Date: Thu 11 Jul 2024
Source: Ministry of Public Health - Thailand [in Thai, machine trans.,edited]
日付:2024年7月11日 木曜日
The Department of Disease Control warns that rabies can be found in cattle. If you see an animal that is sick and dies abnormally or suspects rabies, do not touch it, do not dissect it, and do not eat it.
The Department of Disease Control is continuously monitoring the rabies situation after this year [2024], rabies was found in mammals such as dogs, cows, buffalo, and cats. It emphasizes proper disease prevention and control by getting vaccinated against rabies after being bitten, scratched, or licked by dogs or cats, or saliva splashing into the eyes, mouth, or through skin wounds. Even if the wound is small, you should see a doctor to assess your symptoms and get the full dose of the vaccine. Butchering or eating raw beef can also cause infection. It emphasizes that getting vaccinated against rabies is the only way to prevent infection and death from rabies.
Today [11 Jul 2024], Dr. Thongchai Keeratihatthayakorn, Director-General of the Department of Disease Control, revealed that the Department of Disease Control is continuously monitoring rabies. There have been continuous reports of mammals such as dogs, cows, buffalo, and cats infected with rabies. As of 9 Jul 2024, the Rabies Surveillance Information System by the Department of Livestock Development found 182 animals infected with rabies out of 3100 samples sent for testing, distributed throughout various provinces of Thailand, especially in the Northeast.
The animals with the most infections were dogs, followed by ruminants such as cows and buffalo. It is believed that the cause of infection is from being bitten by stray dogs. Therefore, the public is warned that rabies is severe. When infected and symptoms appear, almost everyone has a chance of dying. The cause of rabies infection in most people is from being bitten or scratched by dogs or cats and not seeing a doctor for treatment and vaccination against rabies. However, cutting up meat or consuming raw meat can also cause rabies infection if eaten or touched by a wound or oral mucosa. Therefore, if bitten, scratched, licked by a dog, cat or mammal suspected of having the disease, saliva or blood splashes into the eyes, mouth or skin with a wound, even a little, the wound must be washed immediately with water and soap several times, wipe the wound dry, apply povidone iodine or tincture of iodine, then see a doctor immediately to receive a rabies vaccination, which must be injected continuously until the dose is complete, and should see a doctor for follow-up appointments every time. If infected but not vaccinated, when symptoms appear, there is no cure.
Dr. Apichart Wachiraphan, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Disease Control, added that rabies patients will experience loss of appetite, sore throat, aches, fever, fatigue, numbness, pain, tingling, or pain in the bite wound, severe itching in the wound area. Later, they will experience restlessness, sensitivity to loud sounds, delirium, photophobia, fear of wind, fear of water, difficulty swallowing, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, convulsions, cramps, paralysis, unconsciousness, and eventually death. Important practices for pet owners include taking their pets to get vaccinated against rabies at least 2 times when they are 2-3 months old and getting booster shots every year. If you see an animal suspected of having rabies, such as behavioral changes, being aggressive, staggering, drooling, hanging tongue, crossed eyes, or animals that die from unknown causes, immediately notify livestock officials or community leaders to monitor animals with the disease and track down people who have come into contact with the animals to get vaccinated against rabies after exposure to the disease. In addition, the public can participate in solving the problem by registering their pets and not abandoning them as ownerless animals.
ペットの飼い主にとって重要な行動は、生後2~3か月のときに狂犬病ワクチンを少なくとも 2 回受けさせること、追加注射を毎年受けさせることが挙げられる。行動の変化、攻撃的になる、よろよろする、よだれを垂らす、舌を垂れる、寄り目になるなど、狂犬病の疑いのある動物や、原因不明で死亡した動物を見かけた場合は、ただちに畜産局や地域の指導者に通報し、狂犬病に罹患している動物を監視すること。また、狂犬病に感染した後に狂犬病の予防接種を受けるために、動物と接触した人々を追跡すること。さらに、一般の人々も自分のペットを登録し、飼い主のいない動物として捨てないことで、問題の解決に参加することができる。
"People should be aware of prevention, starting from raising animals, dogs, and cats properly, sterilizing them, taking pets to get vaccinated against rabies every year, and avoiding contact with animals suspected of having rabies. If you are bitten, scratched, or licked by a pet, dog, or cat, or if saliva splashes into your eyes, mouth, or even a small wound, you must protect yourself in the right way immediately. "Clean the wound, apply medicine, see a doctor, get vaccinated." This is because this disease has an incubation period of up to 3 months, and in some cases, it may take a year before symptoms appear. When symptoms appear, there is no cure and everyone dies. Therefore, it is very important to see a doctor immediately to receive proper and appropriate treatment." If you have any questions, please call the Department of Disease Control hotline at 1422.
人々は、動物、犬、猫を適切に飼育し、不妊手術をし、ペットを連れて毎年狂犬病ワクチンを受けさせ、狂犬病の疑いのある動物との接触を避けることから始めて、予防を意識する必要がある。ペット動物、犬、猫に咬まれたり、ひっかかれたり、舐められたりした場合、あるいは唾液が目や口、あるいは小さな傷に入った場合には、直ちに正しい方法で身を守る必要がある。 傷口をきれいにし、薬を塗り、医師の診察を受け、ワクチン接種を受けること。なぜなら、この病気の潜伏期間は最長3か月、場合によっては症状が現れるまでに1年かかることがあるからである。症状が現れると治療法はなく、全員が死亡する。したがって、直ちに医師の診察を受け、適切かつ適切な治療を受けることが非常に重要である。質問がある場合は、疾病管理局ホットライン 1422 まで電話してもらいたい。
Communicated by:
["Rabies is estimated to cause 59 000 human deaths annually in over 150 countries, with 95% of cases occurring in Africa and Asia. Due to underreporting and uncertain estimates, this number is likely a gross underestimate. The burden of disease is disproportionally borne by rural poor populations, with approximately half of cases attributable to children under 15 years of age".(https://www.who.int/health-topics/rabies#tab=tab_1)
狂犬病は 150 か国以上で年間 59,000 人の死亡を引き起こしていると推定されており、症例の 95% はアフリカとアジアで発生している。過少報告と不確実な推定のため、この数字はおそらく大幅に過小評価されている。病気の負担は農村部の貧しい人々に偏っている。症例の約半数は 15 歳未満の子供である。」(URLは省略)
"The best way you can prevent rabies is by:
- Making sure your pets are up-to-date on their rabies vaccines;
- Keeping wildlife wild -- stay away from wildlife for both human and animal safety;
- Calling animal control to remove stray animals from your neighborhood;
- Washing bites or scratches immediately with soap and water; and
- Seeking medical care shortly after potential exposures.
- ペットが狂犬病ワクチンについて確実に最新の状態にする。
- 野生動物を野生のままに保つ -- 人間と動物の安全のため、野生動物には近づかないこと。
- 動物管理局に通報して、近隣から放浪動物を排除する。
- 噛み傷や引っかき傷は直ちに石鹸と水で洗う。そして
- 曝露の可能性があった後、すぐに医療機関を受診する。
Around the world, large-scale dog vaccination programs are the most effective way to prevent rabies. However, in many countries, there aren't enough resources to reach all the dogs that need it. CDC works with public and private partners to improve vaccine access for people and animals, making travel safer and improving global health".
世界中で、大規模な犬のワクチン接種プログラムが狂犬病を予防する最も効果的な方法である。しかし、多くの国では、必要とするすべての犬に届けるための十分なリソースがない。 CDCは公的および民間のパートナーと協力して、人々や動物のワクチンへのアクセスを改善し、旅行をより安全にし、世界の健康を改善する。(URLは省略)
"Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, in collaboration with partners, is announcing support for human rabies vaccines for post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) as part of routine immunisation. Eligible countries
are receiving guidance on how to access these vaccines under Gavi's cofinancing policy. The first round of applications will be accepted by mid-July 2024. Ninety-five percent of human rabies deaths occur in Africa and Asia, most often in marginalised communities that lack access to care.
「ワクチンアライアンスであるGaviはパートナーと協力し、定期予防接種の一環として暴露後予防(PEP)のためのヒト狂犬病ワクチンの支援を発表している。対象国は、Gavi の協調融資政策に基づいてこれらのワクチンにアクセスする方法に関するガイダンスを受けている。最初の申請は2024年7月中旬までに受け付けられる予定である。狂犬病による人の死亡の95%はアフリカとアジアで発生しており、そのほとんどはケアを受けられない疎外されたコミュニティで発生している。
This development complements ongoing global efforts of the Zero by 30 campaign, led by United Against Rabies partners including the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH, formerly OIE) with the goal of eliminating dog-mediated human rabies by 2030".
この開発は、食糧農業機関(FAO)、世界保健機関(WHO)、国際獣疫事務局(WOAH、旧OIE)を含む狂犬病対策パートナーが主導する「ゼロ・バイ・30」キャンペーンの進行中の世界的な取り組みを補完するものである。 2030年までに犬が媒介する人間の狂犬病を撲滅するという目標を掲げている。」(URLは省略)
It is noteworthy that bats must not be overlooked in their roles of rabies transmission from the wildlife in light of their omnipresence in the region.
"Bats play a vital role in our ecosystem, and they do not all carry rabies. However, it's important to recognize possible signs of rabies in bats. Unusual behaviors that could indicate that a bat has rabies
- A bat that is active during the day.
- A bat that is found in unusual places (inside a home or on the ground).
- A bat that is unable to fly or is easily approached.
If you see strange bat behavior, get in touch with animal control or your local public health department".
(https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/prevention/bats.html) - Mod.ST
(URLは省略) – モデレーター.ST
ProMED map:
Thailand: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8717627,151]
[See Also:
Rabies (16): Eurasia (Thailand, Pakistan) Africa (Tunisia) human,
animal http://promedmail.org/post/20210610.8438528
Rabies (23): Asia (Thailand) human
Rabies (16): Africa (S Africa), Asia (Thailand, Viet Nam, Israel)
human, animal http://promedmail.org/post/20180321.5701731
Rabies (12): Africa (S Africa) Asia (Thailand) animal, human
Rabies (40): Asia (Thailand, Malaysia) human, animal