A ProMED-mail post <http://www.promedmail.org>
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>
In this update:
[1] Malaysia: Sarawak state, human, dog
マレーシア Sarawak州、人、犬
[2] Indonesia: Bali, human, dog
インドネシア バリ、人、犬
[3] Japan ex Philippines: human
日本(フィリピンで感染) 人
[1] Malaysia: Sarawak state, human, dog
マレーシア Sarawak州、人、犬
Date: Fri 26 Jun 2020
Source: Outbreak News Today [edited]
情報源:Outbreak News Today(編集済み)
Malaysia's Ministry of Health reported an additional human rabies death in Sarawak state. The case was a 62-year-old man from Sibu who passed away on Tuesday [23 Jun 2020].
マレーシア保健省は、Sarawak州における狂犬病での死亡例を報告した。 症例は、火曜日(2020年6月23日)に死亡し、Sibu出身の62歳の男性であった。
The deceased was bitten by a brother's dog in his right calf while visiting his relative's house on West Sentosa Road, Sibu, on 12 May 2020. He had washed the wound with water and soap for 15 minutes and had sought treatment at a health facility. However, he did not return to the facility for an injection of anti-rabies vaccine.
死亡した患者は、2020年5月12日にSibuのWest Sentosa Roadで、親類の家を訪ねた際に、兄弟の犬に右のふくらはぎを咬まれた。彼は咬傷部位を水と石鹸で15分間洗い、
He started suffering from foot pain on 16 Jun 2020. On 19 Jun 2020, he was referred to Sibu Hospital, Sarawak, for further treatment and was admitted to the ward on the same day. The patient died on 23 Jun 2020 with the cause of death being rabies. He was diagnosed with rabies through a laboratory test conducted by the Institute of Medical Research (IMR) on 25 Jun 2020.
This is the 2nd human rabies death in Sarawak this year [2020] and the 23rd since the outbreak of the disease was declared on 1 Jul 2017, with 24 cases in total.
Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>
[2] Indonesia: Bali, human, dog
インドネシア バリ、人、犬
Date: Fri 26 Jun 2020
Source: Coconuts Bali [edited]
情報源:Coconuts Bali(編集済み)
Officials in Bali are stepping up rabies vaccinations for dogs across the province following cases in Jembrana and Tabanan regencies, where about a dozen local residents were recently bitten by rabies-infected dogs.
Wanagiri and Berembeng, 2 villages in Tabanan regency, were declared red zones for rabies this week after local officials found at least 5 rabies-infected dogs.
Tabanan県のWanagiri と Berembeng の2つの村は、地方当局が少なくとも5匹の狂犬病に感染した犬を発見したとして、今週、狂犬病のレッドゾーンと宣言された。
"[We found] 3 Berembeng residents who were bitten by rabies-infected dogs. In June [2020] there's been 2 cases of rabies-infected dogs in 2 different villages," I Wayan Suamba, who heads the livestock department in Tabanan's Agriculture Agency, said.
Tabanan農業局の家畜部局長のI Wayan Suambaは、「我々は狂犬病の犬に咬まれたBerembengの住民3人を把握した。2020年6月には、狂犬病に感染した犬が2つの異なる村で2例発生している。」と述べた。
Last week, at least 9 residents from Mendoyo Dauh Tukad village in Jembrana regency were bitten by a pet dog that was later confirmed to have been infected with rabies. The owner told a local media outlet that the domesticated dog had previously interacted with a stray dog before it began to exhibit unusual aggression and later bit members of the household.
先週、Jembrana県のMendoyo Dauh Tukad村で、少なくとも9人が狂犬病に感染していると後日診断されたペットの犬に咬まれた。飼い主は、その飼い犬が異常な攻撃性を示す前に野良犬と接触したことがあり、その後、家族を咬んだと地元のメディア系列に話した。
As of Monday [22 Jun 2020], over 100 dogs had received vaccination in Mendoyo Dauh Tukad, while 6 stray dogs were sadly put down, local officials said. The people who had been bitten have also received anti-rabies vaccine (VAR), according to reports.
地元当局によると、月曜日(2020年6月22日)の時点で、Mendoyo Dauh Tukadでは100頭以上の犬が予防接種を受けており、6匹の野良犬はかわいそうだが殺処分となった。
The Bali provincial government has distributed more than 532 000 rabies vaccines as a precaution, though the number is less than the estimated total dog population across the province, which officials put at around 647 000.
"Between January and June 2020, there are 54 cases of rabies-positive [dogs] in Bali. This showcases a decrease when compared to the same period last year [2019], when there were 126 cases," IB Wisnuardhana, who heads Bali's Agriculture and Food Security Agency, said.
農業および食糧安全保障局長のIB Wisnuardhanaは「2020年1月から6月の間に、バリで狂犬病陽性の犬の症例は54例であった。このことは、昨年(2019)の同時期の126例に比べて減少していることを示している。 」と述べた。
The reduced number of cases, however, could be attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has limited outdoor activities for months as people are encouraged to stay home.
Communicated by: ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts <promed@promedmail.org>
[3] Japan ex Philippines: human
日本、フィリピンでの感染 人
Date: Mon 15 Jun 2020
日付: 2020年6月15日(月)
Source: Yahoo News, Japan [in Japanese, trans. Rapp.KI, edited]
情報源:Yahoo News, Japan [日本語, 翻訳Rapp.KI, 編集済み]
Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, announced on 15 Jun 2020 that a male in his 30s of foreign nationality who had developed rabies after coming to Japan from the Philippines and was admitted to a hospital in the city died on 13 Jun 2020. He had been bitten by a dog in the Philippines around September last year [2019] and was supposed to have been infected.
愛知県豊橋市は、フィリピンから来日して狂犬病になり、入院した30歳代の外国籍の男性が2020年6月13日に死亡したと2020年6月15日に発表した。 昨年(2019)9月頃にフィリピンで犬に咬まれ、感染した可能性が高いとのことだった。
The man came to Japan for work in February 2020. He complained of ankle and lower back pain as well as fear of water since mid-May 2020. The National Institute of Infectious Diseases confirmed rabies infection on 22 May 2020.
Two earlier cases in Japan involved Japanese men who had been bitten by a dog in the Philippines in 2006. They became ill after returning to Japan, and both died.
Communicated by: ProMED-mail Rapporteur Kunihiko Iizuka
[OIE's global rabies (in animals) map for 2020 is available at <https://tinyurl.com/y8b47pbu>, presenting reports from 6 countries in 3 continents in the eastern hemispheres (no such reports are sent from rabies-endemic countries). The biggest cluster is located in Malaysia's Sarawak state. Since the start of the event there, on 4 Jul 2017 (immediate notification dated 11 Jul 2017), 60 follow-up reports have been submitted to the OIE (the most recent one dated 17 Jun 2020), notifying a total of 574 outbreaks.
OIE's summary of this continuing event follows:
Total outbreaks = 574 (submitted)
全ての集団発生数 574(受付済み)
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of /Slaughtered
Cats / 4235 / 71 / 7 / 120 / 0
Dogs / 76 274 / 657 / 100 / 2806 / 0
Links to all reports and an interactive map are available at
Malaysia's epidemiological comment says: "The event of rabies in Sarawak is still confined to 11 divisions; however, the infected area increases from 62 to 63 districts. The Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) in Sarawak, the Federal Department of Veterinary Services (DVS), the National Disaster Department, and some other enforcement ministries and agencies are conducting a rabies control and eradication program in Sarawak from March 2019 through mass vaccination and selective culling of stray dogs." - Mod.AS
マレーシアの疫学者は、「Sarawakの狂犬病の発生は、まだ11の地域に限定されているが、感染域は62から63地区まで増加している。Sarawakの獣医局(DVS)と連邦獣医局(DVS)、およびいくつかの関係省庁が、2019年3月から大規模な予防接種と野良犬の選択的な淘汰を通してSarawakでの狂犬病のコントロールと根絶プログラムを実施している。」 - モデレーターAS
HealthMap/ProMED maps:
Sarawak, Malaysia: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/2565>
Toyohashi, Aichi, Japan: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/3603>
Bali, Indonesia: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/556>
Philippines: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/158>]
[See Also:
Rabies (16): Asia (Israel) cattle, regional aspect, control
Rabies (14): Europe (Bosnia & Herzegovina) dog, OIE
Anthrax, rabies - Kazakhstan: spatial ecological review
Rabies (09): Eurasia, Armenia (SU) dog, OIE
Rabies (07): Eurasia, Armenia (TV) dog, OIE
Rabies (05): Asia (Israel, Bangladesh) animal, human
Rabies (04): Europe (France) dog, ex Morocco, OIE
Rabies (01): Europe (Spain) dog, OIE