies (54): Viet Nam (TQ, HO) increase, fatal 0240620.8717125
Rabies (50): Viet Nam (HI) new directive on dog and cat meat trade
Rabies (38): Viet Nam, increase
Rabies (30): Viet Nam, financial implication
Rabies (29): Viet Nam (HC) human, increase, urgent response
Rabies (24): Viet Nam (PY) stray dog, human exp
Rabies (18): Viet Nam (QN) human, dog
Rabies (16): Viet Nam, increase
Rabies (13): Viet Nam (CM) dog bite, restaurant owner
Rabies (04): Viet Nam (PY) dog bite mistaken as scratch from collar,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714212
Rabies (56): Viet Nam (GL) long incubation period