Date: Wed 22 May 2024
Source: Newsweek [edited]
In a rare case, a black bear in Connecticut has tested positive for rabies, sparking a warning from state wildlife officials.
The bear was a wild female adult discovered in Canton, Connecticut, in February 2023. Like other bears, it should have been hibernating during the winter months. However, due to mobility issues on the left side of its body, the bear was seen falling over, lying down, and not responding to human presence, according to a new paper in the journal Microbiology Resource Announcements [see citation below].
このクマは2023年2月にコネチカット州Cantonで発見された野生のメスの成獣である。他のクマと同様、冬の間は冬眠しているはずだった。しかし、「Microbiology Resource Announcements」誌に掲載された新しい論文によると、体の左側の運動能力に問題があったため、このクマは倒れたり、横たわったり、人間の存在に反応しなかったりするのが目撃されている(下記引用参照)。
The bear was observed for 24 hours before being euthanized by a Connecticut conservation officer. Its body was taken to the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (CVMDL) at the
University of Connecticut's College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources for a post-mortem.
After the CVMDL sequenced the bear's brain tissue during the necropsy, they discovered that it was infected with rabies. This was only the second bear the lab had encountered with the virus.
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has advised the public to avoid any animal that "appears to be distressed, which may include symptoms like stumbling, staggering, walking in circles, dragging a limb or the hind end, or otherwise acting strangely," according to a statement from the University of Connecticut.
Rabies is a viral disease that affects the central nervous system of mammals, causing the inflammation of the brain. The virus is typically transmitted through the saliva of infected animals via bites, scratches, or even mucous membranes and open wounds. It is almost always fatal once symptoms appear, which generally manifest after around 2-3 months and can initially include fever, headache, and weakness, progressing to agitation, anxiety, hallucinations, a fear of water, excessive salivation, and lack of coordination.
If an animal displays neurological symptoms, such as stumbling and falling over, then scientists will first test for rabies. If the test comes back positive, CVMDL does not proceed with a full necropsy to
protect staff.
"We rule out rabies because we don't want to do a necropsy that could expose people unnecessarily," Guillermo Risatti, CVMDL director and professor at the University of Connecticut, said in the statement. "So, once we detect rabies, that's it. We don't do anything else with the carcass."
「不必要に人を感染させる可能性がある解剖はしたくないので、狂犬病の可能性は除外している」と、CVMDLの所長でコネチカット大学の教授であるGuillermo Risatti氏は声明で述べた。「狂犬病が検出されたら、それで終了となる。死骸についてはそれ以上何もしない」
The CVMDL scientists sequenced the entire genome of the rabies virus found inside the bear to compare it with a gene bank of other sequences from animals infected with rabies across the world. They found that the virus in the bear -- which was the only bear sample on the whole database -- most closely resembled a virus sequence from a raccoon in New England.
By comparing these strains of rabies, scientists can investigate how the virus spreads between animals in certain areas.
"That's the value -- to see what the virus looks like and be able to distinguish a new virus coming into the area," Risatti said. "All of the sequencing is done by us, here in house. So that is the value. We have created a sequencing lab inside a diagnostic lab that is allowing us to dig more into what is going on."
Only one to 3 cases are reported in humans in the United States annually. If a human contracts rabies, they need to receive post-exposure prophylaxis as soon as possible, which can be up to 100
percent effective at preventing the disease. Around 60 000 people receive this post-exposure prophylaxis in the US every year.
合衆国では、ヒトの場合、年間 1 ~ 3 件の症例しか報告されていない。ヒトが狂犬病に感染した場合、できるだけ早く暴露後予防法を受ける必要がある。これにより、この病気を 100 パーセント予防できる。合衆国では、毎年約 60,000 人がこの暴露後予防接種を受けている。
Humans most at risk are those living in areas where wildlife that commonly contract rabies, including bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes, are common. While this case of rabies in a bear is rare, it may become more common in the future, as sightings of black bears in Connecticut have increased lately.
Nine bears were submitted to the CVMDL for testing in 2023 alone, compared to 7 between 2019 and 2022.
The DEEP advises calling the local animal control officer or police department if you spot a potentially rabid animal, staying well clear of it, and definitely not attempting to pick it up.
[Byline: Jess Thomson]
(担当:Jess Thomson)
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[The citation for the research paper referenced above follows:
Helal ZH, Soriano NF, Hyeon JY, et al. The complete coding sequence of a rabies lyssavirus (RABV) detected in an American black bear (_Ursus americanus_) in Connecticut, USA. Microbiol Res Announc. 2024; 13(3).
Raccoons are the main terrestrial rabies reservoirs in the eastern US. The rabid bear most likely became infected by being bitten by a rabid carnivore: a raccoon, skunk, or fox. - Mod.PMB
- モデレーターPMB
ProMED map:
Connecticut, United States:
[See Also:
Rabies (14): Americas (USA) fox, dog, bear, raccoon, bobcat, human exp
Rabies (58): Americas, USA (NC) bear