[1] Michigan (Macomb County): skunk, human exposure
[2] Kentucky (Marion County): skunk, dog
Kentucky 州(Marion 郡):スカンク、イヌ
[3] North Carolina (Lexington): skunk, human exposure
North Carolina州 (Lexington郡):スカンク、人の暴露
[4] Arizona (Maricopa County): coyote, human exposure
Arizona州 (Maricopa C郡):コヨーテ、人の暴露
[5] New York (Niagara County): raccoon, dogs
New York州 (Niagara 郡):アライグマ、イヌ
[6] Maryland (Charles County): coyote
Maryland 州(Charles 郡):コヨーテ
[7] Connecticut (Windham County): raccoon, human exposure
Connecticut州 (Windham 郡):アライグマ、人の暴露
[1] Michigan (Macomb County): skunk, human exposure
Date: 7 Dec 2023
Source: Detroit Free Press [edited]
情報源:Detroit Free Press (編集)
Skunk purchased from Michigan breeder tests positive for rabies, what to know
Skunks purchased from a metro Detroit breeder in the past 6 months may have rabies and Michigan health departments are warning state residents about potential exposure.
According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, a skunk purchased from Countryside Feather Farm/Rose's Skunks in Attica or through a Chesterfield Township/New Baltimore seller connected to Rose's Skunks tested positive for rabies on 29 Nov 2023.
ミシガン州保健福祉局によると、AtticaのCountryside Featherファーム/Rose's Skunks、またはRose's Skunksに関連するChesterfield Township/New Baltimoreの販売業者から購入したスカンクが、2023年11月29日に狂犬病陽性と判定された。
The preliminary investigation conducted by Macomb County Animal Control determined it's possible rehabilitated wild skunks co-mingled with bred and captive skunks at the New Baltimore location.
Macomb郡動物管理局が行った予備調査では、New Baltimoreの施設で、野生のスカンクをリハビリさせたものと、飼育されたスカンクが混在していた可能性があると判断された。
Macomb County also had 3 skunks test positive for rabies over the summer [2023], 2 in Macomb Township and 1 in Clinton Township, as reported by the Detroit Free Press.
Detroit Free Pressが報じたところによると、Macomb郡でも夏(2023年)に3匹のスカンクが狂犬病の陽性反応を示し、Macomb Townshipで2匹、Clinton Townshipで1匹であった。
Michigan residents can purchase skunks bred in captivity through a permit issued by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. DNR Law Enforcement Chief Jason Haines further commented on the matter.
ミシガン州民は、同州天然資源局が発行する許可証により、飼育下で繁殖させたスカンクを購入することができる。DNRのJason Haines法執行部長はさらに以下のようにコメントした。
"In the State of Michigan, it is illegal to take, purchase or possess wild animals without proper permitting from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources," said Haines. "Where skunks are concerned, it's
illegal to take them from the wild for purposes of rehabilitation or to import them from another state or country. We are continuing to investigate this matter, working cooperatively with local authorities
and other state agencies."
Natasha Bagdasarian, chief medical executive, said rabies can go undetected in skunks for several months and encourages those potentially exposed to take proper precautions and seek out medical
主任医療専門官のNatasha Bagdasarianは、狂犬病はスカンクに感染しても数ヶ月は発見されない可能性があると述べ、狂犬病に感染した可能性のある人は適切な予防措置をとり、治療を受けるよう勧めた。
"If you have purchased one of these skunks from these facilities in the last 6 months, we are urging you to contact your veterinarian to have the animal examined. If you have interacted with a skunk from these facilities, we recommend you contact your health care provider or local health department about possible rabies exposure," said Bagdasarian. "It can take months for rabies to show up in skunks. If
the skunk you purchased is showing signs of illness or has died, please contact your veterinarian and health care provider immediately as you may be at risk for rabies and require treatment."
「過去6ヶ月以内にこれらの施設からスカンクを購入したことがある場合は、獣医師に連絡し、その動物を検査してもらうことを強く勧める。これらの施設のスカンクに接触したことがある場合は、狂犬病感染の可能性について、かかりつけの医師または地元の保健所に連絡することをお勧める。スカンクに狂犬病が現れるまでには数ヶ月かかる。購入したスカンクに病気の兆候が見られたり、死んでしまった場合は、狂犬病の危険性があり、治療が必要である可能性があるため、すぐに獣医師や医療機関に連絡して欲しい」 とBagdasarianは述べた。
In Michigan, bats and skunks are the most common carriers of rabies. It is often transmitted through a bite, scratch or saliva of an infected mammal and can be fatal.
Here are some things to keep in mind regarding rabies:
Prevention measures
- Avoid interactions with wildlife.
- Wash animal bites or scratches immediately with soap and water.
- Talk to a healthcare provider about treatment if you are bitten, scratched or unsure.
- Rabies in people is preventable with prompt, appropriate medical care.
- Vaccinate your pets.
- 野生動物との接触を避ける。
- 動物に咬まれたり、引っかかれたりした場合は、すぐに石鹸と水で洗う。
- 咬まれたり、引っかかれたり、よくわからない場合は、医療従事者に治療について相談する。
- 人の狂犬病は、迅速かつ適切な治療を受ければ予防できる。
- ペットにワクチンを接種する。
- Keep rabies vaccinations up-to-date for cats, dogs and ferrets.
- Maintain control of your pets. Keep cats and ferrets indoors, and dogs under supervision.
- Spay or neuter your pets.
- ネコ、イヌ、フェレットの狂犬病予防接種は常に最新の状態に保つ。
- ペットの管理を徹底する。ネコとフェレットは屋内で、イヌは監視下で飼う。
- 避妊・去勢手術をする。
- Early symptoms include fever, headache, general weakness and discomfort.
- Over time, symptoms can include difficulty sleeping, anxiety, confusion, hallucinations, agitation, partial paralysis, difficulty swallowing and hydrophobia, or fear of water.
- 初期症状には発熱、頭痛、全身の脱力感、不快感などがある。
- 時間の経過とともに、睡眠障害、不安、錯乱、幻覚、興奮、部分的な麻痺、嚥下困難、恐水症などの症状が現れる。
- Early signs include fever, lethargy, vomiting and lack of appetite.
- Within days, symptoms can include weakness, difficulty walking, paralysis, seizures, difficulty swallowing/excessive salivation, abnormal behavior and aggression.
- 初期症状には、発熱、嗜眠、嘔吐、食欲不振がある。
- 数日以内に、衰弱、歩行困難、麻痺、発作、嚥下困難/過剰な唾液分泌、異常行動、攻撃性などの症状が現れる。
[Byline Marina Johnson]
(担当:Marina Johnson)
Communicated by:
[2] Kentucky (Marion County): skunk, dog,
ケンタッキー 州(Marion 郡):スカンク、イヌ
Date: Wed 6 Dec 2023
Source: Lex18 [edited]
情報源:Lex18 (編集)
Marion County Animal Shelter confirms rabies case in dog
The Marion County Animal Shelter says there has been a lab-confirmed case of rabies in a canine in Marion County.
The shelter's director says the dog came into contact with an infected skunk in its yard in Gravel Switch, near the Boyle County line.
保護施設の責任者によれば、このイヌはBoyle郡との境界線に近いGravel Switchの庭で感染したスカンクと接触したという。
"We do not know how many skunks are infected or if they have migrated to Boyle County. Therefore, we are issuing a rabies awareness warning out of an abundance of caution," said Sissy Slone, Boyle County Animal Control Shelter Director.
「狂犬病に感染しているスカンクの数、あるいはスカンクがBoyle郡に移動してきたかどうかは不明である。そのため、慎重を期して狂犬病注意報を発令している」と、Boyle郡動物管理保護施設のSissy Slone所長は述べた。
Officials say the public should be aware of wildlife, especially skunks, bats, coyotes, foxes, and raccoons. Any unusual activities or behaviors should be reported to your local animal control or fish and wildlife officer.
All pets should be up to date on their rabies vaccinations. If they are not, call your veterinarian and schedule an appointment.
"Rabies can spread very quickly and before we know it, we have an epidemic on our hands," said Slone.
"It is Kentucky state law all dogs, cats and ferrets must be vaccinated for rabies," said Boyle County Judge Executive Trille Bottom. "We require all dogs to be licensed in Boyle County and provide proof of rabies vaccination just to protect our animal community in situations just like this."
「すべてのイヌ、ネコ、フェレットは狂犬病の予防接種を受けなければならない。」とBoyle郡判事のTrille Bottomは述べ、さらに「このような状況から動物コミュニティを守るため、Boyle郡ではすべての犬に免許を取得し、狂犬病ワクチン接種の証明書を提出することを義務付けている。」と言っている。
According to the Global Alliance for Rabies Control, some of the most notable signs a dog has rabies include the following:
- Fever
- Lethargy
- Excessive drooling
- Aggression
- Change in voice or bark
- Sensitivity to light and sound
- Unsteadiness (disorientation/appearance of drunkenness)
- Hallucinations (barking/snapping at nothing, biting inanimate objects)
- 無気力
- 流涎が多い。
- 攻撃的である。
- 声や吠え方が変わる
- 光や音に過敏になる
- ふらつき(見当識障害/酔っているように見える)
- 幻覚(何もないところで吠える/鳴く、無生物を咬む)
[3] North Carolina (Lexington): skunk, human exposure
ノースキャロライナ州 (Lexington郡):スカンク、人の暴露
Date: Fri 8 Dec 2023
Source: CBS17.com [edited]
情報源:CBS17.com (編集)
Person bit by rabid skunk near US 64 in NC
North Carolina州US64付近で狂暴化したスカンクに人が咬まれる
A person was bitten by a rabid skunk on Sunday [3 Dec 2023], according to the Davidson County Health Department.日曜日(2023年12月3日)、人が狂犬病のスカンクに咬まれたとDavidson郡保健局が発表した。
On Sunday [3 Dec 2023], the health department was notified about a bite incident involving a skunk near U.S. 64 in Lexington.
Animal Control was able to safely remove the skunk from the property and recommended it be tested for the rabies virus.
The person who was bitten immediately sought postexposure prophylaxis treatment.
On Tuesday [5 Dec 2023], lab tests confirmed the skunk had rabies.
This case marks the 8th lab-tested positive case of rabies in Davidson County this year [2023].
The health department said wild animals are far more likely to transmit the potentially deadly rabies virus and people should not engage with them [skunks and/or other wild animals].
Rabies is 99.9% fatal in humans who do not seek immediate postexposure treatment.
If you encounter a wild animal do not try to feed or handle it, instead call Animal Control for assistance.
State law requires all animal bites be reported to the local health department. If you suspect a domestic animal may have had contact with a wild animal contact a veterinarian for assistance.
Rabies is 100% fatal in domestic animals not having the rabies vaccine kept up-to-date.
State law requires all domestic cats, dogs, and ferrets to receive the rabies vaccine by 4 months of age.
Visit the CDC's website
[https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/prevention/index.html] for more information on rabies prevention.
[Byline: Brayden Stamps]
(担当:Brayden Stamps)
Communicated by:
[4] Arizona (Maricopa County): coyote, human exposure
アリゾナ州 (Maricopa C郡):コヨーテ、人の暴露
Date: Mon 11 Dec 2023
Source: Fox 10 Phoenix [edited]
情報源:Fox 10 Phoenix (編集)
Three coyote attacks on people reported within just days in north Phoenix
Three people have been bitten by a coyote in north Phoenix within the last 3 days, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) said on 11 Dec 2023.
The 1st incident was on Saturday, 9 Dec 2023 near I-17 and Happy Valley Road, when a 4-year-old child's leg was bitten while walking with family.
1件目は2023年12月9日(土)、Happy Valley Road I-17付近で、4歳の子供が家族と歩いていたところ足を咬まれた。
That same day [9 Dec 2023], a man who was jogging in the area was bitten.
"Game and Fish officers removed 1 coyote Sunday evening [10 Dec 2023] and are continuing to search the area," the department said.
On Monday morning [11 Dec 2023], a man was bitten on the heel in the same area.
"All 3 individuals received medical treatment and rabies shots," AZGFD said.「3人全員が治療を受け、狂犬病予防注射を受けた。」とアリゾナ州狩猟漁業局は述べた。
Notices have been posted in the area to let the public know about what's going on. For now, residents are told to be aware of their surroundings and to keep away from wildlife.
For now, it's not clear if it's one coyote doing the attacking or if it's a few of them. [In the 4th paragraph of this article it states 1 coyote was removed on Sunday but then follows with another bite on Monday, so it seems there is more than one biting coyote, the question remains regarding at least the 2nd and maybe other coyotes are possibly rabid. - Mod.TG]
- モデレーター.TG
In the last 26 years, the department says there have been 28 reported attacks on people in the Phoenix metro area.
Coyote attacks on people do occur and have the potential to be serious.
While people immediately suspect a rabid animal, that's not always the case, says Game and Fish.
"This seems to be some kind of learned behavior," Alexandra Flickinger with the department said. "We're not sure if it was 1 coyote or multiple. It was a different circumstance than normal."
「これはある種の学習行動のようである。コヨーテが1匹なのか複数なのかはわからない。通常とは異なる状況だった。」と狩猟漁業局のAlexandra Flickingerは言った。
[VB] lives in the area and says on 2 Dec 2023 a coyote nipped her calf as she walked behind a nearby shopping center.
"My 1st reaction, I thought it was a dog. Then I thought, 'Wow, that's a really ugly dog,'" she said.
Her skin wasn't broken and VB snapped pictures as the coyote trotted off, seemingly not bothered by the encounter.
She says it was either the same coyote or part of a group having become emboldened. She was sad to hear 3 had been lethally removed from the area since 9 Dec 2023.
"With all the development in the Valley, you have to be aware of your surroundings," she warned.
[VB's] incident isn't included in the 3 reported to Game and Fish.
"To report any new coyote sightings in the area bordered by I-17 east to 19th Avenue and Pinnacle Peak Road north to Jomax Road, please call the Arizona Game and Fish Department. In an emergency, call 911," Game and Fish advised.
「I-17を東に19番街まで、Pinnacle Peak Roadを北にto Jomax Roadまで行った地域で新たにコヨーテが目撃された場合は、Arizona州狩猟業局に通報してほしい。緊急の場合は911に電話しして欲しい」と狩猟業局は助言した。
[Byline: Linda Williams and Jessica Johnson]
(担当:Linda Williams と Jessica Johnson
Communicated by:
[5] New York (Niagara County): raccoon, dogs
ニューヨーク州 (Niagara 郡):アライグマ、イヌ
Date: Sat 9 Dec 2023
Source: The Buffalo News [edited]
情報源:The Buffalo News (編集)
Rabies confirmed in raccoon which encountered pair of dogs in Lockport
Tests have confirmed a raccoon was rabid when 2 dogs encountered it Wednesday [6 Dec 2023] in a fenced back yard in Lockport, the Niagara County Department of Health reported.
The animal was found to be rabid after it was sent for testing in the Griffon Laboratory at the State Health Department's Wadsworth Center.
このアライグマは、州保健局Wadsworth センターにあるGriffon研究所で検査を受けた結果、狂犬病であることが判明した。
The report noted the dogs had been vaccinated against the disease and the owner will arrange booster shots for them.
According to the report, this is the 1st rabid raccoon seen in Niagara County this year [2023]. The county confirmed 4 cases of rabies in bats in 2023, the report added.
County health officials warned raccoons, bats, skunks and fox are common carriers of the rabies virus and residents should avoid them, along with stray dogs and feral cats. They further advised pet owners
keep their dogs and cats up to date on rabies vaccinations.
[Byline: Dale Anderson]
(担当:Dale Anderson)
Communicated by:
[6] Maryland (Charles County): coyote
メリーランド 州(Charles 郡):コヨーテ
Date: Mon 11 Dec 2023
Source: SM News Net [edited]
情報源:SM News Net (編集)
Charles County Department of Health advises of coyote found with rabies in Waldorf area
The Charles County Department of Health has been notified a coyote collected on 2 Dec 2023 in the Charter Oak/Scarlett Oak in the Waldorf vicinity has tested positive for rabies.
Charles郡衛生局は、2023年12月2日にWaldorf近郊のCharter Oak/Scarlett Oakで捕獲されたコヨーテが狂犬病陽性であることを通知した。
There was another sighting of a coyote with a similar description around the 13000 block of Ballantrae Lane in Waldorf, MD.
Maryland州WaldorfのBallantrae Lane 13000ブロック付近でも同様のコヨーテが目撃された。
We urge everyone to avoid contact with wildlife and unknown animals. A current rabies vaccination for your pet is vital.
Rabies is a disease of animals and people. The virus is spread through the saliva of a rabid animal. Usually this occurs when a rabid animal bites or scratches another person or animal. However, secondary
exposure can occur from saliva on the coat or fur of an animal exposed to a rabid animal.
The virus can get into the body through open cuts or wounds, or through the eyes, nose, or mouth.
Domesticated animals like dogs, cats, and ferrets can get rabies from wild animals such as raccoons, foxes, skunks, bats, opossums, etc. Getting your pets vaccinated against rabies will prevent them from
getting infected with rabies. [Horses, cattle, sheep, goats, and swine can acquire the rabies virus in the same fashion from the same animals. - Mod.TG]
(ウマ、ウシ、ヒツジ、ヤギ、ブタも、同じ動物から同じように狂犬病ウイルスに感染する可能性がある。- モデレーター.TG)
Livestock may also be infected with rabies. You should contact your veterinarian for rabies information and vaccination for livestock. It is important to teach your children to stay away from wild and unknown
Please report any animal bites or potential rabies exposures to the Charles County Department of Health or Charles County Animal Control and seek medical attention promptly.
動物に咬まれた場合、または狂犬病に感染した可能性がある場合は、 Charles郡保健局または Charles郡動物管理局に報告し、速やかに医師の診察を受けてほしい。
Communicated by:
[7] Connecticut (Windham County): raccoon, human exposure Date: Sat 16 Dec 2023
コネチカット州 (Windham 郡):アライグマ、人の暴露
Source: ABC 7 Chicago [edited]
情報源: ABC 7 Chicago (編集)
Mom rushes to rescue 5-year-old attacked by raccoon while waiting for school bus
A 5-year-old girl was attacked by an aggressive raccoon while waiting for the school bus outside her home in Ashford, Connecticut, on 2 Dec 2023.
[LM's] home surveillance camera captured the scary moment her daughter, [R], was bitten. She told Storyful her daughter stepped outside to wait for the bus and the raccoon was sitting on the porch.
The video shows the raccoon quickly latch onto [R's] leg, who then screams and attempts to shake the animal off. [LM] rushes to help her daughter, grabbing onto the animal by the scruff of its neck. She's
able to remove it, and at one point can be seen holding both the raccoon and her daughter. Once her daughter is inside she throws the animal into her yard where it can be seen waddling away.
ビデオには、アライグマが素早くにRの足にしがみつき、Rが叫び声を上げて動物を振り落とそうとする様子が映っていた。 LMは急いで娘を助けようと動物の首筋をつかんだ。彼女はアライグマを引き剥がし、アライグマと娘の両方をつかんでいるのが見られた。 娘のRが家の中に入ると、彼女はその動物を庭に放り込み、アライグマはフラフラと歩いて去るのが見えた。
"I heard her screaming and ran to see what was going on. I thought maybe she slammed her hand in the door, I was not expecting to see a raccoon attacking her," [LM] said. "If I didn't have the video, I
wouldn't be able to tell you exactly what happened, it all happened so fast."
The video shows the raccoon quickly latch onto the girl's leg, who then screams and attempts to shake the animal off.
She told Storyful [R] has a few puncture wounds, and said they both have scratches, but that they are doing ok. She said [R], who normally wears leggings, was wearing jeans, and she believes this helped
prevent her from being more seriously injured.
[LM] confirmed they did go to the hospital, and said the doctor's main concern was rabies as the raccoon was out during the day, and very aggressive, both signs of the viral disease according to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.
Though they've not been able to find the raccoon to test it for rabies, she said they will be receiving rabies vaccines over the coming weeks.
[Byline: Rachel Bidock]
(担当:Rachel Bidock)
Communicated by:
[Rabies can occur almost anywhere, from the seemingly frozen areas to the tropics or warmer areas. Rabies does not respect the seasons, or counties, or who or what its victims may be. It is a ruthless killer
for which we must all be aware of our surroundings at all times. Rabies can accost you or your pets, or livestock wherever you are, from the vacation in the woods, to the walk in a city park or waiting on a bus. The disease is a ruthless killer of human beings and animal victims.
Fortunately, for human beings there is post exposure prophylaxis, a series of shots, to save a victim's life. Also, there are rabies preventions, called rabies vaccination shots for your animals. This isexceptionally important as it protects your pet, and may be the difference in keeping your pet alive vs the need for euthanasia. It also helps to build a barrier between you and the disease. Often our pets either seek to protect us, or alert us to the disease which may be so near us, perhaps in the form of a stealthy fox, or a menacing raccoon, or other animals.
Pets include animals such as our horses and cattle, as many show animals in various livestock shows are working with these animals daily. There is a vaccine for the horses and cattle, sheep and goats and even pigs. Please visit with your veterinarian about vaccinating your animals. - Mod.TG
ProMED map:
United States: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8713861,106]
[See Also:
Rabies (51): North America (USA) fox, cat, fisher, goat, human exp
Rabies (48): North America (USA) horse, fox, raccoon, kitten, bat,
human exp
Rabies (46): North America (Canada, USA) kitten, cat, dog, bat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20231105.8712996
Rabies (44): North America (USA) kitten, bat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (43): North America (USA) fox
Rabies (40): North America (Canada, USA) bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (39): North America (USA) otter, fox, dog, human exp
Rabies (37): North America (USA) dog, raccoon, cat, bat, skunk, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230925.8712316
Rabies (36): North America (USA) fox, raccoon
Rabies (35): Americas, dog, bat, human exp
Rabies (34): North America (USA) fox, dog, cat, raccoon, bat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230802.8711520
Rabies (33): North America (USA) fox, bat, dog, beaver, cat, human exp
Rabies (32): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (31): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) bat, cat, dog, human exp
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) dog, cat, bat, fox, groundhog, human exp
Rabies (24): Americas (Canada, USA) Australia, human exp, bats, cats,
wildlife http://promedmail.org/post/20230610.8710499
Rabies (23): Americas (Canada, USA) fox, bat, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (20): Americas (USA) bat, possible human exp
Rabies (01): Americas, cat, bat, cattle, skunk, pig, dog, human
cases/exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230103.8707561
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) skunk, bat, cat, dog, raccoon, wildlife,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20221117.8706775
Rabies (46): Americas (USA) bat, cat, horse, human exp
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) bat, cat, human exposure
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, horse, human exp, vacc
update, corr http://promedmail.org/post/20221008.8706014
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, horse, human exp, vacc
update http://promedmail.org/post/20221007.8706005
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (07): Americas (Canada, USA) fox, dog, bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) dog, fox, cat, bat, human exp
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, bat, dog, human exp, cattle
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) bat, human exposure
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) coyote, bat, imported dog ex Egypt, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20201108.7925072
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) animal, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (27): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (25): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (23): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) fox, goat, bat, human exposure
Rabies (15): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exp
Rabies (13): Americas (USA) cat, fox, human exp
Rabies (12): Americas (USA) fox, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) cat, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp
Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure
Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp
Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp
Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure
Rabies (49): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) cat, dog, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (47): Americas (USA) skunk, alert
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) dog, skunk, raccoon, fox, human exp
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) fox, bat, human exp
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) dog, cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (39): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, kitten, raccoon, human
Rabies (38): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (34): Americas (USA) cat, dog, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas, USA (FL, NC) cat, fox, dog, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr.
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure
Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp.
Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert
Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure
Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) raccoon, alert
and other items in the archive]