




In this post:
[1] Arizona (Mojave County): bobcat, human exposure
[2] Georgia (Hall County): fox, human exposure
[3] Georgia, (Gwinnett County): cat, human exposure
[4] New York Sullivan County): fox, human exposure
[5] New York (Staten Island): cat, human exposure
[6] Massachusetts (Robinson State Park): coyote, cat, human exposure
[7] New Hampshire (Hillsborough County): fox, human exposure
[8] Virginia (Campbell County): kitten, human exposure


[1] アリゾナ州(モハーヴェ郡):ボブキャット、ヒトへの曝露

[2] ジョージア州 (ホール郡): キツネ、ヒトへの曝露
[3] ジョージア州 (グイネット郡):ネコ、ヒトへの曝露
[4] ニューヨーク州 (サリバン郡): キツネ、ヒトへの曝露
[5] ニューヨーク州 (スタテンアイランド): ネコ、ヒトへの曝露
[6] マサチューセッツ州 (ロビンソン州立公園): コヨーテ、ネコ、ヒトへの曝露
[7] ニューハンプシャー州 (ヒルズボロ郡): キツネ、ヒトへの曝露
[8] バージニア州 (キャンプベル郡): 子ネコ、ヒトへの曝露

[1] Arizona (Mojave County): bobcat, human exposure
Date: Fri 10 May 2024
Source: The Bee [edited]

[1] アリゾナ州(モハーヴェ郡):ボブキャット、ヒトへの曝露

日付;2024年5月10日 金曜日

情報源: The Bee [編集済](URLは省略)

Mohave County Department of Public Health was notified of an incident which involves a bobcat, a wild animal. The animal tested positive for rabies in the Aquarius Mountain area (east of Kingman, off I-40). The county's Public Health Nurses are working with the humans exposed to the bobcat while Game and Fish and Animal Control are dealing with the animal exposed.


モハーヴェ郡公衆衛生局は野生動物であるボブキャットが関与する事故の報告を受けた。この動物は、アクエリアス山地域 (キングマンの東、I-40 号線沿い) で狂犬病の検査で陽性反応を示した。郡の公衆衛生看護師はボブキャットからの曝露を受けた人間に対応し、狩猟・魚類・動物管理局は曝露を受けた動物に対処している。

The rabies virus causes severe damage to the central nervous system causing erratic behavior and death. Human exposures to rabid animals are usually rare and can be treated through prompt administration of anti-rabies vaccine and rabies immune globulin.


If someone has been bitten by an animal or had contact with the saliva of a wild animal, seek immediate medical attention. Rabies treatment, if needed, must begin quickly.


Safety Tips:
- Keep a distance from wild animals or stray domesticated animals. Do not have physical contact with them.
- Never bring wild animals into homes. Call animal control for retrieval.
- Do not feed or unintentionally attract wild animals with open garbage cans or litter.
- Protect pets by making sure they are up to date on their rabies vaccine.
- Keep pets on a leash while recreating in the outdoors.
- Teach children to never handle unfamiliar animals, wild or domestic, even if they appear friendly.


- 野生動物や迷い込んだ家畜から距離を置き、物理的に接触しないこと。

- 野生動物を家の中に連れ込まないこと。動物管理局に連絡して回収を依頼すること。

- 開いたままのゴミ箱やゴミで野生動物に餌を与えたり、意図せず野生動物を引き寄せたりしないこと。

- 狂犬病ワクチン接種を最新の状態にしてペットを保護すること。

- ペット動物と屋外で遊ぶときは、リードにつなぐこと。

- 野生動物や飼育動物を問わず、たとえ友好的に見えても、見慣れない動物には絶対に触れないよう子供に教えること。


If bitten, seek immediate medical attention.


To report a bite from a wild animal or an animal acting suspicious[in Arizona], please call the Arizona Game and Fish Department or the 24-hour hotline. In an emergency, call 9-1-1.

アリゾナ州で)野生動物に咬まれた場合や、不審な行動をしている動物がいた場合は、アリゾナ州狩猟・魚類局または 24 時間ホットラインに電話すること。緊急の場合は、9-1-1 に電話すること。

Communicated by:

[2] Georgia (Hall County): fox, human exposure
Date: Sun 12 May 2024
Source: Yahoo News [edited]

[2] ジョージア州 (ホール郡): キツネ、ヒトへの曝露

情報源:Yahoo News [編集済](URLは省略)

Woman bitten by rabid fox in Hall County



Hall County officials are warning the community about a rabid fox spotted in the area. They say a woman was bitten by a fox on Jesse Jewell Parkway earlier this week.


The fox was caught and sent off to the Georgia Public Health Lab in Decatur where it tested positive for rabies. There is no word on the woman's condition or what led up to her being


Officials encourage pet owners to get their animals vaccinated against rabies in case there are other animals with the disease in the area.
Anyone who sees an animal acting strange should call Hall County Animal Services.



Communicated by:

[3] Georgia (Gwinnett County): cat, human exposure
Date: Fri 17 May 2024
Source: Fox 5 Atlanta [edited]

[3] ジョージア州 (グイネット郡):ネコ、ヒトへの曝露
日付:2024年5月17日 金曜日

情報源:Fox 5 Atlanta [編集済](URLは省略)


Residents in Snellville are being asked to pay attention to animals displaying unusual behavior after a cat tested positive for rabies.


According to the Gwinnett County Animal Welfare and Enforcement, the cat was found on King Stream Way on 9 May 2024. Veterinary staff were exposed to the cat's saliva, though no bites or injuries were reported.


Rabies and other diseases can be transmitted to humans and pets through bites or scratches from wild animals such as foxes and raccoons. Pet owners are reminded to ensure their pets are up-to-date on rabies vaccinations. The National Association of State Health Veterinarians states that unvaccinated dogs and cats exposed to rabid animals must be quarantined for 4 months and vaccinated 1 month before release.

狂犬病やその他の病気は、キツネやアライグマなどの野生動物に咬まれたり引っかかれたりすることで、人間やペットに感染する可能性がある。ペットの飼い主は、ペットが最新の狂犬病ワクチンを接種していることを確認する必要がある。全米州保健獣医師協会は、狂犬病に感染した動物に接触したワクチン未接種のイヌやネコは、4か月間隔離し、解放する 1 か月前にワクチン接種する必要があると述べている。

If you or your child have been bitten or scratched by a stray or suspected rabid animal, seek immediate medical attention. Inform your healthcare provider about the exposure and contact the Gwinnett County Health Department to reach the on-call epidemiologist. To report the
animal and arrange for its pickup, call the Gwinnett Animal Welfare and Enforcement Bite Office.


Communicated by:

[4] New York (Sullivan County): fox, human exposure
Date: Sun 12 May 2024
Source: River Reporter [edited]

[4] ニューヨーク州 (サリバン郡): キツネ、ヒトへの曝露
日付:2024年5月12日 日曜日

情報源:River Reporter [編集済](URLは省略)


A euthanized fox in the Town of Bethel tested positive for the rabies virus, according to the Sullivan County Department of Public Health.


Exposed individuals are receiving appropriate treatment, the health department said.


Rabies is common throughout New York State, primarily affecting wild animals such as raccoons, bats, foxes, skunks, and woodchucks. Domestic animals account for less than 10% of reported rabies cases, with cats, cattle, and dogs being the most affected. To protect your
pets, keep them up-to-date on vaccinations and indoors when not on a leash.

狂犬病ニューヨーク州全域でよく見られ、主にアライグマ、コウモリ、キツネ、スカンク、ウッドチャックなどの野生動物に影響を与える。報告された狂犬病症例のうち、家畜が占める割合は 10% 未満で、ネコ、ウシ、イヌが最も影響を受けている。ペットを守るために、ワクチン接種を最新の状態に保ち、リードを付けていないときは屋内で飼養すること。

The health department will hold its next free rabies vaccination clinic for dogs, cats, and ferrets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, 5 Jun 2024, at Morningside Park in Hurleyville.


Take steps to protect yourself against rabies:


- Ensure your pets are up-to-date on rabies vaccinations. Vaccines for dogs, cats, and ferrets over 3 months old are effective for 1 year, with revaccinations lasting up to 3 years.
- Keep young, unvaccinated pets indoors.
- Avoid separating fighting animals. Wear gloves if handling your pet after a fight.
- Keep family pets indoors at night and prevent them from roaming freely. Avoid attracting wild animals by securing bird seed, food, garbage, and other potential attractants.
- Board up openings in your home to prevent animal entry.

- ペットが狂犬病ワクチンを最新の状態に保っていることを確認すること。生後 3 か月以上のイヌ、ネコ、フェレットに接種したワクチンは1年間有効で、再接種は最長3年間有効である。

- ワクチン接種を受けていない幼弱なペット動物は屋内で飼育すること。

- 喧嘩している動物を離そうとしないでください。喧嘩の後にペット動物を扱う場合は、手袋を着用すること。

- 夜間はペット動物を屋内で飼養し、外を自由に徘徊ないようにすること。鳥の餌、食物のゴミ、その他の誘引物質を厳重に保管して、野生動物の興味を惹かないように注意すること。

- 動物の侵入を防ぐために、家の開口部を板で塞ぐこと。

If bitten by an animal, seek treatment promptly and report contact with wild animals to the Sullivan County Department of Public Health.


For more information, call the Disease Surveillance and Investigation Department of Sullivan County Public Health.


Communicated by:

[5] New York (Staten Island): cat, human exposure
Date: Fri 17 May 2024
Source: SILive.com [edited]

[5] ニューヨーク州 (スタテンアイランド): ネコ、ヒトへの曝露
日付:2024年5月17日 金曜日

情報源:SILive.com [編集済](URLは省略)


A rabies-infected stray cat attacked at least one person on Staten Island: NYC officials issue warning



A rabies-infected stray cat recently attacked at least one person in Travis, and city officials now want residents to be on the lookout for other possibly-infected animals, a Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) spokesman said Friday [17 May 2024].


A flyer being circulated by the Health Department shows a picture of the male brown tabby domestic shorthair cat that officials believe was living near Travis Avenue and Victory Boulevard for over a year.


The flyer recommends that anyone who may have come in contact with the cat before 2 May 2024 seek medical attention. Additionally, there may be other infected cats or wildlife in the area, so anyone scratched or bitten by a wild animal should also seek medical attention. People
with pets who were bitten should also contact their veterinarian.


After authorities located the cat with the confirmed rabies infection, they caught it before later euthanizing the animal, according to the Health Department.


The attacked individual received treatment after the exposure, and a human case of rabies hasn't been reported in the 5 boroughs since 1947, according to the Health Department.


According to DOHMH, rabies is a fatal virus transmitted to people and other mammals through the bite of an infected animal. The virus can also be transmitted if a rabid animal's saliva or nerve tissue gets directly into another animal's eyes, nose, mouth or an open wound.

DOHMH によると、狂犬病は感染した動物に噛まれることによって、人や他の哺乳類に伝染する致死的なウイルスである。このウイルスは、狂犬病の動物の唾液や神経組織が別の動物の目、鼻、口、または開放創に直接入った場合も感染する可能性がある。
Most commonly found in raccoons in the 5 boroughs, only 600 animals have tested positive for the virus since the city began conducting surveillance in 1992, according the Health Department. Last year [2023], only 4 raccoons and a cat tested positive for the virus, the
Advance/SILive.com reported.


The city set up bait stations with rabies vaccines multiple times last year [2023] in the Island's wooded and marshy areas.


Symptoms of rabies usually start to appear 1 to 3 months after exposure, but in rare cases, symptoms have not shown up for several years, according to the Health Department.


Modern post-exposure treatments for rabies using vaccines and antibodies have been almost universally effective in preventing death among humans in the Western Hemisphere.


According to a March 2023 report from the Infectious Disease Society of America, an 84-year-old Minnesota man became the 1st person to die in the U.S. from rabies in 2021 despite receiving those treatments. Scientists concluded that the failure of those treatments was most
likely due to an unknown impaired immunity in the man.


[Byline(署名): Paul Liotta]

Communicated by:

[6] Massachusetts (Robinson State Park): coyote, cat, human exposure
Date: Tue 14 May 2024
Source: Western Mass News

[6] マサチューセッツ州 (ロビンソン州立公園): コヨーテ、ネコ、ヒトへの曝露
日付:2024年5月14日 火曜日

情報源:Western Mass News(URLは省略)

Coyote which attacked 2 people in Agawam park tests positive for rabies



Concerns are growing in Agawam after a coyote which attacked 2 people in Robinson State Park last week has now tested positive for rabies after a cat near the park tested positive as well.


The cat, which was recently found on King Street, tested positive for rabies and approximately 20 people were exposed. Agawam Animal Control Officer Allison Strong explained what happens when humans are exposed to rabies.


"They will get a series of post-exposure rabies vaccinations from a medical provider. In the state of Massachusetts, it is state law for any medical provider to report any potential exposure to rabies," Strong said. Strong emphasized the importance of all medical providers reporting any bites or scratches, so each case can be closely monitored in humans and pets.


"A lot of people, even though it's against the law, will let their dogs run loose in Robinson Park, not leashed, and then they will come back with a bite or a scratch and, you know, 'Well, I put some sap or triple antibiotic and it seemed to get better.' That always needs to be brought to your vet because we will booster for rabies," Strong added.


Local dog owner NP spoke to Western Mass News about how she keeps her pets safe. "We're always up to date on our vaccines. I actually just go to the Tractor Supply in Southwick for all my vaccines, all the rabies shots, and keep up to date with that. I go camping every year and I need to make sure they are all up to dates on their shots," Peabody said. [Check with your veterinarian about the proper type of rabies vaccination to use for your pet. In some states only veterinarians can administer the rabies vaccine. So even if you are purchasing from a retail outlet, check with your veterinarian to be sure the vaccine you used legally means your pet is protected. - Mod.TG]

この地域で犬を飼っている NP さんは、Western Mass News に対して、彼女のペットをどのようにして安全に守るかについて述べた。「我々は、常に最新のワクチンを接種している。実際、サウスウィックのトラクターサプライに行って、すべてのワクチンと狂犬病の予防接種を受け、最新の状態に保っている。毎年キャンプに行くので、すべてのワクチンが最新のものであることを確認する必要がある。」とピーボディ氏は述べた。(あなたが飼育しているペットに対して適切な狂犬病ワクチンの種類については、獣医師に確認すること。州によっては、獣医師のみが狂犬病ワクチンを接種できる。そのため、小売店で購入する場合でも、そのワクチン接種が法的にペットを保護しているかどうか獣医師に確認すること。(モデレーター TG)

Vaccinations are one more step to keeping you and your animals protected.


"We have to keep our animals safe and our animals are part of our family. They are our little babies, so definitely they should be vaccinated," Peabody noted.


Dogs and cats can need a new rabies shot every 1 to 3 years, depending on the shot. Check with your local veterinarian to make sure your animals are properly protected.


[Byline(署名): Regan Stoddard and Ryan Trowbridge]

Communicated by:

[7] New Hampshire (Hillsborough County): fox, human exposure
Date: Thu 16 May 2024
Source: WGME [edited]

[7] ニューハンプシャー州 (ヒルズボロ郡): キツネ、ヒトへの曝露
日付:2024年5月16日 木曜日

情報源:WGME [編集済](URLは省略)


Fox attacks 4-year-old girl and her mother in New Hampshire


It was a scary scene in Hollis, New Hampshire, as a mother and her child were attacked by a fox in their backyard. Police say the mother pinned the fox to the ground for 5 to 10 minutes after it bit her 4-year-old daughter.



"It's a long time, but it sounds like the mom just went into protective mode for her child. Although we wouldn't recommend it, instincts kind of took over and in this case, it worked out. Although there are wild animals everywhere, we don't get a lot of attacks. This is the 1st one I've heard of," said Capt. Jon Tate, with the Hollis Police Department.


The mom wasn't bitten but was scratched on her arm. She and her daughter were taken to the hospital and are expected to be okay.


The fox was euthanized at the scene and New Hampshire Fish and Game took it to the state lab to test for rabies and other diseases. They are still waiting for the results.



Communicated by:

[8] Virginia (Campbell County): kitten, human exposure
Date: Fri 17 May 2024
Source: WSET [edited]

[8] バージニア州 (キャンプベル郡): 子ネコ、ヒトへの曝露

日付:2024年5月17日 金曜日

情報源:WSET [編集済](URLは省略)

Stray kitten tests positive for rabies in Campbell County



The Campbell County Health Department confirmed Friday [17 May 2024] a stray kitten, about 8 weeks of age, has tested positive for rabies.


According to the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), the kitten was found in the area of Park Street and Lola Avenue in Altavista. Anyone who may have been exposed to a stray cat or other animal, by a bite, scratch or contact with saliva, in that area is asked to contact their
physician and contact the Campbell County Health Department by phone, or by email at .

バージニア州保健局(VDH)によると、子猫はアルタビスタのパーク ストリートとローラ アベニューの地区で発見された。その地域で、噛まれたり引っかかれたり唾液に触れたりして野良猫やその他の動物と接触した可能性がある人は、かかりつけの医師に連絡し、キャンベル郡保健局に電話または電子メールで連絡すること。

"This incident is a reminder rabies is present in Virginia," VDH said. "Rabies is caused by a virus attacking the nervous system and is lethal if proper medical care is not given following an exposure to the virus."


The most common source of rabies exposure is a bite by a rabid animal, but it can also be transmitted by saliva from a rabid animal coming into contact with open wounds, the mouth, eyes, or nose. VDH recommends everyone take common sense measures to protect themselves and their domestic animals from rabies.


Pet owners should keep their pets up to date on their rabies vaccinations. Virginia law requires all dogs and cats 4 months of age and older be vaccinated for rabies by a licensed veterinarian and vaccinations are to be kept current.

ペットの飼い主は、ペットの狂犬病予防接種を最新の状態に保つ必要があります。バージニア州の法律では、生後 4 か月以上のすべての犬と猫に、免許を持った獣医師による狂犬病予防接種と最新の予防接種の実施が義務付けられています。

VDH also recommends avoiding contact with wild or stray animals, and parents should tell their children not to touch, pet, or handle unknown animals. Additional steps to be taken to prevent rabies in people and pets include:

VDH は野生動物や放浪動物との接触を避けることも推奨している。親は、子供に対して、ペット動物や見知らぬ動物に触れたり、撫でたり、扱ったりしないように教える必要がある。人やペットの狂犬病を予防するために取るべき追加の手順には以下の内容が含まれる。

  • Do not feed stray animals. Avoid wild animals, especially raccoons, bats, foxes, and skunks. Feed your pets indoors and do not let them wander.


  • Teach children to avoid contact with wild animals and pets they are not familiar with.


  • Do not handle sick, injured, or dead animals. Contact a licensed wildlife rehabber if you have concerns about sick or injured wildlife.


  • Keep wild animals out of homes by capping chimneys with screens and blocking openings in attics, cellars, and porches. Ensure trash cans have tight-fitting lids.


  • Do not try to trap or handle stray and wild animals. If a bat is found indoors and may have had contact with someone, do not release it. Call your local animal control officer or health department to determine if the animal should be picked up and tested for rabies. [If there is a bat in the house, it should be tested for rabies. Otherwise, the bat could be released before anyone in the household realizes they have a bite. Bat bites are with very tiny and very sharp
    teeth. Most people would never know they have been bitten unless they see a drop of blood. So, if a bat is in the home, call the authorities to capture and test it. - Mod.TG]


  • Report all bites to people to the local health department for investigation. "If you are bitten by a wild or stray animal do not panic," VDH said. "Wash the wound(s) thoroughly with warm soapy water and contact animal control, your doctor, or the health department for further recommendations."

人に咬まれた場合は必ず地域の保健所に報告し、調査を依頼すること。VDH は、「野生動物や野良動物に咬まれた場合、パニックに陥らないこと。温かい石鹸水で傷口を徹底的に洗い、動物管理局、医師、保健所に連絡して、さらにアドバイスを求めること。」と述べた。

[Byline(署名): Ezra Hercyk]

Communicated by:

[It is spring time. Rabies can and does occur at any time during the year. However, many animals are more active in spring and early summer as they are searching for mates. Spring/summer is also an active time for families to be outdoors for a variety of sports, picnics, swimming and other activities. Consequently, rabid animals may have more opportunity to come into contact with outdoor people. Conversely, perhaps it is people intruding into the edge of the animal world. Regardless of the situation, we need to be especially alert for animals and any potential odd activities or aggressiveness.


There are 2 forms of rabies. They are designated furious and dumb. The furious is exactly as it sounds. The affected animal is ferocious and attacks without warning. An animal with the dumb form may appear to be scared or hurt and cowering from company in the area. However, after getting hands on the animal, or even just being close to touching the animal, they usually bite. Wild and domestic animals exhibit both kinds of rabies.


So please teach children compassion, but wisdom to call animal control. Some domestic animals may be hurt and scared and not have rabies. But please let an official handle the animal.


If you or your child has been bitten or scratched, please consult medical personnel. The wound or wounds should be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water and any other appropriate medical attention. If the animal is diagnosed as having rabies, then the individual will need the Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) series of shots. These are given in the muscle as are a number of other medical shots.


"Key points
• Rabies Postexposure Prophylaxis (PEP) includes wound washing, human rabies immune globulin (HRIG), and a 4-dose series of vaccines.
• Never administer HRIG and the 1st dose of rabies vaccine into the same anatomical site.
• Persons with a confirmed or suspected immune disorder require a 5th dose of vaccine and serological confirmation that an adequate response to vaccination occurred.


  • 狂犬病曝露後予防 (PEP) には、創傷洗浄、ヒト狂犬病免疫グロブリン (HRIG)、および 4回のワクチン接種が含まれる。
  • HRIG と1回目の狂犬病ワクチン接種を、同じ解剖学的部位に投与しないこと。
  • 免疫異常が分かっている人、またはそれが疑われる人は、5回目のワクチン接種と、ワクチン接種に対する適切な反応があったことの血清学的確認が必要である。

"Rabies Postexposure Prohpylaxis (PEP) The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) develops the U.S. recommendations about how to use vaccines to prevent disease in the United States, including how to prevent rabies in people.


"Rabies PEP consists of wound washing, a dose of human rabies immune globulin (HRIG), and rabies vaccine given at the time of your 1st medical visit, and then a dose of vaccine given again on days 3, 7, and 14 after the 1st dose. Pregnancy is not a contraindication for rabies PEP and exposure to rabies or a rabies diagnosis in the mother does not require pregnancy termination." (Extracted from: https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/about/index.html)



So please protect yourself and your pets. Have your pets vaccinated against rabies, and keep pets in yards, or on leashes. If your pet is vaccinated against rabies, and exposed to a rabid animal, then a rabies booster may be required.



If your pet is bitten by a rabid animal but your pet has not had a rabies vaccination, your pet may be put into a lengthy quarantine and observed, or may be humanely euthanized. So please protect your pets and get them vaccinated against rabies and other diseases in your area. Please check with your veterinarian regarding other vaccines your pet needs.


Vaccinations are necessary for pets including cats, dogs, horses, cattle, and even sheep and goats. - Mod.TG

ネコ、イヌ、ウマ、ウシ、さらにはヒツジやヤギについてもペット動物にはワクチン接種が必要である。 - モデレーターTG

ProMED map:
United States: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8716596,106]

[See Also:
Rabies (43): North America (USA) cat, raccoon, bat, fox, cow, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240509.8716400
Rabies (40): North America (USA) raccoon, fox, cow, bat, human exp
Rabies (35): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, dog, cow, human exp
Rabies (32): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, fox, bat, dog, coyote,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240401.8715730
Rabies (30): North America (Mexico, USA) cat, fox, dog & human exp,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240328.8715661
Rabies (28): North America (USA) raccoon, otter, cat, skunk, dogs,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240320.8715504
Rabies (23): North America (USA) skunk, raccoon, cat, cow, dog,
bobcat, fox, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240314.8715372
Rabies (21): North America (USA) bat, horse, dog, raccoon, cat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240309.8715270
Rabies (15): North America (USA) coyote, dog, kitten, raccoon, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240224.8715017
Rabies (09): North America (USA) fox, dog, skunk, cat, cow, human exp
Rabies (06): North America (USA) otter, raccoon, cat, dog, skunk, fox,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240118.8714289
Rabies (03): North America (USA) cat, skunk, dog, bat, raccoon, fox,
horse, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714178
Rabies (59): North America (USA) fox, skunk, cat, dog, human exp
Rabies (54): North America (USA) skunk, coyote, racoon, dog, human
exposure http://promedmail.org/post/20231223.8713861
Rabies (51): North America (USA) fox, cat, fisher, goat, human exp
Rabies (48): North America (USA) horse, fox, raccoon, kitten, bat,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20231118.8713208
Rabies (46): North America (Canada, USA) kitten, cat, dog, bat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20231105.8712996
Rabies (44): North America (USA) kitten, bat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (43): North America (USA) fox
Rabies (40): North America (Canada, USA) bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (39): North America (USA) otter, fox, dog, human exp
Rabies (37): North America (USA) dog, raccoon, cat, bat, skunk, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230925.8712316
Rabies (36): North America (USA) fox, raccoon
Rabies (35): Americas, dog, bat, human exp
Rabies (34): North America (USA) fox, dog, cat, raccoon, bat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230802.8711520
Rabies (33): North America (USA) fox, bat, dog, beaver, cat, human exp
Rabies (32): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (31): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) bat, cat, dog, human exp
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) dog, cat, bat, fox, groundhog, human exp
Rabies (24): Americas (Canada, USA) Australia, human exp, bats, cats,
wildlife http://promedmail.org/post/20230610.8710499
Rabies (23): Americas (Canada, USA) fox, bat, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (20): Americas (USA) bat, possible human exp
Rabies (01): Americas, cat, bat, cattle, skunk, pig, dog, human
cases/exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230103.8707561
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) skunk, bat, cat, dog, raccoon, wildlife,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20221117.8706775
Rabies (46): Americas (USA) bat, cat, horse, human exp
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) bat, cat, human exposure
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, horse, human exp, vacc
update, corr http://promedmail.org/post/20221008.8706014
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, horse, human exp, vacc
update http://promedmail.org/post/20221007.8706005
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (07): Americas (Canada, USA) fox, dog, bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) dog, fox, cat, bat, human exp
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, bat, dog, human exp, cattle
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) bat, human exposure
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) coyote, bat, imported dog ex Egypt, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20201108.7925072
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) animal, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (27): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (25): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (23): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) fox, goat, bat, human exposure
Rabies (15): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exp
Rabies (13): Americas (USA) cat, fox, human exp
Rabies (12): Americas (USA) fox, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) cat, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp
Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure
Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp
Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp
Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure
Rabies (49): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) cat, dog, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (47): Americas (USA) skunk, alert
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) dog, skunk, raccoon, fox, human exp
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) fox, bat, human exp
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) dog, cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (39): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, kitten, raccoon, human
Rabies (38): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (34): Americas (USA) cat, dog, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas, USA (FL, NC) cat, fox, dog, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr.
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure
Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp.
Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert
Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure
Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) raccoon, alert
and other items in the archives]