Date: Fri 9 Jun 2023 10:00 PM EDT
Source: Nature World News [edited]
情報源:Nature World News(編集済み)
After charging at locals, the first rabid moose documented in Alaska was euthanized. In its necropsy, the animal tested positive for arctic fox rabies. The moose was slain, according to the state's Department of Fish and Game, after it was spotted prowling around Teller, Alaska, and charging at onlookers.
According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the moose had exposed areas of skin, was unstable, tripping, and drooling a lot. Dr Kimberlee Beckmen, the department's wildlife veterinarian, was contacted, samples from the moose were taken, and submitted for testing, and the animal's remains were burnt out of caution, according to agency personnel. The incident, according to officials, represented the state's first officially documented instance of rabies in a moose.
アラスカ州漁業狩猟局によると、ヘラジカは皮膚が露出している部分があり、不安定で、つまずきやすく、多くの流涎が認められた。同局の職員によれば、同局の野生動物獣医師であるKimberlee Beckmenに連絡し、ヘラジカからサンプルを採取して検査に出し、その動物の遺体は念のため焼却されたという。同局の担当者によれば、この事件は、狂犬病がヘラジカに感染したアラスカ州で最初の公式記録であるという。
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention verified the virus was an arctic fox rabies variation the next day, according to a press release, after the Alaska State Virology Laboratory discovered rabies in the moose's brain during a necropsy on Monday [5 Jun 2023]. According to Fish and Game authorities, the moose likely caught the virus from a fox because it was the same version that was circulating in red foxes during the epidemic in the Nome and Seward Peninsula along with North Slope Arctic foxes this past winter [2022-23].
報道発表によると、アラスカ州立ウイルス学研究所が月曜日(2023年6月5日)の剖検中にヘラジカの脳から狂犬病を検出し、疾病管理予防センター(CDC)は翌日、このウイルスがホッキョクギツネの狂犬病変異体であることを確認した。魚類狩猟局によると、ヘラジカがキツネからウイルスに感染した可能性が高いと判断したのは、この冬(2022-23年)にNorth SlopeのホッキョクギツネとともにNome半島とSeward半島で流行したアカギツネの狂犬病と同じウイルスだったからだということである。
Moose rabies diagnoses are uncommon, although they have been found in South Dakota, Minnesota, Canada, and Russia, according to Fish and Game authorities. Only moose in Alaska that exhibit neurologic symptoms are examined for rabies, according to authorities.
Fish and Game authorities said they want to increase rabies monitoring as a result of the recent occurrence by analyzing all brain samples taken from mammals discovered dead or put down in areas where fox rabies is an enzootic disease.
Avoid approaching any mammals that have been found dead or that are exhibiting rabies symptoms. According to USA Today, symptoms include excessive salivation, unusual or aggressive behavior, and bite marks.
死体で発見された哺乳類や狂犬病の症状を示している哺乳類には近づかないこと。USA Todayによると、症状には過剰な唾液分泌、異常行動や攻撃的行動、咬傷などがある。
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game added in an official statement http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/applications/publicnotification/2023/releases/R5-AA-23-1055.pdf that although individual instances like this one are uncommon, rabies outbreaks in the moose population are extremely unlikely given their primarily solitary nature.
The commonest way that rabies, an avoidable viral illness, is spread is by the bite of a rabid animal. The rabies virus affects mammals' central nervous systems, which eventually results in brain illness and death. Although any mammal can contract rabies, the great majority of cases that are documented each year involve wild animals.
About 60 000 Americans receive post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) each year to prevent infection with rabies after receiving a scratch or bite from an infected or suspected infected animal, even though rabies in humans is uncommon in the United States, with just 1 to 3 cases documented yearly, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/about.html.
[byline: Rich Co Jun]
(担当:Rich Co Jun)
[There are several wildlife variants of the genus _Lyssavirus_ in the USA, that circulate in bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes, and coyotes. Transmission rarely occurs between species, and these "spillover events" generally are not perpetuated in the recipient species.
While bat rabies is found throughout the USA, main terrestrial reservoirs differ depending on the geographical location. Foxes are common carriers of rabies in New Mexico, Nevada, and Alaska https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/exposure/animals/wildlife_reservoirs.html).
Cervids may become infected after being bitten by a rabid mammal, usually foxes, as has been documented in reindeer and moose. Rabid cervids are most likely dead end hosts. - Mod.PMB
ProMED map:
Teller, Alaska, United States: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8710550,68980]
See Also
Rabies (43): Europe (Norway) reindeer, OIE 20180731.5939294
Rabies - Russia: (Moscow region), moose, human exposure 20120214.1041825
Rabies - USA (14): (MD), cervid 20120721.1210368
Rabies - USA (15): (MD) cervid 20120724.1212513
Rabies, arctic fox - Norway (03): Svalbard, reindeer 20110927.2925