Date: Fri 29 Nov 2024
Source: The Nation [edited]
情報源:The Nation(編集)
Bangkokians have been advised to stay away from Soi Onnut 86 in Prawet district after the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) confirmed an outbreak of rabies in the area.
バンコク都庁(BMA)が同地区での狂犬病の発生を確認したことを受け、バンコク市民はPrawet地区のSoi Onnutソイ・オンヌットに近づかないよう警告されている。
In a Facebook post on Friday [29 Nov 2024], the BMA's Health Department said officials had learned that stray dogs around a garbage treatment centre in Soi Onnut 86 were infected with the rabies virus. The department then coordinated with the Department of Livestock Development to vaccinate residents in the 5-kilometre [3.1 mi] radius who may have come in contact with possible carrier animals.
2024年11月29日(金)のFacebook投稿で、バンコク都庁の保健局は、Soi Onnut86のゴミ処理センター周辺の野良犬が狂犬病ウイルスに感染していることを当局が確認したと発表した。その後、同局は家畜改良局と連携し、感染源となった可能性のある動物と接触した可能性のある半径5キロメートル(3.1マイル)圏内の住民にワクチン接種を行った。
So far, 728 people have been inoculated, while 51 stray dogs in the area have been caught and isolated to monitor their condition. The department also vaccinated 104 pets in nearby communities, including those in Saphan Sung, Prawet, and Suan Luang districts of Bangkok, and Samut Prakan's Bang Phli district.
これまでに728人が予防接種を受け、また、その地域の野良犬51匹が捕獲され、隔離されて状態が監視されている。また、同局は、バンコクのSaphan Sung地区、Prawet地区、Suan Luang地区、Samut PrakanのBang Phli地区など、近隣の地域のペット104匹にも予防接種を行った。
People can also get a free rabies shot at Public Health Service Centres No 22 and 57 on weekdays from 8 am to noon. The centres' phone numbers are 02 349 1816 and 02 396 1866, respectively.
また、平日の午前8時から正午まで、保健サービスセンター22番地と57番地で狂犬病予防接種を無料で受けることができる。それぞれのセンターの電話番号は、02 349 1816番地と02 396 1866番である。
The department is urging people to ensure their pets do not come in contact with other animals and monitor their symptoms closely. Pet owners are advised to call the Health Department's 1555 hotline immediately if their pets display a sudden change in behaviour, become aggressive, have locked jaws or are foaming at the mouth.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), rabies is a vaccine-preventable viral disease and it can infect many species of mammals, including humans. Domesticated dogs contribute up to 99% of all rabies transmissions to humans. WHO said rabies is almost always fatal following the onset of clinical symptoms, so the best prevention method is to vaccinate dogs and avoid dog bites.
Communicated by:
["Effective vaccines are available to immunize people both before and after potential exposures. As listed under the WHO – Prequalification of Medical Products, as of 2024, there are only 3 WHO pre-qualified human rabies vaccines available globally: RABIVAX-S by Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd., VaxiRab N by Zydus Lifesciences Limited, and VERORAB by Sanofi Pasteur.
「潜在的な曝露の前後いずれにおいても、効果的なワクチン接種が可能である。WHOの医療製品事前認定リストに記載されているように、2024年現在、世界的に利用可能なWHO事前認定ヒト狂犬病ワクチンは3種類のみである。インドの血清研究所(Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd.)のRABIVAX-S、ザイダス・ライフサイエンス社(Zydus Lifesciences Limited)のVaxiRab N、そしてサノフィ・パスツール(Sanofi Pasteur)のVERORABである。
"Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is recommended for people in high-risk occupations (laboratory workers handling live rabies and related viruses) and people whose professional or personal activities might lead to direct contact with infected animals (animal disease control staff and wildlife rangers).
"PrEP might be indicated before recreation or travel in some areas, and for people living in remote, highly rabies-endemic areas with limited local access to rabies biologicals. Note that PrEP does not
replace the need for PEP. Any person exposed to a suspected rabid animal should still seek post-exposure care" (https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rabies).
"Rabies vaccine may be given at the same time as other vaccines. Tell your vaccination provider if the person getting the vaccine:
- Has had an allergic reaction after a previous dose of rabies vaccine, or has any severe, life-threatening allergies
-- 以前に狂犬病ワクチンを接種した際にアレルギー反応を起こしたことがある、あるいは生命を脅かす深刻なアレルギー体質である
- Has a weakened immune system
- 免疫機能が低下している
- Is taking or plans to take chloroquine or a drug related to chloroquine
- クロロキンまたはクロロキン関連薬を現在服用中である、あるいは服用予定である
- Has received rabies vaccine in the past (your provider will need to know when you received any rabies vaccine doses in the past)
- 過去に狂犬病ワクチンを接種したことがある(担当者は、過去に狂犬病ワクチンを接種した時期を知っておく必要がある)。
"In some cases, your health care provider may decide to postpone routine (pre-exposure) rabies vaccination until a future visit. Or your health care provider may perform a blood test before or after
rabies vaccines are given to determine your level of immunity against rabies.
"People with minor illnesses, such as a cold, may be vaccinated. People who are moderately or severely ill should usually wait until they recover before getting a routine (pre-exposure) dose of rabies vaccine. If you have been exposed to rabies virus, you should get vaccinated regardless of concurrent illnesses, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weakened immune system"
There is no indication in the newswire above on the number of stray dogs with confirmed rabies at the specified area. - Mod.ST
ProMED map:
Thailand: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8720349,151]
[See Also:
Rabies (94): Thailand (BM) animals, alert
Rabies (60): Thailand, prevention awareness
Rabies (16): Eurasia (Thailand, Pakistan) Africa (Tunisia) human,
animal http://promedmail.org/post/20210610.8438528
Rabies (23): Asia (Thailand) human
Rabies (16): Africa (S Africa), Asia (Thailand, Viet Nam, Israel)
human, animal http://promedmail.org/post/20180321.5701731
Rabies (12): Africa (S Africa) Asia (Thailand) animal, human
Rabies (40): Asia (Thailand, Malaysia) human, animal
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