A ProMED-mail post <http://www.promedmail.org>
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>
In this post:
[1] Maine: fox, human exposure
[2] South Carolina: raccoon, human exposure
[3] Alabama: dog, human exposure
[1] Maine: fox, human exposure
Date: Thu 21 May 2020
Source: The Hour [edited]
A 76-year-old woman was injured after a fox bit her on her legs and hand in front of her Lisbon home Tuesday [19 May 2020], the Sun Journal reported.
the Sun Journalが,火曜日[2020年5月19日]に76歳の女性が,Lisbonにある自宅の前で,キツネに手と足を咬まれて怪我をしたと報じた.
Lisbon Police Chief Marc Hagan said the woman's husband heard her cries for help from the porch and worked with her to get control of the fox and eventually kill it. The woman, who didn't want to be identified, was taken to a hospital to receive treatment, which includes rabies vaccination.
Lisbon警察のMarc Hagan署長によれば,その女性がポーチで助けを求める叫びを夫が聞き,2人でキツネを撃退しようして,偶発的に殺害した.匿名を希望しているその女性は,病院へ運ばれ,狂犬病予防接種を含む治療を受けた.
Animal control was called and took the dead fox to the Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention in Augusta for analysis, where the animal tested positive for rabies, Hagan said.
The attack comes months after a report of a rabid fox biting a 6-year-old girl on the back of her leg in the town of Bath, nearly 20miles away.
Hagan said Tuesday's [19 May 2020] incident is the 1st reported attack involving a rabid fox in the Lisbon area. Bath, a city of 8000 people on the Kennebec River, had 16 animals test positive for rabies in 2019, according to the state Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. There were also 18 fox attacks on people and pets, and 11 of the attacks resulted in a person being bitten or scratched, the department said. The large numbers pushed the state to propose a "focused, localized trapping effort" in February[2020] to counter the problem.
Huganは,木曜日[2020年5月19日]の事故は,Lisbonエリアでは,初めての報告であると述べた.州内水面魚類野生生物局(the state Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife)によれば,Kennebec River沿岸にある人口8000の町,Bathは,2019年に入ってから16頭の動物が狂犬病陽性となった.また,キツネによる人およびペットへの攻撃は,18回報告され,その内11回で人が咬まれるかまたは引っ掻かれたと報告している.発生件数の多さから,2月[2020年]には,問題に対応するため“集中的で,局所的な罠捕獲”が実施された.
The Maine wildlife department said simply trapping and testing the animals won't work because the rabies test requires brain tissue. It's urging residents to vaccinate pets and livestock and stay away from wild animals.
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[2] South Carolina: raccoon, human exposure
Date: Wed 27 May 2020
Source: ABC News 4 [edited]
Officials said one person was exposed to a raccoon testing positive for rabies in Charleston County. According to Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), the animal was found near Savannah Highway and Farmfield Avenue in West Ashley on 21 May 2020.
健康環境局(DHEC:Department of Health and Environmental Control)によれば,Charleston郡で,狂犬病陽性のアライグマに,ヒトが暴露した.その動物は,2020年5月21日にWest AshleyにあるSavannah HighwayとFarmfield Avenueのそばで発見された.
The raccoon was sent to DHEC's labs for testing on 22 May 2020. Officials confirmed the animal had rabies 2 days later.
"To reduce the risk of getting rabies, always give wild and stray animals plenty of space," said David Vaughan, director of DHEC's Onsite Wastewater, Rabies Prevention, and Enforcement Division. "If you see an animal in need, avoid touching it, as the possibility of exposure to rabies can occur anywhere and anytime. Contact someone trained in handling animals, such as your local animal control officer or wildlife rehabilitator." [Rabies is usually passed through a bite or, in some circumstances, a scratch. - Mod.TG]
「狂犬病に感染するリスクを減らすため,野生動物や野良動物から十分な距離を取りなさい」と,DHECの現場排水・狂犬病予防・監視課責任者のDavid Vaughanは述べた.「弱っている動物を見つけた場合には,いついかなる時であろうと,その動物が狂犬病に罹患している可能性を考え,接触することは避けるべきである.地区の動物管理局や野生動物のリハビリを行う有資格者等,動物を取り扱う訓練を受けている人に連絡すること.[狂犬病は,通常咬傷により,そして場合によっては掻傷により伝播する-Mod.TG]
[Byline: Matt Dillane]
Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>
[3] Alabama: dog, human exposure
[3] アラバマ州:イヌ,ヒト暴露
Date: Sun 31 May 2020
Source: Alex City Outlook [edited]
The Alabama Department of Public Health has confirmed that a dog near the Kellyton community in Coosa County tested positive for rabies last week. The dog was treated at the Auburn University School of Veterinary Medicine before being tested for rabies. [If the dog was treated for a presumed illness or some other injury, this could have resulted in a number of people being exposed. - Mod.TG]
アラバマ州公衆衛生局は,Coosa郡のKellyton community周辺の犬が,先週狂犬病陽性になったことを発表した.当該犬は,狂犬病検査実施前には,Auburn Univ.獣医学部にて治療を受けていた.[当該犬の治療が,創傷や狂犬病以外の疾患を想定した治療を受けていたとすれば,複数のヒトへの暴露を起こしている可能性がある-Mo.TG]
Rabies is always a fatal infection for animals as well as humans. Several people have been identified with possible contact with the rabid dog and are undergoing necessary preventative treatment, according to a Friday [29 May 2020] press release from ADPH.
If the animal that bites a person cannot be found or located for rabies testing, the recommendation is for a person to receivetreatment to prevent rabies. The treatment includes an immunoglobulin for immediate protection followed by a series of vaccines over a 2-week period.
The rabies virus is transmitted by saliva. In general, rabies exposure requires direct contact with infected saliva, usually through a bite or a scratch, but other less common contact exposures with mucous membranes, such as eyes, nose, and mouth, are also considered as potential exposures.
"Rabies prevention is multifaceted," state public health veterinarian Dr. Dee W. Jones said in the release. "It involves people taking precautions with wildlife, making sure their pets are current on rabies vaccinations, and always reporting an animal bite or other exposure to their medical provider or the health department."
「狂犬病の予防は多角的である」「近隣住人は,野生動物に注意を払い,ペットに狂犬病予防接種を受けさせ,そして動物の咬傷事故や暴露の可能性がある出来事が起きた場合には,医療機関または健康局まで連絡すること.」と,州の公衆衛生獣医,Dr. Dee W. jonesは,発表の中で述べている.
The public is advised to take the following precautions to avoid possible exposure to rabies:
- Do not allow pets to run loose; confine them within a fenced-in area or with a leash.
- Do not leave uneaten pet food or scraps near your residence.
- Do not illegally feed or keep wildlife as pets.
- Do not go near wildlife or domestic animals that are acting in a strange or unusual manner.
- Caution children not to go near any stray or wild animal, regardless of its behavior.
- Advise children to tell an adult if they are bitten or scratched by any animal.
- A person who is bitten or scratched by an animal should wash wounds immediately with mild soap and water, apply 1st aid, and seek medical attention or contact the county health department immediately.
Alabama state law requires dogs, cats, and ferrets 12 weeks of age and older be current with rabies vaccination. Rabies clinics are being held this year [2020] in each county. Vaccinating animals reduces the risk of rabies infection should an exposure occur; thus, vaccinations help protect animals as well as their owners and caretakers.
For more information about rabies and prevention, contact the county health department or call ADPH at 1-800-338-8374 or 334-206-5100. More information on rabies is also available at ADPH's website (<http://www.alabamapublichealth.gov>).
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[Regardless of the risk for rabies, bite wounds can cause serious injury such as nerve or tendon laceration and infection. Your doctor will determine the best way to care for your wound and will also consider how to treat the wound for the best possible cosmetic results.
For many types of bite wounds, immediate gentle irrigation with water or a dilute water povidone-iodine solution has been shown to markedly decrease the risk of bacterial infection. [If you are allergic to iodine, do not used the povidone-iodine solution mentioned here. - Mod.TG]
Wound cleansing is especially important in rabies prevention since, in animal studies, thorough wound cleansing alone without other postexposure prophylaxis has been shown to markedly reduce the likelihood of rabies.
You should receive a tetanus shot if you have not been immunized in 10 years. Decisions regarding the use of antibiotics and primary wound closure should be decided together with your doctor.
Postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) consists of a dose of human rabies immune globulin (HRIG) and rabies vaccine given on the day of the rabies exposure, and then a dose of vaccine given again on days 3, 7, and 14. For people who have never been vaccinated against rabies previously, postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) should always include administration of both HRIG and rabies vaccine. The combination of HRIG and vaccine is recommended for both bite and non-bite exposures, regardless of the interval between exposure and initiation of treatment.
People who have been previously vaccinated or are receiving preexposure vaccination for rabies should receive only vaccine.
Adverse reactions to rabies vaccine and immune globulin are not common. Newer vaccines in use today cause fewer adverse reactions than previously available vaccines. Mild, local reactions to the rabies vaccine, such as pain, redness, swelling, or itching at the injection site, have been reported. Rarely, symptoms such as headache, nausea, abdominal pain, muscle aches, and dizziness have been reported. Local pain and low-grade fever may follow injection of rabies immune globulin.
The vaccine should be given at recommended intervals for best results.Talk to your doctor or state or local public health officials if you will not be able to have your shots at the recommended interval. Rabies prevention is a serious matter, and changes should not be made in the schedule of doses. Patient-assistance programs that provide medications to uninsured or underinsured patients are available for rabies vaccine and immune globulin.
People cannot transmit rabies to other people unless they themselves are sick with rabies. PEP will protect you from developing rabies, and therefore you cannot expose other people to rabies. You can continue to participate in your normal activities.<https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/medical_care/index.html> - Mod.TG
HealthMap/ProMED-mail maps:
Lisbon, Maine, United States: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/61118>
Charleston County, South Carolina, United States:
Coosa County, Alabama, United States:
[See Also:
Rabies (13): Americas (USA) cat, fox, human exp
Rabies (12): Americas (USA) fox, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) cat, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp
Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure
Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp
Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp
Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure
Rabies (49): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) cat, dog, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (47): Americas (USA) skunk, alert
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) dog, skunk, raccoon, fox, human exp
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) fox, bat, human exp
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) dog, cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (39): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, kitten, raccoon, human
Rabies (38): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (34): Americas (USA) cat, dog, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas, USA (FL, NC) cat, fox, dog, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr.
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure
Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp.
Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert
Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure
Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) raccoon, alert