In this update:
[1] Asia, Philippines, human, dog アジア、フィリピン、ヒト、イヌ
[2] Africa, Kenya, human, dog アフリカ、ケニア、ヒト、イヌ
[3] Europe, Ukraine, human, dog 欧州、ウクライナ、ヒト、イヌ
[4] Asia, Pakistan, human, dog アジア、パキスタン、ヒト、イヌ
[1] Asia, Philippines, human, dog
Date: Sat 29 Jun 2019
Source: Outbreak News Today [abridged, edited] <http://outbreaknewstoday.com/philippines-rabies-western-visayas-human-deaths-legazpi-city-state-of-calamity-18573/>
出典: Outbreak News Today(簡約版、編集済み)
The Philippines Department of Health in the Western Visayas [Region VI] reported 17 human rabies deaths during the 1st 5 months of the year [2019], the 2nd in the list of most affected regions in the country, following Central Luzon [Region III].
This is the same number of human rabies deaths reported in all of 2018. This has prompted health officials to call on the public to become responsible pet owners.
Program coordinator of the region's Rabies Prevention and Control Program Ame Liz G. Mardoquio said Negros Occidental [province] reported the most deaths [in the region]. Aklan and Iloilo provinces each had 3 deaths; Capiz, 2; while Iloilo City had one death. Six of the deaths were children less than 13 years old.
地域の狂犬病予防管理計画部署の計画調整役Ame Liz G. Mardoquioは第6地域の中ではネグロス・オクシデンタル州が最も死者が多い、と述べた。アクラン州およびイロイロ州では各3名、カピズ州では2名、イロイロ市1名である。これらの死者のうち6名は13才以下の子供であった。
The number of unvaccinated dogs in Legazpi City [in Region V, Bicol] is high; this is, according to officials, due to running out of rabies vaccine. Based on the record of the City Veterinary Office, the population of dogs in the city is around 22 000, but only 8000 dogs have been vaccinated this year [2019].
This prompted the local government to declare a state of emergency to access funds, which will be used to purchase anti-rabies vaccines.
Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>
ProMED-mail によれば、
[According to the most recent available OIE data from the Philippines pertaining to zoonotic diseases in humans, the annual number of rabies cases (=deaths) during 2017 was 219. The number in 2016 was 260, and in 2015, 246.
Rabies can be fully controlled by proper preventive vaccination of the vectors, which are predominantly dogs. Deficient vaccination coverage, due to unavailability of the vaccine, results directly in human fatalities. This failure needs to be corrected as soon as possible.
A map presenting the main administrative regions in the Philippines is available at<http://www.geocurrents.info/cartography/base-maps-of-the-philippines-linguisticregional-controversies-in-the-archipelago>.
For the location of the mentioned Legazpi city, see <https://tinyurl.com/yyyqujnl>. - Mod.AS
HealthMap, Philippines: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/158>]
[2] Africa, Kenya, human, dog
Date: Fri 28 Jun 2019
Source: Standard Media [abridged, edited] <https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001331800/kisumu-county-on-alert-as-two-die-of-rabies>
出典: Standard Media(簡略版、編集済み)
The Kisumu County Government has declared an outbreak of rabies after 2 children died of dog bites with several other cases being reported in Seme Sub County.
County Director of Health Services Dr Dickens Onyango has confirmed the outbreak but said health officials were working to stop the spread through timely treatment and sensitisation.
州の健康サービス局長Dr Dickens Onyangoは流行は確定したが、健康当局は拡大を防止するために適時的確な措置を行っており、警戒を怠っていない、と述べている。
In a letter dated 27 Jun 2019 and addressed to medical superintendents manning all public hospitals, Dr Onyango ordered all hospitals to stock anti-rabies vaccines and ensure that those bitten by dogs are treated immediately.
2019年6月27日付の全公立病院の医療機関最高責任者あての文書によれば、Dr Onyangoは全病院に抗狂犬病ワクチンの備蓄と、イヌに咬まれた患者への迅速な治療を指示している。
"This is to notify you that there is a confirmed rabies outbreak in Kisumu County," Dr Onyango said in a letter signed on his behalf by Dr A. Ng'ong'a.
「本案はキスム州において狂犬病の発生が確認されたことを通知するための文書である。」とDr Onyangoは「Dr A. Ng'ong'a」に代わってサインされた文書で述べた。
The confirmation came as a family on Thursday [27 Jun 2019] buried one of their children bitten by a stray dog. As [the father] buried his 10-year-old daughter in Seme, his other son was fighting for his life at a local hospital. The 2 children were bitten by stray dogs within 2 weeks.
In the 1st incident, [the daughter] was taking a nap when a stray dog attacked her at their home. When she woke up to scare it away, the dog jumped on her, biting her on the right side of her cheeks. She was rushed to Kombewa Sub County Hospital, but the family could not raise money to buy the anti-rabies drug.
"We were not able to raise the money and opted to take my child to an herbalist," said [the father]. The herbalist administered some drugs and gave her some to drink, but her health deteriorated. After 3 days, the father rushed the child to a neighbouring dispensary, which referred them to the Kisumu County Referral hospital.
"It was too late when we arrived at the facility, it did not take long before the doctors confirmed that my daughter had passed," said the emotional [father].
In the 2nd incident, his son was attacked by a stray dog while in the garden. Medical superintendent at Kombewa hospital David Okeyo, however, said that by the time the son was taken to the hospital, the facility was out of stock of the anti-rabies drugs. Dr Okeyo said the medics advised the parents to buy the vaccine at a nearby chemist at Sh 1500 [USD 14.57] per dose, but they never returned.
In same week, another case was brought at the facility and was advised to buy the vaccine, adding that the 2 succumbed. "They did not buy the drugs as advised; neither did they bring back the patients; there was nothing we could do without the vaccine," said Okeyo.
Okeyo confirmed that there was a high prevalence of dog bites in the area, saying that over the weekend, 6 cases were reported and administered with the vaccine. "As per now, we have a stock of the vaccine, but due to high demand, the stock runs out fast," noted Okeyo.
The county director of veterinary services, Dr. Evans Odhiambo, confirmed the recent deaths related to dog bites in the sub-county.
Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>
[HealthMap, Kenya: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/174>]
[3] Europe, Ukraine, human, dog
Date: Wed 26 Jun 2019
Source: Politeka [in Russian, machine trans. edited]
出典 :Politeka(ロシア、機械的翻訳、編集済み)
Another case of rabies has been revealed in the territory of the Odessa region. This time, rabies was recorded in the village of Vvedenka, Saratsky District. In this regard, quarantine was introduced in the territory of the village, writes ASI.
オデッサ行政区域の地域において、狂犬病の他の症例が明らかになった。今回、狂犬病はVvedenka, Saratsky地方の村で記録された。この注意文書により、地域の村には検疫が導入された。
As it became known, a yard dog attacked a man; a woman said that the dog behaved in an unusual way, and by all indications it had rabies. According to the woman, in the evening, her dog had had a fight with a fox. The dog was shot.
Examination confirmed that the dog was sick. At the meeting of the commission, it was decided to introduce quarantine in the village of Vvedenka.
There will also be other preventive measures. Earlier, we wrote that cases of rabies were revealed in the Shabo of the Odessa region; in connection, quarantine was declared in the territory of the village, as stated on the official website of the Shabskaya Rural Council, media reported.
In connection with the quarantine, it is forbidden to hold exhibitions, breed dogs, and to export dogs, cats, and wild animals outside the quarantine zone.
"Household vaccination of susceptible animals (dogs, cats) will be held. You need to keep animals on a leash and provide access to animal workers of veterinary medicine," said the statement. The dates of vaccination will be announced separately.
According to media reports, a resident of the village of Shabo was bitten by a rabid cat. We also reported that in Ukraine, attacks by animals have become more frequent. In the village of Derebchin, Vinnitsa region, a rabid badger bit a man and attacked pets.
メディアの報告によれば、シャボー村住民の事例は狂犬病の猫による咬傷である。我々はウクライナにおいて動物から攻撃される事例はますます増加傾向にあることを報告してきた。Vinnitsa 行政区のDerebchin村においては、狂犬病に罹ったアナグマがヒトを咬み、ペットを襲った。
Communicated by: ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts <promed@promedmail.org>
[HealthMap, Ukraine: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/123>]
[4] Asia, Pakistan, human, dog
Date: Tue 25 Jun 2019
Source: Pakistan Today [abridged, edited]
年月日: 2019年6月25日(火)
出典 : Pakistan Today(簡略版、編集済み)
Another 12-year-old boy with full-blown rabies was brought from Thatta to the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center (JPMC), Karachi, where he later died.
狂犬病の末期症状を示している他の12才令の男児がThatta から Karachiの Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center (JPMC)に搬送され、その後亡くなった。
Executive Director, JPMC, Dr Seemin Jamali, while talking to PPI, said a child with rabies from Thatta was brought yesterday [24 Jun 2019] to the hospital and died later. He was bitten by a stray dog a month ago on his shoulder, and no immunization was done. She claimed that a total of 6 rabies-related deaths were reported at JPMC alone this year [2019] so far.
JPMCの総括局長Dr. Seemin JamaliはPPIに対して、昨日Thattaから病院に搬送された狂犬病の子供はほどなく亡くなった、と語った。彼は1か月前に放浪犬に肩を咬まれ、免疫学的な措置は何も実施されなかった。局長は本年(2019年)になってこれまでにJPMCだけでも計6例の狂犬病関連死亡があると訴えた。
She said the number of victims had been rising progressively, and "we are presently treating over 100-125 new and old cases per day." She said that more than 6000 dog-bite cases had been reported at the Rabies Clinic since 1 Jan 2019, out of which 6 people died due to rabies.
In Karachi, more than 15 320 dog-bite cases have been reported at JPMC, Dr Ruth Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi, Indus Hospital Karachi, and other hospitals. A total of 11 people have died due to rabies in Karachi so far, out of which 6 were in JPMC and 5 in Indus Hospital, Karachi.
カラチにおいてはJPMC,カラチ市民病院(CHK),カラチインダス病院,その他の病院あわせて15,320件以上の犬による咬傷事故がに報告されている、とDr Ruth Pfauは報告している。カラチ市周辺ではこれまでに合計11名が狂犬病によって死亡しており、うち6名がJPMCで、5名がカラチインダス病院である。
No rabies-related death was reported at Dr Ruth Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi.
カラチ市民病院(CHK)のDr Ruth Pfauからは、狂犬病以外の死亡例の報告はされていない。
When contacted, Director General of Health - Sindh, Dr Masood Solangi, said that a total of 69 453 dog-bite cases had been reported across Sindh province, excluding JPMC, CHK and Indus Hospital Karachi.
シンドゥー健康局統括局長Dr Masood Solangiに連絡を取ったところ、全シンドゥー地域においてはJPMC、CHK、カラチインダス病院からの報告以外でも合計69,453件の犬による咬傷事故が報告されているとのことである。
Communicated by: ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts <promed@promedmail.org>
[Sindh is one of the 4 provinces of Pakistan; the 3rd largest by area, and 2nd largest by population (2017, 47.9 million) after Punjab (2017, 110 million).
According to a recent review of the literature (Ref. 1), more than 97000 cases of dog bites in humans were reported by primary health care in Pakistan during 2010, while those treated by secondary and tertiary care facilities, private physicians, and faith healers were not documented. The paper further noted that 2000-5000 deaths due to rabies are reported in Pakistan annually.
However, according to information cited in the above media report, in Sindh alone, about 85 000 dog bites are recorded annually.
Reference: 参照
1. Mughal FB, Ali BHI. Epidemiology of rabies in Pakistan: A review of literature. J Infectious Disease Med Microbiol. 2018;2(1):18-21.
<http://www.alliedacademies.org/articles/epidemiology-of-rabies-in-pakistan-a-review-of-literature-9954.html#6>. - Mod.AS
HealthMap/ProMED map available at: Pakistan: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/140>]
[See Also: 以下も参照
Rabies (34): Spain (CE) dog, OIE
Rabies (33): Asia (Cambodia) human, dog
Rabies (29): Europe, Asia (Norway ex Philippines) human, dog
Rabies (27): Europe, Asia (Norway ex SE Asia) human, dog
Rabies (24): Asia (Qatar ex Nepal) human, sylvatic exposure suspected,
comment http://promedmail.org/post/20190504.6454635
Rabies (23): Asia (Thailand) human
Rabies (21): Eurasia, Armenia (TV) dog, OIE
Rabies (19): Eurasia, Armenia (AV), dog, OIE
Rabies (18): Asia (Qatar ex Nepal) human, sylvatic exposure susp.,
comment http://promedmail.org/post/20190416.6425196
Rabies (17): Asia (Qatar ex Nepal) human, sylvatic exposure suspected,
comment http://promedmail.org/post/20190411.6416702
Rabies (16): Asia (Qatar ex Nepal) human, sylvatic exposure suspected
Rabies (07): Asia (Cambodia, Indonesia, Israel) human, animal, control
Rabies (06): Asia (Indonesia, Pakistan) human, dog, control
Rabies (03): Africa, Asia, human, cattle, dog, counterfeit vaccine