Date: Sat 6 Apr 2019
Source: Globo.com [in Portuguese, machine trans. edited] <https://g1.globo.com/rs/rio-grande-do-sul/noticia/2019/04/06/morte-de-bovinos-por-raiva-herbivora-preocupa-produtores-rurais-do-norte-do-rs.ghtml>
In the Northern Region of Rio Grande do Sul, the death of cattle has worried producers. At least 50 animals have died this year [2019] on 15 properties with signs of rabies. [This appears to be a large outbreak and needs some serious support from the local and state governments. - Mod.TG]
In the town of Soledade, Adriano Borges Knopf lost 4 animals in less than 15 days. "We started to suspect it was not a normal thing. We noticed the animals lost their legs [weakness in legs] and did not get up any more," said the farmer.
SoledadeのAdriano Borges Knop町では15日もたたない間に4頭の動物が死亡した。「私たちはこれはただ事ではないと思い始めました。私たちは、動物たちが足を失って(足が衰弱し)、もう立ち上がれなくなっていたことに気付きました。」と農場主は話した。
A sample [from the animal necropsy, and the laboratory] report found Adrian's cattle had herbivore rabies, a disease caused by a virus transmitted by bats. [Cattle are herbivores, and consequently in some areas it is called herbivore rabies, but this virus could equally affect people, or dogs or horses. - Mod.TG]
Four other cattle belonging to the producer Luiz Carlos dos Santos also died because of the problem. "It's their milk we live on. We were even planning to improve this year [2019]," he lamented about the losses in production.
The challenge now is to control the transmission of the disease affecting these cattle. Most of the animals that died were attended by the veterinarian Bolivar Camargo, who is part of a cooperative in the region. "There are people who had 10 lactating cows and ended up losing 7, so their profitability ends, right?" he pointed out.
現在必要とされていることは、これらの牛の狂犬病感染を制御することである。死亡した牛の多くは、地域で協力している獣医師Bolivar Camargo氏が診療していた。「10頭の乳牛を所有していた人がいましたが、最終的に7頭も失ってしまいました。そのため、彼の収益性は失われてしまったのです。」と彼は指摘した。
Last week, a bat was found near one of the affected properties. Technicians from the State Department of Agriculture are doing a survey to try to identify the source of these infections.
In addition to injury, producers are also concerned about the transmission of rabies to humans. The disease, however, is not transmitted by the consumption of milk or meat.
"They [the people] should be vaccinated if they have a very high risk, if they have suffered a bite from an animal, or had very intimate contact with an animal showing clinical signs of rabies," explained veterinarian Isadora Correa. She added: "[The vaccine] is not available to the entire population, nor would it be the case, because the risk of transmission of herbivore rabies from a bovine to a human being is fairly low."
「もし彼らが動物から咬まれたり、狂犬病の徴候を示す動物と濃厚な接触があったとしたら、彼ら[人々]は感染リスクが高いのでワクチン接種を受けるべきです。」とIsadora Correa獣医師は説明した。そして以下のように付け加えた。「[ワクチンは]全ての人々の分まではありませんし、牛から人への草食動物狂犬病の感染リスクはかなり低いので、そのようなケースはないでしょう。」
Communicated by:
[Most likely, the bats responsible for transmitting the rabies virus are vampire bats. While these bats can and do move around, deforestation seems to upset them, causing them to move to areas where there previously has not been a problem.
Vampire bats are distributed in tropical areas of the western hemisphere from Argentina to Mexico and have been responsible for transmitting rabies virus, most frequently to cattle and equine animals, and, infrequently, to humans [by bite]. Of the 3 vampire bat species, _Desmodus rotundus_ is by far the most common rabies virustransmitter.
吸血コウモリはアルゼンチンからメキシコまでの西半球の熱帯に分布しており、[咬傷により]ウシやウマの動物に、稀には人の狂犬病ウイルスの伝播に関与している。3種の吸血コウモリのうち、Desmodus rotundusが狂犬病ウイルスの伝播において非常に重要である。
There are 2 options for rabies control in these situations: vaccination of animals upon which the vampire bats feed, or reduction of the vampire bat populations, or perhaps a 3rd option would be a combination of the 2 approaches. Eliminating vampire bat hosts is the fastest and most effective approach when vampire bat-transmitted rabies appears in an area.
In areas where repeated vampire bat-transmitted rabies occurs, control of these bats has been employed in some countries. Controlling vampire bats by eliminating their roosts is extremely difficult because these roosts can be hard to find. Effective vampire bat control has been accomplished by capturing bats in mist nets when they come to feed on livestock and applying anticoagulant jelly (warfarin and similar products), which they and their roost-mates ingest on grooming.
As animals can be vaccinated, it would prudent to do so immediately, as there is approximately 2 weeks from vaccination of the cattle until they are capable of mounting an immune response. In addition to vaccination, the suggestion of netting the bats and using anticoagulant jelly is perhaps equally as important. So, employingadditional methods instead of only one method, would be the most prudent approach to a more rapid control of this disease from these bats.
The loss of these animals to these families is huge, and this is a large outbreak needing immediate containment. Perhaps the government could send out some vaccine and additional people to help vaccinate animals and to net and coat the bats with anticoagulant jelly. Coating the bats means handling the bats, minimally, and gloves should be worn. Likewise, any bite or scratch should receive immediate medical attention and post exposure prophylaxis rabies vaccine for the individual(s) affected.
1. Brass DA. Rabies in bats: natural history and public health implications. Ridgefield CN: Livia Press, 1994. 335 pp.
2. Greenhall AM: Feeding behavior. In: AM Greenhall and U Schmidt, editors. Natural history of vampire bats. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press,
1988. 111:31. - Mod.TG
HealthMap/ProMED map available at:
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/3419>]
[See Also:
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure
Rabies (56): Americas (Costa Rica, Colombia) bat, human, equine,
bovine http://promedmail.org/post/20181119.6152779
Rabies (07): Americas (Costa Rica) bovine
Rabies - Americas (41): Belize, bovine, increase, OIE
Rabies & Clostridium disease - Belize: bovine
Rabies - Bolivia (02): (CB) bovine
Rabies - Costa Rica: (AL, SJ) bovine