Date: Sun 3 Mar 2024 12:45 a.m. PT
Source: VN Express [edited]
情報源:: VN Express (編集)
Thirteen students and one teacher have been vaccinated and injected with anti-rabies serum after a rabid dog bit them this week.
The dog, whose owner has yet to be identified, attacked people at Duc Yen Primary and Secondary School in Dam Ha District in the northern province of Quang Ninh on Wednesday [28 Feb 2024]. All victims were taken care of medically and are now in stable condition, while the dog was captured and later tested positive for rabies.
飼い主がまだ特定されていないこの犬は、水曜日(2024年2月28日)に、北部Quang Ninh省Dam Ha地区のDuc Yen小中学校で人々を襲った。犬は捕獲され、後に狂犬病の陽性反応が出た。
Quang Ninh Center for Disease Control and Prevention has not recorded any rabies cases in humans this year [2024] even though over 480 people have received vaccines due to their exposure to 3 rabid dog clusters in the province.
今年(2024年)同省内の3つの狂犬病クラスターへの暴露により480人以上がワクチンを接種したにもかかわらず、 Quang Ninh省疾病管理予防センターでは、人の狂犬病の発症は1件も記録されていない。
"The clusters are now under control. All who were exposed to them have been vaccinated and are being monitored," the center said.
Dam Ha District authorities have committed to vaccinate all dogs and cats in the area in the upcoming days.
Dam Ha郡当局は、近日中にこの地域のすべての犬と猫にワクチンを接種することを決定した。
[Byline: Le Tan]
(担当:Le Tan)
Communicated by:
["Viet Nam recorded 82 deaths from rabies last year (2023), 12 more than in 2022, and 500 000 people were vaccinated after exposure to the virus. The most deaths were in Gia Lai (14), Nghe An (7), Binh Phuoc (7), Dien Bien (6), and Ben Tre (5) provinces"
ベトナムでは昨年(2023年)、狂犬病による死者が2022年より12人多い82人を記録し、50万人が狂犬病ワクチン接種を受けた。死者が最も多かったのはGia Lai省(14人)、Nghe An省(7人)、Binh Phuoc省(7人)、Dien Bien省(6人)、Ben Tre省(5人)であった。
According to the SGGP news (dated 3 Oct 2023), "each year nearly 100 Vietnamese people die from rabies, and more than 400 000 people who are bitten by dogs and cats have to be vaccinated. In the first 9 months of 2023, the country recorded 64 deaths due to rabies, an increase of 21 cases compared to the same period in 2022 in 26 provinces and cities. The Northern region had 25 cases of rabies while the South reported 15 cases, the Central region had 9 cases, and the Central Highlands had 15 cases. The Central Highlands Province of Gia Lai is the locality with the highest number of deaths due to rabies in the country (11 deaths) due to cat and dog bites without rabies
- Mod.TTM
SGGPニュース(2023年10月3日付)によると、「毎年100人近くのベトナム人が狂犬病で死亡しており、犬や猫に咬まれた40万人以上が予防接種を受けなければならない」という。2023年1~9月、同国では狂犬病による死亡例が64件記録され、26省・市で2022年同期比21件増加した。北部地域では25件の狂犬病患者が報告されたが、南部地域では15件、中部地域では9件、中部高原では15件であった。中部高原地方Gia Lai省は、狂犬病予防接種を受けずに犬猫に咬まれたことによる狂犬病による死亡者数が全国で最も多い地方である(死亡者数11人)。- モデレーター.TTM
ProMED map:
Vietnam: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8715187,152]
[See Also:
Rabies (16): Viet Nam, increase
Rabies (13): Viet Nam (CM) dog bite, restaurant owner
Rabies (11): Malaysia (SK) human, dog
Rabies (07): Malaysia (SK) human, pet animal, wild dog
Rabies (05): Malaysia (SK) rabid dog bites, stray control urged
Rabies (04): Viet Nam (PY) dog bite mistaken as scratch from collar,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714212
Rabies (56): Viet Nam (GL) long incubation period