Date: Wed 6 Mar 2024
Source: The Times of India [edited]
情報源:The Times of India (編集済)
A 21-year-old woman died of rabies while undergoing treatment at CPR Hospital late on Monday [4 Mar 2024] night, over a month after she was bitten by a stray dog and 3 days after completing the anti-rabies vaccination course.
The dog had bitten around 20 people, including her, between KMC Chowk and Bhausingji Road on 3 Feb [2024]. Dr Shishir Mirgunde, medical superintendent, CPR hospital, told TOI that the victim, [SS], had taken all the 5 doses of rabies vaccine (ARV) and an anti-rabies serum jab for passive immunity from the state-run hospital.
その犬は2月3日(2024年)、KMC ChowkとBhausingji Roadの間で、彼女を含む約20人を咬んだ。救急救命病院の医療責任者であるShishir Mirgunde医師がTOIに語ったところによると、被害者の(SS)は、狂犬病ワクチン(ARV)5回と受動免疫のための抗狂犬病血清注射をすべて州立病院で受けていた。
A resident of Vishalgadkar in the city's Nagala Park area [Kolhapur district, Maharashtra state], [SS] used to live with her sister and parents. Her father is an electrical contractor by profession. [SS]
had completed a bachelor's degree in commerce and worked as a graphic designer.
Nagala Park地区のVishalgadkar(Maharashtra州Kolhapur district区)に住む(SS)は、以前は姉と両親の3人で暮らしていた。父親は電気工事業者である。(SS)は商学部を卒業し、グラフィックデザイナーとして働いていた。
On 3 Feb, [SS] was on her way to Shaniwar Peth. She had stopped on the road to answer a phone call when suddenly the dog bit her left leg. Some local residents immediately took her to CPR hospital, where she received stitches for her wounds. As per medical protocol, anti-rabies vaccine was administered. She got her final dose of ARV last Friday.
2月3日、(SS)はShaniwar Pethに行く途中だった。彼女は電話に出るために道路で立ち止まったが、突然犬に左足を咬まれた。地元の住民がすぐに彼女を救急救命病院に連れて行き、傷口を縫合した。医療手順に従って、狂犬病ワクチンが投与された。彼女は先週の金曜日にARVの最終投与を受けた。
On Saturday, [SS] developed fever and lost strength in both her legs. She was admitted to a private hospital. As her condition worsened, several tests were conducted, and she was put on ventilator. Her test reports showed that she had been infected with rabies. [SS] was taken to CPR hospital at 8 p.m. for further treatment, but she breathed her last at 2 a.m.
[AS], the deceased woman's uncle, asked, "How did rabies occur despite the anti-rabies injection? Was the vaccine not kept at the required temperature? How is the city safe if someone loses life due to stray dogs?"
As a precautionary measure, [SS]'s family members were also given anti-rabies vaccine shots. Dr Mirgunde said, "The risk of rabies infection can be spread to others through blood or saliva. Therefore, such patients are kept in separate rooms to prevent spread of rabies. According to a worldwide study, 99.09% of people infected with rabies do not survive. People owning dogs should get their pets and themselves vaccinated. Those who were bitten by stray dog on 3 Feb [2024] should consult their doctors and go for medical check-ups as early as possible."
KMC health inspector Dr Vijay Patil said, "Sterilisation is the only solution available with KMC. Sterilisation campaign is being continuously implemented by KMC. Every day, 10-15 dogs are sterilized.Around 7500 dogs have been surgically sterilized since 2019. Two of our teams are entrusted with the task of trapping stray dogs and bringing them to Mangalwar Peth and Isolation centre for sterilization. Gram panchayats and municipal councils also need to participate in the sterilisation efforts."
KMCのVijay Patil衛生検査官は、「不妊手術はKMCが提供する唯一の解決策である。不妊手術キャンペーンはKMCによって継続的に実施されている。毎日、10から15頭の犬が不妊手術を受けている。2019年以来、約7500頭の犬が外科的な不妊手術を受けている。2チームが、野良犬を捕獲し、不妊手術のためにMangalwar Pethと隔離センターに連れて行く仕事を任されている。Gram村議会や市議会も不妊手術の取り組みに参加する必要がある。」と述べた。
In October last year [2023], a 4-year-old boy was attacked by a stray dog while he was playing in front of his house in the city's timber market area. The child had to be administered 5 stitches on his head. In the same month last year, a 10-year-old boy from Jagarnagar was seriously injured after he was attacked by around 6 stray dogs.
District health officer Rajesh Gaikwad said preventive vaccines worth INR 70-80 lakh [USD 84 569 - 96 650] are disbursed from the zilla [district] parishad funds through the health department for dog-bite cases.
Rajesh Gaikwad郡保健担当官によると、犬に咬まれた場合、保健局を通じてzilla(郡)議会から70~80ルピー(84,569~96,650米ドル)相当の予防ワクチンが支給されるという。
Dog bite vaccine classification
Class 1: Touching or feeding animals, licking intact skin, contact through saliva / contact with human excrement -- no vaccination required
Class 2: Abraded or non-bleeding wounds -- rabies vaccine only
Class 3: Single or multiple scrapes and bite wounds, skin contact through saliva -- rabies and rabies immunoglobin vaccine required
クラス2:擦り傷や出血のない傷 →狂犬病ワクチンの接種のみ
Preventive measures
Wash the wound caused by a dog or other animal bite with soap and running water. Apply a sterile dressing to the wound. Do not apply any harmful substances like chili, oil, or lime on the wound. Go to a government hospital immediately and take anti-rabies vaccine as per the doctor's advice. The vaccine schedule should be followed exactly. Vaccinate your pets from time to time.
[Byline: Rahul Gayakwad]
(担当:Rahul Gayakwad)
Communicated by:
["Kolhapur is a city on the banks of the Panchaganga River, in the west Indian state of Maharashtra"
It is painful to see that a 21-year-old woman in Kolhapur, Maharashtra state, has died from rabies despite having been vaccinated with the recommended doses of the rabies vaccine and receiving rabies immune globulin on day one of the virus exposure by a bite from a rabid dog. It is expected that the authorities concerned would investigate the sad incident to make clarification on why the vaccine and immunoglobulin administered, as recommended, failed in this particular case when the disease is vaccine preventable. - Mod.PKB
Maharashtra州Kolhapur市の21歳の女性が、狂犬病の犬に咬まれてウイルスに暴露された初日に、推奨された量の狂犬病ワクチンを接種し、狂犬病免疫グロブリンを投与されたにもかかわらず、狂犬病で死亡したことは痛ましいことである。狂犬病はワクチンで予防可能な病気であるにもかかわらず、なぜ推奨されたワクチンと免疫グロブリンの投与が失敗したのか、関係当局がこの悲しい事件を調査して明らかにすることが期待される。- モデレーターPKB
ProMED map of Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India:
[See Also:
Rabies - India (17): (KL) human exp, dog
Rabies (02): India (Jammu and Kashmir) human, dog
Rabies (01): India (GA) human, dog
Rabies (57): India (KA) dog bite, human exposure
Rabies (52): India, dog bite, increase
Rabies (50): India (UP) human, cat, dog, fatal
Rabies (45): India (UP) human, dog
Rabies (27): Asia (India, Philippines) human, dog
Rabies (53): Asia (Israel, India) animal, human, epidemiology, control
Rabies (41): Asia (Afghanistan, India, Israel, Malaysia, Philippines,
Vietnam) http://promedmail.org/post/20221001.8705891
Rabies (12): Asia (India) wolf, zoo
Rabies (09): Eurasia (Ukraine, India, Israel) cat, human, cow, control