






In this update:

[1] Israel: dog-mediated, control, discussion

[1] イスラエル: イヌ-媒介, 管理, 議論

[2] Malaysia (Sibu, Sarawak province): dog, suspected, human exposure

[2] マレーシア(Sibu, Sarawak 郡):イヌ、疑い、ヒトの暴露

[3] Turkey (Bahçelievler, Mardin province): human, dog-mediated,


[3] トルコ (Bahçelievler, Mardin 郡):ヒト、イヌ-媒介、管理



[1] Israel, dog-mediated, control, discussion

Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022

Source: Haaretz daily [in Hebrew, trans., edited; subscription required]



Experts in public health, nature conservation, and veterinary medicine warn of the implications of the bill promoted these days in the coalition for the 'Release of stray dogs after receiving a rabies vaccination, spaying or neutering.'



According to the sources, returning the dogs to open areas without supervision will lead to the risk of an outbreak of disease, increasing the risk of attacks to humans and harming wildlife. On the other hand, animal organizations and lawmakers argue that this is a step that will help reduce the population of stray dogs, whose number is estimated in the tens of thousands.



The experts said this ahead of a discussion to be held in the Knesset's Education and Sports Committee [KESC] on [Wed 23 Feb 2022] in the bill submitted by MKs Jasmine Sachs Friedman ('Yesh Atid') and Sharan Hashakel ('Tikva Hadasha'), to be approved as a temporary order for 2 years. According to the order, a pilot project is initially to be held, during which unowned, stray-feral dogs will be collected but, in difference with the prevailing legislation, they will be released after being vaccinated, or sterilized/neutered. The performance will be within the responsibility of an animal protection organization and in areas belonging to a municipal authority that had given consent to the procedure. In case it turns out that the experimental [2-year] project does reduce the stray dog population, it will become possible to extend its duration for another 3 years.

専門家によれば、これに先立ちイスラエル議会文教委員会(Education and Sports Committee)[KESC]において国会議員のJasmine Sachs Friedman (未来がある党) 及びSharan Hashakel (新しい希望党)により提案・議論された条文に含まれ、2年間の時限立法が成立した。



Minister of Agriculture Oded Forer ('Yisrael Beiteinu') supports the law, as do animal rights organizations. On the other hand, professionals of the State veterinary services recommended addressing the stray dog issue by regulating, nationally, the breeding and maintenance of dogs along with the establishment of additional kennels and subsidization of spaying and neutering activities of dogs within needy municipalities.

Oded Forer農務大臣(イスラエル我が家党)は、動物の権利擁護団体と同様に、法案を支持している。一方、州獣医療部門の専門家達は、放浪犬の問題には、犬の繁殖や飼育を全国的に制限するとともに、収容施設を増設し、財政的にひっ迫している自治体には去勢・避妊手術の補助金を給付することにより対処することを推奨した。


According to the Ministry of Health, the risk of serious injury from a stray dog bite is twice larger than an owned dog bite. This, on top of spreading diseases such as rabies. Another concern is that the stray dogs prey on wildlife and protected animals such as gazelles and Persian fallow deer.



The "Government Forum for One Health", which advises the government on health issues, also warned against the emerging legislation. The head of the public health services at the Ministry of Health, Dr Sharon Elroi Price, a member of said forum, along with other experts from the Ministries of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, warned that returned, unattended stray dogs will endanger the public and that their vaccination will not render them with adequate, durable protection from rabies.

政府に健康に関する課題について助言を行う機関である、“ワンヘルスのための政府フォーラム”も、新規立法に対して警告している。保健省の公衆衛生部門長であり上述のフォーラムメンバーである、Dr Sharon Elroi Priceは、農務省及び環境保護省の専門家達とともに、解放され、放置された放浪犬は、公衆に対する脅威となるばかりではなく、予防接種が適切で長期的な効果を付与できないだろうと警鐘を鳴らしている。


Most professional bodies specializing in animal population control are not convinced that available studies confirmed the claim that the method is effective in reducing the population of stray dogs. Forum members said that similar pilots conducted around the world have indeed not resulted in a reduction. "Captured adoptable dogs may be ready for adoption after being sterilized/neutered and the full vaccination against rabies administered", the forum members noted. "Non-adoptable dogs have to go through long training and domestication procedures or alternatively, unfortunately being euthanised




Another body that has expressed opposition to the move is the 'Israeli Association of Public Health Physicians'. According to a member of the organization, Prof. Eyal Clement from the Hebrew University School of Veterinary Medicine, to attain success, the pilot should neuter between 70% and 80% of the stray dogs -- a target estimated as not implementable. According to him and additional experts, the move may even lead to the migration of stray dogs from other areas to the pilot area -- which will actually cause an increase in its population.

この運動に反対する他の団体としては、イスラエル公衆衛生医師会(Israeli Association of Public Health Physicians)がある。組織のメンバーである、ヘブライ大学獣医学部(Hebrew University School of Veterinary Medicine)のEyal Clement教授によれば、試行が成功するためには、放浪犬の70-80%の避妊・去勢をすべきであり、この目標推計は実行可能な数値ではない。彼を含めた専門家によれば、この試行は、対象外から対象地域への放浪犬の移動をも誘発し、その結果、対象地域の放浪犬数が増加する要因となるだろう。


In the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the views are divided.

Gali Davidson, head of the Department of Animal Protection, supports the pilot, in difference with the view of the chief scientist in the Ministry, Prof Noga Kronfeld-Schur. During the 1st KESC discussion held 3 weeks ago, Davidson said that the proposed temporary provisions deserve to be seen as "another tool" for "addressing the problem, testing, and correcting it through a test program. Some countries are already doing so with nice results."

環境保護省では、見解が分かれている。Gali Davidson動物保護局長は、省の主任科学者、Noga Kronfeld-Schur教授の見解と異なり、この試行を支持している。3週間まえに行われた第1回KESCでの討議中に、Davidsonは、提案された時限法案は、「試行期間を通じ、問題を議論し、試行し、是正」するための「別の選択肢」と見做す価値がある。「幾つかの国では、既に行われ、良い結果を得ている」と述べた。


Yael Arkin, CEO of "Let the Animals Live", also expressed her support for the pilot and said: "We are already trying for years to promote initiatives to increase assistance and budget for sterilization and neutering and no one supports them. The Ministry of Agriculture and the Nature and Parks Authority kill a large number of dogs every year, even in areas where there is no fear of rabies spread, and we see that the problem is not solved. It is time to stop killing again and again. Contrary to many people's beliefs, this is a successful initiative in the world."

「Let the Animals Live(動物愛護団体)」のCEO、Yeal Arkinは、試行への支持を表明し、「私たちは、長年、この新提案を推進するために、去勢・避妊への援助及び予算を増加させる取組をしたが、誰も支持しなかった。農務省及び自然公園当局は、毎年、狂犬病蔓延のおそれのない地域でさえ、多くのイヌを殺すが、問題は解決していない。繰り返し殺すことは止める時だ。多くの人々が信じていることに反し、この取組は世界で成功する新提案である。」と述べた。


[Byline: Zafrir Rinat]



Communicated by:



[Rabies in Israel, initially of the 'urban' type (predominantly dog-mediated in urban and rural areas) has become 'sylvatic' (wild-life mediated) since the introduction, during the 2nd half of the last century, of compulsory annual certification and vaccination of dogs and requiring leashing in public sites, which led to the absence of rabies in Israel's cities for decades.



The number of rabies outbreaks (villages) and cases (animals), 1991-2020, are presented graphically on page 33 of the 2020 annual report of the VSAH (Veterinary Services & Animal Health) at https://www.gov.il/BlobFolder/reports/doch-shnati-vet-2020/he/vet_doch-shnati-vet-2020.pdf.

1991年から2020年までの狂犬病の流行発生(村)及び症例(動物)数が、VSAH(Veterinary Services and Animal Health)HPにある、2020年度年次報告書の33頁に図示されている。


During 2004-2007, the biological and molecular characterization of the rabies isolates showed that free-roaming, stray dogs re-emerged as a significant animal reservoir in Northern Israel. The virus isolates from foxes and dogs differed in their molecular characterization, suggesting 2 distinct separate lineages. The transition from fox-mediated rabies to dog-mediated rabies became, obviously, of great concern to public health. The last human rabies case was reported in 2003. Post exposure treatments are abundant.



During the past 15 years, jackals gradually replaced foxes as the sylvatic reservoir of the virus. However, in recent years dog rabies increased, becoming the dominant presentation in 2021, concentrated mainly in regions bordering Lebanon and Syria.



Data of (lab-confirmed) events during the last 5 years:

Year / all animals / dog / jackal

2017 / 74 / 10 / 47

2018 / 60 / 6 / 45

2019 / 17 / 10 / 7

2020 / 47 / 15 / 24

2021/ 40 / 21 / 10


(Besides jackals and dogs, few cases were recorded in cats, badgers, a wolf, cattle, and sheep. Not a single fox).



In regard to the alleged success of the proposed Dog Population Management (DPM) policy, incorporating the collection, sterilization, vaccination (which requires a booster!), and release of free-roaming dogs, subscribers are encouraged to visit a paper, authored by investigators from prominent research centers in USA, UK, and South Africa, reviewing available reports of DPM attempts, globally (see reference below).

成功したと主張されている、提案されたイヌの頭数管理(Dog Population Managemnt : DPM)政策では、放浪犬を捕獲、不妊化、予防接種(ブースター接種が必要とされる!)、そして解放する。USA、UK,そして南アフリカの著明な研究施設の研究者が発表している、世界中でDPMを試みた報告について評価している論文にアクセスすべきである(下の、参考文献を見ること)。


Among their findings:

  1. "In practice, there is very limited evidence of DPM tools achieving reductions in the size or turnover of dog populations in canine rabies-endemic areas. Different DPM tools are frequently used together and combined with rabies vaccinations, but full impact assessments of DPM programs are not usually available."
  2. "Community engagement focused on promoting responsible dog ownership and better veterinary care could improve the health of individual animals and dog vaccination coverage, thus reducing rabies transmission."
  3. "It is important to understand local dog populations and community attitudes toward them in order to determine whether and how DPM might contribute to rabies control and which DPM tools would be most successful."
  4. "Surgical sterilization is the most frequently documented tool and has successfully reduced dog population size and turnover in a few low-income settings. However, DPM programs are mostly conducted in urban settings."







Notably, the proposed pilot in Israel is not planned to be applied in an urban setting. Israel's owned dog population (2020 data) exceeds 500 000 pets, of which about 460 000 vaccinated. The recording of cases in (apparently, unvaccinated) dogs, despite the herd immunity, may reflect the rate of exposure hazard, in the regional context.






Taylor LH, Wallace RM, Balaram D, et al. The role of dog population management in rabies elimination -- A review of current approaches and future opportunities. Front. Vet. Sci. 2017; 4:109;


- Mod.AS


ProMED map of Israel:




[2] Malaysia (Sibu, Sarawak province): dog, suspected, human exposure

[2] マレーシア(Sibu, Sarawak 郡):イヌ、疑い、ヒトの暴露


Date: Sat 19 Feb 2022 8:51 pm MST

Source: The Borneo Post [edited]




There is a possibility that the dog that attacked the 3 people at Sungai Maaw ferry point in Sungai Bidut [in Sibu, Sarawak] on Friday [18 Feb 2022], might have been infected with rabies. [* See below for details of the event, published by 'Borneo post'].

[22年2月18日]金曜日、[Sarawak郡、Sibuの]Sungai BidutにあるSungai Maawフェリー乗り場で、3人を襲ったイヌが、狂犬病に感染していた可能性がある(この事件の詳細は以下の“ボルネオ・ポスト”の記事を参照)。


In stating this, however, the Sibu Health Office pointed out that the matter would still require a confirmation from the Department of Veterinary Services. "From the way the dog had behaved, it's possible that it's a rabid dog, but this needs to be confirmed by the Department of Veterinary Services," it said in a statement today [19 Feb 2022].

しかし、この声明の中で、Sibu保健当局者は、この問題は、現在も獣医局(the Department of veterinary Services)からの確認を必要としていると指摘した。「イヌの行動からは、狂犬病に罹患している可能性はあるが、獣医局による確認が必要である。」と、今日[22年2月19日]の声明の中で表明している。



Asked if the victims were hospitalized, the Health Office said usually for a dog-bite case, there would be no need for hospitalization. "(They would be) treated as outpatients, but they would be given appointments to come for vaccination," it said.



Asked if the dog was still with its owner, the office said: "In cases like this, the authorities would take urgent action to catch the dog and the (Veterinary Services) Department would test if it's rabies-infected."



Additionally, it stressed that the public must be aware of the importance of getting their pets vaccinated against rabies and also neutering them.



"Don't adopt strays as pets, unless (they have) been given rabies vaccination," it advised.



Meanwhile, the Department of Veterinary Services Sarawak (DVSS) director Dr Adrian Susin Ambud said should the result confirm that the dog was rabies-infected, the animal would die within 10 days.

一方、Sarawak州獣医局(DVSS)のAdrian Susin Ambud局長は、狂犬病罹患が確認されたイヌは、10日以内には死亡するだろうと述べた。


"The owner needs to surrender the dog to the DVSS for testing," called Dr Adrian.

「飼育者は、検査のために、DVSSにイヌを引き渡す必要がある」と、Dr Adrina



He also advised members of the public to contact the nearest veterinary office to obtain further information about anti-rabies vaccination.



With regard to making reports about stray dogs, one could utilize the Sarawak Rabies App, downloadable via Google Play Store for Android users, and App Store for Apple users.

Google Play StoreやApp Storeで入手出来るSarawak Rabies Appで、放浪犬の情報を入手出来る。


Early Friday [18 Feb 2022], a dog attacked 3 people, one of whom was its owner, at Sungai Maaw ferry point in Sungai Bidut. The incident said to have occurred between 7 am and 8.30 am, left the dog's owner and 2 passers-by -- a teenager and a man, in his 50s -- with bites. The man said he would go to the area occasionally and each time, he would see a number of dogs roaming around.

[22年2月18日]金曜日の早朝、Sungai BidutのSungai Maawフェリー乗り場で3名が犬に攻撃され、その内2名はその犬の飼育者だった。事件は、午前7時から8時半の間に起きたとされ、当該イヌの飼育者と、乗客の10代の若者及び50代の男性に咬み傷が残されていた。50代の男性は、度々近辺を訪れており、その度に複数のイヌがうろついているのを見たと述べた。


"This (Friday) morning [18 Feb 2022], one of the dogs suddenly went wild and started biting people," he said. It was reported that the teenager sustained bite wounds on her fingers, while the woman was bitten on the leg and a finger. All 3 had gone to Sibu Hospital for treatment, including getting the rabies vaccine.



[Byline: Peter Boon]



Communicated by



[For the location of the Sungai Maaw ferry point (Sarawat Bidut) see map at https://tinyurl.com/mwcfk2ha. It is located in Sarawak, Malaysia's largest state (among 13), on the northwest of Borneo Island, which is shared by Indonesia's Kalimantan. Sarawak's area is almost equal to that of Peninsular Malaysia, which is situated some 900 km (615 mi) to its west. Rabies reemerged in Sarawak in 2015, after being eradicated there 16 years earlier, and has been circulating since in the dog population. Until May 2021, 33 human deaths have been reported.

Sungai Maawフェリー乗り場(Sarawat Bidut)の位置は、https://tinyurl.com/mwcfk2ha の地図を確認すること。フェリー乗り場は、インドネシアカリマンタン島と共有するボルネオ島の北西に位置し、マレーシア13州で最大の州であるSarawakにある。Sarawakは、半島マレーシアとほぼ同じ広さがあり、その西側約900km(651マイル)に位置する。Sarawakでは、16年に亘り狂犬病清浄であったが、2015年に再興し、イヌの群れの中で循環している。2021年5月までに、33名の死亡が報告されている。


It may be assumed that the post-exposure treatment of the 3 bitten persons would/has been applied without delay, even if rabies of the biting dog has not yet been lab-confirmed. The lab test addresses samples, obtained if/when the dog dies, preferably brain stem, Ammon's horn, thalamus, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and medulla oblongata. For rabies diagnostic methods, see chapter 3.01.17 of OIE's Terrestrial Manual, at






- Mod.AS


ProMED map of Malaysia:




[3] Turkey (Bahçelievler, Mardin province): dog, human exposure, control

[3] トルコ (Bahçelievler, Mardin 郡):ヒト、イヌ-媒介、管理


Date: Sat 19 Feb 2022

Source: Haber7.com [Turkish, machine- translated, edited]



A rabies incident took place on 15 Feb 2022 in the Bahçelievler Neighborhood, Derik District, in Mardin province. [AÇ] (5), [AOK] (10), [RY] (11), [MY] (14), [KÃ-] (21), [MÃ-] (45), and [EE] (35), who were attacked by a stray dog on the way back from school, were injured on various body parts. With the intervention of the locals, the dog got away, and medical teams were sent to the scene. After the 1st interventions, the wounded, who were taken to the hospitals in Derik, Kızıltepe, and Mardin, were vaccinated against rabies and were discharged after their treatment.

狂犬病に関する事件が、22年2月15日にMardin県Derik郡のBahçelievler近郊で起きた。[AÇ] (5), [AOK] (10), [RY] (11), [MY] (14), [KÃ-] (21), [MÃ-] (45), 及び [EE] (35)が、学校の帰り道に放浪犬に襲われ、体の様々な部位に受傷した。地域住民が介入し、そのイヌは逃亡し、そして医療チームが現場に派遣された。応急処置をされた後、Derik、Kızıltepe、Mardinの病院に搬送され、狂犬病予防接種を受け、治療後に退院した。


The sample of the captured dog, taken at the Mardin Metropolitan Municipality Animal Shelter, was found rabies positive in the examinations made at the Elazig Veterinary Control Institute.

Thereupon, with the decision of the District Animal Health Police Commission, the entrance and exit of all kinds of animals, animal substances, and products to the neighborhood were prohibited for a period of 6 months [see comment]. In addition, the commission also stated that no animals will be slaughtered without the permission of the veterinarian, that the surrounding provinces and districts are in quarantine due to rabies in the neighborhood, that everyone who has contact with a rabid dog is vaccinated, that the 'rabies risk zone' sign is posted at the entrance and exit of the neighborhood, and that the animals are released by making sound warnings by the municipality. It was decided to declare that it was forbidden to roam.




One of the residents of the neighborhood stated that they learned today [19 Feb 2022] that the dog had rabies and said, "I go to high school; I can't go to school because of the fear of dogs. We want all dogs to be collected," he said.




Communicated by:

Mahmoud Orabi

ahstandards@gmail.com" target="_blank">ahstandards@gmail.com


[ProMED thanks Mahmoud Orabi for his submission.


Bahçelievler is a large middle class residential suburb of Istanbul, on the European side of the city. Turkey is regarded to be the only country in Europe where urban dog-mediated rabies persists. Control measures in recent decades have reduced the burden of rabies to relatively low levels but foci of the disease persist, particularly in urban areas.



The measures undertaken in response to the described incident, including the ban on the introduction of animal products, seem excessive. Rabies is transmitted by direct, close animal-to animal as well as animal-to-human contacts, mostly bites. Maximal vaccination coverage and strict control of animal movements are the measures of choice. - Mod.AS



ProMED map of Turkey:



[See Also:



Rabies (35): Eurasia, Germany (HB) ex Turkey, dog, OIE




Rabies (32): Asia (Malaysia, Bhutan) human, dog


Rabies (19): Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan ex Philippines) animal,

human http://promedmail.org/post/20200628.7517416

Rabies (16): Asia (Israel) cattle, regional aspect, control




Rabies (03): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, OIE


Rabies (31): Africa (Kenya), Asia (Israel, Malaysia, Viet Nam) human,

animal http://promedmail.org/post/20180611.5850724

Rabies (22): Asia (Malaysia, Israel), Europe (UK), WHO (global) human,

animal http://promedmail.org/post/20180505.5786343

Rabies (03): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, OIE




Rabies (40): Asia (Thailand, Malaysia) human, animal


Rabies (37): Asia (Malaysia) human, animal, spread, control


Rabies (31): Asia (Malaysia) canine, feline, OIE


Rabies (30): Asia (Malaysia)


Rabies (29): Asia (Philippines, Malaysia-Borneo) human, animal




Rabies, animal, human (11): Turkey, India, Israel


and other items in the archives]


埼玉県狂犬病流行史より 人の症例について





患者第1号 女 71歳







5病日に至れば、「けいれん」の発作とともに、苦悶狂騒の状激甚となり、発作と同時に、病床に両手をつき、前半身をおこして「ウオー ウオー」と犬の遠吠えのような大声を発し、その異様な呼声は腹の底から絞り出すごとき粗励で太い、しゃがれ声であり、病室より、30間(54m)位前方の県道の通行人に、犬の遠吠えとして聞こえたと言われる。同夜1時頃より、狂騒痙攣極度に達し、この発作と同時に「ウオー」と言って、突然病床に起立して後、横転し、あるいは後倒し、又は床の周囲を苦悶しつつはいまわり、最極期には「ウオー」とうめいて病床に跳ね飛び起き、しかして、転倒する等、ために、近親者3人にて、患者の左右の腕及び身体をおさえるに、なお、力及ばず飛び立てる状態となった。



第6病日「死日」午前6時頃 体温38.9度 脈拍130 少々微弱である。








In this post:
[1] Ukraine: vaccination of evacuated pets

[2] India (Andhra Pradesh): cat, human fatality, RFI

 インド(Andhra Pradesh):ネコ、ヒトの死亡例、情報提供依頼
[3] Israel (Northern): cow, human exposure


[1] Ukraine: vaccination of evacuated pets


Date: Fri 4 Mar 2022

Source: International Fund for Animal Welfare [abridged, edited]


We've collected a list of resources for families fleeing Ukraine with their pets and, as of 4 Mar 2022, have verified the details below. Please share this information with anyone who may be trying to evacuate with their pets. Several countries have plans to accept pets at border crossings. While pets must normally be vaccinated and microchipped to cross an international border, the countries below have agreed to an exception during this crisis. In most cases below,
if a pet is not vaccinated or microchipped, the receiving country will vaccinate and microchip the pet upon entry.


We are extraordinarily proud of the countries who have made it possible for families to evacuate with their pets. Lithuania's director of State Food and Veterinary Service, Mantas Staskevicius, said, "We cannot be unconcerned about the people running from this horrible situation. Many Ukrainians will be traveling with their beloved pets, so we will help to find them the safest shelter."
家族でペットと一緒に避難することを可能にした国々に対して、格別の敬意を感じる。リトアニアの国家食品獣医局局長のMantas Staskevicius氏は、「この恐ろしい状況から逃げ出す人々に対して、無関心ではいられない」と述べた。さらに多くのウクライナ人が愛するペットと一緒に避難していると思われ、彼らに最も安全な避難所を見つける手助けをしたいと述べた。
Communicated by:

[The countries listed in the announcement are Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, India, Germany, Italy Finland, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and the Czech Republic. Possible changes/additions and the detailed veterinary health requirements relating to the introduced pets are available at the source URL above. - Mod.AS
ProMED map of Ukraine:

[2] India (Andhra Pradesh): cat, human fatality, RFI

 インド(Andhra Pradesh):ネコ、ヒトの死亡例、情報提供依頼
Date: Sun 6 Mar 2022 9:02 a.m. IST

Source: The Hans India [edited]

情報源:The Hans India [編集済]

In a tragic incident, 2 women have died of rabies after being bitten by a cat in Vemulamada in the Movva mandal of Krishna district [Andhra Pradesh State]. Going into the details, retirement RTC conductor SBR's wife [K] (64) from Vemulamada SC colony and [N] (43), wife of RMP doctor BB from the same colony, were bitten by a cat 2 months ago. At the time, both women had undergone TT [tetanus toxoid] injection and were on medication.
Krishna県(Andhra Pradesh 州)のMovva mandalのVemulamadaで、2人の女性が猫に咬まれ、狂犬病で死亡する痛ましい事件が発生した。詳しく説明すると、Vemulamada SC植民地に住む退職RTC指揮者SBRの妻[K](64)と、同じ植民地に住むRMP医師BBの妻[N](43)が2ヶ月前に猫に咬まれた。当時、2人ともTT(破傷風トキソイド)注射を受け、投薬治療を受けていた。

They were doing their job as usual after relief but 4 days ago, [K] and [N] went to a corporate hospital for treatment due to a change in their health. However, it did not improve. [K] died at 10 am on Saturday [5 Mar 2022] while undergoing treatment at the Mangalagiri NRI Hospital in Guntur district. [N] underwent treatment at PHC on Friday [4 Mar 2022] and was admitted to a corporate hospital in Vijayawada as per the instructions of the doctors there. She also died
Saturday morning [5 Mar 2022] while receiving treatment.
彼女たちは安心していつも通り仕事をしていたが、4日前、KとNは体調の変化から企業病院で治療を受けた。しかし、症状は改善しなかった。[K]はGuntur地区のMangalagiri NRI病院で治療中の土曜日(2022年3月5日)の午前10時に死亡した。[N]は金曜日(2022年3月4日)にPHCで治療を受け、医師の指示によりVijayawadaの企業病院に入院したが、土曜日の朝[2022年3月5日]、治療中に死亡した。

Medical officer Dr Shonthi Sivarama Krishna Rao said 2 of the dead women were infected with rabies. He said the body was poisoned due to untimely medical services. The villagers said that the cat that bit the women was bitten by a dog and the dog also died a few days later.
医務官のDr Shonthi Sivarama Krishna Raoによると、死亡した女性2人は狂犬病に感染していたとのことである。彼は不適切な医療行為により、身体が毒に侵されたと言った。村人によると、女性を噛んだ猫は犬に噛まれ、その犬も数日後に死亡したとのことである。
[Byline: Pavan Kumar Bandari]
[担当:Pavan Kumar Bandari]
Communicated by:

[This case deserves further investigation. The rather short course and the full simultaneousness of the clinical stage of the reported fatal disease, in both patients, is noteworthy. More details of their initial anamnesis, the considerations behind the decision to administer only a tetanus toxoid (TT) injection, the refraining from rabies post-exposure treatment, as well as the medication both were receiving after the initial treatment will be helpful.
Another news report (https://www.daijiworld.com/news/newsDisplay?newsID=933925),
mentions that "according to villagers, the cat was infected by rabies as it was bitten by a rabid dog earlier. The cat also died subsequently." Additional information (domestic or stray? contacts?) deserves to be sought. - Mod.AS



ProMED map of Andhra Pradesh State, India:

[3] Israel (Northern): cow, human exposure

Date: Sun 6 Mar 2022

Source: Outbreak News Today [edited]

情報源:Outbreak News Today [編集済]

The Israel Ministry of Health reported on a cow infected with rabies found in Tuba-Zangaria (in the pasture between Tuba and Moshav Elifelet), in the Upper Galilee last week [Northern/Hazafon District].
イスラエル保健省は先週、上部ガリラヤのTuba-Zangaria(TubaとMoshav Elifeletの間の牧草地)で見つかった狂犬病に感染した牛について報告した[北部/Hazafon地区]。

Two people are known to have been exposed to the cow and are receiving rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).

Health officials ask anyone who has been in contact with, or whose animals came in contact with, the infected animal or a stray animal in the area of the incident on the dates of 14 Feb to 28 Feb [2022] to contact the Safed Health Bureau urgently, phone 04-6994257, 04-6994200, or contact the health bureau nearest to the place of residence to weigh the need for preventive care.

The Ministry of Health again reminds those who have been bitten or scratched by an animal to immediately wash the area with running water and soap, disinfect with disinfectants, and approach the Health Bureau to check if preventive treatment against rabies is needed.
Communicated by:

[ProMED map of Israel:

This is the 8th lab-confirmed rabies case in northern Israel since 1 Jan 2022; the others were 5 jackals and 2 dogs in 7 different locations.

In the meantime, Israel's parliament (the Knesset) is debating a bill in which unowned, stray-feral dogs will be collected but, in difference with the prevailing legislation, be released after being vaccinated, or sterilized/neutered. The feral dog population is estimated at 30 000; Israel's owned, certified dog population (2020 data) exceeds 500 000 pets, of which about 460 000 are rabies vaccinated. Several professional bodies, including Israel's One Health, Nature Protection, and Municipality veterinarians have expressed their reservations. The discussions are being continued.For an interactive map presenting Israel's confirmed rabies cases in animals during 2021, please see
https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=7cb6e4996327423e857dd6470a449e75 (dogs - pink, jackals - aqua).
- Mod.AS]


- MOD.AS】をご覧ください。]

[See Also:
Rabies (06): Eurasia (Israel, Malaysia, Turkey) dog, owned, stray,
human exp http://promedmail.org/post/20220222.8701585
Rabies (31): Eurasia (India, Israel, Ukraine), Africa (S Africa)
human, animal http://promedmail.org/post/20210827.8626789
Rabies (25): Asia (India, Nepal) human, dog; (Israel) jackal, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20210711.8511091
Rabies (32): Asia (Malaysia, Bhutan) human, dog
Rabies (19): Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan ex Philippines) animal,
human http://promedmail.org/post/20200628.7517416
Rabies (16): Asia (Israel) cattle, regional aspect, control
Rabies (31): Africa (Kenya), Asia (Israel, Malaysia, Viet Nam) human,
animal http://promedmail.org/post/20180611.5850724
Rabies (22): Asia (Malaysia, Israel), Europe (UK), WHO (global) human,
animal http://promedmail.org/post/20180505.5786343
Rabies (09): Asia (Israel) wildlife, spread (India) human, treatment
modified http://promedmail.org/post/20180203.5604913
Rabies (03): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, OIE
Rabies (26): Asia (India, Nepal, Pakistan) Africa (Algeria) animal,
human http://promedmail.org/post/20170616.5109529
Rabies, animal, human (11): Turkey, India, Israel
Rabies - Ukraine: human cases
Rabies - Ukraine (04): (KK), clarification sought
Rabies - Ukraine (03): (KK), feline, human exposure
Rabies - Ukraine (02): (KV) feline, human exposure
and other items in the archives]





Date: Wed 23 Feb 2022 10:00 PM CET

Source: Animal's Health [in Spanish, trans., abridged, edited]



On Wed 23 Feb 2022, the Government of Melilla confirmed a new case of rabies in a dog.


According to the General Directorate of Public Health and Consumer Affairs, the (about) 6 months old animal presented exceptional aggressive behavior on Mon 21 Feb 2022 and was captured the same day near the Beni Enzar border. A warning was published, encouraging the public to report any exposure to the suspected puppy before its collection.


The authorities have published today [23 Feb 2022] that the animal bit one person in the port at 5:30 a.m. on 21 Feb 2022, at 7:30 another (and his dog) in the Hippodrome neighborhood, and at 10 a.m., another person was bitten in the upper part of the Sepes industrial estate. Before being captured, another 2 people were bitten near the border.


So far, there are 5 people known to have been bitten by the dog. They are undergoing prophylactic anti-rabies treatment.


In addition, an attempt is being made to locate a man who had contact with the animal before it was captured and whose affiliation is unknown.


The General Directorate of Public Health and Consumption is in search of the origin of the dog and requests public help in locating other possible contacts and bites, especially the man who tried to hold the animal, trying to prevent it from biting the last 2 people in the vicinity of Beni-Enzar.


This case is the 7th rabies-positive dog in the autonomous city since the outbreak began about 5 months ago, in September 2021, and the 3rd case in 2022.


The current case takes place a month after the previous rabies-positive case, which also occurred in another puppy. In fact, after the detection of this case, Melilla authorities admitted that they were looking for the puppy's possible littermates.




Communicated by:

ProMED Rapporteur Kathryn Soderholm


[Rabies in puppies may, at times, lead to a large number of human exposures, and delayed recognition with potentially fatal outcomes. This, due to atypical disease signs and, in many cases, children being exposed. Luckily, the animal described in Melilla did present apparent behavioral changes, which were observed by attentive observers, leading to timely, active response of the authorities and the early detection and treatment of (hopefully, eventually all) of the exposed persons. The epidemiological investigation is being continued.

子犬の狂犬病は、時に多数の人への曝露につながり、確認が遅れると致命的な結果を招く可能性がある。 これは、非定型の病気の兆候と多くの場合子供が暴露されるためである。 幸いなことに、メリリャで説明されている動物は、注意深い観察者によって観察された明らかな行動の変化を示し、当局のタイムリーで積極的な対応と、曝露された人の(願わくば、最終的すべての)早期発見と治療につながった。 疫学調査は継続中である。

Mod.CRD's commentary in http://promedmail.org/post/20211024.8699231 is applicable:

"Spain (peninsular territory and islands) has been free of terrestrial rabies since 1978, with the exception of the case of rabies imported from Morocco declared in June 2013. The vaccination campaigns carried out in dogs gave excellent results, eradicating the disease in the entire national territory. Only in the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla are there sporadically imported cases of rabies, in dogs and some horses."


(translated from Spanish).


「スペイン(半島の領土と島々)は、2013年6月にモロッコから輸入されたと公表された狂犬病の事例を除いて、1978年以来陸生狂犬病フリーであった。犬のワクチン接種キャンペーンは優れた結果をもたらし、全国の狂犬病を根絶した 。セウタとメリリャの自治都市でのみ、犬や一部の馬に散発的に輸入狂犬病が発生している。」 (https://www.mapa.gob.es/es/ganaderia/temas/sanidad-animal-higiene-ganadera/sanidad-animal/enfermedades/rabia/Rabia.aspx) (スペイン語から翻訳)。


"Spain has a National Surveillance Program for Rabies in animals. See the full document (in Spanish) at https://www.mapa.gob.es/es/ganaderia/temas/sanidad-animal-higiene-ganadera/programadevigilanciadelarabiaversionfinal_tcm30-561135.pdf."

「スペインには、動物の狂犬病に関する全国的サーベイランスプログラムがある。https://www.mapa.gob.es/es/ganaderia/temas/sanidad-animal-higiene-ganadera/programadevigilanciadelarabiaversionfinal_tcm30-561135で完全な文書(スペイン語)を参照してください。 .pdf。」

The tiny Spanish (semi) enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla sit on the northern shores of Morocco's Mediterranean coast, surrounded by the Moroccan state. Both enjoy local autonomy and have their own governments, led by city presidents. Together they form the European Union's only land borders with Africa. See map at

https://tinyurl.com/2s42fen9. - Mod.AS

セウタとメリリャは小さなスペイン(2つ)の飛び地であり、モロッコの州に囲まれた地中海沿岸の北岸に位置する。 どちらも地方自治を享受しており、市長が率いる独自の政府を持っている。 それらはともにEUの一員であり、唯一アフリカとの国境を接する。 地図を参照のこと。 https://tinyurl.com/2s42fen9。 -Mod.AS

ProMED map:

Melilla, Spain:



[See Also:



Rabies (38): Europe (Spain) dog, OIE


Rabies (37): Europe (Spain) dog, OIE




Rabies (01): Europe (Spain) dog, OIE




Rabies (35): Europe (Spain) dog, OIE




Rabies - Spain (03): (CM) ex Morocco, travel alert


Rabies - Spain (02): (CM) ex Morocco, canine, human exp


Rabies - Spain: (CM) ex Morocco, canine, OIE




Rabies, bat - Spain (Seville) (02)


Rabies, bat - Spain: background


Rabies, bat - Spain (Seville): Correction


Rabies, bat - Spain (Seville)







Date: 1 May 2021


Source: My Joy Online [edited]


14 people have been diagnosed with rabies infection in Kpone, the municipal capital of the Kpone-Katamanso Municipality in the Greater Accra Region, after an infected dog bit 5 people whilst at church [I suspect, hope, and trust this means 14 people have been exposed to rabies rather than that they have been infected. - Mod.TG].

グレーターアクラ地域のクポーン-カタマンソン市の州都であるクポーンの教会で狂犬病感染犬により 5 名が咬まれ、14 名が狂犬病に感染したと診断された。〔私としては、14 名が感染したということではなく曝露されたということではないかと疑っており、願っており、信じている。 -Mod.TG]。



Dr Emmanuel Kwao Pecku, municipal veterinary officer, told the Ghana News Agency at Kpone in an interview on 17 Apr 2021 that a rabies-infected dog followed some 5 worshippers to their church premises and bit them, infecting [sic] them with the disease. According to the municipal veterinary officer, 9 other persons got exposed] by coming in contact with saliva from the infected [sic; were infected dog, exposing them to the virus.


市の獣医官であるエマニュエル・クワオ・ペック博士は、2021 年 4 月 17 日のインタビューで、クポーンのガーナ通信社に、狂犬病に感染した犬が 5 人の参拝者を追いかけて教会の敷地に入り、彼らを噛み、病気(狂犬病)に感染〔原文〕させたと語った。 市の獣医官によると、他の 9 人が感染犬の唾液と接触したことによりウイルスに感染〔原文;曝露〕した。

He explained the dog was immediately quarantined for examination, adding that it showed classical signs of rabies infection. Dr Pecku revealed that the dog was immediately killed, and a sample was taken to the laboratory for a confirmation test. He added that the victims have been given post exposure vaccines and are currently being monitored.

彼は犬が検査のためにすぐに隔離されたと説明し、狂犬病感染の古典的な兆候を示したと付け加えた。 ペック博士は犬がすぐに殺され、確定診断のためにサンプルが実験室に持ち込まれたことを明言した。 彼は、被害者は曝露後ワクチンを受けてており、現在観察中であると付け加えた。

He said the Kpone-Katamanso Municipal Assembly must enforce its by-laws to deal with people whose negligence causes harm to others. He noted that the owner of the infected dog did not bring his dog for rabies vaccination in February this year [2021]. "We mounted our canopy in front of his house, but he did not bring his dog for the vaccine."

彼は、クポーン-カタマンソン市議会は、怠慢のために他人に危害を及ぼす人々に対処するために法律を適用しなければならないと述べた。 彼は、感染犬の飼い主が今年〔2021〕2月に狂犬病ワクチン接種のために彼の犬を連れてこなかったと述べた。 「私たちは彼の家の前に天蓋を取り付けましたが、彼はワクチン接種のために犬を連れて来ませんでした。」

The Kpone-Katamanso Municipal Assembly, Municipal Health, and the Veterinary Directorate have intensified plans to deal with rabies cases in the various communities in Kpone.


[These 14 people were exposed to the rabies virus. If they received post exposure prophylaxis, as indicated by the article, then they should not be infected.

これらの 14 人は狂犬病ウイルスに曝露されたのだろう。 もし、彼らが記事に書かれているように、曝露後予防を受けた場合には感染してはいないはずである。

Clearly, the animal was not vaccinated against the disease, and this is a serious exposure. Animals showing signs suggestive of rabies, as this is pet appears to have been, are euthanized, and the brains are examined for the rabies virus. We do not know for certain the results of the animal's test, but it may have been positive for rabies. We are glad to know the individuals affected are being appropriately treated. - Mod.TG

明らかに、動物はこの病気(狂犬病)の予防接種を受けておらず、これは深刻な 曝露である。 このペットがそうであったように、狂犬病を示唆する兆候を示し ている動物は安楽死させられ、脳は狂犬病ウイルスに対して検査される。 動物 の確実な検査結果は知りえないが、狂犬病検査で陽性だったと思われる。 曝露 を受けた人々が適切に治療されていることを知って安心している。 -Mod.TG

HealthMap/ProMED map:
Ghana: http://healthmap.org/promed/p/53]


[See Also:


Rabies - Ghana (03): (AA) human


Rabies - Ghana (02): (UW) human, canine


Rabies - Ghana: human, canine, spread, RFI



Rabies - Ghana: (AH) human, feline



Rabies - Ghana (02): (AH) canine, human


Rabies - Ghana: (BA) canine, human



Rabies - Ghana: (KA) canine, human



Rabies - Ghana: (WP) canine, human



Rabies, canine, human - Ghana: (BO)



Rabies, human, canine - Ghana






In this update: 
[1] Canada - multiple animals 
[2] USA: Alabama, raccoon, multiple human exposures 
[3] USA: North Carolina - Bobcat, human exposure 
[4] USD: New Jersey, dog, human exposure 
[1] カナダ 複数の動物
[2] アメリカ合衆国:アラバマ州、アライグマ、複数の人の暴露

[3] アメリカ合衆国:ノースカロライナ州、ボブキャット、人の暴露

[4] アメリカ合衆国:ニュージャージー州、犬、人の暴露

[1] Canada - multiple animals 
Date: 28 Mar 2021 
Source: Inspection Canada [edited] 

[1] カナダ 複数の動物
日付:2021 年 3 月 28 日



Rabies is a viral disease that attacks the central nervous system of mammals, including humans. Once clinical signs appear, rabies is almost always fatal in animals and people. In Canada, the animals that most often transmit rabies are bats, skunks and foxes. 

狂犬病は、人を含め哺乳類の中枢神経系を襲うウイルス疾患である。一旦症状が出ると、狂犬病 は人も動物も通常ほぼ致命的である。カナダで狂犬病を最もよく伝播する動物は、コウモリおよび スカンク、キツネである。

Rabies is a reportable disease under the Health of Animals Act. All suspect cases must be reported to the province for follow-up. All suspect rabies cases are verified in a CFIA rabies laboratory. 
狂犬病は動物衛生法に基づく報告義務疾病であり、全ての疑い例は追跡調査のため州に報告し なくてはならない。狂犬病疑いの症例は全て CFIA の狂犬病研究所で検証される。

A table shows that 5 rabies cases were confirmed in Canada in March this year [2021], from 135 samples submitted from across the country.
[This table has been converted to a summary. - Mod.TG]. 
カナダ国内で、全国から提出された 135 のサンプルから今年(2021 年)3 月に確認された 5 件の 狂犬病事例が表に示されている。(この表は要約文に置き換えられている。モデレータ TG)

Quebec reports rabies in an arctic fox.  Ontario reports rabies in a bat and in a skunk.  Manitoba reports rabies in a bovine.  Northwest Territories reports rabies in a red fox. 
ケベックでは北極ギツネ、オンタリオではコウモリとスカンク、マニトバではウシ、北西部準州では アカギツネの狂犬病が報告されている。

In 2021, 12 positive cases have been confirmed in Canada, out of 367 samples submitted.

 2021 年カナダでは提出された 367 のサンプルから 12 の陽性例が確認された。

[Information regarding Canada is updated on the 28th of each month provided the date is not on a holiday or weekend, in which case it updates the figures on the next business day. - Mod.TG] 
「カナダに関する情報は毎月 28 日に更新されるが、週末や休日に当たる際には翌週の開庁日に 更新される。モデレータ TG」

[2] USA: Alabama, raccoon, multiple human exposures 
Date: 15 Apr 2021 
Source: WRBL [edited] 


日付:2021 年 4 月 15 日

Five people have possibly been exposed to rabies after a raccoon tested positive for the virus this week in the Beauregard community. Veterinarian Dr Gary Hunt tells News 3 that a dog was exposed when it killed the raccoon on Sun 11 Apr 2021. Hunt received the test results on Thu 15 Apr 2021. The individuals are undergoing rabies prophylactic treatment, and the dog is quarantined. 
ボーリガード地域で今週、5人の人たちが狂犬病陽性だったアライグマに接触した可能性がある。 獣医師のゲイリーハント博士はニューススリーで、2021 年 4 月 11 日(日)にアライグマを咬み殺 した 1 頭の犬はその時狂犬病に暴露したと語る。ハント博士は 2021 年 4 月 15 日(木)に検査結 果を受け取った。接触した人たちは予防処置を受けており、犬は観察下に置かれている。

Homer Bruce, the Lee County rabies officer, said in a news release that the dog had previous rabies vaccinations and was boosted at the time of treatment. Bruce said keeping up to date on vaccines is critical to community safety:

リー郡の狂犬病担当者、ホーマーブルース氏は記者会見で、その犬は以前に狂犬病ワクチン接 種を受けており、観察開始時に追加接種を受けたと語った。ブルース氏は地域の安全のために は狂犬病ワクチンを最新の状態に保つことが重要だと語った。

"The key here is the pet had a previous rabies vaccination. This is so important in protecting your pets from rabies and thereby protecting humans from exposure through their pets. Alabama Law requires all dogs, cats and ferrets to be vaccinated at 3 months of age and annually thereafter unless they receive a 3-year vaccine. The 1st rabies vaccination is only good for one year regardless of which vaccine your pet receives. I ask everyone to please check their pet's rabies vaccination status and to get them boosted immediately if they are not up to date. Contact your veterinarian if you can't determine your pet's vaccination status. Please call 334-745-0060 if you have questions." 

「ここで重要なポイントはそのペットが以前狂犬病ワクチンを接種していたことなんです。あなたのペットが狂犬病から守られ、それによってペットを介して人が暴露から守られるという点においてこのことは大変重要です。アラバマ州法では全ての犬、猫、フェレットは3ヶ月齢になったら 3 年有効のワクチンでなければ年 1 回ワクチンを受けるよう求められています。(ただし)最初に受ける 狂犬病ワクチンは、その種類に関わらず 1 年しか有効ではありません。私はみなさんが自分のペットのワクチン状況をチェックして、もし最新の状態になければ直ちに追加接種するよう求めます。 あなたのペットのワクチン接種状況がわからなければあなたのかかりつけ獣医師に連絡してくだ さい。もしわからないことがありましたら 334-745-0060 までお電話ください。」と述べた。

Rabies is a human infection occurring after a transdermal bite or scratch by an infected animal, like dogs and cats. It can be transmitted when infectious material, usually saliva, comes into direct contact with a victim's fresh skin lesions. Rabies may also occur, though in sporadic cases, through inhalation of virus-containing spray [such as a sneeze, and droplets may reach the eye. - Mod.TG] or organ transplants
狂犬病は犬や猫のような感染している動物に、経皮的に咬まれたり引っ掻かれたりしたあと人に 感染が起きる。感染可能となるもの、通常は唾液が新しい皮膚の傷に直接接触することで伝播する可能性がある。狂犬病はまた、散発的であるが、ウイルスで汚染した飛沫(くしゃみが飛沫となり、目に届く:モデレータ TG)を吸引することや臓器移植でも起きる可能性がある。

Pet owners need to have their animals registered and vaccinated under Alabama law. Animal bite victims should immediately wash bites with soap and water for at least 10 minutes and receive appropriate post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) if needed from trained health workers. 
[byline: Elizabeth White] 
ペットの飼い主はアラバマ州法に従い、飼っている動物を登録してワクチンを受けさせなくてはならない。動物に咬まれた人はすぐに咬まれた場所を石鹸と水で少なくとも10分間洗い、必要なら 訓練を受けた医療従事者に適切な暴露後発症予防処置(PEP)を受けるべきである。 (エリザベス ホワイト署名)

[3] USA: North Carolina - bobcat, human exposure 
Date: 16 Apr 2020 
Source: Patch News [edited] 

The Pender County Sheriff's Office [PCSO] confirmed that a bobcat, having attacked a couple, was killed and has tested positive for rabies. 
ペンダー郡保安官事務所(PCSO)は、夫婦を襲ったボブキャットはその後狂犬病陽性であること を確認した。

A North Carolina family readying to begin their morning commute experienced a violent encounter with a bobcat in the driveway of their Burgaw home. The incident was captured on a security camera, and by Fri 16 Apr 2021 afternoon had racked up more than 10 million views. 
ノースカロライナ州のある家族は、朝の通勤の準備中の Burgaw の家の私道で凶暴なボブキャットに遭遇した。その出来事は監視カメラに映されており、2021 年 4 月 16 日(金)午後には 1000 万回以上の再生回数を記録した。

The bobcat, which was later killed, was also confirmed to have rabies, underscoring the need to keep pet vaccinations up to date, the PCSO said. The 9 Apr 2021 incident occurred in the Creekside Subdivision in Burgaw, the PCSO confirmed. 
そのボブキャットはのちに殺処分され、狂犬病だったことが確認された。PCSO はペットのワクチ ンを最新の状態に保つことの必要性は明白だと語った。2021 年 4 月 9 日の事件は Burgaw の Creekside Subdivision で起きたことを PCSO は確認している。

In the video, an unidentified man can be heard offering a morning greeting to a neighbor jogging past his home. In his hands appear to be a cake and a beverage. "I need to wash my car," he says, unlocking the vehicle. A bird can be heard in the background along the sleepy street scene as the morning sky takes on the color of a new day. That's about the time all hell broke loose. 
映像では、特定されていないが一人の男性が、自分の家の前をジョギングして通り過ぎる隣人に 朝の挨拶をする様子が聞こえる。彼の手にはケーキと飲み物が持たれているようだ。「車洗わな きゃなあ」と、車のロックを外しながら話す。寝静まった街に鳥の声が聞こえ、朝の空が新しい日の色に染まる。その頃に、突然大騒ぎが起きる。

A woman approaching the passenger side of the vehicle with a pet carrier in hand then lurches forward into the frame as a loud feline yowl and her blood-curdling scream cut through the otherwise tranquil suburban scene. "Run, baby! Run!" she seems to yell to her husband, as the bobcat grips tight to her back. The man runs around the vehicle, grabbing the cat away from her, exclaiming "oh my god, it's a bobcat!" in disbelief before flinging it feet away from his body into the grassof the manicured front yard. 
一人の婦人がペットのキャリーボックスを手に、車の助手席側に近づいてくる様子が画面に入りそ の後、猫の大きな鳴き声と女性の身の毛もよだつような悲鳴が郊外の静かな光景を切り裂く。「あなた走って!走って!」女性は自分の背中にボブキャットが強くしがみついてきたので、ご主人に そう叫んだようだ。男性は車を回り込み、女性からその猫を引きはがし、「なんてこった、ボブキャットシじゃないか」と信じられない様子で叫んで、数フィート離れたところにある手入れの行き届いた前庭にその猫を放り投げた。

The dramatic footage of the incident may be viewed at:

https://twitter.com/Evi3Zamora/status/1382781106269818884. The
animal had attacked another person before the incident caught on video, PCSO Capt James Rowell said, the Charlotte Observer reported. 
その動物はビデオに捕らえられる前に別のもう一人を攻撃していた。PCSO 所長ジェームズロー ウェルはシャーロット オブザーバーがそう報告したと語った。

"Any unvaccinated pets should be vaccinated immediately," PCSO warned neighborhood residents following the incident. "Your pets and other domestic animals can be infected when they are bitten by rabid wild animals. When spillover rabies occurs in domestic animals, the risk to humans is increased." 
[byline: Kimberly Johnson] 
「ワクチン未接種のペットは皆すぐにワクチンを接種するべきです。あなたのペットや他の家畜動 物は狂犬病に罹った野生動物に咬まれれば感染する可能性があります。家畜動物に狂犬病のス ピルオーバーが起きれば人のリスクが高まります。」と PCSO は近隣住民にこの後続く事件につ いて警告した。

(キンバリー ジョンソン署名)

[4] USD: New Jersey, dog, human exposure 
Date: 1 May 2021 
Source: Press of Atlantic City [edited] 

[4] アメリカ合衆国:


日付:2021 年 5 月 1 日
情報源:Press of Atlantic City(編集済み)

On 27 Apr 2021, the Vineland Health Department announced that it was searching for a fox after reports of it attacking at least 3 people and chasing 2 others in the area of Riviera Boulevard. The behavior of the fox led officials to suspect it was rabid. 
2021 年 4 月 27 日にヴァインランド保健所は、リビエラブールバード地域で少なくとも3人の人を 襲い他の二人を追いかけたと報告されている一頭のキツネを捜索していると発表した。そのキツ ネの行動は狂犬病を疑わせるものだった。

Vineland Health Department officer Robert Dickinson said in a news release that homeowners should check their pets for wounds of unknown origin. Residents in the area are also being asked to be mindful of any animals exhibiting strange behavior, signs of illness, or undue aggression. "We do not know at this time how long the fox has been ill, if it has attacked any other wildlife, or if there are other foxes which could be rabid as well," Dickinson added. 
ヴァインランド保健所の担当者ロバートディキンソン氏は、記者会見で、家の住人は由来のわから ない傷がペットにないか調べるべきであると語った。その地域の住民は、変な行動をしていたり、 病気の兆候を示したり、過度な攻撃行動を示している動物全てに注意するよう要請されている。 「私たちは現時点で、そのキツネがどれくらいの期間病気であったのかとか、どんな他の野生動 物に攻撃されたのか、他にも狂犬病かもしれないキツネがいるのかわからないのです。」とディキンソン氏は加えて語った。

Individuals who may have come in contact with or had their pets come in contact with the fox are encouraged to contact the Health Department at 856-794-4131. 
[byline: Ahmad Austin] 
そのキツネに接触した可能性のある人やペットは保健所の電話 856-794-4131 まで連絡するよう 勧められている。


[Regardless of where you are, keep your guard up regarding animals. They may follow you into a house of worship, or spring out at you from behind a parked vehicle. 

Rabies is a serious disease. Vaccinate your pets against this deadly disease. If your pet is without the vaccine and is bitten by a rabid animal, it will be euthanized. If you keep your pets up to date on the rabies vaccine, you can prevent the pet's death, and perhaps save your own life, or certainly save yourself the necessary shots of post exposure. 
狂犬病は深刻な病気だ。あなたのペットにはこの致死的な病気のワクチンを打ちなさい。もしあなたのペットがワクチンを受けないまま、狂犬病の動物に咬まれたら、そのペットは安楽死されるだ ろう。もしあなたがペットの狂犬病ワクチンを最新の状態にしていたら、あなたはペットを死から守 る事ができるし、おそらくあなた自身の命を守る事ができるし、間違いなくあなた自身が必要となる 暴露後免疫処置を受けることを省く事ができる。

If you are bitten by an animal, wash the bite site with soap and plenty of water, and seek medical attention. You may require a series of vaccine shots called post exposure prophylaxis (PEP). 
もしあなたが動物に咬まれたら、石鹸と大量の水を使って咬まれたところを洗いなさい。そして医 師の診察を受けなさい。暴露後予防処置(PEP)と呼ばれる一連のワクチン接種が必要になるかもしれない。

If your vaccinated pet is bitten, wash the wound and take your pet to the veterinarian. A booster rabies vaccine is usually required. 

If your pet is not vaccinated but is bitten by a rabid animal, it will be humanely euthanized. There is no treatment for an animal which has not been vaccinated against rabies. - Mod.TG
もしあなたのペットがワクチン未接種で狂犬病の動物に咬まれた場合、ペットは苦しまない状態で 安楽死させられるだろう。狂犬病ワクチン未接種動物に対する治療法がないからである。」モデレータ TG

HealthMap/ProMED maps:
Canada: http://healthmap.org/promed/p/12
United States: http://healthmap.org/promed/p/106]

[See Also:
Rabies (05): Americas (Peru)
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bobcat, fox, human exp
Rabies (02): Americas (USA, Canada) otter, fox, human exp
Rabies (01): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, cat, human exp:
Rabies (33): Americas (USA) cow, skunk, cat, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas (USA) coyote, bat, imported dog ex Egypt, human
exp http://promedmail.org/post/20201108.7925072 
Rabies (29): Americas (USA) animal, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (27): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (25): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (23): Americas (USA) bat
Rabies (22): Americas (USA) cat, raccoon, fox, human exp
Rabies (21): Asia (Kazakhstan) cattle, OIE
Rabies (20): Americas (USA, Canada) animal, human exposure
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp
Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure
Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp
Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp
Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure
Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
and other items in the archives]




この症例は 20210530RABIES (12)にも記載されています。
Date: Mon 24 May 2021 日付:2021 5 24 日(月)
Source: Outbreak News Today [edited] 出典:Outbreak News Today(編 集) http://outbreaknewstoday.com/rabies-death-reported-in-sarawak-malaysia- 3rd-case-of-2021/

The Malaysia Ministry of Health reported a human rabies death in Sarawak, which was confirmed positive on [5 May 2021].

マレーシア保健省は、 [2021 年 5 月 5 日]に陽性であることが確認さ れたサラワクでの人の狂犬病による死亡を報告した。

The 45-year-old female citizen was living in Rh Janggu, Sungai Tepus, Selangau, Sarawak. She has a history of being bitten by her pet dog on the left hand while disposing of the dog who was fighting with another dog on [9 Mar 2021].
サラワク州セランガウ郡スンガイテプスの Rh Janggu に 45 歳の女性 が住んでいた。 彼女は、[2021 年 3 月 9 日]に別の犬と喧嘩していた ペットの犬に対処した際、左手をペットの犬に噛まれた。

The case had washed the wound and sought treatment at the Tepus Health Clinic the same day. Wound treatment was performed, anti-tetanus injections were given, and follow-up appointments were given. Unfortunately, the case has dropped out of follow-up treatment. Upon successful detection, the case was given the 1st dose of anti-rabies vaccine injection on [29 Apr 2021].


を受けた。 創傷治療が行われ、抗破傷風注射が行われ、経過観察の ための予約が行われた。 残念なことに彼女はこれら継続的治療を受 けませんでした。事態が明らかになり、[2021 年 4 月 29 日]に彼女に 対して狂犬病ワクチンの初回注射が行われた。

However, the case complained of eye pain, weakness, and numbness in the left hand while attending for the 2nd dose injection on [2 May 2021] and was admitted to the ward at Sibu Hospital for treatment.Clinical samples for rabies virus detection test were taken and sent to the laboratories of Sarawak General Hospital and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). The results of the sample were reported positive for rabies on [5 May 2021]. In the meantime, the patient's condition deteriorated and the case died on [6 May 2021] at 7:13 am with a diagnosis of rabies encephalitis.

しかし、彼女は[2021 年 5 月 2 日]2 回目の注射に臨んでいるときに目 の痛み、脱力感、左手のしびれを訴え、治療のためにシブ病院の病棟 に入院した。狂犬病ウイルス検出試験の臨床サンプルが サラワク総 合病院とマレーシアサラワク大学(UNIMAS)の研究所に運ばれた。 [2021 年 5 月 5 日]に検査結果が狂犬病陽性であると報告された。 そ の間に患者の状態は悪化し、症例は[2021 年 5 月 6 日]午前 7 時 13 分 に狂犬病脳炎と診断されて死亡した。

With the addition of new cases, the latest number of rabies cases in Sarawak for 2021 is 3 cases. Meanwhile, since the rabies epidemic was declared on [1 Jul 2017] in Sarawak, the number of cases was 34 with 32 deaths. There were 2 surviving cases of children with severe neurological complications.

新しい症例の追加により、2021 年のサラワクでの狂犬病の最新の症 例数は 3 症例である。 一方、サラワクでは[2017 年 7 月 1 日]に狂犬 病の流行が宣言されて以来、症例数は 34 例で、32 人が死亡した。 重度の神経学的合併症を患う子供の生存例は 2 例あった。

When a rabies virus infection that occurs in an animal bite wound is not treated immediately, it will result in death if the infection has reached the brain. Therefore, MOH would like to advise the public, especially in Sarawak to always take preventive measures, namely:

- if bitten or scratched or exposed to animal saliva, the wound must be

washed with running water and soap for at least 15 minutes;
- seek immediate treatment at the nearest health clinic or hospital;
- ensure that the complete anti-rabies vaccine is received according to the appointment given by the medical practitioner, even when executing the movement control order (PKP) during this COVID-19 pandemic; and
- do not handle any wild animals, including wild dogs and cats.

動物の咬傷に起因する狂犬病ウイルス感染は、すぐに治療しないと、 感染が脳に到達して死の転帰をとる。 このため、MOH は、特にサラ ワクにおいては、常に予防措置を講じるように市民にアドバイスす る。 -噛まれたり、引っかかれたり、動物の唾液にさらされたりした 場合は、傷口を流水と石鹸で少なくとも 15 分間洗浄する必要があり ます。 -最寄りの診療所または病院で直ちに治療を受けてください。 -現在の COVID-19 パンデミック中の行動制御命令(PKP)が発令中で あっても、医師の予約に従って完全な狂犬病予防ワクチンが確実に受 けられるようにしましょう。 そして -野生の犬や猫を含む野生動物に は手出ししないようにしましょう。
Communicated by:

[It is not clear from the newswire above on the follow-up appointments by the health clinic after anti-tetanus injections. It can be argued that the anti- rabies vaccine was not readily available at the time of her timely health- seeking behavior on 9 Mar 2021, the same day she was bitten by her pet dog. If this is the case and in light of the severity of rabies, the patient could have been told and vaccinated for rabies as soon as the anti-rabies vaccine was available and not 50 days later. [上記のニュースワイヤーから、抗破傷風注射後の診療所によるフォロ ーアップの予定については明らかではない。 彼女がペットの犬に噛 まれた同日、2021 年 3 月 9 日、タイムリーな医療機関受診の際には 利用可能な狂犬病ワクチンがなかったのではないかと論議される。 この症例において、狂犬病の危険度の観点から、患者は、50 日後では なく、狂犬病予防ワクチンが利用可能になり次第、狂犬病について知 らされ、予防接種を受けられた可能性がある。

Lessons learned from each fatal case in the community could be used to promote rabies awareness through culturally appropriate actions to ensure that cases of rabies fatalities in the community no longer occur. - Mod.ST

地域社会における各々の致死的症例から学んだ教訓は、その社会にお ける狂犬病の死亡例をこれ以上発生させないための学術的に適切な行 動により、狂犬病へ注意喚起を促進するのに用いられる。 -Mod.ST

HealthMap/ProMED map of Malaysia: http://healthmap.org/promed/p/2565]

[See Also:
Rabies - Malaysia: (Sarawak) fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20210314.8246518 2020
Rabies - Malaysia (03): Sarawak, dog susp, human http://promedmail.org/post/20201225.8045922 Rabies - Malaysia (02): (Sarawak) dog, human http://promedmail.org/post/20201130.7981479 Rabies - Malaysia: (Sarawak) http://promedmail.org/post/20201026.7890934 2019
Rabies - Malaysia (06): Sarawak http://promedmail.org/post/20191108.6768627 Rabies (05): Malaysia (Sarawak) fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20191009.6718474 Rabies - Malaysia (04): Sarawak, spread http://promedmail.org/post/20190714.6567160 Rabies - Malaysia (03): Sarawak, human, canine http://promedmail.org/post/20190613.6518214 Rabies - Malaysia (02): (Sarawak) human, canine http://promedmail.org/post/20190530.6495395 Rabies - Malaysia: (Sarawak) update, fatal http://promedmail.org/post/20190120.6268105

Rabies - Malaysia (17): Sarawak, dog licencing http://promedmail.org/post/20181229.6226871
Rabies - Malaysia (16): Sarawak, suspected additional cases http://promedmail.org/post/20181210.6201291
Rabies - Malaysia (15): Sarawak http://promedmail.org/post/20181207.6189271
Rabies - Malaysia (14): 1st person fined for illegal movement of animals http://promedmail.org/post/20181012.6087524
Rabies - Malaysia (13): Sarawak, wild dog, human http://promedmail.org/post/20180823.5981724
Rabies - Malaysia (12): Sarawak, human, canine, spread http://promedmail.org/post/20180818.5973171
Rabies - Malaysia (11): Sarawak, canine, feline, vaccination http://promedmail.org/post/20180719.5915569
Rabies - Malaysia (10): Sarawak, canine, spread http://promedmail.org/post/20180704.5887496
Rabies - Malaysia (09): Sarawak, canine, spread, OIE http://promedmail.org/post/20180515.5797733
Rabies - Malaysia (08): Sarawak, human, fatal, exposure to dog's bite, susp. http://promedmail.org/post/20180506.5786681
Rabies - Malaysia (07): Sarawak, canine, OIE http://promedmail.org/post/20180502.5779278
Rabies - Malaysia (06): Sarawak, alert http://promedmail.org/post/20180407.5731015
Rabies - Malaysia (05): Sarawak, canine, feline, OIE http://promedmail.org/post/20180315.5688136
Rabies - Malaysia (04): Sarawak, canine, feline, spread, OIE http://promedmail.org/post/20180223.5646816
Rabies - Malaysia (03): Sarawak, canine, human, alert http://promedmail.org/post/20180211.5620838
Rabies - Malaysia (02): Sarawak, canine http://promedmail.org/post/20180205.5607621
Rabies - Malaysia: Sarawak, update http://promedmail.org/post/20180109.5546120]
