

狂犬病(44):アメリカ(アメリカ合衆国) キツネ、コウモリ、猫、馬、ヒトへの曝露、ワクチンに関するアップデート



In this update:
[1] Virginia (James County): fox, cat
[2] New Jersey (Ocean County): fox, human exposure
[3] Ohaio (Miami County): bat, human exposure
[4] Oklahoma (Cotton County): horse
[5] Oklahoma: summary
[6] Update: human pre-exposure vaccination guidelines


[1] バージニア州(ジェームズ郡):キツネ、ネコ
[2] ニュージャージー州(オーシャン郡):キツネ、ヒトへの曝露

[3] オハイオ州(マイアミ郡):コウモリ、ヒトへの曝露
[4] オクラホマ州(コットン郡):ウマ
[5] オクラホマ州:概要
[6] アップデート:ヒトの曝露前免疫に関するガイドライン

[1] Virginia (James County): fox, cat
Date: Fri 2 Sep 2022
Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch [edited

[1] バージニア州(ジェームズ郡):キツネ、ネコ
日付:2022年9月2日 金曜日

情報源:Richmond Times-Dispatch[編集済]

Second fox in the Williamsburg-area tests positive for rabies
A fox responsible for an attack on a cat in James City County has tested positive for the rabies virus.

ウィリアムズバーグ地区で 2 例目の狂犬病陽性キツネが発生

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According to the Hampton and Peninsula Health Districts, the fox, which is now deceased, was sighted in the area of Canvas Back Run and the Warhill Sports Complex in James County on 26 Aug 2022.

ハンプトンとペニンシュラの保健管区によると、キツネは、(現在は死亡しているが)、2022 年 8 月 26 日にジェームズ郡のキャンバス バック ランとウォーヒル スポーツ コンプレックスで目撃された。

This is the area's 2nd fox to test positive for rabies in just over a week. The night of 22 Aug 2022, a wild gray fox bit 5 people, a dog and a cat in Williamsburg near Mimosa Drive, Boundary Street, Counselor's Way and Griffin Avenue. That fox also tested positive for the rabies virus. [This was reported in Rabies (37): Americas (USA) animals, human exp Archive Number:

このキツネは、この地域で、 1 週間に狂犬病の検査で陽性となった 2 例目のキツネである。 2022 年 8 月 22 日の夜、ミモザドライブ、バウンダリー ストリート、カウンセラーズ ウェイ、グリフィン アベニューの近くのウィリアムズバーグで、野生のハイイロキツネが5名の人、イヌとネコを咬んだ。 そのキツネも狂犬病ウイルス陽性であった。[これは狂犬病(37)で報告した: アメリカ(USA)動物、人への曝露  アーカイブ番号:http://promedmail.org/post/20220903.8705380]

Health officials said Wednesday [31 Aug 2022] they will be contacting the immediate neighbors, as well as any civic or homeowner's associations near where the fox was spotted.


Rabies is a fatal, but preventable, disease carried by mammals and has been in the wild animal population on the Peninsula since the mid 1980s, according to the health districts.

保健管区によると、狂犬病は、哺乳類が媒介する致死的ではあるが予防可能な病気であり、1980 年代半ばから半島の野生動物群に存在している。

Those with information about an exposure to any fox are asked to contact the health districts' Williamsburg Environmental Health Office. Exposures include a bite, scratch or contact with saliva by open wound, eyes, nose or mouth, as well as direct contact between your pet and the rabid animal. For after-hours calls, contact animal control.

キツネからの曝露に関する情報を持っている人は、保健管区のウィリアムズバーグ環境保健局に連絡するよう求められている。曝露には、咬傷、引っ掻き傷、または開放創、目、鼻、口を介した唾液との接触、およびペットと狂犬病の動物との直接の接触が含まれる。 時間外の電話については、動物管理当局に問い合わせること。

Health officials remind people to follow important rabies prevention guidelines, including getting pets vaccinated, reporting all exposures to animals to your doctor and to the local health department and only enjoying wildlife from a safe distance.


[Byline: Sian Wilkerson]

[署名:Sian Wilkerson]


Communicated by:

[2] New Jersey (Ocean County): fox, human exposure
Date: Sat 3 Sep 2022
Source: New York Post [edited]

[2] ニュージャージー州(オーシャン郡):キツネ、ヒトへの曝露
日付:2022年9月3日 土曜日

情報源:New York Post[編集済]


5 kids bitten by fox in Lakewood, New Jersey
A possibly rabid fox bit 5 kids in Lakewood, NJ this week and may have attacked a 6th child, according to officials and reports.





The scary string of incidents unfolded Tuesday (30 Aug 2022) at a playground in John Street Park in the central New Jersey town and in several backyards, the Ocean County Health Department said.

その恐ろしい一連の事件は、火曜日(2022 年 8 月 30 日)、ニュージャージー州中心部のジョン ストリート パークの遊び場と数カ所の裏庭で発生したとオーシャン郡の保健当局は述べた。


A 5-year-old boy on the playground was bitten around 10 a.m., 6ABC reported, citing police reports. Another child was pounced on at their home but escaped unhurt, while a different family told cops 3 kids were bitten in their yard.

6ABC は、警察の報告を引用して、遊び場にいた 5 歳の男の子が午前 10 時頃に咬まれたと報告した。 別の子供1人は家で襲われたが無傷で逃げ、別の家族は、警察に対して3人の子供が庭で咬まれたと語った。

Just before 7 p.m., an 8-year-old boy was also bitten on the playground, according to Patch.


At least 1 kid got rabies shots and 1 was treated at a local hospital and released [This is concerning. The child was bitten but did not receive post exposure prophylaxes? If he was treated it must have been from a wound, perhaps falling on the pavement but not necessarily bitten by the fox. This simply does not make sense. - Mod.TG].
Authorities have not released information on the injuries, and Lakewood Police did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

少なくとも 1 人の子供が狂犬病の予防接種を受け、1 人は地元の病院で治療を受けて退院した。 [これは心配である。 子供は咬まれたが、曝露後予防を受けていないのか? 彼が治療を受けたとすれば、それはおそらくキツネに咬まれたことではなく、歩道に落ちた傷に対するものだったに違いない。 これではまったく意味がない。[Mod.TG]


Animal control is searching for the fox, a spokesman for the Ocean County Health Department said.


Locals are so freaked out by the kid-chomping animal attacks they're scrambling to get home before dark so they don't become fodder for the fox, one area pastor told The Post.

地元の人々は、子供に噛みつく動物の襲撃に非常に驚き、キツネの餌食にならないように、暗くなる前に急いで家に帰ろうとしている。と、ある地域の牧師がThe Postに語った.

Two of the kids were bitten by the fox at the playground in John Street Park.

2 人の子供が、ジョン ストリート パークの遊び場でキツネに咬まれた。

Parishioners at Greater Bethel Church of God, just around the corner from John Street Park, are nervous because the attacks took place in an area where so many families and children gather, and where the
church hosts its barbecues.

ジョン ストリート パークのすぐ近くにあるグレーター ベテル チャーチ オブ ゴッドの教区民は、(キツネによる)襲撃が、非常に多くの家族や子供たちが集まり、教会がバーベキューを主催する地域で発生したため、緊張している。

"That's very alarming because you have so many children out there and that's terrible when the kids get attacked or get hurt," said Rev. John Jones. "Anything can happen."

John Jones牧師は、「非常に多くの子供たちがいるので、大変不安である。子供たちが襲われたり怪我をしたりすると、ひどいことになる。」と述べた。 「どのようなことでも起こりうる。」

The animal or animals may still be on the loose, said Daniel Regenye, Ocean County's public health coordinator.

オーシャン郡の公衆衛生コーディネーターであるDaniel Regenye氏は、動物はまだ放浪している可能性があると述べた。

At least 1 of the kids was given a rabies shot and treated at a hospital.

子供のうち少なくとも 1 人は、病院で狂犬病の予防接種を受け、治療を受けた。

WPVI reported; "There is the possibility they [the fox or foxes? - Mod.TG] would still be roaming," he said.

WPVI が報告した。 「彼ら[キツネは1匹か複数か? - Mod.TG]がまだ放浪している可能性がある。」と彼は言った。

A day earlier [29 Aug 2022], another New Jersey fox reportedly attacked 2 people and a dog at Double Trouble State Park, about 20 minutes south of the heavily Orthodox community of Lakewood. The Monday [29 Aug 2022] attack in the 8000-acre [3237 hectares] park prompted officials to shut down the green space for at least 3 days.

その前日(2022 年 8 月 29 )、別のニュージャージー州のキツネが、レイクウッドの最も伝統的なコミュニティから南に約20 分のところにあるダブル トラブル州立公園で ヒト2 名と犬 1 匹を襲ったと伝えられた。 月曜日(2022 年 8 月 29 日)に発生した8000 エーカー (3237 ヘクタール)の広さを有する公園での襲撃事件により、当局は、少なくとも 3 日間緑地を閉鎖することにした。

A dead fox was found this week in the park and later tested positive for rabies but officials don't believe it was the same animal responsible for Monday's [29 Aug 2022] attack.


Regenye said there have been 7 documented cases of rabies in animals so far this year [2022] in Ocean County: the dead fox, 3 bats, 2 cats and a raccoon. There were 17 cases for all of 2021.

Regenye氏によると、オーシャン郡では、今年(2022 年)はこれまでに7 件の動物の狂犬病が記録されている。内訳は(今回発見された)死んだキツネ、コウモリ3 匹、ネコ2 匹、アライグマ1 匹である。 2021年全体では17件の発生があった。

[Byline: Matthew Sedacca]

[署名:Matthew Sedacca]

Communicated by:

[3] Florida (Miami County): bat, human exposure
Date: Thu 29 Sep 2022
Source: WHIO [edited]



情報源:WHIO [編集済]

Bat captured in Miami County tests positive for rabies after biting person
Health officials have confirmed a bat captured in Miami County tested positive for rabies after it bit a person.


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Miami County Public Health says it was informed of the positive test on Wednesday [28 Sep 2022].

マイアミ郡の公衆衛生当局は、水曜日[2022 年 9 月 28 日]に(狂犬病)陽性の検査結果を通知したことを述べた。

According to Public Health, the bat had bitten a person in the county over the previous weekend. In response to the bite, the bat was sent to the Ohio Department of Health Laboratory to be tested for rabies and a positive result was confirmed.

公衆衛生当局によると、コウモリは先週末に郡内の人を咬んだ。 咬傷事故に対応して、そのコウモリはオハイオ州保健研究所に送られ、狂犬病の検査を受け、陽性の結果が確認された。

The person bitten began post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) (rabies shots) in a timely manner, Public Health said.


Miami County last had a confirmed case of rabies in an animal in 2015, according to Public Health.

公衆衛生局によると、マイアミ郡で最後に動物の狂犬病の症例が確認されたのは 2015 年であったとのことである。

Miami County Public Health released the following tips for preventing the transmission of rabies:
*Leave all wildlife alone
*Know the risk: contact with infected bats is the leading cause of rabies deaths
*Wash animal bites or scratches immediately with soap and water
*If you are bitten, scratched or unsure, talk to a healthcare provider about whether you need post-exposure prophylaxis. Rabies in people is 100% preventable through prompt medical attention.
*Vaccinate your pets to protect them and your family.


  • すべての野生生物をそのままにしておく。
  • リスクを知る: 感染したコウモリとの接触は、狂犬病による死亡の主な原因である。
  • 動物に咬まれたり引っかかれたりした場合は、石鹸と水ですぐに洗い流すこと。
  • (動物に)咬まれたり、引っ掻かれたり、(曝露を受けたか)確信が持てない場合は、暴露後予防(PEP)が必要かどうか、医療機関に相談すること。 人の狂犬病は、迅速な医療処置によって 100% 予防可能である。
  • ペットと家族を守るために、ペットにワクチンを接種すること。

For more information on rabies, you can click on https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/index.html.


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[4] Oklahoma (Cotton County): horse
Date: Thu 29 Sep 2022
Source: Outbreak News Today [edited]

[4] オクラホマ州(コットン郡):ウマ

日付:2022年9月29日 木曜日
情報源:Outbreak News Today [編集済]

Oklahoma: Horse contracts rabies in Cotton County
The Oklahoma State Veterinarian Office reports on a rabies case in a Quarter Horse in Cotton County in the southern part of the state.




The unvaccinated mare experienced signs of being uncomfortable, frequent urinations, biting at flanks, progressed to hyperexcitability, hypersalivation, and self mutilation last week.


The animal was euthanized and confirmed positive for rabies.


One additional horse with potential exposure is currently quarantined.


Rabies is usually transmitted through a bite wound from an infected animal but the virus can also enter through open wounds, cuts in the skin, abrasions, or direct contact with the mucous membranes (mouth or eyes) of infected animals.


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[5] Oklahoma: summary
Date: Fri 30 Sep 2022
Source: Koco.com [edited]

[5] オクラホマ州:概要


Oklahoma veterinarians see recent rise in horses being diagnosed with rabies
There's been an alarming number of Oklahoma horses diagnosed with rabies in the past month [September 2022].


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オクラホマ州では、過去 1 か月[2022 年 9 月]の間に、狂犬病と診断された驚くべき数のウマがいる。

Statewide, veterinarians typically only see an average of 2 or 3 cases of rabies per year.


"So far, we've had 7 cases. But 4 of them have been in the last month," State Veterinarian Rod Hall said. "This seems to be a little excessive."


Hall said the disease usually is spread by other wildlife.


"The 2 species that carry rabies in Oklahoma are skunks and bats," he said. "So, it's almost 100% of the time going to be from a skunk or a bat."

オクラホマ州狂犬病を媒介する動物種は、スカンクとコウモリの 2 種類である。」と彼は言った。「つまり、ほぼ 100% の確率でスカンクかコウモリが原因である。」

The best way to stop the spread is to vaccinate your animals, according to Hall.



"They can either get their veterinarian to do the vaccinations for them, for the animals they're around a lot," Hall said. "Or, they can purchase the vaccine and give the vaccine themselves to their livestock."



Unfortunately, horses don't survive once they get rabies [Most animals do not survive rabies. - Mod.TG].

残念なことに、ウマは狂犬病に感染すると生き残ることができない。[[ほとんどの動物は狂犬病に感染すると生き延びられない。 -Mod.TG]。

People who think their horses have been exposed should not stick their hands in the horse's mouth. Instead, they should call a vet.

ウマが(狂犬病に)曝露されたと思う人は、そのウマの口に手を入れてはならない。 その代わりに、獣医師に電話する必要がある。

[Byline: Audrey Goodson ]

[署名:Audrey Goodson]

Communicated by:

[6] Update: human pre-exposure vaccination guidelines
Date: Tue 4 Oct 2022
Source: AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) [edited]

[6] アップデート:ヒトの曝露前免疫に関するガイドライン
日付:2022年10月4日 火曜日



CDC updates recommendation for human rabies vaccination
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its recommendations for rabies pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for humans to replace the 3-dose rabies vaccination schedule with a 2-dose
vaccination schedule which will provide protection for at least 3 years.

CDC が人間の狂犬病予防接種に関する推奨事項をアップデート

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The updated PrEP recommendations, published in the 6 May 2022 edition of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (PDF), were developed by the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. The group of medical and public health experts provides advice and guidance on controlling vaccine-preventable diseases in the U.S. civilian population.

2022 年 5 月 6 日版の、罹患率と死亡率に関する週報(PDF)で公開された、新たな PrEPに関する推奨事項は、CDC の予防接種の実施に関する委員会によって作成された。 医療および公衆衛生の専門家のグループは、米国の一般市民におけるワクチンで予防可能な疾病を制御する上でのアドバイスとガイダンスを提供する。

The recommendations were last updated in 2008. The CDC noted barriers affecting adherence to the recommendations since then, according to the report, "including out-of-pocket costs of rabies biologics (3-dose PrEP vaccination series is currently estimated at ≥ USD1100), confusion about which activities fall within different risk categories, and noncompliance with recommendations for repeated titer

前回推奨事項が更新されたのは2008 年であった。それ以来、CDC は推奨事項の順守に影響を与える障壁に注目しており、レポートによると、(その障壁とは)狂犬病ワクチン接種の自己負担費用を(現在、3 回接種の PrEPにかかる費用は 1,100 米ドル以上と推定されている。) 、どのような行動がさまざまなリスクカテゴリーに分類されるかについての混乱、および繰り返し行われる力価(抗体価のことか?)チェックに関する推奨事項への違反が含まれる。

Along with switching to the PrEP schedule of 2 doses 7 days apart, the revamped recommendations list 5 groups categorized according to their risk of rabies exposure. Risk category 1 is the highest risk and meant for people who work with live or concentrated rabies virus in laboratories. Veterinarians and veterinary technicians join animal control officers and wildlife biologists in risk category 3, defined
as "people who interact with, or are at higher risk to interact, with mammals other than bats which could be rabid, for a period longer than 3 years after they receive PrEP."

7 日間隔で 2 回接種する PrEP スケジュールへの切り替えに加えて、改訂された推奨事項には、狂犬病への曝露のリスクに応じて 5 つのグループに分類されている。 リスク カテゴリー 1 は最高のリスクであり、実験室で生きた狂犬病ウイルスまたは濃縮した狂犬病ウイルスを扱う人々を対象としている。 リスクカテゴリー3には、「PrEP 投与後 3 年以上、狂犬病の可能性があるコウモリ以外の哺乳類と接触する、または接触するリスクが高い人々」として、獣医師と動物看護師、動物管理官と野生生物学者が含まれる。

Those who fall in risk category 3 and are seeking PrEP for the 1st time should receive the 2-dose series and obtain either a 1-time titer check 1 to 3 years following the 2-dose vaccination or a 1-dose booster between 3 weeks and 3 years following the 1st vaccine in the 2-dose PrEP vaccination series.

リスク カテゴリー 3 に該当し、初回の PrEP を希望する人は、2 回のワクチン接種を受け、2 回目接種の1~3年後に 1 回の抗体検査を受けるか、初回接種から3 週間後と2回目接種から3年後にブースター接種を受ける必要がある。

Serial titer testing every 2 years is no longer recommended, including for those who previously received a 3-dose PrEP series because recognized rabies exposures should always prompt evaluation for post-exposure prophylaxis, according to the report. The minimum acceptable laboratory value used to determine whether booster doses of rabies vaccine are needed was revised and standardized to 0.5 IU/mL, which aligns with current guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO).

報告書によれば、過去にPrEP として3回のワクチン接種を受けた人も含め、2年ごとの抗体検査はもはや推奨されていない。なぜならば、狂犬病に曝露された場合には、曝露後予防接種が必要かという評価が常に迅速にされるべきだからである。狂犬病ワクチンのブースター接種が必要かどうかを判断するために使用される最小抗体価が改訂され、0.5 IU/mL に標準化された。これは、世界保健機関(WHO)の現在のガイダンスと一致している。

The AVMA Trust offers 2 packages including a rabies benefit: the Member Basic Protection Package and Student Basic Protection Package. Both packages provide a financial reimbursement for rabies vaccination and titer testing.

AVMA トラストは、狂犬病予防への給付を含む2つのパッケージを提供している: 会員基本保護パッケージと学生基本保護パッケージである。どちらのパッケージも、狂犬病ワクチン接種と抗体検査に対する費用の払い戻しを提供している。

"Rabies exposure does occur in veterinary practice and because of this risk, it is recommended to follow CDC guidelines and medical professional recommendations for prophylaxis and post-exposure management," said Dr. Linda Ellis, director of trust veterinarians for the AVMA Trust.

狂犬病への曝露は獣医師の診療で発生する。このリスクがあるため、予防と曝露後の管理について、CDCのガイドラインと医療専門家の推奨事項に従うことが推奨される。」と、AVMAトラスト獣医師のディレクターであるLinda Ellis博士は述べた。

The AVMA Trust also offers the on-demand webinar "Rabies Liability: Is Your Practice Protected?" with information on ways to reduce rabies exposure and which types of coverage practices need to ensure they are protected from liability in the event of a rabies exposure.

AVMA トラストは、オンデマンドのウェビナー「狂犬病に関する義務:あなたの診療行為は保護されているか?」も提供している。このウェビナーでは、 狂犬病への曝露を減らす方法と、狂犬病への曝露が発生した場合にその責任から保護されることを保証するために、どのような補償が必要か という情報が含まれている。

Communicated by:

[It seems like it is fox rabies season with 3 reports involving the fox. It is not necessarily unusual to see more animals at a particular time of year. Drought as well as other adverse weather can affect the movement of all wild animals, and bring them into closer contact with human beings and their pets.

キツネにおける3件の報告がありキツネの狂犬病の発生シーズンにあるようだ。 1 年の特定の時期により多くの動物で発生が見られることは、必ずしも珍しいことではない。 干ばつやその他の悪天候は、すべての野生動物の動きに影響を与え、人間やペットとの距離を縮めることになる。

Perhaps one of the most significant pieces here is the change in pre-exposure prophylaxis vaccination. Veterinarians, as well as other people associated with various animal industries, should be aware of this change.

おそらく、ここで最も重要な部分の 1 つは、曝露前予防ワクチン接種に関する変更である。獣医師だけでなく、様々な動物関連産業に従事する他の人々も、この変更に注意する必要がある。

Above all, we all should be on the alert for animals acting strangely. Recall rabies has a furious form and a dumb, or sedate, form. This less aggressive form can transmit the deadly rabies virus just as
easily with saliva or a bite. Recall saliva in the eye or mouth or a scratch can transmit the virus.


If you have large animals, please vaccinate those horses and cattle, sheep and goats against rabies. These animals are larger and more powerful than we are and can damage the human body severely. We have posted on horses and cattle having rabies and there are horror stories most veterinarians are aware of, likely plenty on the internet. Please protect yourselves and your animals by vaccinating against the rabies virus. - Mod.TG

大型動物を飼っている場合は、これらのウマやウシ、ヒツジ、ヤギに狂犬病の予防接種をしてください。これらの動物は我々よりも体が大きく力もあり、人体に深刻なダメージを与える可能性がある。 我々は狂犬病に感染したウマやウシについて投稿してきた。ほとんどの獣医師が知っている恐ろしい話があり、それはおそらくインターネット上にたくさんある。 狂犬病ウイルスの予防接種をして、あなたとあなたの動物を守ってください。 - Mod.TG

ProMED map: United States: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8706005,106]

[See Also:
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (07): Americas (Canada, USA) fox, dog, bat, cat, human exp
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) dog, fox, cat, bat, human exp
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, bat, dog, human exp, cattle
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) bat, human exposure
http://promedmail.org/post/20210519.8370609 2020
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) coyote, bat, imported dog ex Egypt, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20201108.7925072
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) animal, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (27): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (25): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (23): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) fox, goat, bat, human exposure
Rabies (15): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exp
Rabies (13): Americas (USA) cat, fox, human exp
Rabies (12): Americas (USA) fox, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) cat, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp
Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure
Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp
Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp
Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure
Rabies (49): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) cat, dog, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (47): Americas (USA) skunk, alert
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) dog, skunk, raccoon, fox, human exp
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) fox, bat, human exp
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) dog, cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (39): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, kitten, raccoon, human
Rabies (38): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (34): Americas (USA) cat, dog, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas, USA (FL, NC) cat, fox, dog, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr.
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure
Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp.
Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert
Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure
Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) raccoon, alert



[1] Israel: jackal, spread
[2] Vietnam: human
[3] Afghanistan (Kabul): human, dog, control
[4] Malaysia: human
[5] India (Kerala): wildlife
[6] Philippines: human

[1] イスラエル:ジャッカル、まん延
[2] ベトナム:ヒト
[3] アフガニスタン(カブール):ヒト、イヌ、制御
[4] マレーシア:ヒト
[5] インド(ケララ)野生動物
[6] フィリピン:ヒト

[1] Israel: jackal, spread
Date: Thu 29 Sep 2022
Source: Circular of Israel's State Field Veterinary Services [inHebrew, transl. Mod.AS, edited]
[1] イスラエル:ジャッカル、まん延


情報源:Circular of Israel's State Field Veterinary Services(ヘブライ語、翻訳、モデレータA Sによる編集済み)


Subject: Rabies case No. 19 - jackal, Ganei Hugga, Near Hamadiya
Re: Laboratory report No. A00464997 dated 21 Sep 2022.
標題:狂犬病第19例 ジャッカル、ハマディア近郊のGanei Hugga地区

返信:研究所報告No. A00464997 2022年9月21日付

Please be informed that a golden jackal which looked unwell was brought on 20 Sep 2022 for testing to the rabies laboratory of the Kimron Veterinary Institute and found positive for rabies.

[(Signed) Dr Avi Vasserman, (acting) Director Field Veterinary Services]
(署名)Avi Vasserman博士、現Field Veterinary Services部長
Communicated by:

[The described case has become Israel's 19th animal confirmed as rabid since the start of 2022, involving 10 jackals, 5 dogs, 3 cattle and a cat. Of the 19 cases, 16 were included in a cluster in north Israel, adjacent to the Lebanese border. The current case seems to belong to a new, separate cluster, adjacent to Israel's border with the Kingdom of Jordan. An interactive rabies map, presenting the 2022 cases as of 29 Sep 2022, is available at
In the legend, dogs are denoted using a pink colored pin, jackals aqua, cat yellow, and cattle red.



Ganey Hugga is a recreation site, 1.5 km distant from Israel's border with the Kingdom of Jordan (map at https://tinyurl.com/4t738efz). In late August 2022, 2 other jackals were rabies-confirmed in the same region. On 23 Aug 2022, a rabid jackal was recorded/confirmed in the very same location. Earlier, on 15 Aug 2022, a rabid jackal cub was detected in Gidona, in the same region. Most likely, the same epidemiological situation prevails currently on eastern side of the Jordan river which separates Israel from the Kingdom of Jordan.
Ganey Huggaはレクリエーション地でヨルダン王国イスラエルの国境から1.5kmのに位置する。(地図はhttps://tinyurl.com/4t738efz)2022年8月、2頭のジャッカルがそれぞれ狂犬病だったということが同じ地域で確認された。2022年8月23日には、1頭の狂犬病のジャッカルが全く同じ地域で確認されて記録されている。それより以前の2022年8月15日には1頭の狂犬病のジャッカルの子供が同じ地域のギドナで見つかっていた。おそらく、ヨルダン王国イスラエルの境界を流れるヨルダン川の東部でも同じ疫学的状況が現在も続いているのだろう。

This new cluster is reminiscent of an earlier, serious rabies event in the same region. Following more than 10 years of effective control of rabies throughout Israel, mainly due to the periodic countrywide application of oral vaccination of foxes and jackals, an explosive outbreak in jackals, starting in August 2017 on the Jordanian border, spread south-westward, peaking in early 2018 (see item 1, commentary,
http://promedmail.org/post/20180611.5850724). It required the State Veterinary Services to declare large parts of northern Israel as "high risk" and to apply severe control measures, including preventive mass vaccination of livestock and intensification of the baited-vaccine application. Hopefully, the 3 jackals do not herald a repeat experience; alertness is warranted on both sides of the Jordan river. - Mod.AS]

[2] Vietnam: human
Date: Wed 28 Sep 2022
Source: Outbreak News Today [edited]
[2] ベトナム:ヒト



In the 1st 8 months of 2022, Vietnam had 40 human rabies deaths.
Although the number of deaths from rabies in some provinces decreased significantly, the number of deaths still increased compared to the previous period. Despite some progress over the past 10 years, Vietnam continues to report between 70 and 100 deaths from rabies each year.


The number of deaths from rabies in some provinces has decreased significantly, but the number of deaths from 2017 to 2021 is still increased in 20 provinces compared with the period 2011-2016.

In order to actively prevent rabies, the Department of Preventive Medicine, the Ministry of Health recommends that people take the following measures:
1. Fully vaccinated dogs and cats and annual booster vaccinations as recommended by the veterinary industry.
2. Do not let dogs and cats loose; dogs on the street must wear a muzzle.
3. Do not play, tease dogs and cats.
4. When bitten, scratched or licked by a dog or cat:
- Wash the wound thoroughly with water and strong soap continuously for 15 minutes, if soap is not available, flush the wound with clean water -- this is an effective 1st aid measure to reduce the risk of rabies when infected.
- Then continue to wash the wound with 70% alcohol, iodine alcohol or Povidone, Iodine.
- Limit bruising and do not cover the wound.
- Go to the nearest medical center for advice and timely rabies vaccination. Only vaccination can prevent rabies.
- Absolutely do not self-treat and do not ask a healer to cure rabies.


  1. 獣医業界から勧奨される完全な犬猫へのワクチン接種及び、毎年の追加接種。
  2. 犬や猫を放さない。犬は路上では口輪をする。
  3. 犬や猫をからかわない。
  4. 犬や猫に咬まれたり引っ掻かれたり舐められた時には
  • 水でよく洗い、石鹸で15分間休まずに洗う。もし石鹸を使えない場合にはきれいな水を傷口に吹きかけて洗い流す。これは感染した場合狂犬病のリスクを下げる有効な初期治療である。
  • 次に70%アルコールか、ヨードチンキ、ポビドンヨードで傷口の消毒を続ける。
  • 傷を叩いたり被覆したりしない。
  • 助言と早期のワクチン接種のため、至近の病院に行く。ワクチン接種のみが狂犬病を防御できる。
  • 狂犬病治療のため、絶対に自分で治療したり祈祷師にお願いしたりしない。

Communicated by:ProMED

[3] Afghanistan (Kabul): human, dog, control
Date: Tue 27 Sep 2022
Source: The Mayhew [abridged, edited]
[3] アフガニスタン(カブール):ヒト、イヌ、制御


情報源:The Mayhew(簡約版、編集済み)

Mayhew Afghanistan, alongside Kabul Municipality, Afghan Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation & Livestock and Kabul University Vet Faculty, are working in a partnership to eradicate rabies in Kabul.

The global profile and awareness of rabies is being raised through public advocacy and awareness efforts and delivery of a city-wide mass vaccination programme.
As a result of this initiative, there have been no recorded canine-mediated rabies deaths in humans for the past 18 months in Kabul. And to date [27 Sep 2022], there have been no confirmed cases of rabies in dogs in the city since April 2021, a landmark achievement being celebrated on World Rabies Day 2022 on 28 Sep 2022 [see commentary below].

Prior to 2017, on average there were 38 recorded human deaths each year from canine-mediated rabies in the city. Mayhew Afghanistan's mass rabies vaccination programme was then launched in August 2017, with support from Dogs Trust Worldwide, and in subsequent years, the Edgard Cooper Foundation as well. The vaccination programme has run over a course of 4 cycles.

Since the programme commenced almost 95 000 dogs have been vaccinated in 16 of the city's districts. Plans are currently underway for the programme to be rolled out to 6 remaining outlying districts of Kabul, which were previously inaccessible.

The vaccination team, comprising Mayhew Afghanistan vets and a team of Kabul Municipality dog-catchers, who are trained in humane catching methods by Mayhew, work systematically across the 16 districts of Kabul catching the dogs, vaccinating them and marking them with a dash of non-toxic paint before releasing them.

In order to break the chain of the rabies virus transmission, the benchmark is that a minimum of 70% of the dog population in any one area is vaccinated before moving on to the next area. Post-vaccination surveys are carried out to count the dogs marked with the paint and cross-checked against the dog population survey carried out earlier to meet this threshold.


In addition, the Mayhew Community Engagement team in Afghanistan, are raising awareness to address the human aspect of rabies, in order to reduce the number of cases through a holistic approach. The team talk to locals of all ages, explaining their work, discussing rabies dog-bite prevention and how to behave around the roaming dogs in their city. Since May 2021, the team have reached 1440 adults and 3120 children through this work [see comment].

As Caroline Yates, Head of International Projects and Relations at Mayhew, explains, "Since it first began 5 years ago, our rabies vaccination programme in Kabul, the 1st of its kind for Afghanistan and devised by Mayhew Afghanistan's Country Director, Dr Abdul-Jalil Mohammadzai DVM, has raised the profile of the country's struggle with rabies, this neglected yet endemic disease, with leading organisations involved in the fight against rabies. 'Dr Mo', as he is affectionately known, convinced the Kabul authorities to stop the culling of dogs and has helped initiate this life-saving programme for dogs and people. As a result, Mayhew is proud to be part of WHO/WOAH's overall strategy to eliminate canine-mediated rabies by 2030, 'Zero by 2030.'"

Caroline continues, "It is vital that people understand the importance of rabies control for the health and safety of humans and animals. This is a disease which is 100% preventable, and mass vaccination of dogs is a proven method of reaching that goal, as well as being the most cost-effective. As in many of the world's poorer countries, where rabies in endemic, Kabul's residents are frequently unable to access rabies vaccinations or post-prophylaxis treatment if bitten by a dog, either because the vaccines are unavailable, or in most cases, unaffordable. Fear of this fatal disease leads governments to introduce culling of dogs which is ineffective and does nothing to prevent the transmission of the disease or control the population."

She adds, "The large number of vaccinated dogs and the fact there have been no canine-mediated rabies deaths in humans for 18 months, proves the campaign is working. As we approach World Rabies Day on 28 Sep 2022, with this year's theme of 'One health, zero deaths' in mind, Mayhew's team in Afghanistan should feel very proud of their achievements."

Communicated by:ProMED

[Mayhew is an animal welfare charity based in London, active locally and internationally. The above information comes from the charity's own website. In view of Kabul's human population statistics – nearly 4.46 million strong (2022 figures), the claimed absence, there, of canine-mediated rabies deaths in humans for the past 18 months and no cases in dogs in the city since April 2021, seem most impressive. The said figures relate to "recorded" human deaths and "confirmed" cases in dogs. It remains to hope that the numbers of undiagnosed human cases and non-tested dogs, are minimal. - Mod.AS]
「メイヒューはロンドンに拠点を置く動物福祉の慈善団体で、国内外で活動している。上記の情報はこの団体のウェブサイトから引用した。カブールの人口がほぼ460万人強(2022年)という観点から、この18ヶ月間犬媒介狂犬病がないことや2021年4月以降には市内で犬の狂犬病事例がないことは非常に感動的だ。この数字は人の死亡が「記録」され、犬の狂犬病が「確認」された数である。診断されていない人事例の数や未検査の犬の数が最小であることを祈っている。モデレータA S」

[4] Malaysia: human
Date: Tue 27 Sep 2022
Source: Sarawak Tok [edited]
[4] マレーシア:ヒト




Rabies has so far killed 7 people in Sarawak this year [2022].

As such, State Food Industry, Commodities and Regional Development Minister Datuk Sri Dr Stephen Rundi Utom advised those bitten by a dog to immediately seek treatment. He said rabies is a disease contracted by humans through the bite and saliva of a dog infected with rabies.

"When bitten by a dog, whether it has rabies or not, you (the public) need to seek treatment. Don't wait until a stage when you need a doctor.

"By the time, you get the symptoms (infected by rabies), it will probably be too late for treatment," he told a press conference after opening the Rabies Conference in Borneo 2022, here, today [27 Sep 2022].

He also advised those having pet dogs to send the animal for anti-rabies vaccination and to register their pets with the authorities.


Meanwhile, the Director of the Sarawak Veterinary Services Department director Dr Adrian Susin Ambud said the department hoped to give anti-rabies injections to up to 70% of the dog population in the state to achieve herd immunity. He said the department had so far given anti-rabies vaccination to about 300 000 dogs in the state.
Communicated by:
ProMED Rapporteur Mahmoud Orabi

[5] India (Kerala): wildlife
Date: Mon 26 Sep 2022
Source: New Indian Express [edited]
[5] インド(ケーララ州):野生動物




The statewide anti-rabies vaccination drive for stray dogs seems to have overlooked the threat posed by the infection in wild animals, especially in the forest fringe areas.

Wild animals are considered reservoirs of viruses including Rabies lyssavirus which causes rabies. Frequent encounters between wild and domestic animals leave a spillover effect that would reduce the impact of vaccination campaigns being conducted in the state, say experts.

Following a rise in incidents of stray dog bites and rabies deaths, the state government launched a massive vaccination campaign on 20 Sep 2022 to inoculate dogs. The health and animal husbandry departments have identified hotspots based on the number of dog bites to provide special attention to vaccination in those areas. However, the importance of the drive in fringe locations near forest areas has not been given the emphasis they require.


"It remains an unaddressed area. The rabies infections in the forest are rarely reported. The frequent straying of wild animals into human habitations near forests opens up the possibility of transmission of the rabies virus," said Dr S Nandakumar, Disease Investigation Officer and pathologist, State Institute for Animal Diseases, Palode.
「そこは未対策地のままです。森林地帯での狂犬病感染はほとんど報告されていません。森林地帯のそばで野生動物が頻繁に人の居住地入り込むと狂犬病ウイルスの人への伝播の可能性が生じるのです。」とパロードにある州立家畜疾病研究所の疾病調査官であり病理学研究者のS ナンダクマール博士は述べた。

"We can try oral vaccination on wild animals straying into human habitats along with regular vaccination of all animals in forest fringe areas. The idea is to create an immune belt to prevent the encroachment of pathogens," he said.

The strategies for effectively preventing the transmission of rabies virus from wild animals are still at a nascent stage. But experts have highlighted the human-animal interface for all emerging diseases in the state, including rabies, Nipah, Kyasanur Forest disease (KFD), Scrub Typhus etc.

"There is a need to strengthen surveillance at fringe locations. The very idea of 'One Health' is that disease prevention and eradication activities can't be limited to humans alone," said Dr Althaf A, an epidemiologist and associate professor at GMCH, Thiruvananthapuram.
[Byline: Unnikrishnan S]

--ティルマンタプラムにあるGMCHの疫学者であり准教授のアルサフ A博士は語った。(ユニクリシュナン S署名)
Communicated by: ProMED

[6] Philippines: human
Date: Thu 22 Sep 2022
Source: Inquirer.net [edited]
[6] フィリピン:ヒト




Six patients had died from rabies, the Department of Health Center for Health Development (DOH-CHD) in Bicol said Thursday [22 Sept 2022].

Two of the fatalities came from Camarines Norte, 2 from Sorsogon, one from Camarines Sur, and one from Masbate, the DOH-CHD said. There was also a spike in the number of animal bite cases, mostly by dogs, totaling around 31,138 recorded from [January to June 2022].

"The number of cases is higher compared to 2021, covering the same period that logged only 25,736," said Ruby Jeremias, rabies coordinator at DOH-CHD Bicol. Health experts appealed to the public to immediately visit the animal bite center and seek consultation to avoid complications that may result in death. They also advised pet owners to have their pets vaccinated for protection against rabies infection.

[Byline: Michael B. Jaucian]
(ミシェル B ジョシュアン)
Communicated by: ProMED

[The Philippines has recently gained the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) endorsement for its official control programme for dog-mediated rabies. See



The One Health Quadripartite collaboration, formed by FAO, UNEP, WHO and WOAH (founded as OIE), is said to launch soon a One Health Joint Plan of Action (OH JPA), 2022 - 2026 (draft at




This framework of actions relies on the One Health approach to strengthen collaboration, communication, capacity building and coordination equally across all sectors responsible for addressing health concerns at the human-animal-environment interface. It notably supports the activities of the United Against Rabies Forum, created in 2020 by the FAO, WHO and WOAH. The Forum brings together governments, vaccine producers, researchers, NGOs and development partners with the aim of accelerating and implementing a One Health approach for rabies control.
この活動の枠組みには「ワンヘルス」のアプローチに基づき、人と動物と環境の接点での健康への懸念に対処するための責任ある部門が全て等しく、協力、伝達、能力開発、調整を強化することが必要としている。そして2020年FAOおよびWHO、WOAHにより創設された「United Against Rabies Forum」の活動を特に支持している。このフォーラムには「ワンヘルス」のアプローチで狂犬病制御のための促進と実行を目的として、政府およびワクチンメーカー、研究者、NGO、開発パートナーが集まっている。

The elimination of human deaths from dog-mediated rabies is one of the priorities identified in the OH JPA. As illustrated in the event addressed in item 1 above, combatting rabies requires international cooperation, in view of the need to address this zoonosis as a regional transboundary disease One Health challenge (see http://promedmail.org/post/20220923.8705750). - Mod.AS
犬媒介の狂犬病による人の死亡の撲滅はOH JPAに認識された優先課題の一つである。上記1に示されるように、狂犬病への対策はワンヘルスの課題である地域の境界を超えたこの人獣共通感染症に対処する必要性の観点から、国際協力が求められる。(以下を参照: http://promedmail.org/post/20220923.8705750



ProMED maps:
Afghanistan: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8705891,137
India: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8705891,142
Israel: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8705891,90
Malaysia: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8705891,147
Philippines: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8705891,158
Vietnam: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8705891,152]

[See Also:
Rabies (39): Asia (Lebanon) Middle East, animals, spread, control,
comment http://promedmail.org/post/20220923.8705750
Rabies (38): Asia (Lebanon) human, spread (Israel) dog, human exposure
Rabies (09): Eurasia (Ukraine, India, Israel) cat, human, cow, control
Rabies (06): Eurasia (Israel, Malaysia, Turkey) dog, owned, stray,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20220222.8701585
Rabies (31): Eurasia (India, Israel, Ukraine), Africa (S Africa)
human, animal http://promedmail.org/post/20210827.8626789
Rabies (25): Asia (India, Nepal) human, dog; (Israel) jackal, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20210711.8511091
Rabies (07): Asia, Pakistan (SD) human, Israel (HZ, HD) dog, spread
Rabies (05): Asia (Israel, Bangladesh) animal, human
Rabies (07): Asia (Cambodia, Indonesia, Israel) human, animal, control
Rabies (57): Asia (Lebanon) human, animal
Rabies (31): Africa (Kenya), Asia (Israel, Malaysia, Viet Nam) human,
animal http://promedmail.org/post/20180611.5850724
Rabies (15): Asia (Lebanon) canine, OIE
Rabies (09): Asia (Israel) wildlife, spread (India) human, treatment
modified http://promedmail.org/post/20180203.5604913
Rabies (03): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, OIE
Rabies (02): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, spread, control measures
Rabies (26): Asia (India, Nepal, Pakistan) Africa (Algeria) animal,
human http://promedmail.org/post/20170616.5109529
Rabies, human - Afghanistan: (NR)




In this update:
[1] Lebanon: human, dog
[2] Israel: north, dog
[1]レバノン: ヒト、イヌ

[1] Lebanon: human, dog

Date: Wed 7 Sep 2022
Source: Nidaa Al-Watan [in Arabic, machine trans., abridged, edited]

Rabies has returned to spread in Lebanon. The return of waste to the roads and with it stray dogs, brought one of the most dangerous diseases to the fore, as rabies has no cure, and its result is
inevitable death.


The child [M] is on a respirator and his family awaits his death from one moment to another. The child was infected with rabies as a result of a dog bite in his home in a southern village. This would bring the
number of child deaths from this disease in Lebanon to 2 within 2 months.


The number is announced, and the Ministry of Health did not pay attention to the matter, and is still dealing with the file of stray dogs and their dangers as a transient phase, despite the certainty of the extent of danger to the people as a result of this phenomenon. Due to the seriousness of the matter, the ministry has rushed to secure vaccines after missing for months.


Approximately a month ago [August 2022], the family's home dog scratched the child and others of the 10 family members. The family had not vaccinated the dog as a preventive measure, on the grounds
that the dog is an "in-house" one, despite knowing that it sometimes meets stray dogs. Symptoms of rabies began to appear in the child a few days ago. He was rushed to the Rafic Hariri University Hospital
and put on a respirator, awaiting his death within 2 days or more.

1ヶ月ほど前[22年8月]、家族に飼われているイヌが、その男児及び他の10名の家族を引っ掻いた。そのイヌがしばしば放浪犬と接触していることを知っていたにもかかわらず、“室内”犬という理由で、その家族は予防措置であるワクチンをイヌに接種していなかった。数日前から男児狂犬病の症状が現れ始めた。彼は、Rafic Hariri大学病院に急いで運ばれ、人工呼吸器につながれ、2日程度以内の死を待っている。

He is the 2nd child dying of rabies within 2 months, following a Syrian child in Tyre. This happens as a result of the spread of stray dogs in Southern Lebanon villages and towns. These dogs are feeding on
the vast quantity of garbage and waste with its dire effects on public health and the environment.


So far, no statement has been issued by the Ministry of Health regarding the family infected with rabies. The ministry is silent about the issue for fear of panic that may afflict people, so it is trying, according to informed sources, to turn a blind eye due to its inability to confront the emerging crisis. According to the same sources, "the ministry opened an investigation and took samples of the infected family, while signs of behavioral changes began to appear in one of its members. Other than that, no steps have been undertaken to push municipalities to remove waste from the roads, or influencing animal welfare associations to move to curb the danger."


More than 10 cases of "dog bites" are recorded daily in the Nabatiyeh region, and similarly in Tyre, Bint Jbeil and Marjayoun. The increasing number of people bitten by dogs is beginning to worry medical institutions, who look at this issue with concern, especially since there is a lack of public awareness. Medical sources confirm that "the patient bitten by a dog must hurry to get vaccinated, to
prevent developing [clinical] rabies, for which there is no cure. The symptoms of rabies appear only 20 days to a month after the bite, just as what happened with child [M]."

Nabtiyeh地区では、毎日10件以上の咬傷事故が報告されており、Tyre、Bint Jbeil及びMarjayounでも同様である。咬傷事故数の増加については、この問題とりわけ市民の認識の欠如を懸念する医療機関が心配し始めている。医療関係者は「イヌに咬まれた患者は、治療することができない狂犬病が発症しないように、早急に予防接種を開始しなければならない。狂犬病の症状は、この男児で起こったように、受傷後僅か20日から1ヶ月ほどで発症する。」事を確認した。

Stray dogs are roaming, attacking people. There are no signs of a solution to this current crisis in view of the bankrupcy of municipalities and of the objection, by animal welfare societies, to the idea of killing the stray dogs in spite of them having become life threatening.

There are no accurate numbers about rabies deaths in Lebanon, although informal information says that the numbers have started to rise.

Communicated by:
ProMED Rapporteur Mahmoud Orabi

[The deteriorating rabies situation in Lebanon has been subject to analysis in a 2018 paper; unfortunately, the situation seems unchanged if not worsening. The (slightly abridged) abstract follows:


"The risk of rabies has taken a new turn over the past few years in Lebanon with 2 emerging situations that have made the control of the disease rather challenging: the neighbouring Syrian war and the local
garbage crisis. Both of these milestone events might have contributed to an increase in the number of disease vectors as well as individuals at risk, thus nourishing the cycle of disease transmission. In this
observational study, the effects of these 2 events are investigated, with an update on the status of this preventable, yet often neglected, disease in the country. Both events were found to be concomitant with a notable increase in the number of dog bites and thus possible rabies exposure. Current regulations are explored through interviews with veterinarians, and custom recommendations, ranging from policies to control dog populations to awareness campaigns in high-risk individuals, are then proposed to help control the disease".


The authors concluded: "Specific to Lebanon are 2 related aggravating issues: the current garbage crisis that unless adequately managed will be a driving catalyst to the rabies spread in Lebanon and the porous borders that need to be controlled in order to restrict the influx of stray dogs that have the capacity to cross boundaries. In this respect, regional cooperation is emphasised".


(Citation: Kassir MF, El Zarif T, Kassir G, et al. Human rabies control in Lebanon: a call for action. Epidemiol Infect. 2018 Nov 15;147:e46. doi: 10.1017/S095026881800300X. Erratum in: Epidemiol
Infect. 2021 Feb 26;149:e47. PMID: 30428942; PMCID: PMC6518599.)

The rabies situation in southern Lebanon is reflected in data from Israel's Galilee region, bordering Lebanon (see item 2). - Mod.AS]

[2] Israel: north, dog

Date: Wed 31 Aug 2022
Source: Maariv Daily [in Hebrew, machine trans., edited]

The regional office of the Health Ministry has been informed about lab confirmation of rabies in a stray dog which had been roaming in Kibbutz Yiron, Upper Galilee. The Ministry of Health asks anyone who
was in contact with the sick dog or a any stray animal, or whose animals came into contact with the dog or any stray animal in the area, between the dates of 15 Aug 2022 and 29 Aug 2022 inclusive, to urgently contact the health office in Safed, or the nearest health office to his/her place of residence, in order for the professionals to examine the need for preventive treatment. In the evening and during the weekend one should refer to a hospital emergency room.

地域の保健局は、Kibbutz Yironで彷徨っていた放浪犬が、狂犬病である事が確定したと発表した。健康局は、2022年8月15日から29日の間に当該地区で病気のイヌまたは放浪している動物に接触した人および飼育動物については、専門家が予防的治療の実施必要性の有無について評価するため、Safedにある健康局、または居住区近隣の健康局に連絡するように求めている。夜間または休日は、病院の救急外来を受診するべきである。

[Byline: Alon Hachmon]
Communicated by:
ProMED Rapporteur Mahmoud Orabi

[The Kibbutz Yiron is situated 1 km from the border with south Lebanon
(map at https://tinyurl.com/2swdanft).

The above rabies case had been preceded, 3 days earlier, by a rabid dog in the village of Hurfeish, Upper Galilee, 3 km from the border with south Lebanon (map at https://tinyurl.com/3uadj6mn).

The notification included a description of the rabid dog and a call to potential contacts to urgently approach the regional health office in Acre or the health office closest to their place of residence.




Since the start of 2022, a total of 18 lab-confirmed animal rabies have been reported by Israel's Veterinary Services, comprising 9 jackals, 5 dogs, 3 cattle and one cat. Most of the cases were situated
adjacent to the Lebanese border. Please refer to the interactive rabies map, presenting the 2022 cases as of 6 Sep 2022, available at
In the legend, dogs are denoted using a pink color pin, jackals aqua, cat yellow, and cattle red.




Data from northern Israel are in tandem with the epidemiological observations from southern Lebanon. The following abstract of a 2009 paper is of relevance.



"Between 1979 and 2000, foxes constituted the main reservoir of rabies in the Northern regions of Israel. Following the implementation of the fox-targeted oral vaccination programme (ORV) in 1998, rabies was eradicated from this area. Subsequently during 2004-2007, the biological and molecular characterization of the rabies isolates showed that stray dogs emerged as the main animal reservoir in
Northern Israel while lower numbers of cases were reported in domestic animals. The virus isolates from foxes and dogs differed, in their molecular characterization, suggesting 2 distinct separate lineages. The transition from fox-mediated rabies to dog-mediated rabies is of great concern to public health because of the close contact between dogs and the human population".


(Citation: David D, Dveres N, Yakobson BA, Davidson I. Emergence of dog rabies in the northern region of Israel. Epidemiol Infect. 2009 Apr;137(4):544-8. doi: 10.1017/S0950268808001180. Epub 2008 Sep 16.
PMID: 18796169.)


During the past 15 years, jackals have gradually replaced foxes as the sylvatic reservoir of the virus. Dog rabies increased, in some years (e.g. 2021) exceeding jackal rabies.



Data of (lab-confirmed) events during recent years:

Year / all animals / dog / jackal

2017 / 74 / 10 / 47

2018 / 60 / 6 / 45

2019 / 17 / 10 / 7

2020 / 47 / 15 / 24

2021/ 40 / 21 / 10

2022*/ 18 / 5 / 9
[* as of 6 Sep 2022]


Rabies is essentially restricted, during the last decade, to regions bordering Lebanon and Syria. - Mod.AS



ProMED maps:
Lebanon: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8705507,85
Israel: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8705507,90]

[See Also:
Rabies (06): Eurasia (Israel, Malaysia, Turkey) dog, owned, stray,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20220222.8701585
Rabies (07): Asia, Pakistan (SD) human, Israel (HZ, HD) dog, spread
Rabies (05): Asia (Israel, Bangladesh) animal, human
Rabies (07): Asia (Cambodia, Indonesia, Israel) human, animal, control
Rabies (57): Asia (Lebanon) human, animal
Rabies (15): Asia (Lebanon) canine, OIE
Rabies (03): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, OIE
Rabies (02): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, spread, control measures
Rabies - Israel (05): (HZ) canine, human exposure
Rabies - Israel (04): (HZ,HA,HM) canine, human exposure
Rabies, animal - Israel (02): northeast, dog-mediated, human exp susp
Rabies - Israel: travel alert
Rabies, animal - Israel: (HZ)
Rabies, animal - Israel (07): (North-East), dog-mediated
Rabies, animal - Israel (06): bovine, canine origin
Rabies, animal - Israel (05): epidemiology, stray dogs

狂犬病(33): アメリカ大陸(ブラジル、米国) 動物、ヒト



In this post:

South America

[1] Brazil (Federal District): cat, human


[2] Alabama (Autauga County): fox; dog, human exposure

[3] California (El Dorado County): skunk, cat

[4] South Carolina (Laurens County): fox, dog, human exposure

[5] South Carolina (Aiken County): fox

[6] Minnesota (Polk County): skunk, puppies



[1] ブラジル(特別行政区): 猫、ヒト


[2] アラバマ (オータウガ郡): キツネ、犬、ヒト曝露例

[3] カルフォルニア州(エルドラド郡):スカンク、ネコ

[4] サウスカロライナ州(ローレンス郡): キツネ、イヌ、ヒト暴露例

[5] サウスカロライナ州 (エイキン郡): キツネ

[6] ミネソタ州(ポーク郡):スカンク、子犬


South America


[1] Brazil (Federal District): cat, human

ブラジル(特別行政区): 猫、ヒト

Date: Tue 26 Jul 2022

日付: 2022/7/26 (火)

Source: Play Crazy Game [edited]

情報源: Play Crazy Game (編集済)



An adolescent with human rabies in the Federal District [DF], Brazil, remains in serious condition after more than a month in the ICU.



According to the folder, he [the victim of the bite] is between 15 and 19 years old and was infected on 21 May 2022 after being scratched by a cat. With this case, Saúde anticipated the rabies vaccination campaign for animals in the DF, and reinforces the importance of human immunization, which can be done in 24 locations [listed at the source URL above - Mod.TG].



The only notification of human rabies in Brasília until this year was in 1978. A child aged between 5 and 11 years old was attacked by a dog and died of the disease.



According to the directorate of health surveillance of the DF, Fabiano dos Anjos, on 15 Jun 2022 the teenager who is currently in the ICU began to feel fever and pain in the body, eyes, and joints. He was hospitalized 5 days after the symptoms.

特別行政区の保健調査委員会によると、2022年6月15日に、現在ICUにいるFabiano dos Anjosの10代の青年が発熱と体、目、間接に疼痛を感じ始め、これらの症状が見られた5日後に入院しました。


The Health Department informed only that the young man is a resident of the federal capital but did not give other details.



The Health Department advises anyone who has been bitten [or scratched- Mod.TG] by a dog or cat should first wash the wound with soap and water and then go to the nearest vaccination post. Preventive application is recommended only for those who work with animals.



The SES-DF has 24 rooms of rabies vaccination for humans but promises to triple the number in 2 weeks, getting to 67 rooms.



The anti-rabies serum and vaccine for humans is available, free of charge, at the locations listed. [The lengthy list of addresses and hours is available at the source URL. - Mod.TG]


[Byline: Jenni Smith]





[2] Alabama (Autauga County): fox, dog, human exposure

アラバマ (オータウガ郡): キツネ、犬、ヒト曝露例

Date: Fri 8 Jul 2022

日付: 2022/7/8 (金)

Source: Alabama News Network [edited]

情報源: Alabama News Network (編集済)



The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) has confirmed a Prattville resident has been bitten by a rabid fox.



ADPH says the bite happened 1 Jul [2022] when the fox was attacking the resident's dog. Prattville police and wildlife officials captured the fox.



ADPH says the resident has begun treatment and will be taking the dog to the veterinarian for a booster rabies vaccination.



Rabid animals have been found several times in the past year in Prattville and other parts of Autauga County:

Rabid cat found in Prattville - July 2021

Rabid cat bites person in Prattville - November 2021

Rabid fox attacks person, pets near Prattville - April 2022

Rabid dog bites person in Autauga County - May 2022


- 狂犬病の猫: プラットヴィレ2021年7月

- 狂犬病の猫がヒトを咬んだ件: プラットヴィレ 2021年11月

- 狂犬病のキツネがヒトとペットを襲った件: プラットヴィレの近く 2022年4月

- 狂犬病の犬が人を咬んだ件: オータウガ群 2022年5月  


"This is another reminder to get your pets vaccinated against rabies regardless of where you live. We have found rabies positives in both domestic animals and wildlife very close to the most populated parts of Autauga County this year," Dr. Dee Jones, state public health veterinarian, said.



Rabies is found primarily in raccoons, with the raccoon strain being the most common threat to domestic animals.



"Further testing will confirm if this fox was infected with the raccoon strain, which is helpful for biologist and wildlife agencies when trying to best to control it, but the most important message is that vaccinating pets is the best practice for protecting public health," Jones said.



It is very common for domestic animals and pets to have contact with a wild rabid animal. Alabama state law requires dogs, cats, and ferrets 12 weeks of age and older be current with rabies vaccination. Rabies vaccines are also available for horses and other livestock if recommended by a veterinarian.



Communicated by:




[3] California (El Dorado County): skunk, cat

カリフォルニア (エルドラド郡): スカンク、ネコ

Date: Thu 7 Jul 2022

日付: 2022/7/7 (木)

Source: Mountain Democrat [edited]

情報源: Mountain Democrat (編集済)



El Dorado County Animal Services is reminding residents to keep pets current on rabies vaccines and immediately notify Animal Services of any animal bite to a human or pet. In early July [2022], Animal Services identified a family pet, a domestic cat, testing positive for rabies.



"While we do not often see cats, dogs, and other domestic animals with rabies due to strong local rabies vaccination programs, it's important to emphasize any mammal can be exposed," said El Dorado County Animal Services Chief Henry Brzezinski. "Rabies can be fatal to both animals and humans, so keeping pets current on rabies vaccinations, including cats, dogs, and livestock, is critical."



According to Brzezinski, the cat did not have a rabies vaccination and is believed to have been exposed while roaming outside of its residence on Viking Road in Greenwood in mid-June [2022].



Animal Services has identified rabid skunks in the Greenwood area in the past and most recently identified a rabid skunk near the family's home in mid-May [2022], when the family's dog had contact with the skunk. The dog wasn't current on its rabies vaccine, so he was vaccinated, and is being quarantined for 6 months at home in a double enclosure. He is currently showing no signs of illness.



When the cat suddenly passed away at home, the owners took it to the veterinarian, who then suggested the cat be tested for rabies, given the recently identified rabid skunk near the home. The family and veterinarian's office consulted with Animal Services on any other actions needed regarding their potential exposure.



Rabies is endemic in all 58 counties in California, including El Dorado County. Animal Services identifies rabid animals each year, though there have been no reports of rabid domestic pets in El Dorado County for at least the past 10 years.



The California Department of Public Health's statewide data reports show the following domestic animals identified with rabies from 2014 through 2021 in multiple California counties:



2021: 1 cat Humboldt 猫1匹/フンボルト

2020: 1 cat Amador; 1 dog San Joaquin 猫1匹/アマド―ル、犬1匹/サンホアキン

2019: 1 cat Fresno; 1 cat Tuolumne 猫1匹/フレスノ、猫1匹/ツオルンネ

2017: 2 dogs Amador; 1 dog Trinity; 1 cat Sacramento 犬2匹/アマド―ル、犬1匹/トリニティ、猫1匹/サクラメント

2016: 3 cats -- 1 Contra Costa, 1 Humboldt, 1 Sacramento; 3 dogs: 1

Amador, 1 Butte, 1 Humboldt 猫3匹/コントラコスタ1,フンボルト1,サクラメント1、犬3匹/アマド―ル1、ブッテ1,フンボルト

2015: 1 cat Mendocino; 1 cat Monterey 猫1匹/メンドシノ、猫1匹/モンテレイ

2014: 2 cats: 1 Amador, 1 San Joaquin; 1 dog Sacramento 猫2匹/アマド―ル1、サンホアキン1、犬1匹/サクラメント


In 2021 Animal Services identified a total of 11 animals (3 bats and 8 skunks) testing positive for rabies in El Dorado County. Between the months of March and June 2022, a total of 7 rabid animals (6 skunks and 1 bat) were found in El Dorado County. Two rabid skunks were found in Placerville, 2 in Garden Valley, 1 in Georgetown, and 1 in Greenwood. The rabid bat was found in Somerset.



Rabies is a virus spread through the saliva of an infected animal, typically through a bite to its victim. It is usually fatal to pets and humans if not treated shortly after exposure. While any mammal can become infected with the rabies virus, bats, skunks, and foxes are the animals most commonly found to carry the virus. Comprehensive vaccination programs in the United States have meant rabies among domestic pets is now uncommon.



To prevent the spread of rabies: 

狂犬病の感染拡大を防ぐには (ProMED繰り返し情報のため、翻訳割愛)

- maintain current rabies vaccinations for dogs, cats, and livestock;

- keep property free of garbage, stored bird seed, and leftover pet

food to avoid attracting wild animals;

- keep pet doors closed at night to prevent entry of wild animals into

the home;

- never approach, pick up, feed, or interact with unfamiliar dogs,

cats, or wild animals;

- don't approach an animal that appears sick or aggressive. Report it

to Animal Services;

- don't touch a dead animal with bare hands;

- call Animal Services if a domestic or wild animal shows sign of

rabies (such as staggering, confusion, lack of fear, or aggressive


- notify Animal Services immediately if a person or pet is bitten or

exposed to a suspected rabid animal;

- maintain your property's attic, foundation, and ventilation system

to ensure they are properly sealed to prevent wildlife infestation;

- immediately notify Animal Services if you find a bat alive or dead

in your bedroom.


For more information about rabies or Animal Services, visit

http://www.edcgov.us/animalservices. To reach Animal Services by

phone, call (530) 621-5795 in Diamond Springs or (530) 573-7925 in

South Lake Tahoe.



Communicated by:




[4] South Carolina (Laurens County): fox, dog, human exposure

サウスカロライナ州 (ローレンズ郡): キツネ、犬、ヒト曝露例

Date: Wed 20 Jul 2022

日付: 2022年7月20日 (水)

Source: Fox News Carolina [edited]

情報源: Fox News Carolina (編集済)


animals plenty of space," said Terri McCollister, rabies program team leader. "If you see an animal in need, avoid touching it, and contact someone trained in handling animals, such as your local animal control officer, wildlife control operator, or wildlife rehabilitator."



If anyone believes they have come in contact with this fox or another animal that might have rabies, call DHEC's Environmental Affairs Greenwood's office.



Communicated by:




[5] South Carolina (Aiken County): fox, human, dog exposure

サウスカロライナ (エイキン郡): キツネ、ヒト、犬曝露例

Date: Fri 22 Jul 2022

日付: 2022/7/22 (金)

Source: WRDW [edited]

情報源: WRDW (編集済)



The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) confirmed a fox in Laurens County tested positive for rabies. According to DHEC, the fox was found near Fairview Road and Henderson Lane.



Officials said one person was exposed and has been referred to their healthcare provider. They also said one dog was exposed and will be quarantined as required in the South Carolina Rabies Control Act.



The fox was taken to DHEC's laboratory for testing on 18 Jul 2022 and the rabies was confirmed the following day [19 Jul 2022].



"To reduce the risk of getting rabies, always give wild and stray animals plenty of space," said Terri McCollister, rabies program team leader. "If you see an animal in need, avoid touching it, and contact someone trained in handling animals, such as your local animal control officer, wildlife control operator, or wildlife rehabilitator."



If anyone believes they have come in contact with this fox or another animal that might have rabies, call DHEC's Environmental Affairs Greenwood's office.



Communicated by:




[5] South Carolina (Aiken County): fox, human, dog exposure

サウスカロライナ (エイキン郡): キツネ、ヒト、犬曝露例

Date: Fri 22 Jul 2022

日付: 2022/7/22 (金)

Source: WRDW [edited]

情報源: WRDW (編集済)


The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control is warning about a rabid fox found in the Aiken area. DHEC says the fox was found near Talatha Church Road and Cinnamon Road and has tested positive for rabies.



DHEC says one person was potentially exposed and has been referred to their healthcare provider. One dog was also exposed and will be quarantined. This quarantine is required by South Carolina Rabies Control Act.



The fox was submitted to DHEC's laboratory for testing on 19 Jul [2022] and was confirmed to have rabies on 20 Jul [2022]. This fox is the 3rd animal in Aiken County to test positive for rabies in 2022.



What are the signs of rabies? (ProMED繰り返し情報のため、翻訳省略)

A rabies exposure is defined as direct contact (such as through broken skin or mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, or mouth) with saliva or brain/nervous system tissue from an infected animal. If your pet is found with wounds of unknown origin, please consider your pet may have been exposed to rabies.

DHEC wants the community to be attentive to themselves and any pets. If you believe that you, someone you know, or your pets have come in contact with this [fox] or another animal potentially having rabies, please call DHEC's Environmental Affairs Aiken office during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday) or after hours and on holidays.


How to keep your pets safe (ProMED繰り返し情報のため、翻訳省略)

It's important to keep pets up to date on their rabies vaccination, which is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect against the disease.



Communicated by:




[6] Minnesota (Polk County): skunk, puppies

ミネソタ州 (ポルク郡): スカンク、子犬

Date: Wed 20 Jul 2022

日付: 2022/7/20 (水)

Source: Fox 9 New [edited]

情報源: Fox 9 New (編集済)


A litter of puppies in northwestern Minnesota is now in quarantine after one of the 7 puppies was recently carried away by a rabid skunk.



According to the Minnesota Board of Animal Health, the owner of the puppies heard a commotion in their yard on 11 Jul [2022] and saw one of the puppies being carried away by a skunk. Two other puppies were barking at the skunk, and the other 4 had scattered by the time the owner intervened.



The puppies were 8 weeks old and were not yet rabies vaccinated. The owner submitted the skunk to the North Dakota State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, which confirmed it as rabies-positive on 15 Jul [2022].



The Board of Animal Health recommended the owner euthanize the puppy bitten by the skunk and submit it for rabies testing. Brain tissue samples are required for rabies testing and can only be collected from deceased animals.



Results of the rabies test on the euthanized puppy are pending. The other 6 puppies in the litter must remain quarantined on the property for 6 months and monitored for signs of rabies.



During the Board of Animal Health rabies investigation, officials learned that one of the puppies had been sold on 14 Jul [2022]. The new owners were contacted by the state to discuss the potential rabies exposure. The state recommended the puppy be euthanized and tested for rabies out of an abundance of caution because the puppy was unvaccinated and it's unknown if it ever had contact with the rabid skunk. Results are pending.



Rabies signs (ProMED繰り返し情報のため、翻訳省略)

Signs of rabies in animals include staggering, walking in circles, paralysis, agitation, lethargy, lameness, behavioral changes, fearfulness, depression, and attacks on other animals, people, or objects.


The Minnesota Department of Health determined no people were exposed to the skunk and did not advise rabies virus post-exposure treatment. There are also 2 currently vaccinated adult dogs and some livestock on the property.



Rabies vaccines for pets


All dogs, cats, ferrets, and horses should be currently vaccinated against the rabies virus. In the event an animal is exposed or potentially exposed, pets should receive a rabies vaccination booster within 96 hours of exposure.



Communicated by:




[Rabies is a disease that knows no borders. It will attack and possibly kill any mammal, including humans. Please note that in the Brazil case, the individual was scratched. Scratches, especially from cats, can transmit the virus. This seems to be the case because of how cats groom themselves.



Wild animals harboring this disease can transmit it to other animals, wild or domestic, or to humans. It is important to be aware of your surroundings. Bites and attacks from wild animals or affected domestic animals can happen anywhere. You do not need to be out in a field or in the countryside. There are numerous cases of individuals being bitten by wild animals while in their own yards or walking along busy streets.


Affected animals can transmit this deadly virus to other animals, even domesticated pets.


Stop rabies in its tracks. Be sure all your pets are up to date on their rabies vaccination. This protects your pets, and ultimately helps protect you. Even indoor animals need their vaccines, and rabid animals can quickly and easily dash in a door or come in through a pet door.


If you are bitten or scratched, be sure to wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water and seek medical attention. The wound may need additional attention, and the post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and immunoglobulin may need to be administered.


Unfortunately, bats can bite you without you knowing it, especially when you are asleep. A bat found in a room where you sleep is reason to visit your physician immediately.


Please don't let yourself or your pets be a victim to rabies. Protect yourself and your pets. Get the pets vaccinated, and practice vigilance. - Mod.TG


ProMED maps:

Distrito Federal, Brazil:


United States: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8704708,106

Autauga County, Alabama, United States:


El Dorado County, California, United States:


Laurens County, South Carolina, United States:


Aiken County, South Carolina, United States:


Polk County, Minnesota, United States:



[See Also:

Rabies (29): Americas (USA) bat


Rabies (26): Americas (Canada, USA) animal, human exp


Rabies (25): Americas (Caribbean, South America, USA) animal, human

exp, fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20220623.8704020

Rabies (24): Americas (Canada, South America, USA) animal, human exp &

death http://promedmail.org/post/20220615.8703866

Rabies (22): Americas (USA) animal, human exp


Rabies (20): Americas (USA) animal, human exp


Rabies (18): Americas (Mexico, USA) animal, human exp, human death


Rabies (14): Americas (USA, Brazil) animal, human exp, human death


Rabies (13): Americas (Canada, USA, Trinidad & Tobago) animal, human

exp http://promedmail.org/post/20220408.8702479

Rabies (10): Americas (Brazil, USA) bat, cattle, cat, dog, human exp.


Rabies (07): Americas (Canada, USA) fox, dog, bat, cat, human exp




Rabies (29): Americas (USA) dog, fox, cat, bat, human exp


Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, bat, dog, human exp, cattle


Rabies (17): Americas (USA) bat


Rabies (11): Americas (USA) bat, human exposure

http://promedmail.org/post/20210519.8370609 2020



Rabies (30): Americas (USA) coyote, bat, imported dog ex Egypt, human

exp http://promedmail.org/post/20201108.7925072

Rabies (29): Americas (USA) animal, human exposure


Rabies (28): Americas (USA) animal, human exp


Rabies (27): Americas (USA) animal, human exp


Rabies (26): Americas (USA) bat, human exp


Rabies (25): Americas (USA) animal, human exp


Rabies (23): Americas (USA) bat


Rabies (17): Americas (USA) fox, goat, bat, human exposure


Rabies (15): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exp


Rabies (13): Americas (USA) cat, fox, human exp


Rabies (12): Americas (USA) fox, dog, cat, human exp


Rabies (11): Americas (USA) cat, skunk, bat, human exp


Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp


Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp


Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp


Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure


Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp




Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp


Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp


Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure


Rabies (49): Americas (USA) fox, human exp


Rabies (48): Americas (USA) cat, dog, raccoon, human exp


Rabies (47): Americas (USA) skunk, alert


Rabies (45): Americas (USA) dog, skunk, raccoon, fox, human exp


Rabies (44): Americas (USA) bat, human exp


Rabies (43): Americas (USA) fox, bat, human exp


Rabies (42): Americas (USA) dog, cat, fox, raccoon, human exp


Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp


Rabies (39): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, kitten, raccoon, human


Rabies (38): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human


Rabies (37): Americas (USA) cat, fox, raccoon, human exp


Rabies (34): Americas (USA) cat, dog, skunk, bat, human exp


Rabies (30): Americas, USA (FL, NC) cat, fox, dog, human exposure


Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr.


Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs


Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure


Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure


Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp.


Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert


Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure


Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) raccoon, alert






Date: Sun 31 Jul 2022 

Source: Israel's Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development press

release [edited]


出典: イスラエル農業農村開発省プレスリリース[編集]



Recently, a wave of rumors has been disseminated on social media regarding side effects in dogs after vaccination with the Nobivac rabies vaccine, manufactured by the MSD company. The Ministry of Agriculture emphasizes that out of approximately 100 000 dogs

vaccinated with the said vaccine, so far a total of about 10 verified reports of side effects resulting from rabies vaccination using the vaccine in question have been received.

最近、MSD社が製造したノビバック狂犬病ワクチンを接種後の犬の副反応に関する噂がソーシャルメディアで拡散した。農業省は、約 10 万頭の犬のうち、問題の狂犬病ワクチンの接種による副反応については、これまでに合計約10例の確認報告が寄せられている。


Reported side effects characterize any medical product and any vaccine, and include, inter alia, fever and local pain and up to and including allergy and shock symptoms. Notably, no death case has been found.

報告されている副反応は、あらゆる医薬品やワクチンに特徴的であり、とりわけ、発熱や局所的な痛み、さらにはアレルギーやショック症状まで含まれる。 なお、死亡例は認められていない。


Upon receiving the reports and in order to maintain the health of animals, the Ministry of Agriculture is acting, in collaboration with the manufacturer, the MSD Company, and the Israeli importer, to conduct an investigation into the cases discovered in Israel. The

Ministry of Agriculture continues to monitor the reports and is in contact with the importer and the global manufacturer. In parallel, the veterinary services at the Ministry of Agriculture maintain contact with the authorized municipal veterinarians and veterinary clinics.

報告を受けて、動物の健康を維持するために、農業省は、製造業者であるMSD 社、およびイスラエルの輸入業者と協力して、イスラエルで発見された症例の調査を実施している。農業省は引き続き報告を監視し、輸入業者および世界的製造業者と連絡を取り合っている。 並行して、農業省の獣医担当部署は、自治体認可獣医師および獣医クリニックとの連絡を維持している。


The vaccine in question is registered and included (similarly to 4 other rabies vaccines) in the list of vaccines authorized by the State Veterinary Services in Israel, and has been used in many European countries for many years. This is a vaccine manufactured by the global MSD company, which supplies Israel with many other animal vaccines.

The Ministry of Agriculture asks the general public to report any suspicion of side effects in an animal vaccinated against rabies with the named vaccine, directly to the email address: bioplanPV@bioplan.co.il" target="_blank">bioplanPV@bioplan.co.il.

問題のワクチンは (他の 4 つの狂犬病ワクチンと同様に) イスラエルの国家獣医サービスによって、登録および承認されたワクチンのリストに含まれており、多くのヨーロッパ諸国で長年使用されている。 これは、イスラエルに他の多くの動物用ワクチンを供給しているグローバル企業 MSD社 によって製造されたワクチンである。

農業省は、指定されたワクチンで狂犬病の予防接種を受けた動物に副反応の疑いがある場合は、電子メール アドレスbioplanPV@bioplan.co.il" target="_blank">bioplanPV@bioplan に直接報告するよう一般市民に求めている。


The type of vaccine can be seen in the animal's vaccination record, or you can contact and check with your veterinarian. The Ministry of Agriculture continues to be at your service for any questions on the subject, through its hotline, open 24/7.

ワクチンの種類は、動物の予防接種記録で確認できる。または、獣医師に連絡して確認することもできる。 農業省は、24 時間年中無休のホットラインを通じて、この件に関する質問に引き続き対応している。

communicated by:



[In tandem with the above press release, the State Veterinary Services distributed by email, on 1 Aug 2022, a circular to all veterinary practitioners which included, inter alia, the following additional information:

上記のプレス リリースと並行して、2022 年 8 月 1 日に州獣医サービスが電子メールで配布した、すべての獣医師向けの回覧には、特に次の追加情報が含まれていた。


"1. Most of the complaints referred to the following side effects: fever, vomiting, itching, pain in the injection site. There have been few reports of serious reactions such as anaphylactic shock which required medical intervention. So far, no confirmed deaths have been reported.

  1. ほとんどの苦情は、次の副反応に言及していた: 発熱、嘔吐、かゆみ、注射部位の痛み。医療介入を必要とするアナフィラキシーショックなどの深刻な反応の報告はほとんどなかった。これまでのところ、確認された死亡例はないと報告されている。

"2. As is well known, side effects may follow the use of any medical product; most of such effects are detailed in the accompanying leaflets. In each case, an examination of the animal is required, addressing the severity of the phenomenon, its frequency and whether

it can be attributed to the vaccine.

  1. よく知られているように、あらゆる医薬品の使用後に副反応が生じる可能性がある。そのような副反応のほとんどは、付属の添付文書に詳述されている。いずれの場合も、動物の検査が必要であり、副反応の重症度、頻度及びワクチンが原因となりうるのかどうかにより対応する。


"3. As of this date, no information supporting the cessation of the marketing of the named vaccine has surfaced. Follow up is continued.

  1. この日付の時点で、指定されたワクチンの流通の中止を支持する情報は表面化していない。追跡調査は継続されている。

"4. In accordance with the European legislation, adopted in Israel, side effects must be reported to the manufacturer or importer. Their address appears on the label and/or the product leaflet".

  1. イスラエルで採用されたヨーロッパの法律に従って、副反応は製造業者または輸入業者に報告する必要がある。製造業者または輸入業者の住所は、ラベルおよび/または製品リーフレットに記載されている。」


Annual licencing and rabies vaccination of all dogs are compulsory in Israel. Most of the vaccinations are performed by authorized practitioners, who are supervised and report to their respective municipal veterinarians. Until recently, the vaccinations were

required on an annual basis. This requirement has been undergoing a change, vaccination becoming prescribed every second year following the primary and booster vaccinations. This change followed a protracted debate. - Mod.AS

イスラエルでは、毎年の認可とすべての犬の狂犬病予防接種が義務付られている。 予防接種のほとんどは、指導を受け、それぞれの地方自治体に報告義務のある認可された開業獣医師によって行われる。最近までワクチン接種は1年ごとに必要とされていた。この要件は変更されており、ワクチン接種は初回接種とブースターワクチン接種に続いて隔年で処方されるようになっている。 この変更は、長期間の議論の後にもたらされた。


ProMED map:

Israel: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8704804,90]


[See Also:

Rabies (06): Eurasia (Israel, Malaysia, Turkey) dog, owned, stray,

human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20220222.8701585



Rabies (07): Asia, Pakistan (SD) human, Israel (HZ, HD) dog, spread




Rabies (05): Asia (Israel, Bangladesh) animal, human




Rabies (07): Asia (Cambodia, Indonesia, Israel) human, animal, control




Rabies (03): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, OIE


Rabies (02): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, spread, control measures




Rabies - Israel (05): (HZ) canine, human exposure


Rabies - Israel (04): (HZ,HA,HM) canine, human exposure




Rabies, animal - Israel (02): northeast, dog-mediated, human exp susp




Rabies - Israel: travel alert




Rabies, animal - Israel: (HZ)




Rabies, animal - Israel (07): (North-East), dog-mediated


Rabies, animal - Israel (06): bovine, canine origin


Rabies, animal - Israel (05): epidemiology, stray dogs








Date: Thu 11 Aug 2022

Source: Life Pravda [in Ukrainian, machine trans., edited]






In the Lviv region, 3 women were bitten by a rabid marten that ran into the village yard from the forest. The animal bit the legs of 2 women, the hand of the 3rd. Now they are undergoing anti-rabies therapy.



The incident happened in one of the villages of the Skoliv district.

At the scream of the women, the owner of the house ran out, killed the animal and called the veterinarians. Doctors took the marten for examination and confirmed that it was sick with rabies.




The ambulance took the women to the Skolivska Central Hospital. Then they were sent to the central district hospital in Stryi, Oksana Yaremko, director of the Skoliv Central Hospital, told reporters.

女性たちは救急車でSkolivska中央病院に搬送された。その後Stryiにある地域中央病院に送られたとSkoliv中央病院のOksana Yaremko院長は記者団に語った。


Now the women are undergoing outpatient treatment under the supervision of doctors, and on 12 Aug 2022 they should return to the Skolivska Central Hospital.

Earlier, a case of rabies was recorded in a homeless cat in Kyiv.




We will remind you that rabies is an acute infectious disease of animals and humans with 100% lethality, which affects the central nervous system and even leads to death. An infected animal can infect a person through a bite, scratch, or saliva. In order to be saved from the disease, it is necessary to get an emergency vaccination and inject immunoglobulin.

At the same time, in some cases, vaccination against rabies is not required after animal bites.

[Byline: Olena Barsukova]



(Olena Barsukova署名)


Communicated by: ProMED Rapporteur Mahmoud Orabi


[In Europe, the oral rabies vaccination (ORV) of red foxes (_Vulpes vulpes_), the main reservoir of rabies in the continent, was developed in the late 1970s and has demonstrated its effectiveness in the eradication of the disease in western and some central European countries. Besides red foxes, rabies is common in raccoon dogs (_Nyctereutes procyonoides_, introduced in Europe), and also occurs in grey wolves (_Canis lupus_), arctic foxes (_Alopex lagopus_), badgers (_Meles meles_), pine martens (_Martes martes_) and polecats (_Mustela putorius_). Individuals of other species may occasionally be infected. It is noteworthy that recently there was another report of a rabid marten in Ukraine (ProMED post 20220701.8704188). - Mod.PMB

ヨーロッパでは、ヨーロッパ大陸で主なリザーバーとなる赤キツネ(Vulpes vulpes)に対する経口ワクチンが1970年代後期に開発され、ヨーロッパ西部と中央部における本病の根絶への有効性が示された。赤キツネ以外では、タヌキ(Nyctereutes procyonoides、ヨーロッパで持ち込まれた)、灰色オオカミ(Canis lupus)、北極キツネ(Alopex lagopus)、アナグマ(Meles meles)、マツテン(Martes martes)、ヨーロッパケナガイタチ(Mustela putorius)が一般的である。他の種の個体にも感染することがある。最近ウクライナ狂犬病のテンがもう1件報告されたことは注目に値する。(Ukraine (ProMED post 20220701.8704188)


ProMED map:

Lviv Oblast, Ukraine: https://promedmail.org/promed-post?place=8705007,28860]

See Also

Rabies (27): Europe (Ukraine) marten 20220701.8704188



Rabies (51): Europe (Lithuania) red fox, OIE 20181025.6111898

Rabies (50): Europe, PEP; Asia, human, animal 20180929.6061040

Rabies (47): Asia (Myanmar) human, canine 20180904.6007321

Rabies (44): Asia (Mongolia) bovine 20180811.5960000

Rabies (43): Europe (Norway) reindeer, OIE 20180731.5939294

Rabies (42): Asia (China) human, vaccine production violations 20180726.5930248

Rabies (34): Eurasia (Armenia) canine, OIE 20180615.5858795

Rabies (32): Asia (Kazakhstan) canine, OIE 20180614.5856315

Rabies (31): Africa (Kenya), Asia (Israel, Malaysia, Viet Nam) human, animal 20180611.5850724

Rabies (26): Asia (Kazakhstan) fox, OIE 20180524.5816417

Rabies (23): Europe (Norway) fox, OIE 20180508.5789777

Rabies (22): Asia (Malaysia, Israel), Europe (UK), WHO (global) human, animal 20180505.5786343

Rabies (15): Asia (Lebanon) canine, OIE 20180314.5687339

Rabies (14): Asia (Kazakhstan) feline, OIE 20180314.5684768

Rabies (13): Africa (Zimbabwe) wild dog 20180313.5683456

Rabies (12): Africa (S Africa) Asia (Thailand) animal, human 20180228.5655831

Rabies (11): Asia (Kazakhstan) livestock, wolf, OIE 20180221.5643296

Rabies (09): Asia (Israel) wildlife, spread (India) human, treatment modified 20180203.5604913

Rabies (08): Asia (Malaysia-SK) human, animal 20180127.5589162

Rabies (03): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, OIE 20180110.5550871

Rabies (02): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, spread, control measures 20180109.5548024



Rabies - Lithuania: (Utena) raccoon dog, OIE 20151109.3778429



Rabies, human - Lithuania (03) 20040415.1038

Rabies, human - Lithuania (02): background 20040318.0754

Rabies, human - Lithuania: RFI 20040316.0728



Rabies, laboratory mice - Lithuania: alert 20010225.0370






Date: Mon 18 Jul 2022

Source: The Olive Press [abridged, summ., edited]





Antonio Villatoro, the president of the Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Eastern Andalucia, warned last Friday, 15 Jul 2022, about the danger of rabies in Malaga province. He also called on doctors to be more vigilant in cases where patients have been bitten by cats or dogs.

東部Andalucia王立獣医学アカデミー会長であるAntonio Villatoro氏は、先週金曜日(2022年7月15日)、Malaga県における狂犬病の危険性について警告を発した。また、患者が猫や犬に咬まれた場合、より警戒するよう医師に呼びかけた。


Border officials who control the entry of such pets into the country should also take extra care, he added. He highlighted the recent influx of Ukrainian refugees -- many who brought their pets – along with the presence of pets from Morocco due to Operation Crossing the Strait [see comment]. Both countries have cases of rabies, he pointed out.



Veterinarians should urge scrupulous compliance with anti-rabies vaccination, said Villatoro, because there is the risk of instances of this disease rising in the province. As he explained, once a person is bitten by a rabid animal, they can die if they are not treated in time.



The Malaga Veterinary College pointed out that in the last 6 months there have been 13 cases of dogs with rabies in Melilla, and that in Morocco -- a country very close to Malaga -- this disease is endemic.



[byline: Cristina Hodgson]



communicated by:



[Spain (peninsular territory and islands) has been free of terrestrial rabies since 1978, with the exception of a case imported from Morocco in June 2013 (ProMED post

http://promedmail.org/post/20130607.1760455). Only in Spain's Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla, on North Africa's coast, are there sporadically imported cases of rabies, in dogs and some horses.


(ProMED posthttp://promedmail.org/post/20130607.1760455).



A remarkable Morocco-sourced rabies event with international impact was recorded in 2012. It involved a puppy brought by Dutch tourists returning from Morocco. They tried to import the dog in a legal way, yet the international legislations were not followed properly by the veterinarians consulted in Morocco and Spain and customs in Spain and

the Netherlands. A total of 48 known contacts in 3 different countries needed to be traced, of whom 45 required post-exposure treatment. Including the imported dog, 3 animals were euthanised (more detail in ProMED post http://promedmail.org/post/20120310.1066836).





For background and additional information, including a link to Spain's National Surveillance Program for Rabies in animals, subscribers are referred to Mod.CRD's commentary in ProMED post http://promedmail.org/post/20211024.8699231.



The current alertness is buffered by Operation Crossing the Strait (OPE). After 2 years of border closure between Morocco and Spain due to the COVID-19 crisis, this year [2022] a record number of passengers and vehicles are expected. This week, 700 000 passengers and 170 000 vehicles travelled to North Africa from 7 Spanish ports, involving 7 shipping companies and 33 boats delivering people and cars. OPE spans

the entire summer, departures from Spain's harbours carried out in June-July, returns performed during August and September.




Preventing the transboundary introduction of non-certified pets, including puppies and kittens, which have been collected during the vacation in North Africa, is warranted. - Mod.AS




ProMED map of Spain:



[See Also:

Rabies (23): Africa (South Africa, Zimbabwe), Europe (Spain), human,

animal http://promedmail.org/post/20220609.8703758

Rabies (08): Europe (Spain) dog, human exp




Rabies (38): Europe (Spain) dog, OIE


Rabies (37): Europe (Spain) dog, OIE




Rabies (01): Europe (Spain) dog, OIE




Rabies (35): Europe (Spain) dog, OIE




Rabies - Spain (03): (CM) ex Morocco, travel alert


Rabies - Spain (02): (CM) ex Morocco, canine, human exp


Rabies - Spain: (CM) ex Morocco, canine, OIE




Rabies - Netherlands (03): (Amsterdam) canine ex Morocco
