

狂犬病(24):ベトナム(PHU YEN) 犬、人の暴露



Date: Wed 13 Mar 2024

Source: Tuoi Tre News [edited]

情報源:Tuoi Tre News (編集)

A free-ranging dog with probable rabies consecutively bit 7 people in Phu Yen Province, south-central Vietnam before locals beat it to death early this week [week of 10 Mar 2024], a health official confirmed on Tuesday [12 Mar 2024].
今週(2024年3月10日週)初め、ベトナム中南部のPhu Yen省において、狂犬病の可能性が高い放浪犬が7人を咬んだ後、地元の人々に撲殺されたことが火曜日(2024年3月12日)、保健当局によって確認された。

The dog, whose owner remains unknown, attacked the victims in Xuan Thanh Ward of Song Cau Town at around 5:00 pm on Monday [11 Mar 2024], said Chau Trong Phat, director of the Phu Yen Center for Disease Control.
Phu Yen疾病管理センターのChau Trong Phat所長は、飼い主不明の犬が月曜日(2024年3月11日)午後5時頃、Song Cau Town Xuan のThanh区で被害者を襲った、と述べた。

These victims include 5 aged between 4 and 17, according to the Song Cau Medical Center.
Song Cau医療センターによると、この被害者には4歳から17歳までの5人が含まれている。

Local health agencies encouraged the victims to visit the nearest healthcare facilities to get medical care and undergo an epidemiological investigation.

The Xuan Thanh administration told its subordinate units to find the owner of the suspected rabid dog, which was already fatally battered and had its carcass destroyed by local residents following its attack on the victims.
Xuan Thanh行政当局は、狂犬病の疑いがある犬の飼い主を見つけるよう下部組織に指示した。狂犬病の疑いのある犬は、被害者を襲った後、すでに致命的な打撃を受け、死体は地元住民によって処分されていた。

However, it is hard to search for the dog owner as they may deny owning an animal with suspected rabies, a local official said.

Nguyen Van Lam, head of the provincial animal health sub-department, told Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper that local authorities need to ramp up efforts to encourage residents to vaccinate their pets against rabies.
同省動物衛生局のグエン・ヴァン・ラム局長は、Tuoi Tre(青年)紙に対し、地元当局は住民にペットの狂犬病予防接種を奨励する取り組みを強化する必要があると述べた。

Those failing to comply with rabies vaccination requirements should be punished, Lam said. He recommended dog and cat owners to keep their animals muzzled.

If they found their animals are rabid, they should report it to animal health authorities or cull the sick animals, he continued.

[Byline: Hong Ngan - Nguyen Hoang]
(担当:Hong Ngan - Nguyen Hoang)

["Rabies is preventable through three proven, effective interventions:
1. Awareness of rabies disease engages communities and empowers people to save themselves by seeking the care they need. This includes an understanding of how to prevent rabies in animals, when to suspect rabies, and what to do in case of a bite.
2. Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) consists of a series of rabies vaccines and, in some cases, rabies immunoglobulin (RIG), administered after a suspected exposure to rabies. Appropriate wound management and prompt access to quality-assured PEP is almost 100% effective in preventing human rabies deaths.
3. Mass dog vaccination is a proven, cost-effective way to save human lives by stopping transmission of rabies at its source. While a variety of animal species can host rabies, dogs are responsible for 99% of human cases. Eliminating rabies in dogs is therefore key to sustainably preventing human disease"

  1. 狂犬病に対する認識を地域社会に浸透させ、必要な治療を受けることによって自らを救う力を人々に与える。これには、動物の狂犬病を予防する方法、狂犬病を疑うべき時期、咬まれた場合の対処法についての理解も含まれる。
  2. 曝露後予防(PEP)は、一連の狂犬病ワクチンと、場合によっては狂犬病免疫グロブリン(RIG)を、狂犬病への曝露が疑われた後に投与することである。適切な創傷管理と質の保証されたPEPへの迅速なアクセスは、ヒトの狂犬病による死亡をほぼ100%予防する効果がある。
  3. 犬の集団予防接種は、狂犬病の感染をその発生源で阻止することにより、人の命を救う費用対効果の高い方法であることが証明されている。さまざまな動物種が狂犬病を媒介する可能性があるが、ヒトの発症の99%は犬が原因である。したがって、犬の狂犬病を撲滅することは、人間の狂犬病を持続的に予防するための重要な鍵となる。

"WHO promotes the use of intradermal administration of modern cell culture rabies vaccines (with a potency of >2.5 IU per intramuscular dose) for PEP. Intradermal administration offers an equally safe and efficacious alternative to intramuscular vaccination. Intradermal vaccination reduces the volume of vaccine used by 60%-80%, is less costly and has potential to mitigate vaccine shortages. It requires only 1-2 vials of vaccine to complete a full course of PEP. Cost-effectiveness modelling shows that when compared with intramuscular vaccination schedules, intradermal schedules are cost effective and dose sparing in all settings, even if the number of new bite patients is as low as 5 per month"

"We need a paradigm shift to achieve the goal of zero human-dog-mediated rabies deaths by 2030. Community engagement and innovative tools and service delivery strategies will help to address a significant rabies transmission factor -- free-roaming dogs"

Free-roaming dogs are prevalent in local communities and pagodas, and in many instances, there is no specific owners but a common ownership. There should be an acceptable and bottom-up approach to prevent rabies through responsible dog ownership. Identification of dog or other pet owners in case of wrongdoing is sometimes difficult unless there is specific registration process, as the owners tend to deny their incurred responsibilities. - Mod.ST
地域社会や 仏教寺院では放し飼いの犬が蔓延しており、多くの場合、特定の飼い主がいるわけではなく、共有の飼い主がいる。責任ある犬の飼い方を通じて狂犬病を予防するためには、受け入れ可能なボトムアップのアプローチが必要である。犬やその他のペットがが悪事を働いた場合、それらの飼い主がその責任を否定する傾向があるため、特定の登録制度がない限り、飼い主の特定が困難な場合がある。- モデレーターST

ProMED map:
Phú Yên Province, Vietnam:

[See Also:
Rabies (18): Viet Nam (QN) human, dog
Rabies (16): Viet Nam, increase
Rabies (13): Viet Nam (CM) dog bite, restaurant owner
Rabies (04): Viet Nam (PY) dog bite mistaken as scratch from collar,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714212
Rabies (56): Viet Nam (GL) long incubation period
and other items in the archives]