Date: Fri 31 May 2019 08:04 ICT
Source: The Phnom Penh Post [edited]
日付:2019年5月31日 金曜日
情報源:The Phnom Penh Post (編集済)
A 50-year-old man from Svay Rieng province died on Tuesday night [28 May 2019], 19 days after being bitten by a dog in Trapaing Trav village in Kampong Ro district's Nhor commune.
スバイリエン出身の50歳の男性が、火曜日の夜 [2019年5月28日] に死亡した。
カンポンロウのNhorコミューンにあるTrapaing Trav村で犬に咬まれてから19日後のことであった。
The wife of the bitten man told The Post that before the incident, while she was at home, her husband went to a paddy field with their 5-year-old niece and sheltered in a hut where he always rests on sunny days.
咬まれた男の妻がThe Post (プノンペン・ポストのことか?) に語ったところによると、彼女が家にいる間に、夫は5歳の姪と一緒に水田に行き、彼がいつも晴れた日に休憩する小屋に日を避けるために入った。
When they arrived at the hut, they saw a dog asleep on the ground. The dog woke up and bit [the man's] niece, causing a minor skin injury with no bleeding, [the wife] said.
[The man] went to help her, but the dog suddenly jumped up and bit him on the right forearm, this time inflicting more serious injuries. "The dog bit my niece and he helped her. He said the dog had seemed gentle."They chased the dog to hit it, but it lunged back from about 5 metres away and bit my husband," [the wife] said.
She said that after being bitten, [her husband] sought treatment from a traditional Khmer physician but did not go to a doctor for an injection.
"After leaving the traditional physician, he didn't get any more treatment. Our children told him to see a doctor for injections, but he didn't go."
"As days went by, he was busy growing rice, spraying rice fertilizer, and pumping water. He kept putting off going to see a doctor until he was in serious danger," she said.
She said her husband became feverish and was unable to drink water, and developed a fear of water, fire, and the wind.
At this point, she sent her husband to the Svay Teap Referral Hospital where he was injected with a serum and sent to the provincial hospital. That hospital, in turn, sent him on to the capital's Pasteur Institute in Cambodia.
この時点で、妻は夫をSvay Teapの専門病院に連れて行き、そこで彼は血清を注射され、州の病院に搬送された。 その病院は、今度は、カンボジアの首都にあるパスツール研究所に彼を搬送した。
Because the gate was not yet open, she finally sent her husband to Calmette Hospital next door. When they arrived at Calmette Hospital, doctors told [the wife] that her husband was in a critical condition and they could not save his life.
She then took her husband back home, arriving there on Tuesday morning [28 May 2019]. [He] died that same night. [She] said the dog was probably carrying rabies. She didn't know where it came from and it was sleeping in the paddy fields.
Ly Sowath, a doctor at the Pasteur Institute in Cambodia's Epidemiology and Public Health Unit, could not be reached for comment. Sowath told The Post in February [2019] that the vaccine against rabies is effective if received before being bitten or in the 1st 24 to 48 hours afterwards [see comment].
カンボジアの疫学および公衆衛生部門、パスツール研究所の医師であるLy Sowathにコメントを求めることができなかった。 Sowath医師は2019年2月、The Postに狂犬病予防接種は、咬傷を受ける前に受けた場合、または咬傷事故後24〜48時間以内に受けた場合に有効であると述べた [コメント参照]。
Doctors ask people to observe the health of the animal that bites them. If the dog does not get sick or die within 10 days, it is a sign that it was not carrying rabies. But anyone suspecting any irregularity should get vaccinated as soon as possible.
医師は人々に、人を咬んだ動物の健康状態を観察するように求めている。 もし、犬が10日以内に病気になったり死んだりしなければ、それは狂犬病に感染していなかったことを示す。 しかし、何らかの異常を疑う人はできるだけ早く予防接種を受けるべきである。
According to the Pasteur Institute of Cambodia, the disease is 100 per cent preventable through post-exposure vaccination if provided in time, but it is [almost] 100 per cent fatal once symptoms develop.
[Byline: Ry Sochan]
[署名:Ry Sochan]
Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>
[The last comment by Cambodia's Pasteur Institute deserves to be listened to and memorized. The appearance of clinical rabies signs indicates the termination of the incubation period; at this stage, attempts to save the life of the victim are doomed to fail.
最後にあった、カンボジアのパスツール研究所のコメントは傾聴し、記憶するに値する。 狂犬病の臨床的徴候が出現することは潜伏期間の終了を示している。 この段階では、被害者の命を救う試みは失敗する運命にある。
On the other hand, we have reservations concerning the cited Cambodian Pasteur Institute's advice of February 2019, in which it was allegedly stated that "the vaccine against rabies is effective if received before being bitten or in the 1st 24 to 48 hours afterwards." Such information may leave exposed people's life seriously threatened incase they have missed seeking medical help during the 1st 48 hours after being exposed.
一方、引用されたカンボジアパスツール研究所の2019年2月のアドバイスに関しては、留保すべき点がある。「狂犬病予防接種は(動物に)咬まれる前、あるいは咬まれてから24〜48時間後に受けた場合に有効である。」と述べられているが、 このような情報は(誤りであり)、咬まれてから48時間以内に医学的な処置を受けられなかった場合、被害者の生命を深刻な状態になるまで放置する可能性がある。
In fact, the incubation period for rabies is typically 1 to 3 months but may vary from less than a week to more than 2 years. Due to the potentially long incubation period, there is no time limit for giving post exposure treatment (PET) before the appearance of clinical signs: all potential exposures should be risk-assessed. This and much more useful updated information on PET is available in the recently (April 2019) published "Guidelines on managing rabies post-exposure" (Public Health England, April 2019, 40 pages) at<https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/800017/PHE_guidelines_on_rabies_post-exposure_treatment.pdf>.
実際のところ、狂犬病の潜伏期間は通常は1〜3ヶ月であるが、1週間未満から2年以上と様々である。 潜在的に長い潜伏期間のために、臨床徴候の出現の前に暴露後予防処置(PET)を施すための時間的制限はない。狂犬病に曝露された可能性のあるすべての事象については、リスク評価されるべきである。 PETに関するこの、そしてさらに有用な最新情報は、最近(2019年4月)出版された「狂犬病曝露後管理ガイドライン」(Public Health England、2019年4月、40ページ)で入手可能である。
Hopefully, the family of the victim's niece, who was exposed to the same dog, has already sought medical advice. - Mod.AS
HealthMap/ProMED-mail map of Cambodia:
[See Also:
Rabies (29): Europe, Asia (Norway ex Philippines) human, dog
Rabies (23): Asia (Thailand) human
Rabies (21): Eurasia, Armenia (TV) dog, OIE
Rabies (19): Eurasia, Armenia (AV), dog, OIE
Rabies (18): Asia (Qatar ex Nepal) human, sylvatic exposure susp.,
comment http://promedmail.org/post/20190416.6425196
Rabies (17): Asia (Qatar ex Nepal) human, sylvatic exposure suspected,
comment http://promedmail.org/post/20190411.6416702
Rabies (16): Asia (Qatar ex Nepal) human, sylvatic exposure suspected
Rabies (03): Africa, Asia, human, cattle, dog, counterfeit vaccine
Rabies (16): Africa (S Africa), Asia (Thailand, Viet Nam, Israel)
human, animal http://promedmail.org/post/20180321.5701731
Rabies (15): Asia (Lebanon) canine, OIE
Rabies (14): Asia (Kazakhstan) feline, OIE
Rabies (13): Africa (Zimbabwe) wild dog
Rabies (12): Africa (S Africa) Asia (Thailand) animal, human
Rabies (11): Asia (Kazakhstan) livestock, wolf, OIE
Rabies (08): Asia (Malaysia-SK) human, animal
Rabies (03): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, OIE
Rabies (02): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, spread, control measures
Rabies (01): Asia (Israel) wildlife, livestock, human exp, spread