




In this post:
[1] Wyoming, cattle
[2] USA ex Egypt, canine rabies
[1] Wyoming, cattle
Date: Tue 7 May 2019
Source: Loveland Reporter Herald [edited]

Larimer County has announced a confirmed case of rabies in a steer -- the 1st case in a mammal other than a skunk this year [2019]. 
ラリマー郡は、去勢牛における狂犬病の確定症例を発表しました - 今年のスカンク以外の哺乳類における最初の症例です[2019]。

The Larimer County Department of Health and Environment said rabies is most common in skunks and bats but will occasionally cross over into other species. So far this year [2019], Larimer County has the highestconfirmed rabies infections in animals across the state with 26 skunks confirmed with rabies. Skunks are more likely than bats to pose risk to pets and livestock because they may have more interaction with those other animals.

Health officials remind residents to have their animals, including livestock, vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian. This can prevent the spread of the infection to other animals and to humans and can preventlengthy and costly quarantines if livestock or a pet encounters a rabid animal.

Rabies is spread by saliva, primarily through the bite of a rabid animal, according to information from the Larimer County health department. Once symptoms [in people, or signs in animals - Mod.TG] appear, there is no cure, the health department reports.
ラリマー郡保健局の情報によると、狂犬病は主に狂犬病の咬傷を介して唾液によって拡散します。一旦[人々あるいは動物に-  Mod.TG]症状が現れたら、治療法はない、と保健省は言っています。

People who have been exposed to rabies can receive medical treatment before symptoms of the infection appear, according to information from the health department.

The Larimer County Department of Health offers the following advice to protect against rabies:

- Do not feed or touch wildlife.
- Teach children to notify an adult if there is a wild animal in the area or if they are bitten or scratched.
- Eliminate food sources for wild animals. Do not feed pets outdoors, close pet doors especially at night, and tightly close garbage cans and feed bins.
- Ensure your pets, horses and livestock are up-to-date on their rabies vaccinations.
- 野生生物に餌を与えたり触れたりしないでください。

 - 子供たちに、その地域に野生動物がいる場合、または咬まれたりひっかかれた場合は、大人に知らせるよう教えましょう。

 - 野生動物の食料源を排除しましょう。 屋外でペットを飼ったりせず、特に夜間にはペット用ドアを閉め、ゴミ箱やゴミ箱をしっかり閉じてください。

 - ペット、馬、家畜が狂犬病予防接種を受けていることを確認しましょう。

For the latest information on rabies in Larimer County, visit <http://www.larimer.org/rabies>.
Larimer Countyの狂犬病に関する最新情報は、以下のWebサイトをご覧ください。<http://www.larimer.org/rabies>.

[Byline: Pamela Johnson]

Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[2] USA ex Egypt, canine rabies
Date: Fri 10 May 2019
Source: ABC News [edited]

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced a temporary ban on dogs imported to the USA from Egypt on Friday [10 May 2019], citing multiple instances of dogs that contracted rabies in Egypt being brought to the USA in recent years.

Officials say Americans' appetite for adopting puppies has fueled what regulators call an international smuggling operation that skirts US regulations. "The motives behind illegal puppy importation are notimmediately obvious. However, a closer look reveals a big business driven by profit at the expense of the health and welfare of the underage puppies," the CDC says in a blog post.

"Importers aim to get around these regulations because customers demand puppies as young as 8 weeks. Profits decline by the thousands with each month a puppy ages. The puppy-loving public creating the demand is part of the problem."

The CDC estimates 100 000 dogs are imported from countries at high risk for rabies every year, some of the 1.06 million dogs entering the country through airports or ports of entry according to the agency. Three rabid dogs have been imported to the USA from Egypt since 2015, some with falsified health paperwork.

Animal rescue organization throughout the USA have worked with groups in Egypt and other countries to re-home animals, but federal officials have become increasingly concerned about the accuracy of informationprovided from overseas. The CDC and animal welfare groups say there's no single database to track what happens to dogs brought into the USA from Egypt once they're in the country.

In 2017, "Operation Dog Catcher" was launched after agents from Customs and Border Protection, the CDC, and USDA veterinarians identified more frequent large shipments of puppies at JFK [airport in New York]. The operation discovered smuggling operations where dogs from overseas "puppy mills" are shipped to the USA as rescue dogs valued at USD 0, then sold to the public online or on social media under false or misleading information claiming they were bred in the
2017年には、税関国境警備局、CDC、およびUSDAの獣医師の代理人が(ニューヨークの)JFK空港で大量の子犬の輸入がこれまでより頻繁にされているのを確認したのち、「Operation Dog Catcher」が開始されました。この作戦によって、海外の「子犬工場」から犬が0ドル相当の救助犬として米国に出荷され、米国で繁殖された子犬であるとする虚偽または誤解を招く情報をつけられてオンラインまたはソーシャルメディアで販売されている密輸事業があることが発見されました。

The most recent recorded incident was in February of this year [2019], according to the CDC, when 26 dogs imported from Egypt were adopted or placed in foster homes through a rescue in the Kansas City area. One of the dogs bit a technician and [the dog] tested positive for rabies.

The USA has been free of canine rabies since 2007, according to the CDC, but the agency says even one imported dog with the virus could create a public health threat if they interact with people or other animals that go untreated.

"The importation of just one dog infected with CRVV [canine rabies virus variant] risks the re-introduction of the virus into the United States," the CDC says in a draft of its public notice, which will be officially posted Friday [10 May 2019]

The CDC says it has worked with international health organizations to try to clear up the problem, but officials in Egypt have not provided enough information to guarantee the health of imported dogs. Imports will be suspended until the CDC and other federal agencies determine appropriate controls are in place in Egypt to prevent exports of rabid dogs.

While US law says dogs coming into the USA have to be healthy and at least 6 months old, Operation Dog Catcher found animals with fraudulent health documents and vaccination records. In addition to rabies, dogs can spread other diseases capable of spreading to humans and other animals, such as parasites or skin infections.
米国の法律では、米国に来る犬は健康で最低6ヶ月齢でなければならないと定められていますが、「Operation Dog Catcher」では詐欺的な健康診断書と予防接種記録を持った動物が見つかりました。狂犬病に加えて、犬は寄生虫や皮膚感染症などの人間や他の動物に伝播しうる他の病気を広げる可能性があります。

The CDC and animal advocacy groups say members of the public should research breeders and ask to visit facilities or see inspection reports, even though the full records are not publicly available online. The CDC says adopting from credible animal shelters in the USA also helps decrease demand for puppies sold through fraudulent operations.

[Byline: Stephanie Ebbs]

Communicated by:
ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts

[Laramie County, Wyoming, is wise to recommend livestock be vaccinated. It is cheap insurance for your other animals and for your help, your family and yourself. Most often our curious livestock want to see what the odd shuffling animal is crossing their pasture domain, so they stick their noses down, only to get bitten by a rabid animal, frequently a skunk. This is a usually unobserved situation until the bovine animal begins to act odd, even aggressive to its pen-mates or those feeding it.



Rabid bovine animals have attacked pen-mates, people, feeding trucks and other objects. In the situation when arabid bovine attacks a human or dog, it usually does not end well for the one attacked. If more than one animal encounters the skunk or raccoon or other source of rabies, there may be multiple herd animals affected with rabies.



I have long advocated vaccinating your stock, so it is wonderful to see an official office promoting this. Alsovaccinate your pet, whether they are your dog or cat or horse, or your pet steer. Rabies is a fatal disease. While there is a lifesaving post-exposure prophylaxis in humans, one should not procrastinate if bitten, but rather seek treatment immediately. Such a life-saving treatment is not available to our pets or livestock. Therefore, protect your pets and livestock and vaccinate against rabies.

Rabies is a very serious disease, often resulting in death of the animal victim and often expensive treatment for a human. There are several variants of the rabies virus. Some variants are the skunk variant or the racoon variant. The article about dogs from Egypt mentions the canine variant. This is a specific variant of the diseasethat has not been in the USA for over 10 years.



Dogs can still be infected with the skunk variant or the racoon variant or other
variants if bitten by one of those animals carrying a particular strain of rabies. The strain of rabies is one issue. The other issues the article addresses are people unexpectedly being exposed to rabies in an animal touted as having its appropriate vaccines. This is a very serious issue to adopt a pet from another country where the paperwork is fraudulent and thus expose yourself/family to a fatal disease that
you believed had been prevented. The article is correct to say investigate the breeder and where the animals are coming from.

 Let the buyer beware. - Mod.TG

HealthMap/ProMED-mail maps: United States: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/106>
Laramie County, Wyoming, United States: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/5202>]

[See Also:
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure
Rabies (15): Americas, Brazil (RS) bat, cattle
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure
Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp.
Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert
Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure
Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) raccoon, alert
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) raccoon, human exp., susp.
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) raccoon, feline, human exposure
Rabies (36): Americas (USA) bat, alert
Rabies (35): Americas (USA)
Rabies (33): Americas (USA) bat, comment
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) bat, comment
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) bat, human exposure
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) bat, human exp.
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) fox, susp., human exposure
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) human, bat, canine exposure
Rabies (05): Americas (USA) fox, susp., human exposure
Rabies (04): Americas (USA, Brazil) bat, human, Milwaukee protocol
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) bat, human exp.
Rabies (38): Americas (USA)
Rabies (36): Americas (USA) wildlife, multiple human exposures
Rabies (34): Americas (USA) bat, human exp.
Rabies (33): Americas (USA) bobcat, canine & human exposures
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) bat, human exp.
Rabies (27): Americas (USA) feline
Rabies (23): Americas (USA)
Rabies, raccoon - USA (04): (NYC) vaccination
Rabies, raccoon - USA (NY) http://promedmail.org/post/20100122.0246
Rabies, raccoon - USA: New York City alert
and other items in the archives]




From: <promed-ahead@promedmail.org>
Date: 2019年5月13日(月) 10:29
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr.
To: <promed-post@promedmail.org>, <promed-edr-post@promedmail.org>, <promed-ahead-post@promedmail.org>


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: 12 May 2019
From: Tam Garland, ProMED-mail Moderator <promed@promedmail.org>

In part [1] of the previous posting "Rabies (28): Americas (USA)
cattle, imported dogs http://promedmail.org/post/20190511.6465671," it
was reported that this event took place in Wyoming. In actuality, it
occurred in the state of Colorado.
この事件はワイオミングで行われたと報告されました。 実際には、コロラド州で発生しました。
Apologies to the state of Wyoming and to our readers.

Laramie county, Colorado is wise to recommend livestock be


Tam Garland
ProMED-mail Moderator


HealthMap/ProMED map available at:
Colorado, United States: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/209>]

[See Also:
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs
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