Date: Tue 8 Oct 2024
Source: Fox Baltimore [edited]
情報源::Fox Baltimore(編集)
Three groundhogs in Frederick County have tested positive for rabies within the past 3 months, according to the Frederick County Health Department.
On Friday [4 Oct 2024], the Frederick County Health Department (FCHD) received confirmation that a 3rd groundhog tested positive for the rabies virus.
Health officials stated that Frederick County Animal Control collected this groundhog from a dog fight in the Willowcrest Neighborhood on Thursday [3 Oct 2024].
The FCHD stated, "Finding this many rabid animals a short distance from each other and over a short period of time is unusual, so FCHD and Frederick County Animal Control remind residents that wildlife lives in residential areas and recommend avoiding interaction with or feeding wild animals."
The FCHD urges everyone to contact their Community Health Services Office at 301-600-3342 if they have been bitten and to contact their Environmental Health Office at 301-600-1717 if their pet has been in contact with any wild animal.
[Byline: Ellie Buckheit]
(担当:Ellie Buckheit)
Communicated by:
[Rodents are not considered reservoir of rabies virus, and they have not been implicated in any case of human infection in the USA. However, because of the close cohabitation of some rodent species with human populations and the high incidence of rodent bites, the occurrence of rabies in rodents is a concern for public health. In the USA, Northeastern and mid-Atlantic states have reported the most rabies cases in rodents and lagomorphs as a result of spillover infections from the endemic raccoon rabies virus variant circulating in this area. The most affected species in these taxonomic groups are groundhogs (_Marmota monax_). A study found that 90% of the rabidrodents or lagomorphs reported in USA from 1995 and 2010 were groundhogs (doi:10.2460/javma.245.3.333). This in part has been attributed to the comparatively larger body size of groundhogs than that of other rodent species in the raccoon rabies virus variant area, which causes them to be more likely to survive a carnivore attack, and hence afterwards be found infected with rabies. - Mod.PMB
齧歯類は狂犬病ウイルスの保有動物とは考えられておらず、米国ではヒトへの感染例に関与した例はない。しかし、一部の齧歯類はヒトと密接な共存関係にあり、齧歯類に咬まれる頻度が高いため、齧歯類における狂犬病の発生は公衆衛生上の懸念事項である。米国では、北東部および中部大西洋岸諸州で、この地域で流行している風土病のアライグマ狂犬病ウイルス変異体からの流出感染の結果として、齧歯類およびウサギ目の狂犬病症例が最も多く報告されている。これらの分類群で最も影響を受けている種は、ウッドチャック(_Marmota monax_)である。ある研究では、1995年から2010年までに米国で報告された狂犬病げっ歯類またはウサギ目の90%がウッドチャックであったことが判明した(doi:10.2460/javma.245.3.333)。これは、アライグマ狂犬病ウイルス変異体発生地域に生息する他の齧歯類に比べてウッドチャックの体が大きいことが一因と考えられており、そのためウッドチャックは肉食動物の攻撃を生き延びる可能性が高く、その後、狂犬病に感染していることが判明する可能性が高くなる。―モデレーターPMB
ProMED map:
United States: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8719260,106]
[See Also:
Rabies (69): North America (USA) bat, raccoon, skunk, fox, dog, cat,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240822.8718323
Rabies (65): North America (Canada, USA) animal, human exp:
Rabies (64): North America (USA) multiple states and animals, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240808.8718002
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp:
Rabies (53): North America (USA) fox, bat, cat, dog, woodchuck,
raccoon, human exp: http://promedmail.org/post/20240618.8717092
Rabies (43): North America (USA) cat, raccoon, bat, fox, cow, human
exp: http://promedmail.org/post/20240509.871640
Rabies (40): North America (USA) raccoon, fox, cow, bat, human exp
Rabies (35): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, dog, cow, human exp
Rabies (32): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, fox, bat, dog, coyote,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240401.8715730
Rabies (30): North America (Mexico, USA) cat, fox, dog & human exp,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240328.8715661
Rabies (28): North America (USA) raccoon, otter, cat, skunk, dogs,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240320.8715504
Rabies (23): North America (USA) skunk, raccoon, cat, cow, dog,
bobcat, fox, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240314.8715372
Rabies (21): North America (USA) bat, horse, dog, raccoon, cat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240309.8715270
Rabies (15): North America (USA) coyote, dog, kitten, raccoon, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240224.8715017
Rabies (09): North America (USA) fox, dog, skunk, cat, cow, human exp
Rabies (06): North America (USA) otter, raccoon, cat, dog, skunk, fox,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240118.8714289
Rabies (03): North America (USA) cat, skunk, dog, bat, raccoon, fox,
horse, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714178
Rabies (59): North America (USA) fox, skunk, cat, dog, human exp
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) dog, cat, bat, fox, groundhog, human exp