

狂犬病(57): ベトナム(GIA LAI)長い潜伏期間



Date: Thu 4 Jul 2024
Source: VN Express [in Vietnamese, machine trans., edited]

Death after more than 2 months of being bitten by a stray dog

A 57-year-old man has died of rabies more than 2 months after being bitten on the arm by a stray dog.

On 4 Jul 2024, a representative of the Gia Lai Center for Disease Control said that 2 days ago [2 Jul 2024], Mr. [DD] (in Krong commune) was taken by relatives to the Kbang District Medical Center for examination with symptoms of fatigue, fever, and hydrophobia.
2024年7月4日、Gia Lai疾病管理センターの担当者によると、2日前(2024年7月2日)、DD氏(Krong地区)は、疲労、発熱、水恐怖症の症状を訴え、親族に連れられてKbang地区医療センターで診察を受けた。

Due to the serious condition, the patient was transferred to Gia Lai General Hospital with a diagnosis of rabies. After consulting with the doctor, the family asked to take the patient home, where he died.
重篤な状態であり、狂犬病と診断され、Gia Lai総合病院に移送された。医師と相談した後、家族は患者を自宅に連れ帰ることを求めたが、患者はそこで死亡した。

About 2 months ago, Mr. [DD] was bitten on the right arm by a stray dog. The villagers beat the dog to death. Despite being bitten by a dog, [DD] did not get vaccinated or receive anti-rabies serum.

Rabies is transmitted mainly through bites, scratches, or licks from an infected animal on damaged skin. Currently, there is no cure. Once rabies occurs, both animals and humans are 100% fatal. The most effective way to prevent it is to vaccinate dogs and cats against rabies every year and vaccinate people against rabies immediately
after being bitten by a dog or cat (or scratched with a bleeding wound), the sooner the better.

The characteristic of rabies is that the incubation period is long and the disease is detected late depending on the condition of the bite, usually after a few weeks, sometimes years. By then, the wound from the dog bite has healed, and many people even forget they were bitten. Doctors recommend that people who are bitten by dogs, cats or other animals should be vaccinated against rabies to prevent the disease.
The best time to get vaccinated after a dog bite is within 24 hours of the bite.

According to the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine of Gia Lai province, the total number of dogs and cats in the area is currently more than 210 000. Most of the dogs and cats are raised freely, without cages. The rate of rabies vaccination for the animals is very low at only about 19%.
Gia Lai省畜産獣医局によると、この地域で飼育されているイヌとネコの総数は現在21万頭以上である。ほとんどのイヌとネコはケージに入れずに自由に飼育されている。狂犬病予防接種率は約19%と非常に低い。

Since last year [2023], 16 people in Gia Lai have died from rabies, all without receiving preventive treatment after being bitten by dogs.
昨年(2023年)以来、Gia Laiでは、イヌに咬まれた後の暴露後処置を受けることなく、16人が狂犬病で死亡している。

[Byline: Tran Hoa]

担当:Tran Hoa

Communicated by:

[It is understood that since 2023, there is a specific number of dog or cat bites/scratches in Gia Lai province of which a proportion of affected people besides these 16 fatal cases sought post-exposure prophylaxis.
2023年以降、Gia Lai省ではイヌやネコに咬まれたり引っかかれたりする事例が一定数発生しており、この16件の致命的な事例のほかにも、曝露後予防措置を求める患者が存在することが分かっている。

Even though an effective vaccine coverage in dogs/cats is the target, ensuring that every community member is aware of the severity of rabies and seek appropriate PEP is the most likely best option.

School children are supposed to be more literate and receptive of health education messages in case that their parents are ethnic people with limited literacy rate.

Geographical access may be a problem for both health service providers as well as for community members in the catchment area even though the former are relatively more compelled to reach every community for better health coverage. - Mod.ST

ProMED map:
Vietnam: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8717391,152]

[See Also:
Rabies (54): Viet Nam (TQ, HO) increase, fatal 0240620.8717125
Rabies (50): Viet Nam (HI) new directive on dog and cat meat trade
Rabies (38): Viet Nam, increase
Rabies (30): Viet Nam, financial implication
Rabies (29): Viet Nam (HC) human, increase, urgent response
Rabies (24): Viet Nam (PY) stray dog, human exp
Rabies (18): Viet Nam (QN) human, dog
Rabies (16): Viet Nam, increase
Rabies (13): Viet Nam (CM) dog bite, restaurant owner
Rabies (04): Viet Nam (PY) dog bite mistaken as scratch from collar,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714212
Rabies (56): Viet Nam (GL) long incubation period