In this posting:
[1] USA (South Carolina): skunk, human exposure
[2] USA (South Carolina): skunk, pig, human exposure [3] USA (North Carolina): dog, raccoon, exposure
[4] USA (North Carolina): raccoon, dog exposure
[5] USA (Illinois): bat, human exposure
[5] Bolivia: increased dog and cat cases, human
[1] 合衆国 (サウスカロライナ): スカンク,ヒトへの暴露
[2] 合衆国 (サウスカロライナ): スカンク,ブタ,ヒトへの暴露 [3] 合衆国 (ノースカロライナ): イヌ,アライグマ暴露
[4] 合衆国 (ノースカロライナ): アライグマ,イヌへの暴露
[5] 合衆国 (イリノイ): コウモリ,ヒトへの暴露
[5] ボリビア: イヌおよびネコの症例の増加,ヒト
[1] USA (South Carolina): skunk, human exposure
Date: Thu 19 Aug 2021
Source: Bluffton Today [edited] https://eu.blufftontoday.com/story/news/local/hampton-county-
guardian/2021/08/19/hampton-co-sees-first-rabies-case-2021-one-person- exposed/8201400002/
Even as local rabies clinics kick off in our area, Hampton County has seen its 1st confirmed case of rabies for 2021, and at least one person was potentially exposed to the dangerous virus.
Hampton County で,丁度地元に狂犬病の診療所ができたこの時に,2021 年初めての狂犬病症 例が確定され,そして少なくとも一人がこの危険なウイルスに暴露した可能性がある.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control(DHEC) reported this week a skunk found near Prince William Road and Pond Town Road in Brunson, South Carolina has tested positive for rabies. One person was potentially exposed and was referred to their healthcare provider, stated the DHEC release.
サウスカロライナ州健康環境管理局(The Department of Health and Environmental Control : DHEC)は,今週,同州 Brunson の Prince William Road 及び Pond Town Road 付近で発見さ れたスカンクが,狂犬病陽性であったことを発表した.
The person, a Hampton County man, was at a low risk for exposure and did not require treatment, a family member told The Guardian on Thursday [19 Aug 2021]. The family's dog was not exposed.
Hampton Country の男性が暴露したが危険性は低く治療は必要とされなかったと,男性の家族 が,[2021 年 8 月 19 日に]The Guardian 紙に語った.
The skunk was submitted to DHEC's laboratory for testing on 13 Aug 2021, and was confirmed to have rabies on 16 Aug 2021.
そのスカンクは,DHEC に 2021 年 8 月 13 日に検査のため,DHEC の研究室に送致され, 2021 年 8 月 16 日に狂犬病と確定された.
DHEC advises the public to please report all animal bites, scratches, and exposures to potentially rabid animals to their agency.
DHEC は,すべての動物を対象として,ヒトが咬まれたり引っ掻かれたりした場合,そして狂
"It is very important for you to seek medical attention if you have been exposed to a wild, stray, or domestic animal. The rabies virus is found in the saliva of infected animals and can be transmitted through a bite, scratch, broken skin, and the mucous membranes of your eyes, nose, or mouth. Immediately wash the affected area with plenty of soap and water," said Terri McCollister, Rabies Program Team Leader."Contact your local office for further guidance."
「あなたが,野性・放浪・飼育動物に暴露した場合には,医師の診察を受けることがとても重 要です.狂犬病ウイルスは,感染動物の唾液中で発見され,咬傷,引っ掻き傷,皮膚の傷,そ してあなたの目,鼻,あるいは口の粘膜を介して感染します.ウイルスが付着した可能性のあ る部位を,すぐに,大量の水と石鹸で洗って下さい.詳細は,地域の出張所に連絡して下さ い.」と,Terri McCollister 狂犬病プログラムチームリーダーは話した.
If you believe you, someone you know, or pets have come into contact with this skunk [or any skunk - Mod.TG] or another animal potentially having rabies, please call DHEC's Environmental Affairs Beaufort office during normal business hours (8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.,
Monday-Friday) or on the after hours and on holidays number (Select Option 2).
このスカンク(またはそれ以外スカンク-Mod.TG)若しくは狂犬病が疑われる動物に,あな た,あなたの周りの方,またはペットが接触したと思われる場合には,DHEC の環境部 Beaufort 出張所まで連絡して下さい(平日は 8:30 am – 5:00 pm,時間外・休日は専用番号ま で;オプション 2 番).
This skunk is the 1st animal in Hampton County to test positive for rabies in 2021, according to DHEC. There have been 53 cases of rabid animals statewide this year. Since 2002, South Carolina has averaged approximately 148 positive cases a year. In 2020, none of the 168 confirmed rabies cases in South Carolina were in Hampton County.
DHEC によれば,このスカンクは,2021 年に入り Hampton County で狂犬病が確定された最 初の動物である.州全体では,今年に入り 53 症例の狂犬病罹患動物が確認された.2002 年以 来,サウスカロライナでは,平均して年間大凡 148 症例が狂犬病陽性となる.2020 年には,サ ウスカロライナ全体で 168 症例が狂犬病と確定されたが,Hampton County では,1 例もなか
DHEC reminds citizens it is important to keep pets up to date on their rabies vaccination, as this is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect against the disease.
DHEC,市民に対し,この病気から身を守るために最も簡単で最も効果的なペットへの狂犬病 予防接種を定期的に実施する事の重要性を改めて伝えている.
Pets aged 12 weeks and older are required by state law to be vaccinated, and the Hampton Animal Hospital is doing its part locally to help make this easy and inexpensive for area residents with a series of low-cost clinics around the county which began 13 Aug 2021.
12 種齢以上のペットは,州法により狂犬病予防接種が必要とされており,そして Hampton Animal Hospital では,地元での役割を果たすため,簡単に安価で地域住民が予防接種できるよ うに,8 月 13 日から,county 内で複数の低コスト予防接種会場を設置する.
"Due to the coronavirus, we are limiting the number of clinics we will be offering this year," Nina Getridge of Hampton Animal Hospital said.
"We are scheduling only our largest clinics, but hopefully we will get back on a regular schedule next year [2022]. We will be following COVID guidelines, and we suggest you wear a mask at these clinics to protect yourself, our staff, and others in the community."
「コロナウイルスにより,今年は限られた数の接種会場しか設置しない.広い場所を確保でき る会場のみで実施するが,来年[2022 年]は例年通りのスケジュールで行えることを望んでい る.我々は COVID ガイドラインを遵守する.来場者にも自身や,我々の職員,そして地域社 会の方を守るためマスクをする事を推奨する.」と Hampton Animal Hospital の Nina Getridge は述べた.
Two of the rabies clinics happened last week, on 13 Aug 2021 at Hampton Animal Hospital and 14 Aug 2021 at Enterprise Bank. The remaining low-cost clinics, priced at USD 8 per rabies vaccination, [took place between 20 and 28 Aug 2021]
二ヶ所の接種会場,8 月 13 日 Hampton Animal Hospital,8 月 14 日 Enterprise Bank は先週実 施された.8 ドルで接種できる低価格会場は今後,以下で設置される.
Aug. 20, Hampton Animal Hospital, 5-7 p.m. Aug. 21, Nixville Fire Station, 1-3 p.m.
Aug. 27, Allendale IGA, 6-7 p.m.
Aug. 28, Yemassee Town Hall, 1-2:30 p.m.
More about rabies
Rabies is a virus (_Lyssavirus_) that can be transmitted when saliva or neural tissue of an infected animal is introduced into the body of a healthy person or animal. It infects cells in the central nervous system, causing disease in the brain and, ultimately, death.
Any mammal has the ability to carry and transmit the disease to humans or pets. Rabies is transmitted when saliva or neural tissue of an infected animal is introduced into the body. Exposure can occur through a bite, scratch or contact with saliva to broken skin or mucous membranes such as the eyes or mouth.
In South Carolina, raccoons, skunks, foxes, and bats are the usual suspects when it comes to rabies infections, but pets and livestock can also be infected.
Report animal bites to DHEC If you're bitten or scratched by a wild, stray or unvaccinated animal, care for the wound properly and contact your health care provider. The health care provider is required to report the incident to DHEC.
野性,野良または予防接種を受けていない動物に咬まれるまたは引っ掻かれた場合には, DHEC まで咬傷事故届を出し,受傷部を適切にケアし,医療機関に相談すること.医療機関 は,DHEC に事故を報告する事が要求される.
If your child is bitten and you do not seek medical treatment for the wound, you are required to contact your regional DHEC Environmental Health Services office to report the incident by the end of the following business day.
もし,子どもが咬まれたが傷の治療が必要ない場合には,翌日までに DHEC 環境健康局まで, 事故届を提出すること.
[Byline: Michael M Dewitt, Jr]
Communicated by:
promed@promedmail.org" target="_blank">promed@promedmail.org
[2] USA (South Carolina): skunk, pig, human exposure
[2] 合衆国 (サウスカロライナ): スカンク,ブタ,ヒトへの暴露
Date: Fri 27 Aug 2021
Source: South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
[ediyed] https://scdhec.gov/news-releases/rabid-skunk-confirmed-pickens-one-person-one-pig-exposed
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) confirmed a skunk found near Josh Nicole Drive and Ole Keowee Church Road in Six Mile, South Carolina, has tested positive for rabies. One person was exposed and has been referred to their healthcare provider. One pig was also exposed, and the public health veterinarian has been consulted.
サウスカロライナ州健康環境管理局(The Department of Health and Environmental Control : DHEC)は,サウスカロライナ州 Six Mile にある Josh Nicole Drive と Ole Keowee Church Road の近辺で発見されたスカンクが,狂犬病陽性であることを確認した.1 人が暴露し,医師 の診察を受けた.一頭の豚も暴露し,公衆衛生獣医師が診察した.
The skunk was submitted to DHEC's laboratory for testing on 25 Aug 2021, and was confirmed to have rabies on 26 Aug 2021.
そのスカンクは,2021 年 8 月 25 日に DHEC の検査室で検査され,翌 26 日に狂犬病である事 が確認された.
South Carolina law requires all dogs, cats, and ferrets be vaccinated against rabies and revaccinated at a frequency to provide continuous protection of the pet from rabies using a vaccine approved by the department and licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Similarly, species of livestock are susceptible to rabies; cattle and horses are the most frequently reported infected livestock species; therefore, all livestock with USDA approved rabies vaccinations should be vaccinated. Species for which licensed vaccines
are not available (goat and swine), having frequent contact with humans, or are considered valuable, should also be vaccinated.
サウスカロライナ州法では,すべてのイヌ,ネコ,そしてフェレットが,狂犬病予防接種を合 衆国農務省(USDA)に認可され及び州当局に承認された予防接種液を用い,狂犬病感染から ペットを継続的に守る頻度で再接種することを義務づけている.同様に,産業動物も感染しや すく,ウシ及びウマが最も頻繁に狂犬病感染を報告される産業動物種であり,そのため, USDA に狂犬病予防を承認されたすべての産業動物種で接種が実施されるべきである.これら の認可された予防接種液を使用できない種(ヤギ及びブタ)でも,ヒトと頻回に接触するまた は,必要と判断された場合には,接種をすべきである.
"Keeping your pets and livestock current on their rabies vaccination is a responsibility coming with owning an animal. It is one of the easiest and most effective ways you can protect yourself, your family, pets, and or livestock from this fatal disease. That is an investment
worth making to provide yourself some peace of mind," said Terri McCollister, DHEC's Rabies Program Team Leader.
「飼育するペットや産業動物の狂犬病予防を定期的に行う事は,動物を飼育することに伴う義 務である.これは,自身と家族,ペット,そして産業動物をこの致死的な疾病から守る最も簡 単で,最も効果的な方法である.あなた自身の安心のためにも実施する価値がある.」と DHEC 狂犬病プログラムチームリーダーの Terri McCollister は述べた.
If you believe you or someone you know, or your pets have come into contact with this skunk [or any skunk - Mod.TG] or another animal potentially having rabies, please call DHEC's Environmental Affairs Greenville office during normal business hours (8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday) or there is an after hours and on holidays number, select option 2 on the recording.
もし,自身や周りのヒト,またはペットが,このスカンク[またはどのようなスカンクでも- Mod.TG]または狂犬病に罹患している可能性のある動物に接触したと考えられる場合に は,DHEC の環境部 Greenville 出張所まで,受付時間内(8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday) または休日受付まで報告して下さい.
It is important to keep pets up to date on their rabies vaccination, as this is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect against the disease. This skunk is the 1st animal in Pickens County to test positive for rabies in 2021. There have been 59 cases of rabid animals statewide this year. Since 2002, South Carolina has averaged approximately 148 positive cases a year. In 2020, 2 of the 168 confirmed rabies cases in South Carolina were in Pickens County.
この疾病からペットを守る最も容易で最も効果的な方法が狂犬病予防接種を定期的に行うこと であるため重要である.このスカンクは,2021 年に Pickens County で狂犬病陽性となった最 初の動物である.今年に入り州全域では狂犬病の動物が 59 症例確認されている.2002 年か ら,サウスカロライナは,年平均でおおむね 148 頭の陽性症例が出ている.2020 年は,168 症 例中 2 症例が,Pickens County であった.
Contact information for local Environmental Affairs Offices is available at https://scdhec.gov/ea- regional-offices. For more information on rabies, visit http://www.scdhec.gov/rabies or http://www.cdc.gov/rabies.
地域の環境部出張所への連絡先は https://scdhec.gov/ea-regional-offices を参照すること.狂犬 病に関する詳細は,http://www.scdhec.gov/rabies または http://www.cdc.gov/rabies を参照す ること.
Communicated by:
promed@promedmail.org" target="_blank">promed@promedmail.org
[HealthMap/ProMED map of South Carolina, United States:
South Carolina county map: https://geology.com/county-map/south-carolina-county-map.gif]
[3] USA (North Carolina): dog, raccoon, exposure
[3] 合衆国 (ノースカロライナ): イヌ,アライグマ暴露
Date: Tue 24 Aug 2021
Source: The Gaston Gazette [edited] https://eu.gastongazette.com/story/news/2021/08/24/raccoon-tests-positive-rabies-gaston- county/8249902002/
Gaston County [North Carolina] has reported its 5th case of rabies in 2021.
[ノースカロライナ州]Gaston County では,2021 年に入ってから 5 例目の狂犬病症例が報告 された.
On [19 Aug 2021] Gaston County Police Animal Care and Enforcement answered a call at the 400 block of Woodlawn Avenue in Gastonia. The caller reported that a dog, who was reported to be a stray, had killed a raccoon in the backyard of the property.
[2021 年 8 月 19 日]Gaston County 警察動物保護管理局[Animal Care and Enforcement] に,Gastonia の Woodlawn Avenue の 400 ブロックからの通報を受けた.通報者は,放浪犬が 敷地の裏庭でアライグマを殺したと報告した.
The raccoon was tested for rabies at the State of North Carolina Virology lab, and on [23 Aug 2021] the raccoon specimen tested positive for rabies.
アライグマは,ノースカロライナ州のウイルス学研究所に於いて狂犬病の検査を行われ, [2021 年 8 月 23 日]に狂犬病陽性となった.
The family who brought the dog home had no vaccination records. Gaston County Animal Care and Enforcement scanned the animal for a microchip. They then reported back to the area where the family picked the animal up and completed an area canvass for a possible animal owner.
The owner nor the vaccination records were located. The dog was euthanized due to rabies exposure.
そのイヌを連れてきた家族には,予防接種の記録はなかった.Gaston County 動物保護管理局 がイヌのマイクロチップを確認した.その後,動物を保護した家族が住むエリアに報告し,そ の動物の飼育者がいるか確認した.飼育者も予防接種記録も確認されなかった.そのイヌは, 狂犬病に暴露したため安楽死された.
Animal Care and Enforcement completed a neighborhood canvas in the area of Woodlawn Avenue to notify the community of the positive rabies result and verify rabies vaccinations for family animals in the area.
動物保護管理局は,Woodlawn Avenue 地域に狂犬病陽性の結果を注意喚起し,住民の飼育動物 の狂犬病予防接種記録を確認した.
Gaston County Animal Care and Enforcement also reported the incident to the Gaston County Department of Health and Human Services so they could complete a follow up investigation.
Gaston County 動物保護管理局は,この事故を Gaston County 保健福祉局に報告し,保健福祉 局が追加調査を完了した.
The Gaston County Police Department Animal Care and Enforcement Unit stressed the importance of having a valid rabies vaccination for all pet's health and safety as well as the health and safety of animal owners and the community.
Gaston County 警察動物保護管理局は,ペットの健康と安全のためだけではなく動物飼育者及 び地域社会の健康及び安全のために,ペットに有効な狂犬病予防接種を行うことの重要性を強 調した.
[Byline: Sarah Marino]
Communicated by:
promed@promedmail.org" target="_blank">promed@promedmail.org
[4] USA (North Carolina): raccoon, dog exposure
[4] 合衆国 (ノースカロライナ): アライグマ,イヌへの暴露
Date: Wed 25 Aug 2021 11:58 AM EDT
Source: Charlotte Observer [edited] https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article253715453.html
A crazed raccoon in a Ballantyne [Mecklenburg County] neighborhood exposed families' dogs to the potentially fatal disease, police said.
異常行動をするアライグマが,[Mecklenburg County]Ballantyne 近辺の飼育犬に,致死的な 病気を暴露したと,警察が発表した.
Residents of High Oaks Lane received an alert Tuesday night [24 Aug 2021] after the raccoon tested positive for the disease, according to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Animal Care & Control Division.
High Oaks Lane の市民は,[2021 年 8 月 24 日]火曜日の夜に,そのアライグマがその疾患の 検査に陽性となった後,Charlotte-Mecklenburg 警察署動物保護管理部から警報を受けた.
High Oaks Lane is south of Ballantyne Commons Parkway in south Charlotte.
High Oaks Lane は,Charlotte 南部に位置する Ballantyne Commons Parkway の南側に位置す る.
The raccoon exposed at least 5 dogs in the neighborhood to rabies, division officials said in a news release.
そのアライグマは,そのエリアの少なくとも 5 頭のイヌに狂犬病を暴露したと,部担当者は報 道発表した.
No humans were believed to have been exposed, but anyone with concerns about potential exposure should call Carson Phillips at 980-314-9214 or Jose Peña at 980-314-9210, division officials said.
ヒトは暴露していないと考えられているが,暴露した心配があるヒトは,Carson Phillips また は Jose Peña まで連絡すべきであると,担当者は述べた.
It was not immediately known if the south Charlotte dogs had their required vaccinations.
Charlotte 南部のイヌが,義務とされている予防接種を受けているかどうか,すぐには分からな かった.
The raccoon was the 8th in Mecklenburg County to test positive for rabies this year [2021], according to Animal Care & Control data. 2 foxes also tested positive, agency data show. 動物保護管理部のデータでは,このアライグマは,Mecklenburg County で今年[2021 年]に 入ってから 8 例目の狂犬病陽性動物である.部のデータによれば,2 頭のキツネも陽性になっ ている.
Last year [2020], 9 raccoons, 2 bats, 2 foxes, a skunk, and a cat tested positive, officials said. 昨年[2020 年],9 頭のあらいぐま,2 頭のコウモリ,2 頭のキツネ,1 頭のスカンク,そし て 1 頭の猫が陽性だったと,担当者は話した.
In 2019, 16 animals tested positive for rabies, including 8 raccoons, according to the division. In 2018, 14 tested positive, 10 of which were raccoons, officials said.
担当部によれば,2019 年には,8 頭のアライグマを含む 16 頭の動物が狂犬病陽性だった. 2018 年には,14 頭が陽性で,その内 10 頭がアライグマだった.
[Byline: Joe Marusak]
Communicated by:
promed@promedmail.org" target="_blank">promed@promedmail.org
[HealthMap/ProMED map of North Carolina, United States:
North Carolina county map: https://geology.com/county-map/north-carolina-county-map.gif]
[5] USA (Illinois): bat, human exposure
[5] 合衆国 (イリノイ): コウモリ,ヒトへの暴露
Date: Tue 24 Aug 2021 11:52 PM CDT
Source: CBS 2 Chicago [edited] https://chicago.cbslocal.com/2021/08/24/dupage-county-rabid-bats/
Bat bites are on the rise in DuPage County, with the county health department saying at least 5 bats have tested positive for rabies recently.
DuPage County で,コウモリによる咬傷事故が増えており,郡健康局は,最近少なくとも 5 頭 のコウモリが狂犬病陽性であったと述べた.
As CBS 2's Jackie Kostek reported Tuesday night [24 Aug 2021], a total of 55 people were also told they should get treatment for potential exposure.
CBS 2 の Jackie Kostek は,合計 55 名が暴露した可能性があり予防接種を推奨されたと, [2021 年 8 月 24 日]火曜日夜に報道した.
"It can happen so quickly," said [TT]. "You might not see it." 「とても短時間に起きたので,気が付かなかったかもしれない」と[TT]は述べた.
Taylor is setting off the alarm bells after her adult son was bit by a bat while mowing the lawn Sunday [22 Aug 2021]. "Something hit him in the back, and it was heavy," [TT] said. "He brushed it off and went back to his mowing -- and whatever it was came back and bit him."
Taylor は,[2021 年 8 月 22 日]日曜日に,成人した息子が芝刈りをしているときにコウモリ に咬まれた後,注意を呼びかけている.「何か重い物が彼の背中に当たった,」「彼はそれを 払い落とし,芝刈りを再開したが,その何かが戻ってきて,彼に噛み付いた.」と[TT]は話 した.
[TT's] son didn't want to go on camera, but she said when he told her about the bite, she implored him to get to the hospital. "It's not worth taking a chance," [TT] said. " 'Oh, it probably wasn't.' 'No, just do it. Just do it.' " [TT]の息子は,カメラの前に出たがらなかったが,彼女は,彼から咬傷事故について話され たとき,病院を受診するように懇願した.「リスクを冒す必要はないわ」と TT は言った。 「たぶん大丈夫だよ」(と息子は言った)「とにかく受診して」と[TT]は言った.
[TT's] son did go to Northwestern Medicine's Central DuPage Hospital for treatment -- only to find the treatment had run out.
[TT]の息子は,Northwestern Medicine’s Central DuPage Hospital を受診したが,予防接種 液がなかった.
"Unfortunately, we actually had to pull resources from other hospitals because it depleted our supply of the immunoglobulin," said Dr Jeff Bohmer.
「不幸にも,私たちは,免疫グロブリンの在庫を切らしていたため,他の病院から取り寄せな くてはならなかった.」と Jeff Bohmer 医師は話した.
Bohmer is the chairman and medical director of the emergency department at Central DuPage. He said bats are most active this time of year, so it's not necessarily unusual to have patients in for bat exposures.
Bohmer は,Central CuPage の救急科の科長及び医長である.彼は,コウモリは,一年で今の 時期が最も活動的である為,コウモリに暴露した患者は稀ではないと語った.
It was, however, unusual to see several families in just a couple of days.
しかし,僅か 2 日間で数家族が受診することのは,余りないことである.
"Usually it's fairly sporadic," Bohmer said. The DuPage County Health Department said people need to be on alert, as again, 5 bats have tested positive for rabies so far this year [2021] and 55 people were potentially exposed.
「通常は,散発的に起こる」と Bohmer は続けた.DuPage 郡健康局は,今年[2021 年]に入 り 5 頭のコウモリが狂犬病陽性となり,55 人が暴露した可能性があることを繰り返し,市民は 警戒する必要があると広報している.
While bats typically live in caves or densely forested areas, doctors say you're most likely to be exposed or bitten in your own home. Bats can fit through a hole the size of a dime.
コウモリは典型的には洞窟や深い森で生活しているが,医師達は,ヒトが咬まれたり暴露する のは自宅が最も多いと言っている.コウモリは,10 セント硬貨の大きさの穴を丁度通り抜ける ことができる.
"Obviously a bat bite, you'll know," Bohmer said. "That nighttime exposure when the person's sleeping is the issue."
「明らかにコウモリは咬まれれば、気が付くでしょう。ヒトが寝ている夜間に暴露された時に 問題なのです」と Bohmer は述べた.
While [TT's] son was bitten outside, Dr Bohmer said most exposures happen inside the home. People may not realize they've been exposed if it happens during sleep.
[TT]の息子は,屋外で咬まれたが,暴露はほとんど室内で起こります,と Bohmer は続け た.睡眠中に暴露が起こった場合にはヒトはそのことに気が付かないかもしれません.
Dr Bohmer said if a bat is found in the home, you should seek medical attention. Treatments include the topical immunoglobulin and a vaccine, which Dr Bohmer said are nearly 100 percent effective.
Bohmer 医師は,コウモリを室内で見つけた場合には,医師の診察を受けるべきであると語っ た.予防は,局所への免疫グロブリン投与と予防接種が行われ,Bohmer 医師は 100%有効で あると述べた.
As for [TT], she says when it comes to bats, it's pretty simple. [I think this means it is a simple decision to get medical treatment for bat bites. - Mod.TG] [TT]は,コウモリとの接触があった場合は,全く単純であると述べた.[おそらく,コウモ リの咬傷が有った場合,難しく考えず医療介入を受ける判断をするということを意味してい る.-Mod.TG]
[Byline: Jackie Kostek]
Communicated by:
ProMED from HealthMap Alerts
promed@promedmail.org" target="_blank">promed@promedmail.org
[HealthMap/ProMED map of Illinois, United States:
Illinois county map: https://geology.com/county-map/illinois-county-map.gif]
[5] Bolivia: increased dog and cat cases, human
[5] ボリビア: イヌおよびネコの症例の増加,ヒト
Date: Wed 25 Aug 2021 15:36 BOT
Source: Opinión [in Spanish, trans., edited] https://www.opinion.com.bo/articulo/cochabamba/casos-rabia-duplican-ciocbabamba- municipios-emergencia/20210825153618832520.html
Cases of canine and feline rabies doubled this year [2021] in Cochabamba compared to [the same period last year] and 4 municipalities declared an emergency.
今年[2021 年],Cohabamba では,[昨年同時期と]比較して,イヌおよびネコの狂犬病症 例が倍になっており,4 自治体では緊急事態を宣言した.
This was confirmed by the head of the rabies program of the Departmental Health Service (SEDES), Ingrid Álvarez, who indicated that 20 cases were reported in 2020 and this year there are already 45 cases and 4 people who died.
この事態は,健康局(SEDES)に於ける狂犬病プログラム責任者の Ingrid Álvarez により確認 され,2020 年には 20 症例が報告されたが,今年は既に 45 症例が報告され,ヒトも 4 名死亡 したと指摘された.
Álvarez indicated that in Tarata, Arbieto, Cliza, and Sipe Sipe municipalities an emergency was declared due to the number of cases of canine-feline rabies, which means that each of these municipalities must strengthen prevention measures and guarantee vaccination for pets and for people.
Álvarez は,Tarata,Arbieto,Cliza 及び Sipe Sipe 当局が,イヌおよびネコでの狂犬病症例数 に基づき緊急事態を宣言したことを示し,これは,これらの各自治体当局が,ペット及びヒト の予防措置の強化並びに予防接種の徹底を行わなければならないことを意味している.
The head of the Epidemiology Unit of the Departmental Health Service (SEDES), Rubén Castillo, explained that the canine and feline population in the department exceeds 600 000. He also announced that on [11 Sep 2021], a massive vaccination campaign for the animals would be carried out to complete or initiate vaccination schedules.
健康局(SEDES)の疫学部門の責任者である Rubén Castillo は,この地域では 60 万頭以上の イヌおよびネコがいると説明した.彼はまた,[2021 年 9 月 11 日]に,予防接種計画を完了 または開始するための,大規模な動物の予防接種キャンペーンをアナウンスした.
Meanwhile, Álvarez called on the Cochabamba families and urged the population to be more responsible and take their pets to be vaccinated in the health centers of Cercado, or if from other municipalities to go to family hospitals and health centers where they have the rabies vaccine. 一方 Álvarez は,Cochabamba の家族に呼びかけ,住民は自身が飼育する動物により責任を持 ち,Cercado の保健所で予防接種をするよう,またはもし他の自治体から移動してきた場合に は,掛かり付けの病院または保健所で狂犬病予防接種をするように促した.
Communicated by:
Mahmoud Orabi
ahstandards@gmail.com" target="_blank">ahstandards@gmail.com
[HealthMap/ProMED map of Bolivia:
今回の報告では,多くの動物種が取り上げられており,このことは,狂犬病ウルスが感染する ほ乳類の多様さを示している.
There are a variety of animals mentioned in this report, indicating the extent to which rabies virus infects mammals.
This vast variety of animals can present danger to human beings. Our best method or protection is to build a barrier between ourselves and this disease by vaccinating the animals close to us. This includes our dogs, cats, horses, cattle, and yes, even pigs.
Only the article in [1] above mentioned establishing rabies clinics specifically for people to come
out to. Often these clinics are underwritten by members of the communities and veterinarians often donate their time so the cost of the vaccine is minimum. This type of rabies drive was formerly more common in communities experiencing rabies in the immediate area. Perhaps it is an idea whose time has returned.
上記 1 番目の報告でのみ,外来の予防接種会場の設置について記載されている.しばしば,こ れらの接種会場は,地域住民及び獣医師の無償の働きによって,予防接種の費用を最小化して いる.この種の狂犬病に対する取り組みは,以前は,狂犬病の問題に直面している地域では, 一般的に行われた.以前のアイディアを,復活させているのかもしれない.
Rabies is fatal to any of our animals getting the disease unless they have a preventative vaccine onboard. There are both 1- and 3-year rabies vaccines. The counties and their level of rabies may determine how often they require the vaccine. ls, please be sure their vaccines are current.
狂犬病は,予防接種を行わない限り,どの飼育動物でも致死的になる.有効期間が 1 年及び 3 年の狂犬病予防接種液がある.郡や狂犬病の程度により,要求される予防接種間隔が決定され ることもある.現在の予防接種を確認して下さい.
The article from Bolivia reports 45 cases and 4 deaths so far this year (2021). Clearly, the number of both animal and human exposures is increasing in the country. Please be aware of animals when you are traveling in other countries. A bite from a rabid animal can happen anywhere. - Mod.TG]
Bolivia からは,今年(2021 年)に入ってから 45 症例及び 4 名の死亡が報告された.明らか に,動物及びヒト両方での暴露数が増えてきている.外国に旅行する際には,動物に注意して 下さい.狂犬病動物からの咬傷は,何処でも起こり得る.-Mod.TG
[See Also:
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, dog, fox, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20210814.8595520
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) dog, fox, cat, bat, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20210726.8544435
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) imported dog, comment http://promedmail.org/post/20210723.8538712
Rabies (27): Americas (USA) ex Azerbaijan, dog, human exp, OIE
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, bat, dog, human exp, cattle
Rabies (24): Americas (Colombia, Canada, USA) human death, exp, multiple animals http://promedmail.org/post/20210710.8509656 Rabies (22): Americas (Brazil) bat, livestock alerthttp://promedmail.org/post/20210702.8491375
Rabies (21): Americas (Canada, USA) coyote, horse, human exp
Rabies (20): Americas (USA) imported dog
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (09): Americas (Canada,USA) wild and domestic animals, exposure
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bobcat, fox, human exp
Rabies (02): Americas (USA, Canada) otter, fox, human exp
Rabies (01): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (33): Americas (USA) cow, skunk, cat, raccoon, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20201205.7996307
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) coyote, bat, imported dog ex Egypt, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20201108.7925072
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) animal, human exposure http://promedmail.org/post/20201101.7908381
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) animal, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20201018.7871698
Rabies (27): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (25): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (23): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) fox, goat, bat, human exposure
Rabies (15): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exp
Rabies (13): Americas (USA) cat, fox, human exp
Rabies (12): Americas (USA) fox, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) cat, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp
Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure
Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp
Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20191226.6858881
Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure
Rabies (49): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) cat, dog, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (47): Americas (USA) skunk, alert
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) dog, skunk, raccoon, fox, human exp
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) fox, bat, human exp
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) dog, cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (39): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, kitten, raccoon, human
Rabies (38): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (34): Americas (USA) cat, dog, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas, USA (FL, NC) cat, fox, dog, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr.
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure
Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp.
Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert
Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure
Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) racoon, alert
and other items in the archives]