

狂犬病(59)ベトナム(ギア ライ)猫咬傷、死亡





Date: Mon 15 Jul 2024 21:48 ICT 日時:2024年7月15日(月)21:48ICT

Source: VNExpress [in Vietnamese, machine trans., edited]

出典:VNExpress [ベトナム語 機械翻訳編集済]




A 3-year-old boy in Chu Se district, one month after being bitten by a cat on his left hand, developed rabies and died.



On 15 Jul 2024, a representative of the Gia Lai Province Center for Disease Control said that the child was brought to the Chu Se District Medical Center by his family yesterday [14 Jul 2024] after several days of vomiting. The doctor diagnosed the child with rabies, a

digestive infection with complications of dehydration, and transferred him to Gia Lai Children's Hospital for treatment.

2024年7月15日、ザライ省疾病管理センターの代表者は、この男児が数日間の嘔吐の後、昨日(2024年7月14日)家族によってチュセ地区医療センターに連れてこられたと述べた。医師は、この男児狂犬病、脱水症の合併症を伴う消化器感染症と診断し、治療のためギア ライ小児病院に移送した。


According to the family, a month ago the child was bitten by a cat on the left hand, the wound was shallow and bleeding but the wound was not treated or vaccinated against rabies. The cat, which was raised by the family, ran away after biting the child.



The only way to prevent rabies is to get vaccinated after being bitten by a dog or cat. When a patient has a rabies attack, 100% of them die. This baby was brought home by his family this morning. He was drooling, afraid of light, afraid of water and wind, not alert and screaming, and died that same morning.



The baby is the 4th case in Gia Lai to die from rabies since the beginning of the year [2024].

この幼児は、今年(2024年)になって、ギア ライで狂犬病で死亡した4人目の症例である。


[Byline: Tran Hoa]


Communicated by:





["Nearly 40 million households in the United States have pet cats. Research has shown that cats can provide emotional support, improve moods, and contribute to the overall morale of their owners. Cats are also credited with promoting socialization among older people and

physically or mentally disabled people.

[「米国では約 4,000 万世帯がペットの猫を飼育している。研究によると、猫は飼い主へ精神的な支えとなり、気分を改善し、活力の向上に貢献することが判明した。猫はまた、高齢者や身体または精神に障害のある人々の社会化を促進するとも考えられている。


"Although cats are great companions, cat owners should be aware that sometimes cats can carry harmful germs that can make people sick. This can happen even when they appear healthy and clean."



Rabies is one among 16 diseases carried by cats ranging from _Campylobacter_ infection to tularemia (https://www.cdc.gov/healthy-pets/about/cats.html).

狂犬病は、カンピロバクター感染症から野兎病に至るまで、猫が媒介する 16 種類の病気のうちの 1 つである (https://www.cdc.gov/healthy-pets/about/cats.html)。


"Immediate medical attention following suspected rabies exposure is critical. Medical care following a rabies exposure is called post-exposure prophylaxis or PEP. PEP includes wound care, a dose of human rabies immune globulin (HRIG), and a series of 4 or 5 rabies vaccines, which must be administered as soon as possible after exposure. This care is vital to prevent the disease from developing. It is nearly 100% effective if administered promptly. Each year, 60,000 Americans receive PEP after a potential rabies exposure."

狂犬病への曝露が疑われる場合は、直ちに医師の診察を受けることが重要である。狂犬病への曝露後の医療処置は曝露後予防法または PEP と呼ばれる。PEP には、創傷ケア、ヒト狂犬病免疫グロブリン (HRIG) の投与、および曝露後できるだけ早く投与する必要がある 4 回または 5 回の狂犬病ワクチン接種が含まれる。この処置は、病気の発症を防ぐために不可欠である。速やかに投与すれば、ほぼ 100% の効果がある。毎年、60,000 人のアメリカ人が、狂犬病の曝露の可能性の後に PEP を受けている。」


"In the United States, more than 90% of reported cases of rabies in animals occur in wildlife. Contact with infected bats is the leading cause of human rabies deaths in this country; at least 7 out of 10 Americans who die from rabies in the US were infected by bats. The animals most often found with rabies in the US include:

- Bats

- Raccoons

- Skunks

- Foxes"

「米国では、動物の狂犬病の報告例の 90% 以上が野生動物に発生している。感染したコウモリとの接触は、この国における人間の狂犬病による死亡の主な原因である。米国において狂犬病で死亡したアメリカ人の 10 人中少なくとも 7 人はコウモリから感染していた。米国で最も頻繁に狂犬病に感染している動物は次のとおり。

- コウモリ

- アライグマ

- スカンク

- キツネ」


"While rabid dogs in the US are uncommon, around the world, domestic dogs are responsible for more than 95% of the estimated 70 000 human deaths that occur each year"


「米国では狂犬病に感染した犬は珍しいが、世界中では、毎年発生する推定 70,000 人の人間の死亡のうち 95% 以上が飼い犬によるものである」 (https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/about/index.html)。


The community must be reminded that not only dogs but cats and other wildlife can also cause rabies, and cats should be included in vaccination campaigns and their bites/scratches must be followed by appropriate medical attention as their dog counterparts. - Mod.ST

犬だけでなく猫や他の野生動物も狂犬病を引き起こす可能性があることを地域社会に認識させる必要がある。猫も予防接種キャンペーンの対象に含める必要があり、咬まれたり引っかかれたりした場合は犬と同様に適切な医療処置を受けなければならない。 - Mod.ST


ProMED map:

Gia Lai Province, Vietnam:



[See Also:

Rabies (57): Viet Nam (GL) long incubation period


Rabies (54): Viet Nam (TQ, HO) increase, fatal


Rabies (50): Viet Nam (HI) new directive on dog and cat meat trade


Rabies (38): Viet Nam, increase


Rabies (30): Viet Nam, financial implication


Rabies (29): Viet Nam (HC) human, increase, urgent response


Rabies (24): Viet Nam (PY) stray dog, human exp


Rabies (18): Viet Nam (QN) human, dog


Rabies (16): Viet Nam, increase


Rabies (13): Viet Nam (CM) dog bite, restaurant owner


Rabies (04): Viet Nam (PY) dog bite mistaken as scratch from collar,

fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714212



Rabies (56): Viet Nam (GL) long incubation period
