





Date: Fri 13 Oct 2023

Source: Jawhara FM [in Arabic, machine trans., abridged, edited]



情報源:Jawhara FM(アラビア語、機械による翻訳、簡約、編集済み)



The Director of Basic Health Care at the local Regional Health Administration in the State of Kasserine, Dr. Moncef Al-Mohammadi, said that during the current year [2023], a case of death from rabies was reported, 5 years after the last case was recorded.



He said in a statement to Al-Jawhara FM's correspondent in the region that this disease is 100% fatal, and that every person who has been bitten by a dog or cat must go to the nearest health center...

博士はこの地域のアルジャワラF M特派員向けの声明の中で、この病気は100%致死的であり、犬や猫に咬まれた人はだれでも至近の保健所に行かなければならないと語った。


[Based on the context of the report, the individual was bitten by an infected dog or cat. Vaccination of pets and feral dog/cats remains a key preventative measure in preventing human rabies, especially when combined with prompt post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) of the human bite victim. A good synopsis of some of the challenges with rabies PEP is available at https://www.iol.co.za/dailynews/news/challenges-in-the-effective-delivery-of-rabies-post-exposure-prophylaxis-to-prevent-human-rabies-deaths-a40b8851-91ed-44e8-9959-0daf54e37d47. - Mod.JH




ProMED map:

Tunisia: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8712691,71]


See Also

Rabies (38): Africa (South Africa) 77 cases, Asia (India) dog mass vaccination 20231004.8712451

Rabies (26): Asia (Indonesia) dog, human, WOAH 20230612.8710556

Rabies (22): Africa, Eurasia, human, animal 20230602.8710366

Rabies (17): Eurasia, Armenia (TV) dog, WOAH 20230428.8709754

Rabies (15): Eurasia, Armenia (LO) wolf, WOAH 20230426.8709707

Rabies (09): Asia (Taiwan) ferret-badger 20230313.8708911

Rabies (06): Asia (Kazakhstan) dog, livestock, WOAH 20230222.8708518

Rabies (02): Africa, Asia, Europe, human, animal 20230108.8707684



Rabies (53): Asia (Israel, India) animal, human, epidemiology, control 20221206.8707113

Rabies (49): global, annual deaths, 1990-2019 20221109.8706623

Rabies (41): Asia (Afghanistan, India, Israel, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam) 20221001.8705891

Rabies (39): Asia (Lebanon) Middle East, animals, spread, control, comment 20220923.8705750

Rabies (38): Asia (Lebanon) human, spread (Israel) dog, human exposure 20220910.8705507

Rabies (23): Africa (South Africa, Zimbabwe), Europe (Spain), human, animal 20220609.8703758

Rabies (19): Asia (Indonesia) dog susp, human exp, comment 20220518.8703328

Rabies (17): Asia (Indonesia) dog susp, human exp 20220511.8703194

Rabies (15): Africa (South Africa) dog, human, spread 20220424.8702798

Rabies (09): Eurasia (Ukraine, India, Israel) cat, human, cow, control 20220310.8701906

Rabies (06): Eurasia (Israel, Malaysia, Turkey) dog, owned, stray, human exp 20220222.8701585
