




Date: Sat 22 May 2021 09:52 ICT
Source: Thaivisa [edited]
https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/1218000-surin-timeline-of-woman-who- died-from-rabies-101-people-potentially-infected/
日付:2021 5 22 日(土)

A 39-year-old woman in Surin has died from rabies. The authorities say it is a disease that everyone dies from if not protected by vaccine. They have urged people to get vaccinated and to have their pets jabbed.
スリン県在住の 39 歳の女性が狂犬病で亡くなった。当局はワクチンで守られな いかぎり、誰であれ死亡する病気であるとして、人もペットもワクチンを受ける よう強く求めた

Sanook's story ( https://www.sanook.com/news/8385274/) featured a timeline for the woman's descent to death, but the media made no attempt to explain how such a case could apparently be so badly misdiagnosed, notes Thaivisa. Sanook の記事( https://www.sanook.com/news/8385274/)では、その女性が亡く なるまでの経過を時系列で紹介しているが、Thaivisa はこのケースがどのよう なひどい誤診をされたのかメディアは説明しようとしなかったと指摘する。

The woman had a coffee shop in a village and lived with her husband and mother and father. They looked after 12 cats and 2 dogs. She took in a stray cat that subsequently died. その女性は村内に1軒の喫茶店を経営していて、夫と両親と暮らしていた。家族 は 12 匹の猫と 1 頭の犬の世話をしていた。女性は1匹の野良猫を引き取ったが のちに死亡した。

On 7 May 2021, she started having symptoms of pain and hydrophobia (not wanting to drink). On 8 and 9 May 2021, she was very thirsty but refused to drink. These are clear signs of rabies. Hydrophobia is a common name sometimes given to the disease that when symptoms show is always fatal.

2021 5 7 日、その女性は痛みと恐水発作の症状(飲水を望まない)を示し 始めた。2021 5 8 日および 9 日、彼女は喉が渇いていたが、飲水を避けた。 これらは狂犬病の明確な徴候である。恐水発作はその徴候が出ると常に致命的 だというその疾病の一般名である。

By 10 May 2021, she was so tired that her husband drove her to Samrong Thap Hospital. Incredibly, she was sent home and on 11 May 2021 was no better.
5 10 日までに彼女は衰弱し、Samrong Thap Hospital 病院に夫が車 で連れて行った。信じられないことだが、2021 5 11 日、改善しないまま 自宅に帰された。

She was taken in a private car again to the same hospital, where she was given pills for a stomach problem and hypertension. She went home again, and her hydrophobia worsened and now 1669 was called and an ambulance picked her up and took her to the ER. 彼女は再び自家用車で同じ病院に連れて行かれ、胃薬と高血圧の錠剤を処方さ れた。女性は自宅に戻ったが、恐水発作が悪化したので、今度は 1669 に電話し、 救急車が収容して ER に搬送した。

She was now convulsing and foaming at the mouth and was transferred to Surin Hospital. By 12 May 2021, she was transferred to a specialist rabies unit where samples of saliva, hair and urine were taken for analysis in Nonthaburi [Province]. 彼女はその時点でひきつけを起こし、口から泡を吹き、Surin 病院に転院した。 2021 5 12 日までに狂犬病専門病棟に移され、ノンタブリ(県)で分析す るため唾液および毛髪、尿が採取された。

Just after she was officially diagnosed as having rabies, she died on 15 May 2021 at 2:43 pm. Thirty members of the public and 71 healthcare workers came into contact with her.

女性は狂犬病であると公式に診断された直後、2021 5 15 日午後 2 43 分 に死亡した。30 名の民間人と 71 名の医療従事者がその女性と接触した。
Communicated by: ProMED-MBDS

[Because rabies is commonly transmitted by dogs and most of the documented rabies cases are associated with infected dogs, potential exposure to a stray cat might be overlooked. Although there is no information that the case here was bitten by a canine or feline, saliva from an infected animal can also transmit the virus via scratches, and hydrophobia should be a unique clinical feature pinpointing the potential rabies infection, particularly due to the fact that the case was an owner of multiple cats and dogs. - Mod.YMA 狂犬病は犬から伝播されるのが一般的であり、狂犬病の事例はほとんどが感染 した犬に関連しているため、猫に暴露された可能性が見落とされたのかもしれ ない。この事例では犬や猫に咬まれたという情報はないが、感染した動物の唾液 は引っ掻き傷を介しても伝播される。そのため、特に複数の猫や犬を飼育してい た事実から、恐水発作は狂犬病感染の可能性をピンポイントで示す特有な臨床 徴候となるはずである。-モデレータ Mod.YMA

Maps of Thailand:

https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/maps/middle_east_and_asia/thailand_admin- 2013.jpg
and http://healthmap.org/promed/p/151]

[See Also:
Rabies - Thailand: (Khon Kaen) dog, human exposure

Rabies - Thailand (02): Surin, human, fatal
http://promedmail.org/post/20190429.6446684 Rabies - Thailand: Krabi, dog, outbreak zone http://promedmail.org/post/20190205.6295414 2018

Rabies - Thailand (15): human, canine
Rabies - Thailand (14): human, fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20180723.5921035
Rabies - Thailand (13): Kalasin http://promedmail.org/post/20180619.5862768
Rabies - Thailand (12): Khon Kaen, bovine, rabies-red zone http://promedmail.org/post/20180518.5803764
Rabies - Thailand (11): (Kanchanaburi) swine, canine, spread http://promedmail.org/post/20180508.5789760
Rabies - Thailand (10): human, canine, high risk http://promedmail.org/post/20180505.5785419
Rabies - Thailand (09): stray dogs, out of control http://promedmail.org/post/20180326.5710777
Rabies - Thailand (08): animal, human http://promedmail.org/post/20180319.5695671
Rabies - Thailand (07): canine, human http://promedmail.org/post/20180316.5690527
Rabies - Thailand (06): canine, free anti-rabies vaccine http://promedmail.org/post/20180314.5685838
Rabies - Thailand (05): canine, human, survey http://promedmail.org/post/20180312.5680393
Rabies - Thailand (04): canine, human http://promedmail.org/post/20180307.5670777
Rabies - Thailand (03): canine, spread http://promedmail.org/post/20180227.5654276
Rabies - Thailand (02): http://promedmail.org/post/20180215.5627409 Rabies - Thailand: Roi Et, animal, humanhttp://promedmail.org/post/20180112.5554496
Rabies - Thailand: Buri Ram, pets, livestock
Rabies - Thailand: Mukdahan, canine, dog meat consumption


Rabies - Thailand: Samut Prakan, anti-rabies campaign


Rabies - Thailand: stray dogs, failing control
Rabies - Thailand: Bangkok, rabbit, human exposure
http://promedmail.org/post/20120811.1917] .................................................yma/rd/st/mpp