

狂犬病(22):南北アメリカ、アメリカ、バーモント州、コヨーテ、 人への曝露



Date: Tue 16 Apr 2019
Source: VTDigger [edited]

日付:2019年4月16日 火曜日


A 2nd coyote has tested positive for rabies in Addison county, a week and a half after a rabid coyote attacked an elderly couple in Salisbury.


[The couple] were walking on their Salisbury property on the morning of [1 Apr 2019] when they were attacked. [The man] reportedly kicked the coyote in the head, but when it continued to attack him and his wife, he retrieved a shotgun and shot and killed the animal at point-blank range. The couple, both in their 70's, were treated at Porter Medical Center in Middlebury, where they received rabies shots, and were treated for bites on their arms and legs.


The 2nd infected coyote was found later in New Haven following reports of aggressive behavior. No one reported being bitten by the animal.


[The 76-year-old woman], told the Times Argus the coyote "just came out of nowhere" as the couple was leaving their barn and headed back to their house, which they have owned for 50 years.

76歳の夫人がTimes Argusに語ったことによれば、夫妻は物置から出て、彼らが50年間所有している家に戻ろうと向かったところ、コヨーテがどこからともなくやって来たとのことである。

Louis Porter, commissioner of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, said they suspect both coyotes were infected by skunks, based on the smell around the areas where the animals were found.
Porter said they are running tests to determine exactly what strain of rabies the coyotes had, but that it's common for skunks to be infected by raccoon strains, so it might be hard to know for sure where the rabies came from.

バーモント州の魚類野生生物局長であるLouis Porter氏は、2頭のコヨーテは、発見された場所の臭気から判断して、どちらもスカンクから感染したものと考えられると話した。


The viral disease is deadly, and infects mammals, including humans, according to the Department of Health. Coyotes can live in all Vermont habitats, including suburban areas. The release noted that raccoons, skunks, and other wildlife might also be sick and capable of spreading the disease.


Porter said it's "quite rare" to see coyotes with rabies, especially 2 within a relatively short distance of each other. Coyotes are smart and know to avoid animals acting strangely; however, it's not common for coyotes to get bitten when they kill a skunk.


The Department noted that these are the 1st coyotes to test positive for rabies at the Health Department Laboratory since 2005. Porter said one reason rabies remains uncommon is because the USDA and Agency ofAgriculture work together to drop rabies vaccines in rural areas to stop the spread of the disease.


Rabies is spread through the bites of infected animals, and can only be transmitted through an open cut, or mucous membranes like the mouth or eyes. The Department noted that petting or handling animals or animal waste does not spread the disease.


"There's no reason for people to be afraid to go in woods or be outside," Porter said. "This is very rare, and even if people do come into contact, the post-exposure vaccine is very effective. And coyotes play an important part in ecosystem in Vermont, there's no reason for people to fear them."



[Byline: Ellie French]

[署名欄:Ellie French]

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[HealthMap/ProMED-mail map of Vermont, United States:
Vermont county map:


In North America, rabies is maintained by bats and wild carnivores.
The variant of terrestrial rabies present along the east coast is maintained by raccoons, and this strain is called the raccoon rabies variant (RRV) (see <https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/exposure/animals/wildlife_reservoirs.html>).
While RRV is predominantly maintained by raccoons, other carnivores may become infected, for instance skunks, gray foxes, red fox, coyotes, cats, and dogs. - Mod.PMB]


米国東海岸沿いに認められる、陸生動物の狂犬病の変異株はアライグマによって維持されており、この変異株はraccoon rabies variant(RRV)と呼ばれている。(リンク参照[略])



[See Also:
Rabies (14): Americas, USA (KY, VT) dog, coyote, human exposure
Rabies - Americas (18): USA (AZ) fox, human exposure
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) fox, susp, human exposure
Rabies (05): Americas (USA) fox, susp., human exposure
Rabies - USA (50): (AZ) feline, human exposure: NOT
Rabies - USA (48): (AZ) feline, human exposure