




[1] Date: Wed 18 Sep 2024
Source: Tunisie Numérique [in Arabic, trans. Mod.SF, abridged, edited]

出典:Tunisie Numérique [アラビア語, 編集者SF訳, 要約, 編集済].


Beja: 13 cases of rabies in animals

According to veterinarian Sofia Awadi, director of hygiene and environment in the municipality of Beja, 13 cases of rabies have been recorded in animals throughout the governorate, explaining that the municipality is working to eliminate the sites where stray dogs and cats gather, calling on citizens not to throw waste in the area around the containers.


She stressed the need for citizens to take the initiative to vaccinate their animals, in a statement to Tunisie Numérique reporter in the region.
また、同地域のTunisie Numérique記者の取材に対し、彼女は市民が率先して動物にワクチンを接種する必要性を強調した。


She pointed out that the municipality, in coordination with the local security guards and municipal police, is carrying out culling operations for stray dogs, saying that vaccinations are no longer sufficient, which necessitated resorting to culling.

Communicated by:

[2] Date: Wed 11 Sep 2024
Source: Ultra Tunisia [in Arabic, trans. Mod.SF, abridged, edited]
[2] 日付: 2024年9月11日(水)

出典 ウルトラ・チュニジアアラビア語, 編集者SF訳, 要約, 編集済]



In a statement to Diwan FM radio, the dean of veterinarians called on all citizens to be cautious and vigilant in light of the high number of rabies infections in animals, and the death of a number of horses, cows, sheep, wolves and other mammals, he said.
Diwan FMラジオに寄せた声明の中で、獣医学部長は、動物の狂犬病感染が多発し、馬、牛、羊、狼、その他の哺乳類が多数死亡していることを踏まえ、すべての市民に注意と警戒を呼びかけた。


It is noteworthy that the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture had announced the launch of the national campaign for rabies vaccination in Tunisia starting from the beginning of September 2024 to continue until the end of October 2024 in all Tunisian states, and reminded in a previous statement that this campaign is free and compulsory within the framework of the national program to combat rabies.


During a press conference held on Wednesday, 11 Sep 2024, the General Directorate of Veterinary Services at the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture revealed that about 61 645 dogs and cats have been vaccinated as part of the national campaign to combat rabies, and the veterinarian at the General Directorate of Veterinary Services, Hani Haj Omar, confirmed during the press conference that Tunisia has recorded 277 outbreaks this year [2024].


He noted that, for the 1st time, Tunisia recorded special cases, such as the appearance of 3 rabies infections in the golden wolf, given that dogs account for 68% of infections, according to the official Tunisian News Agency.


Official authorities in Tunisia have previously confirmed that the epidemiological situation of rabies is "serious" and announced that 9 rabies deaths have been recorded since the beginning of 2024, pointing out that the main cause of most human deaths after rabies infection is due to not receiving the post exposure treatment or not receiving it in time or interrupting it, in addition to the fact that the aggressor animal is usually a stray animal, according to a joint statement issued by the Ministries of Interior, Health and Agriculture on Friday, 16 Aug 2024.


On Monday, 19 Aug 2024, the Tunisian Ministry of Health announced the activation of a crisis committee to contain and prevent rabies in Tunisia and take the most important urgent measures to prevent further deaths from the disease. The ministry also set up 9 new rabies vaccination points in the emergency departments of hospitals in Tunis and the states of Kairouan and Sfax, all of which started working during the past May and June [2024].


It is noteworthy that the cases of deaths and injuries from rabies in Tunisia witnessed a steady rise in 2024, despite warnings issued by various health authorities in the country for years to take the necessary preventive measures and prevent the further spread of this disease.

Communicated by:

["In Tunisia, rabies is a notifiable disease with a national surveillance system in place [2]. The National Rabies Control Program (NRCP) was implemented in 1982, by a collaboration of the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health. This program focused on implementing dog mass vaccination, providing PEP to people who was exposed to suspected rabid dogs and maintaining epidemiological surveillance activities in order to detect all suspect cases [11]."


"Dog vaccination campaigns have been carried out on a yearly basis since 1993 [2]. It was free of charge for dog owners. Similarly, PEP was provided for free in the public sector and was consistently available in accordance with a Tunisian law published in March 2003 [11]. PEP consists of wound washing, vaccine, and in some cases rabies immunoglobulin (RIG). Following the national strategy, a significant improvement in rabies health status in Tunisia was noted with a decrease in animals and humans' cases [2]."
「犬のワクチン接種キャンペーンは、1993年以来、毎年実施されている[2]。犬の飼い主は無料で受けることができる。同様に、PEPは公共部門で無料で提供され、2003年3月に発表されたチュニジアの法律に従って一貫して利用可能であった[11]。 PEPは、創傷洗浄、ワクチン、および場合によっては狂犬病免疫グロブリン(RIG)で構成されている。国家戦略に従って、チュニジアにおける狂犬病の健康状態は大幅に改善され、動物およびヒトの症例が減少した[2]。


"The Tunisian revolution took place in January 2011 and many democratic gains were achieved. However, these political dynamics had impacted the performance of the health care system in a negative way which is common at moments of crisis or instability [3]. A significant upsurge in cases of rabies in dogs and humans was reported in many governorates and the epidemiological situation became alarming [12]. Instability and insecurity caused by the manifestations led to a decline in dog vaccination coverage and adverse consequences on the disease surveillance [2]. Veterinarians were unable to collect samples and a variation in reporting cases was noted [12]. Indeed, A drastic decrease in the number of submitted samples was observed (282 samples analyzed in 2011 compared to 415 in 2009) [13]."
「2011年1月にチュニジア革命が起こり、多くの民主化が達成された。しかし、このような政治力学は、危機や不安定な状況にありがちな、医療制度のパフォーマンスに悪影響を及ぼした [3]。犬や人間の狂犬病患者の大幅な増加が多くの州で報告され、疫学的状況は憂慮すべきものとなった[12]。狂犬病の発生によって引き起こされた不安定と不安により、犬のワクチン接種率が低下し、疾病サーベイランスに悪影響を及ぼした[2]。獣医師はサンプルを収集することができず、症例の報告にもばらつきが見られた [12]。実際、提出された検体数の激減が観察された(2009年の415検体に対し、2011年は282検体)[13]。


"A mismanagement of stray dogs has also been noted since 2011. Stray dog proliferation and the inaccessibility to such population may have influenced the vaccination coverage and limit the result of the control program. The NRCP strategy to control stray dogs was based on slaughter aiming to reduce the risk of infection to humans. This controversial practice was debated after the revolution, between the government and the civil society resulting in its suspension and growth in stray dog population. Controlling the stray dog population is a municipality responsibility. However, the lack of resources and personnel may be a barrier to appropriately facing their responsibilities [14]. The overall coverage vaccination varies from a region to another."



Additional information regarding rabies situation in both human and animal health sectors in can be found in the see also posts below. - Mod.SF
狂犬病のヒトと動物の両方の保健分野における状況に関する追加情報は、以下の投稿も参照されたい。- 編集者注

ProMED map:
Tunisia: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8718923,71]

[See Also:
Rabies (74): (KS) wolf, human exp
Rabies (71): Tunisia (SL, NB) animal
Rabies (70): Tunisia (ZA, MN) animal
Rabies (68): Tunisia, alarming rise, fatal
Rabies (62): Tunisia, alarming rise, fatal
Rabies (39): Tunisia, alarming rise, fatal
Rabies (10): Tunisia (KR) fatal
Rabies (41): Africa (Tunisia) human
Rabies (16): Eurasia (Thailand, Pakistan) Africa (Tunisia) human,
animal http://promedmail.org/post/20210610.8438528
Rabies (13): Eurasia, Africa (Tunisia) dog, cat, fox, human exp