In this post:
South America
[1] Bolivia (La Paz): human
[2] Brazil (Tocantins): human USA
[3] Alabama (Lee County): kitten, human exposure
[4] Alabama (Houston County): raccoon, vaccinated dog exposure
[5] New York, (Madison County): cat, human exposure
[6] New York (Jefferson County): raccoon
[7] South Carolina (Charleston and Calhoun counties): raccoon, bat, dogs, cat
[8] South Carolina (Cherokee County): puppy, skunk, human exposure; (Berkeley County): raccoon, dog
[9] Texas (Bee County): bat in home, unknown human exposure
[10] Massachusetts (Hampshire County): cat, unknown human exposure
[1] ボリビア(ラパス):ヒト
[2]ブラジル(トカンチンス):ヒト 米国
[3] アラバマ州(リー郡):子猫、ヒトへの暴露
[6] ニューヨーク(ジェファーソン郡):アライグマ
[7] サウスカロライナ州(チャールストン郡、カルフーン郡):アライグマ、コウモリ、犬、猫
[9] テキサス州(Bee郡):家の中のコウモリ、ヒトへの暴露は不明
[10] マサチューセッツ州(ハンプシャー郡):猫、ヒトへの曝露は不明
South America
[1] Bolivia (La Paz): human
Date: Wed 6 Nov 2024
Source: Unitel [in Spanish, machine trans., edited]
[1] ボリビア(ラパス):ヒト
A man died of rabies, health authorities in Santa Cruz confirmed. According to the report, when the patient presented the first symptoms he received treatment initially in Camiri, then was transferred to the capital of Santa Cruz, where he died.
"Rabies is 100% lethal. There is no treatment; there is no cure. It is a disease that has an incubation period, sometimes short and other times very long," said the mayor of Camiri, David Anzaldo, in a local Camiri media outlet.
The authorities detailed that the deceased patient is an adult man. This morning, the authorities of the Departmental Health Service (SEDES) called a press conference to inform about the death, which has already been confirmed to have been due to human rabies.
Anzaldo explained that when the patient was being transferred to Santa Cruz de la Sierra, he became ill, so the ambulance stopped in the municipality of Cabezas, and after the man recovered, they continued on their way to a third-level hospital.
The authority explained the first symptom that made doctors suspect this disease was aerophobia, or fear of a light breeze.
"A death was recorded at the National Center for Tropical Diseases(CENETROP), and it was confirmed that this patient died of human rabies ," he said.
The authority explained SEDES decided to send the sample to the National Institute of Health Laboratories (INLASA) to find out the genotype of the virus and determine which animal infected the patient with rabies, whether it was a cat, a dog or even a cow.
[Byline(記事): Leyla Mendieta Cruz]
Communicated by:
[2] Brazil (Tocantins): human
Date: Fri 1 Nov 2024
Source: g1 [in Portuguese, machine trans., edited]
[2] ブラジル(トカンチンス):ヒト
日付: 2024年11月1日(金)
The Tocantins State Health Secretariat (SES) confirmed a case of human rabies in a 50-year-old man in the city of Alvorada, in the southern region of the state. More vaccines against the disease will be sent to the municipality.
The patient is being treated at the Gurupi Regional Hospital (HRG). The confirmation came on Wednesday (30 Oct 2024) after the Pasteur Institute, located in São Paulo, confirmed the patient's infection by the AgV 3 variant, transmitted by bats.
患者はグルピ地域病院(HRG)で治療を受けている。水曜日(2024年10月30日)、サンパウロにあるパスツール研究所が、この患者がコウモリによって媒介されるAgV 3型に感染していることを確認した。
This Friday [1 Nov 2024], a team made up of technicians from SES and the Agricultural Defense Agency (ADAPEC) will go to Alvora to collect samples and capture animals suspected of contamination.
According to the SES, the patient's care follows all protocols previously established by the Ministry of Health, which has already provided special medication sent immediately to the HRG. His health status was not reported.
The medical team at the Gurupi hospital is being advised by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in Atlanta, Georgia (USA).
Human rabies is a highly lethal viral disease transmitted through contact with saliva and secretions from infected mammals, be they dogs, cats, bats, monkeys, cattle, pigs, or others.
The main preventive measure is vaccination [post-exposure prophylaxis shot], which must be carried out in a timely manner and started immediately after contact with infected animals.
Teams from the Directorate of Surveillance of Vector-Borne Diseases and Zoonoses/Superintendence of Health Surveillance are providing support to the municipality of Alvorada for human rabies prophylaxis actions.
The SES reported investigations into the case have been following both human and animal aspects since 23 Oct [2024], when it was notified of the suspected case. The work is being done in partnership with ADAPEC, the agency responsible for investigating the reservoirs of the disease.
The ministry reinforced that although the state completed vaccination in February, more vaccines will be sent, as annual reinforcement is recommended.
Communicated by:
[3] Alabama (Lee County): kitten, human exposure
Date: Thu 24 Oct 2024
Source: AL.com [edited]
[3] アラバマ州(リー郡):子猫、ヒトへの暴露
日付: 2024年10月24日(木)
出典: AL.com[編集済]
A stray kitten in Auburn has tested positive for rabies, possibly exposing several veterinary workers and others to the virus, the Alabama Department of Public Health said Thursday [24 Oct 2024].
The kitten was about 4 to 6 weeks old; other kittens in the litter are being tested, while another, presumably from the same litter, may be on the loose, the agency said.
子猫は生後4週間から6週間ほどであった; 他の同腹の子猫も検査中であり、一報、同腹の別の子猫は逃亡している可能性があるとのことである。
Health officials said the case was in the area of Auburn off East Longleaf Drive. The agency is identifying all people who may have been exposed to the virus, including the person who brought the kitten to a veterinary clinic and workers at the clinic.
People who may have been exposed to the kitten were told to seek medical care for rabies prevention.
The agency will be distributing flyers in the vicinity of the case warning people that may have had contact with the strays – especially the one that may still be roaming the area -- and reminding them to vaccinate their pets.
"People should use examples such as this to keep their pets vaccinated before occurrences like this happen, because it not only protects the animal, vaccination protects people as well," said State Public Health Veterinarian Dr. Dee W. Jones. "Rabies positives have been found in both domestic animals and wildlife very close to populated locations."
Alabama law requires dogs, cats, and ferrets 12 weeks of age and older to be current with rabies vaccination.
Although there are animal rabies vaccines lasting for one year or 3 years, the first rabies vaccination is only good for one year, regardless of which vaccine a pet receives. Vaccinating animals reduces the risk of rabies infection should an exposure occur; thus, vaccinations help protect animals, as well as their owners and caretakers. [And even neighbors who may have contact with an outdoors pet. - Mod.TG]
動物の狂犬病ワクチンには1年間有効なものと3年間有効なものがあるが、ペットがどのワクチンを接種しても、最初の狂犬病ワクチンの有効期限は1年間である。狂犬病ワクチンを接種することで、万が一狂犬病に感染した場合でも、そのリスクを減らすことができる。[また、屋外でペットと接触する可能性のある近隣住民も同様である。- 編集者注]
In addition to vaccination, residents near the rabies case were advised to take the following precautions to avoid possible exposure to rabies:
- Do not allow pets to run loose; confine them within a fenced-in area or with a leash.
- Do not leave uneaten pet food or scraps near your residence.
- Do not illegally feed or keep wildlife as pets.
- Do not go near wildlife or domestic animals acting in a strange or unusual manner.
- Caution children not to go near any stray or wild animal, regardless of its behavior.
- ペットを放し飼いにせず、柵で囲うか、リードをつける。
- 食べ残したペットの餌や残飯を家の近くに放置しない。
- 野生動物に違法に餌を与えたり、ペットとして飼ったりしない。
- 野生動物や家畜が奇妙な行動や異常な行動をする場 所には近づかない。
- 野良動物や野生動物がどのような行動をしていても、子供には近づかないように注意する。
More information about rabies and prevention can be obtained by calling ADPH or reading the ADPH's rabies fact sheet at https://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/infectiousdiseases/rabies.html.
[Byline(記事): Howard Koplowitz]
Communicated by:
[4] Alabama (Houston County): raccoon, vaccinated dog exposure
Date: Thu 31 Oct 2024
Source:WTVY.com [edited]
[4] アラバマ州(ヒューストン郡):アライグマ、ワクチン接種犬の暴露
日付: 2024年10月31日 (木)
出典:WTVY.com [編集済]
Houston County's first case of animal rabies in 2024 was confirmed Thursday [31 Oct 2024]. According to the Houston County Health Department, a raccoon found this week on Whitaker Road in Ashford, Alabama, tested positive for rabies.
The health department's investigation revealed a resident's dog fought and killed a raccoon in their yard. The dog's owner requested the raccoon be tested for rabies. There was no known human exposure, and the dog is vaccinated against the virus.
Residents in the area are asked to make sure pets are current on their rabies vaccinations and warn children not to pet or play with stray animals. They can also report strays to animal control officials. If bitten by an animal, the health department says to wash the wound with soap and water, immediately seek medical attention and report the bite to health department or animal control officials.
State law requires all dogs and cats 3 months old or older to be vaccinated. Last year [2023], there were 5 rabid animals found in Houston County: 3 raccoons, a bat, and a fox.
州法では、生後3カ月以上のすべての犬と猫にワクチン接種を義務づけている。昨年(2023年)、ヒューストン郡では5頭の狂犬病動物が発見された: アライグマ3頭、コウモリ1匹、キツネ1頭である。
Communicated by:
[5] New York, (Madison County): cat, human exposure
Date: Thu 24 Oct 2024
Source: CNY Central [edited]
[5] ニューヨーク、(マディソン郡):猫、ヒトへの暴露
日付: 2024年10月24日(木)
出典: CNYセントラル[編集]
A cat has tested positive for rabies in the Town of Hamilton.
The cat was sent to the New York State Department of Health Wadsworth Center for testing on 21 Oct [2024], and positive results were reported on 22 Oct [2024] . The stray black cat was found at the Seven Oaks Golf Club on 20 Oct 2024. One person was exposed to this cat and is receiving post-exposure prophylaxis. If anyone has had any contact with a black cat in the vicinity of Seven Oaks Golf Course since 10 Oct 2024 please call Madison County Public Health at as soon as possible.
この猫は10月21日[2024年]にニューヨーク州保健局ワズワースセンターに検査のために送られ、10月22日[2024年]に陽性結果が報告された。この黒い野良猫は2024年10月20日にSeven Oaks Golf Clubで発見された。1人がこの猫に暴露され、暴露後発症予防を受けている。2024年10月10日以降、セブン・オークス・ゴルフ・コース付近でこの黒い猫と接触した人は、できるだけ早くマディソン郡公衆衛生局に連絡してほしい。
If you see an animal, wild or stray, do not approach it and stay away. If despite your best efforts, you are bitten by the animal, or have come into contact with the animal's saliva, seek medical attention and contact Madison County Public Health to determine next steps. Rabies is a deadly disease and if you become exposed, it is vital to get appropriate care to avoid contracting rabies.
Signs of rabies include:
- animal acting strangely
- animal acting mad
- animal acting shy
- the animal may get unusually close
- drooling or foaming from the mouth
If you are concerned an animal is injured and/or may need help, do not touch it but contact a professional for assistance. Resources include:
- Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator: Licensed by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
- Wildlife Rehabilitator: Licensed by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
- Department of Environmental Conservation at 1-844-332-3267
For more information on rabies prevention, visit Madison County Public Health's rabies webpage (https://www.madisoncounty.ny.gov/1694/Rabies). If you have questions or are concerned about a possible rabies exposure, call
Madison County Public Health as soon as possible for further assessment.
[Byline(記事): Matthew Saffer]
Communicated by:
[6] New York (Jefferson County): raccoon
Date: Thu 7 Nov 2024
Source: 7 News [edited]
[6] ニューヨーク(ジェファーソン郡):アライグマ
日付: 2024年11月7日 (木)
For the twelfth time this year, an animal in Jefferson County has tested positive for rabies.
A racoon in the Town of Philadelphia had the disease, according to a statement Thursday [7 Nov 2024] morning from Jefferson County Public Health.
There are no known human or pet exposures., according to the statement.
This is the twelfth animal to test positive for rabies in Jefferson County this year [2024]. In addition to this raccoon, 2 cats, 6 raccoons, 2 skunks, and one bat have also tested positive for rabies in 2024.
Rabies is a fatal disease attacking the brain and spinal cord. It can take several weeks to several months for rabies signs to appear. Early treatment after an exposure can prevent rabies in humans and in pets who are up to date on vaccination. Any mammal can get rabies, but it is most often seen in bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes. Animals do not have to be aggressive or behave erratically to have rabies. Changes in any animal's normal behavior can be early signs of rabies.
Rabies cases have been identified across Jefferson County. Any unknown animal could have rabies. Avoid contact with unknown animals, including possible stray pets, as they may not have been vaccinated against rabies, Public Health cautioned in its statement.
Steps to control the spread of rabies:
- Teach children to stay away from unfamiliar animals, either wild or domestic, even if they appear friendly. Remind them to tell you if they have any unusual contact with an animal.
- Do not leave pet food outside as it attracts wildlife to your home.
- Wash any wound from an animal encounter thoroughly with soap and water and seek medical attention immediately.
- Be a responsible pet owner by keeping your pet's vaccinations current -- even strictly indoor pets. Getting your pet vaccinated by your vet or at a clinic (Petco, Tractor Supply, and Pet Supplies Plus offer rabies vaccination clinics) can help stop the spread of rabies from wild animals to humans.
- Monitor your pet when they are outside. If your pet is involved in an altercation with a wild animal, do not get in between them. Do not touch your pet without gloves as rabies is spread through saliva. Cover your pet with a towel and contact your veterinarian as your pet may need a booster shot.
Visit for more information.
Communicated by:
[7] South Carolina (Charleston and Calhoun counties): raccoon, bat,dogs, cat
Date: Fri 25 Oct 2024
Source: ABC News 4 [edited]
[7] サウスカロライナ州(チャールストン郡、カルフーン郡):アライグマ、コウモリ、犬、猫
日付: 2024年10月25日(金)
出典: ABC News 4 [編集済]
Animals testing positive for rabies have been confirmed in 2 different South Carolina counties, the South Carolina Department of Public Health announced Friday [25 Oct 2024].
No people are known to have been exposed to either animal as of Friday afternoon.
The racoon in Charleston was found near Ponce De Leon Avenue and Wespanee Drive. One dog and one cat were exposed and were placed in quarantine as required by the South Carolina Rabies Control Act.
The bat in St. Matthews [Calhoun County] was found near Buck and Antelope lanes. Health officials said 3 dogs were exposed and were placed in quarantine.
Communicated by:
[8] South Carolina (Cherokee County): puppy, skunk, human exposure;
(Berkeley County): raccoon, dog
Date: Tue 1 Oct 2024
Source: MSN.com [edited]
[8] サウスカロライナ(チェロキー郡):子犬、スカンク、ヒトへの暴露;(バークレー郡):アライグマ、犬
日付: 2024年10月1日(火)
出典:MSN.com MSN.com [編集済]
The South Carolina Department of Public Health (DPH) confirmed a raccoon and an unvaccinated puppy from different counties tested positive for rabies.
According to DPH, the unvaccinated puppy that tested positive for rabies was found near Union Highway and Stephenson Street in Gaffney, South Carolina. The puppy was exposed to a skunk 3 weeks before it began showing signs of rabies.
The puppy in Cherokee County was tested on Monday [30 Sep 2024] and was confirmed to have rabies on Tuesday [1 Oct 2024].
In Cherokee County, 3 people were exposed and have been referred to their health-care providers. One dog was exposed and will be quarantined as required in the South Carolina Rabies Control Act.
As for the raccoon that tested positive for rabies, officials said the raccoon was found near Alle Place and Morton Waring Lane in Pinopolis, South Carolina. Pinopolis is a town in Berkeley County.
狂犬病検査陽性のアライグマについて、当局によると、このアライグマはサウスカロライナ州ピノポリスのAlle PlaceとMorton Waring Laneの近くで発見された。ピノポリスはバークレー郡の町である。
The raccoon was tested on Tuesday [1 Oct] and tested positive for rabies on Wednesday [2 Oct 2024].
Officials said no people are known to have been exposed, but 3 dogs were exposed and will be quarantined.
If you believe that you, someone you know, or your pets have come in contact with this puppy, raccoon, or another animal that potentially has rabies, please call DPH's Upstate Greenville-Spartanburg office or Charleston during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday-Friday) or on the after-hours and holidays line.
Officials ask the public to report all animal bites, scratches, and exposures to potentially rabid animals to DPH.
"Rabies virus can be present in the saliva of infected dogs, cats, and ferrets during illness and even several days before clinical signs develop. The rabies virus is found in the saliva of infected animals and can be transmitted through a bite, scratch, broken skin, and the mucous membranes of your eyes, nose, or mouth. Immediately wash the affected area with plenty of soap and water," said Terri McCollister, rabies program director. "Contact your local Public Health office for further guidance."
It is important to keep pets up to date on their rabies vaccination, as this is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect against the disease.
Both the Cherokee County puppy and the Berkeley County raccoon are the first animals in their counties to test positive for rabies in 2024. There have been 70 cases of rabid animals statewide so far this year [2024].
Since 2002, South Carolina has averaged approximately 148 positive cases a year. In 2023, one of the 78 confirmed rabies cases in South Carolina was in Cherokee County, and none were in Berkeley County.
[Byline(記事): Zach Rainey]
Communicated by:
[9] Texas (Bee County): bat in home, unknown human exposure
Date: Sun 27 Oct 2024
Source: MSN.com [edited]
[9] テキサス州(ビー郡):家の中のコウモリ、ヒトへの暴露は不明
日付: 2024年10月27日(日)
出典: MSN.com[編集済]
The Beeville Animal Control Department is asking the community to be aware of a serious health concern recently arising in the area.
A bat discovered in a county residence was brought into the Animal Control office and submitted for rabies testing. Last Friday [25 Oct 2024], the department announced Local Rabies Control Authority (LRCA) had received confirmation the results were positive.
Pet owners should make sure to confirm their pets are up to date on their rabies vaccinations, which is crucial for their safety and the safety of the community, according to the department.
Beeville residents should also avoid handling high-risk animals, including any wild or domesticated animals potentially carrying the rabies virus.
The news has authorities asking residents to report any unusual behavior from wild and domestic animals. Signs of rabies could include an animal acting strangely or appearing sick.
If you are in Beeville. you can reach out to 361-362-7612.
For county residents, you can contact Bee County Community Affairs (County LRCA).
The department urged the Beeville community to practice vigilance to keep the community safe.
[Byline(記事): Mia Valdez]
Communicated by:
[10] Massachusetts (Hampshire County): cat, unknown human exposure
Date: Fri 1 Nov 2024
Source:MassLive.com [edited]
[10] マサチューセッツ(ハンプシャー郡):猫、ヒトへの暴露は不明
日付: 2024年11月1日 (金)
出典:MassLive.com [編集済]
A large, black, long-haired cat found in the area around Clement Street in Florence on 26 Oct [2024] has tested positive for rabies, the city of Northampton announced Friday [1 Nov 2024] afternoon. The feral cat from Northampton tested positive for rabies at the Massachusetts State Public Health Laboratory on Wednesday [30 Oct 2024].
Rabies is a serious disease, the city warns. But the city did not return a request for comment on why there was a gap between the time of confirmation of rabies and the notification of the public. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, treatment should begin as soon as possible after exposure.
Those who have had possible exposure are asked to reach out to medical staff right away. Anyone exposed to the cat's saliva – whether through a bite, scratch, open wound, feeding, or if saliva got into their eyes or mouth -- has had a high-risk exposure and should seek immediate attention.
If you or someone you know had contact with this cat between 16 and 26 Oct 2024, contact the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (available 24/7) or your health-care provider for a risk assessment. After exposure to rabies, disease can be prevented with prompt administration of rabies post-exposure prophylaxis. People who did not have any contact with the cat are not at risk from rabies.
If you have a pet that might have had contact with the cat, contact the Northampton Animal Control at or call the non-emergency dispatch line.
[Byline(記事): Jim Kinney]
Communicated by:
[The above media articles encompass a varied list of animals and situations representing exposure or potential exposure to, or death from, an animal having the rabies virus.
It does not matter what country you live in or visit, rabies remains a stealthy stalker and is a killer -- to untreated humans, and to unvaccinated animals, regardless of their size. Yes, horses, cattle, and other farm animals can and should be vaccinated against rabies.
どの国に住んでいようと、どの国を訪れようと、狂犬病は依然として忍び寄るストーカーであり、殺人者である – 処置を受けなかったヒトの、そして大きさに関わらず、ワクチンを受けていない動物の -。そう、馬や牛などの家畜は狂犬病の予防接種を受けることができるし、受けるべきである。
Sadly, a human life was taken by this stealthy stalker.
Do not take chances with your life or the life of any human. Protect
your pets. A vaccine is a small investment compared to the heartache of losing your animal buddy to the deadly rabies virus.
If you have been bitten, please see your physician or the emergency room right away. Post-exposure prophylaxis will likely be needed to save your life, if indeed the animal was positive for rabies.
Please look at the list of animals in this posting. It is a reminder any mammal, including humans, are susceptible to the rabies virus. -Mod.TG
この投稿に掲載されている動物のリストをご覧ください。狂犬病ウイルスに感染する可能性があるのは、ヒトを含むすべての哺乳類であることを忘れないでください。- 編集者注
ProMED maps:
United States: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8719943,106
South America:
[See Also:
Rabies (87): Americas (Canada, USA) raccoon, bat, skunk, calf, cat,
dog, human, fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20241017.8719431
Rabies (86): North America (USA) groundhog
Rabies (81): Americas (USA) bat exposure, fatal
Rabies (78): Americas, human, bat, cat, raccoon, fox, cow
Rabies (77): Canada (ON) human case, bat exposure
Rabies (72): North America (USA) dog, raccoon, fox, bat, bobcat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240902.8718508
Rabies (69): North America (USA) bat, raccoon, skunk, fox, dog, cat,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240822.871832
Rabies (65): North America (Canada, USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (64): North America (USA) multiple states and animals, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240808.8718002
Rabies (58): South America (Uruguay) North America (USA) bobcat, fox,
cat, human exp and more http://promedmail.org/post/20240710.8717476
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp
Rabies (53): North America (USA) fox, bat, cat, dog, woodchuck,
raccoon, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240618.8717092
Rabies (43): North America (USA) cat, raccoon, bat, fox, cow, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240509.871640
Rabies (40): North America (USA) raccoon, fox, cow, bat, human exp
Rabies (35): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, dog, cow, human exp
Rabies (32): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, fox, bat, dog, coyote,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240401.8715730
Rabies (30): North America (Mexico, USA) cat, fox, dog & human exp,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240328.8715661
Rabies (28): North America (USA) raccoon, otter, cat, skunk, dogs,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240320.8715504
Rabies (23): North America (USA) skunk, raccoon, cat, cow, dog,
bobcat, fox, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240314.8715372
Rabies (21): North America (USA) bat, horse, dog, raccoon, cat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240309.8715270
Rabies (15): North America (USA) coyote, dog, kitten, raccoon, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240224.8715017
Rabies (09): North America (USA) fox, dog, skunk, cat, cow, human exp
Rabies (06): North America (USA) otter, raccoon, cat, dog, skunk, fox,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240118.8714289
Rabies (03): North America (USA) cat, skunk, dog, bat, raccoon, fox,
horse, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714178
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