

狂犬病(102): ベトナム、国の概要、バングラデシュ(ダッカ) 犬による咬傷、人への暴露



[1] Viet Nam: national summary
Date: Fri 13 Dec 2024
Source: VN Express [in Vietnamese, machine trans., edited]
[1] ベトナム:国内サマリー

日付: 2024年12月13日(金)

出典: VN Express [ベトナム語, 機械翻訳, 編集済]


More than 80 people died from rabies


On the afternoon of 13 Dec 2024, the Department of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health, said that the main source of rabies in Vietnam is dogs and cats. In the period 2017-2021, an average of more than 70 deaths were recorded each year, making it the infectious disease with the highest number of deaths.


Since the beginning of 2024, the country has recorded more than 80 deaths in 33 provinces and cities. The highest number is in Binh Thuan with 10 cases, Dak Lak and Nghe An each with 7 cases, and Gia Lai with 6.


Rabies is a zoonotic disease caused by the rabies virus. It is endemic in many countries, with 95% of deaths occurring in Africa and Asia. Southeast Asia is a rabies hotspot with a large number of stray dogs, low rates of rabies vaccination in domestic animals (dogs and cats), and widespread dog and cat meat trade in some countries.

The mortality rate from rabies is almost 100% once symptoms appear. Early detection and timely treatment and vaccination are essential for prevention. Rabies vaccination has been shown to be effective and much more cost-effective than post-exposure treatment.


The Ministry of Health recommends that people proactively vaccinate all dogs and cats against rabies. Do not play or tease; avoid contact with dogs and cats showing unusual signs, especially with children.


When bitten by a dog or cat, clean and disinfect the wound by washing it immediately with soap under running water for 15 minutes. If soap is not available, wash the wound with water; then disinfect the wound with 70% alcohol or antiseptic. Do not cover the wound and limit bruising the wound.


Get rabies vaccine and/or anti-rabies serum immediately after being bitten by a dog or cat. Never self-treat or seek treatment from a traditional healer.


Minimize the trading and slaughtering of dogs and cats to reduce the risk of direct contact with the rabies virus from them. In case of risk of rabies, go immediately to the nearest medical facility for examination, consultation and timely treatment.


 [Byline(記事): Le Nga]

Communicated by:

["Human rabies is a 100% vaccine-preventable disease, yet it continues to kill.
"Rabies vaccines: WHO position paper - April 2018 vaccinations are highly effective, safe and well tolerated.

狂犬病ワクチン: WHOポジションペーパー - 2018年4月- 予防接種は非常に有効で、安全で、許容範囲がひろい。


"The WHO recommends 2 main immunization strategies for the prevention of human rabies:
- Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) which is the administration of several doses of rabies vaccine to high risk populations before exposure to rabies.

- 曝露前予防(PrEP)とは、狂犬病に曝露される前に、高リスク集団に数回分の狂犬病ワクチンを投与することである。


"For both PEP and PrEP, vaccines can be administered by either intra-dermal (ID) or intra-muscular (IM) routes. Previously WHO-recommended rabies vaccine schedules for IM administration remain acceptable, but the new ID administration schedules recommended by the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) offer advantages through savings in costs, doses and time.


"While deaths can be averted by human vaccination, this intervention alone will never eliminate the disease, and costs will only escalate over time. Investment in eliminating the risk of rabies at its source
- dogs - is the most cost-effective measure. Vaccination of at least 70% of dogs in areas at risk is now accepted as the most effective way of preventing human rabies deaths"



"WHO promotes the use of intradermal administration of modern cell culture rabies vaccines (with a potency of >2.5IU per intramuscular dose) for PEP. Intradermal administration offers an equally safe and efficacious alternative to intramuscular vaccination. Intradermal vaccination reduces the volume of vaccine used by 60-80%, is less costly and has potential to mitigate vaccine shortages. It requires only 1-2 vials of vaccine to complete a full course of PEP. Cost effectiveness modelling shows that when compared with intramuscular vaccination schedules, intradermal schedules are cost effective and dose sparing in all settings, even if the number of new bite patients is as low as 5 per month"


The following are rabies updates in Viet Nam presented during the ASEAN Rabies Elimination Strategy revision workshop Bali, Indonesia in May 2023:

"- Rabies is notifiable disease in both human and animal health in Viet Nam.
- 75 human cases/year during 2017-2021 (2012-2016: 88 cases), in which ~90% are attributed to contact with infected dogs, 80% in rural/remote areas and 30% cases are children under 15.
- ~510 000 people receive PEP/year during 2017-2021 (2012-2016: ~400 000).
- Big dog populations but decreasing in recent years with ~7.4 million/year (2012-2016: 8.3 million).
- Vaccination rate in dog population is about 50% during 2017-2021
(2012-2016: 39%)"

- 2017~2021年の間に75人/年(2012~2016年:88例)のヒト感染例があり、そのうち~90%は感染犬との接触に起因し、80%は農村部/遠隔地で、30%は15歳未満の小児である。

- 2017~2021年にPEPを受ける人は~510,000人/年(2012~2016年:~400,000人)。

- 犬の個体数は多いが、近年減少しており、~740万頭/年(2012~2016年:830万頭)である。

- 犬のワクチン接種率は2017-2021年に約50%である(2012-2016: 39%)。」



Apart from the achievement on vaccination coverage in animals and the post-exposure readiness at health facilities, the main hurdles from the affected community to reach a rabies-free status could be analyzed and incorporated into actionable points in awareness campaigns. - Mod.ST]
動物におけるワクチン接種率や医療施設における曝露後の準備態勢に関する実績とは別に、狂犬病のない状態を達成するための被害地域からの主なハードルを分析し、啓発キャンペーンにおける実行可能なポイントに組み込むことができる。- 編集者ST]



 [2] Bangladesh (Dhaka): dog bites, human exposure
Date: Thu 12 Dec 2024
Source: Jugantor [in Bangla, machine trans., edited]
[2] バングラデシュダッカ):犬による咬傷、ヒトへの曝露

日付 2024年12月12日(木)

出典 Jugantor [バングラ語, 機械翻訳, 編集済].


In the past 15 days, 105 people were injured by dog bites in Dohar Upazila [Dhaka district, Bangladesh]. According to Upazila Health Complex sources, 2 of the injured have been sent to Dhaka for better reatment. Every union and the citizens of Dohar are very concerned about this.


Dohar Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer Dr. Rabiul Islam said that in the past 15 days alone 105 people have been treated for dog bite injuries in Upazila Health Complex. They were sent home with first aid and 2 were sent to Dhaka for advanced treatment. This doctor urged everyone to be aware without panicking about this.


Meanwhile, there are many stray dogs in Nawabganj of Dohar, which is a problem for the people of this region. Sometimes they bite and injure everyday people, including schoolchildren and college students, increasing fear and concern among the local citizens.


Communicated by:

["Dohar is an upazila (sub-district) of Dhaka District in the division of Dhaka, Bangladesh"

Around 105 people have been bitten by dogs over the last 2 weeks in the upazila, as indicated in the news report. Such bites from unknown dogs should be considered a potential exposure to rabies virus, and thus the victims must be treated following the ideal rabies post-exposure prophylaxis, which includes wound washing, immediate vaccination, and administration of rabies immunoglobulin/monoclonal antibodies



The bite victims who have been inflicted with deep puncture wounds from the transdermal bites should also be administered tetanus toxoid. - Mod.PKB

また、経皮的に咬まれて深い刺し傷を負った咬傷者には、破傷風トキソイドを投与すべきである。- 編集者PKB

ProMED maps:
Vietnam: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8720661,152
Bangladesh: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8720661,153]

[See Also:
Rabies (99): Viet Nam (NA) traditional medicine, fatal
Rabies (95): Viet Nam (BV) cat scratch
Rabies (88): Viet Nam (QM) schoolboy, fatal
Rabies (76): Viet Nam (DN) pet dog bite
Rabies (66): Viet Nam (HI) stray dog, spread
Rabies (61): Viet Nam, national summary, increase
Rabies (59): Viet Nam (GL) cat bite, fatal
Rabies (57): Viet Nam (GL) long incubation period
Rabies (54): Viet Nam (TQ, HO) increase, fatal
Rabies (50): Viet Nam (HI) new directive on dog and cat meat trade
Rabies (38): Viet Nam, increase
Rabies (30): Viet Nam, financial implication
Rabies (29): Viet Nam (HC) human, increase, urgent response
Rabies (24): Viet Nam (PY) stray dog, human exp
Rabies (18): Viet Nam (QN) human, dog
Rabies (16): Viet Nam, increase
Rabies (13): Viet Nam (CM) dog bite, restaurant owner
Rabies (04): Viet Nam (PY) dog bite mistaken as scratch from collar,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714212
Rabies (56): Viet Nam (GL) long incubation period
Rabies (41): Asia (Afghanistan, India, Israel, Malaysia, Philippines,
Vietnam) http://promedmail.org/post/20221001.8705891
Rabies (05): Asia (Israel, Bangladesh) animal, human
and other items in the archives