




[1] Date: Wed 18 Sep 2024
Source: Tunisie Numérique [in Arabic, trans. Mod.SF, abridged, edited]

出典:Tunisie Numérique [アラビア語, 編集者SF訳, 要約, 編集済].


Beja: 13 cases of rabies in animals

According to veterinarian Sofia Awadi, director of hygiene and environment in the municipality of Beja, 13 cases of rabies have been recorded in animals throughout the governorate, explaining that the municipality is working to eliminate the sites where stray dogs and cats gather, calling on citizens not to throw waste in the area around the containers.


She stressed the need for citizens to take the initiative to vaccinate their animals, in a statement to Tunisie Numérique reporter in the region.
また、同地域のTunisie Numérique記者の取材に対し、彼女は市民が率先して動物にワクチンを接種する必要性を強調した。


She pointed out that the municipality, in coordination with the local security guards and municipal police, is carrying out culling operations for stray dogs, saying that vaccinations are no longer sufficient, which necessitated resorting to culling.

Communicated by:

[2] Date: Wed 11 Sep 2024
Source: Ultra Tunisia [in Arabic, trans. Mod.SF, abridged, edited]
[2] 日付: 2024年9月11日(水)

出典 ウルトラ・チュニジアアラビア語, 編集者SF訳, 要約, 編集済]



In a statement to Diwan FM radio, the dean of veterinarians called on all citizens to be cautious and vigilant in light of the high number of rabies infections in animals, and the death of a number of horses, cows, sheep, wolves and other mammals, he said.
Diwan FMラジオに寄せた声明の中で、獣医学部長は、動物の狂犬病感染が多発し、馬、牛、羊、狼、その他の哺乳類が多数死亡していることを踏まえ、すべての市民に注意と警戒を呼びかけた。


It is noteworthy that the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture had announced the launch of the national campaign for rabies vaccination in Tunisia starting from the beginning of September 2024 to continue until the end of October 2024 in all Tunisian states, and reminded in a previous statement that this campaign is free and compulsory within the framework of the national program to combat rabies.


During a press conference held on Wednesday, 11 Sep 2024, the General Directorate of Veterinary Services at the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture revealed that about 61 645 dogs and cats have been vaccinated as part of the national campaign to combat rabies, and the veterinarian at the General Directorate of Veterinary Services, Hani Haj Omar, confirmed during the press conference that Tunisia has recorded 277 outbreaks this year [2024].


He noted that, for the 1st time, Tunisia recorded special cases, such as the appearance of 3 rabies infections in the golden wolf, given that dogs account for 68% of infections, according to the official Tunisian News Agency.


Official authorities in Tunisia have previously confirmed that the epidemiological situation of rabies is "serious" and announced that 9 rabies deaths have been recorded since the beginning of 2024, pointing out that the main cause of most human deaths after rabies infection is due to not receiving the post exposure treatment or not receiving it in time or interrupting it, in addition to the fact that the aggressor animal is usually a stray animal, according to a joint statement issued by the Ministries of Interior, Health and Agriculture on Friday, 16 Aug 2024.


On Monday, 19 Aug 2024, the Tunisian Ministry of Health announced the activation of a crisis committee to contain and prevent rabies in Tunisia and take the most important urgent measures to prevent further deaths from the disease. The ministry also set up 9 new rabies vaccination points in the emergency departments of hospitals in Tunis and the states of Kairouan and Sfax, all of which started working during the past May and June [2024].


It is noteworthy that the cases of deaths and injuries from rabies in Tunisia witnessed a steady rise in 2024, despite warnings issued by various health authorities in the country for years to take the necessary preventive measures and prevent the further spread of this disease.

Communicated by:

["In Tunisia, rabies is a notifiable disease with a national surveillance system in place [2]. The National Rabies Control Program (NRCP) was implemented in 1982, by a collaboration of the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health. This program focused on implementing dog mass vaccination, providing PEP to people who was exposed to suspected rabid dogs and maintaining epidemiological surveillance activities in order to detect all suspect cases [11]."


"Dog vaccination campaigns have been carried out on a yearly basis since 1993 [2]. It was free of charge for dog owners. Similarly, PEP was provided for free in the public sector and was consistently available in accordance with a Tunisian law published in March 2003 [11]. PEP consists of wound washing, vaccine, and in some cases rabies immunoglobulin (RIG). Following the national strategy, a significant improvement in rabies health status in Tunisia was noted with a decrease in animals and humans' cases [2]."
「犬のワクチン接種キャンペーンは、1993年以来、毎年実施されている[2]。犬の飼い主は無料で受けることができる。同様に、PEPは公共部門で無料で提供され、2003年3月に発表されたチュニジアの法律に従って一貫して利用可能であった[11]。 PEPは、創傷洗浄、ワクチン、および場合によっては狂犬病免疫グロブリン(RIG)で構成されている。国家戦略に従って、チュニジアにおける狂犬病の健康状態は大幅に改善され、動物およびヒトの症例が減少した[2]。


"The Tunisian revolution took place in January 2011 and many democratic gains were achieved. However, these political dynamics had impacted the performance of the health care system in a negative way which is common at moments of crisis or instability [3]. A significant upsurge in cases of rabies in dogs and humans was reported in many governorates and the epidemiological situation became alarming [12]. Instability and insecurity caused by the manifestations led to a decline in dog vaccination coverage and adverse consequences on the disease surveillance [2]. Veterinarians were unable to collect samples and a variation in reporting cases was noted [12]. Indeed, A drastic decrease in the number of submitted samples was observed (282 samples analyzed in 2011 compared to 415 in 2009) [13]."
「2011年1月にチュニジア革命が起こり、多くの民主化が達成された。しかし、このような政治力学は、危機や不安定な状況にありがちな、医療制度のパフォーマンスに悪影響を及ぼした [3]。犬や人間の狂犬病患者の大幅な増加が多くの州で報告され、疫学的状況は憂慮すべきものとなった[12]。狂犬病の発生によって引き起こされた不安定と不安により、犬のワクチン接種率が低下し、疾病サーベイランスに悪影響を及ぼした[2]。獣医師はサンプルを収集することができず、症例の報告にもばらつきが見られた [12]。実際、提出された検体数の激減が観察された(2009年の415検体に対し、2011年は282検体)[13]。


"A mismanagement of stray dogs has also been noted since 2011. Stray dog proliferation and the inaccessibility to such population may have influenced the vaccination coverage and limit the result of the control program. The NRCP strategy to control stray dogs was based on slaughter aiming to reduce the risk of infection to humans. This controversial practice was debated after the revolution, between the government and the civil society resulting in its suspension and growth in stray dog population. Controlling the stray dog population is a municipality responsibility. However, the lack of resources and personnel may be a barrier to appropriately facing their responsibilities [14]. The overall coverage vaccination varies from a region to another."



Additional information regarding rabies situation in both human and animal health sectors in can be found in the see also posts below. - Mod.SF
狂犬病のヒトと動物の両方の保健分野における状況に関する追加情報は、以下の投稿も参照されたい。- 編集者注

ProMED map:
Tunisia: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8718923,71]

[See Also:
Rabies (74): (KS) wolf, human exp
Rabies (71): Tunisia (SL, NB) animal
Rabies (70): Tunisia (ZA, MN) animal
Rabies (68): Tunisia, alarming rise, fatal
Rabies (62): Tunisia, alarming rise, fatal
Rabies (39): Tunisia, alarming rise, fatal
Rabies (10): Tunisia (KR) fatal
Rabies (41): Africa (Tunisia) human
Rabies (16): Eurasia (Thailand, Pakistan) Africa (Tunisia) human,
animal http://promedmail.org/post/20210610.8438528
Rabies (13): Eurasia, Africa (Tunisia) dog, cat, fox, human exp




Date: Fri 30 Aug 2024
Source: G1 [in Portuguese, machine trans., edited]

Department of Health confirms death of man from human rabies in Piauí; state had no cases for more than 10 years

The State Department of Health (Sesapi) confirmed this Friday [30 Aug 2024] that the 56-year-old man who died on Tuesday [27 Aug 2024] was a victim of human rabies, contracted after he was bitten by a marmoset in the rural area of Piripiri, 166 km [103 mi] north of Teresina. The agency reported that the last cases of human rabies in the state occurred more than 10 years ago, in 2013, in the cities of Parnaíba and Pio IX.

Sesapi also instructed the local health department to investigate, together with the family, the circumstances in which the incident occurred, as well as provide guidance on the disease.
The man died at the Natan Portella Institute of Tropical Diseases, in Teresina. He was hospitalized on 12 Aug 2024 after being bitten by a marmoset on 15 Jul 2024. According to the agency, the patient was hospitalized with encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), caused by the rabies virus. He was in the rural area of Piripiri when he was
attacked by a marmoset monkey, on 15 Jul 2024, but he only sought medical care weeks later [His presentation was at the onset of rabies symptoms at a time when any intervention would not be likely to affect the fatal outcome. It does not sound like he received postexposure prophylaxis. - Mod.LL]

男性はテレシナのナタン・ポルテラ熱帯病研究所で死亡した。彼は2024年7月15日にマーモセットに噛まれ、2024年8月12日に入院した。当局によると、患者は狂犬病ウイルスによる脳炎(脳の炎症)で入院した。彼は2024年7月15日にマーモセットに襲われたときピリピリの田舎にいたが、数週間後にようやく医療をうけた。[彼の診察は狂犬病の症状が現れ始めたときであり、いかなる医療介入も致命的な結果に影響を与える可能性は低い時期であった。彼は暴露後予防処置を受けていなかったようだ。 - Mod.LL]

According to Sesapi's Epidemiology Coordination, the victim began to experience symptoms such as vomiting, increased saliva and fainting, on 6 Aug 2024. He only went to the Chagas Rodrigues Regional Hospital, in Piripiri, on 12 Aug 2024, when he was transferred to the capital [was there an early suspicion of rabies? Did he receive a treatment protocol? Was the disease diagnosed during life or post-mortem? The diagnosis was confirmed by which method(s)? - Mod.RNA].
セサピ疫学コーディネーションによると、被害者は2024年8月6日に嘔吐、唾液の増加、失神などの症状を発症し始めた。彼は2024年8月12日ピリピリのシャガス・ロドリゲス地域病院に行き、そして州都に移送されたとき[狂犬病の早期の疑いはあったか?治療プロトコルを受けたか?病気(狂犬病)は生前または死後に診断されたか?どの方法で診断が確認されたか? - Mod.RNA]。

Still under guidance from the Ministry of Health, the State Department of Health contacted the Municipal Health Department of Piripiri to carry out a survey of the vaccination coverage of dogs and cats in the region, although the case in question involves a monkey. Sesapi also instructed the municipal secretariat to investigate with the family the circumstances in which the incident occurred, in addition to providing guidance on the disease.

[As noted in the abstract of the below paper, marmosets are considered a reservoir for human rabies in Brazil.
Citation: Benavides JA, Raghavan RK, Boere V, et al.

Spatio-temporal dynamics of rabies and habitat suitability of the common marmoset

_Callithrix jacchus_ in Brazil. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2022;16:e0010254.
"Rabies transmitted by wildlife is now the main source of human rabies in the Americas. The common marmose, is considered a reservoir of rabies causing sporadic and unpredictable human deaths in Brazil, but the extent of the spillover risk to humans remains unknown. In this study, we described the spatiotemporal dynamics of rabies affecting _C. jacchus_ reported to Brazil's Ministry of Health passive surveillance system between 2008 and 2020, and combined ecological niche modelling with _C. jacchus_ occurrence data to predict its suitable habitat. Our results show that 67 outbreaks (91 cases) of rabies affecting _C. jacchus_ were reported by 41 municipalities between January 2008 and October 2020, with a mean of 5 outbreaks/year [range: 1-14]. The maximum number of outbreaks and municipalities reporting cases occurred in 2018, coinciding with higher surveillance of primate deaths due to yellow fever. A mean of 3 [1-9] new municipalities reported outbreaks yearly, suggesting potential spatial expansions of the _C. jacchus_ variant in northeastern Brazil and emerging rabies spillover from vampire bat _Desmodus rotundus_ to _C. jacchus_ in the north and south. Outbreaks were concentrated in the states of Ceará (72%) and Pernambuco (16%) up to 2012, but are now reported in Piauí sin

ce 2013, in Bahia since 2017 (_D. rotundus_' antigenic variant, AgV3) and in Rio de Janeiro since 2019 (AgV3). Besides confirming suitable habitat for this primate in the northeast and the east coast of Brazil, our Maximum Entropy model also predicted suitable habitat on the north and the
west states of the country but predicted low habitat suitability among inland municipalities of the Caatinga biome reporting rabies. Our findings revealed new areas reporting rabies infecting _C. jacchus_, highlighting the need to implement strategies limiting spillover to humans and to better understand the drivers of _C. jacchus_ rabies
A recent review on rabies therapy can be found here:

「野生動物によって媒介される狂犬病は、現在、南北アメリカにおける人間の狂犬病の主な感染源となっている。コモンマーモセット(Callithrix jacchus)は、ブラジルで散発的かつ予測不可能な人間の死を引き起こす狂犬病のリザーバーであると考えられているが、人間への波及リスクの程度は不明である。本研究では、2008年から2020年の間にブラジル保健省の受動監視システムに報告されたマーモセットに影響を与える狂犬病の時間的動態を説明し、生態学的ニッチモデリングとマーモセットの発生データを組み合わせて、その適切な生息地を予測した。結果によると、マーモセットに影響を与える狂犬病の発生は67件(91件)であった。 2008年1月から2020年10月の間に41の自治体から狂犬病の発生が報告され、平均で年間5件[範囲:1~14]の発生があった。発生件数と自治体の報告例が最高だったのは2018年で、黄熱病による霊長類の死亡の監視が強化された時期と一致した。平均して年間3[1~9]の新たな自治体で発生が報告されており、ブラジル北東部でのマーモセット変種の空間的拡大の可能性と、北部と南部での吸血コウモリ_Desmodus rotundus_からマーモセットへの新たな狂犬病のスピルオーバーが示唆されている。 2012年まではセアラー州(72%)とペルナンブコ州(16%)で発生が集中していたが、現在2013年以降はピアウイ州、2017年以降はバイーア州(_D. rotundus_抗原変異株、AgV3)、2019年以降はリオデジャネイロ(AgV3)で発生が報告されている。私たちの最大エントロピーモデルは、この霊長類の生息地がブラジル北東部と東海岸に適していることを確認したほか、同国の北部と西部の州にも適した生息地があると予測したが、狂犬病が報告されているカアチンガバイオームの内陸部の自治体では生息地の適合性が低いと予測した。私たちの調査結果では、狂犬病に感染したマーモセットが新たに報告されていることが明らかになり、人間への波及を抑制する戦略を実施し、マーモセットの狂犬病発生要因をより深く理解する必要があることが明らかになった。

Citation: Lacy M, Phasuk N, Scholand SJ: Human rabies treatment-from palliation to promise. Viruses. 2024;16:160. doi: 10.3390/v16010160. Erratum in: Viruses. 2024;16:264. doi: 10.3390/v16020264.
"Rabies encephalitis has plagued humankind for thousands of years. In developed countries, access to preventive care, both pre-exposure and post-exposure, has significantly reduced the burden of suffering and disease. However, around the world, rabies remains a neglected tropical disease, largely due to uncontrolled dog rabies, and tens of thousands perish each year. Currently, the standard of care for management of rabies encephalitis is palliation. Heroic attempts to treat human rabies patients over the last few decades have yielded glimpses into our understanding of pathophysiology, opening the door to the development of new antiviral therapies and modalities of
treatment. Researchers continue to investigate new compounds and approaches to therapy, yet there remain real challenges given the complexity of the disease. We explore and review some of the promising therapies on the horizon in pursuit of a salvage treatment for rabies." - Mod.LL
ProMED map:
Brazil: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8718522,6]
要約 「狂犬病脳炎は何千年もの間人類を悩ませてきた。先進国では、感染前と感染後の予防ケアにより、苦しみと病気の負担が大幅に軽減された。しかし、全世界的には犬の狂犬病が制御されておらず、対策が無視されている熱帯病のままであり、毎年何万人もの人が亡くなっている。現在、狂犬病脳炎に対する標準的治療は緩和療法である。過去数十年間にわたる人間の狂犬病患者を治療するための勇敢な試みにより、病態生理学の理解が垣間見え、新しい抗ウイルス療法と治療法の開発への扉が開かれた。研究者は新しい薬剤と治療法の研究を続けているが、まだ病気の複雑に対する真の挑戦が残っている。狂犬病の救命治療を求めて、将来有望な治療法のいくつかを調査し、総説する。」 - Mod.LL ProMED マップ:

Brazil: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8718522,6]

[See Also:
Rabies (64): North America (USA) multiple states and animals, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240808.8718002
Rabies (58): South America (Uruguay) North America (USA) bobcat, fox,
cat, human exp and more http://promedmail.org/post/20240710.8717476
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp:
Rabies (53): North America (USA) fox, bat, cat, dog, woodchuck,
raccoon, human exp: http://promedmail.org/post/20240618.8717092
Rabies (43): North America (USA) cat, raccoon, bat, fox, cow, human
exp: http://promedmail.org/post/20240509.871640
Rabies (40): North America (USA) raccoon, fox, cow, bat, human exp
Rabies (35): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, dog, cow, human exp
Rabies (32): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, fox, bat, dog, coyote,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240401.8715730
Rabies (30): North America (Mexico, USA) cat, fox, dog & human exp,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240328.8715661
Rabies (28): North America (USA) raccoon, otter, cat, skunk, dogs,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240320.8715504
Rabies (23): North America (USA) skunk, raccoon, cat, cow, dog,
bobcat, fox, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240314.8715372
Rabies (21): North America (USA) bat, horse, dog, raccoon, cat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240309.8715270
Rabies (15): North America (USA) coyote, dog, kitten, raccoon, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240224.8715017
Rabies (09): North America (USA) fox, dog, skunk, cat, cow, human exp
Rabies (06): North America (USA) otter, raccoon, cat, dog, skunk, fox,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240118.8714289
Rabies (03): North America (USA) cat, skunk, dog, bat, raccoon, fox,
horse, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714178
Rabies (59): North America (USA) fox, skunk, cat, dog, human exp
Rabies (58): Brazil, marmoset strain, bat
Rabies (16): Americas (Brazil) marmoset
Rabies (33): Americas (Brazil, USA) animal, human
Rabies (14): Americas (USA, Brazil) animal, human exp, human death
Rabies (10): Americas (Brazil, USA) bat, cattle, cat, dog, human exp.



In this posting:
[1] North Carolina (Cumberland County): dog, raccoon
[2] Georgia (Murray County): raccoon, human exposure
[3] Georgia (Fulton County): fox, dog
[4] Wisconsin (Polk County): bat, human exposure
[5] South Carolina (Georgetown County): bobcat
[6] Washington (Seattle & King County): bat, human exposure

[1] North Carolina (Cumberland County) : dog, raccoon

Date: Wed 21 Aug 2024 10:37 EDT
Source: Fayetteville Observer [abridged, edited]

出典:Fayetteville Observer(要約・編集済)

Cumberland County officials are warning the public to protect their pets against rabies after the North Carolina Public Health Lab confirmed a case of rabies off Strickland Bridge Road, a news release said.


Cumberland County Animal Services said a resident reported their dog was in a fight with a raccoon in the 6200 block of Withers Drive on Saturday [17 Aug 2024], the release said. The dog killed the raccoon during the fight and did not sustain any injuries, according to the release.


The dog that encountered the raccoon had up-to-date vaccinations for rabies.


Animal Services responded and sent the raccoon to the NC State Public Health Lab in Raleigh, where the animal was confirmed to be rabid, officials said.


The release warns pet owners that the first signs of an animal that has contracted rabies is usually a change in behavior, followed by the animal becoming more aggressive, attacking for no reason or suddenly becoming very quiet. Other signs include animals that are walking in a circle, dragging a leg, or falling over. Some animals will become
unable to swallow, making it difficult for them to eat or drink, and they often die within a week of first becoming ill, according to the release.


[Byline: Joseph Pierre]

Communicated by:

[2] Georgia (Murray County): raccoon, human exposure

Date: Tue 20 Aug 2024 08:50 CDT
Source: Fox 17 Nashville [edited]


A northwest Georgia family is now getting a series of painful shots after a recent run-in with a raccoon, in a story which health officials share as a cautionary tale about the risks of interacting with wild animals. The incident happened in the Clear Creek Village
subdivision in Chatsworth last Saturday evening [17 Aug 2024], according to a release from the Dalton branch of the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH).


There, a family's children were playing with a raccoon that had wandered into their backyard. DPH says the raccoon scratched one child, and then bit and scratched both the child's mother and father as they tried to remove it. All family members are now receiving post-exposure prophylaxis as a precaution, according to DPH's release.


"This serves as a reminder to the public to avoid handling wild animals, as they can carry diseases such as rabies," said Krista Ray of Murray County Environmental Health. "Rabies, if left untreated, is almost always fatal. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that pets are up to date on their rabies vaccinations to protect both themselves and their owners from potential exposure."

 「この件から、野生動物を扱うことを避けるよう一般の方々に再認識してもらわなければなりません。野生動物は狂犬病などの病気にかかっている可能性があります」と、マレー郡環境保健局のKrista Ray氏は述べる。「狂犬病は治療されなければ、ほぼ必ず死に至ります。さらに、ペットが狂犬病の予防接種を毎年受け続けることが、自身と飼い主を感染する可能性から守るために不可欠です。」

DPH stresses to families that they should make sure their kids know not to approach wildlife when they see it. And if you have pets, make sure their vaccines are up to date -- including for rabies.


Communicated by:

[3] Georgia (Fulton County): fox, dog

Date: Wed 21 Aug 2024 06:52 PDT
Source: Inside Edition [edited]

出典:Inside Edition(編集済み)

A Georgia woman was trying to protect her dogs who were being attacked by a fox, but then the fox turned on her and according to reports, the wild animal had rabies.


[GW], who lives just outside Atlanta, did everything she could to protect her pets, but the fox brought her to the ground. "I was on the ground and literally all I could see was teeth coming at me," she tells Inside Edition. "I just wanted to get the dogs out of the danger and get them back into the house."

 アトランタ郊外に住む[GW]氏は、愛犬を守るために全力を尽くしたが、キツネに打ち倒されてしまった。「地面に倒れ込んで、見えたのは迫りくる牙だけでした」と彼女はInside Edition【訳者注:新聞社】に語っている。「とにかく犬たちを危険から守り、家に戻したかったんです。」

She says a neighbor's dog killed the fox later the same day and the wild animal was found to have rabies.


[GW] wasn't bitten and didn't need rabies shots. But she's taking precautions with her dogs, Sammy and Luna. "They're not very happy because they are quarantined so there's not a whole lot of play for them," she says. [This may imply the dogs were vaccinated against rabies, as otherwise the dogs would likely have been euthanized.


 [GW] 氏は咬まれず、狂犬病の予防接種を受ける必要はなかったが、彼女は愛犬のサミーとルナに対して予防措置を取っている。「犬たちはあまり満足していません。隔離されているので、あまり遊べないんです」と彼女は言う。(このことから、犬たちは狂犬病の予防接種を受けていることがうかがわれる。そうでなければおそらく安楽殺させられていただろう。- Mod.TG)

A second fox spotted nearby was also put down by wildlife officials and is now being tested for rabies.


Communicated by:

[4] Wisconsin (Polk County): bat, human exposure

Date: Tue 20 Aug 2024 15:52 EDT
Source: WEAU 13 News [edited]

出典:WEAU 13 News(編集済み)

The Polk County Public Health Department is informing the public of a report of a bat testing positive for rabies in Polk County. According to a press release from the Polk County Public Health Department, the bat was tested after an encounter with a person.


The Polk County Public Health Department offers the following suggestions:
- Check your pet's vaccination histories and update as necessary. Keep vaccine records and note type of vaccine (1-year or 3-year duration).
- Do not keep wild or exotic animals as pets.
- Do not handle wild animals.
- Teach your children not to approach strange animals, including others' pets.
- If you or a family member are bitten or scratched, wash the wound immediately with liberal amounts of soap and water, and report to your local physician, your local public health department during business hours, or local law enforcement after hours.
- Any exposure (bite or non-bite) to bats should be discussed as soon as possible with your physician or your local health department.
- Do not dispose of or release an animal having bitten a person until consulting with public health. Observation or testing of the animal can eliminate the need to administer the series of injections to prevent rabies.



  • ペットのワクチンの接種状況を確認し、必要なら接種を行う。記録を保管し、ワクチンの種類(1年または3年有効)を覚えておくこと。
  • 野生動物やエキゾチックアニマルをペットとして飼わないこと。
  • 野生動物には触れないようにすること。
  • お子さんに、他人のペットであっても見慣れない動物には近づかないよう教えておくこと。
  • あなたや家族が動物に咬まれたり、ひっかかれたりした場合、傷口を大量の石鹸と水で直ちに洗い流し、地域の医師や公衆衛生局(営業時間内)または警察(営業時間外)に連絡すること。
  • (咬まれた、あるいはそうでなかった場合でも)コウモリと接触があった場合は、できるだけ早く医師や地元の公衆衛生局に相談を。
  • 人を咬んだ動物を処分したり、捨てたりしてしまう前に、必ず公衆衛生局に相談を。動物の経過観察や検査により、狂犬病暴露後予防のための一連の注射を省略できることがある。

According to the press release, most exposures to humans or animals occur through a bite or scratch of a rabid animal.


For more information regarding rabies in animals, you are asked to contact the Polk County Public Health Department.


[Byline: Samantha Nitz]

Communicated by:

[5] South Carolina (Georgetown County): bobcat

Date: Thu 22 Aug 2024 13:57 EDT
Source: ABC News 4 [edited]

出典:ABC News 4(編集済み)

A bobcat in Hemingway, SC tested positive for rabies August 19 [2024] according to the South Carolina Department of Public Health (DPH).


The department confirmed a bobcat found near Pleasant Hill Drive and Caterpillar Court tested positive for rabies after exposing a dog to the disease. The dog was quarantined as required in the South Carolina Rabies Control Act.


In order to reduce the risk of pets being exposed to rabies, the DPH recommends keeping wild animals away from pets and always give wild and stray animals their space.


"If you see an animal in need, avoid touching it and contact someone trained in handling animals, such as your local animal control officer, wildlife control operator, or wildlife rehabilitator," said Terri McCollister, Rabies Program director, in a prepared statement.

 「助けが必要な動物を見かけた場合は、その動物には触れず、地元の動物管理官、野生動物管理官、または野生動物のリハビリテーターのような、動物の扱いに慣れた人に相談してください」と、狂犬病プログラム責任者のTerri McCollister氏は声明で述べている。

Additionally, it is also important to keep pets up to date on their rabies vaccination, which is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect against rabies.


This bobcat is the first animal in Georgetown County to test positive for rabies in 2024. There have been 51 cases of rabid animals statewide this year.


[Byline: Abigail Quinn]

Communicated by:

[6] Washington (Seattle & King County): bat, human exposure

Date: Sat 31 Aug 2024
Source: Yahoo News [edited]


A rabid bat was discovered Thursday [29 Aug 2024] in Renton, prompting a public health warning for anyone who may have come into contact with it.


Public Health - Seattle & King County is urging individuals who might have had any contact with the bat, even if they were not bitten, to seek immediate medical evaluation. Those at risk should call Public Health to determine if treatment is necessary for rabies exposure.


Rabies is a life-threatening disease but is treatable if caught early before symptoms appear.


A King County resident initially reported the bat after observing it behaving unusually. The bat was euthanized by a local wildlife rehabilitation center on the same day and later tested positive for rabies on Friday [30 Aug 2024].


So far, Public Health has identified 2 people who may have been exposed to the bat. Both are being evaluated to determine if rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is needed. Dr. Elysia Gonzales, Medical Epidemiologist at Public Health - Seattle & King County, emphasized the importance of identifying anyone who may have been exposed to the bat.

 これまでに、公衆衛生局はコウモリに接触した可能性がある2人を特定しており、両者は狂犬病の曝露後予防治療(PEP)が必要かどうか検討されている。シアトル&キング郡公衆衛生局の医療疫学者であるElysia Gonzales医師は、コウモリに接触した可能性のある人々を早期に特定する重要性を強調した。

"Rabies is treatable if caught before symptoms appear, so identifying anyone who has had contact with the bat as soon as possible is important," she said. Contact includes touching a bat, being bitten, scratched, or any other bare-skin contact with the bat or its saliva.


Pets that may have been exposed to the bat should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. Even if pets are current on their rabies , they must be revaccinated if they had any contact with a bat.


Rabies is a viral disease affecting the central nervous system and is almost always fatal once signs or symptoms begin. The virus is typically transmitted through the saliva of an infected animal via a bite or scratch.


If a bat is found inside a home, Public Health advises contacting them immediately to determine if testing for rabies is necessary. For more information on safely handling a bat, visit https://kingcounty.gov/bats.


[Byline: Shawn Garrett]

Communicated by

[Humans can be exposed to rabies by a bat and may not realize at first that the bat has bitten them. Bats have exceedingly sharp teeth, and the victim, especially if it is a sleeping human, may not know they have been bitten.


Regardless of your location, be sure your pets, large and small, are vaccinated. Also vaccinate your livestock, especially cattle and horses, against rabies. There are specific rabies vaccines for some groups of livestock, so check with your veterinarian.


If an animal seems like its gait or behavior is out of the normal realm, remember to consider rabies before you potentially put yourself in a situation needing post-exposure treatment. - Mod.TG


ProMED maps:
North Carolina, United States:
Georgia, United States:
Wisconsin, United States:
Washington State, United States:
South Carolina, United States:

[See Also:
Rabies (69): North America (USA) bat, raccoon, skunk, fox, dog, cat,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240822.871832
Rabies (65): North America (Canada, USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (64): North America (USA) multiple states and animals, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240808.8718002
Rabies (58): South America (Uruguay) North America (USA) bobcat, fox,
cat, human exp and more http://promedmail.org/post/20240710.8717476
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp
Rabies (53): North America (USA) fox, bat, cat, dog, woodchuck,
raccoon, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240618.8717092
Rabies (43): North America (USA) cat, raccoon, bat, fox, cow, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240509.871640
Rabies (40): North America (USA) raccoon, fox, cow, bat, human exp
Rabies (35): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, dog, cow, human exp
Rabies (32): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, fox, bat, dog, coyote,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240401.8715730
Rabies (30): North America (Mexico, USA) cat, fox, dog & human exp,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240328.8715661
Rabies (28): North America (USA) raccoon, otter, cat, skunk, dogs,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240320.8715504
Rabies (23): North America (USA) skunk, raccoon, cat, cow, dog,
bobcat, fox, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240314.8715372
Rabies (21): North America (USA) bat, horse, dog, raccoon, cat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240309.8715270
Rabies (15): North America (USA) coyote, dog, kitten, raccoon, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240224.8715017
Rabies (09): North America (USA) fox, dog, skunk, cat, cow, human exp
Rabies (06): North America (USA) otter, raccoon, cat, dog, skunk, fox,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240118.8714289
Rabies (03): North America (USA) cat, skunk, dog, bat, raccoon, fox,
horse, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714178
Rabies (59): North America (USA) fox, skunk, cat, dog, human exp
Rabies (54): North America (USA) skunk, coyote, racoon, dog, human
exposure http://promedmail.org/post/20231223.8713861
Rabies (51): North America (USA) fox, cat, fisher, goat, human exp
Rabies (48): North America (USA) horse, fox, raccoon, kitten, bat,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20231118.8713208
Rabies (46): North America (Canada, USA) kitten, cat, dog, bat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20231105.8712996
Rabies (44): North America (USA) kitten, bat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (43): North America (USA) fox
Rabies (40): North America (Canada, USA) bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (39): North America (USA) otter, fox, dog, human exp
Rabies (37): North America (USA) dog, raccoon, cat, bat, skunk, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230925.8712316
Rabies (36): North America (USA) fox, raccoon
Rabies (35): Americas, dog, bat, human exp
Rabies (34): North America (USA) fox, dog, cat, raccoon, bat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230802.8711520
Rabies (33): North America (USA) fox, bat, dog, beaver, cat, human exp
Rabies (32): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (31): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) bat, cat, dog, human exp
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) dog, cat, bat, fox, groundhog, human exp
Rabies (24): Americas (Canada, USA) Australia, human exp, bats, cats,
wildlife http://promedmail.org/post/20230610.8710499
Rabies (23): Americas (Canada, USA) fox, bat, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (20): Americas (USA) bat, possible human exp
Rabies (01): Americas, cat, bat, cattle, skunk, pig, dog, human
cases/exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230103.8707561]

狂犬病(77): カナダ(オンタリオ州) ヒトの症例、コウモリによる暴露



Date: Fri 6 Sep 2024 15:54 EDT

日付:2024年9月6日(金) 15:54 東部標準時
Source: CBC [edited]


Ontario has recorded its first domestically acquired case of human rabies since 1967. The Brant County Health Unit said Friday [6 Sep 2024] that a resident of Brantford-Brant is currently hospitalized with the virus. The unit added that the suspected exposure was from a bat in the Gowanda area of the Timiskaming region just north of Sudbury.

Dr. Kieran Moore, Chief Medical Officer of Health for Ontario, said in a statement on Friday [6 Sep 2024] that officials believe the person became infected after "direct contact" with a bat in Ontario. No details about the person will be released to protect privacy, he
オンタリオ州保健所の主任医務官であるKieran Moore博士は、金曜日(2024年9月6日)の声明で、当局はオンタリオ州でコウモリと「直接接触」して感染したと考えていると述べた。プライバシー保護のため、この感染者についての詳細は公表されないとのことである。

Brant County Medical Officer of Health Dr. Rebecca Comley offered her sympathy to the patient. "Our heartfelt thoughts are with this individual and their loved ones during this incredibly difficult time," she said in the release. Comley said there has never before been a confirmed case of rabies in a Brantford-Brant resident.
Brant郡保健医務官のRebecca Comley博士は、患者にお見舞いの言葉を述べた。「私たちの心からの思いは、この信じられないほど困難な時期に、この患者とその愛する人たちとともにある」と彼女は声明の中で述べた。Comley博士によると、Brantford-Brant郡の住民の狂犬病が確認されたのは初めてのことだという。

Bats in all areas of Ontario are known to carry rabies, the unit said in the release. Moore said close contacts of the person, including family members and health care providers, are being assessed and offered post-exposure prophylaxis as a precaution.

Rabies is a virus that affects the brain and spinal cord, he added. "If anyone in Ontario has direct physical contact with a bat, even if there is no visible bite or scratch, or if they have been bitten or exposed to saliva or infectious tissues from another animal species,
they should seek immediate medical attention," Moore said. "The health care provider, in consultation with the local public health unit, will assess the risk of rabies and may offer vaccines to prevent infection."

Moore said immediate medical care after suspected rabies exposure is critical. "Post-exposure medical care includes washing the area with soap and water as soon as possible, a dose of rabies immune globulin and a series of rabies vaccines which must be administered as soon as possible after exposure. This treatment is nearly 100% effective when administered promptly."

According to the health unit, rabies cases in humans are so rare, there have only been 26 cases in Canada since 1924. It said there has never been a documented case of human-to-human transmission.

Brant County Health Unit offered up these tips to keep yourself and your pets safe:

- Under law, people must keep their pets and livestock rabies vaccinations up to date.


- Do not touch unfamiliar animals.

- Keep pets away from wildlife.

- Supervise children when they are around animals.

- Don't let pets roam free outdoors.

- Feed pets inside as food outdoors can attract unwanted animals.


If anyone comes into direct contact with a bat or an animal known to carry rabies and if that animal bites or scratches a person, they are warned to immediately wash the wound with soap and water and seek medical attention.

Communicated by:

[While almost uniformly fatal, more data on survival from human rabies are accruing. The following 2024 article overviews potential newer interventions:

Lacy M, Phasuk N, Scholand SJ: Human rabies treatment – from palliation to promise. Viruses. 2024;16:160.
Lacy M, Phasuk N, Scholand SJ:ヒトの狂犬病治療-緩和から期待へ.Viruses. 2024;16:160.


"Rabies encephalitis has plagued humankind for thousands of years. In developed countries, access to preventive care, both pre-exposure and post-exposure, has significantly reduced the burden of suffering and disease. However, around the world, rabies remains a neglected tropical disease, largely due to uncontrolled dog rabies, and tens of thousands perish each year. Currently, the standard of care for management of rabies encephalitis is palliation. Heroic attempts to treat human rabies patients over the last few decades have yielded glimpses into our understanding of pathophysiology, opening the door to the development of new antiviral therapies and modalities of
treatment. Researchers continue to investigate new compounds and approaches to therapy, yet there remain real challenges given the complexity of the disease. We explore and review some of the promising therapies on the horizon in pursuit of a salvage treatment for rabies."
- Mod.LL


ProMED map:
Ontario Province, Canada:

[See Also:
Rabies (73): Brazil (PI) human fatality, marmoset bite source
Rabies (64): North America (USA) multiple states and animals, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240808.8718002
Rabies (58): South America (Uruguay) North America (USA) bobcat, fox,
cat, human exp and more http://promedmail.org/post/20240710.8717476
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp
Rabies (53): North America (USA) fox, bat, cat, dog, woodchuck,
raccoon, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240618.8717092
Rabies (43): North America (USA) cat, raccoon, bat, fox, cow, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240509.871640
Rabies (40): North America (USA) raccoon, fox, cow, bat, human exp
Rabies (35): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, dog, cow, human exp
Rabies (32): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, fox, bat, dog, coyote,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240401.8715730
Rabies (30): North America (Mexico, USA) cat, fox, dog & human exp,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240328.8715661
Rabies (28): North America (USA) raccoon, otter, cat, skunk, dogs,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240320.8715504
Rabies (23): North America (USA) skunk, raccoon, cat, cow, dog,
bobcat, fox, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240314.8715372
Rabies (21): North America (USA) bat, horse, dog, raccoon, cat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240309.8715270
Rabies (15): North America (USA) coyote, dog, kitten, raccoon, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240224.8715017
Rabies (09): North America (USA) fox, dog, skunk, cat, cow, human exp
Rabies (06): North America (USA) otter, raccoon, cat, dog, skunk, fox,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240118.8714289
Rabies (03): North America (USA) cat, skunk, dog, bat, raccoon, fox,
horse, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714178
Rabies (59): North America (USA) fox, skunk, cat, dog, human exp
Rabies (58): Brazil, marmoset strain, bat
Rabies (16): Americas (Brazil) marmoset

狂犬病(65): 北米(カナダ、アメリカ合衆国) 動物とヒト曝露例



In this post: 本稿に含まれるもの:
Canada カナダ
[1] Ontario: bat, human exposure  オンタリオ州:コウモリ、ヒト曝露


USA 米国
[2] Virginia (Bland County): cow バージニア州(ブランド郡):牛
[3] Virginia (City of Hopewell): fox, dog バージニア州ホープウェル市):キツネ、犬
[4] Washington (Island County): bat, human exposure ワシントン州(アイランド郡):コウモリ、ヒト曝露
[5] Colorado ex Texas: dog, human exposure コロラド州テキサス州を除く):犬、ヒト曝露
  [A] Adoption event 譲渡イベント
  [B] Follow-up フォローアップ
[6] New Jersey (Burlington County): kitten, human exposure 

[7] North Carolina (Eno River State Park, Durham County): racoon, human exposure 



[1] Ontario: bat, human exposureオンタリオ州:コウモリ、ヒト曝露
Date: Sat 10 Aug 2024

日付: 2024年8月10日土曜日
Source: CP24.com [edited]

情報源: CP24.com (編集済)

A Hamilton resident is receiving treatment after being exposed to a bat with rabies, health officials say.
In a news release, the city said that Hamilton Public Health Services received confirmation of its first positive rabid bat in about a year. The last confirmation was in August 2023.



"This serves as a reminder to stay away from bats and other animals that can carry rabies such as raccoons, skunks, foxes, as well as stray or unknown cats and dogs," the city said in its release.
Rabies is a potentially fatal virus that affects mammals. It is most commonly spread by wild animals like raccoons, skunks, foxes, and bats through a bite by an infected animal.



Hamilton is currently seeing an outbreak of rabies, mainly in raccoons and skunks, the city said. Some 330 animals have tested positive for rabies since December 2015. That includes 215 raccoons, 112 skunks, one fox, and 2 stray cats.

In addition, the city has seen 20 positive tests in bats since 2015, including 7 last year [2023]. Toronto and York Region have also seen confirmed rabies cases in bats in recent months.

Officials are advising people to avoid contact with wild animals, noting rabies can make them behave aggressively or appear sick, scared, or friendly.
People are also being advised to "bat proof" their homes, not keep wild animals as pets, and to report any animals that are behaving strangely to the city.
Cats and dogs can also be vaccinated against the disease.



"If you are bitten by an animal, or had direct contact with an animal's saliva, wash the wound with soap and water, seek medical attention immediately or call Public Health Services at 905-546-2489," the city said.

[Byline: Joshua Freeman]

Communicated by:


[2] Virginia (Bland County): cow バージニア州(ブランド郡):牛

Date: Wed 7 Aug 2024

日付: 2024年8月7日水曜日
Source: WDBJ 7 [edited]

情報源: WDBJ 7 (編集済)

A cow in Bland County has tested positive for rabies, according to the Virginia Department of Health Mount Rogers Health District.
マウント・ロジャース保健地区 バージニア州保健局 (VDH)によると、ブランド郡の牛が狂犬病の陽性反応を示した。


On 1 Aug [2024], a cow was seen drooling and falling over on West Blue Grass Trail in Bland County, says the VDH. The cow was then transported to Blacksburg for treatment, and died the next day. VDH officials say the cow tested positive for rabies, but the source of infection remains unknown.
Anyone who believes they may have come into contact with the cow is asked to call the Bland County Health Department.


The Virginia Department of Health lists tips to help prevent the spread of rabies:
- Avoid contact with wild animals and domestic animals you do not know.
- Report unusual-acting animals.
- Vaccinate all of your dogs, cats, and ferrets, and keep their vaccinations current.
- Call your doctor and the local health department if you are exposed, or your veterinarian and local animal control if your pet is exposed to an animal with rabies.

- 野生動物や見知らぬ飼育動物との接触を避ける。

- いつもと違う行動をとる動物を報告する。

- 飼い犬、飼い猫、飼っているフェレットにはワクチンを接種し、常に最新の状態に保つ。

- 狂犬病の動物に曝露した場合は、かかりつけの医師と地域の保健所に、ペットが曝露した場合は、かかりつけの獣医師と地域の動物管理局に連絡するように。

[Byline: Kaitlyn Dillon]

Communicated by:

[3] Virginia (City of Hopewell): fox, dog バージニア州ホープウェル市):キツネ、犬
Date: Thu 8 Aug 2024

日付: 2024年8月8日木曜日
Source: Virginia Government [edited]

情報源: Virginia Government (編集済)

On 5 Aug [2024], a fox entered a yard on Franklin Street in Hopewell and fought with a dog. The fox was killed. The fox has since tested positive for rabies.

"Please notify public health officials or animal control immediately if you live near Franklin Street and think you or your pet(s) had contact with the infected fox, "said Crater Health District Director Alton Hart, Jr., MD, MPH, MDiv. "The community's safety is our priority. Make sure your pets are vaccinated, especially against rabies."
"Rabies is a preventable disease. We encourage all pet owners to vaccinate their animals to protect them and the community," said Toinette Waldon, Environmental Health manager in Crater Health District.
「フランクリン通りの近くに住んでいて、ご自身やあなたのペットが感染したキツネと接触したと思われる場合は、すぐに公衆衛生局または動物管理局に連絡してください。地域の安全が最優先です。ペットの予防接種、特に狂犬病の予防を徹底してください。」と、クレーター保健区 局長のアルトン・ハート・ジュニア医師、MPH、MDivは述べている。

狂犬病は予防可能な病気です。ペットの飼い主の皆さんには、飼育動物と地域社会を守るため、飼育動物へのワクチン接種をお勧めします」とクレーター保健区 環境衛生マネージャー、トワネット・ウォルドン氏は述べている。

The Crater Health District strongly advises that people take the following steps to prevent families and pets from being exposed to rabies:
- Vaccinate all cats, dogs, and ferrets against rabies and keep them up to date.
- Avoid contact with wild animals or stray cats and dogs.
- Do not feed wild animals or stray cats and dogs.
- Report stray animals to your local animal control agency.
- Eliminate outdoor food sources around the home.
- Keep pets confined to your property or walk them on a leash.

- すべての猫、犬、フェレット狂犬病ワクチンを接種し、最新の状態に保つ。

- 野生動物や野良猫、野良犬との接触を避ける。

- 野生動物や野良猫や野良犬に餌を与えない。

- 地元の動物管理機関に野良動物を見かけたら報告する。

- 家の周りの屋外にある食料源となるものをなくす。

- ペットは家の敷地内のみで飼育するか、リードをつけて散歩させる。

To report a stray and/or suspicious animal, please contact the Hopewell Animal Control. If you have concerns about exposure to rabies, contact your healthcare provider immediately. For more information on protecting your family from rabies, visit
or https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/.

[Byline: Brian Little]

Communicated by:

[4] Washington (Island County): bat, human exposure ワシントン州(アイランド郡):コウモリ、ヒト曝露
Date: Fri 9 Aug 2024

日付: 2024年8月9日金曜日
Source: Seattle Times [edited]

情報源: Seattle Times (編集済)

Whidbey Island resident is getting vaccinated after a rabid bat bit the person there last week, marking the fourth time a bat has tested positive for rabies in Washington state so far this year [2024].



The resident is receiving post-exposure shots and is "doing well," the Island County Public Health department said in a statement Thursday [8 Aug 2024]. Island County officials warned people to not touch wild animals, especially bats, which are the only animals known to carry rabies in the state.


County health officials tested the culprit, a big brown bat – or Eptesicus fuscus_ -- for the viral disease after another island resident found the animal outside a North Whidbey home on 1 Aug, the statement said.

8月1日に北ウィドビーの家の外で、別の島民が大きな茶色のコウモリを発見した後、郡の保健当局は容疑がかけられたこの動物(Eptesicus fuscus)を検査したとのことである。


Three other bats have tested positive for rabies this year, including 2 in Benton and Wahkiakum counties in May and one in Thurston County in July [2024]. There were 16 cases statewide last year [2023] and 8 in 2022, according to the Washington State Department of Health.


Less than 1% of wild bats are infected with rabies, but up to 10% of those tested are found to carry the disease -- likely because sick bats and those having bitten or scratched a person or another animal are more likely to be tested, according to the state health department.

The viral disease can spread into the nervous system and is almost always fatal if not treated with a series of shots over a 2-week period. State health officials recommend washing animal bites or
scratches with soap and water and seeking medical help, and getting pets vaccinated against the disease.


Symptoms of a rabies infection like headaches or a fever can take months to appear, but most patients die within a few days of experiencing more serious symptoms like confusion, paralysis, and
difficulty swallowing, according to the state health department.

[Byline: Catalina Gaitán]
Communicated by:

[5] Colorado ex Texas: dog, human exposure コロラド州テキサス州を除く):犬、ヒト曝露
[A] Adoption event 譲渡イベント
Date: Sat 10 Aug 2024

日付: 2024年8月10日土曜日
Source: KDVR [edited]

情報源: KDVR (編集済)

A puppy at an adoption event in Sheridan [Colorado] last month [July 2024] tested positive for rabies, and now health officials are asking attendees to take action.

The rabies-positive puppy came to Colorado from Texas and was at a 20 Jul puppy adoption event at Moms and Mutts Colorado, a rescue for pregnant and nursing dogs in Sheridan.

この狂犬病陽性の子犬はテキサス州からコロラド州にやってきて、シェリダンにある妊娠中および授乳中の犬のためのレスキュー施設「Moms and Mutts Colorado」で7月20日に開催された子犬の里親募集イベントに参加していた。


The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is now trying to connect with those who attended the event, encouraging them to contact the health department. CDPHE said the department must screen attendees.

"Anyone who attended the event and interacted with the July shepherd mix litter (may also be referred to as 'The Celebrity Kids' litter) of puppies should contact public health officials to determine if they need to receive prophylaxis," CDPHE said in a release on Friday [9 Aug 2024].
Attendees can call the hotline during business hours or the after-hour call line, or email .



The puppy was one of 11 in the litter. None of the puppies were vaccinated at the time of exposure, there are no licensed products for post-exposure prophylaxis of unvaccinated domestic animals, and evidence shows a vaccine will not prevent the disease in these animals, CDPHE said. [Most likely the puppies were too young for the vaccine as their immune system was not mature enough. - Mod.TG]
子犬は11匹中の1匹で、いずれの子犬も曝露時にはワクチン接種を受けていなかった。ワクチン未接種の飼育動物に使える、曝露後接種の認可品はない。CDPHEによれば、このような幼齢の動物はワクチンでは病気を予防できないとのことである。(おそらく、子犬の免疫系が成熟していないため、ワクチン接種には早すぎるとの意である。- Mod.TG)

"In these situations, the exposed animals should be euthanized immediately or placed on a strict 120-day quarantine in a facility that can secure them away from humans and other animals. Because strict quarantine is not feasible, the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians' guidance recommends euthanasia of exposed, unvaccinated animals," the release stated.


Animals must be euthanized in order to test for the rabies virus as it primarily attacks the brain, and specimens must be submitted to a rabies laboratory for testing, according to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. CDPHE said public health officials are trying to contact people who are fostering the puppies about surrendering them to animal control.

The department conducted a risk assessment and is recommending post-exposure prophylaxis, which includes a series of rabies shots for humans, for 17 people who came in close contact with the puppy,
including foster families, veterinary staff, and shelter staff. CDPHE said it will continue to screen those who attended the event and offer post-exposure prophylaxis as needed.

As for other animals, CDPHE said vaccinated animals are generally not at risk but may need a booster.
The health department is working with local public health agencies to continue identifying other possible contacts.


[Byline: Brooke Williams]
Communicated by:

[There is more to come in the next report regarding the litter of puppies. - Mod.TG]

[B] Follow-up フォローアップ
Date: Tue 13 Aug 2024
日付: 2024年8月13日火曜日

Source: KDVR [edited]

情報源: KDVR (編集済)

Since a puppy at an adoption event in Sheridan tested positive for rabies last month [July 2024], 11 puppies have been euthanized.

The positive puppy came to Colorado from Texas and was at a 20 Jul puppy adoption event at Moms and Mutts Colorado, a rescue for pregnant and nursing dogs.

狂犬病陽性の子犬はテキサス州からコロラド州にやってきて、7月20日に開催された妊娠中および授乳中の犬のためのレスキュー団体、Moms and Mutts Coloradoの子犬の里親募集イベントに参加していた。

"We have adoption events every Saturday, and so it was a pretty normal day. It was a very slow adoption event, which in retrospect is a wonderful thing," said Aron Jones, the rescue director.
Jones said the puppies were surrendered by their former owner who lives near Dallas, and it's believed a dead skunk had been found on the property.



"We found out on the morning of the 7th," Jones said. "We've actually gotten a lot of flak for having puppies at the adoption event; however, the puppy had tested negative for distemper, and we knew that the [skunk] remains had been sent for testing, for rabies testing, which takes less than 24 hours, and we did not receive any calls or anything."
Jones said she learned later the remains of the skunk had been lost in transit, which was why it took so long to find out the results.



"When we found out the puppy was positive for rabies, I made a list of every person. We did contact tracing, so every person that I knew had come in contact with that puppy," Jones said. "Then, we reached out to everybody and just told them what the diagnosis was."
[JE] and [KB] had adopted their puppy, Musubi, on 20 Jul [2024], and it was on Wednesday [7 Aug] when they learned what had happened.



"The rescue contacted us and said that 'Hey, we just got word one of the puppies potentially has some exposure. We need you to come in. We're going to have a vet check him out and give him his first vaccination that day as well,'" [JE] said.



They were pretty hopeful things were going to be OK. The next day, [JE] said they got a call from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
"They said we would have to quarantine him for 120 days. They said since we had him for 2 weeks and he had been like kind of quarantined for a month, it would go down to 90 days," [JE] said.



Then on Friday [9 Aug], [JE] said when she was at work she received a call from Moms and Mutts Colorado, saying animal control was coming to seize their dog and euthanize him immediately.
"I was furious. I was panicked," [JE] said. "I was ready to just do whatever we needed to do to protect him."
そして金曜日(8月9日)、[JE]は仕事中にMoms and Mutts Colorado (MAMCO)から、動物管理局がきて即日ムスビを安楽死する予定であるという電話を受けたという。


[JE] and [KB] said they wished the Colorado Department of Health had been clearer with their wording and intent.
"They have never contacted us directly about anything. We found out everything either through MAMCO or through press releases or through things being taped to our door, such as them threatening us with jail time, with thousand-dollar fines," [JE] said.



In the end, they ended up taking Musubi to the Foothills Animal Shelter where they could spend their last day with him in a calm and peaceful environment.

"As I handed off Musubi to this person who was vaccinated," [KB] said, "Musubi licked his face. The gentleman started petting him and as he walked away, Musubi's tail was wagging. He just loved people. He trusted us that we were handing him off to someone else."


Jones said she is still caught in the whirlwind, making sure she covers all her bases.

"We have video of everything, we have all the resources to show accurately no one was exposed," she said.
Jones said this is a rare situation that could happen to any rescue, especially when dealing with puppies under 12 weeks old who are not vaccinated against rabies.




"This is a super rare, super isolated incident. There was nothing we could have done to prevent it, there was nothing we could've done to stop it. The important thing now is how we're handling it, and that's by being completely transparent with the public," Jones said.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment conducted a risk assessment and is recommending post-exposure prophylaxis, which includes a series of rabies shots, for 17 people who came in close contact with the puppies, including foster families, veterinary staff, and shelter staff.


The department said it will continue to screen those who attended the event and offer post-exposure prophylaxis as needed.


[Byline: Rachel Saurer]
Communicated by:

[6] New Jersey (Burlington County): kitten, human exposure 

Date: Fri 9 Aug 2024

日付: 2024年8月9日金曜日
Source: The Sun Newspapers [edited]

情報源: The Sun Newspapers (編集済)

The Burlington County Health Department has announced that a stray kitten found in Mount Holly has tested positive for rabies.

The animal was found on an Emma Street property and was brought to the county animal shelter to be tested. The kitten had no direct contact with any animals at the shelter, but the county health department has identified individuals who were exposed.

Follow these tips to prevent rabies exposure:


- If you have been scratched or bitten by a stray cat, dog, or wild animal in your neighborhood in the last 2 weeks, contact the health department immediately.
- Residents should also check the status of their pets' rabies vaccines and call a veterinarian for guidance if it has been longer than 3 months.
- Avoid and do not feed any wild or stray animals, especially bats, skunks, foxes, cats, and raccoons.
- Rabies is a fatal viral disease affecting the brain. It lives in the saliva -- or spit -- of infected animals and is spread from a bite or when saliva from an infected animal touches broken skin, open wounds or the lining of the mouth, nose, or eyes. Rabies in certain animals -- especially wildlife -- is common in New Jersey.
- 過去2週間以内に近所で野良猫、野良犬、野生の動物に引っかかれたり噛まれたりした場合は、すぐに保健所に連絡してください。

- 住民は、ペットの狂犬病ワクチンの接種状況を確認し、3カ月以上経過している場合は獣医師に連絡して指導を受けること。

- 野生動物や野良動物、特にコウモリ、スカンク、キツネ、ネコ、アライグマは避け、餌を与えないでください。

- 狂犬病は脳を侵す致死性のウイルス性疾患です。感染した動物の唾液中に感染力のあるウイルスがふくまれており、咬まれたり、感染した動物の唾液が損傷した皮膚や開いた傷口、口、鼻、目の粘膜に触れたりすると感染します。特定の動物(特に野生動物)の狂犬病は、ニュージャージー州では一般的です。

For additional information about rabies, go to http://www.cdc.gov/rabies/. Residents with questions or concerns can also contact Burlington County Animal Shelter Director.

Communicated by: ProMED

[7] North Carolina (Eno River State Park, Durham County): racoon, human exposure

Date: Sun 11 Aug 2024

Source: The Charlotte Post [abridged, edited]

情報源: The Charlotte Post (要約、編集済)

A rabid raccoon attacked Durham resident [CH] in broad daylight in May [2024] when she was running on a trail at Eno River State Park.


 [CH] escaped by drowning the animal in nearby water, even as its teeth were still sunk into her calf. She left its carcass behind as she sought help. And while she was sure the raccoon was rabid, she
received confirmation only because park rangers sent the animal for testing.


[CH] said the Durham County Department of Public Health declined to send the raccoon for rabies testing because it had been left unsupervised after she killed it. Besides, those tests are typically done at the State Laboratory of Public Health in Raleigh.
"People go down there every day," she said. "Like, I run on this trail 5 times a week."


Joy Nolan, Durham County Public Health's communicable disease nurse supervisor, said park rangers didn't recover the dead raccoon until the next day and couldn't guarantee that it was the animal involved in the attack. But a state parks spokesperson said the animal was recovered the day of the attack and preserved according to the requirements for rabies testing.

Nonetheless, the rangers decided to send the raccoon to be tested at the Rollins Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, one of several labs part of the North Carolina Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System.

The attack on [CH] was thankfully rare, but a potent reminder that in North Carolina, warm weather brings more people outdoors and potentially brings them into contact with more wildlife.

And sometimes, those critters have rabies.


Getting the word out
"Our staff wanted to do their due diligence because the visitor had expressed a desire to conduct the testing," Kris Anne Bonifacio, public information officer for the state's Division of Parks and
Recreation, said in an email to NC Health News.



「私たちのスタッフは、公園訪問者が検査を実施してほしいと表明したため、事実確認を行いたいと考えていました」と、州公園レクリエーション局の広報担当官であるクリス・アン・ボニファシオ氏は、NC Health Newsへの電子メールで述べている。

[CH] said she never saw a notification from the Durham County Department of Public Health that a rabid raccoon was found on the trail. She said the only warning she saw was signs posted at the park a couple of days after she was bitten, warning visitors about a confirmed rabies case and advising them what to do if they see a potentially rabid animal or are bitten or scratched.

The parks system also posted a public service announcement ahead of Memorial Day weekend on its Facebook page including reminders to stay away from wildlife and not to disturb or feed wildlife, as well as what to do if an animal is acting strangely.

Not every rabies case gets reported publicly, state and county health officials told NC Health News. However, all positive tests get added to a publicly available state database showing the type of infected animal and the county where it was found.
すべての狂犬病症例が公に報告されるわけではない、と州と郡の保健当局はNC Health Newsに語った。しかし、すべての陽性症例は、感染した動物の種類と発見された郡が表示される、州の公開データベースに追加される。


From the first of the year through the end of July, the database lists 128 instances of rabid animals from all over the state, with the distribution of cases pretty evenly spread across both warm and cold
weather months.


Some counties issue public notices for every case. Others share based on the circumstances of the exposure, such as when a rabid animal is found near a school or several cases are reported in one area, Nolan said.

In the case of the Eno River State Park raccoon attack, Nolan said the decision on notifying the public was up to park officials since the attack happened in their jurisdiction.
"We try to respect each other's areas," she said.


Bonifacio said the parks system followed the protocol of the state Wildlife Resources Commission and the Durham County Health Department, which requires 2 positive cases before issuing a public notification.

No public reporting requirement 公的報告義務なし
North Carolina law puts local health directors in charge of handling rabies cases in their jurisdiction. However, many delegate the work of tracking potentially rabid animals to local law enforcement or animal services divisions, State Public Health Veterinarian Carl Williams told NC Health News.
ノースカロライナ州の法律では、管轄区域内の狂犬病症例に対応することは、地域の保健所長に任されている。しかし、多くの場合、狂犬病に罹患している可能性のある動物の追跡調査は、地元の警察や動物関係の部門に委任している、と州公衆衛生獣医のカール・ウィリアムズ氏はNC Health Newsに語った。


The state does not require cases of rabid animals be publicly announced, although many counties share the information, he said.

On 19 Jul [2024], Wake County's Public Health and Animal Control departments issued a news release confirming a fox tested positive for rabies after biting a woman the day before in a Knightdale
neighborhood. She was trying to break up a fight between the fox and a cat belonging to a feral cat colony.


Officials asked anyone who may have seen the fox or the feral cat to call the health department's communicable disease line, and encouraged anyone who had been bitten or scratched to seek medical attention immediately.

Likewise, Davidson County Health Department reported 23 April [2024] it had received reports confirming the county's fourth positive rabies case after a fox attacked a Thomasville resident the week before. And Alamance County Health Department announced10 May [2024] its second rabies case after someone was exposed to a fox later testing positive.

"There's not a specific requirement saying they must, but they do it anyway because they recognize it's good public health practice to get the word out," Williams said.


"Now, that's not to say they do an alert for every rabid animal because we have a lot of them every year," he continued. "They take that opportunity when they think it's appropriate to promote the information and try and get the attention of the public."


 [Byline: Jennifer Fernandez]
Communicated by:

Rabies is a very serious disease. It can and does affect all animals, including people. It is a killer. Without appropriate treatment for humans, it is deadly. Sadly, and unfortunately, we do not have a proper treatment for animals, other than to protect the human being they have bitten. Which means, exposed and unvaccinated animals are euthanized.

To be clear, rabies vaccination in animals does prevent rabies. However, there is no post-exposure treatment for unvaccinated animals.
Rabies can rear its ugly head in a raccoon on a trail, a litter of kittens or puppies, even our horses, goats, and sheep.


Rabies is a vicious disease for which science has found prevention for our animals and a post-exposure treatment for human beings. There are also pre-exposure rabies vaccines for humans such as veterinarians and veterinary assistants/technicians/nurses who may be at risk of bites at any time in their job.


Rabies can affect any mammal including, as in the articles above, cows, dogs, raccoons, bats, and kittens. It can affect other mammals, too including humans.


If you have been, or suspect you have been, exposed by a bat or another animal, please seek treatment immediately. There is a very short window from the time of the bite until the post-exposure prophylaxis will no longer work for humans. So please don't toy with this disease. - Mod.TG


ProMED maps:
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada:
Bland County, Virginia, United States:
Hopewell, Virginia, United States:
Island County, Washington, United States:
Colorado, United States:
Texas, United States:
Burlington County, New Jersey, United States:
Durham County, North Carolina, United States:

[See Also:
Rabies (64): North America (USA) multiple states and animals, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240808.8718002
Rabies (58): South America (Uruguay) North America (USA) bobcat, fox,
cat, human exp and more http://promedmail.org/post/20240710.8717476
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp:
Rabies (53): North America (USA) fox, bat, cat, dog, woodchuck,
raccoon, human exp: http://promedmail.org/post/20240618.8717092
Rabies (43): North America (USA) cat, raccoon, bat, fox, cow, human
exp: http://promedmail.org/post/20240509.871640
Rabies (40): North America (USA) raccoon, fox, cow, bat, human exp
Rabies (35): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, dog, cow, human exp
Rabies (32): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, fox, bat, dog, coyote,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240401.8715730
Rabies (30): North America (Mexico, USA) cat, fox, dog & human exp,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240328.8715661
Rabies (28): North America (USA) raccoon, otter, cat, skunk, dogs,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240320.8715504
Rabies (23): North America (USA) skunk, raccoon, cat, cow, dog,
bobcat, fox, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240314.8715372
Rabies (21): North America (USA) bat, horse, dog, raccoon, cat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240309.8715270
Rabies (15): North America (USA) coyote, dog, kitten, raccoon, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240224.8715017
Rabies (09): North America (USA) fox, dog, skunk, cat, cow, human exp
Rabies (06): North America (USA) otter, raccoon, cat, dog, skunk, fox,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240118.8714289
Rabies (03): North America (USA) cat, skunk, dog, bat, raccoon, fox,
horse, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714178
Rabies (59): North America (USA) fox, skunk, cat, dog, human exp
Rabies (54): North America (USA) skunk, coyote, racoon, dog, human
exposure http://promedmail.org/post/20231223.8713861
Rabies (51): North America (USA) fox, cat, fisher, goat, human exp
Rabies (48): North America (USA) horse, fox, raccoon, kitten, bat,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20231118.8713208
Rabies (46): North America (Canada, USA) kitten, cat, dog, bat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20231105.8712996
Rabies (44): North America (USA) kitten, bat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (43): North America (USA) fox
Rabies (40): North America (Canada, USA) bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (39): North America (USA) otter, fox, dog, human exp
Rabies (37): North America (USA) dog, raccoon, cat, bat, skunk, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230925.8712316
Rabies (36): North America (USA) fox, raccoon
Rabies (35): Americas, dog, bat, human exp
Rabies (34): North America (USA) fox, dog, cat, raccoon, bat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230802.8711520
Rabies (33): North America (USA) fox, bat, dog, beaver, cat, human exp
Rabies (32): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (31): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) bat, cat, dog, human exp
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) dog, cat, bat, fox, groundhog, human exp
Rabies (24): Americas (Canada, USA) Australia, human exp, bats, cats,
wildlife http://promedmail.org/post/20230610.8710499
Rabies (23): Americas (Canada, USA) fox, bat, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (20): Americas (USA) bat, possible human exp
Rabies (01): Americas, cat, bat, cattle, skunk, pig, dog, human
cases/exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230103.8707561]

狂犬病(76):ベトナム(DONG NAI) ペットのイヌに咬まれる



Date: Sat 7 Sep 2024
Source: VN Express [in Vietnamese, machine trans., edited]

Woman dies 3 months after being bitten by a rabid dog

On 7 Sep 2024, Xuan Loc District Medical Center said that a 44-year-old woman, residing in Xuan Hung commune, died of rabies virus.
2024年9月7日、Xuan Loc区医療センターによると、Xuan Hung町に住む44歳の女性が狂犬病ウイルスにより死亡した。

Three months earlier, this person and her husband had adopted a dog. At the end of May [2024], the dog was sick and the couple gave it medicine and both were bitten by the dog. Although they went to a nearby clinic to treat the wound, they did not get a rabies vaccine. Just a few days later, the dog died.

On 29 Aug 2024, the woman began to show symptoms of high fever, fear of water, fear of wind, headache, fatigue... so her family took her to the emergency room at Xuan Loc District Medical Center, then transferred her to the Hospital for Tropical Diseases (HCMC) for treatment.
2024年8月29日、この女性は高熱、水への恐怖、風への恐怖、頭痛、倦怠感などの症状を示し始めたため、家族はXuan Loc区医療センターの救急外来を受診させ、その後、さらに治療のために熱帯病病院(ホーチミン市)に移送した。

On 30 Aug 2024, the patient died from rabies infection. As for her husband, he was instructed by the staff of the district health center to go to a higher level to get rabies serum injection.

Rabies is caused by the rabies virus (Rhabdovirus), transmitted from animals to humans through secretions, usually saliva. The incubation period is usually 2-8 weeks, short is about 10 days and long is sometimes 1-2 years, depending on the amount of virus and the severity of the wound. The patient will have an acute viral infection in the central nervous system.

Rabies is currently incurable. Once rabies strikes, 100% of cases are fatal. The only way to prevent the disease is to get vaccinated against rabies immediately after being bitten by a dog.

[Byline: Phuoc Tuan]

(担当:Phuoc Tuan)

Communicated by:

[There is no indication in the newswire above on the retrospective details of an incident that could have been prevented had rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) been instituted when the couple sought their wound treatment at "a nearby clinic".

The clinic staff may not have known the cause of the wound (dog bite) and provide PEP besides wound treatment (unless refused by the couple) or refer them to a health facility with available rabies prevention in case rabies vaccination is not available at the clinic.

However, it could be argued that the clinic staff was not aware of the cause of the wound or was quite busy to ask for the cause or the couple had not disclosed their pet dog bite or another plausible scenario is that they were confident that the dog was immunized
against rabies.

The awareness of the community members on rabies severity is key for its control as this will motivate them to get the PEP. For instance, if the clinic had no appropriate PEP and referred the patients to appropriate facilities, other family commitment may have hindered their access to the available life-saving services.
狂犬病の深刻さについての地域住民の認識は、彼らに PEP を受ける動機を与えることになるため、狂犬病の制御にとって重要である。例えば、診療所に適切な PEP がなく、患者を適切な施設に紹介する場合、家族の他の事情により、利用可能な救命サービスを受けることができなかった可能性がある。

For a win-win situation, there is a need to combine our pet dog's love with appropriate vaccination to comply with responsible dog ownership and our own health ownership by always seeking appropriate medical attention at the nearest health facility. - Mod.ST]
ペットのイヌへの愛情と適切なワクチン接種を両立させ、責任あるイヌの飼い方と、常に最寄りの医療機関で適切な診察を受けることによる健康管理を実践することが、Win-Winの関係を築くために必要である。- モデレーターST

[See Also:
Rabies (66): Viet Nam (HI) stray dog, spread
Rabies (61): Viet Nam, national summary, increase
Rabies (59): Viet Nam (GL) cat bite, fatal
Rabies (57): Viet Nam (GL) long incubation period
Rabies (54): Viet Nam (TQ, HO) increase, fatal
Rabies (50): Viet Nam (HI) new directive on dog and cat meat trade
Rabies (38): Viet Nam, increase
Rabies (30): Viet Nam, financial implication
Rabies (29): Viet Nam (HC) human, increase, urgent response
Rabies (24): Viet Nam (PY) stray dog, human exp
Rabies (18): Viet Nam (QN) human, dog
Rabies (16): Viet Nam, increase
Rabies (13): Viet Nam (CM) dog bite, restaurant owner
Rabies (04): Viet Nam (PY) dog bite mistaken as scratch from collar,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714212
Rabies (56): Viet Nam (GL) long incubation period

狂犬病(69):北米(合衆国)コウモリ、アライグマ、スカンク、キツネ、イヌ、ネコ 人の暴露



In this post:

[1] South Carolina (Charleston County, Chester County, Saluda County) bat, raccoon, skunk

South Carolina 州(Charleston 郡, Chester 郡, Saluda 郡) 

[2] Georgia (Spalding County) fox, dog

Georgia州 (Spalding 郡)キツネ、イヌ
[3] Colorado (Additional testing from previous puppy exposure)

Colorado州 (過去の子犬の暴露例の追加検査)
[4] New Jersey (Camden County) skunk

New Jersey 州(Camden 郡)スカンク
[5] Maryland (Frederick County) cat, human exp

Maryland州 (Frederick 郡) ネコ、人への暴露

[1] South Carolina (Charleston County, Chester County, Saluda County):bat, raccoon, skunk

South Carolina 州(Charleston 郡, Chester 郡, Saluda 郡) 

Date: Fri 16 Aug 2024

Source: The State [edited]

情報源:The State(編集)

4 people, 5 pets test positive for rabies in multiple SC counties, officials confirm

South Carolina 州の複数の郡で4人と5頭のペットが狂犬病陽性と関係者が確認した

Pets and people in multiple S.C. counties -- including Saluda – were exposed to rabies, the South Carolina Department of Public Health wrote in a press release.

South Carolina 州公衆衛生局は、報道発表の中で、Saluda 郡を含む複数の郡でペットと人が狂犬病に感染したと発表した。

A raccoon in Chester, S.C., tested positive for rabies, while 1 dog was exposed and will be quarantined. A bat in Charleston, S.C., tested positive for rabies, which led to 4 people being exposed. A cat was also exposed. A skunk in Saluda, S.C., tested positive and 1 dog and 2
cats were exposed.
South Carolina 州Chester 郡で、アライグマが狂犬病検査で陽性となり、犬1頭が暴露され隔離された。South Carolina 州Charleston 郡では、コウモリが狂犬病検査で陽性となり、4人が暴露された。South Carolina 州Saluda 郡では、スカンクが陽性反応を示し、犬1頭と猫2頭が暴露された。

"Rabies is usually transmitted through a bite or scratch which allows saliva from an infected animal to be introduced into the body of a person or another animal," said Terri McCollister, rabies program director in the press release. "However, infected saliva or neural tissue contact with open wounds or areas such as the eyes, nose, or mouth could also potentially transmit rabies."

The press release said to reduce the risk of rabies, give wild animals their space and avoid touching animals in need. Instead, call local animal control or a wildlife control officer. Public Health also said to not keep wild animals as pets, and to always report all animal bites, scratches and exposures to potentially rabid animals to the department.

In South Carolina, rabies is most commonly found in raccoons, which play a significant role in the transmission of rabies, the press release said. There is no time frame for monitoring wildlife to rule out the possibility of rabies. The press release said if you believe anyone or pet has come in contact with either the Charleston County bat, Chester County raccoon, Saluda County skunk, or another animal that potentially has rabies, to please call the appropriate Public Health office.
South Carolina州では、狂犬病はアライグマに最もよく見られ、アライグマは狂犬病の伝播に重要な役割を果たしていると報道発表の中で述べられている。狂犬病の可能性を排除するために野生動物を監視する時間はない。報道発表では、Charleston郡のコウモリ、Chester郡のアライグマ、サSaluda郡のスカンク、または狂犬病に感染している可能性のある他の動物と接触した人やペットがいると思われる場合は、該当する公衆衛生局に連絡して欲しいと述べている。

[Byline: Anna Wilder]

[担当:Anna Wilder]

Communicated by:

[2] Georgia (Spalding County): fox, dog

Georgia州 (Spalding 郡)キツネ、イヌ

Date: Fri 16 Aug 2024

Source: Georgia Department of Public Health [edited]


Rabid fox confirmed in Griffin after encounter with dog

The Georgia Department of Public Health Laboratory confirmed Thursday, 15 Aug 2024, a fox in Griffin tested positive for rabies after fighting a dog in the Ivy Road area earlier this week.
Georgia州公衆衛生局研究所は2024年8月15日(木)、今週初めにIvy Road地区で犬と闘ったGriffinのキツネが狂犬病陽性であることを確認した。

Kelly Wilson, Spalding County's environmental health manager with District 4 Public Health, said the incident between the 2 animals occurred on Monday, 12 Aug 2024.
Spalding郡第4地区公衆衛生局の環境衛生責任者であるKelly Wilson氏によると、2頭の動物による事件は2024年8月12日月曜日に発生した。

All residents are encouraged to take precautions to protect their families and pets against rabies by learning signs of rabies and vaccinating pets. Health officials urge people to stay away from wild or stray animals that appear unafraid of humans and those that exhibit behaviors unusual of their character.

"If you notice a wild or nocturnal animal moving about in the daytime, and the animal appears to show no fear of people, or the animal seems to behave in a sick or abnormal way, the animal may be infected with rabies," Wilson said. "Therefore, people should avoid the animal and report it to the local health department or animal control."

Rabies is a preventable viral disease of mammals spread most often through the bite of an infected animal. Though less common, the virus also can spread when infectious saliva comes in contact with a scratch or open wound (potentially through licking) or in contact with the eyes, nose and mouth.

Rabies infects the central nervous system, causing encephalopathy (a disease of the brain) and, ultimately, death. Early symptoms of the disease include fever and headache. As the disease progresses, neurological symptoms appear and may include insomnia, confusion, hallucinations, a slight or partial paralysis, hyper salivation, and/or difficulty swallowing.

Several behavioral and physical signs can be possible indicators of rabies in wild animals. Abnormal behaviors might include erratic movements, shaking, stumbling, moving sluggishly or lethargically, or acting aggressive towards people or pets. Other signs can include looking agitated or disturbed, repeated high-pitched vocalization, nervous for unknown reasons, partial paralysis, discharge from the mouth and eyes, or self-mutilation (biting itself).

"It is important to remember although rabies occurs more often in wildlife, domestic animals like the family dog or cat can become infected as well," Wilson said. "I strongly encourage owners to have all pets vaccinated to prevent rabies."

Georgia law requires owned dogs, cats, and ferrets to have a rabies vaccination from a licensed veterinarian.

Keeping up with the required state rabies vaccination law also keeps your pet safe in the event it bites a person, said Melinda Knight, District 4's environmental health director. If your pet bites a human and you cannot prove its rabies vaccine is current, the law may require a 10-day quarantine for your pet, or even euthanasia so its brain tissue can be examined for signs of rabies.
州の狂犬病予防接種法を守っていれば、万が一ペットが人を咬んだ場合でも安全でいられると、第4地区の環境衛生責任者であるMelinda Knightト氏は言っている。もし、ペットが人を咬んでしまった場合、狂犬病ワクチンが接種済みであることを証明できなければ、法律により、狂犬病の徴候がないか脳組織を調べるために、ペットを10日間隔離するか、安楽死させることが求められる。

The majority of rabies cases reported annually occur in wild animals such as raccoons, skunks, foxes and bats, according to the CDC.

Even though rabies should always be considered, remember when wild animals are tending to their young, sometimes their protective behaviors can be mistaken for rabies signs.. They may venture out more during the daytime to find food at this time of year when they normally are nocturnal, for instance, and they may appear bold and aggressive because they're afraid or they think their babies may be in danger.

Whether the animal looks healthy or sick, don't approach it. If it appears to be sick, overly aggressive, or out of character, report it to Animal Control or the Department of Natural Resources' Wildlife Resources Division.

Report any direct contact with your pet or with a human to Animal Control or the Spalding County Environmental Health Office.. Treatment and prevention practices for rabies in humans have proven to be almost 100% effective when initiated promptly.

For more information about rabies, please contact your local animal control office, county environmental health office, or visit.

Communicated by:

[3] Colorado (additional testing from previous puppy exposure)

Colorado州 (過去の子犬の暴露例の追加検査)

Date: Fri16 Aug 2024

Source: KESQ [edited]


Health officials say additional dogs need quarantine following rabies exposure

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) says its investigation has revealed additional dogs will need a modified quarantine after potential rabies exposure at a July [2024] adoption event. Eleven puppies were euthanized last week after their littermate tested positive for rabies.

The Colorado State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory has conducted tests on 12 puppies, resulting in 2 positive and 3 inconclusive results. The 1st positive was the known, infected puppy and was confirmed positive by the CDC.

CSU Veterinary Diagnostic Lab sent the 3 inconclusive specimens and positive specimens to the CDC for further analysis. The CDC determined those specimens to be negative.

CDPHE says it is standard procedure to take a course of action based on preliminary positive results.

Discordant results mean one lab may interpret a test as positive while a 2nd may interpret samples in the same specimen as negative. The state says this can happen for a variety of reasons.

CDPHE explains:
"The 1st lab harvests the tissue most likely to have virus in it (to maximize sensitivity) and if there is very little virus in the tissue, the 2nd lab may not detect it in a sample from different tissue. A delay between sample collection and testing may add to the possibility
of tissue (and therefore viral) degradation. This may be more likely to happen when less virus is present, as may occur when testing is performed early in the course of an infection.


A negative result indicates the rabies virus was not present in the brain at the time of testing, meaning the animal was not infectious or capable of spreading rabies. However, the rabies virus infects the brain through the body's nerves where it travels to the spinal cord,
and eventually the brain stem and cerebellum. This process can be slow, meaning the virus could have been present in the peripheral nerves but the animal would not show signs, and testing the brain would show a negative result."

The state says the investigation revealed the potential exposure of additional animals at the shelter to the 1st infectious puppy. These animals had significantly less exposure to the 1st infectious puppy compared to the high-risk litter which was repeatedly exposed to their littermate with rabies.

After consultation with the CDC, the state is requesting immediate vaccination of these additional animals and placing them under a modified quarantine protocol.

Aron Jones, director of Moms and Mutts Colorado, says that's around 56 dogs.
Moms and Mutts Coloradoの代表であるAron Jonesによると、その数は56頭ほどだという。

"They're mandating a modified quarantine for any dogs which were in inside of the number 6 warehouse," she explained.

More than 800 people have signed a petition to investigate the state's decision to euthanize the puppies, rather than attempt a strict quarantine.


Also receiving criticism is Moms and Mutts Colorado.
また、Moms and Mutts Coloradoも批判を受けている。

"Fourteen thousand dogs saved and now all we are is the rabies rescue," said Jones. "We're getting a lot of criticism, a lot of unfounded criticism, about our protocols and procedures. These puppies were not old enough to have a rabies vaccine, and there really wasn't anything we could have done differently to have changed the outcome."
Jones says she touched the rabid dog, but the CDC told her she doesn't need a vaccine.

She's frustrated about the inconsistency in health protocols.

While some dogs are being placed under a modified quarantine, others are still being considered for adoption, raising questions about the actual risk level.

"If they're not at risk enough I can adopt them out, then they're not at risk, right?" Jones questioned. "That's my interpretation."


Despite the challenges, Jones remains hopeful, praising the fosters and adopters for their support.

"They're fine keeping the dog home, as long as there's no risk to their lives," she said.


[Byline: Tori Mason]

(担当:Tori Mason)

Communicated by:

[4] New Jersey (Camden County): skunk

New Jersey 州(Camden 郡)スカンク

Date: Fri 16 Aug 2024

Source: 6 ABC [edited]

情報源:6 ABC(編集)

Rabid skunk removed from neighborhood in Gloucester Township, New Jersey, health officials say

A rabid skunk was captured in Gloucester Township, New Jersey, according to Camden County health officials.

The skunk was removed from a neighborhood by an animal control officer after it was seen with a resident's dogs on Tuesday [13 Aug 2024].

The skunk was then tested and it was confirmed to have rabies. A bulletin was distributed in the area where the animal was found and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has been notified. Health officials say there was no human exposure, adding only the dogs were exposed.

The exposed dogs have since received rabies booster shots and have been placed under a strict 4-month quarantine, which is being monitored by ACO [Animal control officers?].

"Although rabies is a serious illness, it can be prevented by early treatment," said Commissioner Virginia Betteridge, liaison to the Camden County Health Department. "If you have been bitten or scratched by a wild animal it is important that you seek immediate medical attention." Betteridge urged county residents to observe a few simple rules, including acting responsibly as a pet owner:
狂犬病は深刻な病気であるが、早期治療で予防できる」と、Camden郡保健局の出先機関のVirginia Betteridgeバージニア・ベターリッジ所長は語った。「野生動物に咬まれたり引っかかれたりした場合は、すぐに医師の診察を受けることが重要である。」Betteridge所長は、ペットの飼い主として責任を持って行動することを含め、いくつかの簡単なルールを守るよう郡の住民に促した。



  • Keep vaccinations up to date for all dogs, cats, and ferrets.

• Keep your pets under direct supervision so they do not come in contact with wild animals. If your pet is bitten by a wild animal, seek veterinary assistance for the animal immediately.

• Contact your local animal control agency to remove any stray animals from your neighborhood. They may be unvaccinated and could be infected by the disease.


Betteridge said it is also important to avoid direct contact with unfamiliar animals:

  • Enjoy wild animals such as raccoons, skunks, and foxes from afar. Do not handle, feed, or unintentionally attract wild animals with open garbage cans or liter.

• Never adopt wild animals or bring them into your home. Do not try to nurse sick animals to health. Call animal control or an animal rescue agency for assistance.

• Teach children never to handle unfamiliar animals, wild or domestic, even if they seem friendly.

• Prevent bats from entering living quarters or occupied spaces in homes, churches, schools, and other similar areas where they might come in contact with people or pets.

• When traveling abroad, avoid direct contact with wild animals and be especially careful around dogs in developing countries. Rabies is common in developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Tens of thousands of people die of rabies each year in these

For more information, visit the CDC website [https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/] or, residents can call the Camden County Department of Health and Human Services.

Communicated by:


[5] Maryland (Frederick County) cat, human exposure

Maryland州 (Frederick 郡) ネコ、人への暴露

Date: Mon 19 Aug 2024

Source: Tri State Alert [edited]

情報源:Tri State Alert(編集)

touch or play with unknown animals, and make sure your pets are vaccinated."

If you or your pets have contact with a stray or wild animal, report it to Animal Control. For more information on rabies, visit


Rabies-positive cat found near South Mountain roadway, MD officials say

South Mountainの道路近くで狂犬病陽性の猫を発見、メリーランド州当局が発表
On 15 Aug 2024, the Frederick County Health Department (FCHD) was notified a cat from the 3000 block of Garfield Road in Frederick County, Maryland, tested positive for the rabies virus.
2024年8月15日、メリーランド州Frederick郡のGarfield Road 3000ブロックの猫が、狂犬病ウイルスの検査で陽性反応を示したとの通知をFrederick郡保健局(FCHD)が受けました。

Frederick County Animal Control collected the stray cat on Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024, after receiving a report it attacked 2 people. The cat was picked up near the intersection of Garfield Road, John Cline Road, and Brown Road. The rabies-positive cat is described as a dark gray domestic shorthair female most likely under a year old with a white neck, chest, belly, and paws.
Frederick郡動物管理局は2024年8月14日(水)、野良猫が2人を襲ったとの通報を受け、そのネコを収容した。ネコはGarfield Road、John Cline Road、Brown Roadの交差点付近で確保された。狂犬病陽性のこの猫は、首、胸、腹、前足が白く、生後1年未満と思われる濃い灰色のドメスティック・ショートヘアのメスである。

The FCHD recommends people who may have had contact with this cat between 31 Jul 2024, and 14 Aug 2024, consult their health care provider and notify the FCHD's Community Health Services Office. If any pets or livestock had contact with the cat, consult you’re your veterinarian and notify the FCHD's Environmental Health Office.
FCHD は、2024 年 7 月 31 日から 2024 年 8 月 14 日の間にこの猫と接触した可能性のある人は、医療関係者に相談し、FCHD の地域保健サービス事務所に通知することを推奨している。ペットや家畜がこの猫に接触した場合は、かかりつけの獣医師に相談し、FCHDの環境衛生事務所に通知すること。

Rabies is a viral disease mainly infecting mammals and is spread through the saliva of the infected animal, usually by a bite. Signs of rabies in animals may include fear of water [it has been described as a fear of water, while in actuality it is not a fear at all, but rather an inability to lap water. - Mod.TG], excessive salivation, failure to eat or drink, limping, unusually friendly or aggressive behavior, or other unusual or atypical behavior. The disease is nearly always fatal to humans once infected if no prompt post-exposure treatment is given.
狂犬病は主に哺乳類に感染するウイルス性疾患で、通常は咬傷により感染動物の唾液を介して広がる。動物における狂犬病の兆候としては、水に対する恐怖(水に対する恐怖と表現されることがあるが、実際には水を恐れるというよりは、水をなめることができない。- モデレーター.TG)、過剰な唾液分泌、飲食の拒否、足を引きずる、異常に友好的または攻撃的な行動、その他の異常または非定型的な行動などが見られる。この疾患は、感染後すぐに治療が行われない場合、人間にとってほぼ常に致命的である。

According to Barry Glotfelty, Director for FCHD's Environmental Health Services, "Mammals can be infected with the rabies virus so do not touch or play with unknown animals, and make sure your pets are vaccinated."
FCHDの環境保健サービス担当責任者であるBarry Glotfelty氏は、「哺乳類は狂犬病ウイルスに感染している可能性があるので、見知らぬ動物に触れたり遊んだりしてはいけない。また、ペットがワクチン接種を受けていることを確認して欲しい。」と話している。

If you or your pets have contact with a stray or wild animal, report it to Animal Control. For more information on rabies, visit.



Communicated by:

[The ongoing saga of the litter of puppies having been exposed to rabies is really quite sad. I feel for the organization which is rather caught in a difficult situation without any assistance or even compassion for the shelter as authorities want many more animals quarantined. It is the agencies' job to keep the public safe, but they are not offering any assistance for the demands. Quarantining the extra number of animals involves more food, more cleaning and yet the shelter is likely run on donations and this may extend them in a crisis situation. Those demanding more quarantines need to provide the funding for the extra care and cleaning required for the number of animals desired to be on longer quarantines. I am surprised the city or county has not already offered to help with some of the necessities.

Be alert for odd actions of animals. A wild animal is likely to be more afraid than curious, so one coming close to you should be viewed with suspicion. Likewise, domestic animals which are normally docile and suddenly become unmanageable may be at risk of rabies or distemper diseases.

All mammals are susceptible to rabies. Rabies can be deadly to the animal, but can also be deadly in humans. There is a post exposure rabies vaccination for human beings exposed, but the series of vaccines must be obtained within a short time after being exposed to
rabies. So please wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water, and yes, such action may be a painful exercise but it is important to clean the wound. Seek medical attention. You may need post exposure prophylaxis if the animal that bit you is infected with rabies.

- Mod.TG

ProMED map:
United States: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8718323,106]

[See Also:
Rabies (65): North America (Canada, USA) animal, human exp:
Rabies (64): North America (USA) multiple states and animals, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240808.8718002
Rabies (58): South America (Uruguay) North America (USA) bobcat, fox,
cat, human exp and more http://promedmail.org/post/20240710.8717476
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp
Rabies (55): North America (Canada, USA) bat, skunk, cat, dog,
raccoon, cattle, human exp:
Rabies (53): North America (USA) fox, bat, cat, dog, woodchuck,
raccoon, human exp: http://promedmail.org/post/20240618.8717092
Rabies (43): North America (USA) cat, raccoon, bat, fox, cow, human
exp: http://promedmail.org/post/20240509.871640
Rabies (40): North America (USA) raccoon, fox, cow, bat, human exp
Rabies (35): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, dog, cow, human exp
Rabies (32): North America (USA) raccoon, cat, fox, bat, dog, coyote,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240401.8715730
Rabies (30): North America (Mexico, USA) cat, fox, dog & human exp,
fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20240328.8715661
Rabies (28): North America (USA) raccoon, otter, cat, skunk, dogs,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240320.8715504
Rabies (23): North America (USA) skunk, raccoon, cat, cow, dog,
bobcat, fox, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240314.8715372
Rabies (21): North America (USA) bat, horse, dog, raccoon, cat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240309.8715270
Rabies (15): North America (USA) coyote, dog, kitten, raccoon, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240224.8715017
Rabies (09): North America (USA) fox, dog, skunk, cat, cow, human exp
Rabies (06): North America (USA) otter, raccoon, cat, dog, skunk, fox,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240118.8714289
Rabies (03): North America (USA) cat, skunk, dog, bat, raccoon, fox,
horse, human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20240113.8714178
Rabies (59): North America (USA) fox, skunk, cat, dog, human exp
Rabies (54): North America (USA) skunk, coyote, racoon, dog, human
exposure http://promedmail.org/post/20231223.8713861
Rabies (51): North America (USA) fox, cat, fisher, goat, human exp
Rabies (48): North America (USA) horse, fox, raccoon, kitten, bat,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20231118.8713208
Rabies (46): North America (Canada, USA) kitten, cat, dog, bat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20231105.8712996
Rabies (44): North America (USA) kitten, bat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (43): North America (USA) fox
Rabies (40): North America (Canada, USA) bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (39): North America (USA) otter, fox, dog, human exp
Rabies (37): North America (USA) dog, raccoon, cat, bat, skunk, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230925.8712316
Rabies (36): North America (USA) fox, raccoon
Rabies (35): Americas, dog, bat, human exp
Rabies (34): North America (USA) fox, dog, cat, raccoon, bat, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230802.8711520
Rabies (33): North America (USA) fox, bat, dog, beaver, cat, human exp
Rabies (32): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (31): Americas (USA) fox, bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) bat, cat, dog, human exp
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) dog, cat, bat, fox, groundhog, human exp
Rabies (24): Americas (Canada, USA) Australia, human exp, bats, cats,
wildlife http://promedmail.org/post/20230610.8710499
Rabies (23): Americas (Canada, USA) fox, bat, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (20): Americas (USA) bat, possible human exp
Rabies (01): Americas, cat, bat, cattle, skunk, pig, dog, human
cases/exp http://promedmail.org/post/20230103.8707561]