




In this posting:

[1] Ontario: bat, child, fatal



[2] South Carolina (Barnwell County): raccoon, dog

サウスカロライナ州(Barnwell 郡):アライグマ、イヌ
[3] Massachusetts: bat, unknown animal or human exposure

[4] New Jersey (Camden County): skunk, dog

ニュージャージー州(Camden 郡)::スカンク、イヌ
[5] Florida (Hillsborough County): cat

フロリダ州(Hillsborough 郡):ネコ
[6] North Carolina (Gaston County): calf

ノースカロライナ州(Gaston 郡):子牛
[7] North Carolina (Alexander County): dog

ノースカロライナ州(Alexander 郡):イヌ


[1] Ontario: bat, child, fatal

Date: Fri 4 Oct 2024

Source: BBC [edited]


A child in the Canadian province of Ontario has died from rabies after being exposed to a bat in their bedroom, Canadian health officials have said.

The death was made public by Dr Malcolm Lock of the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit, who told councillors at a board meeting on Wednesday [2 Oct 2024] the unnamed child was exposed to the virus in an area north of Sudbury.
この死亡事故は、Haldimand-Norfolk保健所のMalcolm Lock医師によって公表されたもので、同医師は水曜日(2024年10月2日)の理事会で、匿名の子供がSudbury北部の地域で暴露されたと理事達に語った。

"They woke up with a bat in their bedroom," Dr Lock said, adding the parents did not see signs of a bite or scratches and did not get the child a rabies vaccine as a result.

It marks the first domestically acquired case of human rabies in Ontario since 1967.

The child, whose age was not shared by officials, was taken to hospital after the incident in early September [2024] and later died.

Rabies is a rare but deadly viral disease spread to humans from an infected animal -- such as bats, coyotes, foxes or raccoons – most commonly through its saliva.

The disease, which can cause severe damage to the brain and the spinal cord, nearly always causes death once symptoms have appeared, according to the World Health Organization.

Dr Lock said the percentage of bats with rabies in the southern Ontario region he oversees has increased from less than 10% to 16% in recent years.

"It's extremely important for anyone who has a form of exposure [to bats] seeks medical attention," he said, adding treatment and vaccination should be quickly sought, even if bite marks aren't immediately visible.

According to Health Canada, the Canadian government's health department, cases of rabies among humans in the country are rare.

Since reporting began in 1924, there have been 28 cases of rabies across 6 provinces, all of which were fatal.

The health agency said nearly all human cases of rabies in Canada are a result of exposure to bats, or due to exposure to rabies while in another country.

In the United States, fewer than 10 people die from rabies each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This is a "dramatic decline" from the 1960s, the health agency said, driven largely by prevention efforts.

There were 25 cases of human rabies documented in the United States from 2009 to 2018, the CDC said, 7 of which were contracted outside of the country.

Like Canada, humans in the United States are more commonly exposed to rabies through rabid bats, which are found in all US states except Hawaii.

In the UK, all rabies since 1902 were a result of an infection having occurred abroad, according to data by the British government. There have been 26 cases reported since 1946, all involving people who got infected outside of the UK.

In 2002, a licensed bat handler in Scotland died from an infection with a rabies-like virus which is present in a small number of indigenous bats -- though a subsequent study found they pose little threat to people.

The latest documented case was in 2018 involving a traveler who was bitten by a cat in Morocco.

[Byline: Nadine Yousif]

(担当:Nadine Yousif)

Communicated by:

[2] South Carolina (Barnwell County): raccoon, dog

  サウスカロライナ州(Barnwell 郡):アライグマ、イヌ
Date: Mon 7 Oct 2024 11:49 EDT

Source: WRDW News [edited]

情報源:WRDW News(編集)

The South Carolina Department of Public Health (DPH) confirmed one pet was exposed to a rabid raccoon in Blackville, we learned on Monday [7 Oct 2024]. Officials say they found the raccoon near Highway 304 and Chavis Road, and it tested positive for rabies.
サウスカロライナ州公衆衛生局(DPH)は月曜日(2024年10月7日)、Blackvilleで1匹のペットが狂犬病のアライグマに暴露されたことを確認した。当局によると、アライグマはハイウェイ304とChavis Roadの近くで発見され、狂犬病の陽性反応が出たという。


No people are known to have been exposed at this time. One dog was exposed and will be quarantined as required in the South Carolina Rabies Control Act, according to public health officials.

The raccoon was submitted to DPH's laboratory for testing 1 Oct 2024, and was confirmed to have rabies 2 Oct 2024.

"Rabies is usually transmitted through a bite or scratch, which allows saliva from an infected animal to be introduced into the body of a person or another animal," said Terri McCollister, Rabies Program director. "However, infected saliva or neural tissue contact with open wounds or areas such as the eyes, nose, or mouth could also potentially transmit rabies. To reduce the risk of getting rabies, always give wild and stray animals their space.
狂犬病は通常、咬まれたり引っ掻かれた傷によって感染し、感染した動物の唾液が人の体や他の動物に侵入することで感染する」と、狂犬病プログラムの責任者であるTerri McCollisterテリー・マッコーリスター氏は述べた。さらに「しかし、感染した唾液や神経組織が傷口や目、鼻、口などの部位に接触した場合にも、狂犬病が感染する可能性がある。狂犬病に感染するリスクを減らすには、野生動物や野良動物には常に距離を置くことである。」と述べた。

"If you see an animal in need, avoid touching it and contact someone trained in handling animals, such as your local animal control officer, wildlife control operator, or a wildlife rehabilitator. Please report all animal bites, scratches, and exposures to potentially rabid animals to DPH."
「動物の窮地を目撃した場合は、動物を触らず、地域の動物管理局職員、野生動物管理局職員、野生動物リハビリテーターなど、動物の取り扱いについて訓練を受けた者に連絡すること。 動物にかまれた場合、引っかかれた場合、狂犬病の可能性がある動物に接触した場合などは、すべてDPHに報告すること。」と述べた。

It is important to keep pets up to date on their rabies vaccination, as this is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect against the disease. This raccoon is the first animal in Barnwell County to test positive for rabies in 2024.

There have been 65 cases of rabid animals statewide this year [2024]. Since 2002, South Carolina has averaged approximately 148 positive cases a year. In 2023, none of the 78 confirmed rabies cases in South Carolina were in Barnwell County.

If you believe you, someone you know, or your pets have come in contact with this raccoon or another animal potentially having rabies, please call DPH's Columbia office.

Contact information for local public health offices is available at http://dph.sc.gov/RabiesContacts. For more information on rabies, visit http://dph.sc.gov/rabies or http://cdc.gov/rabies.
最寄りの保健所の連絡先は、http://dph.sc.gov/RabiesContacts で確認できる。狂犬病に関する詳細は、http://dph.sc.gov/rabies または http://cdc.gov/rabies を参照のこと。

Communicated by:

[3] Massachusetts: bat, unknown animal or human exposure

Date: Wed 9 Oct 2024

Source: Shrewsbury Comunicas [edited]

情報源:Shrewsbury Comunicas(編集)

A bat testing positive for rabies was found at Bay State Common Play Park in Westborough on 3 Oct 2024. The Westborough Public Health Department reported the bat had been in the park from around 9:30 AM until it was discovered at 3:00 PM that day.
2024年10月3日、WestboroughのBay 州立公園で狂犬病に感染したコウモリが発見された。Westborough保健局の報告によると、そのコウモリは同日午前9時半頃から午後3時に発見されるまで公園内にいたという。

Residents who visited the Children's Play Park during those times and may have come into contact with the bat should contact the Health Department for advice.

Rabies is a serious viral disease affecting mammals, including pets like cats and dogs, and wild animals such as raccoons, coyotes, and bats. The disease is mainly spread through bites or saliva from an infected animal. Once signs appear in the animals [or symptoms in humans,] rabies is almost always fatal, making it vital to act quickly
if exposure is suspected.

While rabies is rare in the United States, it is still a public health concern. Most recent human cases have involved bats, with only 1 or 2 deaths reported each year nationwide. Massachusetts has not seen a rabies-related death since 2011.
合衆国では狂犬病はまれであるが、依然として公衆衛生上の懸念事項である。 最近の人への感染例ではコウモリが関与しており、毎年全米で1~2件の死亡例が報告されている。 マサチューセッツ州では2011年以来、狂犬病による死亡例は報告されていない。

It can be hard to tell if an animal has rabies, as they may behave strangely or aggressively but can also look normal. If a bat is found in a room with a sleeping person, it is usually assumed to have rabies, especially if it hasn't been tested. In these cases, it is
crucial to seek medical help right away.

For more information, is recommended to contact healthcare providers or the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Additional details are also available on the Massachusetts Department of Public Health's rabies webpage (https://www.mass.gov/rabies).

Communicated by:

[4] New Jersey (Camden County): skunk, dog

ニュージャージー州(Camden 郡)::スカンク、イヌ
Date: Thu 10 Oct 2024 14:05 EDT

Source: NBC Philadelphia [edited]

情報源:NBC Philadelphia(編集)

A skunk killed by a dog in a New Jersey backyard tested positive for rabies, Camden County health officials said.

"Recently, a Gloucester Township resident's dog killed a skunk in their backyard," the county said in a 9 Oct 2024, news release. "The Animal Control Officer for Gloucester Township picked up the skunk and arranged for rabies testing at the state Public Health & Environmental Laboratories in Trenton (PHEL)."

The testing came back Wednesday [9 Oct 2024] and showed the skunk was rabid, the Camden County Department of Health and Human Services said.

Officials alerted the dog owner of the skunk being rabid, officials said. Luckily, the pet owner had proof the dog was vaccinated with a rabies booster shot. The dog will be confined and observed over the next 45 days.

No human exposures occurred, officials said.

"Although rabies is a serious illness, it can be prevented by early treatment," Camden County Commissioner Virginia Betteridge, liaison to the Camden County Health Department, said. "If you have been bitten or scratched by a wild animal it is important that you seek immediate medical attention."
狂犬病は深刻な病気だが、早期治療で予防できる」と、Camden郡保健局の連絡担当であるVirginia Betteridge郡行政委員は述べた。同氏はさらに「野生動物に噛まれたり引っ掻かれたりした場合は、すぐに医療処置を受けることが重要だ」と述べた。

The county urged pet owners to follow "a few simple rules" to prevent rabies' spread:
- Keep vaccinations up to date for all dogs, cats, and ferrets.
- Keep your pets under direct supervision so they do not come in contact with wild animals. If your pet is bitten by a wild animal, seek veterinary assistance for the animal immediately.
- Contact your local animal control agency to remove any stray animals from your neighborhood. They may be unvaccinated and could be infected by the disease.

- すべての犬、猫、フェレットの予防接種を最新の状態に保つ。

- ペットが野生動物と接触しないよう、常に目を離さないようにする。ペットが野生動物に咬まれた場合は、その動物にすぐに獣医師の診療を受けさせる。

- 地元の動物管理局に連絡し、近隣の野良動物をすべて排除する。野良動物は予防接種を受けておらず、狂犬病に感染している可能性がある。

Betteridge also urged people to keep themselves and pets away from unfamiliar animals.
- Enjoy wild animals such as raccoons, skunks, and foxes from afar. Do not handle, feed, or unintentionally attract wild animals with open garbage cans or litter.
- Never adopt wild animals or bring them into your home. Do not try to nurse sick animals to health. Call animal control or an animal rescue agency for assistance.
- Teach children never to handle unfamiliar animals, wild or domestic, even if they seem friendly.
- Prevent bats from entering living quarters or occupied spaces in homes, churches, schools, and other similar areas where they might come in contact with people or pets.
- When traveling abroad, avoid direct contact with wild animals and be especially careful around dogs in developing countries. Rabies is common in developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Tens of thousands of people die of rabies each year in these

- アライグマ、スカンク、キツネなどの野生動物は遠くから楽しむこと。野生動物に触れたり、餌を与えたり、ゴミ箱やごみ箱のふたを開けたままにして野生動物を不用意に引き寄せたりしないこと。

- 野生動物を飼ったり、家の中に入れたりしないこと。病気にかかった動物を看病しようとしないこと。動物管理局または動物保護団体に連絡すること。

- 子供たちに、野生動物であれ飼いならされた動物であれ、見知らぬ動物には絶対に触らないよう教えること。



[Byline: Dan Stamm]

(担当:Dan Stamm)

Communicated by:

[5] Florida (Hillsborough County): cat

フロリダ州(Hillsborough 郡):ネコ
Date: Sat 12 Oct 2024 18:00 EDT

Source: Fox 13 News [edited]

情報源:Fox 13 News(編集)

The Florida Department of Health (DOH) in Hillsborough County issued a rabies alert. Officials say there was a confirmed case of rabies in a cat from the Lake Magdalene area off Bearss Rd in Hillsborough County that was killed on 3 Oct 2024.

DOH-Hillsborough says they are monitoring rabies among wild animals in the area and all residents and visitors should be aware that rabies is currently present in the wild animal population. According to officials, people and domestic animals should always avoid physical contact with wild animals.

The rabies alert is for 60 days and includes the following boundaries in Hillsborough County:
- Northern boundary: Lake Magdalene Blvd
- Southern boundary: Lakewood Ave/Cherrywood Ave
- Eastern boundary: North Blvd
- Western boundary: Lake Magdalene Blvd

- 北の境界線:Magdalene湖 大道り

- 南の境界線:Lakewood 通り/Cherrywood 通り

- 東の境界線:North 大道り

- 西の境界線:Magdalene湖 大道り

Communicated by:

[6] North Carolina (Gaston County): calf

ノースカロライナ州(Gaston 郡):子牛
Date: Fri 11 Oct 2024 12:59 EDT

Source: Gaston Gazette [edited]

情報源:Gaston Gazette(編集)

Gaston officials say they've identified a sixth case of rabies in the county this year [2024].

Wednesday morning [9 Oct 2024], Gaston County Police Animal Care and Enforcement officials received a call from a local veterinary hospital treating a sick calf showing signs consistent with those of livestock with rabies at a farm in the 400 block of Narrow Gauge Road in Dallas, a press release said.
2024年10月9日(水)の朝、Gaston郡警察動物保護・取締当局は、Dallas市のNarrow Gauge Road400番地にある農場で、狂犬病の家畜に見られる症状を示す病気の子牛を治療している地元の動物病院から連絡を受けたと報道発表された。

Specialists responded to investigate the incident and impounded the calf, which was then sent to the NC Laboratory of Public Health in Raleigh to be tested for rabies. Results of the testing came back Thursday [10 Oct 2024] indicating the calf tested positive for rabies, the release said.

Animal Care and Enforcement completed a neighborhood canvass in the area of Narrow Gauge Road to notify the community of the positive rabies results and verify rabies vaccinations for family animals in the area.
動物保護・取締局は、Narrow Gauge Road周辺地域で聞き込み調査を実施し、狂犬病検査の結果を地域社会に通知するとともに、その地域の家庭動物に対する狂犬病予防接種について確認した。

Officials are working with the calf owner to address possible issues with other animals on the farm.

"The Gaston County Police Department Animal Care and Enforcement Division stresses the importance of having a valid rabies vaccination for all pet's health and safety, as well as the health and safety of their owners and community," the release said.

[Byline: Chloe Collins]

(担当:Chloe Collins)

Communicated by:

[7] North Carolina (Alexander County): dog

ノースカロライナ州(Alexander 郡):イヌ
Date: Mon 14 Oct 2024

Source: The Taylorsville Times [edited]

情報源:The Taylorsville Times(編集)

Alexander County Animal Services has confirmed a dog living on a property in the Sugar Loaf area in Taylorsville near Black Oak Ridge Road has tested positive for rabies, according to a county press release. This is the third case of rabies this year [2024] in the county. The first was diagnosed in a cow. The second case was confirmed in a skunk.
Alexander郡動物管理局は、同郡の報道発表で、TaylorsvilleにあるBlack Oak Ridge Road近くのSugar Loaf地区の住宅で飼育されているイヌが狂犬病に感染していることが確認されたと発表した。これは同郡で今年(2024年)3例目の狂犬病感染例である。最初の感染例はウシで、2例目はスカンクであった。

The dog had been exhibiting signs consistent with rabies and later died while under the care of a veterinarian. Samples from the unvaccinated dog were sent to the North Carolina State Lab to be tested for rabies. Upon receiving the positive results, the family
owning the dog and the veterinary team treating the dog were alerted to the potential for human exposure.

The rabies virus is typically transmitted when the saliva of a host animal is passed to an uninfected animal. In the United States, the most common carriers of rabies are raccoons, skunks, foxes, coyotes, and bats. The virus attacks the central nervous system.

Rabies is typically fatal once clinical signs of rabies infection, like impairment in the brain's functions, confusion, unusual aggression, unusual friendliness, delirium, wobbliness, excessive salivation, paralysis, or insomnia appear. However, most human
fatalities in the United States happen when people fail to seek medical assistance -- postexposure treatment is nearly 100% effective.

The best way to protect yourself, your family, and your beloved pets is to keep your dogs, cats and ferrets up-to-date on their rabies vaccinations. All it takes is a brief encounter with a rabid animal to expose another animal to this deadly disease. If you are unsure of your pet's rabies vaccination due date or cannot find your current rabies certificate, please have the vaccination repeated. Just remember, a pet is not considered currently vaccinated until 28 days after the vaccination.
あなた自身、あなたの家族、そしてあなたの愛するペットを守る最善の方法は、あなたのイヌ、ネコ、フェレット狂犬病ワクチン接種を最新の状態にしておくことである。狂犬病に感染した動物と短時間でも接触すれば、他の動物がこの致命的な病気に感染する恐れがある。あなたのペットの狂犬病ワクチン接種の期限がわからない場合、または現在の狂犬病証明書が見つからない場合は、ワクチン接種を再度受けて欲しい。ただし、ワクチン接種後 28 日が経過するまでは、ペットはワクチン接種済みとはみなされないことに注意して欲しい。

Other steps, in addition to rabies vaccination, that you can take to protect yourself, your loved ones, and pets include:
- Supervise pets outdoors. Keep pets confined to your property or on a leash.
- Do not feed pets outdoors. Pet food attracts wildlife.
- Do not throw out food scraps on a trash pile outside.
- Secure garbage cans with wildlife-proof lids.

- 屋外にいるペットを監視する。ペットを敷地内に閉じ込めるか、リードでつないでおく。

- 屋外でペットに餌を与えない。ペットフードは野生動物を引き寄せる。

- 残飯を屋外のゴミ箱に捨てない。

- 野生動物対策の蓋付きゴミ箱を使用する。

Do not assume just because rabies has not been discovered in an animal in your part of the county or on your particular road that it is not out there.

Instead, assume it is and protect yourself and your pets by keeping their rabies vaccinations up to date. Owners should retain the original copy of the rabies vaccination certificate, provided by the legally authorized vaccinator as evidence of the animal's current vaccination status. This should include any dog, cat, or ferret 4 months of age and older.

Even those pets staying inside only and never go out should be vaccinated as well. There are no legal waivers or exemptions to avoid vaccinating particular dogs, cats, or ferrets. Rabies vaccinations are required by North Carolina state law.

One-year rabies vaccinations for cats and dogs are available for $10 at Alexander County Animal Services, located on Waggin Trail in Taylorsville. Please call for an appointment to have your pets vaccinated. Alternatively, 1-year and 3-year vaccines are also available through your local veterinarian.
TaylorsvilleのWaggin TrailにあるAlexander郡動物管理事務所では、イヌとネコを対象とした1年間有効の狂犬病予防接種を10ドルで提供している。ペットの予防接種を受けるには、予約が必要であるため、電話で問い合わせる必要がある。また、1年および3年間有効のワクチンは、最寄りの動物病院でも受けられる。

If you have any questions or need to make an appointment to have your pet vaccinated at the Alexander County Animal Shelter, please call the shelter. Visit https://acpets.org for more information.

Communicated by:

[Any mammal, including humans, is susceptible to rabies.

If a bat is found in a room in a home or hotel, the best thing to do is to get a post-exposure vaccine. This is a critical step in your health, and your life, even if you do not think you have been bitten. The teeth of a bat are tiny and razor sharp. You may not know you have been bitten, but it is prudent to assume you have and start the post-exposure prophylaxis series for humans.

Our condolences to the family of the deceased child.

Rabies is a preventable disease in domestic animals. Rabies-preventative vaccinations are administered by veterinarians to most animals, including horses, cattle, goats, sheep and domestic pets, including cats, dogs, and ferrets.

If an unvaccinated pet is bitten by a rabid animal, the pet will likely be euthanized. It is a very traumatic event for owners, when a vaccination could save their pet. Vaccinations are available for most domestic animals. This simple shot every 1 or 3 years is lifesaving to a loved pet.

Even if your pet stays inside all the time, such as a cat or small dog, rabid animals have been known to come in through doggy doors or pet doors, or even between the legs of a person.

The best way to protect your animals, regardless of size, is to vaccinate them against rabies. Yes, this includes the livestock animals. Skunks are notorious for nipping horses and cattle and goats on the nose, thus transmitting the disease. So preventative vaccines
are available for our larger animals. All vaccines are available through a veterinarian. - Mod.TG
動物を守る最善の方法は、大きさに関係なく、狂犬病の予防接種をすることである。もちろん、これには家畜も含まれる。スカンクはウマやウシ、ヤギの鼻を咬んで狂犬病を感染させることが知られている。そのため、大型動物には予防ワクチンが用意されている。すべてのワクチンは獣医師により接種を受けることができる。 - モデレーター.TG

ProMED maps:
Ontario Province, Canada:
South Carolina, United States:
Massachusetts, United States:
New Jersey, United States:
Florida, United States:
North Carolina, United States:

[See Also:
Rabies (86): North America (USA) groundhog
Rabies (81): Americas (USA) bat exposure, fatal
Rabies (78): Americas, human, bat, cat, raccoon, fox, cow
Rabies (77): Canada (ON) human case, bat exposure
Rabies (72): North America (USA) dog, raccoon, fox, bat, bobcat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240902.8718508
Rabies (69): North America (USA) bat, raccoon, skunk, fox, dog, cat,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240822.871832
Rabies (65): North America (Canada, USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (64): North America (USA) multiple states and animals, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240808.8718002
Rabies (58): South America (Uruguay) North America (USA) bobcat, fox,
cat, human exp and more http://promedmail.org/post/20240710.8717476
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp
Rabies (53): North America (USA) fox, bat, cat, dog, woodchuck,
raccoon, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240618.8717092
Rabies (43): North America (USA) cat, raccoon, bat, fox, cow, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240509.871640
Rabies (40): North America (USA) raccoon, fox, cow, bat, human exp
Rabies (35): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, dog, cow, human exp
Rabies (32): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, fox, bat, dog, coyote,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240401.8715730
Rabies (30): North America (Mexico, USA) cat, fox, dog & human exp,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240328.8715661
Rabies (28): North America (USA) raccoon, otter, cat, skunk, dogs,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240320.8715504
Rabies (23): North America (USA) skunk, raccoon, cat, cow, dog,
bobcat, fox, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240314.8715372
Rabies (21): North America (USA) bat, horse, dog, raccoon, cat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240309.8715270
Rabies (15): North America (USA) coyote, dog, kitten, raccoon, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240224.8715017
Rabies (09): North America (USA) fox, dog, skunk, cat, cow, human exp
Rabies (06): North America (USA) otter, raccoon, cat, dog, skunk, fox,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240118.8714289
Rabies (03): North America (USA) cat, skunk, dog, bat, raccoon, fox,
horse, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714178

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In this post:
[1] Texas (Comal County): feral cats
[2] Texas (Williamson and Travis Counties): bat, human exposure
[3] Wisconsin (Burnett County): bat
[4] Virginia (Isle of Wight): raccoon, dog
[5] South Carolina (Saluda County): calf, human exposure
[6] Kansas (Harvey & Jewell Counties): cats, human & other cats exposure
[7] New Jersey (Middlesex County): raccoon, dogs
[1] テキサス州(コマール郡):野良猫
[2] テキサス州 (ウィリアムソン郡およびトラビス郡):コウモリ、人への暴露
[3] ウィスコンシン州(バーネット郡):コウモリ
[4] バージニア州 (アイルオブワイト郡):アライグマ、、イヌ
[5] サウスカロライナ州(サルーダ郡):子牛、人暴露
[6] カンザス州(ハーベイおよびジュエル郡):ネコ、人および他のネコへの暴露
[7] ニュージャージー州ミドルセックス郡):アライグマ、イヌ

[1] Texas (Comal County): feral cats


Date: Mon 16 Sep 2024
Source: Herald-Zeitung [edited]


Two cases of rabies confirmed in Comal County

Two feral cats tested positive for the rabies virus, Comal County Animal Control reported on 16 Sep 2024.


On Friday [6 Sep 2024], animal control was notified of the positive testings of the animals which were located near the intersections of SH 46 and FM 1863, as well as SH 46 and U.S. Highway 281. According to the Comal County Animal Control, these are the 4th and 5th confirmed rabies cases in the county this year [2024].

 金曜日(2024年9月6日)、動物管理局は、SH 46【訳者注:州高速道路(State Highway)46号線】とFM 1863【訳者注:Farm-to-market road1863号線】の交差点付近、そしてSH 46と州間高速道路281の交差点付近で発見された動物が陽性であったと知らされた。郡動物管理局によると、これらは今年(2024年)郡内で確認された4件目と5件目の狂犬病事例となる。

Officials stated residents in the affected and neighboring areas are urged to avoid contact with skunks, foxes or any other wildlife, particularly if they exhibit unusual behavior. Pet owners must also ensure their pets are vaccinated against rabies, as required by state law.


Due to the confirmed rabies cases, and at the recommendation of the state veterinarian, Comal County will temporarily suspend the feral cat trap-neuter-release program until further notice. Rabies is a disease affecting the central nervous system and is typically transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal.


A person or mammal can contract rabies when bitten or if the animal's saliva comes into contact with their eyes, nose, mouth, or an open wound.


Avoid contact with wildlife and unfamiliar animals. If bitten, scratched, or otherwise exposed to an animal, immediately wash the affected area with soap and water and seek medical advice. If the animal's location is known, report it to Comal County Animal Control as soon as possible. For more information or to report any animal bites or potential exposures, call the local rabies control authority at 830-608-2016.


[Byline: Blaine Young]

Communicated by:

[2] Texas (Williamson and Travis Counties): bat, human exposure

Date: Thu 19 Sep 2024
Source: KXAN [edited]


Dead bat found at Cedar Park; clinic tests positive for rabies

A dead bat found in Cedar Park [Cedar Park is also considered to be part of the Austin extra territorial jurisdiction. - Mod.TG] has tested positive for rabies. The Cedar Park Police Department posted a PSA (public service announcement) on social media Wednesday [18 Sep 2024] notifying people a dead bat was found at the entrance to the Baylor Scott & White Clinic on East Whitestone Boulevard had tested positive for rabies. Police said there is only one person known to have come in direct contact with the bat.

 シーダーパーク【編者注:この公園の一部はオースティンの管轄外と思われる】で発見されたコウモリの死骸が狂犬病の検査で陽性と判明した。シーダーパーク警察署は、水曜日(9月18日)にSNSに公共広告を投稿し、East Whitestone BoulevardのBaylor Scott & White Clinicの入り口で見つかったコウモリの死骸が狂犬病の陽性反応を示したと通知した。警察によると、現時点でこのコウモリに直接接触したとされる人は1人のみだ。

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bats carrying rabies often exhibit unusual behaviors, including the following:
• Active during the day.
• Being in unusual places (inside a home or on the ground).
• Unable to fly or is easily approached.


・  日中に活動している。

・  普段は現れない場所(家の中や地面)にいる。

・  飛べない、もしくは簡単に近づける。

The CDC recommends if someone sees strange bat behavior, they should get in touch with animal control or their local public health department.


The CDC also said people should avoid touching bats. CDC guidelines say if you're bitten or scratched by a bat, wash the wound with soap and water and get medical help right away. If bat saliva or brain material gets into your eyes, nose, mouth, or an open wound, see a healthcare professional urgently.


Bat bites can be tiny, so if you think you have been in contact with a bat, talk to a medical professional. If you find a bat in your home, contact animal control or a health professional to safely capture it for rabies testing. Do not release the bat until you talk with a public health expert.


[Byline: Abigail Jones]

Communicated by:

[3] Wisconsin (Burnett County): bat

Date: Mon 16 Sep 2024
Source: Dryden Wire [edited]

出典:Dryden Wire【訳者注:ネットニュース局】(編集済み)

Bat Tests Positive For Rabies In Burnett County

Burnett County Public Health Department is alerting the public regarding a recent report of a bat testing positive for rabies in Burnett County. The suspected bat was submitted for testing following a possible encounter with vaccinated pets. This is the 1st rabid bat in the county since 2022.



Rabies is a viral disease affecting the central nervous system. The rabies virus is transmitted from infected mammals to humans (typically via a bite) and is always fatal once symptoms appear. Human rabies is now rare in the United States, but still occurs frequently in many developing nations. The last 4 cases of human rabies in Wisconsin occurred in 1959, 2000, 2004 and 2010. All 4 Wisconsin cases acquired the disease from infected bats.


Due to this report, the public is advised of the following:
- Check your pet's vaccination histories and update as necessary. Keep vaccine records and note the type of vaccine (1 year or 3-year duration).
- Do not keep wild or exotic animals as pets.
- Do not handle wild animals.
- Teach your children not to approach strange animals, including others' pets.
- If you or a family member get bitten or scratched, wash the wound immediately with liberal amounts of soap and water, and report to your local physician, your local Public Health Department during business hours, or local law enforcement after hours. Any exposure (bite or non-bite) to bats should be discussed as soon as possible with your
physician or your local health department.
- Do not dispose of or release an animal having bitten a person until consulting your Public Health Department. Observation or testing of the animal can eliminate the need to administer the series of injections to prevent rabies.
- If your pet has been in a fight with a wild animal, please contact your veterinarian and Public Health Department. Wild animals are at risk, particularly skunks and bats, and often expose domestic/farm animals. Most exposures to humans or animals occur through a bite or scratch of a rabid animal.










For more information regarding rabies in animals, please contact Burnett County Public Health Department.


Communicated by:

[4] Virginia (Isle of Wight): raccoon, dog

Date: Wed 25 Sep 2024
Source: Virginia Gov [edited]


Isle of Wight Health Department Rabies Investigation

The Isle of Wight Health Department received information today [25 Sep 2024] a raccoon tested positive for rabies. The raccoon was killed by a dog. Fortunately, the dog was currently vaccinated against rabies. The dog will receive a booster vaccination and will be under a 45-day observation period. The incident happened in the Days Point Road area of Isle of Wight.


Exposure of humans to rabies occurs when the saliva of an infected animal enters the body through an open wound or mucous membrane, such as with an animal bite. An animal exposure can be a serious medical event, for which prompt evaluation and complete treatment is critical.


Rabies is highly preventable if vaccine is given early and as recommended. Unfortunately, without preventive treatment, by the time someone develops symptoms of rabies, there is no cure and the disease is fatal in almost 100% of cases.


The disease is also fatal in infected domestic dogs and cats not having been vaccinated. Western Tidewater Health District Health Director Angela Tillery, MBA, strongly emphasizes the following recommendations for Isle of Wight residents to take in protecting their families and their pets from rabies:

 この疾病は、ワクチン接種を受けていない犬や猫に感染した場合にもまた致命的だ。ウェスタン・タイドウォーター保健局長のAngela Tillery(修士)は、郡の住民が家族とペットを狂犬病から守るため、以下の点に注意することを強く推奨している:

  • If your pet has been in contact with an animal that might be rabid, contact Isle of Wight Animal Control or the Isle of Wight Health Department.
    • Seek medical treatment promptly for any animal bite to ensure appropriate and timely evaluation and treatment. All animal exposures must be taken seriously.
    • Do not approach wild or stray animals, especially raccoons, bats, foxes, skunks, cats and dogs.
    • Ensure all pet dogs, cats and ferrets have current rabies vaccinations. Please consult your veterinarian, Isle of Wight Animal Control, or the Isle of Wight Health Department if you have any questions about pet vaccinations.
    • Confine your pets to your property.
    • Securely seal garbage containers with lids.

・ あなたのペットが狂犬病の疑いがある動物と接触した場合、郡の動物管理局または保健局に連絡を。

・ 動物に咬まれた場合は速やかに医療機関を探し、適切かつ迅速な診断と治療を受けられるようにすること。すべての動物との接触は深刻に受け止めるべきだ。

・  野生動物や野良の動物、特にアライグマ、コウモリ、キツネ、スカンク、猫、犬には近づかないこと。

・  ペットの犬、猫、フェレットには、常に狂犬病予防接種を受けさせておくこと。ペットの予防接種について疑問がある場合は、獣医師、郡の動物管理局または保健局に相談を。

・ ペットは敷地から出さないようにすること。

・ ゴミ容器は蓋をしっかりと閉めること。

State law requires all dogs and cats over the age of 4 months to be vaccinated, against rabies. For more information on rabies, contact the Isle of Wight Health Department at (757) 279-3078, Isle of Wight Animal Control at (757) 365-6318, or visit the Virginia Department of Health's website or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's website.


Communicated by:

[5] South Carolina (Saluda County): calf, human exposure

Date: Wed 25 Sep 2024
Source: Yahoo News [edited]


Half a dozen people were exposed to calf that tested positive for rabies, SC officials say


Six people were recently exposed to a rabid calf found in the Midlands, the South Carolina Department of Public Health said Wednesday [25 Sep 2024]. After being discovered in the Prosperity area of Saluda County, the ailing cow was sent to DPH's lab for testing 19 Sep 2024, and was confirmed to have rabies the following day [20 Sep 2024], officials said in a news release.


The people who came in contact with the calf were told to seek medical care, health officials said. Further information on their conditions was not available. Rabies is a virus infecting wildlife, especially bats, raccoons, skunks and foxes in the US. It can spread to people and pets when they are bitten or scratched, causing fever, agitation and death.


If untreated, rabies can cause fever, agitation and death, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "It is very important for you to seek medical attention if you have been exposed to a wild, stray, or domestic animal," DPH's Rabies Program Team Leader Terri McCollister previously said. "The rabies virus is found in the saliva of infected animals and can be transmitted through a bite, scratch, broken skin, and the mucous membranes of your eyes, nose, or mouth."

 アメリカ疾病予防管理センター(CDC)によると、治療を受けない場合、狂犬病は発熱、狂躁、死に至ることがある。公衆衛生局(DPH)の狂犬病制御プログラムのチームリーダーであるTerri McCollister氏は、「野生動物や野良あるいは飼われている動物に接触した場合は、必ず医療機関での診断を受けることが重要です」と以前に述べている。「狂犬病ウイルスは感染動物の唾液に含まれており、咬まれたり、引っかかれたり、皮膚の傷や、目、鼻、口の粘膜に唾液が触れたりすることで感染する可能性があります」

DPH says if you believe you, someone you know, or your pets have come in contact with the rabid animal, or another animal potentially having rabies, call the agency's Public Health Aiken office during normal business hours (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday) or after hours and on holidays. "Please report all animal bites, scratches, and exposures to potentially rabid animals to DPH," officials said. Additionally, if you think you've been exposed to a rabid animal, immediately wash the affected area with plenty of soap and water, officials said.


Livestock are susceptible to rabies, while cattle and horses are the most frequently reported infected livestock species, according to the release. "Keeping your pets and livestock current on their rabies vaccination is a responsibility coming with owning an animal. It is one of the easiest and most effective ways you can protect yourself, your family, your pets and your livestock from this fatal disease," McCollister said in the release.


In addition to the calf, a skunk found in Oconee County also tested positive for rabies on 20 Sep 2024, officials said. No people were exposed to the skunk, but one dog came in contact with it and has been quarantined, as required in the South Carolina Rabies Control Act. Since 2002, South Carolina has averaged approximately 148 positive cases a year, DPH said. There have been 62 cases of rabid animals statewide this year [2024], compared to 78 confirmed rabies cases in South Carolina in 2023, according to the release.


[Byline: Noah Feit]

Communicated by:

[6] Kansas (Harvey and Jewell Counties): cats, human & other cats

Date: Wed 2 Oct 2024
Source: KFDI [edited]

出典: KFDI-FM【訳者注:ラジオ局】(編集済み)

Concerns raised over rabies in Kansas

Kansas health officials and the state agriculture department are calling attention to human health risks after a 2nd case of rabies was reported in outdoor cats which were not vaccinated.


The cases were reported over the past 2 weeks in Harvey County and Jewell County, and both involved outdoor cats which exposed multiple humans and other cats. The known human exposures have started rabies post-exposure prophylaxis, a series of 5 vaccinations to prevent rabies in humans.


There have been 6 positive cases of rabies in cats this year [2024], as well as several cases in wildlife. Both of the cases this month [September 2024] were in unvaccinated outdoor barn cats.


Animal Health Commissioner Justin Smith said in a press release, "It is vital to vaccinate domestic animals against rabies, especially animals interacting with humans, because humans can be infected. Vaccinating pets and livestock against the virus protects both animal health and human health."

 動物保健局長のJustin Smith氏はプレスリリースで、「特に人と触れ合う機会の多い動物において、狂犬病に対するワクチン接種は非常に重要です。ペットや家畜にワクチン接種を行うことは、動物と人間の両方の健康を守るための手段となります。」と述べている。

Even if an animal is kept indoors, ensuring their vaccination against the virus is up-to-date serves as an important barrier if they are ever exposed to a wild or stray animal which could be carrying the disease. Those who have barn cats should have them vaccinated against rabies.


Kansas residents are urged to be aware of vaccination requirements in their communities, and parents should teach children to be cautious around outdoor animals, wild or domestic, even if they look to be friendly; wash a wound from an animal encounter thoroughly with soap and water and get medical attention immediately; keep pet vaccinations current; and monitor pets when outside.


Communicated by:

[7] New Jersey (Middlesex County): raccoon, dogs

Date: Tue 1 Oct 2024
Source: NJ.com [edited]


Health officials warn of rabies after raccoon fights 2 dogs in N.J. town

A raccoon that got into a fight with 2 dogs last week in East Brunswick has tested positive for rabies, according to an advisory from the Middlesex County Office of Health Services. The incident happened on 26 Sep 2024 at a property in the vicinity of Frost Avenue and Kings Road, but officials did not disclose exactly what happened or if the dogs were severely injured.


There was no human exposure to the raccoon, officials said.


The altercation represents the 5th rabid animal reported in Middlesex County and the 2nd in East Brunswick this year [2024]. The raccoon from last week's incident was retrieved by animal control and sent for testing at the New Jersey Department of Health Laboratory, authorities said. On Tuesday [1 Oct 2024], the county health department was notified the raccoon tested positive for rabies.


Authorities are continuing to monitor for additional cases within the township and asked residents to report wild animals demonstrating unusual behavior to the East Brunswick Police Department. Rabies is an infectious disease attacking the central nervous system. It travels from the brain to salivary glands during the final stages, making an animal become infectious days before it dies. It cannot travel from one animal to another unless skin is broken, and is not air-borne, but any open wounds that come in contact with saliva are in jeopardy.


[Byline: Jackie Roman]

Communicated by:

[Rabies is a deadly virus and we should take it quite seriously for ourselves and our pets. Sadly, and most unfortunately for our unvaccinated pets, if they are exposed to a rabid animal, then they are euthanized.


If they have an up-to-date rabies vaccine, then the animal is usually boostered and observed for a period of time. It is imperative for your pet's health to stay up-to-date with the rabies vaccine. In the USA there are generally rabies vaccines good for 1 year, which is usually for the puppies and kittens, but adult animals in most US places can get a vaccine which is good for 3 years, unless the pet is bitten by a rabid animal. Then a booster is required and sometimes with a minimal observation period.


Check and see when your animal was last updated on the rabies vaccine. This would include your barn cats as well.


Sadly, bats are frequently the culprit transmitting the rabies virus, but any mammal can get the disease and usually pass it on. Bats can be very beneficial to the environment, but can also bring a deadly companion in the form of the rabies virus.


Human beings, in most cases do not pass on the virus. Without the appropriate post exposure prophylaxis human beings may succumb to the disease. Hence, rapid and appropriate treatment after a bite is paramount to saving human life.


However, let's not forget the other animals, such as calves, cows and horses and foals, which can also acquire and transmit rabies virus, even to human beings. Often a skunk is the culprit, but any mammal is susceptible to rabies and can generally pass it on to another animal.


Skunks have an odd gait which attracts the attention of the horse or cow. As they reach down to see what this odd animal is, they are rewarded with a sharp bite on nose, and thus the disease is transmitted to our other large animals. Sadly, and unfortunately, when one of these large animals have rabies, they are extremely dangerous. They can easily stomp us to death, or rip off a hand or an arm. Their rabid rage is savage. It is prudent to vaccinate your cattle and horses against rabies. - Mod.TG


ProMED map:
United States: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8719171,106]

[See Also:
Rabies (81): Americas (USA) bat exposure, fatal
Rabies (78): Americas, human, bat, cat, raccoon, fox, cow
Rabies (77): Canada (ON) human case, bat exposure
Rabies (72): North America (USA) dog, raccoon, fox, bat, bobcat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240902.8718508
Rabies (69): North America (USA) bat, raccoon, skunk, fox, dog, cat,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240822.871832
Rabies (65): North America (Canada, USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (64): North America (USA) multiple states and animals, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240808.8718002
Rabies (58): South America (Uruguay) North America (USA) bobcat, fox,
cat, human exp and more http://promedmail.org/post/20240710.8717476
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp
Rabies (53): North America (USA) fox, bat, cat, dog, woodchuck,
raccoon, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240618.8717092
Rabies (43): North America (USA) cat, raccoon, bat, fox, cow, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240509.871640
Rabies (40): North America (USA) raccoon, fox, cow, bat, human exp
Rabies (35): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, dog, cow, human exp
Rabies (32): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, fox, bat, dog, coyote,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240401.8715730
Rabies (30): North America (Mexico, USA) cat, fox, dog & human exp,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240328.8715661
Rabies (28): North America (USA) raccoon, otter, cat, skunk, dogs,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240320.8715504
Rabies (23): North America (USA) skunk, raccoon, cat, cow, dog,
bobcat, fox, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240314.8715372
Rabies (21): North America (USA) bat, horse, dog, raccoon, cat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240309.8715270
Rabies (15): North America (USA) coyote, dog, kitten, raccoon, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240224.8715017
Rabies (09): North America (USA) fox, dog, skunk, cat, cow, human exp
Rabies (06): North America (USA) otter, raccoon, cat, dog, skunk, fox,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240118.8714289
Rabies (03): North America (USA) cat, skunk, dog, bat, raccoon, fox,
horse, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714178]





Date: Tue 8 Oct 2024

Source: Fox Baltimore [edited]

情報源::Fox Baltimore(編集)

Three groundhogs in Frederick County have tested positive for rabies within the past 3 months, according to the Frederick County Health Department.

On Friday [4 Oct 2024], the Frederick County Health Department (FCHD) received confirmation that a 3rd groundhog tested positive for the rabies virus.

Health officials stated that Frederick County Animal Control collected this groundhog from a dog fight in the Willowcrest Neighborhood on Thursday [3 Oct 2024].

The FCHD stated, "Finding this many rabid animals a short distance from each other and over a short period of time is unusual, so FCHD and Frederick County Animal Control remind residents that wildlife lives in residential areas and recommend avoiding interaction with or feeding wild animals."

The FCHD urges everyone to contact their Community Health Services Office at 301-600-3342 if they have been bitten and to contact their Environmental Health Office at 301-600-1717 if their pet has been in contact with any wild animal.

[Byline: Ellie Buckheit]
(担当:Ellie Buckheit)

Communicated by:

[Rodents are not considered reservoir of rabies virus, and they have not been implicated in any case of human infection in the USA. However, because of the close cohabitation of some rodent species with human populations and the high incidence of rodent bites, the occurrence of rabies in rodents is a concern for public health. In the USA, Northeastern and mid-Atlantic states have reported the most rabies cases in rodents and lagomorphs as a result of spillover infections from the endemic raccoon rabies virus variant circulating in this area. The most affected species in these taxonomic groups are groundhogs (_Marmota monax_). A study found that 90% of the rabidrodents or lagomorphs reported in USA from 1995 and 2010 were groundhogs (doi:10.2460/javma.245.3.333). This in part has been attributed to the comparatively larger body size of groundhogs than that of other rodent species in the raccoon rabies virus variant area, which causes them to be more likely to survive a carnivore attack, and hence afterwards be found infected with rabies. - Mod.PMB
齧歯類狂犬病ウイルスの保有動物とは考えられておらず、米国ではヒトへの感染例に関与した例はない。しかし、一部の齧歯類はヒトと密接な共存関係にあり、齧歯類に咬まれる頻度が高いため、齧歯類における狂犬病の発生は公衆衛生上の懸念事項である。米国では、北東部および中部大西洋岸諸州で、この地域で流行している風土病のアライグマ狂犬病ウイルス変異体からの流出感染の結果として、齧歯類およびウサギ目狂犬病症例が最も多く報告されている。これらの分類群で最も影響を受けている種は、ウッドチャック(_Marmota monax_)である。ある研究では、1995年から2010年までに米国で報告された狂犬病げっ歯類またはウサギ目の90%がウッドチャックであったことが判明した(doi:10.2460/javma.245.3.333)。これは、アライグマ狂犬病ウイルス変異体発生地域に生息する他の齧歯類に比べてウッドチャックの体が大きいことが一因と考えられており、そのためウッドチャックは肉食動物の攻撃を生き延びる可能性が高く、その後、狂犬病に感染していることが判明する可能性が高くなる。―モデレーターPMB

ProMED map:
United States: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8719260,106]

[See Also:
Rabies (69): North America (USA) bat, raccoon, skunk, fox, dog, cat,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240822.8718323
Rabies (65): North America (Canada, USA) animal, human exp:
Rabies (64): North America (USA) multiple states and animals, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240808.8718002
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp:
Rabies (53): North America (USA) fox, bat, cat, dog, woodchuck,
raccoon, human exp: http://promedmail.org/post/20240618.8717092
Rabies (43): North America (USA) cat, raccoon, bat, fox, cow, human
exp: http://promedmail.org/post/20240509.871640
Rabies (40): North America (USA) raccoon, fox, cow, bat, human exp
Rabies (35): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, dog, cow, human exp
Rabies (32): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, fox, bat, dog, coyote,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240401.8715730
Rabies (30): North America (Mexico, USA) cat, fox, dog & human exp,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240328.8715661
Rabies (28): North America (USA) raccoon, otter, cat, skunk, dogs,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240320.8715504
Rabies (23): North America (USA) skunk, raccoon, cat, cow, dog,
bobcat, fox, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240314.8715372
Rabies (21): North America (USA) bat, horse, dog, raccoon, cat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240309.8715270
Rabies (15): North America (USA) coyote, dog, kitten, raccoon, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240224.8715017
Rabies (09): North America (USA) fox, dog, skunk, cat, cow, human exp
Rabies (06): North America (USA) otter, raccoon, cat, dog, skunk, fox,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240118.8714289
Rabies (03): North America (USA) cat, skunk, dog, bat, raccoon, fox,
horse, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714178
Rabies (59): North America (USA) fox, skunk, cat, dog, human exp
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) dog, cat, bat, fox, groundhog, human exp

狂犬病(85):COTE D'IVOIRE, コートジボワール、致命的、啓発キャンペーン





Date: Mon 30 Sep 2024 23:42 GMT


Source: APA News [in French, trans., edited]

情報源:APA News(フランス語、翻訳、編集)



About 14 000 people are annually exposed to rabies in Côte d'Ivoire; 35 deaths were recorded this year [2024].



The town of Bouna, located in northeastern Ivory Coast, hosted the official celebration of World Rabies Day on Saturday, September 28, 2024, under the theme "Together, let's break ignorance and negligence for zero rabies deaths."



For this year 2024, veterinary services have unfortunately recorded to date, 20 cases of rabid dogs and 35 [human] deaths, according to a note sent to APA [African Press Agency]. More than 50% of the victims are children under the age of 15.



Dr. Kanga Kouamé, in charge of programs at the country office of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Côte d'Ivoire, reiterated on this occasion the commitment of his institution to support the government's efforts in the fight against rabies.

国連食糧農業機関(FAO)コートジボワール事務所のプログラム責任者であるKanga Kouamé博士は、この機会に、狂犬病撲滅に向けた政府の取り組みを支援するという同機関の決意を改めて表明した。


With the help of the US government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD), the FAO contributes to strengthening Côte d'Ivoire's capacity in training.



The FAO also ensures the provision of equipment, materials, and various inputs (vaccines, consumables, laboratory reagents) to support the country's efforts in improving its ability to prevent, detect early, and respond rapidly to rabies.



The event was preceded by a film screening in Bromacoté, a village on the outskirts of Bouna, as well as certified training sessions in Bouna on rabies for community leaders, schoolteachers, and veterinary and health service workers. As part of the event, there was a march by the population with slogans against rabies, awareness-raising skits, and a free pet vaccination session.



Dr. Kallo Vessaly, Director of Veterinary Services (DSV), noted that rabies is a highly fatal disease. Once symptoms of the disease appear in a human or animal, it inevitably leads to death. To prevent this major zoonosis, the Ivorian government and its partners, including FAO through its Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) and USAID, are focusing on community awareness.

獣医局(DSV)のKallo Vessaly局長は、狂犬病は致死率の高い病気であると指摘した。この病気の症状が人間や動物に現れた場合、死に至ることは避けられない。この重大な人獣共通感染症を防ぐため、コートジボワール政府とそのパートナーであるFAOの越境性動物疾病緊急センター(ECTAD)やUSAIDは、地域社会の意識向上に重点的に取り組んでいる。


This awareness mainly revolves around the risks of this disease and the vaccination of pets (dogs, cats). Mr. Assoumani Gouromenan, the Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources, who chaired the ceremony, supported the awareness campaign against rabies.



This message was heard and welcomed by [OF], a resident of Bouna, who immediately approached DSV services to have his dog vaccinated. "I didn't know that rabies could lead to death. I know [M], my dog, doesn't show any signs of rabies. But I'd rather not take any risks and get him vaccinated," he said.



A free vaccination campaign for domestic animals, launched during World Rabies Day, will continue until October 5, 2024, in this Bounkani Region.



Communicated by:





[Rabies still represents a serious threat in Côte d'Ivoire, particularly on vulnerable populations like children under the age of 15, who account for more than half of the reported deaths. Despite ongoing efforts to combat the disease, with 20 cases of rabid dogs and 35 human deaths in 2024 alone, the fight against rabies continues to face challenges related to awareness and prevention. The involvement of major international organizations such as FAO and USAID, as well as the government's dedication to preventive measures like free vaccinations and training, is promising, aiming to improve early detection and rapid response to outbreaks. The case of [OF], a resident of Bouna who was moved to vaccinate his dog after learning about the disease's fatal consequences, highlights the importance of awareness-raising campaigns and providing vaccination free of charge. - Mod.RBY



ProMED map:

Cote d'Ivoire: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8719193,52]


[See Also:



Rabies (22): Africa, Eurasia, human, animal


Rabies (02): Africa, Asia, Europe, human, animal




Rabies (23): Africa (South Africa, Zimbabwe), Europe (Spain), human,

animal http://promedmail.org/post/20220609.8703758

Rabies (15): Africa (South Africa) dog, human, spread




Rabies (40): Africa (Namibia) dog, oral vaccination, research


Rabies (33): Africa, Asia, dog, human


Rabies (31): Eurasia (India, Israel, Ukraine), Africa (S Africa)

human, animal http://promedmail.org/post/20210827.8626789

Rabies (16): Eurasia (Thailand, Pakistan) Africa (Tunisia) human,

animal http://promedmail.org/post/20210610.8438528

Rabies (08): Africa (Ghana) dog, human exp


Rabies (04): Africa (S Africa, Egypt) human, dog; Asia (Israel) jackal




Rabies (31): Africa (Liberia) dog, human exp, OIE




Rabies - Cote d'Ivoire http://promedmail.org/post/20131017.2007570

and other items in the archives]


狂犬病(82):インド(MEGHALAYA) 2023年と2024年における死亡例





Date: Fri 27 Sep 2024


Source: The Statesman [edited]

情報源:The Statesman(編集)



Meghalaya is facing a public health crisis, with 27 lives lost to rabies in the past 2 years. The majority of these fatalities have been linked to dog bites, highlighting the urgent need for enhanced preventive measures.



In 2024 alone, 16 people have succumbed to the disease, with the worst-hit regions being West Khasi Hills and West Jaintia Hills, reporting 6 deaths each.

2024年だけでも16人がこの病気で命を落とし、最も被害の大きかった地域は西Khasi Hillsと西Jaintia Hillsで、それぞれ6人の死亡が報告されている。


The State Health Department, led by Minister Ampareen Lyngdoh, recently raised the issue in a press briefing, emphasizing the alarming rise in rabies-related deaths.

Ampareen Lyngdoh保健大臣率いる州保健局は最近、記者会見でこの問題を取り上げ、狂犬病関連の死亡者数が急増していることを強調した。


According to Dr Valerie Laloo, the State Surveillance Officer of the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP), 96 per cent of the rabies cases in Meghalaya have been attributed to dog bites.

統合疾病監視プログラム(IDSP)の州監視官であるValerie Laloo博士によると、Meghalaya州における狂犬病の96%は犬に咬まれたことが原因であるという。


Despite the availability of vaccines at all primary health centers (PHCs) across the state, public awareness remains a major concern, with many individuals failing to seek medical attention after being bitten.



A particularly tragic case involved a nurse from West Khasi Hills who died from rabies after being bitten by a stray dog.

特に悲惨なケースとしては、野良犬に咬まれて狂犬病で死亡した西Khasi Hills出身の看護師の例がある。


Efforts to address the rabies outbreak include collaborations between the Health Department, municipal boards, and the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department.



A joint steering committee has initiated sterilization and vaccination programs for stray dogs, with over 600 dogs already vaccinated in East Khasi Hills.

合同運営委員会は野良犬の殺処分とワクチン接種プログラムを開始し、東Khasi Hillsではすでに600頭以上の犬にワクチンが接種された。


However, despite these measures, Dr Laloo noted that many individuals remain complacent, exacerbating the spread of the disease.



The state government has intensified its response, launching public awareness campaigns and strengthening vaccination efforts to prevent further fatalities.



These steps aim to curb the rising threat and protect the population from this entirely preventable, but fatal, disease.



Communicated by:





[As indicated in the news report above, a total of 16 people have died so far in 2024 due to rabies in Meghalaya state, India, compared with 11 in 2023.



Rabies is almost always fatal after the appearance of the clinical symptoms, but clinical development and death is preventable if ideal post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is followed properly after any kind of potential exposure to the virus such as by dog bite. Negligence in

taking proper PEP due to ignorance after the dog bites could be the reason behind the rabies deaths, as mentioned in the article. Mass awareness generation and education with the community involvement across the state on rabies PEP would be helpful in the prevention of such avoidable rabies deaths in the state. - Mod.PKB



ProMED map:

Meghalaya State, India:



[See Also:

Rabies (67): India (TN) human, dog


Rabies (41): India (KL) http://promedmail.org/post/20240507.8716368

Rabies (27): India (MN) human, dog, fatal


Rabies (26): Philippines (II), India (MN)


Rabies (22): India (ML) dog bite, mass vaccination


Rabies (20): India (MH) human, dog


Rabies - India (17): (KL) human exp, dog


Rabies (02): India (Jammu and Kashmir) human, dog


Rabies (01): India (GA) human, dog




Rabies (57): India (KA) dog bite, human exposure


Rabies (52): India, dog bite, increase


Rabies (50): India (UP) human, cat, dog, fatal


Rabies (45): India (UP) human, dog


Rabies (27): Asia (India, Philippines) human, dog



狂犬病(80):マレーシア(SARAWAK) 野良犬、拡散




Date: Thu 26 Sep 2024

日付:2024年9月26日 木曜日

Source: The Strait Times News [abridged, edited]

情報源:The Strait Times News(抄録、編集済み)



The population of stray dogs along the Malaysia-Indonesia border in Sarawak is contributing to the ongoing spread of rabies in the state.



Veterinary Service Department (JPV) Director-General Dr Akma Ngah Hamid said that stray dogs exhibiting rabies symptoms were roaming freely in the area, attacking pets in Sarawak and facilitating disease transmission.

獣医局(JPV)のAkma Ngah Hamid局長は、狂犬病の症状を示す野良犬がその地域を自由に歩き回り、Sarawakのペットを攻撃し、病気の感染を助長していると述べた。


"We have recorded 74 deaths related to rabies since 2017, with 6 of those occurring this year [2024] alone.



"In contrast, Peninsular Malaysia has not seen such cases, particularly in states bordering Thailand, like Perlis, Kedah, Perak, and Kelantan, thanks to the dog vaccination program we have implemented.



"For instance, in Perlis, we have established an immune belt, continuously vaccinating animals, including dogs, within a 50 to 80 km [31-50 mi] radius of the international border," she told reporters after attending a state-level rabies awareness program opened by Menteri Besar [Chief Minister] Mohd Shukri Ramli today [26 Sep 2024].

例えば、Perlis州では、国境から半径50~80km(31~50マイル)以内の地域で、犬を含む動物に継続的にワクチンを接種し、免疫地帯を確立している」と、彼女は本日(2024年9月26日)州首相のMohd Shukri Ramliが開いた狂犬病啓発プログラムに参加した後、記者団に語った。


Dr Akma said that Malaysia was declared a rabies-free nation by the World Organization for Animal Health in 2013, but the disease resurfaced in 2015 with positive cases reported in border areas, including Perlis, Kedah, and Penang.



"We encourage pet owners, especially those with dogs and cats, to vaccinate their animals against rabies, particularly in immune belt areas, to minimize the risk of transmission to humans," she said.



[Byline: Aizat Shariff]

(担当:Aizat Shariff)


Communicated by:





["Despite the availability of evidence and guidelines for the control and management of rabies, countries in Southeast Asia face some constraints in controlling rabies, including inadequate resources, lack of political commitment, lack of consensus on strategy, weak

intersectoral coordination, insensitive surveillance systems, limited accessibility to modern rabies vaccines and supply problems, as well as a lack of public awareness and cooperation. However, the high estimated burden of rabies more than justifies the need to prioritize rabies control, particularly in Asian countries"





Malaysia's "Guidelines on rabies management in human and animals" is available at


- Mod.TTM]




[See Also:

Rabies (52): Malaysia (SK) additional cases, human, fatal


Rabies (25): Malaysia (SK) human, pet, stray dog


Rabies (11): Malaysia (SK) human, dog


Rabies (07): Malaysia (SK) human, pet animal, wild dog


Rabies (05): Malaysia (SK) rabid dog bites, stray control urged




Rabies (22): Africa, Eurasia, human, animal


Rabies (02): Africa, Asia, Europe, human, animal




Rabies (41): Asia (Afghanistan, India, Israel, Malaysia, Philippines,

Viet Nam) http://promedmail.org/post/20221001.8705891

Rabies (16): Asia (Malaysia, Peninsular) human, RFI




Rabies (13): Eurasia, Africa (Tunisia) dog, cat, fox, human exp




Rabies (32): Asia (Malaysia, Bhutan) human, dog






Date: Mon 30 Sep 2024
Source: The Borneo Post [edited]


情報源:ザ ボルネオポスト


Sarawak needs to urgently act to battle rabies as 12 587 animal bite cases were reported from January to August this year [2024] – an average of 360 cases weekly, said the Premier.

Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg said 6 new human rabies cases have been reported in Sarawak in 2024.

He pointed out that 55.34% (6966 cases) of animal bites were caused by cats, while dogs accounted for 43.3% (5451 cases) and the remaining 1.35% (170 cases) involved bites from other animals.

A significant 69.14% (8703 cases) of bites were caused by pets, while 30.86% (3884 cases) involved wild or stray animals.

Highlighting the severity of rabies as a fatal yet preventable disease, Abang Johari stressed the importance of vaccination.

He said the Rabies in Borneo (RIB) 2024 conference will serve as a platform for sharing the latest control and prevention strategies.

"Through the forum, it is an opportunity for us to come together, learn, and share our knowledge and experiences," he said in a speech read by Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian at the conference's launch today [30 Sep 2024].

He acknowledged that dogs are the primary carriers of rabies in Sarawak, thus the focus of the state's rabies prevention initiatives includes mass dog vaccination, licensing, microchipping, dog population control, awareness campaigns, surveillance, and disease monitoring.

He pointed out the key player in these efforts is the Immune Belt Enforcement Team (IBET), established by the state government under the Sarawak Security and Enforcement Unit (UKPS) to prevent rabies from spreading across the 1032-km Sarawak-Kalimantan border.

"IBET has actively monitored the movement of rabid dogs, conducted disease surveillance, and vaccinated 21 860 dogs, achieving 89% herd immunity within the immune belt zone in 2023.

"Overall, 36 900 dogs have been vaccinated across Sarawak by the Department of Veterinary Services Sarawak (DVS) and IBET, moving closer to the target of 50 000 by year-end," he said.

With rabies cases rising, Abang Johari reminded the public to take precautions and seek medical attention if bitten by an animal.

He urged dog owners to be responsible by ensuring their pets are neutered and vaccinated, as mandated under Section 40 of the Veterinary Public Health Ordinance 1999 (VPHO) while non-compliance could result in fines of up to MYR 1000 [USD 230].

He also warned dog owners who let their dogs roam freely could face fines of up to MYR 2500 [USD 575] under Section 37 of the VPHO.

"Additionally, dog owners must keep their pets under effective control and obtain licences from local councils, or they may face fines of up to MYR 5000 [USD 1150] under the Local Authorities (Dog Licensing and Control) by-laws, 2018," he said.

Abang Johari also commended the collaboration of various agencies, including the Department of Veterinary Services Sarawak (DVSS); the Ministry of Public Health, Housing, and Local Government; UKPS; Health Department; and Sarawak Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for fighting rabies and protecting the community.

He added the Sarawak government is working with other countries in the region to combat rabies and encouraged all stakeholders to collaborate in controlling and eliminating the disease.

"We need to work together to educate the public, monitor, and stay one step ahead of this disease. I am, however, confident that through collective efforts and knowledge-sharing, Sarawak can achieve the goal of becoming rabies-free by 2030," he said.

[Byline: Matthew Umpang]

Communicated by:

Date: Tue 1 Oct 2024
Source: The Star [edited]




Sarawak can be free of rabies by 2030 with cooperation from the public, says Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian.

He said that while the state government was implementing rabies control and prevention measures, it was also important for the public to do their part.

"Dog owners must get yearly vaccinations for their pets. If you get scratched or bitten, go to the bite clinic to get vaccinated.

"Rabies is preventable among humans and animals," he told reporters after opening the Rabies in Borneo conference here yesterday [30 Sep 2024].

Dr Sim said Sarawak's target was in line with the World Health Organisation's (WHO) global strategic plan to end human deaths from dog-mediated rabies by 2030.

Sarawak has reported 81 human rabies cases since the outbreak began in 2017, resulting in 74 fatalities. Six new cases have been reported this year [2024].

"We seriously want to be rabies-free by 2030 and this is a target set by WHO, so I urge everyone to do their part," he said.

Dr Sim also called for public awareness on the changing pattern of rabies in Sarawak. He said there were increasing cases of bites or scratches from cats and pets recorded in the state this year [2024].

As of 31 Aug 2024, 6966 or 55% out of 12 587 bite cases involved cat bites or scratches, while 5451 (43%) were dog bites and 170 (1.3%) involved other animals.

Of the total cases, 8703 (69%) involved bites or scratches from pets while 3884 (31%) involved wild or stray animals.

"It is no longer just dogs, it's cats as well. And it's no longer just stray dogs, it's also your pets.

"The pattern has shifted, and everyone must realise that," he added.

Dr Sim said one way to stay updated was via the rabies app developed by the state Veterinary Services Department and Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation, which provided information on rabies cases and animal vaccination.
[Byline: Sharon Ling]
Communicated by:

["While deaths can be averted by human vaccination, this intervention alone will never eliminate the disease, and costs will only escalate over time. Investment in eliminating the risk of rabies at its source -- dogs -- is the most cost-effective measure. Vaccination of at least 70% of dogs in areas at risk is now accepted as the most effective way of preventing human rabies deaths"

The rising cat-mediated rabies in Sarawak will be streamlined into different existing concerted efforts of all stakeholders.

A force-field analysis could point out key actions for different key players and especially those specific for the public using the circumstances surrounding the previous human rabies cases as examples. - Mod.ST

ProMED map:
Sarawak, Malaysia:

[See Also:
Rabies (80): Malaysia (SK) stray dog, spread
Rabies (52): Malaysia (SK) additional cases, human, fatal
Rabies (25): Malaysia (SK) human, pet, stray dog
Rabies (11): Malaysia (SK) human, dog
Rabies (07): Malaysia (SK) human, pet animal, wild dog
Rabies (05): Malaysia (SK) rabid dog bites, stray control urged
Rabies (22): Africa, Eurasia, human, animal
Rabies (02): Africa, Asia, Europe, human, animal
Rabies (41): Asia (Afghanistan, India, Israel, Malaysia, Philippines,
Viet Nam) http://promedmail.org/post/20221001.8705891
Rabies (16): Asia (Malaysia, Peninsular) human, RFI
Rabies (13): Eurasia, Africa (Tunisia) dog, cat, fox, human exp
Rabies (32): Asia (Malaysia, Bhutan) human, dog