In this post:
[1] India (Kerala): human
[2] Philippines (Ilocos Norte): dog, control
(2)フィリピン(Ilocos Norte):犬、制御
[1] India (Kerala): human
Date: Sat 17 Jun 2023
Source: Asianet Newsable [abridged, edited]
情報源:Asianet Newsable(簡略化、編集済み)
Rabies cases are being reported from all throughout Kerala amid worries about the stray dog problem. A 49-year-old dog lover who used to feed stray animals is the most recent victim.
On 9 Jun 2023, while caring for her brother at the Medical College Hospital in Thiruvananthapuram, [S V P] began to exhibit symptoms of rabies. She admitted that one of the stray dogs she was feeding had scratched her hand when the doctors asked about the probable causes.
2023年6月9日、Thiruvananthapuramの医科大学病院で弟の世話をしていた女性(S. V. P.)に狂犬病の症状が現れ始めた。医師が原因について尋ねたところ、彼女は餌をやっていた野良犬の一匹に手を引っかかれたことを認めた。
It is unclear whether the woman sought medical treatment when she was injured by the dog.
Though she was soon admitted for treatment, her life could not be saved, and she died on Sunday [11 Jun 2023] evening. The cause of the death was clarified on Friday [16 Jun 2023] night.
In a similar case, a person identified as [M R] (48) died due to rabies after being bitten by a wild [stray?] cat. The deceased is a native of Kollam. He was a tapping worker, and the man was bitten on the face by a wild cat on 22 May [2023].
同様のケースで、野良猫に咬まれた男性(M. R.)(48歳)が狂犬病により死亡した。死亡したのはKollam出身のタッピング職人(樹液採取のためゴムの木などにナイフで傷をつける職業)で、2023年5月22日、野猫に顔を咬まれた。
He was shifted to Thiruvananthapuram Medical College after showing symptoms of rabies and passed away on 14 Jun [2023]. SIAD confirmed the rabies infection in the samples sent from the hospital.
[Byline: Aishwarya Nair]
担当:Aishwarya Nair
[The chronology of the case deserves to be looked at. According to the report, the patient "began to exhibit symptoms of rabies" on Fri 9 Jun, dying 2 days later, on Sun 11 Jun [2023]. It may be assumed that the patient had earlier symptoms of the disease, including agitation and/or other CNS signs, which were followed by the final stage, when the patient may experience delirium, abnormal behavior, hallucinations, hydrophobia, and insomnia. According to CDC's rabies page, the 'acute period' typically ends after 2 to 10 days. - Mod.AS
- モデレーター.AS
ProMED map of Kerala State, India: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8710690,308]
[2] Philippines (Ilocos Norte): dog, control
(2)フィリピン(Ilocos Norte):犬、制御
Date: Sun 11 Jun 2023
Source: Manilla Bulletin [edited]
情報源:Manilla Bulletin(編集済み)
This province [Ilocos Norte] was placed under emergency health situation due to rabies cases in 53 barangays.
この州(Ilocos Norte)は、53のバランガイ※で狂犬病患者が発生したため、緊急保険事態が発せられた。
Dr. Loida Valenzuela, provincial veterinarian of Ilocos Norte, confirmed on Sun 11 Jun [2023] that positive rabies cases were recorded in Batac City and Laoag City and the towns of Paoay, San Nicolas, and Badoc.
Ilocos州の獣医師Loida Valenzuela博士は、6月11日(日)、Batac市、Laoag市、Paoay、San Nicolas、Badocの各町で狂犬病陽性症例が記録されたことを確認した。
"We came up with this emergency health situation due to the rising incidence of dog rabies cases in the villages to mobilize all the local officials down to the barangays promoting the massive vaccination of dogs against rabies virus to control, if not eliminate, its spread all over the province," she said.
「私たちは、村々で犬の狂犬病患者が増加していることから、この緊急保健事態を決定した。狂犬病ウイルスの州全土への蔓延をなくすことはできないまでも、抑制するために、すべての地方公務員をバランガイに動員して、犬の大規模な狂犬病ワクチン接種を推進するためである。」とLoida Valenzuela博士は言った。
To contain the spread of rabies, Valenzuela said that there is a need for a multi-agency approach, including the police and the pet owners.
"I am also appealing to the police authorities to strictly implement the RA 9482 or the Anti-Rabies Act of 2007 to help in the advocacy of importance on the massive vaccination of dogs in their area," she said.
"To the pet owners, they should be responsible to subject their dogs to anti-rabies vaccination for the protection of the community residents from possible rabies virus infection," she added.
She said that the province has at least 66 000 dogs that need to be vaccinated with the anti-rabies vaccine at the soonest possible time.
"For now, we are implementing the risk-based vaccination program to prevent the spread of the rabies virus in the province, and we strengthen the border control checkpoints to prevent the possible entry of the rabies virus to the province," Valenzuela said.
[Byline: Freddie Lazaro]
担当:Freddie Lazaro
Communicated by
ProMED from HealthMap Alerts
[Another report from the Philippines from the same date (11 Jun 2023) informed about 14 inhabitants of San Fernando City's Barangay Calulut, in the province Pampanga, who were brought to the hospital after being bitten by a rabies-infected dog. According to authorities, the majority of dog-bite victims were youngsters.
同じ日付(2023年6月11日)のフィリピンからの別の報道では、狂犬病に感染した犬に咬まれて病院に運ばれたPampanga州San Fernando市のBarangay Calulutの住民14人について伝えている。当局によると、犬に咬まれた被害者の大半は若者であった。
Pampagna is situated more than 300 km [186 mi] south of Ilocos Norte, both on the island Luzon. For the report, see https://philnews.ph/2023/06/11/dog-infected-with-rabies-bites-14-residents-in-san-fernando-city/.
Pampagnaは、Ilocos Norteから南に300km以上離れたルソン島に位置しておいる。この報告については、以下を参照のこと。
Philippines is one of the 3 countries leading the list of tourist exposure to rabies (the others are India and Morocco); see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmaid.2020.101766. - Mod.AS
フィリピンは、観光客が狂犬病に罹患する3カ国のうちの1つである(他はインドとモロッコ)。- モデレーターAS
ProMED map of Ilocos Norte Province, Ilocos Region, Philippines: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8710690,19841]
See Also
Rabies (41): Asia (Afghanistan, India, Israel, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam) 20221001.8705891
Rabies (53): Asia (Israel, India) animal, human, epidemiology, control 20221206.8707113
Rabies (41): Asia (Afghanistan, India, Israel, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam) 20221001.8705891
Rabies (12): Asia (India) wolf, zoo 20220404.8702407
Rabies (09): Eurasia (Ukraine, India, Israel) cat, human, cow, control 20220310.8701906
Rabies (31): Eurasia (India, Israel, Ukraine), Africa (S Africa) human, animal 20210827.8626789
Rabies (25): Asia (India, Nepal) human, dog; (Israel) jackal, human exp 20210711.8511091
Rabies (19): Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan ex Philippines) animal, human 20200628.7517416
Rabies (29): Europe, Asia (Norway ex Philippines) human, dog 20190516.6471701
Rabies (09): Asia (Israel) wildlife, spread (India) human, treatment modified 20180203.5604913
Rabies (29): Asia (Philippines, Malaysia-Borneo) human, animal 20170708.5160395
Rabies (16): Asia (Philippines) animal, human 20170330.4936172
Rabies (26): Asia (India, Nepal, Pakistan) Africa (Algeria) animal, human 20170616.5109529
Rabies (17): Asia (India) bat 20170405.4949697
Rabies (06): Asia (India) canine, bovine, human exp. cow milk susp 20170125.4786220
Rabies, animal, human (12): Philippines (PN), World Rabies Day 20160927.4519326
Rabies, animal, human (11): Turkey, India, Israel 20160923.4510261
Rabies, zoo animals - India (02): (DL) deer 20160801.4385930
Rabies, zoo animals - India: (Delhi) mongoose bites susp 20160511.4215148
Rabies - Philippines (04): (NO) human, canine 20150723.3531689
Rabies - Philippines (03): (II) human, canine 20150501.3334792
Rabies - Philippines (02): (AL) human, canine exposure 20150406.3280024
Rabies - India (11): (KL) avian, 1st case reported 20151205.3843021
Rabies - India (10): (TN) canine, human 20151027.3747927
Rabies - India (09): (KL) bovine, ex canine exposure 20151010.3706402
Rabies - India (08): (MH) lack of immunoglobin 20150721.3526475
Rabies - India (07): (GA) bovine, canine, human exp 20150721.3525217
Rabies - India (06): (CH) human, canine 20150416.3302837
Rabies - India (04): (MN) canine 20150127.3124202
Rabies - India (03): (MH) canine, multiple human exposures 20150120.3106231