In this post:
[1] Nayarit: cat, human, suspected
[2] Oaxaca: bat, human, suspected
[3] Veracruz, Puebla: bat, cattle; Oaxaca: bat, human
[4] Chuquisaca: swine, dogs, human exposure
[5] Nebraska (Keith County): skunk
[6] Massachusetts (Suffolk County): cat, human exposure possible
[7] Texas (Smith County): dog, human exposure
[1] ナヤリット州:ネコ、ヒト、疑い
[2] オアハカ州:コウモリ、ヒト、疑い
[3] ベラクルス、プエブラ:コウモリ、牛、オアハカ:コウモリ、ヒト
[4] チュキサカ州:豚、犬、ヒトへの曝露
[5] ネブラスカ州(キース郡):スカンク
[6] マサチューセッツ(サフォーク郡):猫、ヒトへの曝露の可能性
[7] テキサス州(スミス郡):犬、ヒトへの曝露
[1] Nayarit: cat, human, suspected
Date: Wed 21 Dec 2022
Source: La Silla Rota [in Spanish, machine trans., edited]
[1] ナヤリット州:猫、ヒト、疑い例
日付 :2022年12月21日(水)
A 29-year-old woman is a patient who could have human rabies, according to the Government of Nayarit, and her state of health is reported as serious.
The woman is a resident of the municipality of Compostela and was transferred to a hospital in the Nayarit capital to be placed in isolation and be under medical surveillance, the authorities specified in a statement.
The antecedent of the possible contagion is the aggression of a domestic cat that did not have an anti-rabies vaccine, an animal that died 3 days later with signs compatible with the rabies virus. [The cat should have been tested for rabies. - Mod.TG]
考えうる感染の前兆は、狂犬病ワクチン未接種で狂犬病様症状を呈した3 日後に死亡した国内の猫(訳者注;飼い猫?)の攻撃性である。[この猫は狂犬病の検査を受けるべきであった。-編集者注]
Samples of a scalp biopsy, blood serum, corneal imprint, and saliva [presumably from the possible victim - Mod.TG] have been taken and sent to be analyzed by the Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (InDRE) to rule out or confirm it is human rabies.
頭皮の生検、血液血清、擦過角膜、唾液(おそらく被害者のものと思われる – 編集者注)のサンプルを採取し、疫学診断及びレファレンス研究所(InDRE)に送付して、ヒト狂犬病の除外又は確定するための分析が行われている。
It should be remembered that after several years without registering human cases, on 22 Apr [2022], the Government of Jalisco reported a case of human rabies due to a bat bite of a 41-year-old man. The patient was a resident of the municipality of El Salto and died on 18 Apr [2022] due to rabies.
On 14 Apr 2022, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) notified a case of human rabies in the state, a person who suffered a bat bite on the right hand last January [2022]; the attack occurred in the municipality of Chapala.
For more than 15 years, Mexico had not registered cases of human rabies transmitted by dogs, and during 2020 only one of canine rabies associated with the wild virus was identified, the federal Ministry of Health reported in July 2021.
This streak was the result of the national weeks of canine and feline anti-rabies vaccination, during which 194.6 million doses were applied from 2010 to 2020, the agency detailed.
The National Center for Preventive Programs and Disease Control (Cenaprece) announced that in October 2019, Mexico was the 1st country to receive validation from the World Health Organization (WHO) for having eliminated dog-transmitted human rabies as a public health problem.
The authorities point out that during the canine and feline anti-rabies vaccination days each year, an average of 18 million animals are immunized with the highest-quality canine anti-rabies biologic in cell culture.
Laboratory surveillance of the rabies virus is also carried out through the National Network of State Laboratories coordinated by the (InDRE) to ensure the non-circulation of the dog variant or others of wild origin, mainly bats and skunks.
What is rabies?
The rabies virus can be present in mammals, but not all species can infect or become ill. In people, 99% of infections occur through the bite or "scratch" with the teeth of domestic dogs, which are transmitted generally through saliva, according to information from the SSA.
Rabies is part of zoonotic diseases, which are characterized as infectious diseases that are transmissible under natural conditions between vertebrate animals. Within this group are also diseases such as brucellosis, spotted fever, leptospirosis, taeniasis, and cysticercosis.
On World Zoonosis Day, 6 Jul [of every year], it is important to remember that once clinical symptoms appear, rabies is fatal in all cases.
[Byline(記事): Diego Joaquin Hernandez]
Communicated by(配信元):
ProMED Rapporteur Mahmoud Orabi
[2] Oaxaca: bat, human, suspected
Date: Sun 25 Dec 2022
Source: The Times Hub [edited]
[2] オアハカ州:コウモリ、ヒト、疑い例
日付: 2022年12月25日(日)
出典: タイムズ・ハブ[編集済み]
The health authorities of the state of Oaxaca have activated the epidemiological surveillance protocol, prevention, and control for suspected cases of rabies in humans within the town of Palo de Lima in the municipality of San Lorenzo Texmelúcan.
This was announced by the Number One Sanitary Jurisdiction "Central Valleys" of the Oaxaca Health Services (SSO) through a statement in which indicated the measure was implemented after 3 suspected cases were registered in the community within the Sierra Sur region.
これは、シエラ ・ スル地域内のコミュニティで3例の疑わしい症例が記録された後、ナンバーワン衛生管轄「中央渓谷」オアハカ健康サービス (SSO) 声明を通じて注意喚起が行われたものである。
There are 3 minors, [ages] 8, 7, and 2, who are admitted to the Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso Civil Hospital in Oaxaca de Juárez. They reported that 2 of them were reported as serious, while the 3rd patient is stable so far and under medical surveillance.
患者らは3人の未成年者(年齢: 8、7及び 2歳)であり、アハカ・デ・フアレスにあるDrアウレリオ・バルディヴィエソ市民病院に収容されている。そのうち2人は重症と報告されているが、3人目の患者は今のところ安定しており、医学的監視下に置かれている。
"Laboratory tests were carried out and sent for analysis to the Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference Institute (Indre) in order to confirm or rule out the presence of the virus," they stated.
「検査室での検査が実施され、ウイルスの存在を確認又は除外するために、(訳者注:症例の情報が)疫学的診断所へ、(訳者注:患者の検体が)レファレンス研究所(Indre)へ送付された 」と彼らは述べた。
In view of the facts, federal personnel from the Rabies and other Zoonoses program of the National Center for Preventive Programs and Disease Control as well as the State Rabies Program and the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) Bienestar immediately proceeded to carry out surveillance actions in the town of Palo de Lima to identify contacts of risk.
For these reasons, they recommended to the population, in the event of an aggression by domestic or wild animals, to go and report to the medical service to initiate the protocol of attention that allows to identify the presence of the virus in time.
The following are among the other recommendations:
- Avoid contact with wild animals.
- Keep garbage in containers well covered.
- Keep doors, windows, and other entrances to houses well closed to prevent the passage of fauna.
- Review vaccination records of animals to prevent them from getting sick.
- Vaccinate pets [yearly].
- 野生動物との接触を避ける。
- ゴミは容器に入れ、よく覆っておく。
- 家屋のドアや窓などの出入り口をよく閉め、動物が通り抜けるのを防ぐ。
- 動物の予防接種記録を確認し、病気を予防する。
- ペットにワクチンを接種する[毎年]。
Rabies is a viral zoonosis that is transmitted through a bite or deep scratch from an infected animal. One of the main transmission agents is bats, and the most common hosts are dogs. There are also coyotes, foxes, raccoons, and skunks.
The virus attacks the central nervous system of mammals, and as soon as the characteristic symptoms of the disease appear, the infected person or animal is certain to die. Progressive inflammation of the brain and spinal cord is what causes death.
The symptoms of the disease indicated by the SSO follow:
- fever accompanied by pain
- sensation of tingling, itching, or itching in the injured area
- dehydration
- headache
- general malaise
- hyperactivity
- hydrophobia (discomfort in the throat when swallowing water) and aerophobia (fear of air currents due to the discomfort caused)
Factors that may increase your risk of contracting rabies are traveling or doing activities with a higher chance of coming into contact with wildlife that may have rabies, such as exploring caves where bats live or camping without taking precautions to keep wildlife away from camp.
To prevent infection, vaccinate your pets against rabies, do not approach wild or stray animals, and prevent them from entering your house. [More information is available in the next posting regarding human exposure due to bats. - Mod.TG]
感染を防ぐためには、ペットに狂犬病ワクチンを接種する、野生動物や野良の動物に近づかない、家の中に入れないようにするなどの対策が必要である。[コウモリによる人体への曝露については、次回の投稿で詳しく説明する。- 編集者注]
Communicated by(配信元):
[3] Veracruz, Puebla: bat, cattle; Oaxaca: bat, human
Date: Tue 27 Dec 2022
Source: El Sol de Mexico [in Spanish, machine trans., edited]
[3] ベラクルス、プエブラ:コウモリ、牛、オアハカ:コウモリ、ヒト
日付 2022年12月27日(火)
There is an alert in Veracruz, Puebla, and Oaxaca [states] due to the presence of rabies in humans and cattle caused by bat bites. In the 1st 2 states, the contagion is limited to cattle with paralytic rabies, while in the Oaxacan entity there are 3 confirmed minors and 4 more people suspected of having the disease.
Bovine paralytic rabies has been present since the end of September [2022] in Pueblo Viejo, north of Veracruz, and until yesterday [26 Dec 2022] cases were reported in cattle ranches in the municipalities of Francisco Z. Mena, Venustiano Carranza, and Pantepec in Puebla.
The president of the Local Livestock Association of Metlaltoyuca, Pedro Meneses, considered the number of infected animals in Puebla "alarming"; however, he did not specify how many there were.
El Sol de Puebla consulted members of the livestock association, who mentioned that at least 80 meat and milk producers have infections among their animals.
The producers held an emergency meeting with representatives of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), the Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader), the Secretary of Rural Development in the state (SDR), and the Sanitary Jurisdiction, who agreed to do a cattle vaccination sweep.
Between 1996 and 1998, there was an outbreak of rabies in bovines, leaving some 10 000 head of cattle dead since the infections multiplied rapidly. Although paralytic bovine rabies is transmissible to humans by contact with saliva of infected animals, the consumption of pasteurized meat or milk does not present a danger because heat inactivates the virus.
Meanwhile, veterinarians indicated the virus lodges in and attacks the animal's nervous system, affecting the "brain and spinal cord," and in the event of any contagion in humans, effects similar to those of Guillain-Barré syndrome are registered, which affects the mobility of the extremities.
The possibility of infection to humans by consuming meat or milk from infected animals is minimal because the consumer does not have direct contact with the live animal, nor with the physical areas where the virus is housed, in addition to the fact heat inactivates it, thus agreement with the National Service of Health, Safety and Food Quality (Senasica).
The cases of rabies in humans occurred in the Palo de Lima community, San Lorenzo Texmelucan municipality, in the southern highlands of Oaxaca. They are 3 children of 8, 7, and 2 years of age. The Oaxaca Health Services (SSO) is keeping an eye on 4 other people suspected of having the same disease.
ヒトの狂犬病症例は、パロ ・ デ ・ リマ コミュニティ、サン ロレンソ Texmelucan 自治体、オアハカの南部の高地で発生した。8歳、7歳、2歳の3人の子供である。オアハカ保健局(SSO)は、同じ病気の疑いのある他の4人を監視している。
The minors were admitted to the Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso General Hospital in the state capital, where 2 were reported in serious condition and one was stable.
(訳者注:3人の)未成年者は州都のDr. Aurelio Valdivieso総合病院に収容され、2人は重体、1人は安定した状態であると報告されている。
The health authority indicated the children were infected by bat bites. His community is one of the poorest in the Sierra Sur, where some 500 people live in 80 homes with dirt floors and no services, according to the federal government.
The Health Services deployed an epidemiological surveillance protocol, after they were attended by the National Center for Preventive Programs and Disease Control (Cenaprece), as well as the State Rabies Program.
A vaccination campaign for domestic cats and dogs was also launched, as well as a recommendation to stay away from wild animals.
[Byline:(記事) Heriberto Hernández]
Communicated by(配信元):
ProMED Rapporteur Mahmoud Orabi
[4] Chuquisaca: swine, dogs, human exposure
Date: Wed 28 Dec 2022
Source: Correo Del Sur [in Spanish, machine trans., edited]
日付 2022年12月28日(水)
Three new cases of canine rabies confirmed in Sucre brought the number to 22 so far this year [2022], 23 with the case of swine rabies. The deadly disease does not give truce and places the department in the 2nd place of prevalence in the country, according to the director of the Departmental Health Service (Sedes), Juan José Fernández.
"Three cases have been confirmed," Marisabel Chavarría, head of the Zoonotic Outbreaks and Diseases Control Area of the Headquarters, told Correo Del Sur. The new cases belong to the Cessa neighborhood; to the area of Horno K'asa, near the San Clemente church; and a more recent one -- from 21 Dec [2022] -- to the Moto Méndez square in District 4.
人獣共通感染症アウトブレイク及び疾病管理区域代表のマリサベル ・ チャバリアは「3 例が確認されている」とコレオ ・ デル ・ スール紙に語った。セサ地区近隣の新規症例はサン・クレメンテ教会近くのホルノ・クアサ地区、そして直近のもの、[2022年]12月21日以降、はモト・メンデス区域第4区である。
Two of the dogs were found dead in the street, and the one from the Cessa neighborhood has an owner who resides in Cochabamba, so the dog was not vaccinated against rabies.
Health Services looks for people who have had contact with the dogs. "We have a case, but he's getting treatment," Chavarria said. The Director of the Headquarters remarked District 3 is the one with the highest number of cases. "The most striking and alarming thing is that they are animals that have an owner. If you have not immunized your pet, we urge the population to do so," he said.
"In Bolivia, the department with the highest number of cases is still Cochabamba, just as we are on the rise because there is no structural control of the underlying problem," Fernandez said, pointing to the mayors, who should be responsible for control and sterilization. Chuquisaca is in a sad 2nd place; 3rd place in prevalence is Potosí, according to the health authority. Fernández regretted that there are no policies to contain the population of dogs that only in the capital exceed 80 thousand. The 1st cases of rabies that occurred in Chuquisaca came from Cochabamba, Chavarría recalled.
Communicated by(配信元):
ProMED Rapporteur Kathryn Soderholm and ProMED-ESP
[5] Nebraska (Keith County): skunk
Date: Fri 9 Dec 2022
Source: McCook Gazette [edited]
[5] ネブラスカ州(キース郡):スカンク
日付: 2022年12月9日(金)
出典: マクック・ガゼット[編集済み]
Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department (SWNPHD) has confirmed a positive rabies case in an animal in the health district. The rabies exposure was from a skunk in Keith County, and only involved domestic animals. No human exposure occurred from this case.
In skunks as in other warm-blooded animals, rabies is a severe, rapidly progressing neurological disease. It spreads through saliva, most commonly through contact with an infected wild animal.
Rabies should be suspected in all animals showing a sudden change in behavior, different from normal, such as animals normally active at night being seen during the day. Signs of rabies in animals may include any of the following:
- increased aggression
- odd behavior changes, nervousness, irritability
- general sickness
- difficulty eating or drinking
- excessive drooling
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), rabies is a medical emergency. Any person with a suspected exposure should wash wounds immediately with soap and water and seek medical attention from a healthcare professional right away.
Rabies is a deadly viral infection affecting the nervous system of humans and other mammals if not treated quickly after an exposure.
"Even animals that may look friendly should be treated with caution if you are unfamiliar with them. Teaching your children about animal safety is extremely important to prevent any possible exposure to rabies," explains Melissa Propp, RN, Clinic Manager with SWNPHD.
The best method to prevent rabies exposure is to ensure pets, livestock, and horses are protected against rabies with current vaccinations.
Contact your local veterinarian, local healthcare provider, or public health department regarding rabies vaccination, testing, and exposures.
Communicated by(配信元):
ProMED from HealthMap Alerts
[6] Massachusetts (Suffolk County): cat, human exposure possible
Date: Fri 16 Dec 2022
Source: Boston.com [edited]
[6] マサチューセッツ州(サフォーク郡):猫、ヒトへの曝露の可能性
日付; 2022年12月16日(金)
出典: ボストン・ドット・コム(編集済み)
A stray cat in Dorchester has been confirmed rabies positive, the Boston Public Health Commission revealed this week.
Boston Animal Care and Control Division responded to a call about a sick cat in front of 132 Glenway St. on Monday [12 Dec 2022] at around 3:20 p.m.
The cat, an unneutered male orange and white domestic shorthair, was exhibiting atypical neurologic behavior, the commission said.
The cat was evaluated at Angell Animal Medical Center and later confirmed rabies positive by the state rabies lab.
Anyone who may have been in contact with a cat matching this description in the past 21 days or after Thanksgiving, especially if they have been bitten or scratched, is urged to call the Boston Public Health Commission's Infectious Disease Bureau and their healthcare provider to report the exposure and get treatment if necessary.
Anyone who recognizes the cat should contact Boston Animal Control. Residents are also reminded to call Boston Animal Control if they ever see a wild or unknown domestic animal appearing to be sick, injured, or behaving oddly.
The commission reminds the public that rabies is an urgent medical matter, so decisions should not be delayed if there are concerns about exposure.
"Rabies is a fatal but preventable viral disease," the commission noted. "It can spread to people and pets if bitten or scratched by a rabid animal. It is also possible, but rare, for people to get rabies from non-bite exposures, which can include scratches, abrasions, or open wounds that are exposed to saliva or other potentially infectious material from a rabid animal. Rabies in humans is preventable through prompt appropriate medical care and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)."
Massachusetts law requires residents vaccinate any domestic pets 6 months or older.
More information about rabies can be found at(狂犬病に関するより詳しい情報は ) http://www.boston.gov/rabies and on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at(米国疾病対策予防センターのウェブサイトは) https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/exposure/index.html.
[Byline(記事): Heather Alterisio]
Communicated by(配信元):
[7] Texas (Smith County): dog, human exposure
Date: 29 Dec 2022
Source: KLTV.com
[7] テキサス州(スミス郡):犬、ヒトへの曝露
出典: KLTV.com
Animal Medical Center of Tyler faced their 1st case of rabies in a dog last week and were unable to save the animal.
Owner and veterinarian Dr. Laura Cauthen said, "Rabies is a virus affecting all mammals. It is uniformly fatal. It is carried through the nerves, and it goes to the brain tissue. Some of the [signs] are mostly neurological signs: aggression, trying to bite."
She said the 11-week-old puppy was a stray and first came in for signs of vomiting and diarrhea. The puppy tested negative for parvovirus, but then the dog came back showing those neurological signs.
Cauthen said it's too late once signs show. There is no treatment and no test for it without euthanasia. The brain tissue, which was sent to the state lab for testing, came back positive.
"When I submitted the dog, I thought maybe it was just a false negative on parvo test. Maybe it's distemper virus. I didn't really feel strongly it was rabies, but because we have to be so cautious, I just knew we had to test it, and when it came back positive, we were all just heartbroken," said Dr. Cauthen.
It is not confirmed where the puppy got the rabies virus from. Dr. Cauthen suspects it was from a skunk or a bat.
They say no other animals were exposed, but the disease is contagious to humans. Both veterinarians, Dr. Cauthen and Dr. Neely, and 2 technicians were exposed through the dog's saliva. The vets luckily had their vaccines, but the technicians did not.
Veterinarian technician [AS] said, "In my 5 years of experience as a technician, I've never came across a positive rabies case. It's very rare to see in the veterinarian field."
The other technician, [LM], said, "I initially panicked, obviously, because it's a scary thing to deal with, and I'm also pregnant, so that threw a loop into it as well. I've been doing this for quite some time, and I've never come across anything like this."
[AS] had to receive 8 shots, while [LM] received 6. They still need to get their boosters to finish the complete post-exposure treatment. They said they are now doing well.
Dr. Cauthen said the best way to prevent rabies is through vaccines. Dogs and cats can get it [rabies vaccination] as early as 12 weeks. The State of Texas requires they have it by 16 weeks old.
The vaccine is usually received yearly, but once they reach adulthood, Smith County requires animals get it every 3 years.
"We don't see it a lot, but it is still out there. It is uniformly fatal, and it is something we can prevent, so definitely keep your pets up to date on vaccines. Please be careful when you bring in stray puppies with unknown vaccine status. For sure, if they get ill and suddenly die, it might be something to talk about with your veterinarian. It may need to be tested because it might have exposed other people," said Dr. Cauthen.
[Byline(記事): Kristine Guevara]
Communicated by(配信元):
[This is a very sobering rabies report as there are a number of human exposures and, sadly, a couple of children seem to be in quite serious condition.
[これは非常に悲痛な狂犬病の報告である。なぜなら、多数の人間が感染し、悲しいことに、数人の子供がかなり深刻な状態になっているようだからである(訳者注:[2] オアハカ州:コウモリ、ヒト、疑い例を指しているものと考えられる)。
Bats are a serious concern. They can bite without causing much of a wound or even any pain. Anytime there are bats around we need to be extra cautious and to teach our children to be cautious of these creatures. While bats are very necessary for pollination and insect control, we nevertheless need to respect them.
These reports have mentioned many times the need for vaccination of your livestock. Livestock are costly, and protecting them with a rabies vaccination is a way of protecting you and your family and workers. Even swine need protection from this virus. There are vaccines labeled for our farm animals. Oftentimes, it is skunks or bats that bring this virus to our livestock. Please invest in appropriate vaccines for your livestock.
Skunks are another animal often seen in rabies cases. These interesting, however smelly, little creatures catch the curiosity of our farm animals, and for their interest they often get a nip on the nose, thus transmitting the rabies virus.
When our larger farm animals are infected with rabies, it can be quite serious for the human caretakers as these large animals, when infected with rabies, can be rapidly aggressive and injure or kill the human caretaker.
Bats can cause a serious situation in large animals as well.
Sadly, there seems to be an increase in the number of rabies reports in the regions in Mexico. Hopefully the authorities will reinstate mandatory rabies-prevention vaccines.
Please recall that rabies can be anywhere, and we need to have our antennas up for animal interactions that may not be healthy. - Mod.TG
狂犬病はどこにでもあることを思い出し、健康でない可能性のある動物との交流にアンテナを張ることが必要であ。- Mod.TG(編集者注)
ProMED map of the Americas (ProMEDのアメリカ大陸の地図): https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8707561,52913]
See Also(参照)
Rabies (54): Americas (USA) wildlife, dog, cat, human exp, fatal 20221212.8707215
Rabies (52): Americas (Canada, USA) wildlife, dog, calf, cat, human exposure 20221202.8707034
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) skunk, bat, cat, dog, raccoon, wildlife, human exp 20221117.8706775
Rabies (46): Americas (USA) bat, cat, horse, human exp 20221019.8706255
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) bat, cat, human exposure 20221016.8706174
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, horse, human exp, vacc update, corr 20221008.8706014
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, horse, human exp, vacc update 20221007.8706005
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) bat 20221005.8705974
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) animals, human exp 20220903.8705380
Rabies (36): Americas (South America, Canada, USA) animal, human 20220820.8705126
Rabies (33): Americas (Brazil, USA) animal, human 20220728.8704708
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) bat 20220711.8704358
Rabies (07): Americas (Canada, USA) fox, dog, bat, cat, human exp 20220223.8701603
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) dog, fox, cat, bat, human exp 20210726.8544435
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, bat, dog, human exp, cattle 20210717.852654
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) bat 20210618.8457663
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) bat, human exposure 20210519.8370609
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) coyote, bat, imported dog ex Egypt, human exp 20201108.7925072
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) animal, human exposure 20201101.7908381
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) animal, human exp 20201018.7871698
Rabies (27): Americas (USA) animal, human exp 20201003.7829604
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) bat, human exp 20200928.7818946
Rabies (25): Americas (USA) animal, human exp 20200904.7745166
Rabies (23): Americas (USA) bat 20200731.7632899
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) fox, goat, bat, human exposure 20200609.7447179
Rabies (15): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exp 20200603.7424427
Rabies (13): Americas (USA) cat, fox, human exp 20200529.7392355
Rabies (12): Americas (USA) fox, dog, cat, human exp 20200516.7343626
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) cat, skunk, bat, human exp 20200503.7294707
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp 20200412.7213951
Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp 20200321.7122312
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp 20200302.7041402
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure 20200214.6987679
Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp 20200201.6943518
Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp 20191226.6858881
Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp 20191125.6797040
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure 20191110.6771632
Rabies (49): Americas (USA) fox, human exp 20191108.6769314
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) cat, dog, raccoon, human exp 20191031.6752781
Rabies (47): Americas (USA) skunk, alert 20191022.6740671
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) dog, skunk, raccoon, fox, human exp 20190917.6678064
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) bat, human exp 20190904.6657837
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) fox, bat, human exp 20190825.6639484
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) dog, cat, fox, raccoon, human exp 20190810.6615389
Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp 20190730.6595948
Rabies (39): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, kitten, raccoon, human 20190724.6584394
Rabies (38): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human 20190718.6574088
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) cat, fox, raccoon, human exp 20190707.6555131
Rabies (34): Americas (USA) cat, dog, skunk, bat, human exp 20190613.6517390
Rabies (30): Americas, USA (FL, NC) cat, fox, dog, human exposure 20190526.6488419
Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr. 20190512.6466342
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs 20190511.6465671
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure 20190507.6459317
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure 20190327.6390272
Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp. 20190322.6380311
Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert 20190320.6375303
Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure 20190313.6365399
Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) raccoon, alert 20190313.6363251
and others in the archives