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In this post:この投稿には
[1] New York: racoon, dog, human exposure
[2] Texas: dog, human exposure
[3] Connecticut: bobcat, dog, human exposure
[4] Maine: fox, human exposure

[1] ニューヨーク州:アライグマ、犬、人曝露
[2] テキサス州:犬、人曝露
[3] コネチカット州:ボブキャット、犬、人曝露
[4] メイン州:キツネ、人曝露

[1] New York: raccoon, dog, human exposure  ニューヨーク州:アライグマ、犬、人曝露
Date: Sat 2 Jan 2021 日付:2021年1月2日(土)
Source: Auburnpub.com [edited] 出典:Auburnpub.com [編集済] 

A dog in Onondaga County tested positive for rabies following an encounter with a raccoon, the Onondaga County Health Department said.


Onondaga County Health Commissioner Dr. Indu Gupta said the dog, a household pet, tested positive for the virus after interacting with the raccoon while on a walk with its owner. [The only way the dog will test positive is to euthanize the dog and test the brain. - Mod.TG]
オノンダガ郡保健委員のインドゥ・グプタ博士は、家庭飼育犬が飼い主と散歩中にアライグマと相互に接触した後、検査を行った結果(狂犬病)ウイルスに対して陽性であったと述べた。 [犬が陽性と判定される唯一の方法は、犬を安楽死させて脳組織を検査することである。- Mod.TG]

Due to contact with the dog, 4 people were exposed to rabies, and each were given post-exposure prophylaxis. The dog was not up to date on its rabies vaccinations and began experiencing a behavior change and seizures after the injury from the raccoon.

Though the release said there are no human cases for rabies in Onondaga County, 14 animals -- 5 raccoons, 4 bats, 2 skunks, 1 fox, 1 cat, and 1 dog -- tested positive for the virus in Onondaga County in 2020.
公表によれば、オノンダガ郡では人狂犬病症例は報告がない。2020年にオノンダガ郡では動物14症例—アライグマ5、コウモリ4、スカンク2 キツネ1及び犬1頭が狂犬病検査の結果陽性であった。

"It can take several weeks to several months for rabies signs to appear," Gupta said in a news release. "Although rabies is fatal and there is no treatment, it is preventable in both humans and pets. If a pet has contact with a wild animal, consult your veterinarian immediately for care and a rabies booster if necessary."
[Byline: Kelly Rocheleau]
Communicated by: ProMED <promed@promedmail.org>

[HealthMap/ProMED map: Onondaga County, New York, United States:

[2] Texas: dog, human exposure テキサス州:犬、人曝露
Date: Tue 5 Jan 2021 日付:2021年1月5日(火)
Source: Jacksonville Progress [edited] 出典:Jacksonville Progress [編集済] 

[ND] of Stephenville received alarming news on Thu 31 Dec 2020. A dog, which had bit her daughter, had tested positive for rabies.

The 11-year-old was spending time with her grandfather, [ND's] father, at the family's deer lease on Hwy 84 E. past the Jim Hogg State Park, heading towards Reklaw. Other families were also present at the deer lease, and the child had spent the day playing with several other girls. The girls had decided to take a walk and were traveling around the outskirts of the deer lease when they came upon a stray dog.

"It was not aggressive at all, because my daughter and 2 of the other little girls bent down and petted the dog." The girls decided to carry the dog back to camp with them. "My daughter bent down and picks the dog up . . . and it grabs her bythe jaw," Diedrich said. "One of the other little girls helped grab the dog and pull it off."

The bite broke the skin in 4 places. The dog followed the girls back to camp. [ND's] father, [JP], shot the dog after being informed it had bitten his granddaughter. "He shot the dog, but he remembered you couldn't shoot it in the head if you had to send it off to be checked."
その咬み傷は皮膚4カ所を裂いた。その犬は、少女たちの後を追ってキャンプに戻った。[ND's] の父親である[JP]は、彼の孫娘を咬んだということを知り、その犬を射殺した。「彼はその犬を撃ったが、彼はその犬を検査のために搬送しなければならない場合には頭部を撃って損傷してはいけないことを忘れなかった。

The Cherokee County Sheriff's Office was contacted, and a deputy came out and picked up the dog. The animal was taken to local veterinarian Dr. Anthony Holcomb, who sent it to a state lab in Austin for testing.

"It could have been way worse," Diedrich said. "It was a couple of slight puncture holes and a scratch, but you could tell where the bottom teeth had scraped on her chin." [ND] cleaned the wounds the best she could and returned home.Everything seemed to be going well, "nothing abnormal going on."

Then she received the call leaving her feeling "terrified." "I had several people on the phone with me, basically hollering Ineeded to get her to the emergency room right away, that it was life or death," [ND] said.

"I dropped everything I was doing. I had my husband watch my other kids and took her up to the emergency room here, where the ER doctors came in, and they gave her 8 shots of immunoglobulin in the neck and also a shot in her arm."

The shot in the arm was the 1st in series of 4 mandated by protocol for rabies exposure. As of Mon 4 Jan 2021, the girl had received 2 of the 4 shots. The State Health Department in Arlington is assisting [ND] in locating the 2 additional doses needed. [ND] says her daughter was "shook up about it; she's cried a lot." Information provided to [ND] by the veterinary clinic was also worrisome for her.

"Once a person has been bitten, the virus spreads through the nerves to the brain. It is important to note that bites or scratches on the head or neck are thought to speed up the brain and spinal cord involvement because of the location of the initial trauma. If you are bitten on the neck, seek help as soon as possible," she read. "Following a bite, the rabies virus spreads by way of nerve cells to the brain. Once in the brain, the virus multiplies rapidly. This activity causes severe inflammation of the brain and spinal cord, after which the person deteriorates rapidly and dies."

Despite the circumstances, [ND] feels grateful to her father for his
decisive action. "I'm really, really glad, blessed even, that my dad thought quick enough to shoot it to have it sent in," Diedrich said. "It is such a small area where it had got her; it'd be just like if a cat scratched somebody."
Holcome confirmed animals infected with rabies can act totally normal, even overly friendly. "It affects any neurological symptom, so even before they get really advanced with [the virus], they can still spread it and seem to act pretty normal," Holcomb said.

Due to the fact one can't tell simply by appearances if an animal has rabies, Holcomb advises people to avoid any stray animals, dogs or cats, when one doesn't know anything about its history.

Nocturnal animals such as skunks, foxes, or bats that are active or out during the day is unusual and may be indicative of rabies and should also be avoided. With any bite, wound, or scratch, the animal needs to be quarantined and observed for 10 days even if vaccinated for rabies, according to Holcomb. If the animal is a stray, the only way to be certain is to send the brain to Austin to be tested.

The Cherokee County Sheriff's Office was informed that the dog tested positive for rabies, according to Sheriff Brent Dickson. He stated his office had not gone out to inform residents of the incident, but his office would be posting the information to the Cherokee County Sheriff Office Facebook page.
[Byline: Michelle Dillon]

Communicated by: ProMED <promed@promedmail.org>

HealthMap/ProMED map: Cherokee County, Texas, United States:

[3] Connecticut: bobcat, dog, human exposure

Date: Fri 8 Jan 2021

Source: The Patch [edited] 出典: The Patch [編集済] 

The town of Southbury has experienced an uptick in confirmed rabid wildlife. Unfortunately, on [4 Jan 2021], there was a bobcat attack on a pet and her 2 owners in the Purchase area of Southbury. The bobcat is deceased and tested positive for rabies. Though this was a rare and isolated incident, it is important for residents to be aware.

Thankfully, the dog was up to date on her rabies vaccinations, and the owners began their rabies vaccination series. The dog has been placed on a 45-day strict confinement and should make a recovery. If the pet had not had a rabies vaccination, she may have been placed on a 6-month quarantine, or even been subject to mandated euthanasia, as rabies virus poses a public health and safety issue.

This serves as a reminder of the importance of vaccinations for pets. Animal Control asks owners to make certain that all pets, indoor and outdoor, are up to date with their rabies vaccinations.

Animal Control would like to remind pet owners to supervise their pets and to be cautious of leaving them unattended while outdoors. While walking outside or hiking, it is recommended to have a 2nd person accompanying you and to carry an air horn.

Some common signs of rabies can be unprovoked aggression, difficulty walking, and excess salivation. If you or your pet have had contact with wildlife, call Southbury Animal Control and follow up with a healthcare provider and/or veterinarian.

For further questions, or to report wildlife contact with a human or pet, please call Southbury Animal Control. Rabies fact sheets, full list of symptoms, and other information can be found at
Communicated by: ProMED <promed@promedmail.org>

[HealthMap/ProMED map: Southbury, Connecticut, United States:

[4] Maine: fox, human exposure メイン州、キツネ、人曝露
Date: Thu 21 Jan 2021 日付:2021年1月21日(火)
Source: CentralMaine.com [edited] 出典:CentralMaine.com [編集済]

The southern Midcoast saw its 1st suspected rabid fox encounter just 21 days into the new year [2021].

A grey fox tried to bite 2 children in their West Point Road backyard Thursday [21 Jan 2021] morning before it was shot by the children's grandfather. [It is unclear from this article if the children or even one of them was actually bitten. - Mod.TG]
2021年1月21日(木)朝に灰色キツネが、ウエストポイントロードの裏庭で2名の子供を咬もうとして、子供たちの祖父に射殺された。(この記事からは子供たちあるいはその内の一人が実際に咬まれたかどうかは不明である。- Mod.TG)
[GrW], 6, and [GaW], 2, were jumping on their trampoline while waiting for the school bus when a fox entered their backyard. "I was in the kitchen, and my children had gone outside with my father-in-law when he came in and said there's a fox running around," said [MW], [the children's] mother. "The fox was biting dog toys in the yard and attacked a buoy we have hanging from a swing set. Then he ran under the trampoline and started nipping at the boys standing on the trampoline."
GrW], 6歳, と [GaW],2歳 は、キツネが裏庭に入ってきたとき、スクールバスを待っていて、トランポリンでジャンプ遊びをしていた。「私はキッチンにいて、子供たちは私の義父とともに外に出て行った、彼が入ってきて、キツネが走り回っていると言った。」と、子供たちの母親である[MW]は話した。「そのキツネは、庭で犬のおもちゃを咬んでいた、そしてブランコからつるされていたブイを攻撃した。それからトランポリンの下へ走り込み、トランポリンの上に立っていた男の子に咬みつき始めた。」

While her children stood terrified on the trampoline, [MW] said her father-in-law, [GaW Sr], 70, ran to his house next door to get his shotgun while she stood, frozen, on her back porch. "My mind was racing," said [MW]. "It was very scary, especially when my boys weren't within arm's reach. I grabbed a lacrosse stick and headed down toward the fox, but then my father-in-law came out with his shotgun."
彼女の子供たちはトランポリンの上でおびえて立っていた。[MW]は、彼女が裏口で立ち尽くしている間に、彼女の義父の[GaW Sr], 70歳が、隣の彼の家へショットガンを取りに走った。」と話した。私の心中には色々な考えが駆け巡りました。と[MW]は、話した。特に息子が私の手の届かないところにいたときにはとても怖かった。私はラクロスのスティックをもってキツネに向かったが、義父がショットガンを持ってきた。」

[GaW Sr] shot the fox when it stepped out from under the trampoline, leaving its brain intact so it can be tested for rabies.Rabies is a viral disease transmitted primarily through bites and exposure to saliva or spinal fluid from an infected animal. It infects the nervous system of mammals, making the infected animal unusually aggressive. Vaccines are 100% effective in combating the disease in humans, but rabies is fatal if left untreated.
[GaW Sr]は、キツネがトランポリンの下から出てきたときに撃った。狂犬病の検査ができるように脳を無傷のままにした。狂犬病は、主に咬まれることで感染動物の唾液やせき髄液に曝露されることで感染するウイルス疾患です。哺乳類の神経組織に感染し、感染動物を異常に攻撃的にします。ワクチンは、人の狂犬病の対策として100%有効ですが、放置すると致命的です。

According to Phippsburg animal control officer Norman Turner, the fox had porcupine  around its mouth. "It was definitely sick," said Turner. "No fox in its right mind will go after a porcupine. The only animal that can [possibly] take down a porcupine is a fisher, but a fox won't even think about it."

Phippsburg Police Chief Jon Skroski said the fox may be the same animal that fought with a dog in the yard of a Water Cove Road on Thursday [21 Jan 20201] morning. "We don't know for certain, but it most likely was the same fox," hesaid.
フィリップスバーグの警察署長のジョン スクロスキは、そのキツネは2011年1月21日(木)にウォーターコブロードの庭で犬と喧嘩したのと同じ動物であろう。と述べた「確証はないが、おそらく同じキツネだったのではないか。」と彼は述べた。

Skroski said the dog didn't appear to be injured after the tussle, but
it was taken to the vet to receive a rabies booster shot. Turner said this is the 1st sick animal he has dealt with this year[2021], but he noticed a steep decline in animal calls when the COVID-19 pandemic hit Maine in March 2020.

This is the 1st suspected rabid animal in Phippsburg this year. Three grey foxes tested positive for rabies last year [2020], most recently in September [2020], when a rabid fox attacked an elderly Phippsburg man in his backyard. The other 2 foxes tested positive in February and April [2020], according to the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

According to Shevenell Webb, a furbearer and small mammal biologist from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, the annual number of rabies cases has remained steady over the past 3 years. Last year, 71 animals in Maine tested positive for rabies. There were 89 cases in 2019 and 76 cases in 2018. Webb said the department hasn't seen a rise in rabies cases yet this winter.
毛皮搬送業でメイン州陸水産野生生物局の小型哺乳類生物学者シェベネル ウェブによれば、メイン州の過去3年間以上の年間狂犬病症例数は安定して推移している2019年は89例、2018年は76例であった。ウェブによれば、部局は今年の冬は、狂犬病症例数の増加はまだみられていない。と話した。

No animals tested positive for rabies in Phippsburg in 2019, according to the Maine CDC, but neighboring Bath saw a surge of rabid foxes in 2019 and early 2020, with 18 people and pets attacked by rabid animals. The CDC confirmed 16 cases of rabies in Bath in 2019, compared to 2 in 2018 and none from 2015-2017.

The sudden rise in rabies cases in Bath in 2019 led the city to partner with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to trap species known to carry rabies, such as grey and red foxes, skunks, and raccoons. The trapping program was designed to reduce the density of animal species possibly carrying rabies, lowering the chances of a human or pet coming into contact with a rabid 
In February 2020, Phippsburg selectmen decided against partnering with
the US Department of Agriculture to set wildlife traps and instead offered to connect residents interested in trapping wildlife on their property with local fur trappers.


"Wildlife are generally shy and do not approach people or pets," said Webb. "Seeing a fox in town during the day doesn't necessarily mean it is sick or is reason to be alarmed. People should always observe wildlife from a safe distance and keep pets leashed to avoid negative interactions."

Webb recommended covering garbage and compost bins, building a predator-proof pen to protect livestock, feeding pets inside, and removing bird feeders to avoid attracting wildlife. Turner said seeing wild animals in Phippsburg is normal, but he urged residents to be alert while outside and to vaccinate pets against rabies.

"We live here in the woods, and more than likely, there are animals running around," said Turner. "Any time you're around wildlife, you have to be cautious. You don't need to be afraid of an animal, but if it's not acting like a normal critter, it could turn into an issue." Skroski said if anyone sees an animal acting unusual, do not approach it, and call the Sagadahoc County Sheriff's dispatch line.

[Byline: Kathleen O'Brien]

Communicated by: ProMED <promed@promedmail.org>

[HealthMap/ProMED map: Phippsburg, Maine, United States:


[Rabies is a deadly disease. Plain and simple, this disease kills. Protect yourself and your pets by vaccinating your pets. Your pets are more likely to survive a bite from a rabid animal if they are vaccinated. Non-vaccinated pets that are bit by a rabid animal will be euthanized. So please protect your pet and vaccinate the pet(s). This also helps build a barrier between you and this disease. If you have been bitten by an animal, wash the wound with copious amounts of soap and water and seek medical attention.

"Rabies is a fatal but preventable viral disease. It can spread to people and pets if they are bitten or scratched by a rabid animal. In the United States, rabies is mostly found in wild animals like bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes. However, in many other countries, dogs still carry rabies, and most rabies deaths in people around the world are caused by dog bites.

The rabies virus infects the central nervous system. If a person does not receive the appropriate medical care after a potential rabies exposure, the virus can cause disease in the brain, ultimately resulting in death. Rabies can be prevented by vaccinating pets, staying away from wildlife, and seeking medical care after potential exposures before symptoms start."
(<https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/index.html>) - Mod.TG]

[See Also:
Rabies (02): Americas (USA, Canada) otter, fox, human exp
Rabies (01): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, cat, human exp:
Rabies (33): Americas (USA) cow, skunk, cat, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) coyote, bat, imported dog ex Egypt, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20201108.7925072
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) animal, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (27): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (25): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (23): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (22): Americas (USA) cat, raccoon, fox, human exp
Rabies (21): Asia (Kazakhstan) cattle, OIE
Rabies (20): Americas (USA, Canada) animal, human exposure
Rabies (19): Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan ex Philippines) animal,
human http://promedmail.org/post/20200628.7517416
Rabies (18): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) fox, goat, bat, human exposure
Rabies (15): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exp
Rabies (13): Americas (USA) cat, fox, human exp
Rabies (12): Americas (USA) fox, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) cat, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp
Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure
Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp
Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp
Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure
Rabies (49): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) cat, dog, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (47): Americas (USA) skunk, alert
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) dog, skunk, raccoon, fox, human exp
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) fox, bat, human exp
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) dog, cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
and other items in the archives]