




[1] Nunavut: dog

[2] California (Humboldt County): fox, human
[3] Florida (Suwannee County): cat
[4] South Carolina (Laurens County): raccoon, dog
[5] South Carolina (Oconee County): calf, human exposure
[6] Virginia (Sussex County): skunk
[7] New York (Westchester County): coyote, human exposure
[8] New Jersey (Camden County): cat, possible human exposure

[1] ヌナブト:イヌ


[2] カリフォルニア州(ハンボルト郡):キツネ、人
[3] フロリダ州(スワニー郡):ネコ
[4] サウスカロライナ州(ローレンス郡)アライグマ、イヌ

[5] サウスカロライナ州(オコニー郡)仔牛、人暴露
[6] バージニア州サセックス郡)スカンク
[7] ニューヨーク州(ウェストチェスター郡)コヨーテ、人暴露
[8] ニュージャージー州((カムデン郡)ネコ、人暴露の疑い

[1] Nunavut: dog
Date: Thu 24 Nov 2022
Source: Nunavut News [edited]

[1] ヌナブト:イヌ



A dog suspected of rabies in Rankin Inlet was euthanized Wednesday [23 Nov 2022]. The dog resided at one of the 10-plex units near the healing facility and was displaying signs of the virus when it was euthanized by bylaw.

Due to the danger of rabies, residents who may have had contact with this dog should be examined at the health centre. "Anyone who has been bitten or scratched or had close contact with this dog should go to the local health centre and report the incident immediately," wrote the Department of Health in a news release Thursday [24 Nov 2022].

Domestic animals spending time tied up outdoors should be monitored for a change in behaviour and signs of rabies, which include behaving strangely, staggering, frothing at the mouth, choking and making strange noises. Pet owners who believe their pet had contact with this dog should contact the regional environmental health officer.

[Byline: Stewart Burnett]

(スチュワート バーネット署名)
Communicated by:

[2] California (Humboldt County): fox, human
Date: Wed 16 Nov 2022 13:42 PST
Source: Lost Coast Outpost [edited]

[2] カリフォルニア州(ハンボルト郡):キツネ、人
日付:2022年11月16日(水)13:42 太平洋標準時


A resident in the Manila area was bitten by a fox over the weekend, almost a month after a similar incident in the same area involving a fox which later tested positive for rabies. The fox in the most recent incident has not been caught and its rabies status cannot be confirmed. The bite victim is currently undergoing treatment for possible rabies exposure.

Since this report, Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services Division of Environmental Heath (DEH) has received several additional reports of foxes acting aggressively in the area by the north end of the Ma-lel Dunes. Local health officials are urging caution to people in the area between Manila and Mad River Beach. Anyone who sees an animal acting strangely should contact DEH, which is monitoring reports in that area.

Benjamin Dolf, DEH Supervising Environmental Health Specialist, said generally it is important to use caution around wild animals, and if you encounter an animal that is sick, injured or docile do not try to approach it, help it or try to nurse it back to health.

Rabies is always present in the wildlife population throughout Humboldt County, especially foxes, skunks and bats. People who come across sick or injured animals can contact the Humboldt Wildlife Care Center, which has staff who are trained to respond.

Preventive measures against the spread of rabies in Humboldt County include avoiding contact with wild and stray animals, bringing pet food indoors at night and reporting animal bites to your county or municipal animal control officer.

If you are bitten, wash the bite(s) immediately with soap and water and go to the emergency department to seek medical treatment. It is critical that anyone potentially exposed to rabies be treated within 24 hours, and sooner is better.

Public Health officials stress the importance of fully vaccinating domestic animals against rabies, including dogs, cats and select livestock.

For questions about rabies or to report a rabid or suspected rabid animal, call Division of Environmental Heath (DEH). To report a sick or injured animal, contact the Humboldt Wildlife Care Center.

Communicated by:

[3] Florida (Suwannee County): cat
Date: Fri 18 Nov 2022
Source: Lake City Reporter [edited]
[3] フロリダ州(スワニー郡):ネコ


A rabies alert has been issued for a portion of the City of Live Oak. The Suwannee County Health Department issued the alert Wednesday [16 Nov 2022] following a confirmed case of rabies in a cat. The alert covers the city from US Highway 90 (Howard Street) to the north, White Avenue to the east, Helvenston Street to the south and Ohio Avenue (US Highway 129) to the west.
狂犬病の警報がライブオーク市の一部に発令された。1頭の猫の狂犬病の確定例を受けて水曜日(2022年11月16日)にスワニー郡保健局が警報を発令したものである。警報の範囲は北はU Sハイウェイ90(ハワード通り)、東はホワイト通り、南はヘルベンソン通り、西はオハイオ通り(U Sハイウェイ129)である。

The rabies alert is good for 60 days and is centered in the core business district of Live Oak, containing approximately 8 blocks. In the alert, the health department warns all visitors and residents in Live Oak that rabies is present in wild animals, and domestic animals are at risk if not vaccinated. "The public is asked to maintain a heightened awareness as rabies is active," DOH [Department of Health] said in the alert.

DOH warns people shouldn't have a false sense of security in areas outside the named area. The health department states in the alert contact with wildlife, particularly raccoons, bats, foxes, skins, otters, bobcats and coyotes, should be avoided.
DOHは警報地以外は安全という間違った考えを持ってはならないと警告している。保健局は警告の中で野生動物、特にアライグマおよびコウモリ、キツネ, スカンク、カワウソ、ボブキャット、コヨーテとの接触を避けるよう述べている。

(翻訳者注:下線部分 Skinsはタイプミスで、正しくはSkunksと思われる)
Rabies, a disease of the nervous system, is fatal to warm-blooded animals and humans. The only treatment for human exposure to rabies is rabies-specific immune globulin and rabies immunization.
Communicated by:

[4] South Carolina (Laurens County): raccoon, dog
Date: Thu 17 Nov 2022
Source: South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) [edited]
[4] サウスカロライナ州(ローレンス郡)アライグマ、イヌ




The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) confirmed a raccoon found near Crape Myrtle Road and Greenwood Road in Laurens, SC has tested positive for rabies. No people are known to have been exposed at this time. One dog was exposed and will be quarantined as required in the South Carolina Rabies Control Act. The raccoon was submitted to DHEC's laboratory for testing on 16 Nov 2022 and was confirmed to have rabies on 17 Nov 2022.

Please report all animal bites, scratches, and exposures to potentially rabid animals to DHEC. "It is very important for you to seek medical attention if you have been exposed to a wild, stray, or domestic animal. The rabies virus is found in the saliva of infected animals and can be transmitted through a bite, scratch, broken skin, and the mucous membranes of your eyes, nose, or mouth. Immediately wash the affected area with plenty of soap and water," said Terri McCollister, Rabies Program Team Leader. "Contact your local Environmental Affairs office for further guidance."

If you believe you, someone you know, or your pets have come in contact with this raccoon or another animal potentially having rabies, please call DHEC's Environmental Affairs Greenwood office during normal business hours or on the after hours and on holidays number.

It is important to keep pets up to date on their rabies vaccination, as this is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect against the disease. This raccoon is the 4th animal in Laurens County to test positive for rabies in 2022. There have been 77 cases of rabid animals statewide this year. Since 2002, South Carolina has averaged approximately 148 positive cases a year. In 2021, one of the 101 confirmed rabies cases in South Carolina was in Laurens County.

Contact information for local Environmental Affairs offices is available at http://www.scdhec.gov/EAoffices. For more information on rabies, visit http://www.scdhec.gov/rabies or http://www.cdc.gov/rabies.





Communicated by:

[5] South Carolina (Oconee County): calf, human exposure
Date: Thu 1 Dec 022
Source: Outbreak News Today [edited]
[5] サウスカロライナ州(オコニー郡)仔牛、人暴露


South Carolina health officials announced the confirmation of rabies in a calf found near Red Feather Road and Pine Grove Road in Seneca, Oconee County. Three people were exposed and have been referred to their healthcare providers. A total of 22 cows and 21 calves in the same pasture were potentially exposed.

"Keeping your pets and livestock current on their rabies vaccination is a responsibility coming with owning an animal. It is one of the easiest and most effective ways you can protect yourself, your family, your pets, and your livestock from this fatal disease. That is an investment worth making to provide yourself some peace of mind." said Terri McCollister, Department of Health and Environmental Control's Rabies Program Team Leader.

Livestock are susceptible to rabies and all livestock should be vaccinated with USDA-approved rabies vaccinations. There have been 79 cases of rabid animals statewide this year [2022]. Since 2002, South Carolina has averaged approximately 148 positive cases a year.
Communicated by:

[6] Virginia (Sussex County): skunk
Date: Thu 17 Nov 2022 12:56 EST
Source: NBC 12 WWBT [edited]
[6] バージニア州サセックス郡)スカンク
日付:2022年11月17日(木)12:56 東部標準時

情報源:NBC12 WWBT(編集済み)

The Sussex Health Department and Animal Control is issuing a warning for residents after a skunk tested positive for rabies over the weekend. According to the health department, a skunk was found dead inside a dog kennel on Beaver Dam Road in Waverly on 13 Nov 2022. That skunk later tested positive for rabies.

"Please notify public health officials or animal control immediately if you live near Beaver Dam Road and think that you or your pet(s) had contact with the infected skunk," said Crater District Health Department Director Alton Hart, Jr., MD, MPH. "The community's safety is our priority. Make sure your pets are vaccinated, especially against rabies."
To report a stray and/or suspicious animal, please contact Sussex Animal Control.
「もし、あなたがビーバーダムロード近辺に住んでいて、あなたやあなたのペットがその感染したスカンクに接触したと思う場合、どうかすぐに公衆衛生当局か動物管理局に知らせてください。地域社会の安全は私たちの優先事項です。あなたのペットには、ワクチン接種を、特に狂犬病ワクチンを確実に受けさせてください。」とクレイター地区保健局部長のアルトンハートジュニア(MD, MPH)は話した。

Communicated by:

[7] New York (Westchester County): coyote, human exposure
Date: Fri 18 Nov 2022 18:46 EST
Source: CBS News [edited]
[7] ニューヨーク州(ウェストチェスター郡)コヨーテ、人暴露
日付:2022年11月18日(金)18:46 東部標準時



There's a warning in Westchester County about a possible rabid coyote. Police said 2 women were attacked Thursday [17 Nov 2022] near a wooded area on Turkey Hill Road in North Salem. One woman was bitten several times and had to get rabies shots [These are post-exposure prophylaxis shots, to prevent rabies. - Mod.TG]. The other woman was not seriously hurt [This is very concerning because any bite or scratch or exposure to the saliva in the eye could result in exposure to the other person. - Mod.TG].

"The coyote grabbed one by the arm -- he didn't really do any damage there -- but then he went after the other lady and shredded her pants and got her leg pretty good," North Salem deputy supervisor Peter Kamenstien said.

Police believe the coyote may have rabies because the animal reportedly attacked the tires of a car when someone stopped to help. Attacking inanimate objects is a sign of rabies. After the attack, police searched but couldn't find the animal. Residents in the area are urged to be on the lookout.
Communicated by:

[8] New Jersey (Camden County): cat, possible human exposure
Date: Tue 22 Nov 2022
Source: News 12 Long Island [edited]
[8] ニュージャージー州((カムデン郡)ネコ、人暴露の疑い


The Camden County Health Department is issuing advice to people, especially pet owners, after a resident brought in a stray cat that later tested positive for rabies. The incident occurred on 16 Nov 2022 when a Lindenwold resident discovered a stray cat exhibiting signs of infection.

The resident wrapped the animal in a cloth and brought it to the animal hospital, where it exhibited signs of rabies and was euthanized. Testing from the county health department confirmed the animal was rabid, though the only known exposures were the Lindenwold resident and veterinary staff.

Pet owners are being encouraged to keep their furry friends under direct supervision and to contact local animal control to remove any stray animals from your neighborhood.
Communicated by:

[Rabies is a deadly disease! Deadly diseases are extremely serious situations. Rabies can be deadly to almost any mammalian species without vaccination and/or treatment.

Those headlines need to sink in to your mind and forever imprint how dangerous, serious and deadly rabies is. I have often said, please vaccinate your farm animals. Rabies vaccine in the United States (and other countries) is safe and approved for cattle, horses, sheep and even for pigs and goats. Our pets, cats and dogs also need to be protected against this disease. One does not know when they may encounter this disease through a wild animal attack, a bat or a non-vaccinated domestic animal bite.

We are blessed to have post-exposure prophylaxis for humans, but our pets and livestock are financial and emotional investments. We need to protect them because it also builds a barrier between ourselves and this disease and provides emotional well-being when it is a beloved pet protected from this disease. - Mod.TG

ProMED maps:
Canada: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8707034,12
United States: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8707034,106]

See Also

Rabies (50): Americas (USA) skunk, bat, cat, dog, raccoon, wildlife, human exp 20221117.8706775
Rabies (46): Americas (USA) bat, cat, horse, human exp 20221019.8706255
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) bat, cat, human exposure 20221016.8706174
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, horse, human exp, vacc update, corr 20221008.8706014
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, horse, human exp, vacc update 20221007.8706005
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) bat 20221005.8705974
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) animals, human exp 20220903.8705380
Rabies (36): Americas (South America, Canada, USA) animal, human 20220820.8705126
Rabies (33): Americas (Brazil, USA) animal, human 20220728.8704708
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) bat 20220711.8704358
Rabies (07): Americas (Canada, USA) fox, dog, bat, cat, human exp 20220223.8701603
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) dog, fox, cat, bat, human exp 20210726.8544435
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, bat, dog, human exp, cattle 20210717.852654
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) bat 20210618.8457663
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) bat, human exposure 20210519.8370609
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) coyote, bat, imported dog ex Egypt, human exp 20201108.7925072
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) animal, human exposure 20201101.7908381
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) animal, human exp 20201018.7871698
Rabies (27): Americas (USA) animal, human exp 20201003.7829604
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) bat, human exp 20200928.7818946
Rabies (25): Americas (USA) animal, human exp 20200904.7745166
Rabies (23): Americas (USA) bat 20200731.7632899
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) fox, goat, bat, human exposure 20200609.7447179
Rabies (15): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exp 20200603.7424427
Rabies (13): Americas (USA) cat, fox, human exp 20200529.7392355
Rabies (12): Americas (USA) fox, dog, cat, human exp 20200516.7343626
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) cat, skunk, bat, human exp 20200503.7294707
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp 20200412.7213951
Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp 20200321.7122312
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp 20200302.7041402
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure 20200214.6987679
Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp 20200201.6943518
Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp 20191226.6858881
Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp 20191125.6797040
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure 20191110.6771632
Rabies (49): Americas (USA) fox, human exp 20191108.6769314
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) cat, dog, raccoon, human exp 20191031.6752781
Rabies (47): Americas (USA) skunk, alert 20191022.6740671
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) dog, skunk, raccoon, fox, human exp 20190917.6678064
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) bat, human exp 20190904.6657837
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) fox, bat, human exp 20190825.6639484
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) dog, cat, fox, raccoon, human exp 20190810.6615389
Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp 20190730.6595948
Rabies (39): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, kitten, raccoon, human 20190724.6584394
Rabies (38): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human 20190718.6574088
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) cat, fox, raccoon, human exp 20190707.6555131
Rabies (34): Americas (USA) cat, dog, skunk, bat, human exp 20190613.6517390
Rabies (30): Americas, USA (FL, NC) cat, fox, dog, human exposure 20190526.6488419
Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr. 20190512.6466342
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs 20190511.6465671
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure 20190507.6459317
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure 20190327.6390272
Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp. 20190322.6380311
Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert 20190320.6375303
Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure 20190313.6365399
Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) raccoon, alert 20190313.6363251
and others in the archives