Date: Fri 29 Nov 2024
Source: Jiupai News [in Chinese, machine trans., abridged, edited]
情報源:Jiupai News(中国語、機械翻訳、要約、編集)
A death from rabies occurred in Changsha County, and the CDC responded
Recently, a "Reminder Letter on Doing a Good Job in Animal Rabies Prevention and Control" signed by the Changsha County Major Animal Disease Prevention and Control Task Force Office has attracted attention.
The reminder letter pointed out: "On 28 Jul and 4 Sep 2024, there were 2 incidents of multiple people being bitten by a dog in Changsha County. On 18 Nov 2024, Changsha Infectious Disease Hospital reported a rabies death in Changsha County, which was caused by a private dog bite."
On 29 Nov 2024, Jiupai News consulted the Changsha County Center for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC") as a citizen. A staff member said that the CDC had indeed received a case of rabies death this month [November 2024], and the patient was bitten by a pet dog.
The reminder letter stated that in order to do a good job in animal rabies prevention and control in the county, the towns and streets are requested to organize a survey of the captive dogs in the jurisdiction and carry out animal rabies vaccination (adult dogs are vaccinated once a year). Please report the dog breeding and vaccination status in the jurisdiction to the county animal disease prevention and control center before 25 Dec 2024.
It is recommended that all towns and subdistricts work together with police stations to kill stray dogs in their jurisdiction and dispose of them harmlessly. It is recommended that the county marketsupervision and administration bureau dispatch agencies to take the lead in strengthening the management of dogs traded in markets and rural fairs in the jurisdiction. All communities and villages are requested to carry out rabies prevention and control publicity.
"Rabies is contagious. It is recommended that everyone stay away from unfamiliar dogs and cats in daily life, because you cannot be sure whether they have been vaccinated against rabies. Once a person or animal is scratched or bitten, or the skin is damaged, there is a risk of infection if the rabies vaccine is not administered in time," [the staff member] said.
Rabies continues to be prevalent in China. The Statistical Bulletin on China's Health Development in 2022 pointed out that the number of deaths due to rabies in China still ranks among the top 5 legally reportable infectious diseases. According to the latest national rabies epidemic characteristics analysis, the epidemic was more severe in central and southern China in 2021. Hunan, Henan, Anhui, and Jiangsu are provinces with high incidence of the epidemic. The average dog density in Hunan Province is 4.36 per 100 people, and the immunization rate is 29.89%, which is far below the WHO's recommended
standard of 70%.
[Editor: Wang Rongfei]
(編集:Wang Rongfei)
Communicated by:
["Progress towards dog-mediated rabies elimination in PR China: a scoping review" by Shen T et al. is available at https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10077633/.
- Mod.TTM
中国における犬媒介性狂犬病根絶に向けた進捗状況:概要レビュー」Shen Tシェン T 他著は、以下で入手可能。
- モデレーター.TTM
ProMED map:
China: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8720413,155]
[See Also:
Rabies (42): Asia (China) human, vaccine production violations
Defective drug (valsartan) & vaccines (rabies DTaP) - China (02):
recalls http://promedmail.org/post/20180724.5924981
Defective drug (valsartan) & vaccines (rabies DTaP) - China:
multicountry recalls http://promedmail.org/post/20180724.5924209
Rabies (09): Asia (China), animal, human
Rabies (39): Europe (Switzerland) bat, human exp, Asia (China) human,
vaccine failure http://promedmail.org/post/20170804.5226670
Unexplained death, livestock - China: (NM) vaccine suspected, RFI
Rabies - China: human, organ transplant, kidney, 2015
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