Date: Thu 26 Oct 2023
Source: India Today [edited]
情報源:India Today (編集)
An 8-year-old girl died in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, on Wednesday [25 Oct 2023] after being bitten by a stray dog about 2 weeks ago. The girl, [P], was attacked by a stray dog 15 days ago while she was playing in a village in Pinahat.
Uttar Pradesh州Agraで水曜日(2023年10月25日)、2週間ほど前に野良犬に噛まれた8歳の少女が死亡した。少女(P)は15日前、Pinahatの村で遊んでいたところを野良犬に襲われた。
According to Dr AK Srivastava, the chief medical officer in Agra, the girl did not inform anyone about the incident in her family except her mother, and she was provided some home remedies instead of administering the essential anti-rabies vaccine (ARV).
They approached the Community Health Centre only when the girl developed symptoms after 15 days.
When her condition turned violent, she was rushed to a nearby hospital. The doctors referred her to a higher hospital in Agra, but she died on the way, the officer added.
"Rabies has a 100% mortality rate, so if you get bitten, don't remain silent; you should seek proper medical treatment. We have vaccines available now," CMO Srivastava said.
「もし咬まれたら、黙っていないで適切な治療を受けるべきである。今はワクチンもある。」とSrivastava CMOは述べた。
Dr Jitendra Verma, head of a community health centre (CHC) in Agra, also said the girl's family ignored advice to take her to hospital for treatment.
Agraの地域保健センター(CHC)の責任者であるJitendra Verma医師も、少女の家族は治療のために病院に連れて行くようにという忠告を無視したと語った。
"After the dog bite, the 1st dose of ARV should be given to the victim within 24 hours. After that, another dose should be given on the 3rd day and thereafter, on the 7th day. The last dose should be given on the 28th day," he said.
According to official data, as many as 5000 dog bite cases are being reported each month in both rural and urban Agra.
[Byline: Arvind Sharma]
(担当:Arvind Sharma)
[Had the girl been treated with the ideal post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), her life would have been saved. The PEP includes "wound washing, immediate vaccination, and administration of rabies immunoglobulin/monoclonal antibodies" (https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rabies).
The girl could have been inflicted with category 3 contact, which, by definition, is "single or multiple transdermal bites or scratches..." (https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rabies). For such exposure, timely administration of rabies
immunoglobulin/monoclonal antibodies was required. When clinical signs appear,
rabies is almost always fatal. The clinical development is, however, preventable if ideal PEP is strictly followed after a suspected exposure to rabies virus, such as a dog bite in any rabies-endemic country like India. - Mod.PKB
この少女はカテゴリー3の接触を受けた可能性がある。カテゴリー3の接触とは、定義によれば、「単数または複数の経皮的な噛み傷または引っかき傷...」である。(https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rabies)。このような暴露に対しては、狂犬病免疫グロブリン/モノクローナル抗体の適時投与が必要であった。臨床症状が現れたら 狂犬病はほとんどの場合致死的である。しかし、インドのような狂犬病流行国で犬に咬まれるなどして狂犬病ウイルスへの曝露が疑われた後、理想的なPEPを厳守すれば、臨床症状の発症は予防可能である。-モデレーターPKB
ProMED map of Uttar Pradesh State, India: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8712889,322]
See Also
Rabies (27): Asia (India, Philippines) human, dog 20230621.8710690
Rabies (41): Asia (Afghanistan, India, Israel, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam) 20221001.8705891
Rabies (53): Asia (Israel, India) animal, human, epidemiology, control 20221206.8707113
Rabies (41): Asia (Afghanistan, India, Israel, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam) 20221001.8705891
Rabies (12): Asia (India) wolf, zoo 20220404.8702407
Rabies (09): Eurasia (Ukraine, India, Israel) cat, human, cow, control 20220310.8701906
Rabies (31): Eurasia (India, Israel, Ukraine), Africa (S Africa) human, animal 20210827.8626789
Rabies (25): Asia (India, Nepal) human, dog; (Israel) jackal, human exp 20210711.8511091
Rabies (19): Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan ex Philippines) animal, human 20200628.7517416
Rabies (29): Europe, Asia (Norway ex Philippines) human, dog 20190516.6471701
Rabies (09): Asia (Israel) wildlife, spread (India) human, treatment modified 20180203.5604913
Rabies (29): Asia (Philippines, Malaysia-Borneo) human, animal 20170708.5160395
Rabies (16): Asia (Philippines) animal, human 20170330.4936172
Rabies (26): Asia (India, Nepal, Pakistan) Africa (Algeria) animal, human 20170616.5109529
Rabies (17): Asia (India) bat 20170405.4949697
Rabies (06): Asia (India) canine, bovine, human exp. cow milk susp 20170125.4786220
Rabies, animal, human (12): Philippines (PN), World Rabies Day 20160927.4519326
Rabies, animal, human (11): Turkey, India, Israel 20160923.4510261
Rabies, zoo animals - India (02): (DL) deer 20160801.4385930
Rabies, zoo animals - India: (Delhi) mongoose bites susp 20160511.4215148
Rabies - Philippines (04): (NO) human, canine 20150723.3531689
Rabies - Philippines (03): (II) human, canine 20150501.3334792
Rabies - Philippines (02): (AL) human, canine exposure 20150406.3280024
Rabies - India (11): (KL) avian, 1st case reported 20151205.3843021
Rabies - India (10): (TN) canine, human 20151027.3747927
Rabies - India (09): (KL) bovine, ex canine exposure 20151010.3706402
Rabies - India (08): (MH) lack of immunoglobin 20150721.3526475
Rabies - India (07): (GA) bovine, canine, human exp 20150721.3525217
Rabies - India (06): (CH) human, canine 20150416.3302837
Rabies - India (04): (MN) canine 20150127.3124202
Rabies - India (03): (MH) canine, multiple human exposures 20150120.3106231