In this update:
[1] British Columbia - bat, human exposure
[2] New Brunswick - bat, human exposure
[3] South Carolina - raccoon, 5 humans exposed
[4] Alabama - Bat, 47 humans exposed
[5] Texas - kitten, human exposure
[6] North Carolina - fox, human exposure
[1] British Columbia - bat, human exposure
Date: Wed 17 Jul 2019
日付: 2019年7月17日 (水曜日)
Source: Canoe [edited]
情報源: カヌー [編集済]
[This newswire gives more detail than was provided in ProMED-mail post Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human http://promedmail.org/post/20190718.6574088. - Mod.TG]
[このオンラインニュースでは、ProMED-メールの投稿 (Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human、(リンク先アドレスは省略)) よりも詳細な情報が提供されている。-TGにより変更]
A bat flew into the hand of a B.C. man who died of rabies infection. NM, a martial arts instructor, died Saturday [13 Jul 2019] after he had a random brush with a bat on Vancouver Island in May 2019.
ブリティッシュコロンビア州 (BC) 在住の男性の手にコウモリが飛来し、その後彼は狂犬病により死亡した。武術のインストラクターを務めるこの男性 (NM) は、2019年5月にバンクーバー島でコウモリと偶然接触 (random brush) した後、土曜日 (2019年7月13日) に死亡した。
NM was not doing anything out of the ordinary on that mid-May 2019 day that he had a brief but fatal encounter with a bat infected with rabies.
A family member said NM, 21, had been driving and pulled over on the side of the road on Vancouver Island when a bat flew into him.
Health authorities confirmed the patient was outdoors and in broad daylight when the nocturnal creature "struck" his hand then flew away.
"He wasn't doing anything risky that would put him in a position where he would encounter bats," said Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.'s chief provincial health officer. "This is an incredibly unfortunate strange circumstance for this young man and his family."
「彼は、コウモリと遭遇するような場所に行ってしまうような、危険なことは何もしていなかった。」とBCの主任保健担当官であるBonnie Henry博士は言った。「今回の出来事は、彼と彼の家族にとって、信じられないくらいに不幸で、奇妙なものであった。」
NM had no visible puncture wound or scratch marks, something that's not unusual because bat scratches can be microscopic, said Henry. He developed symptoms of rabies 6 weeks after exposure.
NMには目に見える刺し傷や擦過傷はなく、普段と違う何かもなかった。なぜなら、コウモリによる傷は顕微鏡レベルである可能性もあるからである。とHenry博士は言った。コウモリによる曝露を受けた6週間後に彼 (NM) に狂犬病の症状が出てきた。
According to an online fundraiser set up to help NM and his family, he was taken to the intensive care unit at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver where doctors treated him for swelling on his spinal cord and brain.
He died Saturday [13 Jul 2019], the 1st confirmed death from rabies contracted in B.C. since 2003 when a 52-year-old man died after developing arm weakness progressing into paralysis.
彼は土曜日 (2019年7月13日) に死亡した。BC州においては、2003年に52歳の男性が、(狂犬病により) 上肢の脱力から麻痺へと進行し死亡した例があるが,それ以来初めての狂犬病による死亡となった。
Tributes have poured in for NM, a much-loved taekwondo instructor at Cascadia Martial Arts in Parksville. Many described him as a hard worker and stellar teacher who had a tremendous impact on his community, including his students.
NMに対する追悼の言葉が数多く寄せられた。NMはParksvilleのCascadia Martial Arts [http://www.cascadiamartialarts-parksville.com/ (武道教室の名称のようです:訳者追記)] で、とても愛されたテコンドーのインストラクターであった。多くの人が、彼は熱心で非常にすばらしい先生であり、彼の生徒を含む彼のコミュニティーに大きなショックをあたえたと述べた。
"NM was an absolutely wonderful young man, and we always admired how amazing he was with all the children he taught; he was truly talented," said one commenter. "His patience and kindness were appreciated and will be remembered."
ある人は「NMは本当に素晴らしい若者でした。私たちはいつも彼が教えたすべての子供たちと共に、彼がどれほど素晴らしかったか称賛した。彼は本当に才能があった。」と言った。 「彼の忍耐力と優しさは高く評価され、記憶に残るだろう。」
"We all will miss him, and the sudden loss of such an incredible role model will be felt deeply by this entire community, young and old," said another.
Health minister Adrian Dix extended his condolences to NM's family, calling the young man's death "an extraordinary tragedy."
Adrian Dix保健相はNMの家族に哀悼の意を表し、この若者の死を「途方もない悲劇」と述べた。
Deaths from rabies infection are extremely rare. NM's death is the 2nd case in B.C. and the 25th in Canada in the last century.
Rabies is a virus attacking the nervous system. Often introduced through a bite or scratch, it stays in the infected area, multiplying stealthily before traveling into the nerves, spinal cord and brain. Once symptoms appear, it is usually too late for effective treatment.
狂犬病ウイルスは神経系を攻撃する。狂犬病はしばしば咬傷、ひっかき傷によってもたらされ、(ウイルスは) 感染部位 (受傷局所) にとどまって密かに増殖し、(末梢)神経、脊髄、脳へと移行する。ひとたび発病してしまうと、通常、有効な治療を行うには遅すぎる。
About 200 people in B.C. receive [post exposure prophalaxis] vaccines against rabies annually because they may have been exposed to bats or other wild animals, said Dr. Eleni Galanis, physician epidemiologist at the B.C. Centre for Disease Control.
BC州では、コウモリや他の野生動物との接触を理由に、毎年約200人が狂犬病ワクチン接種 [曝露後免疫(PEP)] を受けている。とBC州疾病管理センターの医師で疫学者でもあるEleni Galanis博士は述べた。
"It's an excellent and effective vaccine," she said. "But if you don't get the vaccine, and once symptoms start, nearly everyone dies from the infection, and there is no treatment." Worldwide, only 5 or 6 people have survived a rabies infection.
Danielle Dagenais, Metro Vancouver/Squamish coordinator for the B.C. Community Bat program, said most human contact with bats occurs in mid-July to September when new pups are learning to fly.
メトロバンクーバー-スコーミッシュにおけるBC州Bat programのコーディネーターであるDanielle Dagenaisは、ヒトとコウモリの接触は、新しい子コウモリが飛ぶことを習い始める7月中旬から9月にかけて最も多いと語った。
It is also unusual for a bat to be flying during the day and could be a sign it is infected with rabies. Anyone who spots bats in daytime should take extra precautions.
B.C. is home to 17 species of bats, with 10 species found in Metro Vancouver. The risk from rabies and bats is everywhere in B.C., noted Henry. But it's very small. About 13 per cent of bats tested in the province tested positive for rabies. Among bats in the wild, the rate is about one per cent.
In 1985, a 22-year-old student was bitten by a bat while working at a forestry camp in Alberta. This student also died.
According to Dr. Eleni Galanis, B.C. Centre for Disease Control, here is what to do if you are exposed or think you may have been exposed to rabies:
BC州疾病管理センターのEleni Galanis博士は、もし、狂犬病に曝露された、あるいは曝露されたと考えられるときに行うべきこととして、以下の項目を挙げた。
- wash the exposed body part with soap and flush with warm running water for 15 minutes
- seek medical attention immediately
- if deemed to be at risk, the doctor would give one shot of a rabies immune globulin that provides antibodies to neutralize the virus before it becomes established and a series of 4 doses of post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) vaccine over 2 weeks.
(狂犬病感染の) リスクがあると判断された場合、医師は、抗狂犬病イムノグロブリンの単回投与 (感染が成立する前にウイルスを中和するための抗体を付与する) と、2週間かけて4回の曝露後予防ワクチン (PEP) を接種する。
Symptoms of rabies, which has an incubation period generally of 3-8 weeks:
- in initial stages, pain, numbness, tingling at the site of the wound
- paralysis of the limbs or facial muscles
- difficulty swallowing and/or excessive drooling
- aversion to water [individuals do not have an aversion to water, rather are unable to swallow, and water is generally what is offered in a hospital. - Mod.TG]
恐水症状 [患者は水に対して嫌悪を示すのではなく、むしろ飲み込むことができなくなる。水は一般的に病院で提供されるものである。-TGにより変更]
- in later stages, spread of paralysis, confusion, difficulty breathing, and coma
[Byline: Cheryl Chan]
[著者署名: Cheryl Chan]
Communicated by:
[2] New Brunswick - bat, human exposure
Date: Sat 20 Jul 2019
Source: Canada Yahoo News [edited]
情報源: Canada Yahoo News [編集済]
TD was shocked to find out a bat that bit her son tested positive for rabies. The mother said her 4-year-old son [A] was bitten by a bat while sleeping in their Hartland, New Brunswick home early Monday [15 Jul 2019] morning.
"My husband and I were sleeping, and we heard a big thump and then a scream," said TD, who initially thought her son fell out of his loft bed. They ran into the room, turned on the light, and saw A still in the bed. That's when they noticed the bat.
"I took the kids to my daughter's room and shut the door and my husband's trying to get the bat. And that's when my son told me he was bit." TD suspects their cat, who was sleeping with their son at the time, swatted the bat and that's when it bit A. After killing the bat, TD's husband Robert rushed their son to the emergency room to get his rabies shots.
TD took the bat to the department of agriculture to get tested and was informed Thursday [18 Jul 2019] the bat was infected with rabies. That's when her husband went to get vaccinated as well as a precaution. TD took her cat to get vaccinated too. She thinks the bat came into the house through the chimney since the cap blew off during the winter.
In a statement to CBC News, the Department of Health confirmed that a big brown bat that came into contact with people in Carleton County has tested positive for rabies.
CBCニュースによれば、保健省はカールトン郡でヒトと接触のあったコウモリ(big brown bat)は狂犬病陽性であることを確認した。
The incident happened just days after a 21-year-old man in British Columbia died of rabies after coming into contact with an infected bat.
TD said the death of the B.C. man was on her mind during the ordeal. "We saw the article of the man out in B.C. and I'm just like 'how is this posting at such an ironic time,'" said TD.
The department said contact between rabid bats and humans is rare, with only 4 reported incidents in the province taking place since 2017. The department suggests anyone who has come in direct contact with a bat, or any suspected rabid animal, should contact TeleCare immediately.
It also recommends pet owners who suspect a rabid animal has come into contact with their pet contact a veterinarian. "If possible, do not harm the suspect rabid animal," said the department.
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[3] South Carolina - raccoon, 5 humans exposed
Date: Wed 17 Jul 2019
日付: 2019年7月17日
Source: Aiken Standard [edited]
情報源: Aiken Standard [編集済]
A raccoon found in Aiken County could have exposed 5 people to rabies, according to a press release sent Wednesday [17 Jul 2019] from the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC).
水曜日[2019年7月17日]に出された、(サウスカロライナ州) 保健環境管理局 (DHEC) のプレスリリースによれば、エイキン郡で発見されたアライグマが、5人に対して狂犬病を曝露した可能性がある。
The raccoon was trapped in Aiken County on 19 Jun 2019. It tested positive for rabies after being submitted to DHEC for testing on 15 Jul 2019.
このアライグマは2019年6月19にエイキン郡で捕獲された。このアライグマは (狂犬病) 検査のためにDHECに提出され、2019年7月15日に狂犬病陽性と診断された。
The raccoon was the 5th animal found to be infected with rabies in Aiken County this year [2019]. South Carolina averages nearly 108 rabid animal cases per year.
"Rabies is usually transmitted through a bite which allows saliva from an infected animal to be introduced into the body of a person or another animal; however, saliva or neural tissue contact with open wounds or areas such as the eyes, nose or mouth could also potentially transmit rabies," said David Vaughan, director of DHEC's Onsite Wastewater, Rabies Prevention, and Enforcement Division, in a press release.
「狂犬病は、通常、咬傷を通じて感染動物の唾液がヒトや他の動物の体に侵入することによって伝播される。しかしながら、唾液や神経組織が開放創や目、鼻、口に接触することで伝播することもあり得る。」と、DHECの担当部長であるDavid Vaughanはプレスリリースの中で述べた。
When suffering a bite from an animal, the injured area should be immediately washed with soap and water and disinfected. If there is a possibility the animal was carrying rabies, patients should seek help from a health care provider at once.
動物による咬傷を受けた場合は、受傷した箇所を直ちに石鹸と水で洗い流し、消毒する必要がある。 動物が狂犬病に感染している可能性がある場合、患者はすぐに医療提供者に援助を求めるべきである。
Anyone who believes they have been exposed to rabies is advised to call Aiken's Environmental Affairs Office. Normal business hours for the office are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
To report a potential rabies exposure on the weekends or during holidays, contact DHEC's after-hours service number. State law requires pets to be up to date on their rabies vaccinations. According to DHEC, this is one of the easiest ways to stop the spread of the disease.
The raccoon was receiving treatment at a local wildlife facility. "To reduce the risk of getting rabies, always give wild and stray animals their space," Vaughan said. "If you see an animal in need, avoid touching it, and contact someone trained in handling animals, such as your local animal control officer or wildlife rehabilitator." For more information on rabies, visit <http://scdhec.gov>.
アライグマは地域の野生動物保護施設で治療を受けた。「狂犬病に感染するリスクを減らすため、野生動物や放浪動物とは必ず距離を取るように。」とVaughanは言った。「もし、あなたが (保護を) 必要としている動物を見た場合は、接触を避け、地域の動物管理官や野生生物のリハビリをする者など、動物の取り扱いに関する訓練を受けた担当者に連絡するように。」 狂犬病に関するさらに詳しい情報については、<http://scdhec.gov>をご覧ください。ついては、http://scdhec.gov を参照のこと。
[Byline: Kristina Rackley]
[署名: Kristina Rackley]
Communicated by:
[4] Alabama - Bat, 47 humans exposed
Date: Fri 19 Jul 2019
日付: 2019年7月19日
Source: Trussville Tribune [edited]
情報源: Trussville Tribune [編集済]
A bat infestation at a Union Springs day care last month [June 2019] resulted in 47 children receiving treatment for possible rabies exposure, according to the Alabama Department of Public Health.
アラバマ州の公衆衛生局(ADPH)によれば、先月 [2019年6月] にユニオンスプリングスのデイケアセンターにコウモリが侵入した結果、47人の子供が狂犬病に曝露された可能性があるということで、治療(暴露後免疫)を受けた。
The bats, including 2 dead ones in living areas of the childcare center, were reported in June 2019, and state health officials responded immediately. "We would normally test any dead bats to determine if rabies is present, but these bats had already been discarded by the facility staff before we were notified," Alabama Public Health Officer Scott Harris told Alabama Daily News. He praised the department and other agencies' response to the situation. It was reported to ADPH [Alabama
Department of Public Health] by the Alabama Department of Human Resources.
コウモリ(保育所の居住エリアで発見された2匹の死亡動物を含む)の存在は2019年6月に報告された。州の公衆衛生局は直ちに応答した。「我々は通常すべての死亡したコウモリに対して、狂犬病に感染しているか否かについて検査を行う。しかしながら、今回のケースでは、我々が報告を受ける前に、コウモリは既に施設のスタッフによって廃棄されていた。」ADPHのScott HarrisはAlabama Daily Newsに語った。彼は、今回の状況に対する公衆衛生局や他の機関の対応を称賛した。本件は、アラバマ州の人事局によってADPHに報告された。
The daycare was temporarily closed but has re-opened. "When we are unable to test whether a bat has rabies, we always err on the side of safety and proceed with vaccination, since rabies is uniformly fatal," Harris said.
The situation was particularly complicated because of the age of some of the children, he said. Even if a small child were bitten or scratched by a bat, they may not be able to communicate that to an adult.
今回の状況は、一部の子供達の年齢のために、特に複雑であったと彼は述べた。何人かの子供の年齢のために状況は特に複雑だった、と彼は言った。 仮に小さな子供がコウモリに噛まれたり傷つけられたりしても、その子供は大人に対してそれを伝えることができないかもしれない。
"If you had a bat in the house and you said you didn't touch it, we'd believe you," Harris said. "But you can't really trust a 3-year-old to say that when there was a dead bat in the room."
Each child required a dose of rabies immune globulin, which involves 1 or 2 separate injections, then was required to begin the rabies vaccination that totals 4 more shots spread over about 2 weeks, Harris said.
He stressed that only a small percentage of bats are thought to carry rabies.
The department recommends if exposure to people or pets is suspected, dead, sick, or easily captured bats should be tested.
Rabies is a viral infection in mammals transmitted by bites, scratches or other contact with infected saliva. Rabies virus is present only in saliva and nervous tissue; it is not transmitted through contact with feces, blood or urine from infected animals.
Harris said the USD 170 000 cost was only for the vaccines and did not include personnel time or any other expenses. Harris said a total of 54 children were exposed to bats, and communication efforts continue with parents of the 7 who have so far not received vaccinations despite the department's recommendations.
[Byline: Mary Sell]
[署名: Mary Sell]
Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>
[5] Texas - kitten, human exposure
Date: Mon 22 Jul 2019
Source: East Texas Matters [edited]
情報源: East Texas Matters [編集済]
A kitten diagnosed with rabies is raising concerns in a Central Texas
city. The City of Valley Mills put out the word after someone found the animal. Officials are urging everyone to be careful when coming in contact with an animal that is not their own.
"It's really amazing we don't have more rabid animals presented than we do," says Cary Bielamowicz, a local veterinarian. The kitten was found on Thursday [18 Jul 2019], and the search is on to find out whether it spread the disease to its littermates and any adult cats.
「我々が経験しているよりも多くの狂犬病動物が出ていないことは、本当に驚異的だ。」と地元の獣医師であるCary Bielamowiczは語った。子猫は木曜日 [2019年7月18日] に発見された。そして、同腹の子猫や成猫に病気を広げていないか発見するための調査が続いていた。
Valley Mills officials are urging everyone to remain cautious when coming in contact with a strange animal. "The most important thing is to stay away from it. Just monitor where it's at. Contact the local authorities. Most everybody has a local
rabies authority they can get a hold of or a sheriff's department, the county," Bielamowicz says.
If you think you've found an animal with rabies, you should report it, but don't touch it. "There are 2 different forms. There's dumb rabies ... they're just very dull. And then of course you've got rabies where they actuallyshow pretty severe neurological signs," Bielamowicz says.
狂犬病の動物を発見したと思ったら、あなたはそれを通報すべきである。しかし、その動物に触れてはならない。「(狂犬病には) 2つの (病) 型がある。(ひとつは) 麻痺型の狂犬病 (dumb rabies) で、その場合動物はとても動きが鈍い。もし、あなたが狂犬病に感染した場合には、それは重度な神経症状として現れる。」Bielamowiczは語った。
If you're a pet owner, you should make sure your 4-legged friend is protected from the disease. "Vaccinate pets at 3 months of age, and then a year later. Most vaccines are 3-year rabies vaccines," Bielamowicz says. Once your pet is vaccinated, always make sure to have their vaccination tag on their collar.
あなたがペットのオーナーであるなら、四つ足の友人 (飼育動物) を疾病 (狂犬病) から確実に守らなければならない。「ペットが3ヵ月齢になったらワクチン接種し、その1年後にワクチン接種する。ほとんどの狂犬病ワクチンは有効免疫期間)が3年である。」とBielamowiczはいう。ペットがワクチン接種を受けたら、ワクチン済みのタグを首輪に装着していることを常に確認する。
"Pets are being allowed into motels, national parks, state parks, so it's very important to keep that paperwork with you. I highly suggest also getting them micro-chipped so you can associate the rabies vaccine with the microchip and the owner," Bielamowicz says.
「ペットはモーテル、国立公園、州立公園に入ることが許可されているので、その書類を保管しておくことが非常に重要である。マイクロチップと飼い主、狂犬病ワクチン(接種の状況)を関連付けることができるように、ペットにマイクロチップを装着することを強く勧める。」とBielamowicz はいう。
[Byline: Emily Setser]
[署名: Emily Setser]
Communicated by:
[6] North Carolina - fox, human exposure
Date: Mon 22 Jul 2019
日付: 2019年7月22日
Source: WSBTV [edited]
情報源: WSBTV [編集済]
A North Carolina man had to resort to a household tool to fend off a rabid fox that attacked him. WFMY reported RJ was sitting on the front porch of his mother's Lexington, North Carolina home Tuesday [16 Jul 2019] when he heard rustling in nearby bushes.
"I didn't see anything, and then the next thing I know, I feel something hitting ... my side," RJ told WFMY. "And it was a fox." RJs said the animal weighed about 25 to 30 pounds and wouldn't let go. "He was holding on for dear life," RJ said.
WGHP reported RJ screamed for his sister to get something she could fight him off with. She grabbed a hammer and repeatedly hit the fox with it as RJ held the animal down. JRJ said they fought with the animal until it was dead.
The Dispatch reported officials with the Davidson County Health Department confirmed Thursday [18 Jul 2019] the fox tested positive for rabies. RJ was bitten in the stomach and legs, WGHP reported. Officials with the Lexington Police Department said no skin was broken, but he suffered scratches and his clothing was bitten,according to The Dispatch.
WFMY reported that after RJ and his sister fought off the animal, they called paramedics and went to a hospital, where he got 17 rabies shots. [Rabies post-exposure prophylaxis consists of a dose of human rabies immune globulin and rabies vaccine given on the day of the exposure, and then a dose of vaccine given again on days 3, 7, and 14.
WFMY の報告では、RJと彼の姉(妹)はキツネと戦った後、救急医療士を呼び、病院へ行った。そこで彼は17回の狂犬病予防注射を受けた。[狂犬病の曝露後予防は、曝露当日におけるヒト抗狂犬病免疫グロブリンの単回投与と狂犬病予防接種、さらに3、7、14日後における狂犬病予防接種で構成される。]
If a person has previously received post-exposure vaccinations or received pre-exposure vaccinations, only 2 doses of vaccine (on the day of exposure and then 3 days later) are needed. Human rabies immune globulin is not required. Your doctor and local health department will be able to guide you through the process
もし、以前に曝露後免疫あるいは曝露前免疫を受けたことがある場合、追加で2回の狂犬病ワクチンの接種が必要である (曝露日及びその3日後)。ヒト抗狂犬病イムノグロブリンは必要ではない。あなたの医師と地域の保健所が、あなたに方法を指導できるだろう。
[The 17 shots mentioned here do not seem in accordance with the CDC recommendations. However, I suppose the immunoglobulin may have been given in multiple sites. - Mod.TG]
"I had my 2nd session of shots today," he told WFMY Friday [19 Jul 2019]. "I just got back from the hospital. I only had one (shot), but any needle is painful." RJ is due back for a 3rd and 4th round of shots later in the month. His sister was not bitten in the incident.
「私は今日、2回目の注射を受けた。」彼は金曜日 [2019年7月19日] にWFMYに語った。「私はちょうど病院から戻ってきたところだ。私は1回だけ注射を受けたが、どちらにしろ痛かった。」彼の姉(妹)は今回の事故で咬傷を受けなかった。
[Byline: Kelcie Willis
[署名: Kelcie Willis]
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[These postings should drive home the message of caution. Any bat may have rabies. Extreme caution is required around these animals. Vaccination of your pets is part of building a wall between yourself and the virus, and it is a measure to protect your pets.
For more information on rabies and post exposure prophylaxis, readers are requested to see the moderator's comments on Rabies (37): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human:http://promedmail.org/post/20190718.6574088. - Mod.TG
狂犬病及び曝露後免疫に関するさらなる情報については、狂犬病(37): アメリカ大陸(カナダ、USA)コウモリ、キツネ、ヒト: (URL省略) におけるモデレーターのコメントを参照のこと。
HealthMap/ProMED maps available at:
Canada: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/12>
United States: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/106>]
[See Also:
Rabies (37): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human
Rabies (36): Americas, USA (PA, FL, NJ, SC) cat, fox, raccoon, human
exposure http://promedmail.org/post/20190707.6555131
Rabies (33): Americas, USA (AZ,NJ) cat, dog, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (32): Americas, Brazil (PA) susp, RFI
Rabies (30): Americas, USA (FL, NC) cat, fox, dog, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr.
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure
Rabies (15): Americas, Brazil (RS) bat, cattle
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure
Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp.
Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert
Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure
Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) raccoon, alert
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) raccoon, human exp., susp.
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) raccoon, feline, human exposure
Rabies (36): Americas (USA) bat, alert
Rabies (35): Americas (USA)
Rabies (33): Americas (USA) bat, comment
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) bat, comment
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) bat, human exposure
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) bat, human exp.
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) fox, susp., human exposure
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) human, bat, canine exposure
Rabies (05): Americas (USA) fox, susp., human exposure
Rabies (04): Americas (USA, Brazil) bat, human, Milwaukee protocol
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) bat, human exp.
Rabies (38): Americas (USA)
Rabies (36): Americas (USA) wildlife, multiple human exposures
Rabies (34): Americas (USA) bat, human exp.
Rabies (33): Americas (USA) bobcat, canine & human exposures
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) bat, human exp.
Rabies (27): Americas (USA) feline
Rabies (23): Americas (USA)
Rabies, raccoon - USA (04): (NYC) vaccination
Rabies, raccoon - USA (NY) http://promedmail.org/post/20100122.0246
Rabies, raccoon - USA: New York City alert
and other items in the archives]