




In this posting:
South America
[1] Uruguay
[A] Cat
[B] Cat

North America
[2] Virginia: bobcat, possible human exposure
[3] Maine (Bath County: fox, human exposure
[4] Maryland (Frederick County): 25 animals rabies positive
[5] North Carolina (Forsyth County): fox, human exposure
[6] Alabama (Culman County): fox, human exposure

South America
[A] Uruguay: cat

ウルグアイ: 猫
Date: Sat 6 Jul 2024
Source: The Uruguayan Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries- Press Release (MGAP) [in Spanish, machine trans., edited]

出典出典:ウルグアイ農畜水産省プレスリリース (MGAP) [スペイン語機械翻訳、編集済み]

MGAP DILAVE teams detect case of animal rabies in Salto

MGAP DILAVEチーム、サルト市で動物の狂犬病のケースを検出
Yesterday [5 July 2024], The Veterinary Laboratories Directorate (DILAVE) of the MGAP confirmed a positive case of rabies in a cat living in the city of Salto. The domestic feline showed an acute change in behavior characterized by aggressiveness before suddenly

昨日 (2024年7月5日)、MGAPの獣医研究所 (DILAVE) は、サルト市に住む猫が狂犬病陽性であった事例を確認した。この飼い猫は急に攻撃的になり、その後突然死した。

Although Uruguay has not recorded cases of human rabies since 1966 and the last case of canine rabies occurred in 1983, the virus remains active in hematophagous and insectivorous bats, implying a constant risk of transmission to other species and to humans. This recent discovery marks the 1st confirmation of a species jump [cross-species infection] in the country, underlining the importance of properly managing this situation.


The Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries immediately contacted the authorities of the Ministry of Public Health with whom a focal control plan has been established within a radius of 500 meters [0.3 mi] around the place of residence of the infected animal. Technical teams from both ministries are already touring the area in search of people and animals that have had contact with the affected animal to ensure its proper care.


Measures and recommendations for the population

The authorities call for the collaboration of the Salto community through the following actions:



- Report any animal suspected of having rabies (biters, sudden death or nervous symptoms without a clear diagnosis).
- Vaccinate dogs and cats annually with rabies vaccine from 3 months of age.
- Consult a doctor immediately in case of an animal bite, informing the doctor whether the biting animal is a dog or a cat and whether it can be observed within 10 days after the bite.




Authorities from both ministries emphasize rabies is not a disease of the past and its evolution in humans is lethal if not treated properly. If post-exposure vaccination is essential, it requires a medical order, and it is essential to follow the recommended dosage
protocol and time frames to minimize risks.


This call to action is crucial to prevent further cases and protect the health of both humans and animals in the region.


Communicated by:

[B] Uruguay: cat

ウルグアイ: 猫
Date: Sat 6 Jul 2024
Source: El Nuevo Diario [in Spanish, machine trans., edited]

出典: エル・ヌエボ・ディアリオ [スペイン語機械翻訳、編集済み]

A "species jump" of rabies in a domestic cat confirmed in Uruguay

The Ministry of Public Health of Uruguay [MGAP] reported this Saturday [6 Jul 2024] a domestic cat in the city of Salto (northwest) tested positive for the rabies virus, detected since 2008 only in bats, which represents the 1st "species jump" [spillover] of the disease confirmed in the country.

 ウルグアイの保健省(MGAP[訳者注:この「MGAP」という略語はProMedの記事にはあるが、出典であるEL NUEVO DIARIOの記事には載っていないため、英語への翻訳や編集時の誤植と思われる。[1]、[2]の記事にもある通り、MGAPはウルグアイ農畜水産省を指すもので保健省の略語ではない。])は、サルト市(北西部)の飼い猫が狂犬病ウイルス陽性であったと土曜日(2024年7月6日)に発表した。これは、2008年以降はコウモリのみに見つかっていたこのウイルスが、この国で初めて「種間感染(スピルオーバー)」したことを示している。

According to a statement issued by the Uruguayan Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MGAP), the Veterinary Laboratories Division (DILAVE) reported on Friday night [5 July 2024] the positive result of a PCR test performed on a cat.


"It is a domestic animal in which an acute change in behavior with aggressiveness was observed, which died suddenly," it said about the feline "resident in the city of Salto."


According to the statement, although in the South American country "the last case of human rabies was recorded in 1966 in Montevideo" and the last case of canine rabies was detected in 1983, its circulation has been detected in bats.


"It has been present in an airborne cycle in hematophagous and insectivorous bats since 2008 in almost all departments (provinces), which represents a latent risk of potential transmission of the disease to other species and to humans," the Ministry said.


The ministry warned the population that "it is necessary to understand the importance of this situation" in order to "manage it appropriately," stating that its presence in a cat "constitutes the 1st confirmation of a species jump" [cross-species infection] in Uruguay.

 保健省は、このネコが「ウルグアイでの狂犬病の種間感染の初事例」であると述べ、「“適切に対処する” ために、“この状況の重要性を理解する必要がある”」と人々に警告している。

Although, it pointed out, "various actions have been implemented in recent years to strengthen knowledge of this disease and its control measures," it stressed that it is key to understand that "it is not a disease of the past" and that "its evolution in humans if not treated properly is lethal."


"It is necessary to ensure that our pets are vaccinated, to avoid bite accidents and to seek immediate medical attention in the event of any risk exposure," it also stressed.


Along these lines, the ministry reported that its teams and those of the MGAP are working "to control the outbreak" with the "primary objective" of avoiding new cases and urged the population of the department of Salto to be alert for suspected cases, to consult a doctor in the event of bites and to vaccinate pets.


"Although post-exposure rabies vaccination is free, it is only administered with a medical prescription. It is important to make good use of this input since it is a resource produced outside the country," he warned.


Communicated by:

North America
[2] Virginia: bobcat, possible human exposure

バージニア州: ボブキャット、ヒトへの曝露の可能性
Date: Wed 3 Jul 2024
Source: WAVY.com [edited]

出典:WAVY.com [編集済み]

Bobcat found near North Landing River tests positive for rabies

A rabid bobcat was found in Virginia Beach on 27 Jun 2024, according to Virginia Beach Animal Services (VBAS).

 バージニアビーチ動物管理局 (VBAS) によると、2024年6月27日にバージニアビーチ狂犬病のボブキャットが発見された。

A person encountered the bobcat in the 2200 block of Stowe Road, near the North Landing River. VBAS said the bobcat was euthanized and tested positive for rabies.


According to the CDC, human rabies is 99% fatal, but 100% preventable if caught early. Only 2 cases of human rabies have been reported in the state of Virginia since 2009, according to the Virginia Department of Health.


Anyone who has had any exposure to stray or wild animals in the area of Stowe Road is urged to contact a physician or the Virginia Beach Department of Public Health at 757-518-2700.

 ストウロード周辺で野良の、あるいは野生動物に接触したことがある人は、直ちに医師またはバージニアビーチ保健局 (757-518-2700) に連絡を。

[Byline: Madie MacDonald]

Communicated by:

[3] Maine (Bath County): fox, human exposure

Date: Thu 4 Jul 2024
Source: WABI TV [edited]

出典:WABI TV [編集済み]

Fox in Bath, Maine tests positive for rabies

Police say a fox tried to bite a man in Bath has tested positive for rabies.


Police say the fox attacked the man on 28 June 2024. He kicked the animal away.


Police tracked the animal down and killed it. Testing confirming rabies was returned on Wednesday [3 Jul 2024].


While Bath had several cases of rabies involving foxes in 2019, this is the 1st confirmed rabies case in the city since January of 2020.


In fact, in 2019, Bath had more cases of rabies than any other community in Maine.


Last year [2023], there were 66 total confirmed cases of rabies in Maine, more than half involving raccoons.


Communicated by:

[4] Maryland (Frederick County): 25 animals are rabies positive

Date: Thu 4 Jul 2024
Source: DC News Now [edited]

出典:DC News Now [編集済み]

25 animals test positive for rabies in Frederick County, Maryland health officials say

Health officials in Federick County, Md. warned the community to keep their pets and family safe after multiple animals tested positive for rabies.


As of 1 Jul 2024 the Frederick County Health Department (FCHD) Environmental Health Office said 25 animals tested positive for the deadly virus in the county.

 2024年7月1日時点で、フレデリック郡保健局 (FCHD) の環境衛生課は、郡内で25匹の動物がこの致命的なウイルスに陽性反応を示したと発表した。

Infected animals included:
- 18 raccoons
- 3 skunks
- 2 cats
- 1 cow
- 1 fox







According to the FCHD, rabies has a nearly 100% mortality rate once an animal or person starts having symptoms.


But, the virus is preventable in humans by simply avoiding contact with unvaccinated or exposed animals, or getting an early administration of rabies post-exposure prophylaxis, if exposed. Animals -- specifically pets -- can avoid getting rabies if they're
vaccinated and kept away from exposed or unvaccinated animals.


"The cornerstone of rabies prevention and control is rabies vaccination of domestic animals, so please take this or other opportunities to vaccinate your pets," said Barry Glotfelty, the Director of the FCHD Environmental Health Services.

 「狂犬病予防と制御の要は飼っている動物へのワクチン接種です。この機会に、また別の機会でもいいので、ぜひペットにワクチンを接種してください」と、FCHD環境衛生部門の長であるBarry Glotfelty氏は述べた。

On 30 Jun 2024, the health department vaccinated over 150 animals at its 1st rabies clinic of the year.


To continue preventing animal and human exposure, the health department is hosting its 2nd rabies vaccination clinic on 22 Sep 2024 at the Thurmont Community Park, located at 19 Frederick Rd., Thurmont, Md. The rain-or-shine event starts at 11:30 a.m. and vaccinations will be available for cats, dogs and ferrets 12 weeks or older. Each vaccination costs USD10.

 動物や人間への狂犬病曝露を防ぐために、保健局は2024年9月22日にフレデリック郡のサーモントコミュニティパーク(所在地: 19 Frederick Rd., Thurmont, Md.)で2回目の狂犬病予防接種を行っている。これは雨天でも開催され、午前11時30分から開場する。12週齢以上の猫、犬、フェレットが接種を受けられる。1回の接種の料金は10ドル。

For more information on rabies across Maryland, visit the Maryland Department of Health website at


Communicated by:

[5] North Carolina (Forsyth County): fox, human exposure

Date: Fri 5 Jul 2024
Source: My Fox 8 [edited]

出典:My Fox 8 [編集済み]

Fox attacks in Triad mark beginning of North Carolina rabies season; here's what you should know

Summer is now well underway in the Piedmont Triad, and many people and critters are out and about enjoying the warm weather -- but it also means it's rabies season in North Carolina.


After 2 people were attacked by a rabid fox in Winston-Salem this week, Forsyth County Department of Public Health workers spoke to the public about what to do if you encounter a rabid animal.


"Be aware of your surroundings when you're out with your pets," Charles Cahill, an environmental health specialist supervisor, said.

 「ペットと一緒に外出する際は、周囲に気を付けてください」と環境衛生の専門家であるCharles Cahill氏は言う。

Make sure to always keep an eye out for any wild animals behaving strangely. Keep your distance and call the NC Wildlife Resources Commission at if you see an animal seemingly partially paralyzed or is erratic, jittery, aggressive, agitated, wobbly or drooling excessively.


"A lot of times, people will say an animal acts like it's drunk. It staggers, stumbles," said Maureen Rimer, a public health nurse with the FCDPH. "Sometimes, we see them being aggressive, not afraid of people. Those are the biggies. It's a neurological condition, so it affects the brain, the nerves."

 「多くの場合、人々は動物がふらついたり、よろけたりしており、酔っているように見えると言います。」とFCDPHの公衆衛生看護師のMaureen Rimerは言う。「時には、攻撃的で人を恐れない様子も見られます。これらの兆候は重要です。狂犬病は神経系の疾患であり、脳や神経に影響を与えます。」

The most common animals carrying rabies in NC are raccoons, foxes, skunks and bats. Wildlife officials have also seen deer, coyotes and bobcats with the disease.


So far this year [2024], a total of 43 positive cases have been reported in the Piedmont Triad, according to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.


Guilford County and Randolph County had the most cases at 11 each.


Caswell, Rockingham and Surry counties had the fewest cases at one each.


The majority of the rabid animals were either raccoons, foxes or skunks. However, a horse tested positive in Davidson County, 2 cats tested positive in Guilford County and, 1 bobcat and 1 coyote tested positive in Montgomery County.



"You do not want to have symptoms of rabies. If you have symptoms of rabies, it's fatal. It's too late. There is nothing you can do about it," Rimer said.


Fortunately, treating rabies in animals is not a complicated matter. The State of NC requires all dogs, cats and ferrets to stay current with their rabies vaccinations. This applies to dogs, cats and ferrets visiting from out of state as well.


Rabies vaccines can only be given by a veterinarian or a worker certified to give a rabies vaccination, according to the FCDPH.


A dog, cat or ferret is not considered currently vaccinated and protected against rabies exposure until 28 days after the initial vaccination.


If a wild animal bites your pet, call a veterinarian immediately and call your local animal services agency to remove any stray animals from your neighborhood since they could be unvaccinated and infected.


If you have any questions, you can call an NDHHS public health veterinarian 24/7 at 919-733-3419

 疑問がある場合は、24時間対応のNDHHS [訳者注:NC Department of Health and Human Servicesの略か]所属の公衆衛生獣医師に電話できる(919-733-3419)。

For humans, treatment is also very simple.


"We vaccinate our animals to prevent rabies, but we don't vaccinate people routinely for rabies. It is a series of 5 shots [which is the rabies post exposure prophylaxis (PEP)]," Rimer said.


[Byline: Dolan Reynolds]

Communicated by:

[6] Alabama (Culman County): fox, human exposure

Date: Sun 7 Jul 2024
Source: The Cullman Tribune [edited]

出典;The Cullman Tribune [編集済み]

Fox bites Atmore resident and is confirmed positive for rabies

An older Atmore resident was returning from grocery shopping and unloading her vehicle. While holding a loaf of bread in hand, seemingly from out of nowhere, she was attacked and bitten by a fox.


The fox was taken to the Alabama Department of Public Health Bureau of Clinical Laboratories where it was confirmed positive for rabies. Rabies is a viral disease that can be fatal if untreated. The resident has since received appropriate medical attention and post-exposure prophylaxis.


"Although rabies is primarily found in wild animals since widespread vaccination of domestic animals began over 70 years ago, it continues to be a public health threat," State Public Health Veterinarian Dr. Dee W. Jones said. "Although attacks such as this by rabid wildlife
are rather uncommon, it highlights the risk rabies continues poses and hopefully reminds people to be aware of the risks and continue to vaccinate their pets."

 「狂犬病は、70年以上前に家庭動物への大規模な予防接種が始まって以来、主に野生動物に見られますが、公衆衛生上の脅威であり続けています」と州公衆衛生獣医師のDee W. Jones博士は述べる。「このような狂犬病の野生動物による攻撃はまれとなっていますが、狂犬病へのリスクが未だ存在していることは強調されていますし、人々にリスクを認識させ、ペットへの予防接種を続ける重要性は忘れ去られるべきではありません。」

It is very common for domestic animals and pets to have contact with a wild rabid animal. Alabama state law requires that dogs, cats and ferrets 12 weeks of age and older be current with rabies vaccination. Rabies vaccines are also available for horses and other livestock if
recommended by a veterinarian. Vaccinating animals reduces the risk of rabies infection should exposure occur; thus, vaccinations protect animals, as well as their owners and caretakers.


Rabies prevention is multifaceted. It involves people taking precautions with wildlife, making sure that their pets are current on rabies vaccinations, and always reporting an animal bite or other exposures to their medical provider and ADPH. In addition to vaccination, area residents are advised to take the following precautions to avoid possible exposures to rabies:

 狂犬病の予防法は多方面に及ぶ。野生動物に対する注意を払い、ペットに狂犬病の予防接種を受け続けさせ、咬みつき事故やその他の接触を医療従事者やADPH [訳者注:Alabama Department of Public Healthの略か]に報告することが含まれる。予防接種に加えて、地域住民には以下の注意事項を守るよう勧められている。

  • Do not allow pets to run loose; confine within a fenced-in area or with a leash.
    • Do not leave uneaten pet food or scraps near your residence.
    • Do not illegally feed or keep wildlife as pets.
    • Do not go near wildlife or domestic animals that are acting in a strange or unusual manner.
    • Caution children not to go near any stray or wild animal, regardless of its behavior.

  • ペットを放し飼いにせず、囲いの中に入れるか、リードで繋ぐ。
  • 食べ残しのペットフードや生ごみを自宅の近くに放置しない。
  • 野生動物を違法に餌付けしたり、飼ったりしない。
  • 異常な、あるいはいつもと違う行動をしている野生動物や家庭動物に近づかない。
  • 子供に、その振る舞いに関係なく野良の動物や野生動物に近づかないよう注意しておく。

For more information visit. <www.alabamapublichealth.gov/infectiousdiseases/rabies.html>


Communicated by:

[Rabies is a menace throughout the world. Rabies is generally regarded as being world wide as one can see the variety of places reporting problem with rabies.


All mammals are susceptible to rabies. This also includes human beings.


There is a post exposure prophylaxis for people if you are bitten. It needs to be given soon after the bite. The wound should also be thoroughly washed with soap and water. Medical treatment is important. Receiving the post exposure prophylaxis is critical.


Unfortunately, we do not have a post exposure prophylaxis for our pets. When an animal is believed positive it is euthanized prior to testing. However, keeping your animal up to date on all the necessary vaccines will help protect your pet and ultimately, helps build a barrier between the rabid animals and yourself.


Please note the case in Maryland of 25 animals found with rabies. It illustrates how widespread the disease is and how we must be on the alert for animals acting out of character as the animal may have rabies.


Pay attention to your surroundings. An animal which would normally run from you, may be quite docile and likewise the docile kitten may go into a rage of frantically biting. - Mod.TG


ProMED maps:
Uruguay: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8717476,11
United States: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8717476,106]

[See Also:
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp:
Rabies (53): North America (USA) fox, bat, cat, dog, woodchuck,
raccoon, human exp: http://promedmail.org/post/20240618.8717092
Rabies (43): North America (USA) cat, raccoon, bat, fox, cow, human
exp: http://promedmail.org/post/20240509.871640
Rabies (40): North America (USA) raccoon, fox, cow, bat, human exp
Rabies (35): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, dog, cow, human exp
Rabies (32): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, fox, bat, dog, coyote,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240401.8715730
Rabies (30): North America (Mexico, USA) cat, fox, dog & human exp,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240328.8715661
Rabies (28): North America (USA) raccoon, otter, cat, skunk, dogs,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240320.8715504
Rabies (23): North America (USA) skunk, raccoon, cat, cow, dog,
bobcat, fox, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240314.8715372
Rabies (21): North America (USA) bat, horse, dog, raccoon, cat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240309.8715270
Rabies (15): North America (USA) coyote, dog, kitten, raccoon, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240224.8715017
Rabies (09): North America (USA) fox, dog, skunk, cat, cow, human exp
Rabies (06): North America (USA) otter, raccoon, cat, dog, skunk, fox,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240118.8714289
Rabies (03): North America (USA) cat, skunk, dog, bat, raccoon, fox,
horse, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714178
Rabies (59): North America (USA) fox, skunk, cat, dog, human exp
Rabies (54): North America (USA) skunk, coyote, racoon, dog, human
exposure http://promedmail.org/post/20231223.8713861
Rabies (51): North America (USA) fox, cat, fisher, goat, human exp
Rabies (48): North America (USA) horse, fox, raccoon, kitten, bat,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20231118.8713208
Rabies (46): North America (Canada, USA) kitten, cat, dog, bat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20231105.8712996
Rabies (44): North America (USA) kitten, bat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (43): North America (USA) fox
Rabies (40): North America (Canada, USA) bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (39): North America (USA) otter, fox, dog, human exp
Rabies (37): North America (USA) dog, raccoon, cat, bat, skunk, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230925.8712316
Rabies (36): North America (USA) fox, raccoon
Rabies (35): Americas, dog, bat, human exp
Rabies (34): North America (USA) fox, dog, cat, raccoon, bat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230802.8711520
Rabies (33): North America (USA) fox, bat, dog, beaver, cat, human exp
Rabies (32): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (31): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) bat, cat, dog, human exp
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) dog, cat, bat, fox, groundhog, human exp
Rabies (24): Americas (Canada, USA) Australia, human exp, bats, cats,
wildlife http://promedmail.org/post/20230610.8710499
Rabies (23): Americas (Canada, USA) fox, bat, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (20): Americas (USA) bat, possible human exp
Rabies (01): Americas, cat, bat, cattle, skunk, pig, dog, human
cases/exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230103.8707561
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) skunk, bat, cat, dog, raccoon, wildlife,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20221117.8706775
Rabies (46): Americas (USA) bat, cat, horse, human exp
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) bat, cat, human exposure
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, horse, human exp, vacc
update, corr http://promedmail.org/post/20221008.8706014
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, horse, human exp, vacc
update http://promedmail.org/post/20221007.8706005
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (07): Americas (Canada, USA) fox, dog, bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) dog, fox, cat, bat, human exp
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, bat, dog, human exp, cattle
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) bat, human exposure
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) coyote, bat, imported dog ex Egypt, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20201108.7925072
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) animal, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (27): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (25): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (23): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) fox, goat, bat, human exposure
Rabies (15): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exp
Rabies (13): Americas (USA) cat, fox, human exp
Rabies (12): Americas (USA) fox, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) cat, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp
Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure
Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp
Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp
Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure
Rabies (49): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) cat, dog, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (47): Americas (USA) skunk, alert
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) dog, skunk, raccoon, fox, human exp
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) fox, bat, human exp
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) dog, cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (39): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, kitten, raccoon, human
Rabies (38): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (34): Americas (USA) cat, dog, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas, USA (FL, NC) cat, fox, dog, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr.
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure
Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp.
Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert
Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure
Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) raccoon, alert
and other items in the archives]