






The Ministry of Health has urged that priority be given to those scheduled for rabies treatment as people flocking to the capital's Pasteur Institute in Cambodia for vaccinations is putting a strain on the system. The call came after the institute reported that increased numbers of people with no symptoms of the disease showing up is causing increased waiting times.


A 10 year old girl died in Svay Rieng province on 12 Feb 2019 after contracting rabies from a cat bite early in December [2019]. The girl's family, from Khlaing village in Svay Teap district's Chrak M'tes commune, did not admit her to hospital until her symptoms worsened, by which time it was too late.
10才の少女が12月(訳者:2019年ではなく2018年の間違い)初旬に猫に咬まれたことによる狂犬病にかかったあと、2019年2月12日にSvay Rieng州で死亡した。Svay Teap地区のChrak M'tesコミューンにあるKhlaing村のその女児の家族は、その子の症状が悪化するまで病院に入院させなかったが、時すでに遅すぎた。

Ministry of Health spokesperson Or Vandine could not be reached for comment. But she said in a ministry statement that preventive measures were best to avoid contracting the disease. Avoid playing with or being bitten by cats or dogs; do not allow your own dog or cat to roam freely where it could bite other people -- and vaccinate your pets. "[We] would like to renew [our] instructions that those at highest risk -- such as people who have been bitten by dogs or cats -- pregnant women and those who have been scheduled to be vaccinated willreceive their vaccination as a priority."
保健省の広報官Or Vandine氏のコメントまでは得られなかった。しかし、保健省の声明で同氏は予防策が病気にかかることを避けるために良いと述べた。犬や猫と一緒に遊んでいて咬まれることを避けること、飼っている犬や猫が外をうろついて他の人を咬まないようにすること、そしてペットにワクチン接種をすることである。「[私たちは]犬や猫に咬まれた人、妊娠している人、ワクチン接種を予定している人などのように非常にリスクが高い人は優先的にワクチンを受けるように私たちの指示書を更新したいと思います。」と述べた。


Ly Sowath, a doctor at the Institute's Epidemiology and Public Health Unit, told The Post on Sunday [24 Feb 2019] that people were flocking to get vaccinated against rabies. However, some had been bitten or scratched by a cat or dog a long time before and knew it [the biting dog/cat] was still alive more than 10 days later, meaning the animal was rabies-free. "In such cases, this means the animal causing the injury did not have rabies and cannot transmit the disease.. . . [These people] do not need to be vaccinated. Animals with rabies [don't live long]."
研究所の疫学及び公衆衛生部の医師、Ly Sowath氏は日曜日[2019年2月24日]に人々が狂犬病ワクチン接種のために群がっているとThe Postに述べた。しかしながら、ある人たちはずいぶん昔に犬や猫に咬まれたり、引っかかれており、それ[咬んだ犬や猫]が10日以上後になってもまだ生きているということは、(訳者追加:咬まれた人が)狂犬病に感染していないという意味であるということがわかっていた。「そのような場合には、けがの原因となった動物は(訳者追加:その時点で)狂犬病ではないし、狂犬病を感染させることはできなかったことを意味します。[これらの人たち]はワクチン接種の必要はありません。狂犬病にかかった動物は[長く生きないのです。]


Following the steep rise in people seeking vaccinations, the Pasteur Institute issued a press release requesting citizens give priority to those who were coming to be vaccinated for the 2nd or 3rd time as scheduled and to those who had suffered serious dog bites, young children, monks, disabled people, elderly people and pregnant women.


A Pasteur Institute study found that around 800 people die from rabies each year in Cambodia, of which 40% were younger than 15 years of age. It said that although 600 000 people are bitten by dogs each year, theinstitute provided vaccinations for only 22 000 people.


Minister of Health Mam Bun Heng said the ministry took the issue seriously and had opened another rabies vaccination centre in Battambang province in cooperation with the Pasteur Institute. He said there were also private services with proper licences in cities and provinces, so there was a choice of where to receive rabiesvaccination. [byline: Long Kimmarita]

Mam Bun Heng保健相は、同省がこの問題を真剣に受け止め、パスツール研究所の協力でBattambang州にもう1ヶ所狂犬病ワクチン接種センターを開設したと述べた。同相は、都市部にも地方にも適切な許可を取った民間施設もあるので、そこで狂犬病ワクチン接種を受けることもできると語った。(署名:Long Kimmarita)
communicated by: ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts <promed@promedmail.org>

[2] Cambodia: human, canine, feline

Date: Fri 1 Mar 2019
Source: Khmer Times [edited]

情報源:Khmer Times(編集済)

An elderly man in Tboung Khmum province on Tuesday [26 Feb 2019] died from rabies after he was scratched by his dog 2 months ago but did not seek early medical treatment. [The man], 58 years of age from Ou Reang Ov district's Pratheat commune, was scratched by his dog while playing with it on [25 Dec 2019].
火曜日(2019年2月26日)にTboung Khmum州のひとりの老人が狂犬病で死亡した。老人は2ヶ月前に彼が飼養するイヌに引っかかれたが早期の医療を受けなかった。[その男性は]58才のOu Reang Ov地区のPratheatコミューン出身で、「2018年12月25日」に、自身が飼養するイヌと遊んでいるときに引っかかれた。


Try Pov, commune chief, yesterday [28 Feb 2019] said that a doctor confirmed that the man had died from rabies. "According to the victim's relatives, he played with his dog and it scratched his belly," Mr Pov said. "He did not seek vaccination then because he thought it was just a minor scratch." Mr Pov said that last week [the patient] had symptoms of rabies, and when he went to see a doctor, he was told that it was too late to treat him.
コミューンのチーフTry Pov氏は昨日[2019年2月28日]、その男性は狂犬病で死亡したことを医師が確認したと述べた。「被害者の親戚によると、男性はその犬と遊んでいて、腹部を引っかかれました。彼はたいしたことない引っかきだったと思ったためにワクチン接種を求めなかったのです。」とPov氏は語った。また同氏は、男性は先週狂犬病の徴候が現れ、医者に診てもらいにいきましたが、医師は治療をするには遅すぎると言われたと述べた。


Lieutenant Colonel Meng Lay, deputy chief of district police, yesterday [28 Feb 2019] said that although commune and village authorities have previously disseminated information about rabies, people do not bother to seek medical advice when they are bitten or scratched by dogs or cats. "When a dog or cat bites them, they always think that there is no problem," he said. "And when the disease occurs they go to seek treatment, but is already too late." Lay urged people to be aware that vaccination is immediately needed after getting bitten or scratched by dogs or cats.
地区警察の副長官、Meng Lay中佐は昨日[2019年2月28日]、以前はコミューンや村の権力者が狂犬病についての情報を広めていたが、人々は犬や猫に咬まれたり引っかかれたりしても医学的な助言を求めることをわざわざしないと述べた。「犬や猫が住民を噛んだときも彼らはいつも問題はないと考えるんですよ。そして、病気になったとき治療を求めに行くんのですが、すでに遅すぎるのです。」とも述べた。Lay中佐は犬や猫に咬まれたり引っかかれた後はただちにワクチン接種が必要だということに気付くべきだと強調した。


Chhorn Mony, deputy director of the provincial health department, yesterday [28 Feb 2019] said the department has set up a working group to conduct research and also disseminate information about rabies to the public. He urged people to be alert and avoid playing with animals that could be infected. Mr Mony said anyone who is bitten or scratched by a dog, cat or other animals should seek immediate treatment at referral hospitals or private clinics.
州保健局の副局長Chhorn Mony氏は昨日[2019年2月28日]、同局が研究のためにワーキンググループを設置し、狂犬病に関する情報を一般に広めると語った。同氏は狂犬病に感染した可能性のある動物と遊ばないよう注意すべきであることを強調した。また、Mony氏は犬や猫、その他の動物に咬まれたり引っかかれた人は誰でも、紹介された病院や個人の診療所での治療をただちに求めるべきであると語った。


According to the Health Ministry, rabies is a disease caused by a virus that infects domestic and wild animals, such as dogs, cats, bats, monkeys and other mammals. It said that in Cambodia the disease is mostly transmitted to humans through dog bites. The ministry noted that rabies is fatal if victims do not receive sufficient vaccination on time after they are bitten. [byline: Pech Sotheary]

以下要約:保健省によるとカンボジアでは、狂犬病は主にイヌの咬傷によって人に感染している。[署名:Pech Sotheary]
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ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[Vaccinating dogs is the most cost-effective strategy for preventing rabies in people. Dog vaccination reduces deaths attributable to rabies, as well as the need for postexposure prophylaxis as a part of dog bite patient care.


In the Western Pacific Region, Cambodia is one of 7 countries considered high-risk for rabies. WHO is working with the Ministry of Health and partners to develop essential documents, such as a national strategy and guidelines, and to support the implementation of action plans. WHO is collaborating with partners and agencies working toward the elimination of rabies in Cambodia. - Mod.ST



HealthMap/ProMED-mail map:
Cambodia: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/145>]

[3] Indonesia: West Nusa Tenggara, human, canine
Date: Mon 25 Feb 2019
Source: Antara News [edited] <https://en.antaranews.com/news/122426/825-ntb-residents-bitten-by-dogs>



As many as 825 people were bitten by dogs in West Nusa Tenggara (Nusa Tenggara Barat, NTB) province, and 6 of them -- residents of Dompu District, had died, a local official said. "[These are] data [as of 24 Feb 2019]. Most of the victims -- 735 people -- are residents of Dompu. [A total of 32] were confirmed of being infected with rabies," Budi Septiani, head of the NTB animal health office, said here, Monday [25 Feb 2019].
西部ヌサテンガラ(ヌサテンガラバラット、NTB)州で犬に825人もの人が咬まれ、そのうちDompu地区の住民6名が死亡したと地元当局担当者が述べた。「[これらは][2019年2月24日の時点での]データです。被害者の多く・・735名の人々・・はDompu地区の住民です。[計32名]が狂犬病に感染していると確認されました。」とNTB動物保健局長Budi Septiani氏は月曜日(2019年2月24日)に述べた。


In Bima District, 33 people were bitten by dogs; in Sumbawa District, 27, including 4 infected with rabies. The number of people bitten by dogs in Bima Municipality was 4; West Sumbawa, 6; Mataram, 7; East Lombok, 4; and North Lombok, 10.
Bima地区では、33名の人が犬に咬まれた。Sumbawa地区では27人が犬に咬まれ、4人が狂犬病に感染した。Bima市において犬に咬まれた人の数は4人、West Sumbawaは6人、Mataramは7人、East Lombokは4人、North Lombokは10人だった。

The West Nusa Tenggara authorities have made a coordinated effort with the Agriculture Ministry to control rabies in the province, by -- among other things -- conducting vaccination, particularly in Dompu and Sumbawa districts. Integrated public awareness campaigns on rabies were carried out in the districts of Dompu, Bima, Sumbawa, West Sumbawa, and Bima Municipality.
西部ヌサテンガラ当局は、特にDompu地区とSumbawa地区で、主にワクチン接種をすることにより、州内の狂犬病を制御しようと農業省と協同してきた。狂犬病の総合的な啓発活動がDompu地区およびBima地区、Sumbawa地区、West Sumbawa地区、Bima市で実施された。


Meanwhile, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has worked with the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture and Dompu administration to train animal health officers to control rabies outbreak in the district. The rabies outbreak in Dompu District, West Nusa Tenggara Province, has demonstrated the importance of capacity building for the related authorities, FAO representative in Indonesia Stephen Rudgard remarked in a press statement made available to Antara on 8 Feb 2019. "The outbreak of rabies in Dompu is very unfortunate and demonstrates the need to develop capacities within the local government, and especially the animal health service, to detect and respond to a priority disease, such as rabies," he emphasized.
これまでに、国連食糧農業機関(FAO) はインドネシア農業省とDompu政権とともに、地区内での狂犬病の制御のために、動物衛生官を育成を行っている。西ヌサテンガラ州のDompu地区における狂犬病の発生は、関係当局の能力を整備することが重要であることを物語っており、FAOインドネシア代表Stephen Rudgard氏は、2019年2月8日にAntara(インドネシアのメディア)により公開された記者発表で次のように述べた。「Dompu地区における狂犬病発生は非常に不幸なことであり、狂犬病のような優先性の高い疾病の発見と対応のためには、地元行政、特に動物保健サービスの能力の発展が必要であることを証明しています。」と同氏は強調した。


In dealing with this problem, the Ministry of Agriculture's Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Services (DGLAHS) has taken immediate actions to control the current rabies outbreak in the district. Dompu District has been declared a rabies-infected area on 27 Jan 2019. The district's Livestock and Animal Health Services recorded 544 dog bite cases from potential rabies vector animals between late 2018 and early February 2019.
[byline: Fardah A Waludin]


[署名:Fardah A Waludin]

--communicated by:
ProMED-mail rapporteur Kunihiko Iizuka

[HealthMap/ProMED-mail map:
Indonesia: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/184>]

[4] Israel: canine, spread

Date: Tue 26 Feb 2019
Source: Jerusalem Post [abridged, edited]



Rabies could be returning to Israel's north, Gilboa Regional Council officials fear, after a rabid dog killed 2 other dogs on Sunday [24 Feb 2019]. The small community of Gan Ner reported the unusual incident of a rabid mixed-breed Alsatian attacking other dogs in the neighborhood. A team from the Gilboa Municipal Veterinary Service was immediately dispatched to capture the dog and treat the other animals with a rabies vaccine. In all, 2 dogs died from the attack and 20 others were addressed as animals that had contact with the rabid dog.

日曜日(2019年2月24日)に一頭の狂犬病罹患犬が2頭の別の犬を殺したことを受け、ギルボア地域自治体当局はイスラエル北部で再び狂犬病の流行があるのではないかと懸念している。Gan Nerの小さなコミュニティは、狂犬病に罹患したシェパードの雑種が近所の他の犬を襲ったという異例の報告をした。ギルボア市の獣医局のチームがただちにその犬を捕獲し、他の犬に狂犬病ワクチンを接種するために派遣された。それらの犬のうち、2頭が死亡し、他の20頭はシェパードと接触したとして対処された。


"I am proud of the residents of Gan Ner, the representatives of the local committee and the plenum who took an active part in the capture, and are now showing a caring involvement," said [municipal veterinarian, Gilboa Regional Council] Dr Shai Rodrig on Monday [25 Feb 2019]. He thanked local residents who were cooperative in having all pets in the community vaccinated and warned that stray cats could carry the deadly disease as well [see commentary]. The Gilboa Regional Council held an emergency meeting and have contacted othermunicipalities and government ministries to properly deal with the situation.
「私は犬の捕獲に積極的に参加し、今も親切に参加してくれているGan Nerの住民、地元委員会代表そしてGanNerの総会を誇りに思います。」と[市の獣医師であり、ギルボア地区議会員の]Shai Rodrig博士は月曜日[2019年2月25日]に語った。同氏ははその地域の全てのペットにワクチンを接種するのに協力的だった住民に感謝するとともに、野良猫も同様にその病を運ぶ可能性があると警告した[解説を見て下さい]。ギルボア地区議会は緊急会議を開き、状況に適切に対処するため、他の自治体や政府の省庁に連絡した。


The number of rabies cases reported in mammals in 2017 -- 74 – was 250% that of the previous year, and the number of infected jackals -- 47 -- was almost 10 times as many as in 2016. By comparison, there were only 9 rabid animals [6 dogs, one fox, one cattle, one horse] in 2006.
[byline: Judy Siegel-Itzkovich]


[署名:Judy Siegel-Itzkovich]

-- communicated by:
ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts

[The described rabies case was lab confirmed on 25 Feb 2019; for the report (no. A00343532) and a dynamic rabies map for 2019, go to





Since the start of 2019, 5 rabies cases have been diagnosed in northern Israel, including 4 dogs (purple dots) and one jackal (blue), presenting a concerning spread of the disease westward into dense populated areas.


Following more than 10 years of effective control of rabies in Israel, mainly due to the countrywide application of oral vaccination policy in wildlife (foxes and jackals), an explosive outbreak in jackals, starting on the Jordanian and Syrian north eastern borders and spreading south-westward, commenced in August 2017, peaking in early2018 and not yet over.



The current developments, namely, rabies in kept (and, probably, unvaccinated) dogs, have the potential ofexposing more humans to the virus and an increased need for postexposure treatments. The situation has led the State Veterinary Services to declare large parts of northern Israel as "high risk" and to apply more severe control measures, including vaccination of livestock. For a list (in Hebrew) of the municipalities within thedeclared region and a dynamic rabies map, published 24 Feb 2019, please go to <http://tinyurl.com/y63rp5wv>.



The event which has been unfolding since August 2017 illustrates the difficulties in the application of oral vaccination policy in a territory of a country bordering regions where such policy is not applied. However, there could have been other factors/deficiencies involved in the described developments, justifying a thoroughprofessional study. Its conclusions should address local needs and beyond.

Mod. AS

