




A ProMED-mail post <http://www.promedmail.org>
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>

In this update:
[1] USA - 3 states, bovine
[2] Canada - New Brunswick, raccoon, child exposure

[1] アメリカ 3州、ウシ

[2] カナダ ニューブルンスウィック、アライグマ、子供の暴露

[1] USA - 3 states, bovine
Date: 30 Jun 2020
Source: Bovine Vet Online [edited]
[1]アメリカ 3州、ウシ


情報源:Bovine Vet Online(編集済み)

Cattle rarely contract rabies, but some states have reported cases this year [2020], including one each in Minnesota and Texas, and 2 in Oklahoma.

The cases in Oklahoma are concerning, according to the Oklahoma Department of Health, as the state had already confirmed 20 cases of rabies by early June 2020, nearly equaling the total 24 cases the state confirmed in 2019.


Nationwide, a total of 33 rabid cattle were reported in 2018, representing a 8.3% decrease from 2017, according to the Centers forDisease Control and Prevention (CDC). These are the most recent figures to date from the CDC.

While it's impractical to vaccinate a herd of cattle, those animals in regular contact with humans -- such as dairy cattle, show animals, and horses -- should be vaccinated, Barry Whitworth, Oklahoma State University Extension veterinarian and food quality and health specialist, recommended in a university distributed press release.
牛の一群にワクチン接種をすることは現実的ではないが、人と定期的に接触している乳牛や、ショーに使う動物、馬はワクチン接種するべきであると、オクラホマ州立大学公開講座の獣医師で、食品品質と衛生の専門家のBarry Whitworthは大学の配信する記者会見で勧告した。

He says there are 2 forms of rabies people tend to think of: one is what he describes as "furious." Animals suffering from this expression of rabies will be restless, wander, vocalize, drool and attack anything in sight. Infected animals that are normally nocturnal may be seen during the day. Convulsions in the late stages of the disease are common, and those creatures usually die 4-8 days after showing clinical signs.

The 2nd form of rabies is expressed as progressive paralysis. In those animals, the throat is paralyzed, and the animal cannot swallow or vocalize normally, Whitworth says. Cattle might have a high-pitched bellow or be silent when they attempt to bellow. Rumination will cease, which may result in bloat. They also may appear to be straining to urinate or defecate and may have difficulty walking.

"It's easy to mistake this form for a digestive or urinary problem, or possibly a female animal is aborting," Whitworth said in the release. "Animals infected with the paralytic form of rabies usually die in 2 to 6 days from respiratory failure."

More details about the disease are available online via an OSU Extension fact sheet and in a YouTube video featuring Whitworthproduced as part of OSU Extension's award-winning SUNUP television program.

The CDC makes the following recommendations for addressing livestock exposed to rabies:

  1. If up to date for the rabies vaccination, livestock having been exposed to a rabid animal should be revaccinated immediately with a rabies vaccine and observed for 45 days.
  • もし狂犬病ワクチン接種を最新の状態にしてあれば、狂犬病の動物に暴露した家畜は直ちに狂犬病ワクチンを再接種し、45日間観察するべきである。

  1. Unvaccinated livestock exposed to rabies should be euthanized immediately. If the animal is not euthanized, it should be kept under close observation for 6 months. Any illness in an animal under observation should be reported immediately to the local health department. If the animal develops signs suggestive of rabies, it should be euthanized and tested.
    2. 狂犬病に暴露したワクチン未接種の家畜は直ちに安楽殺されるべきである。その動物を安楽殺しない場合、6ヶ月間厳格な観察を続けるべきである。観察中の動物のあらゆる疾病は直ちに地元の保健所に報告されるべきである。もしその動物に狂犬病を疑われる徴候が発現したら、安楽殺して検査をするべきである。

The CDC offers additional information about rabies specifically for veterinarians here:<https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/specific_groups/veterinarians/index.html>.
[Byline: Rhonda Brooks]
[Rhonda Brooks 署名]

Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[2] Canada - New Brunswick, raccoon, child exposure
Date: 11 Jul 2020
Source: Global News Canada [edited]
[2]カナダ ニューブルンスウィック、アライグマ、子供の暴露


情報源:Global News Canada(編集済み)

Last week, 2 New Brunswick children received preventative treatment after coming into contact with a baby raccoon testing positive for rabies in Charlotte County, N.B.

The raccoon kit was "acting abnormally docile," according to Melanie Sivret, a spokesperson for the province. The children encountered the animal in an individual's yard.
そのアライグマの子供は 州の広報担当者Melanie Sivret氏によると、「異常におとなしく行動していた」。子供達は自宅の庭でそのアライグマと遭遇した。

Sivret said the family involved was made aware of the raccoon's positive test result, and the 2 children received precautionary care. [Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) was likely given; however, this newswire does not report whether the animal bit or scratched them. Saliva from the animal introduced into a cut or the eye would still be a rabies exposure and need PEP. - Mod.TG]

The likelihood of transmission in this case was low, she said in an emailed statement to Global News. But the incident should remind parents to teach their children not to handle wild animals, Sivret added. "Rabies is deadly for wild animals and family pets. The disease can also kill people if they are exposed and are not treated promptly," the province said.
[Byline: Aya Al-Hakim]
今回のケースでは伝播の可能性は低いと同氏はGlobal Newsへの電子メールによる声明で述べた。しかし、今回の出来事はこどもたちに野生動物を触らないよう教育することを両親に気付かせるだろうと州担当者Sivret氏は付け加えた。「狂犬病は、野生動物にとっても家で飼うペットにとっても死の病気です。人々が暴露し、適正に治療を受けなければその人たちを殺す病気でもあるのです。」
Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[Rabies in cattle is a very real problem for producers. The article describes a bellow the animals make. When I heard an animal with this bellow, it reminded me of something from a horror movie, not something from a bovine, in this case a bull. The frenzied bellow of a rabies-affected bovine is a very odd sound. The bull was humanely euthanized, and the brain sent for testing. The brain tested rabies positive.


The article says it is not practical to vaccine a whole herd. Depending on the size of the herd, it may be practical. If there areseveral rabid animals in the area, it doesn't take much for a skunk to wander through a herd and nip several bovines (bulls, cows or calves) on the nose. The bovine is a curious animal wanting to know what this strange creature waddling through their domain is, so they put their noses down to investigate and are rewarded with a nip, inoculating the bovine with rabies.

If your bovine is a dairy animal or a show animal, then please vaccine them against rabies. The same is true with horses. Large animals can do a tremendous amount of damage to the human body when the animals attack you. When this disease affects the animals' brains, there is no longer any concept that you may be the one providing them food, or love, but rather you are a strange creature to the rabies affected brain.

The article from Canada clearly illustrates that even very young animals can have rabies. We have seen this a number of times with postings about puppies and kittens. The same is true of the young offspring of other animals. Likely, these children received post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) against rabies.

People cannot transmit rabies to other people unless they themselves are sick with rabies. PEP will protect you from developing rabies, and, therefore, you cannot expose other people to rabies. You can continue to participate in your normal activities;<https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/medical_care/index.html>. - Mod.TG
人は自分自身が狂犬病を発症しない限り他の人に狂犬病をうつす可能性はない。PEPはあなたが狂犬病を発症してしまうことから守ってくれるだろう。それゆえ、あなたは他の人に狂犬病をうつすことはない。あなたは普段の生活と社会への参加を続けることができる;<https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/medical_care/index.html> モデレータTG

HealthMap/ProMED maps: United States: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/106>
Canada: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/12>]

[See Also:
Rabies (19): Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan ex Philippines) animal,
human http://promedmail.org/post/20200628.7517416
Rabies (18): Americas (USA) animal, human exp
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) fox, goat, bat, human exposure
Rabies (15): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exp
Rabies (13): Americas (USA) cat, fox, human exp
Rabies (12): Americas (USA) fox, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) cat, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp
Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure
Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp
Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp
Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure
Rabies (49): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) cat, dog, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (47): Americas (USA) skunk, alert
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) dog, skunk, raccoon, fox, human exp
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) fox, bat, human exp
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) dog, cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (39): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, kitten, raccoon, human
Rabies (38): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (34): Americas (USA) cat, dog, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas, USA (FL, NC) cat, fox, dog, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr.
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure
Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp.
Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert
Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure
Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) raccoon, alert


狂犬病(19):アジア(マレーシア、インドネシア、日本(フィリピンでの感染)) 動物、ヒト



A ProMED-mail post <http://www.promedmail.org>
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>

In this update:

[1] Malaysia: Sarawak state, human, dog

マレーシア  Sarawak州、人、犬
[2] Indonesia: Bali, human, dog

インドネシア バリ、人、犬
[3] Japan ex Philippines: human

日本(フィリピンで感染) 人

[1] Malaysia: Sarawak state, human, dog

マレーシア  Sarawak州、人、犬
Date: Fri 26 Jun 2020

Source: Outbreak News Today [edited]

情報源:Outbreak News Today(編集済み)

Malaysia's Ministry of Health reported an additional human rabies death in Sarawak state. The case was a 62-year-old man from Sibu who passed away on Tuesday [23 Jun 2020].

マレーシア保健省は、Sarawak州における狂犬病での死亡例を報告した。 症例は、火曜日(2020年6月23日)に死亡し、Sibu出身の62歳の男性であった。

The deceased was bitten by a brother's dog in his right calf while visiting his relative's house on West Sentosa Road, Sibu, on 12 May 2020. He had washed the wound with water and soap for 15 minutes and had sought treatment at a health facility. However, he did not return to the facility for an injection of anti-rabies vaccine.
死亡した患者は、2020年5月12日にSibuのWest Sentosa Roadで、親類の家を訪ねた際に、兄弟の犬に右のふくらはぎを咬まれた。彼は咬傷部位を水と石鹸で15分間洗い、


He started suffering from foot pain on 16 Jun 2020. On 19 Jun 2020, he was referred to Sibu Hospital, Sarawak, for further treatment and was admitted to the ward on the same day. The patient died on 23 Jun 2020 with the cause of death being rabies. He was diagnosed with rabies through a laboratory test conducted by the Institute of Medical Research (IMR) on 25 Jun 2020.


This is the 2nd human rabies death in Sarawak this year [2020] and the 23rd since the outbreak of the disease was declared on 1 Jul 2017, with 24 cases in total.

Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[2] Indonesia: Bali, human, dog

インドネシア バリ、人、犬
Date: Fri 26 Jun 2020

Source: Coconuts Bali [edited]

情報源:Coconuts Bali(編集済み)

Officials in Bali are stepping up rabies vaccinations for dogs across the province following cases in Jembrana and Tabanan regencies, where about a dozen local residents were recently bitten by rabies-infected dogs.


Wanagiri and Berembeng, 2 villages in Tabanan regency, were declared red zones for rabies this week after local officials found at least 5 rabies-infected dogs.

Tabanan県のWanagiri と Berembeng の2つの村は、地方当局が少なくとも5匹の狂犬病に感染した犬を発見したとして、今週、狂犬病のレッドゾーンと宣言された。

"[We found] 3 Berembeng residents who were bitten by rabies-infected dogs. In June [2020] there's been 2 cases of rabies-infected dogs in 2 different villages," I Wayan Suamba, who heads the livestock department in Tabanan's Agriculture Agency, said.

Tabanan農業局の家畜部局長のI Wayan Suambaは、「我々は狂犬病の犬に咬まれたBerembengの住民3人を把握した。2020年6月には、狂犬病に感染した犬が2つの異なる村で2例発生している。」と述べた。

Last week, at least 9 residents from Mendoyo Dauh Tukad village in Jembrana regency were bitten by a pet dog that was later confirmed to have been infected with rabies. The owner told a local media outlet that the domesticated dog had previously interacted with a stray dog before it began to exhibit unusual aggression and later bit members of the household.

先週、Jembrana県のMendoyo Dauh Tukad村で、少なくとも9人が狂犬病に感染していると後日診断されたペットの犬に咬まれた。飼い主は、その飼い犬が異常な攻撃性を示す前に野良犬と接触したことがあり、その後、家族を咬んだと地元のメディア系列に話した。

As of Monday [22 Jun 2020], over 100 dogs had received vaccination in Mendoyo Dauh Tukad, while 6 stray dogs were sadly put down, local officials said. The people who had been bitten have also received anti-rabies vaccine (VAR), according to reports.

地元当局によると、月曜日(2020年6月22日)の時点で、Mendoyo Dauh Tukadでは100頭以上の犬が予防接種を受けており、6匹の野良犬はかわいそうだが殺処分となった。


The Bali provincial government has distributed more than 532 000 rabies vaccines as a precaution, though the number is less than the estimated total dog population across the province, which officials put at around 647 000.


"Between January and June 2020, there are 54 cases of rabies-positive [dogs] in Bali. This showcases a decrease when compared to the same period last year [2019], when there were 126 cases," IB Wisnuardhana, who heads Bali's Agriculture and Food Security Agency, said.

農業および食糧安全保障局長のIB Wisnuardhanaは「2020年1月から6月の間に、バリで狂犬病陽性の犬の症例は54例であった。このことは、昨年(2019)の同時期の126例に比べて減少していることを示している。 」と述べた。

The reduced number of cases, however, could be attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has limited outdoor activities for months as people are encouraged to stay home.

Communicated by: ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts <promed@promedmail.org>

[3] Japan ex Philippines: human

日本、フィリピンでの感染 人
Date: Mon 15 Jun 2020

日付: 2020年6月15日(月)
Source: Yahoo News, Japan [in Japanese, trans. Rapp.KI, edited]

情報源:Yahoo News, Japan [日本語, 翻訳Rapp.KI, 編集済み]

Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, announced on 15 Jun 2020 that a male in his 30s of foreign nationality who had developed rabies after coming to Japan from the Philippines and was admitted to a hospital in the city died on 13 Jun 2020. He had been bitten by a dog in the Philippines around September last year [2019] and was supposed to have been infected.

愛知県豊橋市は、フィリピンから来日して狂犬病になり、入院した30歳代の外国籍の男性が2020年6月13日に死亡したと2020年6月15日に発表した。 昨年(2019)9月頃にフィリピンで犬に咬まれ、感染した可能性が高いとのことだった。

The man came to Japan for work in February 2020. He complained of ankle and lower back pain as well as fear of water since mid-May 2020. The National Institute of Infectious Diseases confirmed rabies infection on 22 May 2020.

Two earlier cases in Japan involved Japanese men who had been bitten by a dog in the Philippines in 2006. They became ill after returning to Japan, and both died.

Communicated by: ProMED-mail Rapporteur Kunihiko Iizuka

[OIE's global rabies (in animals) map for 2020 is available at <https://tinyurl.com/y8b47pbu>, presenting reports from 6 countries in 3 continents in the eastern hemispheres (no such reports are sent from rabies-endemic countries). The biggest cluster is located in Malaysia's Sarawak state. Since the start of the event there, on 4 Jul 2017 (immediate notification dated 11 Jul 2017), 60 follow-up reports have been submitted to the OIE (the most recent one dated 17 Jun 2020), notifying a total of 574 outbreaks.


OIE's summary of this continuing event follows:


Total outbreaks = 574 (submitted)

全ての集団発生数 574(受付済み)
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of /Slaughtered

Cats / 4235 / 71 / 7 / 120 / 0
Dogs / 76 274 / 657 / 100 / 2806 / 0

Links to all reports and an interactive map are available at



Malaysia's epidemiological comment says: "The event of rabies in Sarawak is still confined to 11 divisions; however, the infected area increases from 62 to 63 districts. The Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) in Sarawak, the Federal Department of Veterinary Services (DVS), the National Disaster Department, and some other enforcement ministries and agencies are conducting a rabies control and eradication program in Sarawak from March 2019 through mass vaccination and selective culling of stray dogs." - Mod.AS

マレーシアの疫学者は、「Sarawakの狂犬病の発生は、まだ11の地域に限定されているが、感染域は62から63地区まで増加している。Sarawakの獣医局(DVS)と連邦獣医局(DVS)、およびいくつかの関係省庁が、2019年3月から大規模な予防接種と野良犬の選択的な淘汰を通してSarawakでの狂犬病のコントロールと根絶プログラムを実施している。」 - モデレーターAS

HealthMap/ProMED maps:
Sarawak, Malaysia: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/2565>
Toyohashi, Aichi, Japan: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/3603>
Bali, Indonesia: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/556>
Philippines: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/158>]

[See Also:
Rabies (16): Asia (Israel) cattle, regional aspect, control
Rabies (14): Europe (Bosnia & Herzegovina) dog, OIE
Anthrax, rabies - Kazakhstan: spatial ecological review
Rabies (09): Eurasia, Armenia (SU) dog, OIE
Rabies (07): Eurasia, Armenia (TV) dog, OIE
Rabies (05): Asia (Israel, Bangladesh) animal, human
Rabies (04): Europe (France) dog, ex Morocco, OIE
Rabies (01): Europe (Spain) dog, OIE


狂犬病(18):南北アメリカ(アメリカ) コウモリ、ネコ、犬によるヒトの暴露



A ProMED-mail post <http://www.promedmail.org>
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>

In this update:
[1] South Carolina - bat, human exposure

サウスカロライナ州- コウモリ、ヒト暴露
[2] Georgia - cat, dog, human exposure

ジョージア州 – ネコ、犬、ヒト暴露
[3] Massachusetts - fox, human exposure

マサチューセッツ州 – キツネ、ヒト暴露
[4] Pennsylvania - fox, human exposure

ペンシルバニア州 – キツネ、ヒト暴露
[5] New York - fox, human exposure

ニューヨーク州 – キツネ、ヒト暴露

[1] South Carolina - bat, human exposure

サウスカロライナ州- コウモリ、ヒト暴露
Date: 16 Jun 2020
Source: AJC [edited]

Health officials in South Carolina say one person was exposed to a bat with rabies while administering care to it. [I am not quite sure what kind of care the person was administering, or if the bat was injured. If this was wildlife rehabilitator, then the person should have known about potential rabies and taken extra precautions. - Mod.TG]

サウスカロライナ州衛生当局に依れば、狂犬病のコウモリをケアしていた1人が暴露された。[ その人がどのようなケアをしていたのか、コウモリが怪我をしていたのかは不明である。 仮に野生動物のリハビリ担当者であれば、その人は狂犬病の可能性を知っているべきであり、特別な予防策を講じているべきだった。- Mod.TG]

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control said the bat was found in Warrenville, South Carolina, on 11 Jun 2020. Officials confirmed the bat had rabies on 12 Jun 2020, a day after the bat was submitted to the department for testing.

"Rabid bats have been known to transmit the rabies virus to humans and pets," said David Vaughan, director of DHEC's Onsite Wastewater, Rabies Prevention, and Enforcement Division. "People don't always realize they've been bitten since bat teeth are tiny, and bites are easy to overlook."
狂犬病のコウモリは狂犬病ウイルスを人間やペットに感染させることが知られている。」と下水管理・狂犬病予防執行部門責任者であるDavid Vaughanは述べた。

Department officials said bats with rabies are often seen in the daytime without the ability to fly and are in unusual places, such asa front lawn or a person's home, where they are not normally seen.

Officials also said any bat having been in contact with people, pets or livestock should be trapped in a sealed container. They should not be touched.
[Byline: Kelcie Willis, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution]

Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[2] Georgia - cat, dog, human exposure

ジョージア州 – ネコ、犬、ヒト暴露
Date: 27 Jun 2020
Source: AJC [edited]

A stray cat having bitten and scratched 3 people and a family dog in Forsyth County has tested positive for rabies, authorities said.
The incident happened in the Briarwood Trail/Grove Park Lane area of Forsyth, according to a District 2 Public Health announcement dated 18 Jun 2020. "Problems of this nature often occur when people attempt to feed or rescue stray domesticated dogs and cats," the announcement said. "If you have stray animals on your property, call animal control. People should always avoid contact with unfamiliar dogs, cats and wild animals."


Feral cats, unlike stray domesticated cats, should be treated as wild animals; people should leave them alone and not try to capture or feed them, the Public Health Office said. People also should not leave uneaten pet food outside, attracting feral cats or other wild animals. [It is human nature to feed hungry animals and to attempt to tame them. In some cases, it works, and in others, such as this one, the outcome is less than favorable. - Mod.TG]
[Byline: David Ibata]
野良猫(捨て猫)とは異なり、野生化した猫は野生動物として扱われるべきである;つまり、人々は彼らを放っておくべきであり、捕まえたり、給餌したりすべきでない、と当局は述べている。また、野生猫や他の野生動物を惹きつけるために、食べ残しのペットフードを屋外に放置すべきではない。[空腹の動物に餌を与え、飼いならすことは人間の本性である。 これが機能する場合もあれば、今回の事件のように、結果が好ましくない場合もある。 -Mod.TG]

Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[3] Massachusetts - fox, human exposure

マサチューセッツ州 – キツネ、ヒト暴露
Date: 24 Jun 2020
Source: NBC Boston [edited]

A fox is being tested for rabies after 2 people were attacked in Hudson, Massachusetts. Police say the 2 fox attacks happened an hour and a half apart Tuesday [23 Jun 2020] evening near Lake Boon.
マサチューセッツ州ハドソンで2人を襲ったキツネの狂犬病の検査を実施している。警察によると、キツネ2匹により1時間半間隔で襲われた事件は、火曜日[2020年6月23日] の夕方、ブーン湖の近くで起きた。

Nearby, a fox was found Wednesday [24 Jun 2020] morning after being hit by a car. This fox [the one found hit by a car - Mod.TG] is being tested, but officials have not determined whether it's the same animal.
近くで、キツネは水曜日[2020年6月24日] の朝、車にはねられた後に発見された。 このキツネ[車にはねられたことで発見されたもの-Mod.TG]は検査中だが、当局ではそれが同じ動物かどうかは判明していない。

One of the women who were attacked says the fox went after her and her dog, latching onto her ankle as she was cleaning out the car. She called the incident "traumatizing."

襲われた女性の1人の話によると、彼女が車の掃除をしている時にそのキツネは彼女と彼女の犬を追ってきて、彼女を車の外へ出そうと足首をつかんだと言った。 彼女はその事件を「トラウマになる」と言った。

"My wife and I were sitting on the back deck last night, and we heard some screaming for help," said DS, who lives in the area. "About an hour later, my neighbor across the street was attacked, bitten by a fox."
「妻と私は昨夜、バックデッキに座っていた。その時、助けを求める何かの叫び声を聞いた」と、この地域に住むDSは言った。 「約1時間後、通りを挟んだ私の隣人がキツネに襲われ、咬まれた。」

The woman who spoke to NBC10 Boston after being attacked says she is getting rabies shots. Her dog is OK but needed antibiotics and painkillers. [And the dog will need to have a booster rabies vaccine. - Mod.TG]
[Byline: Perry Russom]

襲われた後にNBC10ボストンの取材を受けた女性は、狂犬病ワクチン接種を受けていると話した。彼女の犬に問題はなかったが、抗生物質と鎮痛剤が必要だった。 [加えて、その犬は狂犬病ワクチンの追加接種が必要となるだろう。-Mod.TG]

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[4] Pennsylvania - fox, human exposure

ペンシルバニア州 – キツネ、ヒト暴露
Date: 26 Jun 2020
Source: The Daily Review [edited]

The Pennsylvania Department of Health reported Thursday [25 Jun 2020] a rabid fox had been found late last week on Mormon Lake Road in Ridgebury Township.

A spokesman with the department encouraged any persons who might have had exposure to this animal to call the Bradford County State Health Center. Residents who feel their pets may have been in contact with this animal should contact their veterinarian for advice.

Rabies is a virus of the central nervous system proving fatal in mammals if not treated, according to the Department of Health. Since 2000, between 350 and 500 animals in Pennsylvania are confirmed to have rabies each year. The disease is most commonly found in skunks, bats, raccoons, and cats, and can be transmitted through a bite or scratch. An infected person may experience headache, fever, pain or itching at the exposure site, irritability, and fatigue [and death - Mod.TG]. The department noted that the last reported human case was in 1984.

衛生当局によると、狂犬病は、治療しないと哺乳動物に致死的な影響を与える中枢神経系のウイルスである。2000年以降、ペンシルベニア州では350〜500頭の動物が毎年狂犬病に感染していることが確認されている。 この病気はスカンク、コウモリ、アライグマ、猫に最もよく見られ、咬傷や引っかき傷から感染する可能性がある。感染した人は、頭痛、発熱、曝露部位の痛み又は痒み、過敏性、疲労 [および死亡-Mod.TG] を経験する可能性がある。最後に報告されたヒトの症例は1984年であると当局は伝えている。
Communicated by: ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts <promed@promedmail.org>

[5] New York - fox, human exposure

ニューヨーク州 – キツネ、ヒト暴露
Date: 25 Jun 2020
Source: Rome Sentinel [edited]

A fox in Lee has tested positive for rabies, and an adult exposed to the animal has received post-exposure preventive treatment, the Oneida County Health Department announced. The fox was sent Monday [22 Jun 2020] to the state Wadsworth Center for testing, and results received Wednesday [24 Jun 2020], according to the county.

Leeに生息するキツネは狂犬病の検査で陽性を示し、その動物に暴露された大人は暴露後の予防的治療を受けた、とOneida郡保健当局が発表しました。 郡によれば、そのキツネは月曜日[2020年6月22日]に検査のために州のワズワースセンターに送られ、結果は水曜日[2020年6月24日]に判明した。

Signs of rabies include an animal acting strangely, mad or shy; the animal may get unusually close. Other signs include drooling or foaming from the mouth. [There are 2 types of rabies, a dumb form and a furious form. The furious form is most commonly seen in animals attacking, biting, seemingly unusually vicious and often drooling at the mouth. In the dumb or curious form, the animal appears calm, almost as if it were domesticated, perhaps shy, friendly or timid. It may or not drool. - Mod.TG].

狂犬病の兆候には、動物が奇妙な、狂気的な又は内気な行動をすることが含まれる。動物は異常に接近してくるかもしれない。 他の兆候としては、口からの流涎や泡沫状のよだれがある。 【狂犬病には、2種類の型、麻痺型(dumb)と狂騒型(furious)とがあります。狂騒型の動物は、一般的に動物を攻撃したり、噛んだり、異常に悪質で、しばしば流涎を認める。 麻痺型又は好奇型(curious form)で、動物はまるで家畜化されているかのように大人しく、もしくは内気や、友好的又は臆病なように振る舞う。流涎は見られる場合もあれば、見られない場合もある。 -Mod.TG]。

The Health Department says that if you see a wild or stray animal with these signs, do not approach it, and stay away. If any animal is acting strangely, call your local animal control officer for help.
Health Department officials offer the following vaccination recommendations:
**All cats, dogs, and ferrets 3 months or older must have a current rabies vaccination, even if they stay indoors.
**Dogs and cats must receive a rabies vaccination at 3 months old, one year, and then once every 3 years.
**Ferrets must receive a rabies vaccination every year.
For more information on rabies prevention, visit the Oneida County Health Department website at<http://www.ocgov.net//oneida/envhealth/MosquitoesTicksRabies>.

保健当局は、これらの兆候が見られる野生動物や野良動物を見かけた場合は、近づかず、距離を保つようにと伝えている。 奇妙な振る舞いをするいかなる動物でも、地元の動物管理官に助言を求めてください。


** 3か月以上のすべての猫、犬、フェレットは、室内にいても、狂犬病の予防接種を受けている必要がある。




Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>
[If your pet is up to date on rabies vaccination and is exposed to a rabid animal, the requirements include revaccination and usually an observation period. Check with the county you reside in for specific requirements.

If you are the one exposed, wash the wound with soap and water immediately, and seek medical attention. Your need for post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is determined by the test results on the animal having bitten you in most circumstances. For example, the woman attacked in Massachusetts by a fox would need PEP vs. someone breaking up a fight between their own 2 vaccinated scuffling dogs.

Vaccinating your pets against rabies is critical to help protect your life and the life of your pet(s). Pets come in all shapes and sizes, include show calves, sheep and goats, horses, cats and dogs. If you interact with animals, please get your veterinarian's help and have them vaccinated.

The latest guidelines for rabies prevention include 2 significant changes in the recommended management of dogs and cats exposed to rabies. Dogs and cats who are overdue for a rabies vaccine booster may be able to receive a booster and 45 days of observation at home rather than undergoing quarantine or euthanasia. The recommended quarantine period for unvaccinated dogs and cats has been shortened from 6 months to 4 months.

The updated recommendations are included in the 2016 Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control<https://avmajournals.avma.org/doi/full/10.2460/javma.248.5.505>,
developed by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians. The compendium can be used by local jurisdictions todevelop rabies control programs. However, the guidelines do not replace or override existing local regulations.
更新された勧告は、National Association of State Public Health Veterinariansにより刊行された2016年版狂犬病予防と管理全書に収録されている。<https://avmajournals.avma.org/doi/full/10.2460/javma.248.5.505>


Changes in the 2016 compendium, compared with the 2011 version, include the following:
- Language clarification
- Recommendation for an interdisciplinary approach to rabies control
- Recommendation for additional data collection on a national level to improve surveillance
- New management guidelines for dogs and cats that are exposed to rabies and are unvaccinated or overdue for booster vaccination
- Reduction in the recommended quarantine period for some species
- Update of the list of animal rabies vaccines currently on the market
The new recommendations for dogs and cats are based on a 2015 study of rabies antibody responses and on unpublished data. Dr. Catherine Brown, co-chair of the compendium committee, said in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association that the committee "wanted to make sure that [they] were using the best science available in order to help protect public health but also reduce the need for unnecessary euthanasia or quarantine of animals."








A partial list of the recommendations concerning dogs and cats is as follows (please see the compendium for the full guidelines, including those dealing with other species):

Pre-exposure vaccination: 
- After the initial rabies vaccination, an animal is considered immunized after 28 days (when the rabies antibody titer is expected to peak).
- The 1st booster vaccine is due one year later.
- Animals are considered currently vaccinated immediately after the booster vaccine is given. This includes animals that were overdue for the booster vaccine.
Management of dogs and cats exposed to rabies: 
- Dogs and cats should receive a booster vaccine, medical care including wound treatment, and 45 days of monitoring under the owner's control.
- Dogs and cats with no rabies vaccine history should be euthanized or kept in strict quarantine for 4 months with no direct contact with people or other animals. If animals are quarantined rather than euthanized, they should receive a rabies vaccine within 96 hours of exposure, at the beginning of the quarantine. - Dogs and cats that are overdue for a rabies booster and havedocumentation of a prior rabies vaccine should receive a booster vaccine, medical care including wound treatment, and 45 days ofmonitoring under the owner's control.
- Dogs and cats that are overdue for a rabies booster but have no documentation of a prior rabies vaccine can be treated as unvaccinated (booster vaccine and 4-month quarantine) or, with the guidance of the local public health authority, might be able to undergo serologic testing to provide evidence of prior vaccination. If this testing indicates an adequate response to vaccination, the animal can be treated as overdue for a booster (receiving a booster vaccine and 45 days of monitoring).
Human exposure: 
- Dogs and cats that bite humans should be kept in confinement and observed daily for 10 days regardless of their rabies vaccination status.
- These animals should not receive a rabies vaccine during the observation period.
- Any signs of illness during the confinement period should be reported to the local health department, and the animal should beevaluated by a veterinarian.
- If the signs of illness suggest rabies, the animal should be euthanized and tested for rabies (head or entire brain submitted).
- Stray or unwanted dogs and cats that expose a human should be euthanized immediately and tested for rabies.


















- Extracted from: <https://www.americanveterinarian.com/news/new-rabies-recommendations-for-dogs-and-cats>.
- Mod.TG

HealthMap/ProMED map: United States: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/106>]

[See Also:
Rabies (18): Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan ex Philippines) dog,
human exp ...to be archived
Rabies (17): Americas (USA) fox, goat, bat, human exposure
Rabies (15): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exp
Rabies (13): Americas (USA) cat, fox, human exp
Rabies (12): Americas (USA) fox, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) cat, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp
Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure
Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp
Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp
Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure
Rabies (49): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) cat, dog, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (47): Americas (USA) skunk, alert
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) dog, skunk, raccoon, fox, human exp
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) fox, bat, human exp
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) dog, cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (39): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, kitten, raccoon, human
Rabies (38): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (34): Americas (USA) cat, dog, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas, USA (FL, NC) cat, fox, dog, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr.
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure
Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp.
Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert
Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure
Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) raccoon, alert





A ProMED-mail post <http://www.promedmail.org>
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>

Date: Fri 5 Jun 2020 [accessed]

日付:2020年6月5日 金曜日 [アクセス日]

Source: Circular VSAH (Veterinary Services & Animal Health), Ministry
of Agriculture, Israel, dated 3 Jun 2020 [in Hebrew, translated,
情報源:サーキュラーVSAH、農務省、イスラエル、2020年6月3日 [原文はヘブライ語、翻訳及び編集済み]

To: Veterinary practitioners 
Re: Rabies case number 18 -- a cow in Fassuta
Reference: Laboratory test no. A00381599 dated 2 Jun 2020


狂犬病症例No.18 Fassuta地方の牛

参照:検査番号A00381599 2020年6月2日

  1. On Sun 31 May 2020, a cow was observed to show neural signs in a cattle herd in Fassuta.
    2. Tissue from the cow was brought to the Kimron Veterinary Institute at Beit Dagan and tested positive for rabies.
    3. The cattle herd was not vaccinated and was put under quarantine as prescribed by law [see comment].
    4. In Fassuta area, 2 rabies cases had been reported in dogs (February and late April 2020).


2.その牛から採取された組織が、Beit DaganにあるKimron獣医学研究所に運ばれ、検査の結果、狂犬病と判明した。




Dr. Avy Wasserman
Head, Field Veterinary Services (acting)

Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[Fassuta is a village in the Western Galilee, Northern ("Hazafon") district, about 2 km (1.24 mi) from the Lebanese border (map at<https://tinyurl.com/y764f4bh>). Earlier rabies cases in the same village involved 2 dogs (26 Feb 2020 and 27 Apr 2020). A dynamic map presenting them (zoom in to view the 3 separate cases in this cluster), as well as the other rabies cases reported in Israel during 2020, is available at <https://moag.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=a6d8aae5cbc04c958d5efefd2724318f>.
Click the "legend" (brown = cattle, violet = dog, light blue = jackal).

Fassutaは(イスラエル国)西ガラリアの北部地域(Hazafon)にある村落で、レバノン国境から約2 kmの位置にある [地図に関するリンクは省略]。この村落では以前、2頭の犬で狂犬病の発生が認められていた(2020年2月26日及び4月27日)。発生状況は(リンク先の)地図で確認することができる。(ズームすると、クラスター内の3症例を個別に見ることができる。)また、2020年にイスラエルで報告された他の狂犬病症例についても、リンク先の地図で確認できる。 [地図に関するリンクは省略]  “legend”をクリックする。(茶色=牛、紫=犬、水色=ジャッカル)


Of the 18 cases reported since 1 Jan 2020 (10 dogs, 4 jackals, 4 cattle), 17 were located along the Lebanese border, facing Lebanon's southern region. An oral vaccination regimen, for the immunisation of the wildlife rabies reservoir (foxes and jackals), was initially introduced to Israel experimentally/regionally in the late 1990s, followed by countrywide application since the early 2000s. This generally successful regimen suffered some drawbacks due to introductions of rabid canids from rabies-stricken neighboring territories. This happened in 2017-2018, when rabies spread from northwestern Jordan into Israel's northeastern valleys, infecting primarily jackals, which, for reasons yet to be established, were not sufficiently protected. Improved oral vaccination efforts contributed to the termination of the event.

2020年1月1日以降報告されている18例の狂犬病症例(犬10例、牛4例、ジャッカル4例)のうち、17例がレバノンとの国境に沿った地域(レバノンの南部と接する地域)で発生している。野生動物において狂犬病の病原巣となる動物(キツネ及びジャッカル)に対する免疫を目的とした、経口ワクチンによるコントロールは、まず、実験的かつ地域を限定して1990年代後半に導入された。そして、2000年代初頭にはイスラエル全土で行われるようになった。この方法は、一般的には(狂犬病の制御に)成功を収めることができる方法ではあるが、(イスラエルでは)近隣の狂犬病発生地域から感染したイヌ科動物が進入してくることによって起こる狂犬病の発生に悩まされた。 2017〜2018年にかけて、狂犬病がヨルダン北西部からイスラエルの北東部の谷に広がった。主な感染動物はジャッカルであった。ジャッカルについては、予防法がまだ確立されていないため、十分な保護が受けられなかった。改良された経口ワクチン接種の取り組みは、狂犬病の流行終了に寄与した。


While annual dog rabies vaccination in Israel is compulsory by law, vaccination of livestock is voluntary. In view of the situation along northern frontiers, the VSAH have issued, on 27 May 2020, a recommendation to all cattle and sheep owners in the said vulnerable territory to vaccinate their animals. An unvaccinated cattle/sheep herd in which rabies occurs is put, according to law and subject to public health considerations, under movement restrictions for 90 days, including slaughter ban. The restriction period in vaccinated livestock is 45 days. A map, presenting the areas involved, was published and is available at<https://www.moag.gov.il/vet/Yechidot/VetBasade/Pirsumim/2020/Documents/sikun_gavoah_kalevet_2020.pdf>.

イスラエルでは、犬に対しては、年に1回狂犬病ワクチンを接種することが法律で義務づけられているが、家畜については任意接種である。北部地域の状況を鑑みて、VSAHは2020年5月27日に、狂犬病による曝露を受けやすい地域のすべての牛と羊の飼い主に、飼養動物に狂犬病予防接種をするよう勧告した。狂犬病が発生した農場におけるワクチン未接種の牛/羊は、法律に従い、公衆衛生上の観点から、と殺禁止を含む90日間の移動制限が課される。 一方、ワクチン接種動物の移動制限期間は45日間である。発生地域の地図は以下のリンクで確認できる。


VSAH's web page "Rabies - 2020", with links to details of each of the 18 cases reported in Hazafon district as of 2 Jun 2020, is available at <https://www.moag.gov.il/vet/Yechidot/Machon/maabada_kalevet/airueim%20kalevet/Pages/default.aspx>
(in Hebrew; please note that Google translate turns the Hebrew for jackal, "Tan", into the English "Let").




The abundance of rabies cases in stray dogs and wildlife assumed to prevail in south Lebanon (Janoub/Nabatieh governorates), challenging the local population, warrants control and preventive measures urgently applied. According to a recent review (Ref 1) addressing human rabies in Lebanon, the Nabatieh governorate suffered the highest rate of human bites in the country (56.31/100 000). - Mod.AS

レバノン南部(南レバノン県 /ナバティーエ県)において、放浪犬および野生生物の間で狂犬病が蔓延していると推定されており、地域住民が危機にさらされている。このことから、(狂犬病感染動物の)制御および予防措置が緊急に行われることは当然のことである。 レバノンにおける人の狂犬病に関する最近のレビュー(参照1)によると、ナバティーエ県は人の咬傷事故発生率がレバノン国内で最も高い(56.31/100000)。


1. Kassir MF, El Zarif T, Kassir G, et al. Human rabies control in Lebanon: a call for action. Epidemiol Infect. 2019; 147: e46.<https://doi.org/10.1017/S095026881800300X>

HealthMap/ProMED-mail map: Israel: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/90>]

[See Also:
Rabies (05): Asia (Israel, Bangladesh) animal, human
Rabies (07): Asia (Cambodia, Indonesia, Israel) human, animal, control
Rabies (03): Africa, Asia, human, cattle, dog, counterfeit vaccine
Rabies (57): Asia (Lebanon) human, animal
Rabies (31): Africa (Kenya), Asia (Israel, Malaysia, Viet Nam) human,
animal http://promedmail.org/post/20180611.5850724
Rabies (22): Asia (Malaysia, Israel), Europe (UK), WHO (global) human,
animal http://promedmail.org/post/20180505.5786343
Rabies (16): Africa (S Africa), Asia (Thailand, Viet Nam, Israel)
human, animal http://promedmail.org/post/20180321.5701731
Rabies (15): Asia (Lebanon) canine, OIE
Rabies (09): Asia (Israel) wildlife, spread (India) human, treatment
modified http://promedmail.org/post/20180203.5604913
Rabies (03): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, OIE
Rabies (02): Asia (Israel) wild, domestic, spread, control measures
Rabies (01): Asia (Israel) wildlife, livestock, human exp, spread
Rabies (51): Africa (Egypt) Asia (Israel) animal, domestic, wildlife
Rabies (50): Asia (Israel) wildlife, human exp, spread, alert
Rabies (49): Asia (Israel) wildlife, human exp, control, alert
Rabies (47): Asia (Israel) animal, spread, human exposure
Rabies (45): Asia (Israel) animal, spread, alert
Rabies, animal, human (11): Turkey, India, Israel
Rabies - Israel (05): (HZ) canine, human exposure
Rabies - Israel (04): (HZ,HA,HM) canine, human exposure
Rabies - Israel (03): (HZ) wolf, human exposure
Rabies - Israel (02): (HZ) wolf, human exp susp, RFI
Rabies - Israel: (HZ) feline, human exposure
Rabies - Israel (03): (HZ) wolf, human exp
Rabies - Israel (02): (HZ) wolf, human
Rabies - Israel: update, control, fox & jackal oral vaccination
Rabies, animal - Israel (03): north, bovine, jackal, human exposure,
RFI http://promedmail.org/post/20131002.1980716
Rabies, animal - Israel (02): northeast, dog-mediated, human exp susp
Rabies, animal - Israel: northeast, dog-mediated, human exp. susp.
Rabies - Israel: travel alert
Rabies, animal - Israel: (HZ)
Rabies, animal - Israel (07): (North-East), dog-mediated
Rabies, animal - Israel (06): bovine, canine origin
Rabies, animal - Israel (05): epidemiology, stray dogs
Rabies, animal - Israel & Palestinian AT: update, control
Rabies, animal - Israel (04): stray dogs, control
Rabies, animal - Israel (03): Dog mediated, vaccinated animals
Rabies, animal - Israel (02): dog mediated, human exposure
Rabies, animal - Israel: canid virus clade
Rabies, animal - Israel (02): update
Rabies, animal - Israel: (central) human exposure
Rabies, canine - Israel: (northeast)
Rabies, canine - Israel, Middle East
Rabies, canine - Israel (Golan)
Rabies - Israel: Tel Aviv http://promedmail.org/post/20040329.0859
Rabies - Israel: 1997 (02) http://promedmail.org/post/19980115.0109
Rabies - Israel: 1997 http://promedmail.org/post/19980113.0093]





A ProMED-mail post <http://www.promedmail.org>
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>

In this post:
[1] Maine: fox, human exposure

[2] South Carolina: raccoon, human exposure

[3] Alabama: dog, human exposure


[1] Maine: fox, human exposure

Date: Thu 21 May 2020
Source: The Hour [edited]

A 76-year-old woman was injured after a fox bit her on her legs and hand in front of her Lisbon home Tuesday [19 May 2020], the Sun Journal reported.
the Sun Journalが,火曜日[2020年5月19日]に76歳の女性が,Lisbonにある自宅の前で,キツネに手と足を咬まれて怪我をしたと報じた.

Lisbon Police Chief Marc Hagan said the woman's husband heard her cries for help from the porch and worked with her to get control of the fox and eventually kill it. The woman, who didn't want to be identified, was taken to a hospital to receive treatment, which includes rabies vaccination.

Lisbon警察のMarc Hagan署長によれば,その女性がポーチで助けを求める叫びを夫が聞き,2人でキツネを撃退しようして,偶発的に殺害した.匿名を希望しているその女性は,病院へ運ばれ,狂犬病予防接種を含む治療を受けた.

Animal control was called and took the dead fox to the Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention in Augusta for analysis, where the animal tested positive for rabies, Hagan said.


The attack comes months after a report of a rabid fox biting a 6-year-old girl on the back of her leg in the town of Bath, nearly 20miles away.


Hagan said Tuesday's [19 May 2020] incident is the 1st reported attack involving a rabid fox in the Lisbon area. Bath, a city of 8000 people on the Kennebec River, had 16 animals test positive for rabies in 2019, according to the state Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. There were also 18 fox attacks on people and pets, and 11 of the attacks resulted in a person being bitten or scratched, the department said. The large numbers pushed the state to propose a "focused, localized trapping effort" in February[2020] to counter the problem.

Huganは,木曜日[2020年5月19日]の事故は,Lisbonエリアでは,初めての報告であると述べた.州内水面魚類野生生物局(the state Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife)によれば,Kennebec River沿岸にある人口8000の町,Bathは,2019年に入ってから16頭の動物が狂犬病陽性となった.また,キツネによる人およびペットへの攻撃は,18回報告され,その内11回で人が咬まれるかまたは引っ掻かれたと報告している.発生件数の多さから,2月[2020年]には,問題に対応するため“集中的で,局所的な罠捕獲”が実施された.

The Maine wildlife department said simply trapping and testing the animals won't work because the rabies test requires brain tissue. It's urging residents to vaccinate pets and livestock and stay away from wild animals.


Communicated by:

[2] South Carolina: raccoon, human exposure

Date: Wed 27 May 2020
Source: ABC News 4 [edited]

Officials said one person was exposed to a raccoon testing positive for rabies in Charleston County. According to Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), the animal was found near Savannah Highway and Farmfield Avenue in West Ashley on 21 May 2020.

健康環境局(DHEC:Department of Health and Environmental Control)によれば,Charleston郡で,狂犬病陽性のアライグマに,ヒトが暴露した.その動物は,2020年5月21日にWest AshleyにあるSavannah HighwayとFarmfield Avenueのそばで発見された.

The raccoon was sent to DHEC's labs for testing on 22 May 2020. Officials confirmed the animal had rabies 2 days later.


"To reduce the risk of getting rabies, always give wild and stray animals plenty of space," said David Vaughan, director of DHEC's Onsite Wastewater, Rabies Prevention, and Enforcement Division. "If you see an animal in need, avoid touching it, as the possibility of exposure to rabies can occur anywhere and anytime. Contact someone trained in handling animals, such as your local animal control officer or wildlife rehabilitator." [Rabies is usually passed through a bite or, in some circumstances, a scratch. - Mod.TG]

狂犬病に感染するリスクを減らすため,野生動物や野良動物から十分な距離を取りなさい」と,DHECの現場排水・狂犬病予防・監視課責任者のDavid Vaughanは述べた.「弱っている動物を見つけた場合には,いついかなる時であろうと,その動物が狂犬病に罹患している可能性を考え,接触することは避けるべきである.地区の動物管理局や野生動物のリハビリを行う有資格者等,動物を取り扱う訓練を受けている人に連絡すること.[狂犬病は,通常咬傷により,そして場合によっては掻傷により伝播する-Mod.TG]

[Byline: Matt Dillane]
Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[3] Alabama: dog, human exposure

[3] アラバマ州:イヌ,ヒト暴露
Date: Sun 31 May 2020
Source: Alex City Outlook [edited]

The Alabama Department of Public Health has confirmed that a dog near the Kellyton community in Coosa County tested positive for rabies last week. The dog was treated at the Auburn University School of Veterinary Medicine before being tested for rabies. [If the dog was treated for a presumed illness or some other injury, this could have resulted in a number of people being exposed. - Mod.TG]

アラバマ州公衆衛生局は,Coosa郡のKellyton community周辺の犬が,先週狂犬病陽性になったことを発表した.当該犬は,狂犬病検査実施前には,Auburn Univ.獣医学部にて治療を受けていた.[当該犬の治療が,創傷や狂犬病以外の疾患を想定した治療を受けていたとすれば,複数のヒトへの暴露を起こしている可能性がある-Mo.TG]

Rabies is always a fatal infection for animals as well as humans. Several people have been identified with possible contact with the rabid dog and are undergoing necessary preventative treatment, according to a Friday [29 May 2020] press release from ADPH.


If the animal that bites a person cannot be found or located for rabies testing, the recommendation is for a person to receivetreatment to prevent rabies. The treatment includes an immunoglobulin for immediate protection followed by a series of vaccines over a 2-week period.


The rabies virus is transmitted by saliva. In general, rabies exposure requires direct contact with infected saliva, usually through a bite or a scratch, but other less common contact exposures with mucous membranes, such as eyes, nose, and mouth, are also considered as potential exposures.

"Rabies prevention is multifaceted," state public health veterinarian Dr. Dee W. Jones said in the release. "It involves people taking precautions with wildlife, making sure their pets are current on rabies vaccinations, and always reporting an animal bite or other exposure to their medical provider or the health department."

狂犬病の予防は多角的である」「近隣住人は,野生動物に注意を払い,ペットに狂犬病予防接種を受けさせ,そして動物の咬傷事故や暴露の可能性がある出来事が起きた場合には,医療機関または健康局まで連絡すること.」と,州の公衆衛生獣医,Dr. Dee W. jonesは,発表の中で述べている.

The public is advised to take the following precautions to avoid possible exposure to rabies:


- Do not allow pets to run loose; confine them within a fenced-in area or with a leash.

- Do not leave uneaten pet food or scraps near your residence.

- Do not illegally feed or keep wildlife as pets.

- Do not go near wildlife or domestic animals that are acting in a strange or unusual manner.

- Caution children not to go near any stray or wild animal, regardless of its behavior.

- Advise children to tell an adult if they are bitten or scratched by any animal.

- A person who is bitten or scratched by an animal should wash wounds immediately with mild soap and water, apply 1st aid, and seek medical attention or contact the county health department immediately.


Alabama state law requires dogs, cats, and ferrets 12 weeks of age and older be current with rabies vaccination. Rabies clinics are being held this year [2020] in each county. Vaccinating animals reduces the risk of rabies infection should an exposure occur; thus, vaccinations help protect animals as well as their owners and caretakers.


For more information about rabies and prevention, contact the county health department or call ADPH at 1-800-338-8374 or 334-206-5100. More information on rabies is also available at ADPH's website (<http://www.alabamapublichealth.gov>).




Communicated by:

[Regardless of the risk for rabies, bite wounds can cause serious injury such as nerve or tendon laceration and infection. Your doctor will determine the best way to care for your wound and will also consider how to treat the wound for the best possible cosmetic results.

For many types of bite wounds, immediate gentle irrigation with water or a dilute water povidone-iodine solution has been shown to markedly decrease the risk of bacterial infection. [If you are allergic to iodine, do not used the povidone-iodine solution mentioned here. - Mod.TG]

Wound cleansing is especially important in rabies prevention since, in animal studies, thorough wound cleansing alone without other postexposure prophylaxis has been shown to markedly reduce the likelihood of rabies.

You should receive a tetanus shot if you have not been immunized in 10 years. Decisions regarding the use of antibiotics and primary wound closure should be decided together with your doctor.

Postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) consists of a dose of human rabies immune globulin (HRIG) and rabies vaccine given on the day of the rabies exposure, and then a dose of vaccine given again on days 3, 7, and 14. For people who have never been vaccinated against rabies previously, postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) should always include administration of both HRIG and rabies vaccine. The combination of HRIG and vaccine is recommended for both bite and non-bite exposures, regardless of the interval between exposure and initiation of treatment.

People who have been previously vaccinated or are receiving preexposure vaccination for rabies should receive only vaccine.

Adverse reactions to rabies vaccine and immune globulin are not common. Newer vaccines in use today cause fewer adverse reactions than previously available vaccines. Mild, local reactions to the rabies vaccine, such as pain, redness, swelling, or itching at the injection site, have been reported. Rarely, symptoms such as headache, nausea, abdominal pain, muscle aches, and dizziness have been reported. Local pain and low-grade fever may follow injection of rabies immune globulin.

The vaccine should be given at recommended intervals for best results.Talk to your doctor or state or local public health officials if you will not be able to have your shots at the recommended interval. Rabies prevention is a serious matter, and changes should not be made in the schedule of doses. Patient-assistance programs that provide medications to uninsured or underinsured patients are available for rabies vaccine and immune globulin.

People cannot transmit rabies to other people unless they themselves are sick with rabies. PEP will protect you from developing rabies, and therefore you cannot expose other people to rabies. You can continue to participate in your normal activities.<https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/medical_care/index.html> - Mod.TG

HealthMap/ProMED-mail maps:
Lisbon, Maine, United States: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/61118>
Charleston County, South Carolina, United States:
Coosa County, Alabama, United States:

[See Also:
Rabies (13): Americas (USA) cat, fox, human exp
Rabies (12): Americas (USA) fox, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) cat, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp
Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure
Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp
Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp
Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure
Rabies (49): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) cat, dog, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (47): Americas (USA) skunk, alert
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) dog, skunk, raccoon, fox, human exp
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) fox, bat, human exp
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) dog, cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (39): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, kitten, raccoon, human
Rabies (38): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (34): Americas (USA) cat, dog, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas, USA (FL, NC) cat, fox, dog, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr.
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure
Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp.
Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert
Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure
Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) raccoon, alert





A ProMED-mail post <http://www.promedmail.org>
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>

In this post:
[1] Virginia: cat, human exposure【1】バージニア州:猫、人曝露
[2] Georgia: fox, human exposure【2】ジョージア州:キツネ、人曝露
[3] Georgia: fox, human exposure, follow up【3】ジョージア州:キツネ、人曝露 続報

[1] Virginia: cat, human exposure バージニア州:猫、人曝露
Date: Mon 18 May 2020 2020年5月18日(月)
Source: WJLA [edited]

The Loudoun County Department of Animal Services is alerting residents a cat has tested positive for rabies in the Lovettsville area.
The cat was found in the area of 11400 Berlin Turnpike, the department says, and the cat was injured and taken to a veterinary hospital by a Good Samaritan. Any outside pets in the area, especially cats and dogs, should be checked to make sure they are current on their rabies vaccinations, the department adds.
猫は11400ベルリンターンパイクの地域で発見された、と部局は報告し、猫は負傷していたが善良な市民によって獣医病院に運ばれた。 この地域の外飼いのペット、特に猫と犬は、直近の狂犬病予防接種について確認する必要があると、部局は追加した。
The department is asking for anyone who may have come into contact with an unknown domestic short hair, brown tabby type cat in the area to contact them.


Further concerns or questions can also be addressed to the department by phone or email.


[Byline: Samantha Mitchell]

Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[HealthMap/ProMED map of Virginia, United States: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/66779>]

[2] Georgia: fox, human exposureジョージア州:キツネ、人曝露
Date: Fri 22 May 2020 2020年5月22日(金)
Source: AJC Atlanta News [edited]

Gwinnett Animal Welfare and Enforcement captured the fox the same day. But the department, along with the county health department, are advising residents to use caution and avoid animals behaving in unusual ways.

The children were attacked by the fox in the Dolostone Way/Austin Crossing area in Dacula. The animal tested positive for rabies on Thursday (21 May 2020). The disease can spread to people and pets through bites and scratches.
子供たちは、ダキュラのDolostone Way / Austin Crossingエリアでキツネに襲われた。 動物は木曜日(2020年5月21日)に検査の結果、狂犬病が陽性であった。 狂犬病は、咬傷や引っかき傷によって人やペットに広がる可能性がある。

The county urged pet owners to ensure their animals are current on their rabies vaccinations. According to the National Association of State Health Veterinarians, unvaccinated dogs and cats exposed to a rabid animal must be strictly quarantined for 4 months and vaccinated 1 month prior to being released, the county said.
郡はペットの飼い主に彼らの動物が狂犬病予防接種を受けていることを確認するように促しました。 州保健獣医師会によると、狂犬病の動物に曝されたワクチン接種されていない犬と猫は、4か月間厳密に検疫され、解放される1か月前にワクチンを接種されなければならない。と郡は話した。

Untreated, rabies in humans is almost always fatal. Early symptoms of rabies in people include fever, headache, and general weakness or discomfort. Anyone who thinks they have been exposed to rabies should immediately seek medical care, then contact the Gwinnett County Health Department at 770-339-4260 and ask for the epidemiologist on call.
未治療では、ヒト狂犬病は、ほとんどの場合致命的である。 狂犬病の初期症状は、発熱、頭痛、全身の脱力感や不快感である。 狂犬病に曝露されたと思われる場合は、すぐに医療機関を受診し、グウィネット郡保健局(770-339-4260)に連絡し、感染症専門員に電話で連絡してください。

To report the animal and have it picked up, call the Gwinnett County Animal Welfare and Enforcement Bite Office.
[Byline: Arielle Kass]
Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[3] Georgia: fox, human exposure, follow up ジョージア州:キツネ、人曝露 続報
Date: Wed 27 May 2020 2020年5月27日(水)
Source: 11 live [edited]

The Gwinnett County Animal Welfare and Enforcement Division and the Gwinnett County Health Department are advising residents to use caution and avoid animals behaving in unusual ways after a fox tested positive for the rabies virus.

According to officials, 2 children were attacked by the fox in the Dolostone Way/Austin Crossing area in Dacula last week (19 May 2020). The fox was contained by Gwinnett Animal Welfare and Enforcement on the same day (19 May 2020). The fox was tested for rabies and the results came back positive. [This is written in such a way it as to imply it was the same fox, but I am uncertain how they know this unless the animal was under constant surveillance until it was
dispatched. - Mod.TG]
当局によると、先週(2020年5月19日)、ダキュラのDolostone Way / Austin Crossingエリアで2人の子供がキツネに襲われた。 キツネは同じ日(2020年5月19日)にグウィネット郡動物福祉実施局に収容された。 キツネは狂犬病の検査を受け、陽性であった。 [それが同じキツネであったように書かれていますが、そのキツネが絶え間なく監視されていなければ、同じキツネであると分かるはずがありません。]
派遣。 -Mod.TG]

The children were immediately taken to the hospital following the attack and are healthy, Alan Davis, the Division Director of Animal Welfare and Enforcement.


According to Davis, the fox was reported as acting lethargic and in a state of 'drunkenness' by several residents who saw the animal following the attack. Davis added they have not received any additional reports in the area of other animals appearing to have rabies, but they are asking residents to be cautious.
デイビスによると、襲撃後に動物を見た数人の居住者が、キツネは無気力で「酔っ払い」の状態であったと報告した。 デイビス氏は、その地域において狂犬病を疑う他の動物の追加の報告は受けていないが、住民に注意するように求めていると付け加えた。

"We really want to make sure pet owners are talking to their animal's vets and making sure the pets are up to date on the rabiesvaccinations," said Davis.

According to the National Association of State Health Veterinarians, unvaccinated dogs and cats exposed to a rabid animal must be strictly quarantined for 4 months and vaccinated 1 month prior to being released.

As stated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rabies virus attacks the central nervous system and is almost always fatal in humans if untreated. Early symptoms of rabies in people include fever, headache, and general weakness or discomfort. If you or someone you know has been bitten or scratched by any stray animals or an animal suspected to have rabies, preventive treatment for rabies is necessary.
CDCが述べているように、狂犬病ウイルスは中枢神経系を攻撃し、人において治療しないとほとんどの場合致命的である。 狂犬病の初期症状には、発熱、頭痛、全身の脱力感や不快感がある。 あなたやあなたの知人の誰かが、野良動物や狂犬病の疑いのある動物に噛まれたり引っかかれたりした場合、狂犬病の予防的治療が必要である。

If you believe you have been exposed, you're asked to contact the Gwinnett County Health Department and ask for the epidemiologist on call. To report the animal and have it picked up, call the Gwinnett County Animal Welfare and Enforcement Bite Office; after hours, or contact Dispatch non-emergency number.
暴露されたと思われる場合は、グウィネット郡保健局に連絡し、感染症専門員に電話で連絡するようにお願いします。 動物について報告し、それを捕獲するには、グウィネット郡動物福祉実施事務所に電話してください。 時間外またはディスパッチの非緊急番号に連絡してください。

The animal shelter is also offering the following tips to residents concerning protection from rabies:
- make sure your pets get their rabies shots regularly [check with your veterinarian regarding how often they are needed. - Mod.TG];
- keep your pets on your property;
- do not leave garbage or pet food outside. Food left out may attract
wild or stray animals;
- rabid animals may act tame. They may also display strange or unusual behavior. They may act aggressively, avoid food and water, foam at the mouth, have trouble moving or move in a stiff, odd way. Stay away from any unknown animals, especially wildlife. Report any animal acting unusually to Gwinnett County Animal Welfare and Enforcement;
-ペットが定期的に狂犬病ワクチンを接種するように注意してください。[必要な頻度については、獣医に確認してください。 -Mod.TG];
-ごみやペットフードを外に放置しないでください。 放置された食べ物は野生放浪動物を引き寄せるかもしれません
-狂犬病の動物はおとなしくなるかもしれません。 また、奇妙なまたは異常な行動を示すことかもしれません。 彼らは積極的に行動したり、食べ物や水を避けたり、口から泡を吹いたり、動かなくなったり、または硬直して動き方が異常になることがあります。 知らない動物、特に野生生物には近づかないでください。 異常な行動をする動物をグウィネット郡動物福祉実施局に報告してください。


- stay away from wild, sick, hurt, or dead animals. Do not pick up or move sick or hurt animals;
- do not keep wild animals like raccoons, skunks, foxes, and coyotes as pets. It is dangerous and also illegal;
- teach your children not to go near, tease, or play with wild animals or strange dogs and cats.

-野生、病気、怪我、または死んだ動物には近づかないでください。 病気やけがをした動物を拾ったり動かしたりしないでください。
-アライグマ、スカンク、キツネ、コヨーテなどの野生動物をペットとして飼わないでください。 それは危険であり、また違法です。

[Byline: Brittany Kleinpeter]

Communicated by: ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts <promed@promedmail.org>

[Articles [2] and [3] are related. They are submitted together because of some extra data. However, realize the incident happened on 19 May 2020 and there were results of the fox testing positive on 21 May 2020. The article [3] may be reported later as it appears to be from a news reporting agency in a slightly different area.
記事【2】と【3】は関連しています。 いくつかの追加データのため、それらは一緒に送信されました。 ただし、この事故は2020年5月19日に発生し、キツネの検査結果は2020年5月21日に陽性が判明した。記事[3]は、少し異なる地域の報道機関からの記事であるため、遅れて報告された可能性がある。

It is critical to vaccinate your animals against rabies. This is a protection for your pets as well as for yourselves. Rabies is a fataldisease in all animals and in almost all human beings. There are only a handful of reported cases surviving a rabid animal bite without receiving post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) in the specified time frame. Those individuals, while surviving, are not in the same pre-bite condition, and often have permanent disabilities.
狂犬病に対してあなたの飼育動物にワクチンを接種することが重要である。 これはあなた自身と同様にあなたのペットのための予防である。 狂犬病はすべての動物とほとんどすべての場合人間にも致命的な病気です。 指定された時間枠で曝露後後予防(PEP)を受けずに狂犬病の動物に咬まれても生き残ったと報告されている症例はほんの一握りである。 これらの人たちは、回復後も咬傷前と同じ状態ではなく、多くの場合、永続的な障害を抱えている。

Article [1] clearly demonstrates cats and dogs can be affected by rabies. This article tells us the cat was a feral cat. Some countiessponsor a trap/vaccinate/release program especially for feral cats but occasionally dogs are included. Some counties extend this program to include sterilization of the feral cats at the same time to reduce the over population of feral cats in an area.
記事[1]は、猫と犬が狂犬病の影響を受ける可能性があることを明確に示している。 この記事は、私たちにその猫が野良猫だったことを伝えている。 一部の郡では、特に野良猫を対象としたトラップ/ワクチン/放出プログラムを支援しているが、時には犬が含まれる。 一部の郡では、このプログラムを拡張して野良猫の不妊手術を同時に行うことで、地域内の野良猫の過剰な個体数を減らしている。

Please be cautious of stray animals, especially if their actions are a little abnormal. - Mod.TG
特に行動が少し異常な場合は、野良動物に注意してください。 -Mod.TG

HealthMap/ProMED map of Georgia, United States: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/213>]

[See Also:
Rabies (12): Americas (USA) fox, dog, cat, human exp
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) cat, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp
Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure
Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp
Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp
Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure
Rabies (49): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) cat, dog, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (47): Americas (USA) skunk, alert
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) dog, skunk, raccoon, fox, human exp
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) fox, bat, human exp
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) dog, cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (39): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, kitten, raccoon, human
Rabies (38): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (34): Americas (USA) cat, dog, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas, USA (FL, NC) cat, fox, dog, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr.
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure
Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp.
Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert
Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure
Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) raccoon, alert
and other items in the archives]


狂犬病(12):南北アメリカ(アメリカ合衆国) キツネ、イヌ、ネコ、ヒト暴露



A ProMED-mail post <http://www.promedmail.org>
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>

In this posting:
[1] South Carolina: fox, dog, human exposure
[2] North Carolina: fox, dog, human exposure
[3] North Carolina: fox, dog, human exposure
[4] Virginia: cat, human exposure

[1] サウスカロライナ州:キツネ、イヌ、ヒト暴露

[2] サウスカロライナ州:キツネ、イヌ、ヒト暴露

[3] ノースカロライナ州:キツネ、イヌ、ヒト暴露

[4] バージニア州:ネコ、ヒト暴露

[1] South Carolina: fox, dog, human exposure
Date: Thu 7 May 2020 18:02 EDT
Source: WISTV [edited]
[1] サウスカロライナ州:キツネ、イヌ、ヒト暴露

日付:2020年5月7日(木) 18:02 東部夏時間


A fox found near McMillan Road and Cordova Road in Orangeburg County has tested positive for rabies, according to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC).

The fox, according to DHEC, exposed one person and a dog following an attack. The fox was submitted for testing on 4 May 2020 and was confirmed to have rabies one day later.

Anyone who believes they may have been exposed to rabies should wash any body part having come into contact with saliva or neural tissue with soap and water. You are also urged to seek medical attention.

If you, your family members, or pets have come into contact with this fox or any other animal which may have been exposed to rabies, please call DHEC's Orangeburg Environmental Affairs Office at 803-533-5490. You may also call DHEC after hours at 1-888-847-0902.
[Byline: Emery Glover]

Communicated by: ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts <promed@promedmail.org>

[2] North Carolina: fox, dog, human exposure
Date: Tue 12 May 2020 05:19 EDT
Source: WRAL [edited]

日付:2020年5月12日(火) 05:19 東部夏時間


A man bitten by a fox in Brier Creek is receiving post-exposure treatment for rabies, according to Raleigh police. The family of [RC] confirmed he was bitten by a fox Saturday [9 May 2020] while walking 2 dogs on Emerald Creek Drive.

On Sunday [10 May 2020], a fox encountered a resident and 2 dogs in a fenced yard on Broadfield Court but ran off before an animal control officer arrived, police say.

The animal control officer located a fox later in the day acting abnormally on Helmond Way. Once captured, the fox was tested forrabies and results were positive. Raleigh police believe this fox was the same one involved in the previous incidents.
Communicated by: ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts <promed@promedmail.org>

[3] North Carolina: fox, dog, human exposure
Date: Tue 12 May 2020 07:09 EDT
Source: ABC11 [edited]
[3] ノースカロライナ州:キツネ、イヌ、ヒト暴露

日付:2020年5月12日(火) 07:09 東部夏時間


The wild fox that attacked a 78-year-old man while he walked his dogs in Raleigh has tested positive for rabies. The attack happened Saturday [9 May 2020] on Emerald Creek Drive in Brier Creek.

Victim [RC] said he was minding his business Saturday when a wild fox went past his dogs, Bugatti and Prancer, and bit him on the leg. "I've read about people getting attacked by bears and things like that. And here I was getting attacked by this small fox," [RC] told ABC11 on Sunday [10 May 2020]. "The fox had sharp teeth."
被害にあった(R C)氏は、自分が土曜日に日課としてる散歩をしていたところ、一頭の野生動物が飼っている犬のブガッティとプランサーの前を通り過ぎる時、自分の足を咬んだと語った。「私は、熊に襲われた人やなんかのことを読んだことがあったよ。そしたらほれ、自分がこのちっちゃなキツネに襲われてしまった。奴の歯は鋭かったな。」と日曜日(2020年5月10日)にABC11に語った。

Animal Control officers found the fox Sunday on Helmond Way. Tests later confirm the fox was rabid. [Unless there was something distinguishing about the fox, they have no confirmed way of making sure this fox is the same fox having bitten the individual. What they have is a fox, testing positive for rabies, and the authorities cannot afford to take a chance with a man's life, so consequently he has started post-exposure rabies treatment - Mod.TG]

[RC] has started post-exposure rabies treatments. "Let me tell you, the 1st rabies shot they give you, they go in and give it to you right down in the bites. And it is ouchy," he said. [RC] is now taking antibiotics and will endure more shots this week.
[Byline: Tim Pulliam]
(R C)氏は狂犬病発症予防処置を受け始めた。「ちょっと言わせてくれ。最初の狂犬病注射なんだが、咬まれたところの中にやるんだよ。痛えんだ。」と彼は言った。(訳者注:狂犬病ワクチンを傷口に接種することは通常ないので,おそらく抗狂犬病抗体を傷口の近くに接種したことをワクチン接種であったと勘違いしているのではないだろうか.)彼は今抗生物質の投薬中であり、この週さらに多くの注射に耐えてもらうことになるだろう。
--(Tim Pulliam署名)
Communicated by: ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts <promed@promedmail.org>

[4] Virginia: cat, human exposure
Date: Thu 14 May 2020 14:20 EDT
Source: Wavy [edited]

日付:2020年5月14日(木) 東部夏時間


A stray cat has tested positive for rabies in Hampton, officials say. The stray cat bit at least one person before it was captured by the Hampton Department of Health and sent to a lab for rabies testing. It was a domestic short hair dilute calico located on Glascow Way in the Scotland Square area, according to a news release.

Rabies is a deadly virus affecting humans and pets. It is transmitted through bites, saliva and brain tissue. Pet owners should vaccinate their animals against rabies and avoid contact with wild animals. Anyone who is bitten or scratched by a wild or stray animal should call their health department immediately.
Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[This posting is a little different in the sense we have 3 posts involving a fox. Although 2 of these stories are related to the sameincident, I thought it interesting one of them involves the aspect of how the victim of the bite felt receiving post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) against the rabies virus. However, whatever discomfort from the PEP occurs, it is better than the death from the rabies virus.

It is also sad the communities are not advertising, promoting, and encouraging people to be sure their animals are current on the rabies vaccine and asking the veterinarians to host rabies clinic drives to help get more animals vaccinated. The communities should at least be encouraging all animal owners to visit a veterinary office for a rabies prevention vaccine for their pet(s).

If you have been bitten or scratched by an animal, wash the bite/scratch with copious amounts of soap and water. Seek medicalattention.


>From the CDC: Postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) consists of a dose of human rabies immune globulin (HRIG) and rabies vaccine given on the day of the rabies exposure, and then a dose of vaccine given again on days 3, 7, and 14. For people who have never been vaccinated against rabies previously, PEP should always include administration of both HRIG and rabies vaccine. The combination of HRIG and vaccine is recommended for both bite and non-bite exposures, regardless of the interval between exposure and initiation of treatment.
C D Cより:PEPは暴露日に行うHRIGとワクチンにより構成される。ワクチン接種スケジュールは、暴露日の接種後、3、7、14日。これまでワクチンを受けたことがない人はHRIGとワクチンの両方が必要。暴露日と治療開始日の間隔にかかわらず、また、咬傷、非咬傷にかかわらず推奨される。
People who have been previously vaccinated or are receiving pre-exposure vaccination for rabies should receive only vaccine.Adverse reactions to rabies vaccine and immune globulin are not common. Newer vaccines in use today cause fewer adverse reactions than previously available vaccines. Mild, local reactions to the rabies vaccine, such as pain, redness, swelling, or itching at the injection site, have been reported. Rarely, symptoms such as headache, nausea, abdominal pain, muscle aches, and dizziness have been reported. Local pain and low-grade fever may follow injection of rabies immune globulin.

The vaccine should be given at recommended intervals for best results. Talk to your doctor or state or local public health officials if you will not be able to have your shots at the recommended interval. Rabies prevention is a serious matter, and changes should not be made in the schedule of doses. Patient-assistance programs that provide medications to uninsured or underinsured patients are available for rabies vaccine and immune globulin.

People cannot transmit rabies to other people unless they themselves are sick with rabies. PEP will protect you from developing rabies, and therefore you cannot expose other people to rabies. You can continue to participate in your normal activities(<https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/index.html>). - Mod.TG



HealthMap/ProMED-mail maps:
South Carolina, United States: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/242>
North Carolina, United States: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/235>
Virginia, United States: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/247>]

[See Also:
Rabies (11): Americas (USA) cat, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (10): Americas (USA) raccoon, dog, bull, human exp
Rabies (08): Americas (USA, Canada) cat, dog, fox, skunk, human exp
Rabies (06): Americas (USA) cat, fox, cow, human exp
Rabies (03): Americas (USA) cat, fox, otter, coyote, human exposure
Rabies (02): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human, dog exp
Rabies (57): Americas (USA) raccoon, cat, human exp
Rabies (53): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (50): Americas (USA) cat, dog, human exposure
Rabies (49): Americas (USA) fox, human exp
Rabies (48): Americas (USA) cat, dog, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (47): Americas (USA) skunk, alert
Rabies (45): Americas (USA) dog, skunk, raccoon, fox, human exp
Rabies (44): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (43): Americas (USA) fox, bat, human exp
Rabies (42): Americas (USA) dog, cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (40): Americas (USA) bat, human exp
Rabies (39): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, kitten, raccoon, human
Rabies (38): Americas (Canada, USA) bat, fox, human
Rabies (37): Americas (USA) cat, fox, raccoon, human exp
Rabies (34): Americas (USA) cat, dog, skunk, bat, human exp
Rabies (30): Americas, USA (FL, NC) cat, fox, dog, human exposure
Rabies (28): Americas, USA, cattle, imported dogs, corr.
Rabies (28): Americas (USA) cattle, imported dogs
Rabies (26): Americas (USA) fox, raccoon, dog, human exposure
Rabies (13): Americas, USA (CO, PA) dog, cow, human exposure
Rabies (12): Americas, USA (SC, CT) raccoon, dog, human exp.
Rabies (11): Americas, USA (FL) raccoon, alert
Rabies (10): Americas, USA (SC) goat, human exposure
Rabies (09): Americas, USA (NY) raccoon, alert